The Rectors and Vicars of St Mildred's Tenterden: With an Appendix

/' "'"•J THE TOWER OF TENTERDEN CHURCH. t. L Lll'.c. J:idltj, frut,rJcu. ( 207 ) THE REO'l'ORS AND VICARS OF ST. MILDRED'S, TENTERDEN. WITH AN APPENDIX. BY A. H. '!'AYLOR. THE Church of St. Mildred the Virgin at Tenterden-one of only four1 which bear this dedication in the county of Kent-is tL building of much interest. The lofty and beautiful tower at the west end has the uncommon feature of a double doorway, and has been carefully restored within the last few years. It was erected during the second half of the fifteenth century. This tower, or mther one that preceded it, is well known in connection with the legend of Tenterden Steeple being the cause of the Goodwin Sands. The purpose of this pa.per, however, is not to give a history or description of the building, but to give a list of those clergy who have ministered in the church at Tenterden for over seven hundred years. The earliest name on record is that of- HUGO NORMAN, clerk, temp. Henry II. and Richard I., Who is stated2 tu have been presented to the Church of Tentwarden by the .-\ bbot (Roger de Lurdingden) of St. Augustine's, Canterbury, in the time of King Richard I. (1189-1199). At a visitation by the Arch in the church as shall be seen most needful and necessary by the most discreet men 0£ the parish, 668 8°. Twenty pounds to be bestowed in the church in or about the new "sealing" in the roo£ 0£ the body 0£ the church, or in making a new window on the north side of the high altar near to the image 0£ St. Mildred. (A. 17, 7.) A view 0£ the north side 0£ the church facing the preceding page shews distinctly the ' Vice ' or turret before mentioned. 'fhomas Strekenbold was elected Bailiff 0£ Tenterden for the years 1476, 1481 and 1485. NoTE.-Extracts from wills proved in the Archidiaconal and Consistorial Courts at C,tnterbury have been kindly supplied by Arthur Hussey, Esq. Those from the Prerogative Court of Canterbury have been extracted bymyself.-A.H.'l'.


A Wealden Charter of A.D. 814


Symonson, maker of the Map of Kent: Dated 1576-1596