General Index
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Obituary George Payne
Frontispiece 1920
General Index
( 167 ) GENERAL INDEX. • • A Absle, —, 46. Adams, H. G-., extracts from paper on the history of bridges over the Medway by, 131—133. a Downe, Isabel, 19 ; Joan, 19 (2) ; John, 19 ; Simon, will of, 19 ; see also Downe. .Mfstan, abbot of St. Austin's, 118. Afford, Margaret, 33 ; Stephen, 32, 83. Aiger see Awoher. Alden; Jemy, 70. Aldey (Aide, Aldy), Henry, 53, 54 ; Mr., 42, 47, 48 ; Nioholas, 23. Almon, Win., 34. Amy (Ame), Wm„ 29, 77, 79, 80, 82, 88, 91—93, 96, 98, 99,103. Aroh. Journ., reference to mural paintings in Kingsdown Church in, 116. Arnold, A. A., on the Earliest Rochester Bridge. Was it built by the Romans ? 127. Ash Wills, by Arthur Hussey, 17. Ash, lands in, called Ballysse, 31; Coppeswell, 26 ; Farthing, 21 ; Goldstone, 26 ; Harmon Street, 27 ; Harte, 26 ; Longcroft, 31 ; Mores, 26 j Neworofte, 31 ; Oxtye, 26 ; Suspetts, 21; Swallowes Brooks, 34. Ash, legacies in wills for repair of roads, 18, 20, 22, 23, 29, 33 ; roads called Armynstreet, Thornthy and Trippistreet, 22. Ash, marshes called Kete Marsh, 34 ; Middle Marsh, 34 ; Rowborowe . Marsh, 34 ; Salts Marsh, 34 ; Wete Marsh, 33 ; messuages called Benetts, 22, 28; Goffs, 29 ; Prioketts, 34 ; Roodland, 30 ; Moat Earm, 28. Ash, vioars of, 30,31, Ashford (Aishforde), 89. Atkinson, John, 74. Atwell (at Welle), John, 25 ; Richard, 25; Thos., 47. Auncell (Aunsell), George, 71,81—84, 87,103 ; John, 29, 107. Awoher (Aiger), Edward, 92—94. B Badson, Joan, 25. • Bakar, Sir Richard, 21. Bapohild Church, 109,112. Barham, 26. Barwick, Anne, 70; Robt., 70. Bassocke (Bassok), Clement, 53—55, 61, 63 ; Mr., 80. Ba-wden (Badwey), Ralph, 79, 81, 82, 84, 88, 90. Beane, Thos., 93, 99. Bedo, G., reference to cinerary urns found, 1. Beere, Richard a, 22. Bell, John, 32. Bellinger (Bellynger), John, 33: —, 45. Belsam, Peter, 58-—60 ; see also Kelsam. Benton, John, 42. Berre, Goodman, 43 ; Goodwyfe, 41. Betteshanger Churoh, 112. Beverley, Nicholas, 95, 97. Bigge (Bige), Walter (Water), 64—56, 60, 61; Mr., 59. Bikerstafe (Beokerstaffe), Robert, 43, 48 ; —, 46. Bingam (Byngham), Mr., 52, 54. Blake, John, 18. Blakisland, Wm, 22. Bland (Blond), Mighell, 90,94 ; Wm., 40,162. Blighton, —•, 87. Bodis, Agnes, 33 ; Wm., 33. Boode, Sir Thomas, vioar of Ash, 18, 20, 21. Borne, Mr., 75. 168 GENERAL INDEX. Bouger, Rowland, 93. Boughton, Alice, 17. Bounde, Thos., 35. Bradsole near Dover, pent-houBe structure to tower of, 154. Bricks, cost of, 44. Bridge (Bride, Brydgs), Christopher, 67, 68, 70, 90, 98, 105, 106 ; Henry, 64, 74 ; —, 56. ' Brome (Browne), Bartholmewe, 64, 67, 69, 70, 89; Mr., 73; see also Browne. Brone, James, 103. Brook (Brooke), Benet, 34 ; John, 33, 34; Thomas, 18. Browne (Brome, Broune), Barthilmew, 69, 71 ; John, 99, 101, 104; Mr., 104, 106; Rich., 32; Simon, 54—56, 66, 68, 70—72, 76, 77, 79, 81, 82, 84, 88, 91—93, 96, 99, 103, 105,106 ; Thos., 32 ; see also Brome. Bryan, Thomas, 21. Brymer (Bremer, Brimur, Brymar), Mrs., 52 ; Niolas, 42, 48, 49. Busshe, Wm., S6. Byubergh, land at, 32, 0 Callow, Mr., 49 ; Thos., 51. Callowaie, —, 44. Cannon, Riohard, 103. Canterbury, Abbey field, trustees of, 121 ; All Hallows, visitation at, 42 ; Chantry. Lane, 54 ; Chapel churchyard, 86; chapel of St. Mary, building of, US, 120 ; Christ Church, visitation of, 63 ; Holy Cross, legacy for maintenance of Mass of Jesus at, 20; ohaplain of, 21; Ivy Lane, 70,71,73,76,7S—80, 82, 83, 85, 88, 91—93, 96, 97, 99, 101,104,106; Pillory Lane, 42, 45, 52. 67, 70, 73, 74, 76, 78. 79, 81, 83, 85, 88, 91—94, 96, 97, 99, 104,106. Canterbury, St. Andrew, Churchwardens' Accounts of, hy Charles Cotton, 41; bells, repairs to, 41—45, 49 ; Churchwardens, 41. 42, 45, 47, 49, 52—56. 58—60, 62, 63, 67, 68. 70, 71, 73. 76, 79, 80, 82, 83, 85, 88, 90, 92—95. 97—101. 103. 105,106; Churchwardens to appear before archbp. in London. 57, 59 ; mayor's pew, 64; purchase of Register book, 5S, 64 ; rent for shops payable to mayor and commonalty, 106; rood-loft, sale of, 52, 64; taking up chancel steps, 66; visit of French ambassador, 68; visitation of the King to, 47; watching the sepulohre, 44, 46, 48, 49. Canterbury, St. Alphage, visitation at, 63. Canterbury, St. Augustine's Abbey, Latest Excavations at, by Rev. R. U. Potts, 117; ohapel of St. Anne in, 120; enlargement of at various periods, 118; Lady chapel in, 120,121. Canterbury, St. George, visitation at, 90 ; St. Margaret, visitations at, 63, 78, 85, 92; St. Mildred, 112 ; St. Panoras, 120,121; St. Paul's, garden in, 45, 47, 49, 54. Capon, Goodwife, 41. Capyng, meaning of, 46. Carderowe, Constance, 20 ; Margery, 20. Carleton, Mr., 86. Carpenter, John, 47, 52, 54—56, 59— 61,66 ; Mr., 50 ; Mrs., 52; Peter, 29. Catt, John, 29. Charnels, meaning of, 57. Charvell, meaning of, 104. Chislett, 30. Churoheskotte, meaning of, 85. Clappam, Sir Thos.. 31." Clarkson, Edmond, 77. Cobha'm, Sir John de, 130. Cokks, Wm., 23. Cooke, Peter, 81; Robert, 26. Coppyn, Mr., 49. Cotton, Charles, on Churchwardens' Accounts of St. Andrew, Rochester, 41. Cowper, Isbell, 27; Margaret, 30. Coxe, Thos., 81. Crambroke, Alice, 23. Cranmer (Craynemer), Edmund, archd. of Cant., 69, 89, 90, 103 ; Mr., 77. Creke, Agnes, 17; Alice, 18; Bennet, IS; Edward, 17, 18; Elyn, 17; Geoffrey, 22, will of, 17; George. 18, will of, IS ; Jeffery, 17,18, will of, 18; Joan, 18 (2) ; John, 18 ; Riohard, 17, 22 ; Silvester, 18 ; Wm., 37, will of, 17. Crippen (Crypyntj, John, 80. Crocker (Croker), Rich., 21,24,29.32. j Crofte, Alice, 18 ; Benedict, 18 ; Margaret, 24; Marion, 24 ; Richard, i 18; Wm., will of, 18. j Croke, Rich., 33. I Cubitt, Sir Wm., 129,139. 1 Culverhouse, Alice, 19 ; Thomas, will of. 19. ! Cuttle, meaning of, 87. GENERAL INDEX. 169 D Dabbis (? Dobbs), Thos., 61. Dade, Juliane, 19; Thos., 19 ; Wm,, will of, 19. Dale, Goodwyfe, 50; John, 60, 61, 64, 66—71, 73, 74, 76—79, 81—83, 85, 86, 88, 91, 93, 94,103 ; Mr., 63, 92. Daniel, Mr., 51. Dartford, ohuroh, 112. Daunton (Dainton), John, 77,79, 82 ; Mr., 80. Davis, —, 100. Denne, Vincent, 59, 60. Denne's Hist, and Antiq.of Rochester, reference to Rochester bridge in, 129. Digge, Master, 18. Dobbs, Thos., 56, 61, 66, 71, 72, 76, 77, 79. Doge of Iron, meaning Of, 75. Dondey (Dondye, Donney), see Tondiex. Downe, Elyn, 19 ; Isabel, 19; John, will of, 19; Jone, 19; Margaret, 19 ; see also a Downe. Downing, Alice, 20, 21, will of, 20 ; Henry, 21, 23, will of, 20; John, 20, will of, 21; Mildred, 21. Drewe, Alice, 21 ; Juliane, 21 ; Robert, will of, 21; Wm., 22. Dynne, Mr., 86. Dyxson (Deeson, Dycson), John, 41, 47; Mr., 50. E Eastrey, land in, 29. Eastwood, John, 2J. Edbald, son of Ethelbert, builder of Chapel of St. Mary, Canterbury, 118. Egelsin, abbot of St. Austin's, 119. Eleanor, queen of England, grant of land, etc., to Hospital of St. Katharine, London, 37. Elfecke (Elfed), John, 88, 97—99. 101,105. Elham, land in, 26. Elizabeth, queen of England, 38. Elmer or Aimer, abbot of St. Austin's, afterwards bp. of Sherborne, 118. Elmeston (Elmyston), church of, 25, 29 ; lands at, 33, 34; parson of, 30. Engeham, Thos., 33. Erwood, F. C. Elliston, on Architectural Notes on Exngedown Church near Sevenoaks, 109; TOL. xxxv. on Teynham Church: Architectural Notes, 145. Essex, Earl of, return from Spain of. 107. Essex, Mr., paper on the first bridge at Roohester in Arohmologia, reference to, 182. Estas, Silvester, 17. Estwell, Alice, 22; Riohard, will of, 22. Ewstace, Silvester, 29. F Fanting (Fantyng), Edward, 28, will of, 22 ; Joan, 22, 28. Faussett-Osborne, H.G.,on Clueen Court, Rainham, and Clueen Down, Hartlip, 37. Faweburye, Peter, 29. Fay, Peter, 17. Felsted, Wm., 31. Fleet, chapel at, 17 ; lands at, 19, 3!!. Fode, Henry, will of, 22 ; Joan, 22 ; Thos., 23 ; Wm., 23, Foorde, John Ross, extracts from paper on the removal of the foundations of Rochester Bridge. 134. Forde (Foorde, Vord), Alice, 23, 24 ; Anna, 24 ; Elyn, 24; Joan, 24; John, 23, 24; Julyane, 24; Margaret, 23, 24, will of, 23 ; Michael, 23 ; Richard a, 24 ; Stephen, 19, •will of, 23; Thos., 62, 63, 66—68, 70—72 ; Wm. a, 24, will of, 24. Forstall, Alice, will of, 25 ; James, will of, 25 ; Joan, 25 (2); John. 25 (2) ; Katherine, 25 ; Margaret, 25 ; Rich., 25; Thos., will of, 24 ; Wm., will of, 25. Forte, John, 30; Rich., 30; Salmon, 31 ; Thos., 30. Fowle, Thomas, 20, 21. Fowler, Henry, 81—83, 85, 88 ; Mr., 91, 93, 94. Francis, Joan, 24 ; Sir Thos,, 31 ; Wm., 24. Fremlin, Gilbert, 40. French, John, mayor of Canterbury, 42—45,47,48,66; Mr., 73; Thomas, 19. Frencham (Frenchand, Frenchman), James, 95, 98,103,105. Friend (Frend), Rich., 29; Thomas, 28. Fringham, Ellin, 99. Frogenhall, John, engraved latten to, 159, X 1 7 0 GENERAL INDEX. Fyndon, abbot of St. Austin's, 126. Fynyet, Agnes, 26 ; Anable, 26; Joan, 26 ; John, 26 ; Wm., will of, 25. Fyshe, Mr., 47. Fysher, Mr., 51. G Gason, Alice, 26 ; Joan, 26 (2); John, 26,27,34; Margaret, 26,27 ; Simon, 19, 23, 24, will of, 26. Gaunt, Mr., 76. Gibbes, John, 27; Nicholas, 27 ; Sibell, 27; Wm., 27—29, will of, 27. Gillam (Gillume, Gyllyam), Mr.. 49; Paul, 50 ; —, 42. Glere, meaning of, 43. Gocelin, monk of St. Bertin, reference to his account of the translation of the bodies of the Archbishops, 119. Godfrey, Alys, will of, 28 ; Annes, 28; Christopher, 28 ; Edward, 28 ; Maryon, 28; Nicholas, 28. Godmersham, church, 109,112. Gold (Golde, Goolde), Agnes, 28, 29 ; Joan, 22 ; John, 22 ; Marion, 28 ; Silvester, 18, 28, 29; Thos., 17, will of, 28. Gold alias Rabylyn, Edmund, 28 ; Elene, 28 ; Isabelle, 28; Joan, 28 ; John, will of, 28 j Wm., 28. Goldney, F. Bennett, 121. Goldwich (Goldidge, Golditch, Goldridge, Goldwith, Gouldwith),Thos., 78 ; widow, 92—94, % ; —, 73, 74, 76, 79, 80, 82, 83, 85, 87, 88, 91. Goverley, Thos., 82, 91, 92, 96, 98. Goyse, meaning of, 100. Grace, John, 73. Gray, Mr., 91. Grayling, Dr. Francis, reference to painted glass and latten at Teynham Church in his County Chwahes, 159. Greenless (Grenelese), Thos., 69, 70, 72, 79—82, 84 ; —, 73. Gryme, Geo., 29 ; Joan, 29 ; John, 29; Richard, 29, will of, 29; Robt., 29. Guy or Wydo, abbot of St, Austin's, 119. Gyer, Henry, 48. Gylberd, Mr., 86. Gyles, Mr., 86, Gynn, meaning of, 72, H "Hales, Henry, 38 ; Sir JameB, 86. Hallet (Hollett), Tho., 105. Halstow, Lower, 38. Hamon, Alice, 29 ; Cristiana, 29 ; Hugh, will of, 29 ; John, 29. Harbage, John, 31. Harflete, Christopher, 34; Thos., 29, 34. Harnhill, Sir Wm., chaplain of Holy Cross, Canterbury, 20, 21. Harrison, Alice, 30; Eliz., 30 ; Wm., will of, 30. Harrys, Cristian, 29; Nicholas, will of, 29 ; Thos., 29. Hartlip, Clueen Down, by H. G. Faussett-Osborne, 37; Queendown Warren,38, 39 ; The Cradles, a oottage, 38; Yaug«r Farm, 40 ; Tauger Manor House, 40. Hawsennd, Robert, 17. Heler (Helare), Joan, 30; Thos., 23, will of, 30, Herde, —, 47, Herman, bp. of Salisbury, 119. Heme, land in, 30, Hewes, Walter, 103. Hilles, John, 18, HilIe8downe, land at, 26. Hobson, Sir John, priest, 17, 25. Hocham, Alice, 30 (2) ; Edmund, 30; John, 30 ; Thos., will of, 30, Hockyn (Hooken, Hucchyn), Cicely, 81 j Edmund, 31, will of, 81; Joan, 31; John, will of, 31; Thos., 81 ; . Thomasine, 81 (2); Wm,, 81, will of, 31 ; see also Hougham. Hoden, land at, 29, Hogben, John, 91, 92. Hogham, Geoffrey, 33; Isabella, 23, 33; Joan, 32 j Margaret, 23, 33 ; Solomon, 33 ; Stephen, 23, will of, 32 ; see also Hougham. Holback, Thos., 25. Hole, Alice, will of, 32; James, 20, will of, 32 ; John, 32 ; Nicholas, 32 ; Richard, 19 ; Thos., 32 ; Wm., 82. Hollett, see Hallet, Hollodde fyre, meaning of, 46, Holte, Thos., 24. Homer, Roger, 31, Honifold (Hunnefould), Mrs., 104, 106; —, 99—101, Hoole, Agnes, 31, 32 (2); Custance, 31, 32 ; John, 19, will of, 31. Hope, Sir Wm. St. John, 117, 120, 121. Hoth, chapel of, 22. Hougham, Benet, 33, 34 j Eliz., ?4 j Joan, 33 j Michael, 33, 34 ; Richard, 34 ;• Solomon, 33 ; Stephen, 33, will GENERAL INDEX. 171 of 33 ; Thos., 33,34 ; Wm., 33 ; tee also Hockyn and Hogham. Hovenden, Thos., 83—85, 88, 89, 91— 93, 95, 96,106. Howe, Elene, 35 ; John, will of, 35. Howell, Henry, 39. Howham, Agnes, 33; Richard, will of, 33. Hughes, John, report on the foundations of earliest Rochester bridge, reference to and extracts from, 127—131,139. Hunte (Unt), John, 42; Wm., 48, 54; —, 47, 50, 51. Hursbye, Wm., 29. Hurtzig, A. C, 127. Hussey, Arthur, on Ash Wills, 17. • Iokham, land called Bayfield in, 34. Injunoyons, sec Wilson's Concilia, 61. Ireland, Sir John, chantry priest, 21. Isse, —, 43. Jaffery, George, 53. James, Sir Stephen, 21. Janokynes, Ralph, 106. Janson, Wm., 46 ; —•, 44. Jemmett (Jomytt), John, 77, 88 j Mary, 88. Johnnon (Jhonson), Mr., 52; Peter, 29. Jones (Jhones, Joohes), Alles, 102; Anne, 70 ; Henry, 99 ; Hugh, 70, 71, 91, 101; Mr., 87; Mrs., 100, 101. Joum, Brit, Arch, Assn., reference to painted glass in Kingsdown Churoh in, 116. K Kayes (Keyes), Mr., 50-52, 54, 73; Robt., 55—57, 69—61, 63, 64, 67, 69, 70. Kaylson, ste Raylton. Kebill, Nioholas, 19. Kelsam (Kalsam), Mr., 50, 55, 56; Peter, 52—54 ; see also Balsam and Welsam. Kennett (Kenett), James, 82 ; Thos., 31, 32. Kent and Canterbury Hospital, 121. Keye, Thos., 62. Kinge (Kynge), Henry (Hary), 43, 47,48,50; Mistress, 52. Kingsdown Church, Architectural Notes on, by F. C. Elliston Erwood, 109; early paintings in, 112, 116 ; painted glass in, 115, 116; reference to hatching in plan, 116; towers of, 110—114; windows, 110,112. Knights of Malta, prayers for, 68. Knolles, Sir Robert, 130. Knott, see Nott. Eyn, Mr., 51. Lacy, Edward, 25. Lake, Richard, 30. Lambert, Wm., 29. Lancelot (Lanselete, Lawncelot), —, 41, 42, 47, 51. Langesfelde (Laingfeld), Nicholas, 78 ; —, 76, 79. Larcam, Isabell, 23. Leere (Lear), meaning of, 78. Lcgent, meaning of, 45. Lemetore, Mr.. 57. Lent, Wm., 23, 35. Lewes (Leuse, Lewys), Mr., 42, 46, 48 ; Philip, 52, 54, 59, 61, 66, 68, 71, 72 ; Wm., 31. Ley (Lay), Thos., 62, 64, 79. Leybourne, Juliana de, Countess of Huntingdon, benefactress of St. Austin's Abbey, 123. London, —, 42, 45. London, 92. Hospital of St. Katharine without the Tower, 37 ; date of foundation of, 37. Long, Thos., 79—84, 88, 91, 92. Lovelys, —, 41. Luok, Thomas, 23. Lygge, Mr., 57. Lyniy, Thos., 58. Lymytary, Goodwyfe, 51. Lynohe, Gervase, parson of Elmeston, 30; Wm,, vicar of Ash, 31. Lynge, Mistress, 41, M Maolear, Dr., 121. Majendie, Rev. Severn©, 37. Mammer, Mr., 53. Maplesoombo Churoh, 110. Marlefcld (Marfeld), land in, 34, Marten, Thomas, 46. 172 GENERAL INDEX. Martyn, Ellias, 96, 97, 99, 101, 104, 106. May (Maye), Mr., 45,47, 48; Thomas, description of Roman pottery by, 2. Mayow, Richard, 24. Meryham, John, 106. Micklethwaite, Mr., 117. Middelton (Midilton), John, 18, 21 ; Sir John, 20. Milford on Sea, pent-house structure to tower of church, 154. Minge, John, 31. Molond, Robert, 18. Monings, Richard, 34. Moore (More), John, 31; Mr., 100. Mores, Cecilie, 32 ; Richard, 26. Mote, —, 43. Moytt, Laurence, 17. Musred, Edward, 27; Henry, 23, 82, 33 ; Isabella, 23, 33; Nicholas, 27, 28 ; Pascall, 27; Sibill, 27 ; Wm., 27. Mychell (Mycheal), Mr., 86; Nickolas, 91, 92, 96,103, 105,106. Mylles (Myles, Mylse), John, 42. 48, 53; —, 47. Mylson, —, 41, Mylton, Richard, 56, 58 ; see also Raylton. N Nackington, 81, Neale (Neall), Richard, 79,90, 92, 93, 96,97,99. Nevelles Fleet, manor of, 34. Newnham Valley, Roman graves in, 1. New Romney, pent-house structure to tower of church, 154. Nicoles, Mr., 73. Norgrave, Goodwyfe, 50. Northbourne, Lord, 121. Nott (Knott), Alice, 17; Elyn, 17 ; Thos., 17. Nutfc (Nutta, Nutte), John, 45, 47, 53, 56, 61, 63, 66, 68, 72, 76, 77, 79—82. 84, 90 ; Mr., 73, 80. O Obes, meaning of, 43. Omer, Francis, 31; Joan, 25 ; Laurence, 24, 32 ; Thos., 25 ; —, 28. Ope, meaning of, 43. Orpington Church, 112. Osborne, Edward, 39; John, reference to Hartlip in his MS. Book, 39. Ospringe, A Roman Cemetery discovered at in 1920, by W. Whiting, 1. Overland, chapel of, 19, 24, 31. Overy, John. 20. Ovington, Mr., 49. Oweyn, Wm., 19. Oxenbrege, Jerram (Geram), 41, 43. Oxley Cross, land at, 32. P Page, Christopher, 2G, 29; Jaffery, 18. Pamor, Thos., 35. Paramore, Harry, 27. Parson (Passon, Person), Mr., 47—49. Parsons, John, 103 ; Ralfe, 96—98. Paton, John, 34. Pawlyn (Pallyn), Mr., 65; Thos., 63, 66, 72. Payne, George, Obituary of, 161. Payne, George, 9,128,135, 137, 138 ; list of articles published by, 165 ; tablet erected to in Eastgate House, 164. Pearse (Peers, Peyrse), Henry, 83, 85, 88. Penny (Penne, Peny), Cicely, 31 ; Joan, 28; John, 17, 31; Nicholas, 28) Wm., 25 (2), 31, Pent-house structures to towers of churches, 154. Peruye, Mr., 46. Peryn, Marione, 17; Wm., 17, Philpott, Mary, 98. Phippen's Descriptive fihetehes of Itoehester, reference to bridges over Medway in, 133. Pilkington (Pylbynton, Pylkynton), Hugh, 49, 63, 67. Pinnok, Robert, 19. Plommer, Wm., 51, Pole, Cardinal, 50. Potter (Pottar), Daniell, 44, 47—49 ; Mr., 73, 86 ; Wm., 70, 71, 74, 76, 80—82. Potts, Rev, R. XL, on the Latest Excavations at St. Augustine's Abbey, HV. Powte, John, 23, 32. Prayers on behalf of the Knights of Malta against the Turks, 58. Preston, church of, 25 ; land in, 34. Print entitled The North West Prospect of the City of Roohester, reference to, 132. Prowde (Prud), Henry, town olerk of Canterbury, 57, 59—61, 63. GENERAL INDEX. 173 Q Quarters of an organ, meaning of, 42. R Rainham, Clueen Court, by H. G. Faussett-Osborne, 37; leases of, 38 ; manor of, 37; mill of, 38. Rainham, Beryngrave, messuage called in, 37 ; Bloor's Place, 38 ; Motne Hills, 38; Otterham Creek, 38. Raylton (Kaylson, Railton), Riohard, 53, 64, 60—63, 68 ; Robt., 91, 92, 106 ; see also Mylton. Rede, John, 18. Riohborough, ohapel of, 17, 22, 29. Rigby (Rigbye, Rigebe), Wm., 88, 90, 106. Rigdon, Wm., 80. Robarde, Riohard, 90. Robensone, James, 106. Roberts (Robards, Robins), Edward, 81, 84, 85, 88, 90, 95, 96. 98, 99— 101, 103, 106; Robert, 57, 59, 93, 100; —,89,91,96, Robson, J. J., on Rochester Bridge: The Roman Bridge in masonry, 189; on the various bridges over the Medway, reference to, 127. Rochester Bridge, The Earliest. Was it built by the Romans? by A. A. Arnold, 127; burnt by Earl of Leicester, 130, 142; teacaddy made from the oak foundations of, 133 j early painting of, 137. Roohester Cathedral, 112. Roohester, Eastgate Museum, founding of, 164, Roger, abbot, of Ohiohester, builder of refectory of St. Austin's, 126. Rogers, Rionard, Suff. of Dover, 62. Rolfle, Thos., 34. Rollys, Isabelle, 26 ; John, 18. Roman Cemetery discovered at Ospringe in 1920, by W. Whiting, 1J oinerary urns and ooinB found near, 1; date of disoovery, 2 ; list of pottery and description, 8—10 ; Bite of, 1. Roman work of various bridges, 186. Rose, Mr., 50, 67. Routledge, Canon, 121. Rucke, Arthur, 93. Ryge, Wm., 106. S Saffery, Robert, 29. St. Lawrence in Thanet, 22. St. Radegund Priory, pent-house struoture to tower of, 154. Sampson, Sir Wm., friar, 28. Sanders (Saunder, Sawnder), John, vicar of Ash, 21, 30 ; Marion, 31. Sandhurst, pent-house struoture to tower of ohuroh, 154. Sandwioh (Sandwyoh), 30, 90 ; friars of, 32, legaoy to, 20 ; Knightrider St., 28 ; Paternoster Row, 28. Sare, —, 48. Scotland, arohbp., 119, 120. Scott (Skote), Oristofer, ohurohwarden, St. Andrew's, Canterbury, 45, 47, 58—60. Seaford, Sussex, 154. Sebrand (Seaborne, Seberne), John, 101, 104,106. Selby, Dr. G, Prideaux, addition of shaft and head to ancient cross in Teynham ohurohyard, 156. Selinge, Robert, 43. Septvans (Sevaunce), John, chantry of, 20, 2 1 ; Lady, 20. Sheperd, Stephen, 22. Shepeton, —, 41. Sherborne, Walter, 19. Shipton, John, 81. Simpson, Sir John, priest, 17, 2S. Sittingbourne, 162. Skinner, John, 25, 30, Smith (Smithe), Charles Roaoh, 162 ; John, 19, 88; Patricke, 43; Reginald, 16. Solly (Soly), Alioe, 31; Eliz., 34 (2) ; Joan, 84 ; Margaret, 34; Riohard, 25 : Robt., 31 ; Stephen, 31, 33, 34 (2); Wm., 34. Soole, land at, 82. Southowsand, Robt., 21. Speede, Adolphus, 89. Spioks, meaning of, 66. Staoe, Father, 53. Stamar, John, 29 j Mary, 29. Staples (Stapells), Samuell, 96,105— 107. StephenBon, Mill, 10. Stonard, James, 35, Stone, Mr., 87, Stoppes, laud at, 19. 174 GENERAL INDEX. Storms in 1223 and 1287,115. Stourmouth, ohurch of, 25. Stuete, meaning of, 49. Sturrey, lands at, 22. Swanton (Swantton), Robt., 58, 59. Swift (Swyfte), Jonathan, 98 ; Mary, .98 ; Thos., 98 ; Wm.. 98—100, 103, 105,106. Symon, Wm., 19. . Syms, Wm., 77, 80. Synglesse, Wm., 32 . T. . . Table before the altar, description of, 46. Taihgett, Thos.. '92, 93. Tatwell (Taswell, Tatnall), Randell, 53,-56, 58, 61, 63, 66—68, 72, 73, 76, 77, 79—82, 84, 88, 96. Teasdare, John, 74. Teign bridge in Devonshire, reference to Roman work of, 136. Temple, Archbishop, 121. Teynham Church: Architectural Notes, by F. Elliston Erwood, 145; Additional Notes, by Aymer Vallance, 157; altartomb in churchyard, 156 ; various periods of architecture, 145—148; building material used in, 147; ancient cross in churchyard, 156 ; ancient painted glass in, 159 ; engraved latten to-John Frogenhall in, 159 ; piscina, 150 ; rood-loft, 157 ; tower of, 153. Thanington, ohurch, 112. Thorpe, Dr., the Rochester antiquary, 137; J., 138. Thorpe's Antiquities of the Diocese of Boehestor, reference to date of Rochester Bridge in, 131. Tippen, James, 18. Toller, Thomas, 22. Tondiex (Dondey, Dondye, Donney, Tonieuxes), Gilbert, 63; Mrs., 64, 67, 69—71, 73, 76; 7S—80, 82. Tornebull, Dr., 50. Tucker (Tokar, Tuckar), Arnold, 23 ; Benett, 23 ; John, 23 (2) ; Richard, 23. : • U Upchurch, 38. V Vallance, Aymer, Additional Notes on Teynham Church, 157. Vord, see Forde. Vyncent, Robert, 54, 59. W Wagstaf, Henry, 106. Waker, Thomas, 45. Walkar, Mrs., 50. Waller, Mistres, 47; Richard, 88. Wallis (Wellis), John, 61, 62, 66 ; Mr., 69, 93. Walter, J. A.T38. Wandertonn, George, 95. Ware, osier bed near, 35. Waredowne, land at, 26. Warham, abp., visitation of, 17, 26, HI. Water, Gelburt, 31. Watson, John, 96, 99—101,103, 105. Webbe, Anthony, 53, 54, 58, 66, 69— 71 ; George, 73, 76, 78—81, 91, 95, 97—99, 103 ; John, 76, 77, 79 ; Mr., 100 ; Mrs., 102 ; Thos., 101. Wells (Welles), Alice, 26 ; Anthony, 90,(96,103,105 ; John, 60; Richard, 26. Welmeston, land called Millfield at, 29. Wels (Welse), Thos., 45, 46, 49. Welsam, Peter, 56 ; see also Kelsam. Wesbeche, Mr., 86. Wcsfebsr© 30 Wetenhall (Watenhall, Wheatnall), Charles, 88, 90, 93, 95, 98, 99,101— 103 ; Mr., 105, 106. Whils, meaning of, 43. White (Whit, Whyte), Christopher, 78; Mr., 73, 79, 80, 82, 83, 88, 91, 97, 99, 101, 104 ; Mrs., 106 ; Stephen, 73, 76, 77, 79, 82, 88, 90, 92—97. Whiting, W., on a Roman Cemetery discovered at Ospringe in 1920, l. Whiting Bros, of Ospringe, Roman . pottery at the offices of, 16. Wilborough, James, 18. Wilkinson (Wilkynson, Wylkensonn, Wyllenson), Daniel, 106, 107 ; Robt., 92; Wm., 56, 58, 60. Wingham, 17; church of, 29 ; provost and canons, 27. Wood, —, 43. GENERAL INDEX. 175 Worth, —, 34. Wright's The Celt, the Roman and the Saxon, extraot relating to Roman bridges in, 136—136. Wulfric II., abbot of St. Austin's, 118,120. Wylbos, Wm., 53. Wyllymson, Wm., 81. Y Young (Yong, Younge), Nicholas, 18, 82, 90, 92, 93.