Ash Wills
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A Roman Cemetery Discovered at Ospringe in 1920
Architectural Notes on St Edmund Church, Kingsdown near Sevenoaks
C 17 ) ASH WILLS. (Continued from Vol. XXXIV., p. 62.) BY ARTHUR HTJSSEY. WILLIAM CEEKE. 8 Sept. 1518. Buried in the churchyard of St. Nicholas. High altar 3s. id. To the gilding of the Eood Loft 26s. 8d.; to the High Cross light half a seame of malt. Sir John Hobson have £3 6s. 8d. to sing half a year for my soul, etc., at St. John's altar. Wife Agnes have £10, a cow, seame of wheat and of malt, also all her household goods she brought to me—i.e., fourteen platters, two pewter dishes, two saucers, two salts, four brass pots, four lavers, seven candlesticks, one brewing pan with two eris (knobs) a posnet, feather bed, coverlet, seven pairs of sheets, the hangings of a bed, f rying pan, two spits, andiron, gridiron, two chests, and a horse. Residue of goods after paying debts, etc., to son Richard. Ex'ors : Son Richard and John Penne. Witnesses: Laurence Moytt, Silvester Estas, Robert Hawsennd. Probate 9 Dec. 1518. (W., fol. 151.) G-EOITBEY CEEKE.* 15 March 1523-4. Buried in the churchyard of St. Nicholas. High altar 12d. Son Edward have a little brass pot, kettle, two platters, a cow of two years old, half a seame of barley, aud to his children half a seame among them. JefHery my god-son have a cow calf. Elyn Nott my daughter, the middle brass pot and two pewter platters, a seame of wheat and a cow; to Alice Knott (sic) her daughter a cow calf. To the Chapel of Richeborough three ewes. Alice Boughton have a bushel of wheat and of malt at her marriage. Marione Peryn my maid have a cow calf. That my Ex'ors for four years keep yearly dirige and mass for my soul in the church of Ash. Residue of goods after paying debts, etc., half to each of my sons William and Edward. Ex'ors : Son William and Thomas Nott of Wingham. Witnesses: Sir John Simpson, curate at that time, Thomas Golde, Peter Pay, William Peryn. [No probate date.] (W., fol. 176.) * Geoffrey Creke and Thomas Goold were the two chief parishioners of the Ohapel at Meet in Sept. 1511 when Abp. "Warhain held his visitation. VOI,. XXXV. 0 18 ASH WILLS. • GEOEGE CEEKE. 9 Dec. 1553. Buried in the churchyard. Silvester Golde my Ex'or have all my moveable goods to pay my debts, etc., and keep my son Jefferay Creke until he is 21 years of age, then Jefferay have £12, bufc^'if he die to the children of Silvester Golde. Witnesses: John Blake, James Wilborough. Probate 3 April 1554. ' (Con. Vol. XXV., fol. 51.) JEFPEEAY CEEKE. 21 Oct. 1551. Buried in the churchyard. To poor people 20^. To my mother a bushel of wheat and malt. Bennet, Alice, and Joan my daughters, each have 20s. at their marriage or age of 20 years, to be paid by Joan my wife. Ex'or: Wife Joan, and have residue. That my wife have my house and lands until sons Silvester and John are 18 years old, and my wife to bord my loft and make an entry without the south door. Son Silvester have the house and lands which belonged to Edward Creke my father. Son John when 23 years old have all my lands bought from George Creke. If sons die, then to my daughters. Witnesses: John Rede, John Hilles, James Tippen, Thomas Brooke. Probate IS Jau. 1554-5. (Con. Vol. XXVI., fol 17.) WILLIAM CEOETE. 28 March 1513. Buried in the churchyard of St. Nicholas. High altar 12d. At my burying five masses of the Pive Wounds of Our Saviour; at my month's mind the Mass of the Trinity, of the Nativity of Christ, of the Holy Spirit, of Our Lady, and of Requiem. To the Cross Light id.; to the Hoclight 1 lb. of wax. My mother have 3s. id. Daughter Alice at her marriage Q6s. 8d.; but if she die, then five nobles (33s. id.) in masses and repair of bad roads in Ash; and five nohies to my wife. JafHery Page have my violet gown, and old Jolm Midilton my tawney jacket. John Rollys my prentice have a quarter of malt; Benedict Page my servant 5s.; Robert Molond my gilded coat or coat of white that I had of gift from Master Digge. Richard Croft my brother 3s. id. Ex'ors: Wife Benedict and Richard Croft. Residue of goods after paying debts, to my wife. Witnesses: Sir Thomas Boode, Nicholas Toung, John Midilton. Probate 13 May 1513. (W., fol. 139.) ASH WILLS. . 19 THOMAS CTJLVEEHOTJSE. 1 Oct. 1497. Buried in the churchyard of St. Nicholas. -Wife Alice have two acres of land at Pleet, of which half an acre to be sold after her death, and the money to be done for our souls. The other acre and half divided among my children (not named). Ex'or: Wife Alice, and have residue. Witnesses: William Symon, Simon Gason. [No probate date.] (W., fol. 5.) WILLIAM DADE. 8 Sept. 1493. Buried in the churchyard. High altar 12d. After paying debts, each of my children (not named) have a quarter of corn. Ex'or: Wife Juliane, and have the residue. Witnesses: Thomas Dade, Nicholas Kebill, Thomas Prench. [No probate date.] (W., fol. 103.) SIMON OE DOWNE. 3 April 1494. Buried in the churchyard of St. Nicholas. High altar 20d. Isabel and Joan my daughters, each have 40s. and six ewes, but if they both die, to be bestowed half to the church and half in the highways, at the discretion of my Ex'ors. John a Downe my father have a seame of wheat and of malt, a cow, and russet gown. John Hoole half a seame of wheat and of malt. William Oweyn two bushels of barley and a lamb. John Smith one ewe. Richard Hole 6s. 8fl!. Ex'ors: Wife Joan and Richard Hole, with Master Walter Sherborne overseer. Residue after paying debts, etc., to my wife Joan. [No probate date.] (W., fol. 106.) JOHN DOWNS. 28 April 1495. Buried in the churchyard of St. Nicholas. High altar Gd.; and to the Chapel of Overland 12$. Isabel the daughter of my son, have 6s. 8d. and a little coffer; Jone the daughter of my son 6s. 8d. and a little brass pot. Reparation of the foul way afore my tenement six loads of gravel. Residue of goods after paying debts, etc., to Robert Pinnok my Ex'or, to dispose for my soul, with Stephen Porde overseer. Wife Margaret have my tenement with two acres of land for her life, then to Robert Pinnok and his heirs for ever, paying for the same £4, of which money my daughter Elyn have 13s. id. on condition she makes no claim to my lands; and residue of money disposed for my soul, wife, etc. After my death three yards of arable land at Stoppes to Robert Pinnok, he paying 20s. and the money to be disposed for me. Probate 12 July 1496. (W., fol. 2.) o 2 20 ASH WILLS. HENET DOWNING. 16 January 1497-8. Buried in the churchyard of St. Nicholas. High altar 20d.; and to the reparation of the church where most need is 12d.; to the Light of the Street called the Hokke light Qd. Residue after paying debts, etc., to wife Alice my Ex'or. Wife Alice have all my places and lands during her life, then except the place next the cross where one John Overy now dwells, to John my son and his heirs; but the place before excepted shall go to the use and profit of the Chantry of John Sevaunce [Septvans], upon condition it be expended for a yearly Obit in the church of 5s. upon the expense of the chantry priest, and also every priest daily and yearly to pray for the souls of the said Henry Downing, his wife, and the soul of Sir John and my Lady Sevaunce, and his friends. [No probate date.] " (W., fol. 14.) ALICE DOWNING, widow, 11 July 1511. Buried in the churchyard beside the body of Henry Downing, late my husband. To the Hoke-tide Light in the church 12d.; and towards maintaining the Lights of Our Lady 2 lbs. of wax. All my body raimeut to poor people. In bread, ale and cheese to poor people of the parish present at my burial, to the value of 10s. At my day of burial or morrow after 30 masses; also an Obit of a dirige and 15 masses yearly for seven years. To the Priars of Sandwich 6s. 8d., that on the day of my burial they come to Ash and sing a dirige and mass for my soul, etc. Towards maintaining the Mass of Jesus at the Westgate [Holy Cross] of Canterbury, that my name be rehersed in the book of the names of the brothers and sisters, and for eight masses for my soul 20s. Sir William Harnhill, priest, have a pair of sheets, my best chest, and five marcs (66s. 8d.). To the repair of bad roads in Ash 20s.; and the bad way beyond the parsonage of Ash 20s. That Constance Carderowe and her daughter Margery have in money and household stuff 20s.; Thomas Powle 40s.; Sir Thomes Bode, vicar of Ash, 20s., that he say two trentals of masses for my soul; James Hole 6s. 8d.; and to poor people in shirts, smocks, hoses and shoes, 40s. An Obit be done four times for the soul of Sir John Middelton to the value of 18s. 8d. Peoffees of all my lands and tenements: Sir William Harnhill and Thomas Bode, clerks, and Thomas Powle. Lands and tenements to be sold by my ex'or, and the money to fulfill my will, except the yearly issues, etc., from AsH WILLS. 21 the messuage and garden in which I now dwell, remain to Sir John Ireland, chantry priest of the Chantry of John Septvance, esquire, in the parish of Ash, and to his successors for ever, on condition the chantry priest keep a yearly Obit of 3s. id. for ever. But if the Obit is not kept then to the parish church of Ash, so that the wardens for the time being keep the yearly Obit as above, and my Peoffees to enfeoffe the messuage, etc., to ten or twelve good and discreet persons of the parish. Residue after paying debts, etc., to my ex'or Sir William Harnhill,* in charitable deeds for my soul. Witnesses: Thomas Bode, clerk, Sir John Ireland, Sir Stephen James, Thomas Powle. Probate 26 July 1511. (W., fol. 50.) JOHN DOWNING. 19 Peb. 1507-8. Buried in the churchyard beside the body of Harry Downing late my father. High altar id. Wife Mildred have all such household stuff in my house at my death, also a horse, cow, bullock and plough, and 5 marcs in money to be paid by Alice my mother. All grain and corn in my barn, etc., equally between Mildred my wife and Alice my mother. John Middleton have my second gown, that I had from Sir William Harnhill. Alice my mother have to her and her heirs all my lands and tenements which belonged to my father, with all the corn and grain growing. Residue after paying debts to Alice my mother and ex'or. Witnesses: John Sanders, clerk, vicar of Ash, John Eastwood, chaplain, John Middleton. [No probate date.] (W., fol. 106.) RoBEET DHEWE. 15 Peb. 1522-3. Buried in the churchyard. High altar 3s. id. Daughter Alice when she is fourteen years of-age, have 20s., a cow and six ewes. To the child my wife goeth with 10s. when fourteen years of age, each heir to the other, but if both die, then my wife bestow the money in masses and charitable deeds. To the light of the church over St. Thomas 12d. Residue after paying debts, etc., to wife Juliane my ex'or, with Robert Southowsand, overseer. Witnesses: Sir Richard Bakar, Thomas Bryan, Richard Crocker. [No probate date.] (W., fol. 173.) * William Harnhill was a chaplain of Holy Cross, Canterbury, in which church he was buried in 1516, giving to the Wardens of the Brotherhood of Jesus in that church all the profits from two pieces of land in the parish of Ash, called Suspetts and the Earthing, for a yearly Obit of 3*. 4d. (A., Vol. XIII., fol. 1.) 22 ASH WILLS. RlCHAED ESTWELL. 24 Jan. 1510-11. Buried in the churchyard. High altar 8d.; to the Light of St. Nicholas id,; to the church of St. Lawrence in Thanet id. Wife Alice have £20, and meat and drink sufficient until the next Peast of St. Michael, also a cow, two hoggs, two quarters of wheat, barley and malt, all my instuff and wearing gear, all my geese and hens. Residue after paying debts to Richard a Beere my ex'or, to dispose for my soul. My lands, tenements, etc., in Sturrey or elsewhere. Wife Alice have for her life ten acres of land in Sturrey, and if she is with child, then all remain to the same child, but if no child or the child die, then remain to Richard a Bere and his heirs. Witnesses: Stephen Sheperd, clerk, William Drewe, William Blakisland. Probate 3 Oct. 1513. (W., fol. 122.) EDWAED PANTXNG. 7 June 1471 (sic). Buried in the churchyard of St. Nicholas. High altar 6s. 8d. To the work before (coram) the Image of St. John the Baptist called Roodloft 10 marcs (£6 13s. id.). A chaplain celebrate for a year in the church and have 10 marcs. To the nave (navi capelle) of the Chapel of Richborough 20s.; to the nave of the Chapel of Hoth* 6s. 8d. To repair various bad roads in the parish 10 marcs, viz., Armyntstreet, Thornthy, Trippistreet, and the road between the vicarage and the church. Ex'or: Thomas Toller and have 20s., also after paying debts, etc., the residue to dispose for my soul. Geoffrey Creke have my messuage at Cowperstreet with eleven acres of land. John Goolde have my messuage called Benetts with four acres of land, and five rods of land at three Pontes. Richard Creke have all other lands. All moveables divided among my daughtersf (not named). Probate 18 June 1481. (W., fol. 74.) HENEY PODE. • 8 April 1479. Buried in the churchyard. High altar 2s.; to the fabric (fabrice) of the church 6s. 8d.; towards buying one Antiphoner or other book for the church 40s.; to the fabric (fabrice) of the Chapel of Richborough 3s. id. Wife Joan have a * See Archxologia Cantiana, Vol. XXXII., 100. f Joan, daughter of Edward Eanting, was wife of John Gold or Rahlyn in Deo 1482. Asfi WILLS. %& cow, 25 ewes, 4 quarters of grain, 8 quarters of corn, and four pigs called Bakyn hoggs. To my daughter a mare, and to each of my children six ewes. Thomas Luke a cow, six ewes and a quarter of corn. Residue of goods after paying debts, etc., to my ex'ors, Thomas Helare and Henry Downing, to dispose for my soul. Peoffees: Nicholas Aldy and Harry Downing. Wife Joan have all my lands, etc., for her life, then to William and Thomas (sic) and their heirs, but if none, to be sold and money for oar souls. Probate 14 May 1479. (W., fol. 69.) STEPHEN POEDE. 24 Oct. 1498. Buried in the churchyard of St. Isicholas. High altar 3s. id.; to the church works (sic) 3s. id. To Michael Porde, my brother, 10s.; Alice Crambroke, my sister, a kirtle cloth price 6s. 8d.; Isabell Larcam 20s.; the children of John Tokar a quarter of barley. Residue of goods to wife Margaret.* Ex'ors : wife Margaret, Simon Gason, William Lent. My wife have my place with all lands thereto for her life, except five acres of pasture at Nelle beside the place of Wm. Cokks, the which five acres to James, son of my daughter, when he cometh to the age of 22 years, and to his heirs for ever, but if he die the five acres remain to my aforesaid place, and after the death of my wife Margaret be sold, and if John Porde will buy it, he to have the same £4 within the price of any man, and the money disposed by ex'ors for the soul of Margaret, and 5 marcs (66s. 8d.) to repair bad roads where most need is, and 5 marcs among poor people. Probate at Wingham 15 Nov. 1498. (W., fol. 13.) MAEGAEET POOEDE. 28 January 1500-1. Buried in the churchyard of St. Nicholas. High altar 12d. Arnold Tuckar have a cow, featherbed with a traunson (? bolster), blanket, pair of sheets, dish, two platters, pewter dish and saucer. Richard Tucker have a mattress. Residue after paying debts, etc., to John Tuckar, my ex'or, to dispose for my soul, with John Powte overseer. If the aforesaid Arnold (sic) die within the age of 22 years the goods given to him remain to Richard Tuckar, and if Richard die then to Benett Tuckar for her * Margaret was sister to Stephen Hogham who died 1481 (see his will), and her sister Isabella was wife of Henry Musred. 24 ASH WILLS. life, and if she die within the age of 22 years, then to be sold and the money disposed for our souls. Probate 18 March 1501-2. (W., fol. 34.) WILLIAM A POED. 8 August. . . .* Buried in the churchyard. High altar 3s. id.; to the Trinity Light and the Cross Light 4 bushels of barley to each. Daughter Alice four ewes. John, my son, have my anvil and all stuff of my occupation, and £5 to he paid 20s. a year. Wife Julyane all her own household stuff that she brought over to me, and my best feather bed, two kine of mine and her own kine, 12 ewes, 12 sheep of one year, my second horse, 3 seames of wheat, 4 of barley and half the barley at Whitsun, and £3 in money. Margaret Crofte have my great brewing kettle and two ewes ; Marion Crofte my great brass pot and two ewes, each heir to the other, hut if both die before marriage, then to their father. At my burying three masses and other alms deeds 10s.; at my month's doing a seame of wheat to be made in bread and* given to poor people at the church door. Richard a Pord have all my household stuff not bequeathed, my cart and the harness, my plough and best horse. Residue after paying debts, etc., to be sold and disposed by my ex'ors for my soul. To foul ways 20s. Ex'ors: Richard a Pord and Richard Crocker, with wife Jelyon (sic) overseer. A priest to sing in the church for a year for my soul, and pray for John a Porde and his wife Joan, William a Porde and his wife Benett, William Prancis and his wife Joan. That Margaret, Anna, and Jolyan Pord each have four ewes. All my lands to he sold by my feoffees and ex'ors to Richard a Pord, my son, he to pay £10 for the same by 20s. yearly. Witnesses: Simon Gason, Richard Mayow, Laurence Omer, Thomas Holte, Richard a Porde, Richard Croker. [No probate date.] (W., fol. 205.) THOMAS POBSTALL. 4 April 1474. Buried in the churchyard of St. Nicholas. High altar 20d.; to the works (operibus) of the church 6s. 8d.; to the Chapel of Overland 6s. 8d. A chaplain celebrate for quarter of a year in the church of Ash for my soul and have 33s. id. To the * There is no year given, but the same will as " William a Vord" occurs on fol. 50, dated 8 August 1520, with probate 10 September 1620, but the wife's name is given as " Elyn." ASH WILLS. 25 Priars of Sandwich 20s. Wife Joan have all my " utensilia and hostellament"* and a cow. Residue to William Penny and my wife Joan, my ex'ors. Peoffees : William Peny and Richard Solly. Two acres and a rod of land to be sold and the money for my soul. Wife Joan have all lands and tenements for her life, then to be sold and the money disposed for our souls. Probate 6 June 1474. (W., fol. 64.) JAMES POESTALL. 4 Aug. 1494. Buried in the churchyard. High altar 12d.; to the reparation of the church six ewes; and of the churches of Preston, Elmyston and Stourmouth six ewes to each. A chaplain celebrate for my soul half a year iu Ash church and have £3 6s. 8d. John and Richard at Welle have four bushels of grain and seven quarters of wheat equally between them. Joan Badson four bushels of grain and one quarter of wheat. Joan, daughter of Thomas Omer, two cows. Residue after paying debts, etc., to William Penny of Ash and John Skinner of Sandwich, my ex'ors, to dispose for my soul. [No probate date.] (W., ibl. 106.) ALICE POESTALL. . . . . April 1499. Buried in the churchyard. Daughter Margaret have a kertle; Thomas Holback a pewter salt and dish; Richard Porstall one skadeleyn; John Porstall a bolle (bowl). Residue to son William, my ex'or. [No probate date.] (W., fol. 18.) WILLIAM POESTALL. 9 March 1516-17. Buried iu the churchyard of St. Nicholas. High altar 12d. Wife Joanf have one house with three acres of land for life, then to son John. Wife Joan have a cow, best brass pot, best chest, etc. Son John have a horse. Residue to wife Katherinef (sic) and son John, my ex'ors. Witnesses: Edward Lacy, Sir John Hobson. Probate 7 July 1517. (W., fol. 144.) WILLIAM PYNYET. 21 Nov. 1502. Buried in the churchyard of St. Nicholas. To the church work 3s. id.; to the Light of the Trinity, St. John, Our Lady of Pity, and the Rood, to each one bushel of barley. * Household furniture. See Archmologia Cantiana, Vol. XXX., p. 131. t In the will the name <>f the wife is twice given as Joan and twice as Katherine. Once Katheriue is crossed out and Joan written over. 26 ASH WILLS. Son John have a cart and two horses with the harness, a courte (sic). plough and all thereto, two kine, twenty sheep, one seame of wheat and two of barley. Daughters Agnes and Anable each have twelve sheep. Residue to wife JoaD, who with son John ex'ors. Three acres of land in the parish of Elham to be sold and the money disposed for my soul, half a year in the parish of Ash and half a year in Barham. Wife Joan have all other lands and tenements whilst a widow, but if she marry then to son John, paying 6s. 8d. yearly to his mother. Probate . . . . 1502, (W., fol. 34.) SIMON GASON.* 21 Dec. 1526. "Buried in the churchyard before St. John's altar there." High altar for tithes 3s. id.; Light of Our Lady id.; of the Trinity id. At my burying if it may reasonably, or else the morrow after, a trental of masses, and also at my month's mind. To every child of Richard Welles which were the children of Alice my daughter, wife of Richard, six ewes. Isabelle Rollys 40s. Joan my wife two kine and the best horse, thirteen ewes and 40s. Joan and Margaret, my daughters, at their marriage each have two kine, thirteen ewes and £20. That three or four discreet men of the parish shall prayse (value) all my corn, grain, cattle and household stuff—plate, brass, pewter, latyn, bedding—and the same goods to he divided into three parts, (1) to wife Joan, (2) to daughter Joan, (3) to daughter Margaret. Ex'ors: John my son and Richard Mores, each have 40s., with Robert Cooke, gentleman, overseer. Wife Joan have for her life my house in Ash street where I now dwell, and 13 acres of land, whereof three acres at Coppeswell, six acres called the Harte, a closure of half an acre lately bought from Christopher Page, two acres and a half beneath the lane leading from the street unto Goldstone, and two, acres at Oxtye; after the death of my wife to daughter Joan and her heirs, but if none to daughter Margaret and her heirs, but if none to John my son or his heirs. Also wife Joan have the profit from 44 acres of land, of which 25 acres are at Waredowne and 19 acres at Hillesdovvne, until my daughter Joan is 18 years of age or married, then my daughter have the same 44 acres and to her heirs, but if none to Margaret. Wife Joan also receive the profit from 14 acres called Mores until daughter Margaret is * Simou Gason was one of the churchwardens of Ash in September 1511, when Archbishop Warham held his visitation. ASH WILLS. 27 18 years of age or married, then to Margaret and her heirs. If both daughters die, then to the eldest son of John Gason my son and his heirs. Son John have for his life the profit from 11 acres and 3 rods of land at Paramore Street and Harmon Street, whereof 8 acres and 3 rods late were Harry Paramore's, and the other 3 acres were the church of Ash, and my son with the money keep a yearly Obit in the church with six priests and two clerks, each priest having 6d. and each clerk 3d.; to the vicar for an offering 6d., for lights about the herse 8d., to the sexton for ringing to dirige and mass lid., to 12 poor people at the Obit 12d., and to the churchwardens 20d. to bestow on bad roads; any residue to my son for his labour. After the death of son John, the income to remain to the son and heir of John my son to keep the Obit (as above). But if the Obit is not so kept, then the churchwardens for the time being have the income for the Obit, but if they fail then the Provost and Canons of Wingham, by the advice of learned counsel, shall cause a new feoffment to be made to the use of them and their successors, and they to pray for my soul, father and mother, etc. That my feoffees of this land, wrhen required by the Vicar of Ash and the churchwardens, shall deliver estate unto 10 or- 12 other persons. Probate 27 Jan. 1527-8. (W., fol. 183.) WILLIAM GIBBES. 10 March 1523-4. Buried in the churchyard of St. Nicholas. High altar 12d. Wife Sibell * have three kine, one bullock, three twelve-monthing calves, all the grain growing upon the ground, all household stuff as it standeth, two seames of wheat and one of malt. Isbell Cowper the daughter of my wife have my greatest brass pot. William my son have two steers and a bull, four seames of old wheat and four of old malt, towards the paying of my debts the 33s. 8d. that resteth in my son's hands which he oweth me; also the body of my cart and a courte (sic) with all thereto. Pascall Musred the son of my wife have my best gown; William Musred my godson one ewe and wether and two bushels of barley; Nicholas Musred a seame of barley; Nicholas Cowper my godson two bushels of barley. Son William have the cow which he has in his keeping. Residue of sheep to John the son of William Gibbes * Sibell was the widow of Edward Musred who died in 1513. and had a son Pascall. (See their Wills.) 28 AsH WILLS. my son, hut the residue of goods after paying debts, etc., to William my son and ex'or.* Witnesses: Sir John Simpson and Nicholas Musred. [No probate date.] (W., fol. 177.) ALTS GODFEET. 12 Sept. 1504. Buried in the churchyard of St. Nicholas. Daughter Maryon my best gown, kirtle, purse, ring, the best chest, etc. Various household things given to daughter Annes and sons Nicholas, Edward and Christopher. Ex'or: Thomas Prench. Probate 19 Sept. 1504. (W., fol. 35.) JOHN GOLD or RABYLYN. 20 Dec. 1482. Buried in the churchyard of St. Nicholas. High altar id. To repair a certain bad road at Pursers lane 4s. Daughter Isabelle a cow, bed and brass pot. Residue to wife Joan to dispose for my soul. Ex'ors: wife Joan and Nicholas Peny. Wife Joan have my land and tenement lately obtained from Edward Panting, father of the said Joan; also my tenement called Benetts situated in a certain street called Pater Noster Row,f with fifteen acres of land and pasture, for 18 years, then to Thomas, Edmund, William and Elene, my children. Probate 18 Peb. 1482-3. (W., fol. 75.) THOMAS GOLD. 18 Oct. 1529. Buried in the churchyard of St. Nicholas. High altar 3s. id.; to the Light of the Trinity four bushels of barley, that my wife may he a sister of that Light. To the building of the Roodloft 13s. id. A. priest sing in the church for half a year and have £3 6s. 8d. Sir William Sampson, friar, have 5s. for a trental of masses, whereof he shall say three masses at Ash. Silvester my son have two horses price 20s. each, four seames of wheat and of barley, two of tares, 200 ewes, fifteen sheep of two teeth, four kine, a bullock two years old, various household things and 40s.; and my wife Agnes keep the things until Silvester come to the age of 20 years, but if he die before then, to Thomas Prend, the son of my daughter. Daughter Marion 20s., two kine, twelve ewes, twelve sheep. To eight of my neighbours and my servants to hear * Moat Earm, south-east of Ash church, belonged to the Gibbs family, then went to the Omers.—Corner of Kent, p. 126. t There was a street of this name in Sandwich; formerly that part of Knightrider Street by St. Clement's Church. ASH WILLS. 29 -me to the church 8s. To Ash church 25 ewes, to keep a yearly obit for my soul, etc., of 3s. id. yearly. To the reparation of the Chapel of Richborough 6s. 8d. To the highway at Thornetye 6s. 8d. Residue after paying debts to my wife Agnes. Ex'ors: wife Agnes and Silvester Ewstace, with Richard Priend overseer. Wife have my lands and tenements in Ash and Eastrey until son Silvester comes to the age of 20 years, then he to have the same and to his heirs, except a house called Goffys with a garden and one acre of land, the pasture for two kine, and two loads of wood and 20s. during the life of Agnes. Witnesses: Richard Croker, Peter Pawebui-ye, Robert Saffery, John Auncell, William Ame, Peter Johnson. [No probate date.] (W., fol. 167.) RICHAED GEYME. 3 April 1549. Buried in the churchyard. To the poor people of Ash 6s. 8d. Richard Gryme my godson 10s., and to George and John Gryme 5s. each. Mentions his brother Robert. Residue after paying debts to wife Joan my ex'or, with John Catt overseer. Witnesses: Thomas Harflete, John Catt, Mary wife of John Stamar, William Hursbye. Probate 21 May 1549. (Con. Vol. XXII., fol. 20.) HUGH HAMON. 31 May 1471. Buried where it pleases God. To the wrorks (operibus) of the churches of Ash, Elmston and Wingham, 3s. id. each. Wife Alice have all my goods and utensils, also the residue after paying debts, etc. Ex'ors: wife Alice and son John. Wife have for life my lands in Ash, Elmston and Wingham, then to son John and his heirs. After my death son John have a croft of two acres and half of land at Hoden, opposite William Lambert's. Daughter Cristiana after my death have two acres of land iu the field called the Mill field at Welmeston, and to her heirs. [No probate date.] ' (Con. Vol. II., fol. 299.) NICHOLAS HAEEYS. 3 Oct. 1519. Buried in the churchyard. Thomas Harrys have my gown. Ex'or: wife Cristian, and have residue, to do at my burying four masses, etc. Witnesses : Christopher Page, William Gibbes, Peter Carpeater. Probate 3 Nov. 1519, (W., fol. 155.) 30 ASH WILLS. WILLIAM HAEEISON of Westmarsh. 31 May 1554. My body to the earth. All my goods equally divided, three parts to my three children, and the fourth part to pay debts, etc., each child have its share when 20 years of age; meantime remain in the hands of my ex'ors: Thomas Porte, Richard Porte and John Porte, my late wife's brothers. Elizabeth my eldest daughter, Alice my youngest daughter. Witnesses: Gervase Lynche, parson of Elmeston, William Rigdon of Westmarsh in Ash. Probate 3 July 1554. (Con. Vol. XXV., fol. 64.) THOMAS HELEE. 14 April 1480. Buried in the churchyard of St. Nicholas. High altar 12*?. To the fabric of the nave of the church 6s. 8d.; of the nave of Westbere 20^.; of the nave of Chislett 12d. Richard Lake have a cow and thirteen ewes. Margarete Cowper ten ewes. That there be distributed among my brothers and sisters (not named) £3. To John Sauuder, vicar of Ash, 6s. 8d.; and to John Skinner of Sandwich 6s. 8d. Ex'ors: wife Joan and John Skinner. Wife Joan have all my lands, etc., which I obtained in the parish of Heme for her life, then to be sold and the money for our souls. Probate 15 June 1480. (W., fol. 73.) THOMAS HOCHAM.'* 12 Dec. 1485. Buried in the churchyard of St. Nicholas. High altar 3s. id. Wife Alice have my best black horse. After my death until the next Peast of St. Michael, that my wife and sons shall occupy my messuage and barn, and wife Alice sow two acres of land with barley and another piece of land with heihp, and in the next year following my wife have two quarters of wheat and one of barley. Alice my daughter have my red cow, six ewes, the middle brass pot and a kettle; and my two sons shall pay unto my daughter 13s. id. after the death of my wife. Son Edmund have my best brass pot, with my messuage called Roodland (or Reedland ?) with the lands thereto. Residue equally between my wife and two sons (not named). Ex'ors: John Ilocham and Edmund Hocham (? sons). Probate 9 Peb. 1485-6, (\V\, fol. 83.) * Hocham may be a variation of the name Hougham or Hoehen. ASH WILLS. 31 JOHN HOCHYN. 14 Peb. 1521-2 [? 1520-21]. Buried in the churchyard. High altar 12c/.; to the Light of the Brodered of Nashe one bushel of barley. Residue after paying debts, etc., to wife Joan, my ex'or, with Robert Soly overseer. Wife Joan have my place at Nashe with all lands during her life, then to William Penny, paying for the same £9. Cicely Penny, my daughter, have 20s.; Marion Sawnder 20s.; to the children of Alice Soly 5s. each, but if they die under age Robert Soly have 6s. 8^. and the residue of the 20s. (sic) to be done for the souls of the children. Witnesses: Sir Thomas Prancis, Sir Thomas Clappam, Edmunde Hochyn, John Penny, Robert Soly. Probate 9 Jan. 1521-2. (W., fol. 159.) EDMONDE HUCCHYN,* yeoman. 3 April 153S. Buried in the churchyard of St. Nicholas. At my burial five masses in honour of the Five Wounds. Son Thomas have the place I dwell in, with five and half acres of land, one acre called Longcroft, five yards in the close Camlese, but if he die without issue, to my daughter. Son William four acres in Newecroft, a close called Ballysse of one and a half acres. Wife Thdmesine have a dozen of pewter vessels and various household things. Ex'ors: wife Thomesine and Roger Homer, with John More overseer. Witnesses: Salmon Porte of Stourmouth, John Harbage, John Minge, William Pelsted. Probate 14 July 1542. (W., fol. 211.) WlLLTAM HOCHEN. 4 July 1554. Buried in the churchyard. To my mother Thomasin all my right to my house and lands at Nashe, which I had from my father Edmund Hoehen. Ex'or : my mother, and have all residue. Witnesses: William Lynch, vicar of Ash, Stephen Soly, Gelbart Water, Prancis Omer. Probate 11 July 1554. (Con. Vol. XXV., fol. 67.) i. JOHN HOOLE. 13 Sept. 1518. Buried in the churchyard. High altar 12t7. Thomas Eenett 12d. Agnes Hoole a lamb. Custance and Agnes, * Edmund Hochyn and William Lewys were the churchwardens of the Chapel oE Overland in September 1511, when Archbishop Warham held his visitation. 32 ASH WILLS. my daughters, each have a cow, six ewes and a brass pot. That ten loads of gravel be laid against my lands at Oxtey Cross. To the Priars of Sandwich 20d. Ex'or : wife Agnes, aud to have for her life my house and lands, then to daughter Agnes. Custance, my daughter, have three acres of land at Oxtye and Soole, also four acres at Hillsfields and one acre in Sellingers field. Prohate 30 Sept. 1518. (W., fol. 149.) ALICE HOLE, widow. . . . . 1534. Buried in the churchyard. To the Trinity altar or light 14^. Thomas Brown have a kettle, pewter platter, iron wegge, if he live to marry, or if not to John Powte and his heirs. Cecilie Mores to her marriage 3s. id. and a pewter dish. Ex'or: John Powte, with Laurence Omer overseer. Residue to John Powte. A herse cloth to the church of Ash to be bought within a year of my death. Witnesses : Laurence Omer, Richard Croker. Probate 4 March 1534-5. (W., fol. 195.) JAMES HOLE. 17 June 1536. Buried in the churchyard of St. Nicholas. To my brother Thomas Hole, to be overseer of my Will and to see my son John well ordered, 6s. 8c?. Ex'or: Thomas Kennett, my son-in-law. Nicholas, son of Thomas Hole, have 12d., and James Kennett 12d. My brother Thomas Hole' and Thomas Kennett shall receive from my brother William Hole 40s. he owes me, and bestow part at my burial and part at my month's mind". Cicile Mores have a platter and candlestick. Residue of goods to son John. Witnesses: Richard Browne, John Bell, William Synglesse, Probate 12 July 1536. (W., fol. 203.) STEPHEN HOGHAM.* 6 Oct. 1479. Buried in the churchyard. High altar 3s. id. Wife Joan have two quarters of grain and five of corn, a horse, cow, pig and two young pigs, and all the things of my house. Ex'ors: Henry Musred and Stephen Afford. Peoffee : Laurence Omer. That one acre of land at Bynbergh be sold. Wife Joan * Hogham and Houham are possibly variations of the name Hougham or Hufiham. ASH WILLS. 33 have 13s. id. yearly to keep my children until of the age of 22 years, then son Solomon have all lands and tenements paying 13s. id. to Joan, and to Geoffrey his brother and the child my wife goeth with if a boy 10 marcs. If sons die under age, then to be sold after death of Joan and the money disposed—to have one new book especially necessary in the parish church 10 marcs; and to each of his (sic) sisters, viz., Isabella, wife of Henry Musred, 5 marcs, and Margaret, wife of Stephen a Pord, 5 marcs; the residue in alms. Probate 3 March 1480-81. (W., fol. 71.) RlCHAED HOWHAM. 2 July 1485. Buried in the churchyard of St. Nicholas. High altar 12*?. On the day of my trental and anniversary 33s. id. Agnes Bodis, my mother, have 33s. id.; and to my two brothers (not named) and my sisters 6s. 8d. each. Residue after paying debts, etc., to Richard Croke and William Bodis, my ex'ors, to dispose for my soul. Probate 20 Oct. 1485. . (W., fol. 83.) STEPHEN HOUGHAM.* 20 Nov. 1556. Buried in the church. To Mr. Vicar 20d. James Bellinger of Wingham have a bushel of malt; and to poor people at my burial £4. To the amending of the high ways between Ash Street and Holl Combe 40s.; the high way at Rose Apend 10s.; and between Weddenton and Bolneys leese 10s.; the money to be delivered to my brother [in-law] John Brook to bestow the same. My lease and term -of yeears of the Marsh of the Abp. of Canterbury, called Wete Marsh, to Michael Hougham and Stephen Soly the younger during the term of the same lease. My lease and term of years of the lands of Thomas Engeham, gent., to Benet my wife during her life, then to Michael Hougham. Also my wife have five horses and geldings, whereof she to chuse two of my best horses and geldings, seven kine and the best bull, and this whole year's crop upon the ground, except all those lands in Elmeston and at Pleet. Also my shod cart, plough, three harrows, a roll, and all harness thereto, half my household stuff, all poultry, hoggs and £20, with as much wheat and malt as will serve to the * May be a son of Solomon Hougham of Preston, buried in that churoh 1518, who had property at Weddington, Ware and Nell in Ash parish, and left four sons, Stephen, Thomas, William, Solomon, and a daughter Joan. (A., Vol. XIII., fol. 172.) VOL. xxxv. » 34 ASH WILLS. maintenance of her household. My wife Benet* have for her life a maser and the use and custody of a silver salt and twelve silver spoons, then to my sons Michael and Richard. Elisabeth, my daughter, wife of Stephen Soly the younger, have £50 on condition his father, Stephen Soly the elder, assure lands and tenements of the yearly value of £6 13s. id. To the same Elisabeth twenty ewes and a good cow, and to her daughters Margaret and Elisabeth five lambs each, and to her daughter Joan £10 at her marriage. Residue after paying debts, etc., to my sons Michael and Richard Hougham, my ex'ors, with my brothers John Brook and Thomas Hougham overseers. My lands, tenements, etc., in Ash, Elmeston and Preston. That my wife have for life the messuage which we live in and all lands thereto; also the lands bought from Mr. Worth, • John Gason, William Almon and Richard Monings in Ash; after her death to son Michael and his heirs. Also to Michael one marsh called Rowborowe, a little close of pasture adjoining, another at Pete end, one marsh called Middle Marsh and the marsh called the Salts. By deed, dated 18 June last, I enfeoffed John Gason in one messuage called Baa or the Bay with garden, land called Bayfield of 20 acres in Ickham, on condition he paid to me or my ex'ors, etc., the next 8 October £60, and if John Gason make default of payment, then son Richard have the same and to his heirs, but if Gason pay the £60, the money to Richard. Son Richard have my marsh called Kete Marsh, my part of the Kete excepted, my barns and lands in Richborough field, and all rents and services of the Manor of Nevelles Pleet; a piece of meadow at Swallowes Brooks in Ash, bought from Thomas Rolffe; my messuage and barn called Pricketts, and all lands and tenements in Elmeston and Preston (except one acre and three rods of land in Marfeld (sic) which I had after the death of my mother) to son Richard and his heirs, etc., for ever. But the one acre and three rods of Marlefeld (sic) to my brother Thomas Hougham. John Paton, esquire, by deed dated 1 August in 1 and 2 Philip and Mary [1554], granted me forty acres of marsh and twenty acres of salt marsh in Ash, and son Richard have the same. Witnesses: Thomas Harnett, John Brooke, Thomas Hougham, Stephen Solie, junior, William Solie, and Christopher Harfleet, the writer of this present testament and last will. Probate 24 March 1556-7. (Con. Vol. XXVI., fol. 90.) * Benet Hougham was daughter of John Brook, senior, and she was buried at Ash 9 June 15G0. See Corner of Kent (Ash), by J. R. Planche, p. 393. ASH WILLS. 35 JOHN HOWE. 20 April 1484. Buried in the churchyard of St. Nicholas. High altar 3s. id.; and to the fabric of the church 3s. id. Ex'ors : Elene, my wife, and Thomas Bounde. Peoffees: William Lent and Thomas Pamor. That a parcel of land and one wylwet (? osier-bed) near Ware, lately obtained from James Stonard, be sold and the money to fulfill my will. Wife Elene have, and to her heirs, etc., for ever, all my other lands and tenements on condition she provide a priest for half a year in the church to sing for my soul. Probate 14 June 1484. (W., fol. 79.) (To be continued.)