Churchwardens' Accounts of the Parish of St Andrew, Canterbury, 1485 to 1625: PART V., 159-1625
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Churchwardens' Accounts of the Parish of St Andrew, Canterbury, 1485 to 1625: PART V., 159-1625
•( 81 )• CHURCHWARDENS' ACCOUNTS OF THE PARISH OF ST. ANDREW, CANTERBURY, EROM A.D. 1485 TO A.D. 1625. BY CHARLES COTTON, O.B.E., F.R.C.P.E., M.R.C.S. ENG. PART V. 1597—1625. Eol. 186 vo. The accomte of Thomas hatlefc Churchwarden of the parishe of S' Andrewes for acounts of the yeare laste paste Endynge the iiijth of desember in the xl"1 yeare of the rayne of o1' uioste grasyus quien Elyzabethe a01597. Resetes. Itm. Reseved of good wyfe honifolde for the farme xv8. Itm. Reseved of goodman broune for a years rent for his shope x8. Itm. Reseved of goodman PylyBton for one quarter for the shope iiij3. Itm. Reseved of goodwyfe honyfolde for her shope for halfe years rent va Itm. Reseved of John Sebrand for his garden in Ievye lane besyds ye ehantery for one hole yeares rent iiij5. Itm. Reseved for one years farme for the storehouse in pyllery lane Dewe at the feste of S' Myhell laste paste iiij3. Itm. Reseved of Mysterys Whyte for the farme dewe out of her house iij3 iiij4. Itm. Reseved for brede and wyne this yeare of the comeunycator xixs yja. Sum of this resetes is iij ii iiij3 xd. Eol. 187 ro. Charges. Itm. payd for Bred and wyne for the holle yeare to Mr "Whetinhall xxij3 vjd. von. xxxvi. G 8 2 CHURCHWARDENS ' ACCOUNTS layd out for a ryde for ye dore of honyfoldes ishope layd out for the *boke of prayers at Mr Craumers ofyse. Payd for a baldrycke for ye second bell Payd for lyme and sand for the sete at the dore Payd for ij plates of eyron for ye sete Payd for bryckes for to mend the sete Payd for ye workemanship Payd to hepe for ij bell ropes Payd to M* Cranme'rs offyee for a byll of recusants iiij4. viiid. iif. ijd- ifviij d. ijs iiij'1. Vj*. Payd to Kynge the glasyer for glase and workemanshipe to repaier the wyndows ' Payd for ye sytation that I was sytted to the corte Paid for the ij shope to ye Chamber Payd for pavinge to ye pavior Payd to goodman langate for stones Payd at the vysytasyon Payd for or dynners Payd for iij bylles of recusantes Payd for a baldrycke for ye fyrst bell Payd for a prayer boke Payd. for the makynge of brouns lese Payd at the laste vysytasyon • Payd for ye byll of presentments Payd to the clarke at the quiens Day Payd to the clarke for his dewtyes for washinge of ye V-js vjd. xiid. ifiij 8 iiijd. iiij". xijd. ij3- xiia. vi'V hfxviii a. xvid. vjd. xiid. surpleses and other close and for the makynge elene of the churche and carynge awaye of the shuliyge vii8 iiijd. Eol. 187 vo. Itm. candells and bromes for ye hole yeare endynge at the fest of •- S'MyhettlSQ? xviiid. Itm. for paper of the Churche at iij tymes iijd. Itm. for a byft of maryages crystenings and buryals iiijd. Itm. wrytynge of thys acomtes viijd. ' • " ' . . Som of this is iij ii xiija. Md ther remayneth yn the hands of the sd Thomas Hallet the sume of iijii.ixd which was delivard • to " Edward .''.;'• '•• Roberts. , . ••-.-- , '•....:• •" •' . ' . " ' . ' * Put in over " artycells." OP ST. ANDREW'S, CANTERBURY. 83 Thes accounts made and taken the 4 of December 1597 at which time the parishioners did chuse for wardens Edwai'd Robarts Anthony "Wells In the presents of William Swift. Nycholas Mychell. Simon Brome. John Elfick. Charles Wetenhall. Thomas Beane. John Watson. Thomas hallett. Rob1 Eailton. John Russell. Md that James Ribinsone beyng a sickly man the parishoners wer content to discharg him and to mak choyc of the other. Eol. 188 ro. [1598.] The acoumpte of Edward Robarts and Anthony Wells churchwardens of the Parish of S' Andrewe of the eittie of Conterbury for a compt of the yere last past endynge the 4th of December in the xlit h yere of the Raygne of o1' most grassious quenne Elizabeth 1598. Eeceipts. Itm. Receved of widdow honyfold for one yeres farme x8. Itm. Eeceved of John Browne for a yeres rent for his shope Xs. Itm. Receved of John Sebarn for his garden in Ievye Lane besydes the chantry for one hole yeres rent iiij8. Itm. Receved for one yeres farme for the store howse in pyllery lane Dewe the feast of Sk Mychell last past of M1' hakes of S4 Peters ' iiij8. Itm. Receved of Mystres Whit for the farme dewe out of har howse hj8 iiijd. Itm. Receved for bred and wyne this yere of the communycans xixs vjd. Itm. Reeved By the hands of Thomas Hallet when he lefte up his a compte iij3 ixd. Some of this Reeetes cometh unto liiij3 viid. Eol. 188 vo. Charges layed out from the 4th of December 1597 untell • the 4th of of Dcember [sic] 159S By Edward Robards and Antony Wells. Itm, payd. to Mr Parsson for a prayer Boke iiijs. Itm. payed for Bread and wyne xxiii8 iiiid. o 2 84 , CHURCHWARDENS' ACCOUNTS Itm. payed unto Chesman for waying the two Bells xijd, Itm. payed unto potter for carryng the stoks to Christ Church tothe worke house iiijd- Itm. payed for bread and here when the bell was hounge up to those that did help and for the hangyng up of the bell xiid . Itm. payed for thre Baldrokes for the bells ijs vjd. Itm. payed to Master Boddell for his worke vj8 vjd. Itm. payed unto Daves the smyth for lorn worke for the Bells and the charges of the church xx3. Itm. payed more to the bellf under for tewning of the Bells ij3 . Itm. payed unto Ledes for two Brasse peces to lay under the Bells v3 iiiid. Itm. payed for two new Hopes ij8 iiiia. Itm. payed unto gylle the carpenter for to make the Bell Ropes to- Roune in xiid. Itm. payed for a peee of tembor to make a stoke for the Bell iiij8 . Itm. payed for stappells and nayles, *Letters and other nessesarysand Bred and Bere xijd. Itm. payed for a new Bell waying fyve hundred and halfe hundred and xiiii ii at viiid the pound xxj ii. Itm. payed unto yeoman Coxson and Daves for takyng Downe the Bell iij8. Itm. payed to Daves the smyth for fhappes hookes and pynes vjd . Itm. payed for bread and Bere vjd. Itm. payed for a Booke of parchment for marrages Chrysteningsand Buryalls and for wryting the Booke xx8. Itm. payed for Bread and Bere for the Tromppetors when my Lord came to towne viijd. Itm. payed for Borddyng the churchyard and mendyng the Rayles ij3- Itm. payed for a Loke for the Belffory dore xijd. Itm. payed for the entoryng in of the parchment Booke at thevessytation xvid. Itm. payed to Mr Parson for two dyners at the vissytation iij8 .. Eol. 189 ro. Charges. Itm. payed for the Bylls of Requssions for the holle yere xvjd .. Itm. payed to M1' Cramners office for two vys'sitations ij8- * Obsolete form of Ladder. t Hasps or fastenings for a gate.—Kentish Dialect, by Parish and Sbaiv. OP ST. ANDREW'S, CANTERBURY. 85 Itm. payed for a Eope for the *Lyckell Bell xijd. Itm. payed for Mr Clarkes Dutes for washing the surpples and for clenyng the church for the holle yere vij8 iiiid. Itm payed to Chesman for the two Eopes ijs . Itm. payed for a Bell Rope xviij'1. Itm. payed unto Marable for makyng the waye for the falle of the lofte ijs . Itm. payed for Bread and Bere at the same tyme vjd. Itm. payed for nayles xiiiid. 14d . Itm. payed to Rychard the laborar for thre dayes worke ij8. Itm. payed more for the laborers for Bere and Bread viiid. Itm. payed for two Elme Bords to make the Stayers and to mend the settes iijB vjd. Itm. payed more to Marrable for thre dayes worke iiij8. Itm. payed for nayles to nayle the pewes and the setes ij3 iiijd. Itm. payed for wenskot xiid. Itm. payed to Bowerne the carpenter for tember and quartors viii' vjd. Itm. payed more to him for vi dayes worke for himselfe and his men for Letting downe of the Loffte and setting it up agayne xxs. Itm. payed to the masson laborors iij8. Itm. payed for a paie of charnells ixd. Itm. payed for Lyme sand hare and stones his workemanshipe iij8 . Itm. payed for two Lode Robish earring viiid. Itm. for wrytting the accompte xiid. Sorn xxixii xv8 vijd. So it apearethe that the said churchewardens have layd out more than they have receaved to the som. of xxvij ii xijd. Eol. 189 vo. [1599.] The aeoumptes of Edward Eobards and Anthony Wells for the second yere Being churchwardens of the parish of S' Andrewe of the eittie of Conterbury for accomptes of the yere Last past endyng the 4 of December in the xiii yere Raygne of our most grassious Quene Elizabeth in an01599. Resetes. Itm. Receved of widdowe honyfolde for one yeres farme x8. Itm. Receved of John Browne for a yeres rent of his shoppe x8. * Illiterate form of " little."—Murray's New English Dictionary. 86 CHURCHWARDENS' ACCOUNTS Itm. Receved of John Sebarne for his garden in levye Lane besydesthe chantery for one hole yeres rent iiij8. Itm. Reeved for one yeres farme for the store Howse in yc pellery lane dewe the feste of S' Mychell last past of Mr hakes o£ S* Petters iiij3- Itm. Receved of Mystres Whit for the farme due out of her howse iij3 iiij4- Itm. Eeceved for Bread and wyne for the hole yere of the communycans xix3 vjd. Itm. Receved for Lead which was sould exxv ii at viii3 the hundred x8. Some is iij ii xd. Eol. 190 ro. Charges layed out from the 4 of December 1598 untel the 4 of December 1599 By Edwards Robards and Anthony Wells. Itm. payed for Bread and wyne for the communyons for the holle yere . . xxiii8 xd. Itm. payed for bordyng the churchyarde and mendyng the Ray lesand nayles ijs- Itm. payed unto M1 Parson for two deners at the vessytation for the hole yere ijs viiid. Itm, payed for Bylls of Recussants for the hole yere xvjd. Itm. payed to M1' Cramnors office for the two vyssitations for the hole yere ijs. Itm. payed unto,the Clarke for his dutes for washing of the surples and clenyng of the church for the hole yere vij8 iiijd. Itm. payed unto Chesman for the two shoppes ij3. Itm. payed for Ropes for the bells for the hole yere iiij8 viijd. Itm. 'payed for Baldrokes for the hole yere xxd. Itm. payed for two Bordes and *sprokets and nayles to Bare up the Lede ij8 vjd, Itm. payed to the Carpenter for his worke xvjd, Itm. payed to the plomer for layeng the lead and fcotting xv' Itm. payed to Lanslet the joyner for mendyng one of the whelles ij Itm. payed for a book of Statutes iij8 iiijd, Itm. payed for a prayer Booke iiij * A projecting piece of timber put on the foot of a rafter to throw tho water off.—Diet. Kentish Dialect. t Obsolete form for cutting.—Diet. English Dialect. OP ST. ANDREW'S, CANTERBURY. 87 Itm. payed for Lyme and sand for the Reprations of the church xiid. Itm. payd for Tyles pryges and Latts • xvjd. Itm. payd for the workman and his Laboror for a day and a halfe at ij3 the day . . . • iij3 . Eol. 190 vo. Itm. payed unto Dawes the smyth for mendyng the whell and bynding it xxid. Itm. payed unto Daves for mendyng the clapper and the Boltes *Rundell and Keyes ij8. Itm. payed for a Loke for the church dore ' vjd . Itm. payed for wrytting the accompte viiid. • - • Som iij ii viij8 vjd. Layd out in this yere more then is receaved vij8 viijd. The acompte of Edward Robarts and Antony Wells churchwardens of the parish of S' Andrews of the eittie of Conterbury for a compte of the yere last past endyng the 4th of December in the xiiii yere of the Kaygne of our most grassyous quenne Elizabeth in an01600. Resets. Itm.. Receved of widdowe honyfould for one yeres farme x8. Itm. Eeceved of John Browne for a yeres rent of his shoppe x8. Itm. Receved of John Sebarne for his garden in levye Lane besydes the Chantery Lane for one hole yeres Kent iiij8. Itm. Receved for one yeres farme for the store howse in Pellery Lane dewe at Sl Mychell last past of Mr Hakes of S<- Petters iiij8. Itm. Receved of Mystris Whit for the farme due out of her howse • . «» iij8 iiijd. Itm. Receved for Bread and wyne for this hole yere xix3 xid. Some is iis iijd. Eol. 191 ro. Chargis leyd out from the fourthe of December 1599 untyll the fourthe of December 1600 by Edward Roberts and Anthony Welles. ffyrst payd for breade and wyne for the communycants for the whole yeare xxiiii8 iiiid. It. pd. for bordyng the churcheyeard and mendyng the rayles ij3 . * A solid wheel or barrel.—Murray's New English Dictionary. 88 CHURCHWARDENS' ACCOUNTS It. pd. unto Mr Swyf t ye parson for Dynners at the vysytacons for the whole yeare ij8 viif. It. pd. for the byllesof recusants for the whole yeare xvjd- It. pd. in Mr Cranmers offyce for the ij vysytacyons for the whole i-!s yeare JJ • It. pd. to the dark for wasshing the surplesses and clenyng of the churche for the whole yeare vijs iiijd. It. pd. unto Cheeseman for the ij shops ij8. I t . pd. for ropes for the belles for the whole yeare v5 iiijd. It. pd. for boldrocks for the whole yeare xxd. It. pd. for tyles, nayles and priggs and bryeks for copynge of the stones xviiid. It. for lyme and sand for the copyng of the stones round about the church xiid. It.ffor the workman and his laborer for a dayes worck ijs. It. pd. for paper, sett into this booke ijd. It. pd. for wrytyng of this aceompt the castinge of this and the other accomptts xijd. Som liiij8 iiijd. Leyd out in this yeare more than is receaved iij8 jd . Leyd out in these iij yeares more than is receaved xxvii ii xis ixd. Receaved uppon the seasse made for xxvii ii xix8 ijd for the payment hereof as may apeere uppon the same seasse the soni of xx ii iiij" viiid. So remaynethe due to the said churchewardens uppon these accompts vij li vij8 jd . Eol. 191 vo. Thaccompt of Edward Roberts and Thomas Cliffe Churchewardens of S4 Andrewes in Canterbury for one yeare endynge the 4 of December 1601. ffyrste receaved of wydow honyfold for one yeares farme of a shoppe x8. It. of John Browne for one yeares rent of his shoppe x8. It. of John Seborne for one yeares rent of a garden in Ivy lane iiij'. It. receaved of Mr hawkes for one yeares rent of the store howse in pillory lane iiij*. It. receaved of M(l» White for rent due out of her house iij8 iiij'1. Soni xxxi8 iiij3. OF ST. ANDREW'S, CANTERBURY. 89 Leyd out as followethe. ffyrste pd. for breade and wyne for the whole yeare vhj3. It. leyd out for mendyng of ij bawdrycks and for one new bawdryck for the bells xvjd. It. pd. for lyme and sand for the churche xijd. I t . for tyles and latts xiiijd. It. pd. to a mason and his man for a day and a half iijs. It. for a bell rope of viij ii ijs viijd. It. pd. for a lode of stones ijs ^ja. It. pd. for caryage of stones xd. It. for a lode of dryft sand xijd. It. pd. more for stones xijd. It. pd. for pavyng of xvj yeards ijijs; It. for mendyng of the chauncell stooles iiija. It. pd. for mendyng the stayers and nayles vja. I t . pd. to Daures the smyth for mendyng of the bell clapper and for iron pyns ijs viiia. Fol. 192 ro. It. leyd out at the ij vysytatons this yeare ijs iiija. It. pd. for the mynysters dynners ijs. It. for iiij bills of recusants xvjd. It. pd. for mendyng of the Chappell churcheyard gates and pales ijs. It. for wasshing of the surplesses iiijs. Som xljs viiid. So there is due to the said churchewardens uppon this aceompt x8 iihd. Eol. 192 vo. [Blank.] Eol. 193 ro. The accomptt of Edward Roberts and George Wanderton Churche wardens of S* Andrewes parishe in Cantorhury for one yeare endyng at the 4 day of December 1604. fiyi'Bt receaved of wydow honyfold for one yeare farme of a shoppe x3. It. of John Browne for one yeare rent of his shoppe xs. It. for one yeare rent of a garden in Ivy lane iiijs. 90 CHURCHWARDENS' ACCOUNTS It. of Mr Hawks for one yeare rent of the store house in pyllory lane iiijs- It. of Mli9. White for rent due out of her house iij3 iiijd. It. to receave of M1' Cleygate for the buryall of his child in thechurche vj3 viijd. Sofn xxxviii8 . Leyd out as followethe. ffyrst leyd out at the ij vysytatons in this, yeare ijs iiij-d- It. for iiij bills of recusants xvid. It. for the mynysters dynners ijs - It. pd. for wyne more than I receaved vj3 iiija— It. for ij lods of stones iij3- It. for pavyng of xxiiij yeards vj3. It. for breade and wyne xxd. It. for breade and wyne ' iiij8. It. pd. to Daures the smyth for mendyng of a lock of the church dore and other things xiid.- It. for a new booke of comon prayer ix3. It. pd. to the sompner vj4.. It, pd. for pales and nayles for the churche yeard xijd. It. pd. for tymber to amend a pue and for boords and nayles ij8 ijd- It. pd. for charnels viijd.- It. pd. for xxii foote of boords for the shopp wyndowes ij3 iiijd. It. pd. to Daures the smythe for a payer of rydes viiid.. It. pd. for mendyng the shopp dore, the key lock, haspes staplesand nayles ij3 ijd - It. pd. to the carpenter for all his worck . xvid. Eol. 193 vo. It. pd. for ij baudrycks for ij belles , . xx r It. pd. for ij hundrethe of tyles ij8 *j d - It. pd. for sand and morter yjd- It. pd. for fyve busshels of lyme xxd. It. pd. for half a hundrethe of hart latts vijd- It. pd. for iij hundrethe of priggs vjd. It. pd. to the mason and his man for ij dayes worck iiij3. It. pd. for carryeng away of the sulage and clenyng of the churche: after the masons worck viiid- It. pd. for mendyng of chappell churcheyard gates for timber palesnayles and worckmaushipp , ij9- OP ST. ANDREW'S, CANTERBURY. 91 It. pd. for the fees of the coort being called to amend the same , xiiiid. It. pd. for wasshing of the surplesses iiijs. It. pd. to the glasyer for glasse in the churche wyndowes, as apeerethe by his bill iij ii xij3 iiijd- Som vj ii xixs j d . . So there is due to the said churchewardens uppon this aceompt v ii xiijd. • xd more for wryting of this aceompt viija. Remayneth vK xiijd. Eol. 194 ro. Thaceompt of Edward Roberts churchewarden of S* Andrewes in Cantorhury for one yeare and a quarter of a yeare endyng at the feaste of Thannuncyacon of S' Mary the Vyrgyn 1606. ffyrst receaved of White the foote post for one yeare and a quarter of a yeare of the churche shop due at or lady day 1606 xij3 vjd. It. receaved of Jones the foote post and the former tenant of the shopp in his occupyeng due at the feaste aforesaid for one year and a quarter endyng at the feaste aforesaid xs a yeare (whereof it stoode voyde halfe a yeare) vij" vjd. It. for one yeare rent and a quarter of a garden due at the feast aforesaid v3. It. rec' of M1' Hawkes for one yeare and a quarter of a store house iu pillory lane due at the feaste aforesaid v3. It. rec' of MrIs White for rent due for her house iij8 iiijd. Som xxxiij3 iiijd. Leyd out as followethe. ffyrst paid for breade and wyne for the comcans the eight day of September 1605 ij3 j d It. pd. for the parsons dynnor at the visitacon xijd It. leyd out at the visitacon xiid It. for a table of the degrees iiija It. for wyne and breade the xxii of November 1605 iiij8 jd It. for a wheele for the third bell vj3 It. for ij prayer bookes xvjd It. for a bell rope xixd 9 2 CHUR CHWARDENS ' ACCOUNTS Eol. 194 vo. I t . for breade and wyne for the communycants the ixt]l february 1605 iii-J8 id- I t . pd. to Robert hodges ye carpenter for his worck for repayring som seates in ye Churche and of a shoppe xviiid. It. for rafters and boords xviijd. It. for nayles VJ • I t . for more for boords and nayles for the churche xd. It. pd. to Daures ye smythe for *trusshing the fourthe bell ijs vid. I t . for two keys for the lock viijd. I t . pd. to the dark for wasshing the churche lynnen and for carryeng away of the solage viii8. It. for stones hjd- I t , for registryng of this aceompt vjd. Som xxxvii8 ixd. So there remayneth due to the said Edward Roberts uppon this aceompt iiijs vd. Eeceaved uppon the last Sesse v li xiiii8 ixd. Due to the said Edward Roberts uppon the former accomptts , vii li viii8 ijd. Eol. 195 ro. The 22 of Aprill 1606 wor chosen for Churchwardens John Pearce and Henry Bridge in presents of William Swift parsone and •other parishoners then present and there unto consentinge. William Swifte. Edward Robards. Crystover brydge. James Nicholsune. George Master. John Meryam. Thomas Chapman. Eol. 195 vo. [1606.] The aceompt of Mr John pearce and M'' Henry Bridge, Churchwardens of the parrish of S' Andrew In the citty •of Canterbury in the year of our Lord God 1606.t Payments. I n primis for mendinge of to seates in the Ohurch and for to bell Ropes 3s ld- * Trussing, to tighten up a bell on its stock after it has worked loose.— jMurray's Neio English Dictionary. t In this year appears the first use of Arabic figures throughout the account. OF ST. ANDREW'S, CANTERBURY. 93 Itm. for mendinge the third bell wheell 2s 4d.. Itm. for sother and a workman about the leade 158 6d. Itm. for wood and coale to heate their Irons 18d- Itm. for a hatheriek [sic] for on of the belles 16d. Itm. for the Kinges Armes and a frame for them 21s 6d.. Itm. for Irone work a boutte the frame 2s 8d. Itm. for bordes nailes and a workman to line the frame 2s. Itm. for whittinge of the church 10s. Itm. for mendinge of the stayers, and a bord for them 10d. Itm. for a lock and a key for on of the Shoopes 12d. Itm. for pales and Rayles for the church yard 5s 6d. Itm. for Bread and wine for too communions 7a 2d.. Itm. for mendinge of a batherick 6d. Itm. payed unto widow Elvin for cleninge the church 8d.. Itm. layd out att too visitations 6s. Itm. payd unto the Gierke for on whole yeare, for wasshinge of the- Church linone, and for cleeninge the Church and carriadge a way of that sullege 8s. Somm layd outt is 4 ii 9s 6d. Eeceytes. Rec' of a cesse made by us the 4th of Aprill 1607 3 ii 8s 6d.. Rec' of Whitt for the rente of his Shope 12s. Rec' for the other shope 5s. Rec' for the rente of a garden 48. Rec' for the stable rente 48.. Some of the Receyts is 4 ii 13s 6d. Ther Remayneth Dew unto the parrish uppon these Acompts 4s. Eol. 196 ro. [Blank.] Eol. 196 vo. [1607.] The Accomptes of Mr Eichard Lockley and Mr Thomas- Broome Churchwardens of the parish of Stt Andrewe in the Citty of Canterbury in the year of or lord god 1607. The Receits. Rec' of Robert Gilbarte for Rent for the whole year 43. 9 4 CHURCHWARDENS' ACCOUNTS Rec' of Mr Halke for rente for a stable in *Dungell lane for the wholl yeare *8- .Rec' of J. Whyte the footeposte for halfe a yeares rent for the shope "3- Rec' of goodman Stockden for halfe a qrtr of a yeares rent for the shope IS1. Some is 15s 6d. The some of the Receyts which are gathered by us by the Cesse wear 4 ii 15s 6d. Payments. Raide unto Mr Berrey for the Marshallsea 10s 10d. Laide outt at the visitation for Mr Swiftes diner Is- Laid out for a mersement for sullege 8d. .Jun. 22th day for mendinge the fourth bell whell 8a. Jun. 24th for to bell ropes 33 4d. Paid unto the Clerke for cleaninge the church and washinge the linen theof [sic] for on whol yeare 8s. Itm. for to badrickes . 2s 8a. ;Itm. a Rope for the littell Bell 12fl. .July 20th for a pottel of muskeden 2s. Itm. for earryinge away the sulledg from the end of the churche 3d. Jtm. payd unto the Glasier the church windowes 9s 2d. Jtm, for mendinge of the lock of the church Dore 6d. Itm. for the ministers diner at the visitation 12a. Itm. layd out for the Church wardens and sidmen ther 28 8d. Itm. for 3 qrts. of muskeden and to peniworth of bread 3s 2d. Itm. payd to the Chamber for the Rente of the shope 2s. Itm. for mendinge of 3 bathriekes 2s, Jtm. layd out on Christmas Day for on gallon of muskeden and to peniworth of bread 4s 2a. "Itm. for enteringe an axtion against Whitt, and the seriante to atend on him 16d. Jtm. payd unto Graye for John prises grave 6d. Itm. to the carpenter for making of the shope 458. Itm. to the Ironmunger 4s 8d. Jtm. to the Mason for morter, bricke and workmanship 28 6d. J t . to the glasier for mending of the windowes 88 lld . t • Some layd out is 5 ii 18". * Rose Lane, till now called Pillory Lane. OF ST. ANDREW'S,, CANTERBURY. 95 Fol. 197 ro. So that ther Remayneth Due to us Just 7s. Wherof I should have Receved of M1' Mapested for breakinge up the ground in the church .to bury hischild UB 8d. Fol. 197 vo. [1609.] The Acomptes of Mr John Whitt and John Merian Churchwardens of the parish of S' Andrew the Apostell in the year of o1' lord god 1609. The Eeceites. Receved of John Stockden for on qvters farm for the shoop att the Church Dor the 25 of March ' *ijs viid. Receved of Parker to [sic] ffoott post for the other shoop xiiiid . Receved of Steven Douney for half a yeares farm ffor on of the littell shoopes iiij8 iiijd. Receved of Elias Marten for on yeares farm ffor the stor hows in pillary lane iiij8. Receved of John Stockden for Midsomer qrter ijs viid. Receved of Robartt Gilbert for a yeares rent for a garden near the Chantry iiij8. Receved of John Stockden for mickalmas qrter ijs viiid. Receved of M'8 Whitt, widdow, for three yeares farm dew unto this parish to be payd every Mickalmas three shillinges and four pence yearly out of her hows x8. Receved of John Stockden for christmas q''ter ij3 viijd. Receved of Mr John pearse lat churchwarden mony remaininge in his hand uppon his accomptes iiij8 iiiid. Receved of Steven Whittes widdow for breaking the ground in the churche vj3. Somm Receved is 43s 10d. Eol. 198 ro. Payments. '[1609.] Payd att the visitation the xth of Aprill xijd. Payd for Mr Swiftes Diner xijd. Payd for the Churchwardens "I --s .-••d .and the side menes dineres J J .) • Eayd for winne for a communion the 20th of Jun, and for bread • . • iij8 ja - *? The Clerk here returns to Roman figures, bub the new fashion prevails. 96 CHURCHWARDENS' ACCOUNTS Payd for a lock and a staple and a hinge and nayles, used aboutt on of the littell shoopes xiijd. Mor for boultes and nayles vja . Payd mor for winne for a Communion the 11"' of September and for bread iij3 ija- Payd unto the Clarck for washinge the church ]inone,-v for -, and for cleninge the calseway at the church I the I ...a, dor, and carryinge away of the sulledge, for (whol ( every qvter to shillinges J year J Payd at the visitation the 11th of October ij8 iiija- Payd for a bawdriek for the great bell and for mendinge of to others ij3 vja . Payd unto M* More the 6''' of november collector for the Marshalseand Kinges bench for on year and half ended last St. Micall vi8 vid- Payd unto the chamber for a yeares Rentt for the to shopes at the church dor ij3- Payd for a rope fo the second bell xiiiid. Payd for wine for the Communion on Christmas day v8. Payd at the Comysaryes cort the 27th of ffebruary ij3 iiija- Payd for mendinge the glase about the church and for cottinge of a casemente v8 via- Payd M1' More for half a yeares dew unto the Kinges bench and Marshallse the 10th of Aprill ij8 ijd- Payd unto a carpendar for hordes and nayles and half a daysworck in the church xvijd- Eol. 198 vo. Payd a mason for worck in the church iiijd'- Payd for a locke for the stepell Dore via.- Payd for caryinge away of sulledg from the Chaunselles end vid .- Payd mor for carryinge away sulledg iiija- Payd for 5 loods of stones vii3 vid. Payd for caryinge of the stones iij8 iiij4.. Payd for 3 loods of sand iij8. Payd for pavinge of 40 yeardes x8- Payd for the caryinge away of 3 loods of Robishe xiia.. Somm layd outt Is 31. 178 lld . Soe that ther Remaineth dewe unto Mc John Whitt and John Merriam Church Wardens 34" id. OF ST. ANDREW'S, CANTERBURY,- • 97 Eol. 199 ro. The Accompts of Thomas Branker and Randall Ludd Churchwardens of the Parish of S' Andrew the Apostle, made the 12"> of Aprill 1610. Received of John Stockden for one yeares farme for one of the shoopes at the church door, ending at or Lady Day last 0 Ii 108 0^ Rec' of Steven Dunny for half a yeares farme for a shoope 0 3 0 Rec' of Whitt's Wife for half a yeeres farme for one of the shoop 0 5 0 Rec' of Widow Whit for one yeeres farme for her howse ending at Michalmus Last 0 B 4t Rec' of Robert Gilbert for a yeeres rent for a garden lyinge neer the Chantery 0 .4 O Rec' of M1' Tho. Chapman for a lease of the howse in pillary lane 3 0 0 Rec' by a Ses wch wee made the 22* of March 1609 and have gathered in 3 1 3 Some of the receits 7 6 7 Payments or Laying out as followeth. Payde at the vissitation houlden in Aprill 1609 Payde for Mr Swift, Churchwarden, and sidemens dynner Payde for wine and bread in June 1609 Payde for bread and wine in September Payde for bread and wine in December Payde at the visitation houlden in October Payde the Clark for washing of the Lynnen Payde to a poore man for sweeping of the church pavement for one whole yeere ending at our Lady Day 0 1 8 Payd to the Chamberlyne for a yeeres Rent for the Church shoopes 0 2 0 Payd for two bell ropes 39 4d and two *batheryks 2s 6d Payde for makeing two new seats and one forme Paide for repayreing one of the Litle shoopes Paid to Mr Elvine for the scarvenger, etc. Paide for paveing of the Church doore * Baldrioks. VOL XXXVI. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 i 3 3 3 5 1 4 0 8 2 4 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 10 6 03 6 2 1 0 1 0 US ..CHURCHWARDENS' ACCOUNTS Paide to Mr Jo. Whitt and John Meryam for that as it appeaveth ..they were out of purse the last yeere - 1 14 0 j?ayde." for the suiteaboute the howse in pillary lane' • '3 18 5 ' * " " " ' ' " J Some" of the laying out 7 18 0 Deduct 7 Ii 63 7d out of 7 Ii 18s 0d ther remeyneth due unto • ... . •-Thomas Branker and Eandall Ludd, Churchwardens, the some of • • 0 11 5 Eol. 199 vo. ". . . ': . •'.'•• ' :i- The accompts of Thomas Branker and John ffurser, Churchwardens of the parish of S' Andrew the Apostle made the 25'" daye of1 March 1611. .., Recgivejjl of John Stockden for one yeeres farme for pne shope at . , . .„the Church doore ending the day aforesd. ... -: 0 10 0 (^ {The. other shope was not lett. Rec'of Mf Thq. Chapman for one whole yeeres farme ending the .^ (; daye and yeere abovesd. for a howse in pillarye lane 0 4 0 Rec'' of Rob1, Gilberte for one yeeres rent due upon the daye and 1: 1 X,eeve abovesaid for a garden Lying neer the Chauutery in •- ;; or neer S* Paules 0 4 0 Rec' of Mrs Whytt widow for one yeeres farme for her howse ending at. Miehalmus last past . 0 3 0 Som of ye receits 1 1 4 I »• '"•'-.i'l iLtc: ' . '. ' ' 'i ' Paym*3 or Laying out as followeth. Paid, at the vissitation houlden in Aprill 16d and the Minister Churchwardens and sidinens dyner 3s 6d- 0 4 10 Paid to M1' Moore for the Kings bench and the. Marshalseas .. • •:,.^ , ... -•/.'-'_ ' 0 4 4 To Mr Elvyne:fo.r.;the.twp shoppes at the church door due to the Camber[sic] ,. . ' " ' ' " 02 0 At the vissitation holden in October 0 1 4 •ffor carying of the siilledge from the church " 0 4 0 To Mr Chadd for washing of the Lynnen 0 4 0 To goodman Baker for sweeping of the church . " 0 1 8 ffor planking of the "church doore and making of. the two seates '- ther '• ' ' . . ' . ' . ,0 18 9 Two"bell ropes •• - - . .. - Q g ^ fforpaveing of 30 yds. against the church and two loadeS of stones and one load of sand . "; '. 0 12 6 OP si. ANDREW'S, CANTERBURY. 99 ;• Bread and wyne for the whole yeere 0 11 10. ffor paleing of the olde *Chappell .". 0 5 9, ffor hot presenting M1' Whetnall's man and his mayd in the conrte • Due unto us upon the last accounts as appeareth at the other sid of this leaf Q 11 5 To Walter Southwellf for cureing one Edmonds daughter 1 6 8 ffor a briefe * • • 0 1. 6 ffor a pair of stockings 20d and two JQuaires and two crascloths 28 , " ' 6 3 8 Som of the layings out 5 13 i l Deduct xxj8 iiij15 out of 5ii 138 l l d ther doth remeyne to the aforesaid Churchwardens the some of 4 12 7 Eol. '200 ro. - ' ' ' The aceompt of Thomas Branker and John ffurser Churchwardens of etc. made the ffirst daye of Aprill 1612 etc. Received of Mr Thomas Chapman for one yeeres farme due at our Lady Daye last for a howse in pillarye lane 0 4 0 Rec' of John Stockden for one yeeres farme for one shopp at the Church doore due at Or Ladye daye last 0 viii3 0 Rec' of widow ffrench borne for the other shope ther for half a yeere due at the daye aforesaid 0 2 6 Rec' of Robert Gilbert for one yeeres rent due at the daye and yeere aforesaid for one garden Lying neer the Chamterye in or neer S' Paules 0 4 0 Rec' of Mv'8 Whitt widow for one yeeres farme for her howse endinge at Michalmus last past 0 3 4 Rec' of §John Stransham's widow for breakinge up of the grownd in the church for her husband 0 6 8 Sofh of ye receits ||1 10 6 Payments or layinge" out as followeth. Paid at the vissitation houlden in Aprill 16d, and the minister, ^ !• churchwardens and sidmens dynner 3s 6d 0 4 10 * Probably for fencing of the Chapel Churchyard in Castle Street. (See T?. 89.)" ! • • t Alderman Walter Southwell was a Freeman of Canterbury (by app. to Christopher Brydge)'in 1601. He was a grocer by trade, and at this time the apothecaries were united to the grocers. J Quaires = writing books. Crascloths, probably cloths of a coarse texture. § John Stranshani, mercer, was a Freeman of Canterbury, 1594. || This, like many other accounts, is wrongly added up. H"2 100 CHURCHWARDENS* ACCOUNTS 0 1 0 2 0 4 0 4 0 4 0 2 0 10 0 6 0 3 4 0 4 0 0 8 2 8 4 At the vissitation houlden in October To Mr Elvyne for the two shopes etc. To Jonas Waters for ye Kings Bench and Marshalseas Caryage of the sulledge from the church To Mr Chadd for washinge of the Lynnen To goodman Baker for sweepeinge of ye Church Bread and wine for the whole yeere *ffor Mychells sonne one suite and two shirtes ffor Courtups sonne dublet and two shirts ffor Pryces sonne two shirts.and canvese to lyne him one suite 0 3 4 ffor Edmondeses daughter canvese, scotise cloth, and making of thecote 0 3 8 ffor mending of xvi buckits 0 7 0* ffor flmbrasseing of the great Bell 0 2 6 ffor the carpenter's worke 0 1 6 ffor Mr Chadds labour therahoute 0 0 6 ffor foure bathricks 0 5 4 Som of ye Layinge out 3 6 2 Deduct the receits above said wcl' is xxx8 |vid out of the layinge out woh are iij|ii vj8 ijd ther doth remeyne due to the aforenamed churchwardens the some of of 1 15 8 Ad to this the some wch they were out of purse the last yeere wch is as it appeareth 4 12 7 Ther remeyneth due to them 6 8 3 Eol. 200 vo. The Accomptes of James Nicholson and Peeter Bull Churchwardens made the 18th of Aprill 1613. Received of Mr Thomas Chapman for one years rente for his stablein pillary lane due at our ladi laste 0 4 0 Rec' of Amies for one yeares rente for hir shope at the church doore 0 8 0- Rec' of widdow ffrenchbourne for haulf a years rent due at Michalmes 0 2 6 * First entry of gifts of clothes to the poor. t Applying a brace for support. J The MS. gives vi" in error. OP ST, ANDREW'S, CANTERBURY. 10 1 Rec' for the other haulf years rent du at our lady daye laste of widow frenshbourne 0 4 0 Rec' of Robert Gilbert and Paul Barret for a yers rent for a garden lying near ye Chantery du at our lady last past 0 4 0 Rec' of Mr8 White widdow for one year and a haulfes rent for hir house du at our lady last 0 5 0 1 7 6 Received more by a Cease [xiK xvij" iiijd] 11 17 4 Payments layd out as followeth, Payd at the visitation houlden in Aprill, 1612, for Mr Swifte his dinner and the sidemens and takeinge our othes 0 4 4 Payd for a bill of marriages christinings and buriale 0 1 0 Payd for a sitasion in the court 0 1 2 Payd to goodman Tere for stufe to paile the churchyard 0 15 8 Payd for nayles 0 1 7 Payd to Mr Elfeet for the two shopes 0 2 0 Payd for a bel rope and a brush 0 1 9 Payd for bread and wine for 8 communiones 0 10 0 Payd for anoth1' Belrope 0 1 6 Payd for mendinge a claper and hanging ye bel 0 3 8 Payd the plumer for sawthering the leads 0 3 6 Payd for a lock and a staple for the belfery 0 1 0 Payd the clarke for washinge the linnon 0 1 0 Payd for mendinge a clapper 0 1 8 Payd Mr Swift for his dinner at ye visitation 0 1 0 Payd the office for putinge in the presentments 0 .1 4 Payd the clerck for washinge ye Lynnon and makeinge the bill of presentments 0 1 3 Payd for bourdinge the chancel and weomens pues 1 10 0 Payd for nayles 0 3 8 Payd for caryinge the sullage in the church 0 0 4 Payd for mendinge the glas and scouering 0 10 8 Payd for a bourd 0 1 6 Payd thre quarters cariag of the sullage 0 3 0 Payd Mr Sutten for the Marshallsea 0 4 4 Eol. 201 ro. Payments layd out as followeth. Payd Sawvadge for the sweepinge 3 quarters 0 1 3 Payd Chad for washinge the Linnon 0 1 0 102- •" CHURCHWARDENS' ACCOUNTS Payd Richard Miles for makeink the newe pues in the chamber and for bourds and timber 3 4 D Payd M1' "White for "nay les and charnels 0 6 0 Payd for chandles '"' y . 0 0,4 Payd Baker for another quarter 0 1 0 Payd Savage for swepinge 0 0 5 Payd George Marable for 11 busheles of lyme and 3 Bushels of haire" '.' • 0 4 8 Payd him for two men for two dayes and a haulfe 0 4 10 Payd for watchinge the dore and mending ye leads 0 0 7 •Payd for the door mendinge and the windows of the church 0 1 6 for paveinge before the church doore 0 0 9 Payd goodman Parkeson for payntinge the Kings Armes and the rest of ye church 2 12 -0 ,Payd for ij bourds to nayle against the church doore and nayles i 0 0 7 Eayd the clerck for washing the Linnon 0 1 0 Payd ye goodwife leverock 0 2 3 Eayd for mending ye Pales in churchyard '0 0 5 . The sum of the Layinges out is • 12 11 2. Re'ste in our handes.of this acowente 0 13 8-' ". The wich sum I, James Nicholson have payd to Mr bulkly. Eol, 201 vo. --• • " • At Ester 1613 we Began. S' Andrewe in ye The Accompts of Thomas Branker and Cittie of Cantorhury. Joseph Bulkley Churchwardens.' • for 2 yeres. .. . . s Recevid of James Nicholson . ' . : Rec' of widow frenchborne for a shop Recevid for a Garden in S' Paules for 2 yers Recevid for a shop for a yee.r . ' Rec' of M™ White for 2 yeers for her howse Rec' of Mr Chapman for 2 yeers for a stable Recevid of Ames for a shop Some is Payments layd out as followeth for 2 yeres." At the visitation in Aprill 1613 for Mr Swifts diner and ours and for one other 4 0 s. 13 2 8 10 6 . • . : 8. •" "8 16 4 d. S 0 0 0 8 0 ' 0 O P • si1'." A N D R E W ' S , ' O A N T E R B U R Y . 1I 0 3 T To the Paynter to put out the Kinge '• :'"/•'" '•'•'•- In lri':t2i's& for a Badrike for ye great bell and mending' a;cbaisne'UHi '«;'• 2 6 for 2 bills putting into the Court at Michallmas' ;'", ,i"* ]o L^/QmS for Mr Swifts dinner and myne I!'>II:I':I 2 0 for mending the bels ye 4°'Novembr 1613 and for^a badrike:; jandT 1 a staple . •;..'!' • ,T; 2 3 Work done td the bels ye 23 March and 1 bell Rope .' " 2 2T for 2 yeres sweping the church doore . - .. ' 3 i Pd. the dark for'2 yeers, for washing and for bread ijd a quarter 'X 9 4 for a badrike for ye little bell and a Bell Rope 2 4 Pd. for setting up a womans Seate 1 6 Pd. the 1011' of 'June 1614 We ye Kings Bench and Marshalseas 4 4 Pd. for maymed soldiers for 2 yeres ••!•••'' y'< "-.>"> ! JV; '24: 0 Pd. at ye visitation in Aprill 1614 for Mr Swifts>dii&ar!aud? „church; wardens and sidmens • : • : >.' r. '-"i '••//y''l4i:<:i Pd. for writing our bils and for our othes :••••:?•:-:.'!' •>,-, 3 0 .- - •' • •• ••• -: .v. i ; i . •; . ul Eol.:202ro. •; :..,, • [; " ' . More pd. for a clappar wayth 10 • •' • , 3 4 Pd. for-a bell Rope 1 0 Pd. for Tiles and lats and priggs and lime and lom'e and sand and work .. : ; - . -' . ^ . 5 6 for 2 Potts 1 of a pottle and 1 of a Gallon for the Communion ' • Table •--: - ". •• It '.-.••;;:.-, '; 19-6 for Bread and wine for ye Communion. •• - '-"'•'•'{ '•• • : i -' '[• 13 6 Pd. to ye scavenger for 2 yeers carieng -•-,;;•..' :-. •;; '•;••-.•;; 8. 0 for linen to a child at Northgate '. •.' 1 : , . / - • / . ' J V 6 0 * . ' " • . The som is > 6YuWM.v:l So ther remaynes due to us the some of .' 3I t • 9? 0d • .. .. : . ' . ' • . ! •-•• •. -, i I .v.; ..:•..: Eol. 202 vo. ;.'.•:•: The accompts of John Gobye .and Thomas- White .church* wardens of the Parish of Saint Andrewe in the Citty of Canterburye made the 28th day of Aprill 1616 for the yeare past. Imprimus the Receits. Receaved ffor the Rente of the garden in Saint Paules for' a yeare due at our ladye daye last past 0 4 0 Receaved of Mr Thomas Chapman for the Rent of his stable for a yeare due at oT ladye daye-last past •'•-•- 0 4 0 1 0 4 CHURCHWARDENS' ACCOUNTS Receaved of Mr s White widow for ye rent of har house for a yeare due at our lady daye last past 3 4 Receaved of Nicholas Goodden for burreinge of his wyffe in the church 0 6 8 Receaved of Marrye Claye for a yeares Rent of one of the shope at the Church doore 0 10 0 Receaved of Amys for the Eent of one of the shope at the church doore for a yeare 0 8 0 Receaved of .a sesse made the 12%ffebruary 1615 the some of 9 3 6 , Some Receaved is x ii xix8 vjd. Payments layed out as heare ffolloweth. Itm. Payed for the maymed soldiers 0 9 0 Itm. Payed for the Kinges bench and marshallse 0 4 4 Itm. Payed for a bord to make a new Doore for one of the shope and for a bolte and nailes 0 2 0 Itm. payed the carpenter for makinge the doore and for menkinge [sic] the windows of the shopp 0 1 0 Itm. for iij quars halfe of lille *grogeren crimson for the pullpett coshen 0 2 6 Itm. payed for two skinnes for the pulpett coshen 0 1 4 Itm payed the cleerke for his worke in mendinge the pulpett coshen 0 0 6 Itm. ffor sweppinge the church doore for a yeare 0 2 0 Itm. payed ffor pavinge 63 yards of the church grounde 0 15 6 Itm. payed for three lodds of stones and two lodds of sand for to ye Paving of the church ground 0 9 6 Itm. Payd ffor two lockes and nailes for the chest in the chancell and to the smith to sett them one 0 1 7 Itm. payd for one locke and staple for the doore goeing upp in the steple • 0 0 11 Itm. payd ffor caraeing away the Rubbish after the paveers had don paving 0 0 4 Eol. 203 ro, Itm. Payd for a sirpless for M1 Swift 10 0 * Obsolete form of grogram, a coarse fabrio of silk, mohair and wool stiffened with gum, from Lille. Admiral Vernon, 1740, wore a grogram oloak and was nicknamed " Old Grog," which name was transferred to the mixture he caused to be served out instead of neat spirit. OF ST, ANDREW'S, CANTERBURY. 10 5 Itm. Payd ffor mendinge the Palles of the churchyard to John „Turrye as apereth by his note 0 4 4 Itm. Payd ffor our dynners at my Lorde of Canterburyes visetation 0 4 4 Itm. Payd ffor our booke of Articles 0 3 0 Itm. Payd to Thomas Browne ffor mending the glasse in the church as apereth by his note 0 11 9 Itm. Payd to Davis the smith ffor worke don in the steple as apereth by his note 0 5 0 Itm. Payd ffor Mr Swift his dynner at the vissitation in Aprill 1615 0 1 0 Itm. Payd for a locke and mending the lach of ye littel-1 doore 0 1 6 Itm. Payed for two fformes and for other hordes that weare repayred and for nailes 0 6 7 Itm. Payd for bread and wine for the comuneon at Whitsontide 1615 0 4 2- Itm. Payd to the Clarke for washing the linnon and for bromes for a yeare 0 4 0 Itm. ffor the Ringers when my Lorde of Canterbury came to towne 0 1 0 Itm. Payd for bread and wine for the communeon the 3t h daye of September 1615 0 4 2 Itm. Payd ffor bread the 5t!l daye of November 1615 and for wine for the communeon 0 3 2 Itm. Payd for bread and wine for the communeon at Christmas 1615 0 .5 2 Itm. Payd for mending the stone wall of the churchyard 1 Itm. for Mr Swifts dynner at the vissitation 9 Aprill 1616 0 Itm. Payd for delivering in our bylls at the vissitation 0 Itm. payd for our dynners and the sidmens dynners vissitation 0 Itm. Payd ffor writting our bylls of presentments 0 Itm. Payd ffor gildinge the peece of *Plate that M1' Watenhall gave to the parish 14 0 Itm. Payd for writtinge of a bond twise for fRie. Cheever 0 1 0 Itm. payd for a badricke for the littell bell and for mending of an other badricke 0 2 0 * See Arch. Cant, Vol. XXVII., pp. 2? 5-6. t Riohard Cheever was a glover and freeman of Canterbury. 5 1 1 at 3 2 0 0 4 ye 0 0 1 0 6 •"•' CHURCHWARDENS' ACCOUNTS Itm. payd foi a bell Rope for ye littell bell .0 1 0 Itm. payd to Mr Elfrike for ye townes Eent of ye two shopps Itm. payd for carreing away the sulliage for a yere 0 4 2 Itm. payd ffor mending Amys her shopp 0 0 4 Itm; ffor a bagge to put in the Plate Mr Wetenhall gave 0 0 4 Itm. payed ffor my oeth - .0 1 O The some of ye ..Layings out is ' .' . xiixvij3 vjd . . The some "Eeceaved is " .. . xi ixix3vjd . Soe. theare remayneth due to ye parrish P ij.8. o. _ Eol. 20Moii?Ml ®i ID ion! e£i sfiik;- •: '. •;•• ?:b^ .;• TOS 1 ^ 1 .tei'I *•' The-6 accompts of John Gqbet and Thomas White church- -waMens- of ^he:cp'arf{sh:'church of St'''Mtidrfe,w4s'Ji:!i thWelttyHf 'Canterburye made the 28th day of Aprill 16!i7?Jff6r!},Weiife*%e last 'past.'' '-•• •• '": jT "'•"• "'•"' " " •'• * *-:-h-''''' ""•" k&sitf TO5 rvv^i .(•"-< • "' Imprimis the Recits. '•'" ~ __" •- "• . ' • ' . ' 5-.\-: :- ' -.:: ••..'^hnir wl siiisD ?;H -•: • rrri '.' Receaved of the Eemayner of the last yeares accomptg...... "0 2 O Receaved .of Marry. Claye for the, ren|tpf.^pne.-,of the shope for a yeare ' - >• • • o 10 0 Rec' of M1'Chapman for the ould^hanpill doors, • 0 4 0 Rec' for ould iron "- - - , . . - . 0 0 6 Rec' of the last-yeare sisse -- -,. ....r .••.-.-.• 0 2 0' Rec' for a yeares Rent of the garden in S) Panics - . 0 4 0 Rec' of- M.* Chapman for a yeares. Rent of the stable In Pilierie- - lane ' .. . 0 4 0' Rec' of Jerimy Patte[son] for a yeares Rent of the ..o.ther shope , ,- Jtec'of M1'3 White for. a years Bent of har house ' , 0 3 -4- Rec' of a sesse made the. thirde daye.of Jeunary 1616 the some,of- . . . ' " ' ,..'.; 4i rii : - .. :* .'Som-Receved is- 43 -5- 9," Payments layed out as heare ffolloweth. • Itm. ffor bread and wyne for our communion at Whitsontid 1616 ' Itm. ffor a bell Rope ' " • ; : Itm. ffor a badricke Itm. payed for carreing'a Waye the sullage for a yeare Itm. payed for swopping the church doore for a yeare .0 0 0 0 0 4 1 1 5 2 ••2: 3 0 4- 0 0 1- 0 1 0 1 0 2 0 12 0 0 1 10 0 7 0' 4 0' .0 0 3 0 2 OP ST. ANDREW'S^ 6ANTERRURT. 107" Itm. payed the Clarke for washing^the"Ihitiori and for bromes '. * : .' "' ' :::;"'. v" '' / ; ..." o 4 i> Itm. for a badricke for the great bell 0 1 8 Itm. for bread and wyne for the communeon the first of September 1616 , 6 5 O Itm. for M1' Swifts dinner at the visitation at Mickellmas 1616 "'. Itm. for putting in of our bylls at the visitation Itm. for writting our bylls at that visitation Itm. payed Mr. Elfick for the Rent of the shopes Itm. for paveinge of 49 yards halfe of the church ground Itm. for longe *brish Itm. to Gilbart for 20 sackes of lime 18d Itm. for 50 li of new Iron Eol. 204 ro. Itm. payed Page the smith for worke as appereth by his note - o" 9 8- Itm. for sayeing ij windeseots 0 2 0' Itm. for a halfe a C of brickes 0 0 S Itm. payed John Chambers for brickes and lime and sand asapereth by his note 1 2 6 Itm. for a dust baskett ' 0.0 .&• Itm. to the" smith for making a lach and a for a handell and for making a great key for the chansell doore 0. 4 .6 Itm. payd the maison for 5 weekes .and one halfe dayes worke for himselfe and labourer 3 10 .8- Itm. for iij qura halfe of changable ftuff taffety 123 3d 1 yd. iij qters of coler Jholmes 23 2d iij qters lack a naile of gengeline gparopus 3" 3d, ffor silk to make ||tor sells 20d all for the communeon coshen 0 19. 4 Itm. to the clarke to make the communeon coshen 0 1 0 .Itm. iiij poundes of bumbast for the communeon coshen 0 1 r4 Jtm. Payed the painter 5 14- * Brush. . . ... t A kind of taffeta with a pile or nap arranged in tufts. $ A fustian made at Ulm in Germany, commonly called Holmes' fustian. § Paropos, a fabric used in early part of seventeenth century; similar toparagon. ' . - || Torsells=tassels. 108 CHURCHWARDENS' ACCOUNTS Itm. for making Britt the communeon Potts 0 0 2 Itm. to the Clarke to warren the parish to meet at church 0 0 6 Itm. payd Wager the smith for mending the locke of ye doore betwixt ye body and ye chansell and for a key and for setting one [on] a bolt 0 1 2 Itm. for iiij boshells of coles to drye the paintinge 0 1 4 Itm. Payed to Mr, White for nailes and other thinges for the church as apeareth by his note 2 0 11 Itm. for the use of greene bayes to hang a bout the wainscot and for nailes to hange upp the bayes 0 0 8 Itm. payed to the carpenter for makeing the three assentes in the chansell and for dyvers other workes in the church and for bords and timber 17 0 0 Itm. payed David the smith for worke as appereth by his note 0 5 0 Itm. payed the Glasser 3 2 6 Itm. payed John Turry for worke at the chappell churchyard as appereth by his note 0 5 10 Itm. ffor v yards lackeing halfe a qter of greene paropus ffor a communeon carpett 4—6 Itm. to Mr Chapman for wares for the church Itm. for franckco insence Itm. payd the Clarke for making the communeon cloth Itm. payd for our visitation dinner Itm. for bread and wyne for our communeon at Christmas 0 "Itm. for a lock for the chansell doore Itm. for iiij boshells of heare Itm. for iij lode of stones and j lode of sand Itm, payed to the Two Jeners for their work and for hordes as apereth by thaire notes 4 11 6 Eol. 204 vo. Itm. iij windscots and ij *clobordes 0 9 6 Itm. ffor beare and bread to the workemen 0 7 6 Itm. ffor ix pound of Candells to the worke o iij3 jd Itm. payed at divers times for swopping and wnsheing the church and crapping the windows 0 5 9 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 6 6 3 1 8 10 8 2 6 0 3 4 4 4 * Cupboard, OP ST. ANDREW'S, CANTERBURY. 10& Itm. payed for carreing a waye of 15 lodes of Rubbish at dyvers times 0 5 0 Som of the layings out is 47 1 8 Som of the Receits is 43 5 9 Soe theare is due to the Churchwardens the some of 03 15 11 The accoumpts of Thomas White church warden of the Parish, church of Saint Andrew in the Cittye of Canterburye ffrom Ester 1617 to Ester 1618. Made the 26th daye of Aprill 1618. Imprimus the Eeceits. Eeceaved of Christopher Rieherdson for a yeare Rent of one of the shope due at our lady day last past • 00 10 00- Rec' for the breaking of the ground for the *londener 00 06 08- Rec' of Mr Claggett for the remaynder of his last yeare Sess 00 04 08- Rec' of Mv Lockley for a fine of the Store house in Pillerye lane 02 10 0O Rec' of Mr Lockley for a yeare Rent of the store house in Pillerye Lane 00 04 00- Rec' for the breaking upp of the ground for ould Mra White 00 06 OS Rec' of Christopher Rieherdson for a fine of one of the shope 01 00 00 Rec' for a year Rent of Amys harshope 00 08 0O Rec' for a yeare Rent of a Garden in Saint Paules due at our lady day last past 00 04 00' Som is 05 14 00 Eol. 205 ro. Payment layed out as heare ffolloweth. Imprimis. Remayning due to the church warden as appereth onethe last yeare accoumpt the some of 03 15 11 Itm. for bread and wyne for our communeons this yeare 01 03 00- Itm. for two visitation dinners for Mr Swift 00 02 00 Itm. for the Kinge bench and Marshallsee 00 04 04 Itm. gave to a poore man that had his tonge cut out 00 02 0O Itm. for setting up Mr Mayers seett and mending M1'3 Claggetts pewe 00 05 00' * Londoner, 110- CHURCHWARDENS' ACCOUNTS-,-n Itm. for our oeths,,at the visitation^ i.,.,i. , •-..,;,,- v ^0 ^1. ®®' Itin. to the scavengers for ayeare carriage o'f the fullag.e 00 05 04 Itm. for putting in of our bylls at the visi tat ion. . . 00 01 04 Itm. for a Rope for the great bell '' "''. ^."^-,, , '/. • 00 01 10 Itm. to M1'Ellfick for the townes Rent,of the,two', shopes for a yeare "' ' "J "'* ' v f /": : * 00 02 00 Itm. for mending the glasse 00 07 06 Itm. for mending the pales at the churchyard . , 00 01 06 Itm. for Balrieke '. ' 00 01 04. Itm. for washing the linnon and for bromes ' 00 05 00, Itm. for writting our bylls ' ' 00 02 00' Itm. for carryeng a waye of 4 lode of Rubbish 00 01 04 The Some layed out is 07 02 07 The Some Receaved is 05 14 00 Soe theare is due to the Churchwarden the some of 01 08 07 Eol. 205 vo. - ° The accoumpte of John Lade and Walter Sowthwell Churchwardens of the parish of S' Andrews in the Citie of Canterburie for -two years from Ester 1618 unto Ester 1620 made the 28,H of Aprill 1620. Imprimis. Eec' of M1' Thomas White for the Rent of the howse wherein he Dwelleth wh was leying on paid 00 03 04 Rec' of Mr Locklie for two yeares Rent of the stable in *Dunghill Lane 0 8 0 Rec' of Christopher Richardson for two yeares Rent for one of the shopes at the church doore 0 14 0 Rec' of Jerimie Patteson for two yeares Rent for the other shop at 8s 0 16 0 Receaits. Ree' of Mr Henrie Whit.for two yeares Rent for the. howse his Brother dwelleth in 0 6 8; Rec' of Stredicke fortwo yeares Rent for the garden in Sttt Paules 1 yeare 4s 2 yeare 8s • 0 12 0, Rec' for breaking up the ground for'Symon Whits child 0 681 Rec' of the gouldsmith for 21 ownces 3 gr. of silver at 53 2d , ' 5 12 ' 4 Rec'of Mr Nicholson for breaking up the grownd for two of hisi • children • • • 0 13 4 ••••"• J * Previously called Piljory and now Rose Lane. OP- STr ANDREW'S, CANTERBURY. li l t Reel for breaking up the grqwnd.of John.Golife wJl was left unpaid" this yeare 0 6 8 Rec' by a Sesse made the 11th of ffebruarie 1619 . / . 8' 8 4 ;.. ; •;; Som is 18 7 0 l '.;? Payments. -, Imprimus. Paid unto the old churchwardens w0'1 was owing to • them as apereth by theire Last acompts '••'1.87 Paid at the visitation for our othes 0 1 0 It. for the ministers churchwardens and sidemeus dinner 0.5 9 It. for bread and wine for three communions the first yeare ,; 0 16 3 It. for sweeping the church dore the first yeare ' "' 0 2 0 It. paid to the scavenger for earring away the sullege 0 6 0 It. for a Badricke for the great bell 0 2 0 It. paid for 9 pounds qter of sother at 9d a ii 0 6 11 I t . paid to the workmen for mending the leads and fireing for the Iorns 0 1 10 I t . paid for a Badricke for the fourth bell 0 2 0 It. paid for delivering in our bills at the visitation 0 1 4 It. paid for the Ministers and Churchwardens dinners 0 3 0 It. paid Mr Elficke for the first years rent for a shop 0 2 0 It. paid for a badricke for the litle bell 0 1 0 It. paid for washing the church linen the first yeare 0 4 0 Eol. 206 ro. , Payments. Itm. for writing our Bills at both visitations 0 2 0 It. paid to the Tresurer for the Marshallsea • . - 4 4 It. paid for A key for one of the shopes • • • 0 0 6 It. paid at the visitation for our othes the 2 yeares . 0 .1 0 It. paid for the Ministers Churchwardens and sidmens denier 0 7 6 It. sweepinge the church doore the two yeares 0 2 0 It. paid for bread and wine for three communions the 2 yeares " 0 16 6 It. paid for delivering in of our bils at the visitation ;. 0 1 4 It. for the Ministers and Churchwardens diners 0 3 0 It. paid for writing our bils at both visitations the two yeares •; . ' -• • • ' . 0 2 0 I t ; for A badricke for the litle bell 0 1 0 I t . paid.M1' Bridge for the 2 yeares rent for a shop Qt 2 0 112 CHURCHWARDENS' ACCOUNTS 0 0 0 0 0 •0 7 7 0 4 1 0 0 0 0 3 0 3 8- 6 4- 6 6 6 It. paid the gouldsmith for 29 ounces one halfe of silver and gilt 7* 10 6 6 It. paid to Robert Ludd for mending the glasse windows as apeareth by his bill 0 10 0 It. paid to the tresurer for the marshalsea 0 4 4 It. for washing the church linen the 2 yeare 0 4 0 It. paid for A rope for the great bell 0 1 8 It. paid goodman miles for post rayles and pales to mend the fenceat the churchyard as apereth by his bill 0 5 11 It. paid to goodman Patteson for work done about the church and mending the pavements It. for A rope for the 4th bell It. nayles and mending some of the seats It. A bagg for the new Cup It. paid to Mr whit for Lats prigs and nayles It. more paid to Myles for 6d and 4d nayles Som of the payments is 18 Som of the Receites is 18 So there Eemaines ento us 0 John Ladd and Walter Southwell hath given up ther two years accompts the 7th of May 1620 in the presents of those whose namesare here under written and then they did deliver up to Tho. Earrar and Tho. Newman new chosen churchwardens one cummonion cupeand one larg Dish both of silver and guilt. George Claget for ij years. John Werham [?]. John SSamfon. Thomas Reader, ffrancis hayne. Petter Bull. Tho. White. N. Goodin. Symon White. Eol. 206 vo. The aecoumpt of Thomas ffarrar and Thomas Newman for oneyeer ending at Easter 1621. Also the accoumpts of Thomas ffarrar and ffrancis Hayne for one yeere ending at Easter 1622 thesechurchwardens of the parish of S4 Andrew. ii. s. d. Receaved of Mr Jhon Ladd and Walter Southwell the remayner of thear accompts in mony 0 1-8- Receaved of Georg Stredicks wyf for two yeers farm ending at our lady day last for a gardin whereon is lately built on house contayning 2 tenyments in Chantry lane paying for thewhole eyght shillins a yeare in s* Pauls parish 0 16 O OP ST. ANDREW'S, CANTERBURY. 113 Receaved of wyddow Bils for breaking the ground in the body of the church for her husband 0- 6 8 Receaved of Henry Collit the elder for breaking the ground in ye body of the church for his wyfe 0 6 8 Receats. Eeceaved of Mr Thomas Whit for breaking the ground in the body of the church for a youth ' 0 6 8 R. of M1' Jams Nycholson the 12 of March 1620 for the poor 0 6 8 Receaved of Christpher Rychison for 2 years farm for oh of the lytle shops at ye church doore due at our lady last 0 14 0 Receaved of M1' Rychard Lockley for 2 years farm for a stable or storhouse in pillyry lane due at our lady last 0 8 0 Receaved of Jeremy pattyson in part of 2 years farm for the other lytle shope at the church doore due at our lady last 0 6 8 Receaved of Mr James Nycholson ye 22 of March 1621 for the poor 0 6 8 Receaved of Mr Henry Whit for 2 years rent or dutys belonging to our Church of S' Andrew due at our lady day last I say due out of the corner Hous whear his brother Mr Thomas Whit now dwelleth 0 6 8 Receats by Ralph Joans October ye 8 1621. It. work don and stuff iij3 vid. It. to Ralph Joans 22 of March 1621 It. for 16 foot inch board at a peny a foot xvid. Payments by Ralph Joans mor work don the 29 of March. It. for nayls and charnills xiijd. It. for 2 days work ij3 viiid. It. for 3 foot of board and nayls vd. It. for on days work xvid. To the iron munger a lock for the steeple stayrs doore and iij lam heads and nayls som of all is ij8 iujd. Payments. Mor to ye Iron Munger a charnill boult and nayls used about on[e] of ye lytle shopps at ye Church door xiiid oh. VOL. xxxvi. i 114 CHURCHWARDENS' ACCOUNTS Eol, 207 ro. In primis payd to the office *oats 0 1 0 Itm. payd for the ministers churchwardens and sidmens ye first yeare 0 10 6 Payments. It, payd the scavinger for carrying away the sullag the first yeare 0 6 0 It. payd for bread and wyne the first yeare 0 17 9 It. payd for washing the church linnen ye first yeare 0 4 0 It. payd to the treasurer of the Marshalseas 0 4 4 It. payd for a baldrick ye second of September 0 1 4 It. payd for a bell rope 0 0 10 It. pay to the office 0 1 4 It. pay for a bell clapper the 6th of November 0 1 6 It. payd for a shovell 0 1 2 It. payd Rochell the carpinter for work don in ye Church 0 9 9 It. payd to ye Towne Sergant for rent for ye shopps 0 2 0 It. payd to ye smith the 10th of March 1620 for a bell clapper 0 5 3 It. payd for sweeping the out parts of the Church the first yeare 0 2 8 4lb 33 2d Payments the second yeare. It. in primis for a Baldrick 0 1 2 It. payd for a Bell rope 0 1 0 It. payd for carrying the sullag to ye fscavinger 0 6 0 It, payd the Treasurer for the marshalseas ye 23 of August 0 4 4 It. payd at ye offic ye 28 of September 1621 0 1 4 It. payd ye sayd 28 of September for writing bills 0 1 0 It. payd mor the same day for ministers churchwardens and sidemen's dinners 0 8 2 . It. payd ye Town Sergant for ye 2 lytle shops 0 2 0 It, payd to the offic the 16th of January 1621 • 0 1 2 It, payd for a baldrick ye 19 of March 1621 0 1 2 It. payd for a bellrope ye 24 of March 1621 0 1 2 It. payd for bread and wine the last year 0 18 5 It. payd for washing the church linnen ye last yeare 0 4 0 It, payd for sweeping the out parts of the church the last yeare 0 2 8 * Oaths, t Above the line is: " The 6 of August 1621." OP ST. ANDREW'S, CANTERBURY. 11 5 Mor payd Rochell the carpinter for work don in the chapill churchyard. It. for a quarter of a hundred of 4 foot rayls ij", It. for 24 foot of quarter at a oh. a foot used about the rayls is. It. for a *choar to choar up a post vjd. It. for half a days work viiid. It. for a hundred of 6d nayls and double tenns viiid. Som of the payments is 7ii Is 9d ob. Som of the Receats is 4 6 4 So remayns due to the Churchwardens 2 15 5 ob. Eol. 207 vo. The two yeares accoumpts last mentioned were vewed by and allowed of the 29t h of July 1622 by such parishioners whose names are hereunder subscribed. And ther remayneth due to the Churchwardens ffiftye and five shillings expended by them mor then they have received. George Clagett. Thomas Reader. John White. John Lad. John Warham. Thaccompts of Thomas ffarraw and ffrauncis Hayne Churchwardens of the parishe of S' Andrewe in Cantbury begyning att the ffeaste of Thannuciaton of o1* Ladie the blessed virgine (Anno Diii) 1622 And ending att the said ffeast Anno Diii 1623 In manner and forme following: Imprimis Theise accomptants charge themselves to have received for a garding in S' Paules of this Cittie in Chauntry Lane of where one a house contayning Two Tenements Lately builded by George Stredwicke and to him Leased at this present in thoccupacon of Jeremy Smith, and of him received for one yeares Rent due at the feast last before mentoned the summe of viii8. Rec' of Jeremy Pattisonne for one smale shopp att the church corner in parte of a more summe for Rent the sume of iij3 ixd. Rec' of Xpor Richardsonne for the other Little shopp for Rent being part of a more summe in mony the sume of ij3. Rec' of M1' Richard Lockley talder for one yeares farme for a stable in Pillery Lane to him leased due att our Lady daie Laste the summe of iiijs% * Obsolete form of core.—Murray's New English Dictionary. I 2 116 . CHURCHWARDENS' ACCOUNTS Rec' of the said Mr Lockly for breaking upp the church ground att his childs buryall the summe of vi3 viii4. Rec' for breaking upp the Church ground att Mr Thomas Whits buryall the summe of vis viiid. Eol. 208 ro. / Rec' at ye said ffeast of Mr Henry White for one yeares farmes then due for the corner house wherein M1' Thomas Whites widdowe nowe dwelleth being an Anuall Rent paid to our Church belonging tyme out of mynde the summe of iij3 iiija. Summa totalis of this yeares receipts amounteth unto iii xiiij3 vd. Disbursm'3 in the said yeare for woh the said accomptants desire an allowance as heere after ensueth:— Imprimis att both visitacons the said yeare paid ijs hijd. It. for the Mynisters 2 dynners the said yeare paid the summe of ij3. It. for the Churchwardens Dynners at ye visitacone the summe of ij3. It. paid to Marshalseas and Kings bench the said yeare the summe of iiij3 nijtf. It. paid for sweeping about the church and against the church doore ij3 viiid. It. for one yeares carrying awaie the sullage the summe of vj3 . It. for making The Bills of presentment iSf It. paied to the clarke for the whole yeares washing the church Lynnen iiij". It. paied att Auditour Sawyers' office in London to the Kings messenger att the aunswering to a certaine Demand of a penny the yeare, for seaven acres of Land sometime belonging to or said parish for : 48: *yeares for wo]l Land wee have aunswered, hath beene out of or occupac5n tyme out of mynde we said, paid to the said messenger and for charges the summe of xiiii3 vjd. It. paied the towne sargiant for o1': 2 : Little shopps the summe of ij3. for a newe Bellrope xiiii4. Also layde out in repations about the church the particulars wherof appeared Xs. # This would be about the year 1574. Query, is this the land formerly possessed in Sandwioh. OP ST. ANDREW'S, CANTERBURY. 117 Eol 208 vo. It. for Lyme and sand to repaire our Churchyard wall wth paied ij3 iiijd. It, paid for stones and pales to mend the churchyard fence xxd . It. paid for two daies and a halfe worke about the said churchyard wall iij3 iiijd. It. paied for Latts, priggs and Tyles to repaire the Church w'hall iiij3 iiijd. It. paid for Lyme and sand for the church the summe of ij8 iiij^ It. a Daie and a halfe for the workeman and his Labourer, paid iij3 ixd. It. for a newe poore man's Boxe sett upp att the Churche Doore wth three locks and three keies and new charnells to the same the summe of vB. It. for worke at that instant done to the Bells the summe of iiijd . It, for setting upp of the two sids of M1' Maiors seat, and other worke w"1 nailes att that tyme the summe of xvd- It# paid to a poore stranger of Durhame having a good certificate travailing to Dove1' the summe of vid. It, paid for writing this aceompt i8. Summa Totalis of this years disbursmts for wch theise accomptants desire allowance cometh unto iiij li xi8 viijd. And so plainely appeareth that uppon this yeares aceompt there remaineth due to the churchwardens in mony the summe of ij li xvij8 od. I n like manner resteth due unto the said churchwardens, as appeareth at the foote of the last yeares Aceompt ' the summe of 2 li 15s 0d. And so remayneth due uppon theise two last yeares Accompts the summe of 5 ii- 128 0d. Thomas ffarrar and James Glover are chosen churchwardens. Eol. 209 ro. The last years accoumpt before goinge was vewed and alowed of the 13t h day of May 1623 by such parishioners whose names are heareunder written and there remayneth due to the said Churchwardens (namly Tho: ffarrar and 118 CHURCHWARDENS' ACCOUNTS ffrancis Hayne) the somme of ffive pownds and twelve shillings expended by them more then they have received •w* say 05 : 12 : 00 Thomas Branker. John Lade. James Nicholson. James Glover. Tho: Reader. The accoumpt of Thomas ffarraw and James Glover churchwardens of the parish of S* Andrew hegineinge at the feast of the Annuntiation of or Lady Mary the Virgine Anno Diii 1623 and endinge at the said feast 1624. [The rest of this page is blank.] Eolios 209 vo., 210 ro., 210 vo. [Blank.] Eol. 211 ro. The Accoumpte of James Glover and Daniell Mastersonn Churchwardens of the Parrish of S' Andrewe beeginninge at the feaste of the Annuntiation of our ladie Marie the Virgine Anno Doni 1624 and endinge at the sayd feast 1625. Imprimis wee have reseved for a garden in S4 Paulles viij8. Of Mr Richard Locklie for a stable in pillerie lanne iiij8* Reseved of Steven Geyles for breakinge of the grownde in the the church vi8 viiid. Of Mr John ffusser for breakinge the grownd vj8 viiid. ffor breakinge of the grownd for Mr John Whitt and his sonn Simon xiii8 iiijd. ffor breakinge the grownde for the buringe of widdow Staples vi" viiid* Patissonn be hinde for my yeare 8s ffor rent ffor the corner shop of the church viii8.. Disbursed in the same yeare as ffolloweth. Pa for mendinge of the Gallerie 15s 10d» Pd for a sheete to burie Ambros Kinge wt]l 00 01 06 Given to Bushells wife by the appoyntment of M1' Locklie mayer 0 02 00 ffor writinge our Articules and putinge of them in to the Coort at the vystation 0 01 4 OP ST. ANDREW'S, CANTERBURY. 119 Pd ffor the churchwardens and *overseers diner 0 06 6 Pd for Mr Swiftes diner 0 01 0 Pd to the ringers at the proclimation 0 01 6 Pd for letheringe of the belles 0 00 2 for a badrick for the 4th bell 0 02 0 Pd to Isack Clarke for whittinge the church 0 07 6 Pd to John Harbar for cleaninge the windowes 0 01 8 Pa to Ralfe Joanes for worke about the church 0 01 10 Pd to John Harbar for carringe of sulledge out of the Church 0 00 4 Pd for the books of Statudes 0 03 4 Pd to good man Barrett for 2 duble casements 0 14 0 Pd to Isack Clarke for settinge up of the scafole and taking of it down and for a laborors worke and for nayles used aboute it and for the were of his boordes 0 08 11 Eol. 211 vo. Pd to Ralfe Joanes ffor mendinge of the cover of the ffuntt 0 00 3 Pd ffor canvis for the kinges armes 0 04 0 Pd to robart Ludd for glass for the Casements and other work about the windowes 0 08 0 Pd for mendinge of the wheeles of the belles and for nayles and a plate of Ironn 0 01 6 Pd to M1- Swift for his diner at the visitation in September 0 01 0 ffor drawinge our articules 0 01 0 Pd for mendinge the buckets 0 15 0 Pd for bread for the communion in October 0 00 3 Pd for a bell rope 0 01 1 Pd to scotch men by the apoyntment of the Mayer 0 01 0 Pd for 2 loades of stones and 2 of sande 0 07 0 Pd for 43 yards of pavinge 0 10 10 for caringe awaie of the sulledge 0 00 4 Pa to Samewell fferier for the corner shopes 0 02 0 Pa for the masons worke about the doore and ffor making of the doore 1 17 9 ffor ij ii of candells 0 00 10 Pa for a payer of hookes and rides 0 03 00 Pd for a lock 0 02 8 The first time these offloials' names appear. 120 .CHURCHWARDENS' ACCOUNTS Pd for nayles 0 00 6 Pd for 2 Staples 0 00 5 Pd to Thomas Ashenden ffor makinge of the Kinges armes and other paintings about the church 7 05 0 Pd for a payer of doufdrasts or hinges and for a doore handle and nayles 0 01 6 Pa for repayringe of a seate bearthinge and other worke 0 11 2 Pd for pavinge 0 02 0 for carridge of a load of rubidge 0 00 4 Pd for makinge of the grave for Tho : Tuck 0 00 6 Pd for makinge of a doore at the stayers ffott as you go up in to the galerie 0 06 8 Eol. 212 ro. Pd for makinge of a walle at the chapel churchyard which belonges to the parish of 8t Andrew to keepe repayered 7 ii 00 0 Pd to the scavendar for his hole yeare rent for earring awaie of the durtt about the church Pd to the wooman that sweepes the doore Pd ffor washinge the Church Linnen Pa for wine at 3 comunions Pd for bread for 2 Comunions Som totls 23ii 0 7d 2 5 4 0 08 0 0 06 0 0 02 8 0 04 0 0 17 0 0 00 6 25 4 2 25 13 11 Alowed us by t[w]o sesses Catiall reseats as a fore apeereth We charge ourselves ffor rent dew for one yeare by patissonn as a fore apeereth So by this it appeareth ther is due to the parish by these accoumptants 0 9 9 The said accoumptants do crave allowance for that they have not received of pateson for his yers rent 0 08 0 ffor ther they crave allowance for that they have not received upon the two sesses these monyes following:— Of Mr Joseph Buckly Of Henry Bycrafte Of george Harison Of John Spicer Of the said John Spicer 0 0 0 0 0 6 6 1 i 0 0 0 6 6 6 OP. ST. ANDREW'S, CANTERBURY. 121 0 0 0 0 3 1 0 0 6 Of the said George Harison Of Chenny Eborne Of Gabriel Richards ' ' * . 18 6 Eol. 212 vo. Eol. 213 ro. [Both these pages are blank so far as the original accounts are concerned, but they are now covered by a wholly unreliable transcript of the two preceding pages, evidently by the hand of the same person who has desecrated so many of these pages.] Eol. 213 vo. Tarram: tarra: tegat: demon : paccata Resumat iiiundus Rese : abiat spiritus : alte j pecatt. .. . . . *Hic iacit in: tomba Rosa atque non Rosa mundi et hie : iacit: asturno: cp'dano. Rex atque ffuturno. Eol. 214 ro. [Blank.] Eol. 214 vo. Appointed to be seassers. Mr Nutt. ' Mr Tatnall. Mr Millis. Robert Swanton. Mr Browne. John Carpinter. M1' Davis. Henrye Pillington. [Memo, written on a piece of paper and pasted onto the page.] Md.—Whitte iij8 4d paid last by Henry Whitte to Tho. Earrar and Erancis Haynes ending March 13t]l 1623 for a garden in S' Pauls, viii8 payd last in Anno Domini 1624 joining to the Chantry lane premises. M1* Loekys stable payd Anno Domini 1624 iiij8. The iij little tenements. Bone. * The soribble of a olerk of the time of James I. or Elizabeth with reference to the inscription on Pair Rosamond's tomb in the Chapter House of the Nunnery of Godstowe:—" Hio jacet in tumulo Rosa Munda non Rosa Mundi: non redolet sed olet quae redolere solet."—Camden's Remains, p. 399. Rosamond is stated to have been buried at first in the choir before the high altar, but St. Hugh on visiting the Nunnery in 1191 gave orders that the body was to be taken up and buried outside the churoh, It would appear, however, that she was rehuried in the Chapter House, where her remains were allowed to remain till the Reformation, about whioh time, according to Leland, "Rosamond's tombe at Godstowe Nunnery was taken up alate." 122 CHURCHWARDENS' ACCOUNTS. Richard Chewe for his little shop viii8 yearly payable at Christ tide and midsummer. Patteson to pay viii8 for the year past 1625. [Whitte] paid . . 0 3 4 [Whitte] paid . . 0 8 0 [Lockye] paid , . 0 4 0 [Richard Che]we paid 0 8 0 [Patteson] paid, .080 1 11 4 Eol. 215 ro. Iste liber pertinet ad me Rychmond Paulum valectum vhii celarii In templo Xpi Cantuarie et cetr . [Paul Rychmond was churchwarden in the 7th—8th year of Henry YIII. See Eol. 60 ro.] 31 Au. 1623. Delivered to Tho. ffarrar and James Glover ffifty two shillings four years poors mony left of Tho. ffarrar and ffrancis Hayne, Henry Bullocks account the 13'11 May 1623 ij ii xii8 iiiid wch is allowed them towards their laying out to the poor. Recevyd of the Clarke iiij obis ij auterclothes a clought for the deske, iiij curttayns, a towell. Due to Pattison vii8 ija . Eol. 215 vo. [This page is blank, except that a few names are scribbled over it.] THE END.