Accounts and Balance Sheet From 1st January to 31st December 1920

ACCOUNTS A1TD BALANCE SHEET EEOM 1ST JANUAEY TO 31ST DEOBMBEE 1920. xlvi KENT ARCH^IOLOGICAL JBV, Balance Sheet at LIABILITIES. £ s. d. £ s. d. Sundry Creditors :— Corporation of Maidstone for rent of Library accrued 22 10 0 Provision for outstanding Accounts 10 0 0 Annual Subscriptions paid in advance 27 10 0 Canterbury Wills 4 2 0 64 2 0 Research Fund as per last Balance Sheet 29 6' 9 Accumulated Fund :— Balance as per last Balance Sheet 2302 13 10 Less amount of decrease to bring value of Consols to 44, and .National War Bonds to 94i 140 7 10 2162 6 0 Add Excess of Income over Expenditure for the year 32 5 8 2194 11 8 £2288 0 5 W J. KING- AND SON, Chartered Accountants, GBAVESEND. 1921, SOCIETY. xlvii 31st December 1920. (£t\ ASSETS. £ s. d. £ s. d. Cash at the Union of London & Smith's Bank, Ltd. (Maidstone), Current Account 225 8 5 <" Cash in hands of Collector 2 10 0 Petty Cash in hand 3 13 9 — 231 12 2 Investment in 5 per cent. National War Bonds 192S, as last 200 0 0 Less Loss on revaluation at 94£ 11 0 0 189 0 0 Investment in Consols £1879 12 8 as last 953 8 7 Purchased during year 84 1 9 40 0 0 £1963 14 5 993 8 7 Less Loss on revaluation at 44 per cent 129 7 10 S64 0 9 Library and Collection at Maidstone Museum ns last 1000 0 0 Insurances paid in advance 8 7 0 (Subscription Arrears, as per list, £19.) £2288 0 5 Examined, compared with Vouchers, and found correct. mh February 192J, WALTER O. STUNT, | ff ^ CHARLES H. PRAKE, > f xlviii KENT ARCH^IOLOGICAL H t . Account of Beceipts and Payments, RECEIPTS. £ s. d. £ s. d. To Balance from last Account:— Cash at Maidstone Bank—Current Account ... 2S5 2 6 Less Petty Cash overspent S 9 2 270 13 4 „ Annual Subscriptions received, including arrears . 279 0 0 „ Records Branch 2 10 0 „ Sale of Publications 31 5 0 „ Dividend on Consols (to* Tax) 33 5 5 „ Subscriptions (excess payments by Subscribers) ... 0 7 10' „ Entrance Fees 26 0 0 „ Life Compositions 40 0 0 ] „ Interest on War Bonds 10 0 0 „ Income Tax recovered to 5 April 1920 27 12 9 £726 14 4 W. J. KING AND SON, Clustered Accountants, GBAVESEND. 1921, SOCIETY. xlix 1st January to 31st December 1920. <£r. PAYMENTS. £ x. d. £ .«. d. By Porter's Wages 6 12 O „ Curator's Salary 40 0 0 „ Printing, Stationery and Postages 52 3 5 „ Rent of Rooms 80 0 0 „ Fire and Burglary Insurance 3 7 (> „ Employers' Liability Insurance 0 12 0 „ Accountancy and Disbursements (19i9) 6 12 (> „ Subscription to Archaeological Congress 1 0 0 „ Subscription to Harleian Society 2 2 0 ,, Expenses of production of Publications :— Sundry persons re Volume XXXIV 22 15 11 Mitchell Hughes and Clarke, re Vol. XXXIV. (Balance of cost) 171 0 6 Mitchell Hughes and Clarke, on account of Vol. XXXV 50 0 0 243 16 5 „ Miscellaneous Expenses ;> 7 11 6 ,, Subscriptions to Records Branch 3 0 O „ Collector's Commission on colleotion of Subscriptions 6 18 6 „ Invested in Consols (£84 1*. 9d.) 40 0 O „ Special Grant for Excavations at St. Augustine's Abbey 25 0 O „ Expenses at Annual Meeting 16 6 4 „ Grant towards Expenses of Part III. Calendar Canterbury Wills 10 0 O „ Balance carried forward :— Cash at Maidstone Bank—Current Account ... 225 8 5 Petty Cash in hand 3 13 9 Cash in hands of Oolleotor 2 10 0 231 12 2 £726 14 4 Examined, compared with Vouohers, and found correct. WALTER C. STUNT, ) -Z . . .. CHARLES H. DRAKE, J *"*• A"A*™- 2(W/t February 1921. d KENT ARCHAEOLOGICAL 10V. Income and Expenditure Account £ s. d. £ .v. d. To Rent of Library and Council Chamber at Maidstone 30 0 0 „ Curator's Salary 40 0 0 ., Porter's Wages fi 12 0 „ Fire and Employers'Liability Insurance 3 19 6 ., Printing and Stationery 52 3 5 „ Subscription to Archaeological Congress 10 0 „ „ Harleian Society 2 2 0 „ Accountancy:— W. J. King and Son, Fee and Disbursements, 1919 6 12 6 „ Volume XXXIV. :— Mitchell Hughes and Clarke, Balance of cost... 117 IS o Other persons 22 15 11 140 13 11 „ Volume XXXV. :— Mitchell Hughes and Clarke, on account of cost of Production 50 0 0 190 13 11 „ Miscellaneous Expenses 7 11 6 „ Collector's Commission 6 18 6 „ Expenses of Annual Meeting 16 6 4 ,, Special Grant for Excavations at St. Augustine's Abbey 25 0 0 „ Grant towards Expenses of Part I I I . Calendar Canterbury Wills 10 0 0 „ Excess of Income over Expenditure for the year carried to Accumulated Fund, vide Balance Sheet 32 5 8 £431 5 4 W. J. KING AND SON, Chartered Accountants, „^4 GRAVESEND. -' 1921. SOCIETY. li for Year ended 31st December 1920. ffir. £ .1. d. £ *. d. By Annual Subscriptions received, including Arrears 276 10 0 „ Entrance Fees 26 0 0 „ Life Compositions 40 0 0 ,, Sale of Publications 31 5 0 „ Dividends on Consols (less Tax) - 33 5 5 „ Income Tax repaid to 5th April 192U 13 17 1 „ Subscriptions, excess payments by Subscribers ... 0 7 10 ,. Interest on War Bonds 10 0 0 Examined, compared with Vouchers, and found correct. £431 5 4 26th February 1921. WALTER C. STUNT, | ,, . ... CHARLES H. DRAKE, f Hm- Avd*m


Accounts and Balance Sheet From 1st January to 31st December 1919


A Roman Cemetery Discovered at Ospringe in 1920