General Index
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Index of Papers in Archaeologia Cantiana Vols xx. to XXXV
The Year's Work in Archaeology 1921
General Index
( 1 7 7 ) GENERAL INDEX. A Abbot, —, 164. Abingdon, convent of, 10. a Brigge, John, 52 ; Robert, 59. Accounts and Balance Sheets, 1921 and 1922, xii—lv. Adam, Benet, 63 ; John, 63 ; Robt., 63 ; Wm., 63. ^Ethelstan, 9. Aguillun, Robert, 37. Ailsworth (Eyleswrthe), Northants, 34. Aldington, manor of, 7, 11. Aldy, Richard, 55. Alison, Robt., 63. Allington, 29, 30. Altarpiece, 14th-century, from Sutton Valence, by R. P. Bedford. 149. Amesbury, 10. Amye (Ame, Ames, Amies), Agnes, 140 ; Edmund, 50 ; Tho?., 140 ; —, 100,102, 109. Angell, C. P., Some Account of the parish ohurch of St. Mary's at Town Sutton, referenoe to, 149. Arden, Ralph, 81. Arnaud,P. W. P., 71. Ash, chantry of the Upper Hall, 54; lands called Cremecrok, 57, Donyngs, 57, Downefield, 63, Halames, 57, Hasardis, 57, Kyrndoroft, 57, Eyrnestrete, 57, Midill Down, 57, Wylwett, 67 j lands in Cobb Street, 60; lands at Downings, 50 ; lands at North Downe, 50 j lands at Tye, 50 ; lands in Ware, 58 ; messuages oalled Brokes (Moat Parm), 60, Oontreys, 57, G-ofiies, 57 j legaoies in wills for repair of roads in, 49, 51—54, 59, 61 j legaoies to St. Nioholas Churoh, 49—^52, 54 ; roads oalled Oouper Street, 50, East Street, 51, 65, Harman Street, 66, 63, Pamor Street, 62, St. Thomas's Cross, 49 ; Septvans Chantry, 49 ; vicars of, 51 (2), 54, 56, 59. Ash Wills, by Arthur Hussey, 49. Ashenden, Thos., 120. Ashford, the Pogge heaume at, 147 ; tilting helmet at, 144. Athelstan, King, 9. Atleese, —, 132. Auger, Susanne, 140. Austen, Eliz., 154 ; Mary, 154 ; Richard, 154. Aylesford (Agelesford), 12. B Badlesmere, family of, 46. Baker, Eliz., 127 ; John, 127 ; Sir John, 127 ; Mr., 98, 100, 102 ; Riohard, 127 ; Sir Richard, curate, 56. Baldock, —, 62. Barow, Joan, 129 ; Thomas, 129. Barrett (Baret), Andrew, 134, 13S ; Joan, 132 ; Margaret, 134, 138 ; Paul, 101; Thomas, 134; Thomasine, 132, 138 ; Valentine, 132, 134,135, 138; —, 119. Basing, 10. Baskerville, Emma de, 21 ; Walter de, 21. Basset, Lady Ela, 26; Sir Philip, 26. Baudemont, Prance, 36, Baudemont, Hildeburg, tho lady of, 36. Beane, Thomas, 83. Beauohamp, Riohard, 31 ; Stephen, 31, 32. Bedford, R. P., A 14th-century Altarpiece from Sutton Valence, 149. Bel, Philippe de, 38. Belthanger manor in Northbourne, 62. TOIi. XXXVI. K 178 GENERAL INDEX. Beltyng in Wye, lands in, 137, 138 ; I property in, 134. Benson, Archbishop, anecdote of, 158. Berimell (Berymill), Wm., 51, 56, 59. Berrey, Mr., 94. Bethersden (Bederysden), legacy for marriages, 140 ; Hachesden in, 132. Bettenham, Stephen, 134. Betteshanger, planting of cypress trees in churchyard, 159. Bezille, Mathew, 42. Bils, Widow, 113. Binborow, land near, 59, Birchington, 6 n. Birkin, Joan, 22. Birling, reference to Nevill helmet at, 145. Blakhege, land at, 57. Blewberry (Blubery), Joane, 128; John, 127—130. Boddell, Mr., 84. Bois, Geoffrey de,38; Parnel de, 38 ; Reynold de, 38. Bolle, Harry, 61. Bollifant, Edm., 125. Boughton-under-Blean, property in. 134. Bourn (Brunne), Cambs, 34. Bowerne, —, 85. Bowlys, John, 59. Boys, —, 62. Brabourne, heaume at, 147. Brancheley. John, 50. Branker, Thos., 97—99, 102, 118. Brasses, see Minster in Sheppey. Bray, Berks, lands in, 60. Bregge, Wm., 56. Bridge, Crystover, 92; Henry, 92 ; Mr., 111. Brigge, John a, 52 ; Robert, 59. Britain, period of occupation by Romans, 153. Brockhull (Brokhelle), Thos., 132, 139. Broke, John, 61, Broome (Brome), Simon, 83 ; Thos., 93. Browne (Broune), John, 83, 85, 87— 89 ; Mr., 121 ; Thos., 105 ; Wm., 51; —, 81. Buckhurst, Thos., Lord, 125. Bulkly (Buddy), Joseph, 102, 120. Bull, Peter, 100,112. Bullock, Henry, 122. Burchope, Wm. de, 18. • Burgrovo, Thos., 60. Burnby, J., Historical desoription of tlus Cathedral at Canterbury, 2, Burton, Florence, 135 ; John, 135, Bushell, —, 118. Bycrafte, Henry, 120. C Caen, monastery of St. Stephen, 36, 40. Caen stone used in churches, 150. Cailly, Maud, 36 ; Osbert de, 36 ; Parnfill 36 Calehill (Kalehill), 140 ; manor of, 132—134,136. Canterbury, 52 ; the Chantry, 95, 97 —99, 101 ; Chantry Lane, 112, 115, 121 ; Chapel churchyard in Castle Street, 89, 99 ; Christ Church, charter granting lands to, by Queen Ediva, 11, Queen Ediva, benefactress of, 1 ; Dungell (Dunghill) Lane, 94, 110 ; Ivy Lane, 81, 83,85, 87—89 ; Kent County Hospital, 15S; King's Arms, 93,102 ; Pillory Lane. 81, 83, 85, 87, 88, 90, 91, 94. 95, 97—100, 109, 115; Rose Lane, 94 -n.; St. Augustine's College, 158 ; St. Dunstan, 49 ; St. Paul, 103, 106, 109. Canterbury, Churchwardens' Accounts of St. Andrew, by Charles Cotton, 81 ; assessment of land belonging to, 116 ; gifts of clothes to the poor, 100; gift of plate by Mr. Watenhall, 105, 106 ; hospital of St. James, 138; pur- ' chase of parish register, 84 ; purchase of book of Statutes, 86. Cantilupe, Walter de, bishop of Worcester, 23. Cantisshe, —, 62. Capell in Thanington, Kent, manor of, 138. Carless, land called little Grovett near Ash, 67. Carpinter, John, 121. Cathe, Cicile, 63. Cauntelow, Maud, 22 ; Wm., 22, 25. Causton's MS. Obituary, reference to, 3. Chadd, Mr., 98, 100, 101. Chambers, John, 107. Chapman, Thomas, 92, 97—100, 102, 103, 106, 108. Charles the Simple of Prance and his wife, 9. Chart, Little, An Inscription in Church, by Ralph Griffin, 131; Notes on Helmets in Church, by Major Victor Farquharson, 143. Chart, Little, Calehill in, 132—134, 136, 140; Darell Chapel in churoh, GENERAL INDEX, 179 136 ; legacy for poor marriages, 140 ; manor of, 136,139. Charyng, legacy for poor marriages, 140. Chaucer, Thomas, chief butler, 132. Cheeseman (Chesman), Mr., 84—86, 88. Cheever, Richard, 106. Cheker. Raymund at, 53. Chewe, Richard, 122. Chicheley, arms of, 136 ; Archbishop, 135 ; Florence, 135 ; Wm., 135. Chillinden, bequest to church. 53. Chilton, 61. Choar, meaning of, 115. Christmasse, Alice, 55 ; Lawrence, 55. Churchill, John, Obituary of, 162. Clagett (Claggett, Cleygate), George, 112, 115 ; Mr., 90, 109. Clarke, Isack, 118. Claye, Marrye, 104, 106. Cleres, Matthew de, 40 ; Richenda de, 40. Cliff at Hoo, Osterland manor in. 7, 12, 13. Cliffe, Thomas, 88. Cobham, reference to a bascinet at, 145. Cocke, Sampson, 56. Cocking, land at, 63. Cokinge, Thos., 51. Collard, Mildred, 61. Collit. Henry, 113. Colman, John, 51. Columbariis, Georgia de, 34. Conway, Agnes Ethel, The Family of William Longchamp, Bishop of Ely, Chancellor and Justiciar of England, 1190— 1191, 15 j Sir Martin, 155. Coppe, Thos., 63. Cossing, Baron de, collection of helmets of, 146. Cotting, meaning of, 86. Cotton, Charles, Churchwardens' Accounts of St. Andrew, Canterbury, 81. Couohes in Normandy, 18, 20. Couper, Mildred, 61. Courtup, —, 100. Cowling (Culinges), 7,11. Cowper, James, 56. Coxson, Mr., 84. Cranbrook, Blewberrys in, 129 ; Pest House, 129. Cranbrook School, A note on the early history of, hy Leland L. Duncan,, 127, Cranmer, Mr., 82, 84, 86, 88. Crascloths, meaning of, 99 n. Creke, Edward, 50 ; Geoffrey, 50 ; Sir John de, 45. • Creswold, Roger, 56. Crippine, —, 56. Cioker, Widow, 62. Crossley, English Church Monuments, 6. Croun, Alan de, 23 ; Clarice. 23 ; Guy de, 23 ; Isabel, 24 ; Sir Morice, 24 ; Murielle, 24 ; Parnel de, 23. Croyland Abbey, 39. D Dabernoun, Sir John, 45. Dane, Thos., 51. Darcy, Agnes, 24 ; Lord, 24. Darell, Alexander, 138; Alice, 139 Dame Anne, 139—141; Constan tine, 138 ; Dorothy, 141 ; Florence, 134—136, 139 ; Geo., 138 ; Isabell 140 ; James, 139—141 ; Joan, 132 John, 131,133—141, arms of, 136, brass of, 136, marriage articles of 132. will of, 135; Sir John, 131 133i wills of, 139, 140; Julian, 140; Sir Marmaduke, 131, 133 Riohard, 138 ; Robert, 134 ; Thomas, 133,138,141; Thomasine, 131 134, 138 ; Wm., 131—134, 136, 138 (2), 141. Davis, Mr., 105, 121. Dawes (Daures, Daves), —, 84, 87, 88, 90, 92. Delamare, Henry, 24, 25; Parnel, 24, 25. Dering, Sir Edward, 46. Despenser, Hugh, 26. Devereux, Stephen, 38. D'Kwias, Robert, 19. Diner, Albert, etching of a heaume by, 144. Diva, Matilda de, 34. Donyngton in Godeshethe, 30. Douney (Dunny), Steven, 95, 97. Douville, castle of, 37, 38. Dover, Round House in, 161. Dowle, Robert, 53. Downer, Cyril A., 71. Downing, Alice, 49. Drew (Drewe), Wm., 56, 58. Dru, Walter, 35. Duncan, Leland L., Ml; A note on the early history of Cranbrook School, 127. Dungate, lands in, 140. Dungevyn, Alice, 27 ; Wm., 27. 180 GENERAL INDEX. Dunson, Alice, 61. Durham, 117. Dygon, John, 125. Dyring, Brice, 12. E Eadburga, dau. of King Edward and a nun at Winchester, 10. Eadred, King, 9—11,13. Eadwald, son of Acca, death of, 9. Eadwold, the king's thane, death of, 9. Eastchurch, curate of, 160. Eborne, Chenny, 121. Edgar, King, 10,13. Ediva, Clueen, Picture of, in Canterbury Cathedral, by E ev. C. Eveleigh Woodruff, l. Edmonds, —, 99, 100. Edmund, son of King Edward, age of and death, 11. Edwy, King, 10. Eeles, Professor, 55. Elfiok(Elfeet, Elfrike), John, 83; Mr., 101, 106, 107, 110, 111. Elfleda, wife of King Edward and dau. of Ethelm, 9. Elgiva, dau. of King Edward and wife of Lewis, prince of Aquitaine, 10. Elmeston, lands in, 53. Eltisley (Eltesle), Cambs, 33, 34. Elvin, Mr., 97, 98,100; Widow, 93. Ely, nunnery at, 10. Elys, Mildred, 62; Thos., 132, 134. Engham (Engeham), Mice, 139; Thos., 56. Eric, King of the Danes, 9. Essex alias Foche, see Foche alias Essex. Ethelwald, 8 ; death of, 9. F Fagge, Eleanor R. F., 125 ; Sir John, 124; Lady, 124; —, 124. Farquharson, Major Victor, Notes on Helmets in Little Chart Church, 143. Parrar (Farraw), Thos., 112,116,117, 118,121, 122. Paversham (Feversham), lands in, 134, 140 ; legacy to churoh, 64 ; quay at, 137. Felborough, land in, 134. Eerier, Samewell, 119, Pernlege, 11. Fielding, Mrs., 123. Filmer, Sir John, 149. Fitzbernard, Bona, 45. Fitzherbert, Lady Elizabeth, 6. FitzLewes, Phillip, 60. Pleet (Plete), lands at, 60, 61. Foche, Abbot, Grace Cup, by Rev. R. U. Potts, 123. Foche alias Essex, Henry, 124 (2); John, 123—125. Pord, Margaret, 58 n.; Stephen, 58 n. Forstall, —, 62. Forte, Thos., 63. Poster, Wm., 55. Fowler, Robert, 60. FramptOll, John Nelson, 160; Thomas Shipdem, Obituary of, 160; selection from his Library presented to K.A.S., 162 ; MS. collection of beneficed clergy in Canterbury diocese presented to Dean and Chapter of Canterbury, 162. Frenchbourne, Widow, 99—102. Freston, Lines., 25 ; abbey of, 24. Frome Herbert, Herefordshire, manor of, 37, 38. Purser, John, 98, 99. Fusser, John, 118. G Gage, John, 140, 141. Gardiner, Rev. Canon T. G., 2,14, Garnett, Sir James, 49. Gasnn, Simon, 49 ; —, 62, 63. Genealogical Collections of James Strang eman and Richard St. George, reference to, 34. Gervase, Opera Historica, 3. Geyles, Steven, 118. Gibbs (Gibbes), Mr., 56 ; Sibell, 68 n.; , Wm., 55, 58 n., 62 ; —, 63. Gilbert, son of Renfrid, 29. Gilbert (Gilbarte), Robert, 93, 96, 97 —99,101; —, 107. Gillingham, Wm., 3. Gisors, 36. Gladstone, W. E., 157. Glover, James, 117,118,122. Goby (Gobet, Gobyo), John, 55, 103, 106,110. Goda and his lands, 11,12, Godmersham, property in, 134, 186, . 138. Godstowe, inscription on Fair Rosamond's tomb in the Chapter House • of the nunnery of j 121. GENERAL INDEX. 181 Golde, Thos., 50. Goldwell, Thos., 132. Goode, Thos., 129. Goodin (Goodden), N., 112 ; Nioholas, 104. Grace Cup of Abbot Foche, by Rev. R. U. Potts, 123. Graveney, property in, 134, 138. Gray, Mr., 94. Grenedrove (Grendrove), land at, 51, 62. Gresle, Robert, 35 ; —, 35. Grey, Maud, 23, 26 ; Reynold de. 23, 26. Griffin, Ralph, An Inscription in Little Chart Church, isi; on Minster in Sheppey: Notes on Two Brasses in the Church, 43. Grigge, Margaret, 63. Grogeren, meaning of, 104. Giistone, manor of, 57. Gylle, Mr., 84. Gylleford, Edward, 130. H Hakes, see Hawkes. Hales, John, 141, Hallet, Thomas, 81—83. Hamme near Lewes, 13. Hanekyn, Alexander, 30. Happes hookes, meaning of, 84. Harbar, John, 119. Hardres, Edmund de, 132. Harflete, Mr., 66. Harison, George, 120,121. Harpesfield, Nioholas, 62. Harries, John, 63. llaseley, tilting helmet in church, 144. Haumwell alias Janyns, John, 129. Haute, John, 134. Hawkes (Hakes, Halke), Mr., 83, 86 —88, 90. 91. Haws, Benet, 52 ; Riohard, 52. Haydor, Lincolnshire, 20. Hayne, Franois, 112, 115,118. Haynes, Franois, 121,122. Helmets in ohurohes, 144; in Little Chart Church, 143. Heringaud, Sybil, 24. Hemehill, lands called Goremersshain in, 137 ; property in, 134,138. Heron, Anne, 62, Hills, Roger, 53. Hobson, Sir John, 49 ; Robt., 51. Hode, lands, etc. at, 63. Hodges, Robert, 92. Hodon, land at, 55. Hogham (? Hougham), Isabell, 58 n. ; Margaret, 58 n. ; Stephen, 58 n. Holme in East Anglia, battle at, 8, 9n. Holmes, meaning of, 107. Holway, Joane, 61. Honifolde, goodwyfe, 81 (2), 83, 85, 87—89. Horsmonden, messuage in, 129. Hoseland, land at, 61. Hougham, see Hogham. Huffam, Solomon, 51. Hughes, John Newington, 149 ; his collection of medijeval architectural details and sculpture, 149. Humer, see Omer. Hurley, Berks, lands in, 60. I Igglesden, Charles, Review of .4 Saunter through Kent with pen and pencil, 165. Ilent, Agnes, 52 ; Alice. 52 ; Benet, 52 ; Wm., 50, 61 ; see also Lent. Imbrasseing, meaning of, 100 n. Index of Papers in " Archaeologia Cantiana" in Vols. XX. to XXXV., 167. Ireland, Hew. 49 ; Isabella, 49; James, will of, 49 ; Rev. John, will of. 49 ; Maud, 49. Ivisbridge, land at, 63. J Janyns alias Haumwell, John, 129. Jenkins, Claude, on the late John Churohill, 164. Jerard, Christopher, 63. Joans, see Jones. John, Alice, 50; Henry, 50 (2); Isabel, 49 ; Joan, 50 ; John, 50 ; Laurence, 50 ; Margaret, 49 ; Nicholas, 50 ; Peter, 50 ; Richard, 50, will of, 49 ; Robert, 50 (2) ; Stephen, 49 ; Wm., 50, will of, 50. Johnson, Edward, 50. Jone, Agnes, 50 ; Alice, 50 ; Isabelle, 50 ; Joane, 60 (2) ; Riohard, will of, 50. Jones (Joanes, Joans), Ralph, 113, 119; —,91. Judde, Sir Andrew, 128. 182 GENERAL INDEX. K Kenton, Bennett,- 50 ; John, 50 ; Marion, 50; Wm., -will of, 50. Kenwulf, death of, 9. Keyll, Thos., 57. Kinge (Kynge), Ambros, 118 ; —, 82. Kirton, Jefcery, 54; Juliane, 54; Kath., 54, 55. Kyngesdon next Sittingbourne. lands in, 140. Kyriel, Wm., 134. . L Lacy (Lece), Agnes. 51 ; Hughde, 17, 19 ; John, 51; Jone, 51 (2); Margaret, 51 (2) ; Richard, wills of, 51 (3) ; Walter de, 37, 38 ; Wm., 51. Lad (Ladd. Lade), John, 110, 111. 112, 115,118. Lambert, Wm., 52. Lambert (or Saier), Wm., 54. Lane, Dean, 159; Edith, 157 ; J. Newton, 157 ; Roger, 63. Langate, Mr., 82. Lanslet, Mr., 86. Larking, Rev. L. B., 132, Lece, see Lacy. Ledes. Mr., 84 ; Wm., 132, 134. Lenham, East, 7. Lenham, West, 7. Lent, Geo., 55 ; Geoffrey, will of, 51 ; Wm., 52 ; see also Ilent. Leofric, son of Goda,13. Leofstan, son of Goda, 13. Le Strange, Sir Hamo, 27, Letters, meaning of, 84 n: Leveland, Natl'., 29 ; Robt., 29. Leverock, —, 102. Lewies, Wm., brass of, 53 ; will of, 52. T.evburn, Roger dp, 30. Litlecott, Wilts, 133. Little Chart, see Chart, Little. Livett, Rev. Canon, 155. Living, Archbishop, 3. Lockley, Mr., 109, 110; Mrs., 109; Richard, 93,113, 115, 116, 118 ; —, mayor. 118. Lockys, Mr., 121. London, Austen Friars, 127. St. John, Walbrook, tenements in, - 137. Longchamp, 36. Longchamp in Andelis in the canton of d'Estrepagrii, 17. Longchamp, William, Bishop of Ely, Chancellor and Justiciar of England, 1190-1191, by Agnes Ethel Conway, 15, Longchamp, arms of, 17, 24, 30, 34, 39. Longchamp, Adam de, 42 ; Alioe, 24, 27 (2), 30 ; Alicia,'42 ; Avelina, 29 ; Avis, 30 ; Baldric, 37, 38 ; Elena, 42 ; Emma, 21; Eve, 18 ; Geoffrey, 21 ; Georgia, 34 ; Hawise, 23, 26 : Sir Henry, 30: Henry, 19—27,30, 31, 33, 35, 39, 42 ; Hugh, 17,18 (2), 20, 22, 23, 33 ; Isabella, 21; Joan, 22; Maud, 20, 22, 23 ; Nicholas, 42 ; Osbert, 28, 30 ; Parnel, 23—26, 28, 33, 36, 38, 39, seal of, 24 ; Richenda, 40; Robert, 30, 38, 40; Stephen, 18, 35—38; Sybil, 24; Thos., 30 ; Walter, 38; Wm., 18—20, 23—29, 33, 35, 37—39, 155, seal of, 17. Ludd, Randall, 97, 9S ; Rohert, 112, 119. Luddenham, lands in. 134, 140. Luvel, Wm., 35. Lyes, manor of, 60. Lynche, George, 125 ; Simon, 63,127 —130; Wm., 128, 129, vicar of Ash, 51. Lynwood, Geoffrey, adm'on of, 53 ; Joan, 53. Lyon, Agnes, 63; John, will of, 53. M Malin, Agnes, 54; Christian, 54; Michael, will of, 54, Manuyng, Anne, 140. Mapested, Mr., 95. Marable, George, 102 ; Mr., 85. Marshall, John, 28. Marshalsea and King's Bench, payments to,-94, 96, 98, 100, 101, 103, 104, 109,111, 114, 116. Marten (Martyn), Elias, 95 ; Katherine, 55, will of, 54. Master, George, 92. Mastersonn, Daniel, 118. May, Thos., 71. Mayer, Mr., 109. Mayhew(Mayw). Alice, 55 (2); Anice, 55 ; Erasmus, 55 (2), 56 ; Juliane, 55 ; Richard, 55, 57, will of, 56 ; Thos., will of, 55 ; Wm., 55. Mayne, Alice, 66; Gilbert, will of, 56. Meon, co. Southampton, 10. Meopham, 7, 11., Merian (Meryam), John, 92, 95, 96, 98. Mette, Alice, 56 ; Helene, 56 ; Isaac, 56 ; Isabel, 66 ; John, will of, 56 ; I Robt., 66; Wm., 56. GENERAL INDEX. 183 Middleton, John, will of, 56 ; Marione, 56 ; Robt., 66. Miles (Myles, Myls), Bennet, 59; John, adm'on of, 56 ; Margaret, 56 ; Richard, 102; —, 112. Milkhouse (now Sissinghurst), chapel of Holy Trinity at, 127. Millis, Mr., 121. Minster in Sheppey: Notes on Two Brasses in the Church, by Ralph Griffin, 43. Molland (Moland), Agnes, 57 ; Elyn, 57 ; Margaret, 57 ; Nicholas, will of-, 67. Monings, Mr., 63 ; Richard, 62. Monkton (Munketon), Thanet, lands in, 42 ; manor house of, 4, 5 %., 11. Montfort, Simon de, 26, 30. Moore, Mr., 98. Moote, Agnes, 57 ; Alice, 57; James, 57; Robert, will of, 57 ; Steven, 67 ; Wm., 57. Mordon, John, 134 ; Margaret, 134. More, Mr., collector for the Marshalsea and King's Bench, 96. Morgan, Hawise, 23 ; —, 23. Motte (Mott), George, 58 ; Margaret, •53, 63 ; Stephen, 53, 63 ; Wm., 63. Mouserede (Mosred, Mosredd, Musred), Agnes, 58 ; Alice, 58, 63 ; Christian, 58 ; Edward, 57, 58 (2), will of, 58 ; Henry, 57 ; Isabell, 57, 58 (2) ; Joan, 58 ; John, 58 ; Margaret, 57, 58 ; Nicholas, 57 ; Paschall, 58 (2) ; Robt, 57, 58 ; Sibell, 58 (2) ; Stephen, 68 ; Thos., 57 ; Wm., 57, 58. Muleton, Thomas, 25. Munketon, tee Monkton. Mutford, Suffolk, 37, 38. Mychell, Nicholas, 83 ; —, 100. Myners, Henry, 21; Isabella, 21; Pagenda, 21 ; Wm., 21; —, 21. N Nash, land at, 63. Neame (Neme), Agnes, 51; Cristine, 69 ; Henry, 51, will of, 59 ; Isabell, 61; John, 56, 59, 60, will of, 59 ; Jone, 59 ; Mariott, 59 ; Thos., 59; Wm., 69 (2). Neaufle, 36. Nelle (Nell), lands at, 62, 63. Nethersole, Mary, 154 ; Vincent, 154. Nettlestead Church, need of repair, 155. Newolose, land at, 62. Newman, Daniel, 124, 125.; Thos., 112. New York, U.S.A., Metropolitan Museum, 146. Nicholson (Nycholson), James, 92, 100, 102, 113, 118 ; Mr., 110. Norreys, Anne, 60 ; John, 60; Jone, 60 ; Wm., will of, 59 ; Sir Wm., 59. Northbourne, Walter Henry James, Baron, Obituary of, 157 ; Edith, Baroness, 157. Northbourne, Belthanger manor in, 62. North wood, arms of, 45 ; Bona, 45 ; Eliz., 45 ; Sir John, 46 ; Sir Roger de, 45 (2). Norton, Julian, 54 ; Riohard, 54. Notbeme, Wm., 134 Nutt, Mr., 121. O Odo the Archpriest, 11. Omer (Humer), Cristian, 61; Denise, 60 ; Ethelbert, 63 ; Prancis, 62, 63 ; Helayne, 61 ; Jane, 62 ; John, 61, will of, 61 ; Laurence, 61—63. wills of, 60, 61 ; Margaret, 63 ; Pleasance, 62 ; Richard, 62 ; Roger, 62. will of, 62 ; Thos., 55, 60—62, will of, 61; Wm., 60—62, wills of, 60, 63. Ospringe, A Roman Cemetery discovered at, 1920, by W. Whiting, 65 ; burial discovered at Kennaways. 73, list of pottery and description, 73, site of, 74; Roman Cemetery near Watling Street, 74. Otho I. and his wife, 9. Overland, chapel of, 52 ; land at, 63. Oxney, John, prior, 8. Oxtey, Alson, 64 ; Edmund, 64 ; Juliane, 64 ; Richard, will of, 64. P Page, —, 107. Parker, John, chaplain, 59 ; Mr., 95. Parkeson, Mr., 102. Paropus, meaning of, 107. Parson (? Mr. Swift), Mr., 83, 84, 86. Pattyson (Patteson), Jeremy, 106, 110,112, 113,115, 118; Mr., 122. Pavilly, Reginald de, 18. Payne, George, 123. Pearce, John, 92, 95. 184 GENERAL INDEX. Peche, Lady Florence, 135 ; Gilbert, 34 ; Sir Wm., 135. Peckham, East, manor of, 7,11. Pedwardyn, Agnes, 24 ; Alice, 24,27 ; Roger, 24 (2), 27; Walter, 24, 27. Pegge, Samuel, 124. Pemberton, Sir Wm., 53. Penchester, Wm. de, 30. Penny (Peny), Nicholas, 64; Wm., 50, 57. Peret, John, 59. Pery, Wm., 64. Pei-y, manor of, 140. Pette, Wm., 54. Pettsmarsh, land at, 57. Petworth, Sussex, tilting helmet in ohurch, 144. Phitipot, John, 131. Phillips, Lambert, 74. Pillington, Henry, 121. Pincebec, Walker, 25. Pinnok, Edward, s86. Pits, John, 3 ; reference to a series of portraits painted to commemorate the chief benefactors of Christ Church, 3. Pitt, Wm., on Roohester Bridge and the period of the occupation of Britain by the Komans, 153. Poissy, Robert de. 39. Polhill. Thos., 140(2), 141. Pope, Nicholas, 59. Potts, Rev. R. TJ., Abbot Foche's Grace Cup, 123. Powle, Wm., 56. Powte, Wm., 56. Pratt, Thos., 57, 61. Preston next Faversham, churoh, 136; lands in, 140; legacy for marriages, 140 ; Perry Court, 132. Pretty, Edward, drawings of Altarpiece at Sutton Valence, 14§. Prises, John, 94. Proceedings, Abstracts of, for 1921 and 1922, xxxiii, Pryce, —, 100. Pykerell, —, 140,141. Pylyston, - ,81. Pympe, Reg., 134. Q Quaires, meaning of, 99 n. Quennell, Marjorie and 0. H...B., Review of Book by, Everyday Life in the Old Stone Age, 165. Querstede, John, 140, Quilter, Thos., 63. R Railton, Robert, 83. Ralph, Edward, 56. Randolph. Alice Geraldine, 125 ; Mrs. W. C., gift of Grace-cup to St. Austin's by, 123 ; Rev. Wm. Cator, 125. Rayne, Essex, reference to bascinet in church, 146. Reader, Thomas, 112, 115, 118. Reviews: A Saunter through Kent with pen and pencil, by Charles Igglesden, 165; Everyday Life in the Old Stone Age, by Marjorie and C. H. B. Quennell, 165. Ribinsone, James, 83. Richards, Gabriel, 121; Thos., 58. Richardson (Riohardsonne, Rychison), Christopher, 109, 110, 113, 115. Richborough, chapel of, 50. Richemonde, Cambs, manor of, 30. Richmond, Paul, 62,122. Robert of Caen, abbot of St. Albans, 150. Roberts, Edward, 82, 83, 85—89, 91, 92. Robynson, Sr. William, curate, 140. Rochell, —, 114, 116. Rochester, Bridge, 153 ; gift of pall to Cathedral, 159. Rolls, Eliz., 60. Roman Cemetery discovered at Ospringe in 1920, by W. Whiting, 65 ; list of pottery and description, 66—74. Rosamond, Fair, tomb in nunnery of Godstowe, 121. Rouen, St. Amand Church, 38. Round, J. H., 15. Rundell, meaning of, 87. Russell, John, 83. Ryohard the laborar, 85. Ryder, John, 56. Rye, Roger, 132,138. S Sackville, Robert, 125. Saffery, Wm., 69. Saier or Lambert, Wm,, 54. St. Alban's Abbey, Btone 'used in, 150. St. Leger, Emma, 21; John, 134. St. Mary Platt near Wrotham, curate 'of, 160. Sales, Margaret, 64. - Samson, John, 112. Sandhill (Sandhill8),landat,52,67,58. GENERAL INDEX. 185 Sandwich, 49, 50, 53; friars of, 50, 52, 60. Saunders (Saunder), John, 61; Sir John, vicar of Ash, 51, 59, 60. Savage (Sawvadge), —, 101, 102. Sawyer, Auditor, 116 ; Wm., 50. Sayer, Nicholas, 58. Scotney, 135. Seborne (Sebarn, Sebrand), John, 81, 83, 85, 87, 88. Segrave, Eliz. de, 45. Seingres, Richard, 25. Selby, church, 49. Sely, James, 56. Senkley, Wm., 61. Septvans, John, 54, 55; Kath., 54, 65; Sir Robert de, brass of, 47 ; Sir Wm., 134. Sessay (Seysey), Yorkshire, 131, 133. Seyntnicholas, Roger, 62. Shatling, land at, 53. Sheppey (Shepey), minster of, 141; prioress of, 139. Shert, Thanet, manor, 55. Shipdem, John, 161. Sigebriht the son of Siwulf, death of, 9. Sigelm, 8, 11 ; death of, 9. Siric, King of Northumbria, and his wife, 9. Sissinghurst, chapel of Holy Trinity at, 127. Sittingbourne, reference to Septvans' monument removed from church, 54. Siwulf, death of, 9. Skinner, Maud, 49. Smerden, legacy for marriages, 140, Smith, Jeremy, 115 ; Reginald, 74. Snothe, Margaret, 63. Solley (Soly, Solye), Edmund, 53; Helen, 63 ; James, 63 ; Joan, 63 ; Margaret, 63; Robt., 53 ; Simond,. 63 ; Stephen, 53 ; Thos., 63 ; Wm., 63. Southwell (Sowthwell), Walter, 99, 110,112. Spicer, John, 120. 0 Sprokets, meaning of, 86. Sprot, Wm., 49. Stafford, Hump., 139. Staple, lnnds in, 53. Staples, Widow, 118. Stappis, land at, 51. Stisted, Essex, 29, 30. Stookden, John, 96, 97—99 ; Mr., 94. Stokes, Thos., 60. Stothard, Monumental Effigies, reference to, 43. Stourmouth, legacy to poor of, 56, Stransham, John, 99 ; Widow, 99. Stredwick (S'tredicke), George, 112, 115; —, 110. Strood, beaker from, in Maidstone Museum, 74. Stunt, Walter Charles, Obituary Of, 164. Sturry, manor of, 123. Sutten, Mr., 101. Sutton Valence, A 14th-century Altarpiece from, by R. P. Bedford, 149 ; drawings of, 149 ; ohurch struck by lightning, 149. Swalecliffe, Thornden wood in, 4. Swanton, Robt., 121. Swift, Mr., 88,94,95,97,101—104,107, 109, 119 ; Wm., 83, 92. Swinbake, Edward, 61. Symes, Wm., 66. Talbot, Richard, 17. Tatnall, Mr., 121. Taylor, Henry, 162. Temple Church, stone used in west doorway of, 150. Tere, Mr., 101. Terry, Eliz., 154 ; Michael, 154. Tesson, Ralph, 18. Thomas, Master, curate, 51. Thompson, Richard, 50. Tiwe, Walter de, 23. Toke, John, 140. Tonbridge, reference to an offer of a free Grammar School, 128. Torsells, meaning of, 107. Tripps, land at, 62. Trouleigh, lands in, 140. Trusshing, meaning of, 92. Tuck, Thos., 120. Tuff taffety, meaning of, 107- Turrye, John, 105, 108. Twyne (Twin), John, 125. Twyne, Commentary de Rebus Albionieis, reference to, 125. Tyler, Prank W., on the Austen monumental inscription, 154. Vallance, Aymer, 150, 157—159. Vaux, John de, 24, 27 ; Oliver de, 24, 26, 27 ; Parnel, 24, 26. Veneur, John de, 38. Verdun, Bertram de, 31. Vere, Henry de, 36, 38 ; Maud, 36. VOL. XXXVI. o 186 GENERAL INDEX. Vernon, Admiral, 104; Lady Benedicts 6 n.; Richard, 18. Vexin, 36. Victoria and Albert Museum, purchase of altarpiece from Sutton Valence, 150. Vipont. Robert. 26. W Wager, —, 108. Wakering, Peter de, 23. Waleys, Galfrid de, 42. Waller, Mr., on brass at Warwick, 46. Wallsend, land at, 62. Walmeston, Agnes, 63. Walmiston, land at, 51. Waltham, Wheteaore in, 137. Wanderton, George, 89. Wantage, 10. Ware, land at, 62 ; messuage in, 63. Warefield, land at, 63. Warehawthorn, land at, 63. Warfield, Berks, lands in, 60. Warham, John, 115. Warham, Archbishop, reference to correspondence, 128. Warnborough, Hants, manor of, 26. Warwick, Ela, Countess of, 26. Wasthill, Beatrix de, 42. Watenhall, Mr., reference to gift of plate to St. Andrew, Canterbury, by, 105, 106. Water, Gilbert, 59. Waters, Jonas, 100. Watkinson, Thos., 63. Watson, John, 83. Weddinton (Wedinton), croft at, 62 ; lands at, 65, 61. Wells, Anthony, 83, 85—87. Weltys, land at, 63. Werham, John, 112. Westbury, manor and advowson of, 21. Westminster Abbey, reference to a bedesman on an alabaster effigy in, 142; to a tilting helmet in, 144. We3twell, legacy for marriages, 140. Wetenhttll (Whetinhall), Charles, 83 ; Mr., 81, 99. Wheler, George, 74. Wheteley, Joan, 58 ; Wm., 58. White (Whit, Whitte, Whyte), Henry, 110, 113, 116, 121; J., 94; John, 95. 96, 98, 115,118 ; Mr., 108, 111 ; Mrs., 81, 83, 86-88, 91, 95, 97—99, 101, 102, 104,106,109 ; Steven, 95 ; Symon, 110, 112, 118; Thos., 103. 106,109,110, 112,113,116 ; Widow, 95 ; —, 91, 93, 94. 97, 102, 121. Whiting, W., A Roman Cemetery discovered at Ospringe in 1920,65; on a Burial discovered at Kennaways, 73; another Cemetery near Watling Street, 74. Wight, Thos., 53. Wigmore, Anne, 55 ; Beatrice, 55 ; Edith, 55,55 n.; Eliz., 54, 55 ; John, 54 (2), 55 n. (2) ; Kath., 64, 54 n.; Margaret, 54, 65 ; Richard, 55 n. Wiliker, Richard de, 35. Wilkinson, Thos., 54. William, Sir, curate, 140. Willington, Beds, reference to helmet in ohurch, 145. Wilson, Richard, 127. Wilton, Herefordshire, 19—23, 26,32. Wimborne Minster, bascinet in, 146. Windsor, Berks, tilting helmet in church, 144. Wingham, lands in, 53. Wingham, Wm., 63. Winkefield, Berks, lands in, 59. 60. Winwick, reference to brass at, 46. Wolsey, Cardinal, 128. Woodruff, Rev. C Eveleigh, The Picture of Clueen Ediva in Canterbury Cathedral, l; Obituary of Rev. T. Shipdem Prampton, 160. Worcester, Walter de Cantilupe, bishop of, 23. Wotton, Nicholas, 125; Thos., 132, ' 134. Wye, lands in, 138. Y Young, Alice, 49 ; Joan, 49.