
P:RO􀃛EEDINGS, i9i4. I Cl ®bituar!J. WE regret to have to record the death, on the 13th of March last, of Mr. W. EssrnG•roN HUGHES, the senior partner of the firm of Mitchell Hughes and Clarke, the publishers and printers of Arch<1Jologia Oantiana. Mr. HUGHES, who was 83 years of age, joined the above firm in 1856, and· since 1874, when his firm took over the printing and publishing of .A.rclu1Jolo,qia OMl,fiana, has taken the keenest interest in the affairs of the Kent Archooological Society. For the past. thirty-three yeArs be had acted as Hon. Loca.l Secretary for the London District, a.nd was a regular attendant at the Summer Excursions of the Society. Mr. HUGHES was a :Fellow 0£ the Royal Historical Society, and a. Member of the Council 0£ the British Arcbieological Association.


The Manor House and Great Park of the Archbishop of Canterbury at Otford


Further Notes from Kentish Wills