Accounts and Balance Sheet From 1st January to 31st December 1922

ACCOUNTS AND BALANCE SHEET EEOM . 1ST JANXJAEY TO 31ST DECBMBEB 1922. d 1 KENT ARCHAEOLOGICAL JSJV Account of Beceipts and Payments, RECEIPTS. £ .v. d. £ s. d. To Balance from last Account :— Cash at Maidstone Bank—Current Account ... 305 4 5 Cash in hands of Collector 3 0 0 Petty Cash in hand 9 10 1 317 14 6 „ Annual Subscriptions received, including Arrears 305 11 0 „ Records Branch 3 0 0 „ Sale of Publications 30 13 0 „ Dividend on Consols (less Tax) 38 3 6 „ Subscriptions (excess payments by Subscribers) ... 0 10 6 „ Entrance Fees 41 0 0 „ Life Compositions 50 0 0 „ Interest on War Bonds 10 0 0 „ Income Tax recovered to 5th April 1922 15 6 8 „ Miscellaneous Receipt (Balance of Receipts and Payments re Annual Meeting) 8 10 7 502 15 3 ,, Petty Cash overdrawn 4 5 8 £824 15 G W. J. KING AND SON, Chartered Accountants, GRAVESEND. 1923. SOCIETY. 11 1** January to 31st December 1922. ©r. PAYMENTS. £ s. d. £ s. d. By Porter's Wages 6 12 0 „ Curator's Salary 40 0 0 „ Printing, Stationery and Postages 75 13 4 „ RentofRooms 30 0 0 „ Fire and Burglary Insurance Premiums 3 7 6 „ Employers'Liability Insurance Premiums 0 10 10 „ Accountancy and Disbursements (1921) 8 18 2 „ Subscription to Archaeological Congress 10 0 ,, Expenses of production of Publications :— Mitchell Hughes and Clarke (balance of account, Vol. XXXV.) ." 230 15 0 Hudson and Kearns (for other Publications)... 9 16 0 210 11 0 ., Miscellaneous Expenses 6 6 4 „ Subscriptions to Records Branch 3 0 0 „ Collector's Commission on collection of Subscriptions 6 7 8 „ Invested in Consols :— £38 6s. Od. 2£ per cent. Consols at 51J 20 0 0 £33 4s. 5d. 2J percent. Consols at 59 § 20 0 0 40 0 0 „ Grants in aid of Research Excavations—re St. Augustine's Abbey 100 0 0 „ Gibbs, printer, amount of grant towards printing Canterbury Diocesan Records 50 0 0 „ Cash at Maidstone Bank—Current Account 208 8 7 „ Cash in hands of Collector 4 0 0 212 8 7 £824 15 5 Examined, compared with Vouchers, and found correct. O H . DRAKE, ]Em.Awditurs. ARTHUR SMITH,) Uh March 1923. Ill KENT ARCHJ30L0GICAL ' j@r. Income and Expenditure Account" W. J. KING AND SON, ' Chartered Aaoouiitants, GfaAVESBND.. 1923, £ s, d. & 3. d. To Rent of Library and Counoil Chamber at Maidstone .'...'...'...'...'... .'„.'.'............... 30 0 0 ,, Curator's Salary '. '.'..'...'...'. '. ' 40 0 0 „ Porter's Wages . • 6 12 0 ,, Fire and Employers'Liability Insurance 3 18 4 • „ Printing and Stationery ' '75 13.4 ,, Subscription to ArchEeological Congress to June • ' : 1923 ....•„..„. ."...."....'..... I 0 „ Accountancy :— ~ - W. J. King and Son, Pee and Disbursements, 1921 ;.. ;:. ; .. s i s 2 „ Volume XXXV. :— Mitchell Hughes and- Clarke (balance of account) 230 15. 0 Hudson and Kearns (for other Publications),,. ' 9 16 0 „ 'Miscellaneous Expenses, indluding £3 5s. expenses of Maroh Meeting at Museum 6 6-4 „ Collector's Commission 6 7 8 „ Grants in aid of Research Excavations—re St. ,-Augustine's Abbey (2 votes of £50) , 100 0 0 „ Gibbs, printer, amount of grant towards printing ••• Canterbury Diocesan Records 60 0 0 £569 6 10 j . SOCIETY^ liii 'frpni.lsthJa'nuary to 31st December 1922. ©tf. • £ s. d. £ s. d. By .Annual -Subscriptions received, including Arrears 295 1 0 Entrance Fees 41 0 0 Life Compositions '.: 50 0 0 Sale of Publications ..'...V..-..-...V.Y.\..-..V.V.Y.V.\..-..V.V.' ---SO-13 " 0 Dividend on Consols (less Tax) 38 3 6 Income Tax repaid to 5th April 1922 15 6 8 (J !! I . .. .. ..•••- ••' Subscriptions—Excess payments by Subscribers... 0 10 6 Interest .'on' War- Bonds ....... .vi,........... .-. 10 0 0 Miscellaneous( Receipts — Balance re Annual Meeting ". :...;;:::::;:::...::.:::::.;;.:::......... sio" 7 489 Excess of Expenditure "over Income for the year, carried to Accumulated Fund vide Balance Sheet £569 6 10 Examined, compared with Vouchers, and f.ound correot. C. H. DRAKE, \'zr A JU , ' „ ' " „T™„ \Hon. Auditors, ARTHUR SMITH, J 9£& Mar oh 1923. liv KENT ARCHJ10L0GICAL J&X. Balance Sheet at LIABILITIES. £ s. d. £ s. d. Sundry Creditors:— Corporation of Maidstone for rent of Library accrued 22 10 0 Provision for outstanding Accounts 10 0 0 Records Branch 10 0 Annual Subscriptions paid in advance • 38 0 0 Canterbury Wills 4 2 0 Petty Cash overdrawn 4 5 8 79 17 8 Research Fund as per last Balance Sheet 29 6 9 Accumulated Fund :— Balance as per last Balance Sheet 2339 14 0 Less Excess of Expenditure over Income for the year k 80 1 7 2259 12 5 £2368 16 10 W J. KING AND SON, Chartered Aeoountants, GRAVESEND. 1923, SOCIETY. lv 31st December 1922. ©r . ASSETS. £ s. d. & s. d. Cash at the Union of London & Smith's Bank, Ltd. (Maidstone), Current Account 208 8 7 Cash in hands of Collector 4 0 0 312 8 7 Investment in 5 per cent. National War Bonds 1928 (as last), £200 at 94£ (value about £200 at market price) /r. 189 0 0 Investment in Consols £2082 8 0 as last 924 0 9 Purchased during year 71 10 5 40 0 0 964 0 9 £2153 18 5 (Value say £1205 at 31st Dec. at 56 per cent.) Library and Collection at Maidstone Museum as last 1000 0 0 Insurances paid in advance 3 7 6 (Subscription Arrears, as per list, £27.) £2368 16 10 Examined, compared with Vouchers, and found correct. C. H. DRAKE, \ „ .... ARTHUR SMITH,) Hm- A«**™ 9th March 1923,


Accounts and Balance Sheet From 1st January to 31st December 1921


The Picture of Queen Ediva in Canterbury Cathedral