General Index

( 303 ) GENERAL INDEX. A Aas, Margaret, bequests, 43, 49. Abbot, Archbishop, 223, 224. A Bere, William, bequest, 33. Absolom, Robert, 114; -, 112. Accounts and Balance Sheets, ciii. Account Rolls of the Treasurers to the Dean and Chapter of Canterbury, extracts from, 111. Achecote or Aysshcot, Sir William, vicar, 212, 213. Adam, John, bequest, :lO; Thomasine, bequest, 260. A Dane, William, 43. Adisham, Henry, 36 ; rector of, 2!!. Ady, Mrs., 158. Aese, King of Kent, lxiii. Alanus, 3. Alciatis Emblems, 59. Aldeham Manor, 2. Aldington Church, lxx:iv; rector, 108. Alegate, sec de Alegate. Alexander, Bridget, 182; Henry, 182; Pope, 208. Aleyn, Hugh, H; John, rector, 88; Robert, 84. Seo al,w Allyn. Alfegh, John, 24. Alfred the Great, lxiii. Alkham Church, 103, Alkham-cum-Capel, rector of, 68. Allyn, James, 108. &,o al,w Aleyn. Almard (?), Peter, vicar, 188. Andred, forest of, lxix. Anselm, Thomas, 43. Apelbee, John, vicar, 191, 192, 193; Margaret, 191, 193. Appelton or Appolton, Henry, 194. Appledore, chapel of S. James-on-the- Heath, 25, 26 ; vicar of, 104. Appuldrefeld, de, .vce De Appuldrefeld. Arford, Richard, 110. Arg·les, Rev. ,J. A., 233, 234. Argyll, Duke of, lx. Armorer, Brunus, 78. Armour supplied to the County Militia, 118, 118 n. Arms : Canterbury, 133 ; Cinque Ports, 133 ; Drapers' Company, 133 ; Grocers' Company, lxvi ; Haberil.ashers' Company, 133 ; Johzi Kemp, Archbishop of Canterbury, 81 ; London, 133; Merchant Adventurers', 133; Royal, 80, 133 ; 8kinners' Company, urn. ,\ rnett, Richard, bequest, 31. Arnold, Mr. A. A., 1".S.A., 271, 272; Mr. G. M., 288. Arundel, Archbishop, 212 Lord Thomas, 43. Ash. 172. Ash:next-Sandwich, 109. Ash-next-Sandwich, St, Nicholas Church, R. H. Goodsall on, lxxx:vii ; ;.Holland Chapel in, lxxxix ; Monumental Brasses in, xciv. Ash near Wrotham, Roman discoveries at, 28G. ARhdown, Ann, rn;;, 19il, 197, 198 ; ,Tohn, Hlii. 1%, l!:l7, 198; Richard, 196: w., 196 .. Ashford Chmch, 26. Ashway, .vee De Ash way. Asteue, Valentine, 115. A Stone, Thomas, JOH. Sec also Atte Stone. At Lee, Nicholas, bequest, 31. Atte Hale, Henry, 52 ; Stephen, 52. Atte Heth, John, bequest, 31. Atte Hille, Agnes. bequest, 26/i. Atte Hooke. Henry, lxvi. Atte Stone, Alice, bequest, /l3. See also A Stone. Att See, John, 52; Robert, 52. Austen. John, Mayor, 225; Matthew, 247; Thomas, 240. Avery, Nicholas, 102. Axtane, hundred of, 167, 168, 17/l. Aydhurst, timber manor house, 206. Aylesford, lathe of, 163, 165. Aylewyn. Agnes, 29 ; Andrew, 29 ; Christian, 2H; James, 29 ; John, bequest, 29; Julian, 29; Thomas, 29. Aylonde, Richard, bequest, 260. B Babington, ,John Albert, \!al'i, 236. Badcocks, land called, 72, Baddelli Williaw, JOG, 304.i GENERAL INDEX. Hadges, RO, 12n. Badmonden, 172. Eak. er, Anne, 182; Christopher, 21R , 241 ; George, 27,i, 278 ; John, 218, 2!i1 ; Sir Peter, 218, 21H: Peter, vicar. 241 ; Richard, bequest, 2. Danny, Thomas, bequest, 28. Barar, John, l 16. Bardingley or Beardingaleag, farm, 205. Barett, John, ,19 ; Robert, 49; Stephen, bequest, 49 ; Thomas, 49. See also Barrett. Barfreston or Barson, church, lxxxvi; rood, 109. Bargier, Didier, rector, bequest, 45. Bargrave, Isaac, dean. 224 ; Mrs., 64. Barlow, Elizabeth, 183; Mr., 183. Barnes, Elinora, bequest, 37; Joan, •ll; Richard, bequest, 41; Robert, 37. Barnsole, Gillingham, Roman interment, 282. Baron, Isabelle, 50 ; Thomas, 50. Barrett or Barett, Elizabeth. 49 • ,Joan, 49, 51; John, 49; Robert' 49 ; Stephen, 49, 51; Thomas, 49.' Barry, Nathaniel, 226, 227, 254. Bartlet, Symon, 200. Barton, Elizabeth, the " Nun of Kent," 8 ; Robert, 43 ; Robert, bequest, 42. Bate, William, bequest, 261. Batherst, Thomas, 219. Baylham, William, 9. Baynarde, Thomas, parson, 180. Beale, Elizabeth, lxii ; Sir John, lxii. &e al.1·0 Bele. Bealik, Tanguinel, 119. Bealknap, RQbert, 78. Beaumont, l\lr. E. T., Anaient 1lfemo- 1•ial, 136. Beche, 'William, bequest, 261. Becket, Thomas, Archbishop, 2, 3. See al.Yo Beket. Becknam, Catherine, 229. Bede, the Venerable, 291. Bedgeburg or Begegebyra, 206. Beeching, Thomas, 95. Beechy Lees Estate, 15. Beer, Henry, 195 ; John, 1931 195; Nicholas, 193, 194, 195. Beeseike, Charles. 181 ; Thomas. 1R1. Beice, Vincent., 97. Beket, Lawrence, beqnest, BO. ,','r•e al.w, Decket. Belcher's, Mr. W. D., Bra.w1N, J:-l-1. 135. Bele, Hamo, bequest, ; Isabella, 4G; Isabella, bequest. ,il; John, 4G. Sue al.wi Beale. Bell, H. J., 203; Rev. Canon, 236. Bellenden, Mary, lx. Belloc's, Mr., T!w Old Road, li'i7, 158. BelmeiR, .w·e de Belmeis. Bendall, John, 221; Mr., 2-1\l. Benett or Benet, Alice. -H ; ,John, bequest, 34; Robert, H; William, bequest, 41, 4-1. Benham, canon, William, 23-l. Bergholt, East, Suffolk, church, xl. Berne, Richard, bequest, 26. Bernes, Joan, 53 ; Richard, 53 ; Richard, bequest, 41, -16. Berrie, Thomas, 185; William, 185. Berry, John, 105; Matthew, 45. Bersted, church ornaments, 119. Beryngham, Garard, bequest, 261. Betteoham or Betenham, Alice, be• quest, 3:l; Dorothy, 105; John, 52. Beult, river, 20G. Bever, Ralph, 27. Bexley, !(jii. Bible, Thomas, 105. Bickley, F. B., Intl1•m of Charte1·s and Rolls, 204. Bidborough, 167. Biddenham, church, 26 ; rood loft, xliv. Biden, Mr. L. M., Paper on " The purpose and work of the Records Branch," xlix. Bigge, William, bequest, 41. 'Billemora, land in, lxiii. Bilsington, chalice at, 108. Birch, Mr. de Grey, 291 n. Birchington, rood-loft. 2ti. Bircholt, 103. Bird, George Vincent, 80. Bishop or Bisshope, Bushop, and Bysshop, .Agnes, 185; John. !So, 187 (2) ; Margaret, 186, 187 (2) ; Nicholas, vicar, 185 (4), 187; Nicholas, 18/i. 186, 187 (2); William, 200; William, bequest, 47; Widow, 187. Bishopynden, Robert, bequest, 261 ; Thomas, bequest, 261. Blage, Joan, 180; Richard, 180. Blakborne, Thomas, 2G. Bleau, vicar of. 94, 104. _Blechynden, .A.leyn, 237 ; John, 237, Bleke, Johane, 181, GENEltAL INDEX, 305 Bliknyng or Bliclynge, Leonard, rector, 8!J. Blomfield. Mr. R. T., 122, 123, J 24, 126, 128. Bloor, John, bequest, 32. Blossom, Lora. bequest, 262. Blostoke, Sir Richard, 244. Blunt, Alan, bequest, GO; Katherine, 181; William, 181. Blussh, Thomas. bequest, 262. Board, Rev. Richard, lxiv. Bechard, William, bequest, 43, G3. Bod<'lenham, badge of the familyof, 129. Bodinm Castle, Sussex, 7!J. Boke, Reginald, vicar, !J7. Bokingham, John, 37, 38, 42. Bolde, John, rector, bequest, 29. Boleyn or Bullen, Ann, lxxix, 7, 24 ; Sir Thomas, Viscount Rocheford, 24, brass to, lxxix. Boncer, Mr., 114. Boniface, Archbishop, 208. Bonington, church, 26. Bonsergeant, William, rector, 86. Books and pamphlets added to Society's library, list of, 299. Borne (Bourn), William, bequest, 35, 262; -, 114, Borowart, lathe of, 162, 163. Bosene, Nicholas, bequest, 34. Boston, Henry, 18. Bos um, John, 2fl. Bosvile, Robert, 9. Boteler. Sir John, 44. Boughton-Aluph, 104. Boughton-Bleau, vicar of, 95, 100. Boughton-Malherbe, rector of, 104. Bourchier, Archbishop, 214, 215. Bou tell's Nanual of Monit111ental BraMes, 135. Bowle, William, 193. Bowman, Christopher, 44; William,44. Boxley, vicar of, 120. Brabourne, 10-l. Bradforthe, Walter, 105. Bradwey, de, ,Yee De Bradwey. Brand, Thomas, lxvii. Brasses, see Monumental Brasses. Brasted, 2, 167, 170, 173, 177; grant to poor of, 192 ; Park, 1. Brasted Upland, 168, 170. Bredgeman, John, 106. Bredkyrke, John, 36 ; i\lildred, bequest, 36. Breggs, John, bequest, 30; Robert, bequest, 262. See also Briggs. Brekynden, see Brickenden. Brenchisle, John, 45. Brenchley, John, 49. Breuer, Cathel'ine, 181 Elizabeth, VOL. XXXJ" 181; Ellin, 181 ; Margaret, 180, 181; l\Iartha, 181 (3) ; Mary, 181 ; Richard, 181 (9); William, 181. Brickenden or Brekynden, Robert, bequest, 2/ll; William, bequest, 2fil. Bridge, bailiwick of, lfi5; church, lxxxvi ; stone figure subjects in church, lxxxvi ; wardens, 271 ; woods, a Homan interment, 281. Brigett, Mrs., 187. Bl'iggs, Agnes, 41; ,Tohn, 41. Sre al.􀈑o Hreg-gs. Briklisworth, John, 88. Brocas, John, !xiv. Broceesham, dene called, !xiii. Brodestret, Laurence, bequest, 262. Broke, Steven, bequest, 28 ; Sir William, vicar, 216, 217, 218, 2,10. 8t'tJ al.w Brooke. Bromefield, Thomas, 2'13. Bromley, 171 ; hundred of, 168 ; manor, 17::l, lxv, lxix _; ten ploughlands at, !xiii. Brooke, James, bequest, 47. See al.w Broke. Broomfield Place, Deptford, 67. Droughton near Banbury, 14th century stone rood screen, xliii. Brown, Elizabeth, 184 : John, 18, 254 ; Margaret, 248; Thomas, 184, 189, 248 ; William, bequest, 47, 48 ; William, 197. Browning, Matthew, 48. Browns Manor, !xv. Broxham '.11anor, !xiv, 173. Bryan, Richard, rector, 88, 89. Brymmer, Nicholas, 116; Mr., 114. Bryn, Robert, 43. Buccleuch, Duke of, 232. Buckh11rst, Lord, 11, 12. Buckingham, Dukes of, !xiv. Budgen, Alice, 183; Elizabeth, 183 (2); Hellen, 182; Joan, 182, 183 (2); John, 181,182, 183(2); Mary, 183; Oliver, 183 (i); Thomas, 183; William, 181. Buesborough, hundred of, 165. Bulfynche, -, 198. Bull. Thomas, 113, 113 n; Mr., 115. Bullen, see Boleyn. Bulling, Alice, 49 ; Cristine, 49 ; John. 49. Bure, Cerys, 179 ; Elizabeth, 179. Burghley, Lord, 10. Burleston, vicar of, 184 (2). Burmarsh, 108. Burnby, John, 78. Burnell, William, rector, lxvii. Burnley, Yorks, 12th century windows, xlvi. Burton, Roger, 108. X: 806 GENERAL INDEX. Busshe, John, 111. Butler. Mr., lli. Butt, Robert, 23. Byskoo, Thomas, 116. Bysshop, .􀇲1'e Bishop. C Cade. John, rebellion, 36, 37, 41, 49, 50. Caldwell, Edward, 222. Calendar of ancient Wills preserved in the District Probate Office of Canterbury, grant by Society towards cost of compiling and printing, lxxxii. Callis Grange, 111. Collowe, Thomas, 115. Oamberwell, 285. Cambridge University, 68. Camden (Cunden) between Cranbrook and Staplehurst, 206. Campbell, Lady Caroline, lx ; Lady Frederic, lx. Campe, ,John, 18. Campegg·io, Cardinal, entertained at Otford, 4. Camville, de, .􀇳ee de Camville. Canterbury, 106, 108; Beaney Institute. 283 ; Benedictine Convent of Christ Church, lvi; Burgate way, now Church Street, 290, 291, 292; Burgh Gate, 290, 291, 292; Burial places for the bishops of. 291 ; Castle, 106 : Christ Church, !xiv, lxviii, 36; Dean of, address by, lxxxiii; Drouting Street, 291 n; Gatehouse, The, 290, 290 n ; Holy Cross Church, font cover, xlii ; Longport Street, 291,292; Meeting of the Society at, lxxxiii ; Monastery of St. Augustine's, 291 ; Prior and Convent of, 213, 217: St. Alpheg·e, 26; St. Andrews, 105; St. Augustine, Abbey of, 43, 230; St. Aug-ustine's Churchyard, 292 ; Rt. Augustine's College, 290, 296; St. Dunstan's Church, font cover, xlii; St. George's, 100 ; St. Martin's Church, by Rev. C. Eveleigh Woodruff, l:x:xxiii, 291 ; St. Martin's Hill, 291, 292; St. Martin's Street, 292, 293 ; St, Pancras Church, 290, 291, 293 ; St. Paul, reparation of church, 26; St. Paul's Street, 292 ; SS. Peter and Paul Church, 291 ; Towngate, 291 1i. Sae also under Kentish Wills. Canterbury, Ancient Walling at S. Austin's AQbey, by- l);r. Q1 99ttpn1290, Canterbury, Recent Discoveri􀇴s at St. Austin's Abbey, by Sir William St. John Hope, Litt.D., D.C.L., 294; Excavations, remarkable discoveries. lxxxiii, 294-; supposed to be the building begun by Abbot Wulfric, 1056, 294 ; Abbot Wulfric's round tower, 2D5 ; extension of operations bring· to light tombs of Archbishops Laurence, Mellitus, and Justus, 295 ; oth,er explorations now in progress, 296. Canterbury, Extracts from the accounts of the Treasurer of the Cathedral 111; money paid for destroying ' images, wr. n d ows, etc., 111 ; money paid for Bibles, 111 · money received for silver and oth􀇵r ornaments, 111 ; list of various items for which money was paid or received, 112, ll8, 114, ll5, 116, 117. _ Canterbury Cathedral, 164, 160 ; account rolls of the treasurer to the Dean and Chapter, extracts from, 92 ; archives of the Dean and Chapter of, lvi ; Oanonry, 94 ; Chapter Library, 92; extract from Register "G." in library of, 29; from Register '· S,'' ,!Q. Capel-le-Ferne, a chapter on_ the History of, by William Mm?t, M.A., F.S.A., see also Damel Defoe and Kent, 61. Capel-le-Ferne, 61. 64. 66, tl7, 68, 69, 70. 75, 181; church, 71, 72; church, manor of, 70, 71, 72 ; land a:t, 67, 72 • manor, 66, 70, 71 n ; registers, 64 ;, 66, 68n, 72; extracts from, 181. Capel Sole, 71, 72; Capel Sole Farm, 71 ; a tenement in, 72. Carder, Kateryn, 238. Carlisle, Earl of, 233. Carpenter, Kateryn, bequest, 262. Carpynter, Joan, 262; Thomas, bequest, 262. Carthusian Monastery's Museum at Nurenberg, liv. Cassinghurst, Joan, 182 ; Robert, 182. Castello, see de Castello. Castelyn, ,T ohn, bequest, 262 ; Kathe, rine, bequest, 262. Castewesill, Richard, bequest, 263. Castlake, Margaret, bequest, 43, 53, Caston, Joan, bequest, 262. Castro, de, ,Yee de Castro. Oasyr1 J.'!,qb13rj;, '1,6 ; Wiili11in, 46, GENERAL INDEX. 307 Cawston Church, Norfolk, ancient fixed benches, x1ii. Caxton, Isabella, 4 6 ; John, 46. Cecil, Sir R., 11, 12. Celtic Pottery, lxix. Chairs, 18th century, in Society's rooms, report on, lxxxii. Challock, 98. Chambleyne, Alice, 48 ; Joan, 48 ; John, bequest, 47, 48. Chapman, ,James, 107 ; William, sen., 18; William, jun., 18; -, 2±1. Cho.root, 171,172. Ohar les I., !JI. Charles, Rev. James, 179 ; Margaret, 179. Chart, Clemence, 182 ; John, vicar, 182 (3), 183 (2) ; John, 182; Thomas, 183. Chart, Great, 103 ; rood loft of church, 27. Chart Sutton, 20,3. Charthn.m, 107; steeple of church, 27. Chatham, 287; dockyard authorities, 280. Chayne, William, 88. Cheard, Sir John, vicn.r of Godmersham. 98. Chepsted, Me de Chepsted. Cheshunt, Herts, lxi. Chevening, borough, 15, 171; manor of, 2, 1G7, 173, 174: ; tything, 170. Cheyne, Margaret and William, brass to, lxxix. Chichele, Archbishop, 213. Chichester, de, ,iee de Chichester. Chiddingstone, bequests to poor of, 195, 197, 198; Church, Iv, lxxiii, lxxv, l=vii; ironstone grave slabs in church, lxxviii ; Kingsborough in, 171 ; old timber houses, lxxviii ; parish of, 171, 173. Children, -, register extract, 183. Chilham, vicar of, 110. Chillenden, Prior Thomas, 111. See alM de Chillenden. Chilton, William, bequest, 37. Chipstead Place, lxi; church, lxi; house, lxi, lxii; manor, lxi; owners of, lxi. Chislet, deeds belonging to church, 108. Christ Church, Canterbury, references to, 2, 15, 23, 36, 38, 40, 43. Christian, John, 18; Roland, 18. Cinque Ports, areas within the liberty of, 166. Claidich, William, bequest, 263. Clapton in Gordans, Somerset, wooden benches ill- the churc)l, xiii, Clare, de, se11 de Clare. C1larke. rnemence, 182; John, 182; William, bequest, 30. Clerke, John, 237 ; Richard, rector of Great M ongeham, 41 ; Robert, bequest, 2(il:l; William, 46. Clifford," ]!'air Rosamond," 76, 77. Clinch, George, F.G.S., F.S.A. (Scot.), Notes on the remains of W estenhanger House, Kent, 76. Clinton and Say, Lord, lxiv. Clinton, de, .we de Clinton. Clitherow, Richard, brass, xciv. Cloke, Stephen, bequest, 32. Cloth Halls, .􀇛ee Headcorn Cloth Halls. Clothworkers in London, 110. Cloughe, William, vicar of Lucldesdowne, 183. Clunche, Joan, bequest, 31. Clyfford, Thoma5, 197. See also Clifford. Clyfl'tone, de, 8ee de Clyfl'tone. Clyfton, John, 78. Coale, Bridg·et, 182. Cobham, Lord, 11 ; Sir John, xl. Cobham College, xl. Cobhambury College, lxv. Cocks, 8ee Coxe. Codsheath, hundred of, 167, 170, 171, 174. Ook, Matthew, bequest, 45, 46 ; Thomas, bequest, 27, 35, 263 ; William, bequest, 35, 213, 263: Cokkowe, Joan, 52 ; Thomas, n2. Cole, Laurence, 106. Colepeper, Uol. Thomas, L1.dve1'saria of, 7􀇜n. Colepit or Copit, woods near Rochester, 281. Collen, Dorothy, 179 ; Thomas, 179. Callens or Collyns, Robert, Commissary General, afterwards a Canon of Canterbury, 94. Collington, Catherine, 229 ; Nathaniel, vicar, 228 (2), 229 (4). Colman,-, 112 (2). Combe, John, 26. Combridge, Elizabeth, 182. Compton, Richard, 53 ; Thomas, 44. Compton, de, see de Compton. Comyn, Richard, vicar, 49. Consistory Court, Omnpertaet Ddeota, extracts from, 119. Consistory Court Books of Canterbury, extracts from, illustrating Reformation in Kent. 95. Cooke, Adrian, 47; Ma1:,Y, 188 ; Richard, bequest, 47. Cookham, woods, 287. 808 GENERAL INDEX. Coombe, John Riche, vical', 234 (2); Thomas, vicar. 233, 234. Cooper, Hugh, vicar, 241. Copinger. Ambl'ose. 1815 (2), 187 ; Ann, 18ri, 186 (2); Elizabeth, 185, 186 (2), 187 ; Frances, 18!5 (2), I 1'6 ; George, 186; Henry, 186; John, 185, 186, 187; Ralphe. I8ii (fi). 186 (4), 187 (3); Thomas, 186 (2); Ursula, 185, 187 ; William, 185 (3), 186, 187 (2). Copyn, Edward, bequest, 38; William, bequest, 33. Corbavia, Peter, Bishop of, 84. Cornwalle, Sir John, 78 ;"Mr., 112, 113. Cornwallis, Dr., Archbishop of Canterbury, 282. Cosar, Alice, 184; Augustine, 184. Costen, Elizabeth, 186; Jane, 185; Richard, 185. Cotton, Dr. C ., on Ancient Walling at St. Austin's, Canterbury, 290; on St. Peter's Church, Sandwich, xcv ; Sir Humphrey, chantry priest, 241 ; William, 79 ; Dr., 290, 293. Couge, William, ,12. Court, Eustace, 50. Courtenay, Archbishop, 212. Covenol', Thomas, vicar, 33. Coventry, Sir William, vicar, 213. Cowden, Church, Ixxv, lxxvii; parish of. 171, 173. Cowling, 172. Cowper, H. S., F.S.A., Two Headcorn Cloth Halls, 121; A Wealden Charter of A.D. 814 (Harleian Charter 83 A.I.), 203. Cowper, J. M., F.H.A., Oanterlnw?J Ma?'riage Licence,Y, reference to, 224 n ; .ilfemorial Insoriptions in Oanterb1t1"y Oatlu·d,·al, reference to, 223 ; Roll ; church of, 27 ; St. George's altar, 105; destruction of ornaments, 110. Folkingbury, 205. Fordwich, 109; rood, 109. Forten, William, 238. Fortescue, Sir John, 11. Foughill, Barthu, 237 ; William, bequest, 265. Foule, Katherine, bequest, 265. Four Elms, lxiv. Fowle, John, 243. Foxe, Bishop, 94. Foxe's Act,r an,l 1lfonmn1mts, xliii ; Book of llfa1•ty1•s, 3. lfoxeley, Mr., 109. Frampton, T. S., Ok1weliwrwdens' Account Books of St. 111a1•y's, novei•, 227 ?i. Frampton, Rev. T. Shipdem, M.A., F.S.A., Rectors of St. Mary's, Westenhanger, by, 82. 1rrancke, mistris, 185. Frank, John, 238. Fraμklin, Benjamin, 234. Frau.noes, Nicholas, 110. Frauncis, Rose, 1 85 ; Stephen, 185. Freman, John, 2l!J. Frencham, Richard, 116. Freningham, John, bequest, 36. Frenshe, Mr., 112. Frevill, Sir George, 114; Mr., 114. Frinden, borough, 171. Frindsboro, 171, 172. Frith, forest of, 168. Frittenden, church of, 27. Frognal, Laur,ence, bequest, 28. Fuller, Sir John, 240, 241. l􀏃ulthorpe, Susanna, 186. Funnel, John, 248. Furley, lli.Ytory n.f tlie Weald, 162, 1<19, 205, 208, 234. Furnour, Richard, 38 ; William, bequest, 38. Fustyane, William, 45, Fylder, Richard, 18. Fysher, Mr., 112. G Gasquet, Abbot, Engli,Yli Afonast-ic Life, lvii. Gavantus, " Tlwsam·us 8ao1·01•w1n Rit1111m." 97. Gayller, William, 195. Gee, Rev. John, vicar, 224, 225 . Gemyn, William, bequest, 265. Gervase, 292. Gervase, William, 237 ; the Monk, 292. See al.w Jerveyse. Gervis, Joan, bequest, 265; William, 218, bequest, 265. Gery, John, 106. Ghent, abbey of, lxv. Gibson, Sam., vicar, 188. Gilbert, John, 211. Gilford, Sir ,John, 215. Gillingham, Reach on the Medway, 280 ; corporation, 283 ; church font. xli. Ginninges, John, 187. Gladewyne, Sir John, vicar, 209. Glasyer, Hugh, 112. Gleane, Peter, 256. Gleppanfields, denes on, lxiii. Glynne, Stephen, lix. Godard, Alice, bequest, 265 ; James, 237, 238. Godday, John, bequest, 265. Godden, Elizabeth, 179 ; Robert, 179. Goddin, Edmund, rector, 180 (3); Edward, 180; John, 180. Goddinson, 109. Goddon, Alice, 182 ; John, vicar, 182. Goddyn, Mr., 110. Godfrey, Sir Oliver, 199; Thomas, bequest, 36. Godmersham, 98, 100, 102 ; church of, 28 ; curate of, 96, 100 ; vicar of, 102 ; William, 43. Godwin, Dr. Thomas, Dean of OaJ'.!-terbury, 180, 222. Golding, Margaret, bequest, 36 ; Thomas, 199, 200. Goldsmith, Elizabeth, 183 ; Thomas, bequest, 47. Goldstone, Reginald, 41. Goldstone, de, see de Goldstone. Goldwell, John, 41; Thomas, prior, 36. Goodborowe, 201. Goodhugh, -, 180. Goodnestone-nex:t-Wingham, 97,107. Goodrich, William, 228. Goodsall, R. H., on the Church of St. Nicholas, Ash, lxxxvii. Gore, ReviO. F., 1:x:iv, 312 G ENEltA.'.L IN"DEX.. Gorell, John, 238. Goring, George, 9. Gornell, Katherine, 179 ; William, 179. Goscelin, the chronicler, 291, 295. Goseborne, Ag·nes, 51 ; Henry, 51. Gosenoll, Avis, 180; Katherine, 179; William, 179, 180. Gostling, -, 118 n. Gotisle, Richard, bequest, 34. Gould, Rev. S. Baring, 97 n. Gowtherst, Richard, 46. Graham, Mary, 188. Grandame, Henry, bequest, 33. Gravesend, Laurence, 50. Gray, Archbishop, xlvii. Greek coin, 286. Green, Thomas, Bishop of Norwich, 230. Green, J. R., St?-ay Sti,die s, 1 n. Greene, Richard Streatfeilde, l=viii. Greenwich, St. .A.lphege's Church, liv. Grene, William, rector, 90. Gresham, John, lxiv. Griffin, Ralph, F.S.A., Monumental :Brasses in Kent, by, 131; JJ1•arvings of Brasses in s01ne Kenti sh 0/Mwclies, 136. Grimaldi, Wynford B., Rectors of Hi,qh I-Ialden, by, 221. Grimstone, Elizabeth, 186, 187 ; Frances, 187 ; Henry, 186, 187, Grocers' Company's, arms, lxvi. Groombridge, 171. Grottoppis, land, 108. Guest, Bishop of Rochester, xlv. Guldeford, Edward, bequest, 32, 32 1i, 265, 266 ; George, 239 ; Sir John, 32, bequest, 265, 266. Guston, George, 5, 24. Guston, Roman remains at, 283. Gwyn, Henry, vicar, 186, 187 ; Rebecca, 186; Susanna, 186,187. Gybbon or Gybon, Thomas, bequest, 265 ; William, 243. Gybbyns, Nicholas, minister, 182. Gylman, John, 18 ; Thomas, 180 (4). Gyot, Peter, bequest, 30. H E:afl:enden, George, 222 ; Stephen, 228, Il:ailsham, Master, 49. Haines, Herbert,M onu-mc11tal B1•asses, 134n, 135. Haithhurst (Hegethonhyrs) Manor, 206. Hake, Mr., 113. Hakluyt Society, London, 66n, Halden, High, church, 28. Haldenne, see de Haldenne. Hale, Agnes, 41; John, bequest, 41 ; William, bequest, 42. Hales, Christopher, 239 ; Sir Ed ward, Bart., 228, 254, 25,i, 259 ; John, 249 ; John, bequest, 28 ; Mary, 249 ; Thomas, 28 ; Mrs., 246, 247. Hall, Peter, curate, 95. Hallborough, borough of, 171, 172. Halling, land at, 172. Halstead, borough of, l 70. Halywell, Thomas, 43. Hamerton, P. G.,e ditor of the Portfol-io, 122. Hamon, Christopher, bequest, 51 ; Clement, bequest, 51 ; John, 51. Hamond, Adam, 72; William, 110. Hampton, William, 237. .Handcock, Rev. Cornelius, 258. Hannen, Hon. H., Notes on Phil. Symonson, 271. Hardres, Margery, bequest, 39. Hardwick Hall, Derbyshire, 59. Harfleet alia.􀇱 Septvans, Brass of, xoiv. Harlowe, Richard, Mayor of Rochester, 271, 272. Harman, Roger, rector, 99. Harnill, John, bequest, 50. Harolde, Isabelle, 269. Harris, Thomas, 248 ; Dr., 83. Harryes,J ohn, 89; Margaret,b equest, 266. Harte, Edward, 199. Hartlip, church, 28, Harty, church, 28. Ha1·vy, Dorothy, 179 ; Henry, 179. Harynden, Jeffrey, 243. Hassilherst, Ra:ffe, 106. Hasted's Histo1·y of Ke•nt, 13, 24, 66, 66n, 70, 70n, 167-174, 236. Haswell,P atience, lxii. Hatche, John, 249 ; Thomas, 245. Hatcher, Eme, 179. Hat􀇲eld Broad - Oak, Essex, rood, xhv. Hathbrand, Robert, prior of Christ Church, Canterbury, 211. Hauke, see Hawke. Haut,Haute or Hawte,Alice, 4.1; .A.nn 41 ; Sir Edmund, bequest, 40 ; Ed􀇳 ward, 41; Elizabeth, 41; James, 41 ; Joan, 41 ; Margaret. 4:1 ; Richard, 41 ; Sir William, 41, 110, 214; GENERAL INDEX. 313 .William, bequest, 41, 49. &e also De Haute. Hauxen, Nicholas, bequest, 34. Havynden, William, bequest, 266. Hawarden, Andrew, bequest to S. Mary's, Westenhanger, 83. Hawdwyn, William, 108. Hawe, George, vicar, 227, 228, 258. Hawke or Hauke, Rev. Christopher 103; Sir John, 112; Sir -, 113 ' Hawk's Hill, Walmer earthwo;ks 298. ' ' Hawkedon, Suffolk, stoup, xli. Hawkin, vVilliam, 37; William, bequest, 38. · Hawkins, John, bequest, 42. Hawte, ,Yee Haute. Hayman, Peter, 108; -, 259. Head, Dr. J., 256. Headcorn Cloth Halls, Two, by H. S. Cowper, F.S.A., 121. Headcorn House, No. I., 121; Mr. R. T. Blomfield in the Pm·tjolio on these buildings, 122, 123 ; dates of roof, 124 ; de􀇅cription of buildings, 121, 122 ; timber-framed houses in Kent, 121 ; the earliest seen in the Weald by the editor, 124. Headcorn House,No. II., 124; buildings now forming · shop and tenements, 124, 125 ; connection with Boddenham family, 129; carving on spandrels, 12ti ; exterior of building, 128; Kentish clothiers and their trade, 130 ; meaning of term Cloth Hall, 129, 130; reference to roof at Dunster in Somerset, 128 ; Tudor arches and doorway, 125, 126, 127. Heckington, Lincolnshire, hooks for the Lenten Veil in the church, xlvii. Hedges, William, reference to his diary, 65. Helar, John, 53; Lawrence, bequest, 53. Helmestree, hundred of, 167. Hemmynghurst, John, 78. Bendle, Thomas, 27. Henley, Johane, 237. Henley-on-Thames Bridge, busts on, lx. Henry IV., reference to the play of, 59. Henry VIII., Injunctions of, 93 ; authorized Primer of, 94. Henton, John, vicar, 213, 214:. Herbert, J. A., 206. Herne Bay, 283 .. Herrys, Anne, lxi ; Sir Arthur, lxi ; Frances, lxi; John, lxi; Thomas, bequest, 27. Hersing, John, bequest, 47. He1;t, Ul_emence, 50; Joan, 50; Wilham, oO. Hesketh, Capt. C., on the Manor House and Great Park at Otford, 1. Hever, Church, lxxix; brasses,lxxix; castle, lxxv ; parish of, 167, 171- 173.; visit of Society to, lxxv, lxx1x. Hewitt, J., Anoient A1•11wur, 136. Heythehurst, 206. Hicks, Thomas, bequest. 266. Hiootts, Stephen, 27. "Highways of Primitive Man in Xent," by Genl. Sir Charles Warren, F.R.S., xcix. Ifill, Mr. G. 1r., M.A., Keeper of Coins and Medals at British Museum 28X, 28'stone, a pension to the poor in the ';1mshouses there to be paid by the Grocers' Company, 197; nu.mes of fourteen oflioials making· these presentments, 202; Orpington, three almshouses built there and endowed by Rir Perceval Hu.rte, 197 · Pensherst, gift of land by Sir Rob􀇂rt Sydney to build a cottage thereon for the poor, 1!19 ; Kyne, etc., for the poor by the will of ... Bulfynche, 198; a rent charge by Ed ward Harte for the poor and bequests by Oliver Godfrey and Elizabeth Paswater, 198, 1 !l!l ; Shoreham. almshouses there built by the will of John Roos, who also endowed them, 200, 201 ; Sundrid; re, bequests by John Appleby, parson, and Margery Appleby, his widow, 1 !J2, 19:l ; W esterham, bequest to the poor of, by Margery Appleby, 191. Kentish Parish Registers, extracts from some now lost, contained in l\'fS. clxxv, Soc. of Antiquaries of London, by Leland L. Duncan, M.V.O., F.S.A., 178, viz.: Capell, Ditton, Leig-h, Luddesdowne, Sele, Stoke. Kentish Wills, abstracts from, by Arthur Hussey, 25; .A.bbey of et. Augustine, Canterbury, 43, 52 : the Campanile, 46 ; the chapels of St. Anne, 45 ; et. Katherine, 45; St. Mary, 45 ; St. Mary in the Cemetery, 48, 49 ; St. Michael in the wall, 45; St. Pancras, 45 ; the Charnell House, 48 ; burials in the church, 43; Holy Cross in the nave, 44 ; infirmary, 48 ; last Abbot, 53; names of monks, 43 ; tomb of St. .Augustine, 48; Varia, 49 ; water conduit, 48 ; Christ Church, Canterbury, 36; altar of St. Edward, King and Confessor, 38 ; cemetery, 40 ; Chantry Chapel of the Black Prince, 38 ; Chapel of St. Mary, 39 ; Chapel of St. Mary in the Crypt, 38 ; central tower, 39 ; church gate, 39 ; cross in the vestry, 38 ; the martyrdom, 39 ; names of monks, 43 ; nave, 39 ; shrines of-8t. Alphege, 36 ; St. Dunstan,S t. Thomas the Martyr,3 7. Kentwo1·th, John, bequest by, 31. Kerriel, Jane, brass of, xciv. Ketcham, Richard, bequest by, 82. Kettle, Richard, 197. Ketylsden, Sir William, •19. Keys, Thomas, 110. Keyser, .Mr. C. E., address by, lxxxiv; on Barfreston Church, lxxxvi. Kilbum. Kentish historian, 161, 162, 163. rnr,. 166, 172. Kinghamford, 165. Kingsborough, 172, 􀀌ENERA.t INDEX. Kingswood, 206. Kippiug, Robert, 181 ; Thomas, 181 ; William. 181. Kipps, Elizabeth, 185. Kiriel or Oriol, Lady Cicely, 82, 89 ; Lady Elizabeth, 82 ; Sir John 78 82, 86, 87 ; John de, Ti; John: 84'. 89 ; Lady Lettice, 78, 82, 87; Lady o􀅛, ;8; Sir Nicholas de, 84, 86, 87; Sir fhomas, 88, 89 ; William 88. Knight, William, 106 ; inheri'tor of Otford, 15. Knight's Bottom near King·sdown. earthworks at, 283, 298. Knocker, Capt. H. W., "The Valley of Holmesdale" its evolution and development 155, 175. ' Knocker, Mr. H. W., lxiv n, lxviii, lil. Knole, conveyed with Otford to King Henry Vlll., 8, 9. Knole, manor house of, 38, .17 4. Kynett, William, bequest by, 26, 27. Kynton, William, 46. Kywyn, Robert, 18. L Lafham, Isaac, 181. Lambarde, Major Kentish Charities, 189. F., Some 1594, by, Lambarde, papers at Sevenoaks, 187. Lambert (Lambarde), Historian of Kent, 155, 161. Lambnrt, William, rector, 90, 91 ; William, 4, 18, 22, 189, 272. Lambeth, 68 ; manor house, 39. Lambeth Palace, Register of Archbishop Stafford at, 32. Lancaster, William, rector, 105. Landa le,J ohn,o n Da1·tj111'd Olia1'ities, 195 n. Lanfranc, Archbishop, xlviii, 2, 15. Langdon, manor of, 271, 273. L'Angle, see De L'Angle. Langley (Langanleag), 206; John, 90. Langley by Bromley, 174. La Sela, 167, 174, 175. Latin Service Books, abolition of, 94, 104. Latter, Alice, 182. Laud, Archb ishop, 224. Laurence, Archbishop, 295; John, 193 ; Thomas, rector, 89. Layton, Dr. Richard, 217,218. Lea, Henry, vicar, 182; Joane, 182. Leedes, Elizabeth, 248, Leeds Castle, chapel of, xlvi. Lehfeldt, T. A., The Stodmarsh .Plaster Panels, 54. Leigh, land given to the poor 200 : parish of, 167, 170, 174. ' , Leigh, transcript of reo-ister 181 Leland's, Colleotanea, 291. ' Leland, account of Westenhanger House, by, 77. Lenham, 97 ; curate of, 99 100 • church of. 29. ' ' Lennard, John, 180, 189,190; Samson, 9, 180. Leonard,M essrs. Charles and Son,2 79. Lepard, Samuel Campbell, M.A., vicar of St. Mildred, 1'entei·den 235, 23fi. ' Le Savage, Sir Ralph, 84. Letherar, William, 47. Leuconour, William, bequest by, 267. Leve;iok, Sir John, monument to, XCIU. Leveson-Gower, family of, lxv. Levingstone, John, 249. Levyne, William, 44. Lewes, Cadwallader, parson, 183 (3) ; Thomas, 183; Ursula, 183; William, 183. Lewisham, 173 ; manor of, !xv. Lewkner (Lewker), Bridget, 182 · Elizabeth, 182 ; Johane, 181 ; Robert, 181, 182 (2). Lewknor, Roger, 248. Leybourne, Joan, 39 ; Roger, bequest, 89; Thomas, 39. See also de Leybourne. Library, list of books and pamphlets added to the Society's Library since 1911, 299. Lichfield, Bishop of, 235. Lilly, John, bequest, 2H7. Lillyngstone, ,Yee de Lillyngstone. Limowart, lathe of, 162. 163. Limpsfield, lxv. Linaore (Lynaker), Thomas, 215. Linkhill, 171, 172. Litany in English, 93. Littlebourne, 105, 111. Livett, Rev. G. M., on Chiddingstone Church, lxxvii ; on Cowden Church, lxxv ; on Edenbridge Church, lxvii ; on Hever Church, lxxix; on Sundridge Church, lix ; on the Architecture of Westerham Church, liv ; resignation of editorship of Arch, Oant., lxxx, GENERAL INDEX. 317 Loddenden and the U.􀄫bo?'nes of Lodd1mden, by H. S. Cowper, F.S.A., 205. London, 111,113, 113n, 114,173,190, 191, 284. London, St. E dmund, Lombard Street, 216; The Temple, lxii. London, Bishop of, 6H. London, Hugh, 50; Isabelle, bequest, 50. Long·e, Sir Richard, 24, Lorrenden, 275. Lowdewell, John, bequest, 267. Lucas, Richard, bequest, 268. Luddesdowne, extracts from the Parish Registers of, 183. Ludenham, church of, 29. Lukins, Pa., 256. Lukyn, Agnes, 89. Lullingstone, pension to the poor, 197 ; manor,2 . Lurding·den, see de Lurdingden, Luxmoore, John, vicar, 232, 233. Lydd, benches in the church, xlii ; bequests to the church of, 29-30 ; chapels-of St. ,John Baptist, 29 ; of St. Mary, 29 ; of St. Nicholas, 30 ; nave, 30 ; rood loft, 30 ; the tower, 30; Reoo?'ds of, 31. Lydyat, John, 218. Lyminge, visit of Society to church of, XCV, Lynch, Ralph, bequest, 27. Lynde, Joan, 39; John, 39. Lynsted, 104; rood loft, xliv. M Macklin, H. W., B1•asses of .England, by, 136. Mackmeikan, W. F., xcv. Madagascar, island of, 61, 62, 63, 65, 66, 75. Maidstone, 8; church, 31 ; Gra.mmar School. 274 ; Tithe Barn, xlix. Maister, Peter, 2Hl. Makemete, William, bequest, 30. Makenade, William, 78. Malling, 168. Malvern, Great, Priory Church of, co. Wore., Aumbry in, xlii. Malyn, William, 78. Man, Stephen, 228. Mannyng, Katherine, 238. Manser, Mr. Stephen, Note on discoveries in Deal District, 297. Manston, Joan, 49; William, 49, Mantell, Reginald, 259, Manwood Court, Sandwich, xcv. Marchant, -, 15. Marche, Thomas, bequest, 82. Marden, church ornaments, 119; court rollR of, 205 ; hundred of, 163, 165; John, 114, 115. Marsh Green Manor, lxv. Marshall, Peter, vicar, 216, 217, 242, 243 ; William, vicar, 216, 238, 259. Marten, John, 43, 183 ; Mildred, 183. Marteson, Michael, bequest, 34. Martin, Henry, bequest, 31 ; John, bequest, 28 ; John, 47; Walter, bequest, 47. Martyn, Richard, altar-tomb for, lxx, lxxiv. Mary, Queen (Marian reaction), 92, 94, 106, 219. Mascall, Robert, 100. Mason, mistress, 119. Mass in English, 93. Master, Elizabeth, 60 ; Rev. Richard, 103. Matson, Henry, 64 ; Nathaniel, 64; Robert, bequest, 83. Matthew, Rev. Joseph, 282; Thomas, 1l6. Mattingle, Elizabeth, 186. Maude, Jonathnn, vicar, 229, 256. Maxey, Peter, 42. Maye, Anthony, 109. Maynard, John, 218. Mayre, William, 199. 11:Iead, Mrs., 283. Mede, James, 248. Mediooval Churches, The Fittings of, by Mr. Aymer Vallance; altars, xlviii; aumbry, xlii; consecration crosses, xli ; Easter sepulchre, xlvii ; elevation bell, xlvi ; elevation squints, xliii ; fixed seats, xlii ; fonts, xli; holy water stoup, xli; images, xlviii; Lenten veil, xlvii; leper's sq1,1.ints, xlv ; misericord seats, xlvii ; nave altars, xliii ; paintings, xliv; piscinn, xlvii ; porches, xii ; position of churches, xl; processional ways, xl ; reredos, xlviii ; rood, the great, xliii, xliv ; rood lofts, xliv; rood stairs, xliv ; seats in the choir, xl vi ; sedilia, xlvii. Medway, river, 275, 280, 285, 287. Meeting, Annual, in 1913, xlix ; in 1914, lxx:xiii ; General, 191 •1, xcvi. Meisy, John, rector, 86. Mellitus, Archbishop, 295. Meopham, 172 ; bauk in Hildenborough, 172. 318 -GENERAL INDEX. Merchants' marks, 133. Merewether, Rev. Henry Robert, M.A., vicar of St. Mildred, 235. Mersham, 104, 108, 112. Michill. John, 23. Middeltune, lathe of, 162, 163. Militia, armour supplied by the Dean and Chapter of Canterbury for the, ll8, 118n. Miller, Anne, 186 ; Dorothy,' 18fi (5), 187 (3) ; John, 186, 187 (2) ; Thomas, vicar, 188 ; Thomas, 18H (5), 187. Mills, John, eng'l'avings to illustrate brasses by, 136. Milton, 165, 172. Milton !fall, 288. Milton next Sittingbourne, nave of the church, 81. Minet, William, M.A., F.S.A., Daniel Defoe and Kent, 61. ):linet, Alice, 68, 68 n, 71, 72, 7/'i; Charles William, 73, 75 ; Isaac, 64, 68, 71, 73, 75; Hughes, 67, 69, 71, 72. 73, 73 n, 75; James, 71, 75; ,James Lewis, 75 ; John, fl8, 6H, 71, 72, 75 ; Marie, 68 ; Susan, 78, 75 ; William, 71, 72, 73, 7,3. Minster in Sheppey, tower of the church, etc., 31. Moeer, John, vicar, 215. Mogge, William, vicar, 211. Molash, church of. 31. Melland Chapel, Ash, xciv. Moncrief, Mr. Rope, 158. Mongeham, Celtic discoveries at, 283 : excavations at, 283 ; parson of, !l7. Mongeham, William, 52. Mongke, John, 179; Selvester, 179. Monkc, -, 180. 1\fonnyngs, Edward, 101, 103. Monumental Brasses in Kent, by Ralph Griffin, F.S.A., 131 ; Jfrnti.Yk BmN,\'M, by Mr. Mill Stephenson, l!'.S.A., reference to, 18 I, 132, 138 ; Thomas Fisher, F.S.A., collections from Kentish brasses, 138, 134 ; l\Iessrs. Waller's series of brasses, 134; W. D. Beloher's book on brasses, 134, 135 ; Manual by H. Haines, 134, 185 ; Boutell's book on brasses, 13;; ; Rev. H. W. Macklin's book on English brasses, 185, 136; Mr. H. Druit, book on costumes on brasses, 135 ; E. H., on English Church Brasses, 13,􀇐, 136 ; E. T. Beaument's Ancient Memo:i:fo,I Brasses, 136 ; list of illustrations of brasseB not mentioned by Haines, 137-154. Monum,mtal Brass Society, transactions of. 82, 134. Monynden, Stephen, rector, 87, 88. Moore, Dr .. Dean of Canterbury, 232; Archbishop of Canterbury, 282. More, John, vicar, 2li\, 216; bequest, 268 ; John, 28; Sir Thomas, 215. Morgan, Rev. E. K. B., vicar, lix. Morice (Moryce), Edmund, 109 ; Ralph, 8; Thomas, B7. Morland, Augustine, 186; Margaret, 186. Morley, William, 53. Morne, Roger, 106. Morris, family of, 73. Morten, John, bequest, BR. Morton, Thomas, 88. See a.lso de Morton. Moulton, co. Line., aumbry in the church of, xlii. Mowshurst. 11atthew. lxvi. Multon, Ge.orge, 18, 22. Mulling, John, 49. Mychell. Edmond, l Ofl : Ed ward, l 80 ; John, 1 OH ; Katherine, 1 HO. Mylles (i.Hyllys), George, 108 ; ,John, 112 ; William, 18. lVfynot, Anne., 47 ; Edmund, '17. N Nackington, 108. Nashenden, estate, 271, 278; manor of, 272. Nelde, see de Nelde. Nelson, Lord, 234. Nethersole, John, bequest. •11 ; John, 45; Mrs., 246,248; Stephen, curate, 101. Netter, John, 237. Nevenson, Anne, 17H; Roger, 179 ; Thomas, 179. Neves, George, 279. Nevill, Charles, 184 ; John, 184; Thomas, 184. Newchurch, church of, 1ll. Newell, Henry, bequest, oO. Newgate Prison, 78. Newington next Hythe, 97, 98; vicar of, !17. Newington, Charles, on dis· coveries in the Deal District, 283. Newman, Marione, 28; Thomas, vicar, 212 ; William, bequest, 28. Newnhan:i. Vii,lley, excavatioμs, 284, GENERAL INDEX. 319 Newton, Mr. W. M., junr., 282. Norfolk, John, Duke of, 213; Duke of, 244. Norland, Thomas, bequest, 34. Norman, Alice, bequest, 52; Hugo, olerk, 207; John, 52; Thomas, 62. Norreys, Robert, vicar, 212. Northbourne, Lord, on Richborough Castle, xcv, Hi8. N orthfleet, 172. Northumberland, Duke of, 15. Norton, Joane, 184; Lady, 259 ,· Mr .. 184. Norton, church of, 31. Norwich, St. Peter Mancroft Church xl. ' Not, Edmund, 110. 0 Oakley, H. E., Superintending Civil Engineer, Chatham Dockyard, 280. Obituary, Mr. W. Essington Hughes, ci. Odyam, ivlr., 114-. Offa, King of Mercia, 15. Oliver, of Faulke and Kettells, 180 ; Dorothy, 179; Capt. Pasfield, R.A., 62, 63 ; Roqert, 179 ; Silvester, 179 ; Thomas, 179. Orpington, almshouses at, 197 ; manor, 2. Osborne, William, bequest, 28. Ospringe Place, 284. Otford .Manor House and Great Park of the Archbishop of Canterbury, by Capt. C. Hesketh, i ; Becket's well at, 3 ; Bull Inn, 7 ; Cardinal Campeggio at, 4; conveyed with Knole to King Henry VIII., 8, 9 ; King Henry VIII., visit on his way to the Field of the Cloth of Gold, 4 ; manor house, description of, 5, 6, 7, 8 ; remains of, at the old parsonage and Bull Inn, 7 ; ruins of the castle and palace, 15, 16 ; Sydney family's efforts to obtain possession and final purchase, 9, 10, 11, 12; survey of, by William Hyde, with extracts, 16; valuation for repairs, 18; the manor, and building of the manor house, 2; keepership of the park and manor, 22; list of holders of appointments, 23 ; Mr. Youens' photog·raphs of, 16 ; transfers of, to Sir Thomas Smith, 12, 13 ; to Robert Parker, 14 ; sold by the Marchant and Knight families to the Rt. Hon. William Pitt, Earl Amherst, 15; place names and boundaries, 14-. Overland, 109. Ovyrton, Thomas, bequest, 49. Oxenden, Richard, prior, 210. Oxford, Queen's Colleg-e, 191. Oxney, John, 37. Oxted, lxiv. p Page, Richard, 201. Palmer, John, 24. Pargate, Agnes, 51 ; Richard, bequest, 27. Pargiter, Marie, 223; Theodor, 223 ; Walter, vicar, 223, 224 ; William, 223. Parker, Archbishop of Canterbury, 220, 221,222; Edmund, ,rn; Henry, bequest, 46, 47 ; Henry, 22, 23; John, 4H, l09, 240 ; Peter, 23; Robert, 14, 15. Parks, Katherine, 186. Parkyns, Ackenwall, 199. Parpoynte, William, 182. Partington, Thomas. jun;r .. Esq., gift of plaster panel from Ipswich to the VictoriaandAlbertMuseum,59, Paswater, Elizabeth, 199. Patrixbourne, 107 ; church of, l xxxvi. Patt, John, 106. Pattocke, .A.nne, 180. Payne, George, F.S. A., Researches and Discoveries in Kent in 1912-1915, 275. Paytewin, Stephen, bequest, 31, 32. Peake, Humphrey, vicar, 225, 226 ; Dr., 250, 251, 252, 253. Pearson, Professor Karl,of University Coll., London, 281. Peche (Peache), Elizabeth, 40 ; Sir John, 4-0, 197. Peckham, Archbishop, xlvi ; Register of Archbishop, 3; James, 200, 201 ; Reginald, 2.J.. Peckham. West, 1i2. Pedyll, Thomas, 268. Peers, CJ. R., letter from, relating to antiquities at Richborough, lxxxi; Sir James, 107. Pele, Sir Robert, 110. Pelham, William, 185. Pelland, John, bequest, 268. Pellond, Richard, bequest, 268. Pelred, -, 180. Pembury, :parish of, 167. 320 GENERA.L INDEX. Peniston, Thomas, rector, 90. Penny, Joan, 41 ; John, 41. Pensay, John, llii. Penshurst, 2, 167, 171, 173 ; gifts to the poor, 198, 199 ; '.!'own, i 171 ; Upland, 171 ; Penshurst Halemote alias Otford Weald, lH; Penshurst Place, 174 ; Sherbourne alias Hallborough in, 171. Percyvale, John, 52; William, 52. Perkins, Frederick, lxii ; George, lxii. Perpoynt, Thomas, 217. Pesemed, Sir John, vicar, IH. Petham, vicar of, 103, 107. Petham, Joan, 41; Richard, 41; William, 37. Petlesdene, Thomas, bequest, 268. Petley. Thomas, 201. Peto, Sir Samuel M., Bart., M.P., lxii. Petre, Sir William, 244. Petrie, H., drawing of Otford Manor House, 6. Pett, John, bequest, 2G8 ; John, 189, 1 DO ; Thomas, bequest, 268. Phelps, Richard, 230. Philip, Edward, 240 ; Lawrence, bequest, 269 ; Stephen, bequest, 269. Philipp, John, 78. Phillipps, Rowland, 239. Phillips, Sergeant, 249. Pickard (Pikard), Daniel, 248; John, vicar, 209. Piers (Pyers, Pyeres), Joan, bequest, 35, 238 ; Richard, 243 ; bequest, 262 ; Thomasine, 237 ; William, 35, 2H7, 2-rn. Pilgrims' Road, 158. Pinckney, Bartholomew, rector, 184. l'innole, Thomas, bequest, 33. Pitt. Rt. Hon. Hugh, li5 ; Rt. Hon. William, Earl Amherst, owner of Otford, 15. Plane. John, 109. Plat, Roger, 218. Plome!', H. R., "Books ·mentioned in Wills," 215 n. Pluckley, church, 32 ; rector of, J0ii. Plum lye, Alice, 19G; Robert, 197. Pococke, George, innkeeper, 190. Pole, .Archbishop, 220 ; Cardinal, 94, 114 n. Polhill (Pollhill), Barbara, 182 ; Charles, lxii: David, M.P., sheriff, lxi, lxii ; Elizabeth, lxi ; George, lxii; Patience, lxii ; Richard, 182 (3) ; Thomas, lxi, 182 ; Tryphena, bdi ; -, 180, 182, lxi. Ponet, John, 111. Ponynges, S/!6 de Ponynges. Poole, Ann, 187. Pope, William, rector, 214, 215. Porta Nova Road. 65, 70 n. Porter, of Hall and Charte, 180 ; Dorothy, 179 ; James, 179 ; John, 191. Porteus, Beilby, Bishop of London, tomb of. lxi. Poslingford, Suffolk, Holy water stoup at, xli. Potter, Alice, 179 ; William, 179 ; -, 180. Potts, Rev. R. U., 290 n, 296. Poynings, badge of the family, SO ; Sir Edwa,·d, fJO; -, 77. Prall, Robert, bequest, So. Praty, Hichard, Bishop of Chichester, 213, Preston, Robert, 270 ; William, 242. Prest.on, manor of, 2. Priestly, Fmnces, lxi ; William, lxi. Prinkham alias t;terborough, Lords of, lxv. Proceeding·s, Abstract of, for 1913- 1914, xxxix. Propchaunt, Alice, 48 : Thomas, 48. P1"oteotion of .Ancient Buildings, xlix. Prynne, William, keeper of the Records, 208. Pump Reach on the Medway, 280. Pygot, Henry, 197. Q Quex, Agnes, 51 ; John, 51. Qwyter, Mr., 101. R Raddinirgate, see de Raddinggate. Raggett, Mr., on Manwoo<'I. Court, Sandwich, xcv. Rainham, church. 32 ; decoration of the great rood, xlv ; lower road, 275, 276, 282. Rainold, Thomas, l lG. See also Raynold. Randell, Thomas, 185. Randolph, l£1izabeth, 185 ; Thomas, 185, 187 ; Thomison, 187. Rawlyns, -, 32. Ray, Thomas, bequest, 30. Raynold, Alice, 238. See also Rainold. GENERAL INDEX. 321 Records Branch, The purpose and work of the, by Mr. L. M. Biden, xlix, xcvH. Redfern, l\Ir., surveyor, 283. Reformation in Kent; extracts from original documents illustrating the progress of the, by C. Eveleigh Woodruff, 92; abolition of the old Latin service books, 94, 104 ; reading the Bible, homilies and sermons, 100; reading the Epistle and Gospel in English, 99 ; 􀆔estruction of _glass, paintings, images, altars, missals, etc., 93, 94, 95; Mass in English, 93; Extracts from the accounts of the Treasurer of Canterbury Cathedral, 111 ; religious services, 93 ; whitewashing frescoes, etc., 93 ; administration of the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper, 96, 97 ; depositio·n of witnesses, 95 ; religious ceremonies at the time of the Reformation, 93. Remmington, Clemens, 181 ; Robert, 181. Report, .A.nnual, 1918, li. Rest, John, Alderman of London, 217. Reynold, Leonard, rector of Deal, 97. Reynolds, Sir Joshua, 234. Richard II., King, 77. Richard, Archbishop, 2911i. Richborouirh, amphitheatre, 297; discovery of remains and coins at, 288 ; the castrum, 297 ; the cross, 297 ; island, 297 ; letter from Mr. C. R. Peers relating to antiquities at, lxxxi; the postern gate, 29, ; the castle, lxxx, xciv; Lord Northbourne on, xov. Rickman, Mr., 83. Ridley, Elizabeth, 75 ; James, 75; Mrs., 72; Roger, bequest, 37. Ringlestone, -, 284. Ringleton, 284 ; Alice, 49 ; Margaret, 49 ; William, 49. Ringwould, church, 298. Ripon Minster, hooks for Lenten veil, xlvii. Risden, between Havrkhurst and Sandhurst, 206. Riseden near Goudhurst, 206. Riverhead, 167, 170. Roberts, John, 247. Robson, J. J., on Roman Remains at Hoo St. Werburgh, 28'7, VOL. XXXI, Roch, Agnes, 238. Rochester, Bridge, 287; Bridg-e Warden's accounts, 271 ; Acorn wharf, 285; cathedral, lxiii, 164-, 272 ; excavations in, 285 ; High Street, 279 ; mayor of, 271 ; museum, 276, 278, 279, 288, 298 ; Roman remains, 279 ; Roman wall, 2815 ; See of, lxv. Rochester, Pai•ish RegistB1's and Reoo1'ds in the Diocese of, printed by the Kent Archreological Society, 178. Rochester, Ramo, Bishop of, lxviii. Rocking·ham, Marquis of, 233. Rodmersham, oak sedilia in the church of. xlvii. Rogers, I•'rancis, 104; John, 194, 195; Raff, 113. Rolff, Joan, will of, 27. Rollright, Great, Oxfordshire, overhang- ing canopy of wood, xlv. Rolvenden, church of, 32. Roman remains, 279, 280, 288, 298 ; bricks, 295 ; building, 286 ; cemetery, 283, 287, 291 ; coins, 279, 280, 283, 288 ; foundations, 297 ; interments, 281, 282, 284 ; pottery, 283, 284, 287, 288 ; site of settlement, 288, 289; town, 297 ; wall at Rochester, 285. Roman British pottery at Edenbridge, lxi:x:. Romney, church of, 32; old, 105,108; St. Lawrence in, 29; St. Martin's in, 108. Rood lofts, notes on, xliii. Roos, ,John, 200, 201. Roper, William, bequest, 53; William, 43. Rose, Jenkyns, alia.􀆕 John Roos, 200. Hoss, Richard, Bishop of, 39. Rougsthawke, John, 23. R owls, Margery, 200. Ruckinge, church of, 32. Rumney,-, 180. Ruse, Clemens, 179, 180 ; Elizabeth, 179 ; Gervis, 179 ; Katherine, 180 ; Seryus, l 80. Russell, Andrew, 50. Russhelyn, John, 47. Rustumer, Ralph, 200. Rutland, Alice, 46 ; Francis, bequest, 46; Joan, 46; Mary, 46; William, 46. Ruxley, Hundred of, 165, 167, 176. Rye, Thomas, 109. Rynolds, Archbishop, 209, 210. Ryvers, .A.lice, 182, 183 ; Edward, 182, 183; Elizabeth, 182; Martha, 182 ; Sybell, 182; William, 182. GENERAL I'.N°DEX. s St. Augustine's Abbey, Ancient Wallmg at, by Dr. C. Cotton, 200; Recent Excavations at, by Sir William St. J. Hope, 2!J+ ; Visit of the Society to, lxxxiii. St. Augustine, cemetery of, 292. St. Augustine. lathe ot. lfiil, 165. 8t. A11stin'.v Ablu-y, lxxx. Kt. ,\ ustin, translation of the relics of, 2Hl : tomb of, 205, 2!J6. St. Edward, King of England, 294. St. Lawrence, presentment on decay of the churc.:h of, 108. St. Lawrence in Thanet, the church of. :rn. St. Leger (Sentleger, Seyntleger), Anthony, 24. St. Marg·aret at Cliff near Dover, lxxxvii; benches in the church.xiii. St. Mary-le-i\leye, manor of, 70. St. Mildred, grave of, 2!l5 ; chm·ch of, ,vt't' Tenterden. St. Nicholas in 'l'hanet, eh urch of, B3. St. l'aul's Cray, 84. St. Peter's in Thanet, chapel of St. 􀇼ic_h,olas in, 3; chapel of the Trinity rn, H3. Salisbury, John, prior, 40; John, 4ll; catheclrn.l, consecration crosses in, xli ; presbytery, xlvii. Salter, Alexander, 185; Richard, 18i\. 8altwood Castle, visit of Society to, xcvi. Sancroft, Archbishop, 229. Sanders, William, 108, 109. Sandhurst, rector of, 95, 96, 99 ; curate of, 100, 102. Santls, Mr. Harold, F.S.A., 79. Sandwich, St. Clement's, 33 ; S. l\'Iary's Church at, 33, 95 n ; SS. Mary and Clement, vicar of, 104; S. Peter's, rector of, 104; Mr. Fisher sent about two heretics to, 113 ; Cardinal Oampeggio and Archbishop Warham at, 4 ; Society's visit to, lx=vii, :x:cv. Sandn•ick and Ikal IJidr-iot, note from the local secretary. 297. Sare (Sarre), John, rector, 87. Sauchelle, Marie.a French refugee,6 8. Saunder, Richard, 187; Roger, 33. Saunders, Canon John, bequest, 4H. Scot, Andrew, 78; 8ir Thomas, 193. Scotland, abbott, 294. Scray, lathe of, Hi2, 163, 165. Scryp, John, vicar, 209. 􀇽cuta􀇾e, origin ot, 169, Seal (Sele), 167, 171, 179; extracts from parish registers of, 178. Secker, Archbishop, 231, 257. Selby, Henry, 184; Mary, 184. Selby, Little, 113, 113 n. Selkirk, Alexander, Hl. Selling, prior, 41 ; William, 47. Selling, church of, early alterations in, lx:x:i. Septvans, brasses in Ash Church : effigy of Catherine, :x:civ ; brass for Christopher, :x:civ ; effigy of John, :x:civ ; brass for Walter, xciv ; Constance, 48 ; Edward, bequest, 48 ; Elizabeth, 40 ; Gilbert de, 48 ; Sir William, bequest, 40. Revenoak,J oan, 51; John, a monk, 52. Sevenoaks, lxi, 2, 150, 170, 171, 173, 17'1; almshouses in, 189 ; grammar school, 189 ; names of the poor in the almshouses, 190 ; William, founder of almshouses and benefactor, 189,190. 8evingbon, destruction of the altars in the church, 104. Seyliard, Richard, vicar, 224, 225. Shakerley, Erasmus, 181 ; Francis, 180, 181, 182 ; John, 181 ; llfargaret, 180 ; Maria, 181 ; Martha, 181 ; Richard, 181 ; Rowla.nd, 180 ; William, 181 ; Mr., 182. Sharpe, Alice, 238 ; Thomas, 238, 269. Sharpey, Thomas, 215. Sharp's, Green Cement Works, 275. Sheafe, ;\1r., 185. Sheldwioh Chnrch, copy of the Paraphrase of Erasmus 111. Sheldwich, Agnes, 51 ; John, 51 ; Nicholas. 51. Shelley, Herbert, 183 ; Sir John, lxii; Mary, 183 ; Tryphena, lxii. Sherndon Manor, l:x:v. Sherwinhope, lathe of, 163. Sheryngton's chauntry, 243. Shiler, name in the Parish Register of Leigh, 183. Shilling (i::ihylling), Daniel, 71 1i ; Mr., 66, 71 n. Shipbourne Manor, 2, 175. Shipway, lathe of, 163, 165. Sholden, Hull, place in, 298. Shoreham, l:x:i, 2, 164, 170, 171, 173, 174 ; almshouses, 200. Short, Thomas, 250. Short Reach on the Medway, 280. Shrewsbury (Shrowsbury), William, prior of,5 2; "William,a priest of,4 6. Shutford, Oxford, oak rood screen in the church of, :x:liii. Simpcok, Robert1 266, GENERAL 823 Simpson, Andrew, 228 ; Dr. John, · Yicar, 228. Singleton Farm near Dover, earthworks at, 298. Sinningley in Tonbridge Division, 17'2. Sittingbourne, church, xciv ; rood loft in, xliv. Six .A.rticles, statute of, !JS. Skeynes, British remains at, !xiii ; earth works at, lxiii. Smarden, rood screen at, xliii. Smith, Elizabeth, 182 ; John, 182 ; Dr. S. J .. some earthworks near Deal, 298 : William, 89. Smythe, Elizabeth, rn ; Henry, 13 ; Sir John, 12 ; John, 12 ; Lionel, Viscount Strangford, 14 ; Matthew, 239 ; Robert, bequest, 49 ; Lady Sarah, 14 ; Sir ::-idney Stafford, lfl, 14 ; Stephen, bequest, 35, 269 ; Sir Thomas, 12, 13 ; Thomas, 12, 91. Snargate, church of, 34. Suave, rector of, makes oath the old service hooks done away with, 104. Snellyng, Thomas, 106. Snodland iil Bromley hundred, 168. Solayn, Richard, 49. Solis, Virgil, one of the " Little Masters," 59. Solley, Mr., 283. Somer, John, 200. Somerden, 167, 168, I 71, 174. Sommersley, Mrs., 187. Somner's .dntiq1titie.􀈝 of Oante1·bury, 4,292. Sondes, Mr., 104. Sone, John, 18. Southwark, St. George's Church, lxxiv. Southwold, painted celure in the church, xlv. Sorrell, George, 243. Southouse, James, 72. Sparowe, Bennett, 48 ; Thomas, bequest, 48. Speldgisella, manor, 206. Speldhurst, parish of, 167,171, 174. Spencer, Elizabeth, 186 ; Imen, 186 ; .Emme, 186 ; Joane, 187; John, vicar, 186, 187 ; Katherine, 186 ; Thomasine, 186. Spendelove, John, vicar, 220. Spert, John, bequest, 269. Spilsill (Speldgisella), 206. Sponden in Sandhurst (Sponleoge), 206. Sprake, Margaret, 186. Spriver, William, 185. Squerryes Court, The British Oppidum, lvii, lviii. Stace, Freeg-ift, 225 : John, 248 ; Mildred, 183 ; Thomas, bequest, 35. Stalisfield, church. xliv. Stalworth. Walter, 214. Standen, Upper, lands in, 70. Stanford, borough of, 76, 171, 172. Stangmve, ma nor, lxiv. 8e11 also Edenbridie. Stansted. 175. Staplehurst, church of, 8-1, 20G ; rood loft in, xliv; parish registers , lxxxi. Staveley, Sir Charles, 73 ; Charles Dunbar, 75 ; Susan, 73, 75. Stephen, James, 3fi ; King, 175 ; William, rector, 48. Stephenson, Mr. Mill, on brasses in Kent, 131. Steven, Elizabeth, 185; Thomas, 185. Still, Richard, lxiv. · Stille, John, bequest, 33. Stock, John, 2ii6. Stockwith, Lewis, surveyor of works at Otford, 18, 22. Stodmarsh, The Plaster Panels at, by T. A. Lehfeldt, 54; figure subjects symbolizing some of the planets, 55; originals secured by the Victoria and Albert Museum, 54; vestments at, !Oil. Stoke, extracts from parish registers of, 185. Stokes (Stoks), John, 27, 72. Stonard, Alexander, bequest, 53. Stone, John, chronicle of, 38, 39, 40. Stone, manor of, 172. Stone in Oxney, church of, 34. Stouting, bailiwick of, 165. Stowting, church goods taken away, ll0. Streatfield (Stretfield), Edward, memorial window for, Westerham, !iii; Richard, 197. Str ekenbold, George, 36; John, 35; Thomas, bequest, 35. Strode, Catherine, lxi ; Sir Nicholas, lxi ; Thomas, 78. Stunt, Walter, 275, 278. Sturry, Popiah pictures at, 105, Styler, John, 182 ; Mary, 182. Suckley, Ralph, lxi. Sudbury, Archbishop, 111. Sudtone, lathe of, 162. Suffling, E. R., Englisk Oku1•cli B1•asses, 135, 136. Suffolk, Countess of, lx. Sumerson, Alexander, 187. Sundridge, Bailiwick, 170 ; bec1uests to the poor, HJ2; Church, by Canon G. M. Livett, lix ; 324 GENERAL IN'.DEi.. manor of, 2,173, 177; mentionedin D omesday Book, lix; tombs and brasses, lx ; Combe Bank in, l:x:; lands in, lxiii. Sundridge, Baron, lx. Sutton, 205. Sutton-Bromley, 165, 176. Sutton-Dartford. 165. Sutton at Hone, 163, 1(;6, 167, 189. Sutton-Valence (Sudtune), 206. Swan, Joane, bequest, 45; Joane, 44; John, bequest, 44; ,John, 44. Swannescombeal-iaRVannescombe, 78. 8wift, William, 114. Swoffer, Robert, bequest, 270. Swynner, Mr., 101. Sybbell, Dorothy, 179. Sydney, Sir Henry, 9 ; Sir Philip, 9 ; Sir Robert, 199 ; Robert, 9. Sydrake, '.l'homas, bequest, 42. 8ymon, John, 47. Symonson, Philip, Further Notes on, by the Hon. H. Hannen, 271 ; early map of Kent, 271 ; Mayor, 271, 272, 273 ; Mrs., 274; '.l'homas, 274; map of Otford, 5, 13. Sympnell, Rev. Richard, 103. Sympson, Robert, rector, 90. Syndale Park, Ospringe, 284. T Taswell, Rev. William, 232. Tatnall, Randall, l 05. Taroatio, The, of 1291, lx:viii, lxxv. Taylor, A. H., The Rectors and Vicars of S . .Mildred's, Tenter· den, with an Appendix, 207; A. H., 32 ; Christopher, 42 ; Sir John, vicar, 211, 212; Laurence, 42. Taylour, Sir William, Lord Mayor, lxvi. Tebauld, see Theabauld. Temple, Rev. William, 234. Tenterden, The Rectors and Vicars of S . .Mildred's, by A. H. Taylor, 207; the Church of St. Mildreu, the structure, 207; survey of the cp.urch property and the rectory, 254, 255 ; faculty regarding the removal of seats in the chancel, and placing the Communion table, 256 ; Tenterden in Archbishop Parker's primary visitation of the Diocese, 257 ; bequests by Tenterden folk to their parish church, 260, 270 ; biographical notE)s on the rectors, 207 -236; excommunication of John the vicar, with 16 other Kentish clerg-y, 208 ; pardon for outlawry of two vicars, 213 : bequest by John More, vicar, 215 ; will of Peter Marshal. 21< l: Peter Marshal's chant,ry, 2m, · 24s'; vicar Broke, called to account by Lord Cromwell, 217 ; Sir Peter Baker comes under the notice of Archbishop Cranmer, 218 ; complaints made against ,John Bendall, vicar, 221 ; a son of George Elie, vicar, excommunicated, 222 ; John Gee, vicar, having joined the Church of Rome, was present at the Fatal Vespers of Blackfriars, 225 ; a petition in Parliament against Humphrey Peake, vicar, 226 ; George Hawke, vicar, presented by Oliver Cromwell, 227 ; institution of Nathaniel Collington, when the parish is said to be much corrupted, 228 ; Dr. Coomb, vicar, collection of Bibles by, 233; sayings of John Fu!. ler, priest, 240 ; depositions against clergymen in Kent 1543, 241 ; a seditious sermon preached, 244 ; concerning the right to use the north door of the chancel, the vicar George Elie maintained the sole right of the vicar, 246, 246, 247, 248, 249 ; petition to Parliament againstthe vicar, 250,261,252; list of names of the petitioners, 253; Cranmer and the Heretics of Kent, 243 ; particulars for sale of colleges, etc., in 1545, as far as relates to 'fenterden, 242,243; many handsome gifts to the church in the time of Rev. S. Campbell Lepard, 236 ; an appendix of ecclesiastical i;natters relating to Tenterden and presentments at the visitation of Archbishop Warham, 237 ; extracts from the will of William Marshall, vicar, 238,239 ; information in the Valor Ecclesiasticus relating to this church, 240. Tenterden, the church, vestry, the wall, schoolhouse, 35. Teperidge, 172. Terotit.i llo.ffi•n.,is, reference to, lxix. Thanet, S. John's Church in, lUl S. Peter's Church in, 111. 'l'hanington, 107. '.l'heobald, Theabold, Teabold, Tebold, 'feboll or Tyboll, Alice, 178 ; Anne, 179,180; Annys, 179; Archbishop, 2; Clemence, li9 (2), 180; Dorothy, 179, 180 ; Elizabeth, 179, 180 ; GillNERAt '.l:Nt>EX. 320 Grysogon, 179; Joan, 180; John, 178 (4), 179 (10), 180 (7), 200; Katherine, 179 (2), 180 (3 ), 182 ; Margett, 179; Richard, 179 (2), 180 (3) ; Robert, 179, 180; Silvester, 178, 179, 180; Stephen, 179 (3), 180 (3), 182 ; Thomas, 179 (2), 180. Thomas, Jeffrey, lxi ; John, Ix vii ; .l:tichard, Ixi; Prior of Christchurch, 36. Thompson, James, 52; Joan, 52; William, bequest, 52. Thoresby, Richard, chaplain, 259. Thorn, William, chronicle of, 207 n, 210 n. Thornden, Richard, Bishop of Dover, 219; Richard, 115. Thornton, Mr., vicar, 184. Thorningabyra farm, 205. Thorpe, Bridget, 182; Richard, 182; Sara, 180; -, 180. Throwley, 104. Thurnham, vicar of, 120. Thwates, Edward, 90. Ticehurst Church, 111. Tila.r, John, bequest, 270. Tilbury, co. Essex, 271. 'l'llbury. East, manor, 272. Tilden, New England emigrant, 225. Titsey, l:x:v. Tohill, William, 238. Tonbridge, castle of, 172; lowy of, 162, 172 ; Richard of, 172; Township of, 2, 163, 167, 168, 171, 172. Tordo:x:, Steven, 195. Torpe, William, bequeRt, 80. Toullarge, Thomas, reotor, 89. Trendham, Thomas, bequest, 52. Treweman, Thomas, rector, 84. Tripp, Bartholomew, bequest, 52. Triseha.m, Richard, bequest, 33. Tropham, Richard, bequest, 50. Trosley, 168. Tucke, Mr., 101. Tucker, Ingram, 78. 'rudeley, 167. Turner, Edward, vicar, 188; Edward, 188; John, vicar, 191; John, 188; Mary, 188, 230 ; Robert, vioar, 229, 230; 'rhomas, 188; Mr., 101, 102, 188. Twydall, flint implements at, 275 ; lands, 276 ; orchards in, 276. Twyford bailiwick, 163, 165. Tyboll, see Theobald. Tye, John, bequest, 30. '.l.'ylman, Alexander, 180; Edward, 180 ; Margaret, 180. Tysted, William, 106. Tytbesye, Ralph de, rector, lxvii. u Ulcombe, 168; rood loft, 119. Umfrey, '.l.'homas, 43. U nderdowne, John, bequest, 45 ; Nicholas, 45. University College, London, 281. Upchurch, church, 36; marshes, 285; pottery-making industry, 285 ; Roman kilns, etc., discovered, 285 . Upland, hundred, 168. Upsepham, 171. Usbarn, Thomas, bequest, 84. V Vallan.ce,Aymer, F.S.A., The Fittings of Medimval Churches, :x:l. Valouns, Joan, 40; Sir Stephen, f0. See also de Valance. Vane, Alce, 179; Edward, 179; Eme, 179; Joan, 181; Richard, 181; Robert, 179. Van-Luer or Van-dure, Samuel, vicar, 181. Vannescombe alias Swannescombe, John, 78. Vaughan, William, 194. Veal, Amy, 72, 75; Daniel, 75; Elizabeth, 67, 72, 75 ; Nicholas, 72, 76 ; Thomas, 75 ; William, Controller of the Customs at Dover, 64, 65, 67, 68, 711i, 75; William, 75; Young, 67, 68, 68 n, 71, 71 n, 72, 78, 75 ; Mrs., 64. Vertue, Robert, bequest, 44; Simeon, 44. Victoria and Albert Museum, plaster panels from Stodmarsh secured by, 54, 58, 59. Vilestone Manor, 2. Vincent, Agnes, bequest, 43 ; Talbott, 42. Vygors, John, 106. w Wakeley, Seymour, 285. Waldershare (Waldershire), curate of, 101, 108. Wale, Katherine, 179; Thomas, 179, 200. Walker, John, 182 ; Mary, 181 ; Robert, 181 ; -, 182, 188. Wallace, Matthew, vicar, 231, 232; Rev. Dr., 232. Waller (Wauller), Alice, 179; Elizabeth, 182 ; ,John, 182 ; Margaret, 182; Mary, 182; Richard, 182,188 ; Thomas, 182 ; -, 180. 326 GEN'ERA.L l:NbKX. Waller, Messrs., monumental brasses, 134. Walloppe. Thomas, 106. Walmer. Upper, the church of, 283; e(1rthworks at Hawk's Hill in, 298. Walpole, St. Peter in Norfolk, church of, xl. Walpole, Robert, bequest, B8 ; William, 4:l. Walter, Archbishop, 209 ; ,John, 18 ; Paul, 18. Ward, Andr􀉰w, 96 : Horatio Nelson Thompson, 234; Philip. vicar, 284, :!35 ; Adml., liv : Gen. Georg-e, liv. Ward, ,J. H. M., Jfa,nua1 on Jfonumental Bra.􀉱.􀉲r.􀉳, 136. \Vardens' Accounts of Rochester Bridge, 271. Ware, ..\ lice, 192. Warham, William, Archbishop, I, 2, 3, 4, ii, 7, 23,216,217. Warren, Gen, Sir Charles, G.C.M.G., F.R.S., on Highways of Primitive Man in Kent, xcix. Warren. Hierom, H/5 ; ixlr., I 14. Washlingstone, hundred of, 167, mg, Waterman, Rev. W. Gardner, Presentation to, lxi. Watson, Alice, 66, 70, 75 ; Mary, 71, 182; Michael, 182; -, 18:l. Watte, Agnes, 3u; Simon, bequest, 30. Watts, John, bequest, 26. Weald of Kent, I B, 168, 172 ; forest of. 168, 169 ; History of the, 205. Weald, Early Charter of the, Notes on, by H. S. Cowper, F.S.A,; placfl names, 203,205,206; translation of, 204. Weaver, Alice, 186 ; Margaret, 187 ; Richard, vicar, 186. Webb (Wehbe), Elizabeth, 186; John, vicar, 90 ; .Nicholas, bequest, 42 ; Nicholas, 186 ; William, 255 ; Mistress. 116. Well, chapel, 105, 107. Welles, Michael, bequest, 48. Welling, 276. Werton, Anne, 182 ; John, 182. West, Robert, 106. Westborn, Alice, 51; William, 51. W eijtcliffe, church of, 111. Westenhanger, St. Mary, Rectors and Patrons, by the Rev .• '.r. Shipdem Frampton, M.A., , F.S.A., 82 ; ohurch of "Ostringhangre '' ip. 1291, 82 ; l>equests to the ohurch, by Sir ,John I{iriel, his wife and other members of his family, 82 ; bequests by other persons, 82, 83 : chapel in. erected by Sir Edward Poynings, K.G., 83; the font;, 83 ; the nave, 83; rectors and patrons, 84. Westenhanger House, Notes on the remains of, by George Clinch, F.G.S., F.S.A. Scot., 76; the church and traditions connected with it. 76 ; Leland's account of. 77 ; mention of m1trauders of, in the Patent Rolls, 78 : ancient spelling, 77 ; ownership named on Patent Rolls, 77 ; plan of in a MS. in British Museum, 79 ; plan in .Ai·chmolo,qia, Cantiana, vol. :x:vii, 79 ; description of, 79, 80 ; description of Tudor work, 80 ; its connection with Bodiam and Scotney Castles, SO ; list of books relating to, 81. Wester ham, bequest to the poor, 191 ; hundred, 69,170,171,173; Opland, lxi, 170. Westerham Church, brasses in, liii ; chapel of St. Catherine in, liii ; church plate, !iv ; financial statement by the vicar to the prior of Christ Church, Canterbury, lvi ; Canon G. M. Livett on the of, !iv; Dr. Maude on, lii; memorial tablet for Gen. Wolfe, !iii; meeting of Society at, xlix; Piscina, liii ; restoration of, !iii; Streatfield memorial window, liii; tower, liv. Westerham-cum•Edenbridge, architecture of, lxix ; rectors of, lxvii ; perpetual vicarage and advowson of, lxviii ; tombs, lxx. Westminster, Abbey of St. Peter, !xiv. Weston, Sir Thomas, 113. Westus. Mr., 115. Whatman, Lawrence, bequest, 32. Wheler, Capt. George, 284, "Whiston, Rev. Jonathan, 230 ; Mary, 230. White, Alice, bequest, 32; John, 90; Stephen, 32. Whitefeild, Clement, 2-18 ; Herbert, 24ii, 246, 247 ; Martha, 2,151 246, 247, 249, 250, Whitfield earth works, 298. Whiting, Wiliiam, 28·1·, Whitley rroreAt, 11>, 168. Whitlock, Agne8,45; Joan, 58; John, bequest, 26; John, •!o, 48, GENERAL INDEX. 327 Whitmore, Herbert, lxv. Whittle, Anne, 184 ; Hester, 184 ; Thurston, 184 ; William, reotor, 184; Mr., 184. Whittlesey, Archbishop, 86. Whope, 'l'homas, 51. Whyte, Anne, bequest, 47. Whytyngton, Richard, Lord Mayor of London. lxiv. Wiokenden, John, 18. Wideden, Stephen, bequest, 30. Widmere, Sir Nicholas, 213. Wierton in Boughton l\fonchelsea (Wiolhtringden), 205. Wilkes, manor of, lxi. Wilkins (Wilkyns), Anne, 186 (4), 187, 188 (fi) ; Edward, 186 (ll), 187 (2), 188 (6) ; Elizabeth, 185 (2), 18G (2), 187 ; Ellen, 187 ; Frances, 18G; George, 182, 185 (4), 186, 187 (ll); James, 186, 187; John, 187, 188 ; Marie, 18!l, 187 ; Mary, 182 ; Michael, 185 ; Ralph, 185, 186 (2), 18i (2); Richard, 187 ; Susan, 185, 187 ; Thomas, 186, 187 ; William, 187. Wilkinson, Richard, 228. William the Conqueror, a charter of, lxv. William, John, 237. Williams, Elizabeth, 188 (4) ; Humphrey, 188 (6) ; Humphrey, vicar, 188; Mary, 188 ; William, 188 (2). Willoughby, -, Esq., 9. Willyams, Anthony, 199. Winchepe, John, 52. Windows, low-side, notes on, xlv. Wilson, Robert, bequest, 33 ; Robert, Rector of Hin:x:hill, 100. Winchelsey, Earl of, 228. Winchelsey, Archbishop, xli, xlvii, 208, 209. Winchester, Bishop of, 244. Windsor (Wynesor), 113 ; Chapel Royal at, 113 n ; presentment in, 109. Winkland. earthworks at Oaks Farm in, 298. · Wiseman. Anne, 184; Charles, 18·1; Frances, 184 ; Gusanne, 183 ; William, I 8·1 ; Mr., 183. Witherden farm, 205. Wittersham, church of, 36. Wiwarlet, lnthe of, 162, 163. Wode, Margaret, ,iU ; John, 50 ; 'l'homas, bequest, 270. Wodehouse. Edmund, 88. Wodesburgh, John, Prior, 40. Woghope, Thomas, 51. Wohoppe, Henry, 51. W olball, Peter, 248. Wolfe, General, !iii. Wolffe, .Tohn, 18; Thomas, 18. Wolsey, Cardinal, 8. Wolvey, Richard, rector, 89. ·wood (Woode), James, 18,250; Richard. 27ll ; Thomas, 242. Woodhouse, John, 48. Woodnesborought, 108, 109. Woodruff, Rev. C. Eveleigh, on Extracts from original documents illustrating the progress of the Reformation in Kent, 92; the :British Oppidum, Squerryes Court, lvii ; St. Martin's Church, Canterbury, lxxxiii. Woodward, Elizabeth. 186. Woolpit, Suffolk, rood iu the church of, xlv. Wootton, parish of, in the bailiwick of Eastry, 165. Worceter, Thomas, 98. W ornden in Marden, 205. Wotton, Thomas, 18. Wotton, presentment at, 106. Wriothesley, Lord Chancellor, 244. Wright, Oliver, 66, 70. Wrotham, mentions of, 174,175,177; church of, xl, liv, lxi. Wulfric, Abbot, 294, 295. Wye, destruction of altars, 103. Wybourn, William, 106. Wyghtman, William, rector, 90. Wyllie, Rev. Robert, 284. Wymingswold, vicar of, 96, 100 ; rood loft, font, etc., 110. y Ykham, see Iokham. Yong, Richard, bequest, 28 ; Thomas, bequest, 29. Yorke, Richard, 185; Stephen, 187 ; Mr., 187 ; William, bequest, 48. Youens, Mr. E. C., 16, 286. Young (Yong), Alice, 66, 68, 69, 70, 71 ; Elizabeth, 66, 68, 70, 71, 75; Nicholas, 66, 70, 71, 75; Thomas, 70; Capt. William, 65, 66, 68, 69, 70 ; William, 65, !i6, 70, 72, 73, 75; Capt., 61!, 70, 71. Yule, Colonel, 65. Loudon; Mitchell Hui:;hes & Olnrke, 140 Wardour Street, W.


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