General Index

( 225 ) GENERAL INDEX. . » . A Acorte, John, 51. Adams, Joan, ducked at New Romney, 159. Adth, Sir Thomas, will of, 37. Aldington Church, Kent, Notes on the Architecture of, and the Chapel at Court-at-Street, called Belliriea, by F. C. Elliston Erwood, F.S.A., 145-151. Ale-conners at New Romney, 166. Alen, a Bearsted mason, 108, 110. Alfred and the Danes at Rochester, 130. Almshouse for the Poor of Sydyngborn to live in for ever, 40. Altham, Michael, 100. Ame, Thomas, 40. Amys, Henry, will of, 37 ; Richard and Alice, 37. Anderson, John, 38; David, and panelling at Trevine, Boley Hill, 137-8. Andred, 8. Andrew, Dom. John, 40,55; William, 47. Annals of the Town and Port of New Romney, by Major M. Teichman- Derville, M.A., O.B.E., Mayor of New Romney, 153-173. Annual Summer Excursion, Report of Proceedings, 221-223. Anthony, Joan, 44. Antiphoner,abookcalled,bequeathed to Sittingbourne Church, 40. Antiquities of Canterbury (Somner), 3. Apprentices' restrictions at New Romney, 160. Apuldor, Sack by Danes, 154. Apulerville (for Apuldrefeld), William and Manor of Bilsington, 32. Archaionomia, by Lambarde, 178. Ardisfelde, Reginald, will of, 38. Armada, Romney ship provided, 162. Armitage, Mrs., on Boley Hill and the Danes, 130. Arnold, G. M., on Sweyn's Camp, 13. Arrow-heads, bequests of, 51. Arundel, Earl of, 20. Ashburnham (Haschebornham), 51, 51n. Asheton, Thomas, will of, 38 ; Elene and Elisabeth, 38. Assessment Book of New Romney, 157. Athelney, Somerset, Cottages at, 16. Aucher, Lady, Sir Anthony, Sir Hewitt, and Elizabeth, 181. Audde, John, 44. Austen, Alice and John, 55 ; John, 56; Richard, 103. Awys, Margery, gift to Cranbrook Church, 63. Aylesford, friars of, 47. Ayscough, William, Bishop of Salisbury, murderers of, 29. B Bachelor, Joan, 38. Badock, Richard, 138. Bailey of Castle, 129, 132, 134, 136. Bailye, John, will of, 38 ; Agnes, Isabell, Joan, Margaret, John, Richard, Thomas, William, 38. Baker, John, will of, 39 ; Alice, 39 ; Martyne, will of, 39 ; Alice (2), John, Ralph, Richard, Thomas, 39; Jamys, gift to Cranbrook Church, 60 j Samuel, 140; Sir Herbert, 140. Baldwin, Stanley, on Sir Richard Baker, 140. BaUiol Earthworks Survey, comparison of Boley Hill with Le Mans, 131. Balser, Dom. Alan (Balsam, Balsham, as witness to wills), will of, 39; 43, 47,49,51. Balstock, Mr., absentee vicar of Romney, 171. Bancroft, Richard, Mandate to induct as Archbishop of Canterbury, 94. 19 226 GENERAL INDEX. Banner cloth at Cranbrook, 61, 66. Barber-Surgeon's witnesses, 102. Barmyng, Thomas, will of, 40 ; John of Ulcombe, 40; Joan, John, Thomas, 40 ; John, will of, 40 ; Alice, 40. Barnham, Francis, Alice and Martin, and Manor of Bilsington, 34; Robert, 35. Baron, Thomas, will of, 40 ; Joan, 40. Barton, Elizabeth, the Holy Maid of Kent, 143, 150, 151. Baskevyle, Thomas, will of, 41; Alianore, 4 1 ; John, 41. Bate, Richard, 100. Bayle, William, 40. Bayly, Robert, will of, 38. Beacon watchers at Romney, 163. Beanquike, Thomas, paid for watching an incarcerated vicar, 159. Bearsted, oolony of masons at, 110. Beoket, Thomas a, at New Romney, 155. Beoldngham, Stephen, 181 ; Rev. J. C, 181. Bee, Arthur, and Romney's playbook, 164. Beindenne (? Biddenden), 20. Bell, Matthew, and the Book of Bourne, 181, 184. Bellirica, ruined chapel of, 149. Benett, John, will of, 41 ; Elisabeth, 41 ; Joan and her errant husband, 41 ; Laurance (Bow and Arrow maker), will of, 42 ; Alice, Daniel, Elisabeth, John, Margaret, Rose, Thomas and William, 42 ; Henry, 48. Bennett, Lawrance, 39, 53. Bergar, Denys, will of, 42. Best, John, 38, 44. Bethersden players, 161. Bettna, Anes, gift to Cranbrook Church, 62. Bety, Walter, 5. Bewke, John, will of, 42 ; Joan, John and Thomas, 42. Bibliography of Aldington and the Holy Maid of Kent, 151. Bibliotheca Cantiana, of John Russell Smith, 175. Bigge, William, and manor of Bilsington, 32. Bilbroke, Nicholas, 50. Bilsington Manor, Church and Priory, Notes on Some Early Documents relatingto,by C.Eveleigh Woodrufl, 19-36. Bishop, Alice, 47. Bix, John, 46. Bladigdone (Blendon), John de, brass at West Wickham, 214. Blakboy, John, 48. Blewberd, John, gifts to Cranbrook Church, 62. Bocher, Alice, 38. Boddington, Glos., 10. Bodington, Northants., 10. Bohun, Henry de, Earl of Hereford, 20. Boley Hill, Rochester, after the Roman Period, by The Rev. Canon S. W. Wheatley, M.A., F.S.A., 127-141. "Boley," Derivation question, 136. Bontyng, Isabelle, 40. Bootefishe, Alice, will of, 44. Botefyshe, John, will of, 44; Alice (sister of John Rowe), 44. Botfishe, Joane, will of, 43 ; John, 43. Bothe, Oliver, will of, 44 ; Joane, 44. Botler, John, 53. Boun, Humphrey de, Earl of Hereford and Essex (Bilsington grant), 20-1-2. Bourchier, Cardinal Archbishop, gifts to Cranbrook Church, 59. Bourdston, Thomas, 50. Bourne (Borne) Elisabeth, 51 ; Henry, 5 In, 52. Bourne Park, near Canterbury, by Walter H. Godfrey, F.S.A., F.R.I.B.A., 181-186. Boutflower, John and Thomas, 46. Bowden, John, 41. Bowdidge, Stephen, 100. Bowdon, John, will of, 44; Cecily, 44-5. Bowell, William, will of, 45 ; Alice, Elizabeth, Joane, Michael and Thomas, 45. Bowling Green at New Romney, first, 163. Bownfiowr, John, will of, 46 ; Robergie and William, 46. Box, Mr. E. G., and Otford Park, 9. Boxgrave (Boxgrove), St. Mary, Priory and Convent of, 21-2. Boy Bishop of New Romney, 172. Boys, William, and Hasted'sfinances, 177. Brailes, William, will of, 45 ; Alice, 45. Brass, latest figure in Kent, at Great Chart., 188. Bray, churcli restored by Sir John Norreys, 107. GENERAL INDEX. 227 Brazier, Mr., and Sweyn's Camp, 17. Brenchley (Brencliesle), Joan, grant of Bilsington Manor, 32 : Thomas, Prior of Bilsington, 33. Bretayn, Edmund, 45. Brigman, John, will of, 46; Joan, 46. British Archaeological Association's protest against whitewashing at West Wickham, 211. British Museum and Otford charter, 6 ; coins of Durolevum, 198. Brode, John, of Smethe, King's Escheator for Kent, 27. Brodnax, William, 103. Broke, John, will of, 46 ; Joan, 46. Brooke, Joseph, Philip and Thomas, 140. Brookland Players, 161. Brookland, Visit of K.A.S., 223. Brotherhood of Our Lady and St. Anne, 47. Brown, Colonel, 166. Browne, Richard, 100. Brown, Sir Thomas, gift to Cranbrook Church, 63. Bryan, arms, 184n. Bugge, John, 53. Bull, Papal, to Dover, 89, 91, 96. Bullyng, Geoffrey, 45. Buntflowre, William, will of, 46; Agnes, Elisabeth, Joan and Margery, 46. Busshe, Robert, will of, 47 ; Joan, 47. Bussher, Thomas, will of, 47. Butcher, John, 55. Butler, John, 38; Rowland and Juliane, 45. Butten (Button), Dom. John, 52. Buttington, Montgomeryshire, 10. Bydictun, 2, 10. Byrche, Thomas, will of, 43; Alice and John, 43. Byxe, John, 41; will of, 43 ; Agnes, Joan, Marione (2) and Thomas, 43. C Cade's Rebellion—Pardon for Prior and Convent of Bilsington, 29; Pardon issued at New Romney, 160. Cossar's Cantian Campaigns, and Sweyn's Camp, 13. Calverley, Richard, 42. Capella of Gretenersce (Otford), 3. Care-cloth, or Holy Cloth, 65. Carkereg, Stephen, gift to Cranbrook Church, 60. Carr, Joan, will of, 47. Carter, William, 103. Castelake, John, 162. Castle Hill Park, Tonbridge, by S.E. Winbolt,193-195. Castor, John, Administration, 47. Catelot, Thomas, 46. Caxton, William and the " Golden Legend," 67. Caxtone, Thomas, Town Clerk of New Romney, 161. Cayme, William, will of, 47 ; Joan, 47 ; will of, 48. Cenulfus Rex, and Otford, 3, 4. Ceolwulf, King of Mercia, 11. Champe, Thomas, will of, 48; Margery, 48. Chapels, Nonconformist, certified and registered, 91. Chapleyn, Symon, will of, 48; William, 48. Chapman's Ford, 9. Chapman, Thomas, 39. Charles I I . as Lord Warden of the Cinque Ports, 168. Chart, 8, 9. Charter of New Romney, 155, 156. Chartham, Geoffrey, Administration, 48; Elisabeth, 48. Chateau -a-motte, 132, 136. Cheesman, John, first chartered Mayor of New Romney, 161, 165. Chelde, William de, 5, 6. Cheney, Sir John and Manor o( Bilsington, 32. Cheyne, William, and Manor of Bilsington, 32 ; John, knight, 60. Cheynewe, John, would-be Mayor of New Romney, 162. Cheyney, John, 56. Cheynie, Thomas (2), 34. Childebridge (Childsbridge), 5, 6. Child, John, 38. Chitlowe, Thomas, will of, 48; Joan, 48. Chrismatory, 14th Century one at St. Martin's, Canterbury, 64. Christian, John, sen., 102. Cinque Ports, Privileges, 15.5; archives of, 172. Clarke, Major Eric, and Cranbrook Inventory, 68. Clarke, Rev. P. A. L., Faversham, 113. Clark on Norman Castles, 127. Claxton, Christopher, will of, 48. Clerical Penance at Tong, 102. 228 GENERAL INDEX. Clerke Juliane, 40. Cliffe-at-Hoo, The Church of, by Alan R. Martin, 71-88. Cliffe, Great Fire at, 71 ; manor of, 71 ; Plan of St. Helen's Church, 73 ; Rector's ancient jurisdiction, 76 ; church defacements, 82; church altars and lights, 83. Clitherow, Roger, and Eleanor, 107. Clive, Eleanor de, 85. Clough, John, will of, 49 ; Elisabeth, 49. Cloveshoo of Saxon Chronicle— rival claims of Cliffe, Abingdon and Clifton Hoo, 71. Clynton, Walter, 42. Cobb, Benjamin, arms of, at New Romney, 191. Cobham, Lord, Lord of the Manor of Cliffe, 71. Cobler, Thomas, 42. Cock, F. William, M.D., F.S.A., Kentish Bibliographical Notes, 175-179. Cock (Coke), Walter, surgical cures, 101. Cockle, John, will of, 49 ; Agnes (2), Joan, John, Lawrence and Margaret, 49. Coins found near Ospringe, 197-206. Coke, Captain Desmond, 141 ; Petronille, 54. Colbran, John and Julyane, 45. Colier, John, 38 ; John, jun., 41. Colyer, Dom. Richard, 56. Commissary's Court proceedings, 95. Conant, John, 101. Conformity, declaration of, 94. Conscientious objectors, early, at New Romney, 164. Conway, Rev. W. and Sir Martin, 138. Conyngham, Lord Robert, and Marquess, 182. Cookys, Juliane, 47. Cooper, John, 100. Coppa, 4. Coppanstan and Otford, 3, 4, 5, 6. Copstone (Coppelston, Soppilston and Coppilston), 4, 6. Corbett, Dr., 181. Corner, G. R., and 13th Century mural paintings at West Wickham, 21 In. Corporas at Cranbrook, 62, 67. Corpus Christi College MS. and Otford, 2. Corveser, Raff, will of, 49 ; John a,nd Katherine, 49. Coting, Alice, 42. Cotyng, Robert, 38, 40, 47, 49, 51, 56 ; John, 41, 45 ; will of, 49 ; Alice and Robert, 49. Couchman, Peter, 102. Coupere, William, holder of land at Bilsington, 27. Court-at-Street, Our Blessed Lady of, bequest to, 54 ; ruined chapel of, 149 ; hermit of, 151. Courtfeld, Richard, 53. " Cowcher," a book called, bequest of, 37. Cranbrook Church Inventory, 1509, by Aymer Vallance, 57. Cranmer, Thomas, Archbishop of Canterbury, and grant of Bilsington Priory, 34. Cranwell, Richard, will of, 50; Elizabeth, Elyn and John, 50; Alice, 51. Crippis, John, will of, 51 ; Joan, 51. Cromer, James, Esq., will of, 52 ; Anne and William, 52; Sir William, 56. Cropley, Robert, 101. Crosses, best and second, 64. Crowche, William, will of, 53. Crowmer, John, will of, 51 ; Jane, 51; Benett, Elisabeth, Grace and James, 51n; William, 107. Crowther, Thomas, 100. Crutnall, Robert, 101. Culling, John, 100. Culmer, Richard, 101. Curate's small stipend at Cranbrook, 104. Curtiss, Thomas, 44. Curwen, Dr. Eliot, and Tonbridge flints, 195. D D'Albini, William, Earl of Arundel, 20. D'Avigdor-Goldsmid and Castle Hill Camp, Tonbridge, 193. Damrel, Sir John, 51. Danish Raids, and Danish connections with Rochester, 128. Dan, William and John, cures by Walter Cock, 101. Darley, Roger, rector of St. James, Dover, and Pope Julius IL, 89, 96. Dartford Antiquities, by E. C. J. Spurrell, 13. Dawe, William, 5. Day, Richard, 52. GENERAL INDEX. 229 Deal, Church repair, 90 ; new pewing, 94; suggested museum, 116. Deanes, John, will of, 53 ; Anable, Elisabeth and Thomas, 53. Debdale, Robert, will of, 53 ; Joan and Richard, 63. De TAngle, Theophilus, 101. Denne, Rev. Samuel on Boley Hill, 128. Deposition of " Mayor " of Romney, 162. Dering, Col. Cholmondeley, 164. Dering Family and freedom of New Romney, 158. Devereux, Simon, rector of Harbledown, private account book, 94. Digges, Thomas, 52. Diorente, River Darent, 6. Ditton and Domesday Book, 11. Dix, Joan and Margaret, 41. Dobyn, Joan and Richard, 64. Dog-whipper Mannings at New Romney, 165. Dorham, Elisabeth (widow of William), will of, 54. Dorobemia, 1. Downman, Charles, and John, A.R.A., 141. Drake, John, 100. Dran1, John, gift to Cranbrook Church, 62. Druce, G. C, F.S.A., and Cranbrook inventory, 68. Ducking, or "Kuckinge" stole at New Romney, 159. Dunkin, A. J., on Swanscombe, 13. Durham, William, will of, 54 ; Elisabeth, 54. Durolevum, The Evidence of the Coins, by G. C. F. Hayter, and W. Whiting, FF.S.A., 197-206. Dybdale, Anna, will of, 53 ; Agnes and William, 53. Dylott, John, will of, 54 ; Felise and Robert, 54. E Easter Sepulchre in Faversham Church, The, by Fane Lambarde, 107-113. Eastland, Joan and William, 56. Easton, William, Administration, 55 ; Agnes, 55. East Wickham Church, with Notes on its repair by Thomas F. Ford, A.R.I.B.A., 207-216. Ecche (Each, Ash-next-Sandwich), 24. ! Editor's Note on Screenwork at Cliffe, 86-88. Edmund, Archbishop of Canterbury, 20, 21, 23. Edmund, Duke of Somerset, and Manor of Bilsington, 32. Edmunds, J. E., and West Wickham Church, 216. Egelyonnysby, Sir Robard and gifts to Cranbrook Church, 59. Elgar, Wm. H., on The Cross and Platform at Richborough, 217-220. Elham, Communion Plate, 94. Elis, Helvis (Wife of Stephen), gift to Cranbrook Church, 61. Elliott, E. H., 141. Elliston Erwood, F.C., F.S.A., Notes on the Architecture of Aldington Church, Kent, and the Chapel at Court-at-Street, called " Belllrica," 143-151. Elmerst, Henry, will of, 55; Katherine, Peter and Thomas, 55. Elmese, Alice, Isoode and John, 41. Elmeston . Thomas, will of, 55 ; Agnes, David, John and Thomas, 55. Elmoth, Dom. John, 47. Elryngton, John, and wife Margaret in dispute with Bilsington Priory, 38. Elryngton, Margaret, daughter of Sir T. Etchingham, pardon of, 33. Elvye, Harbard, Administration, 55. Elys (Ellis), Grace, 51 ; Stephen, 5 In, 52; Anne, 51; Richard, bequest to Cliffe Church, 77, 84. Engham, —, 52 ; Thomas, 100. Epps, William, Jurat—dog licence, 165. Erasmus at Aldington, 143. Erie, Roger, Prior of Bilsington, pardoned by Henry VI. for smuggling, 27. Erwood, Mr. Elliston, and Sweyn's Camp, 17 ; Cliffe Church, 85. Essey, Abbot and Convent of, 22. Etchingham, Sir Thomas, and rent charge at Lydd, 33. Eu, Countess of, 20, 21 ; seal of, 20 ; John of, 20. Ewhurst (Hyrst, or Iuhyrst), 11. F Falyn, William, 40. Fane Lambarde on The Easter Sepulchre in Faversham Church, 107-113. 230 GENERAL INDEX. Faversham, Church steeple rebuilding, 92 ; town Droits, 94 ; Easter sepulchre illustrated, 109. Fayreway, Dom. William, 48. Fenby, William, 101. Ferral, Steven, and Cock's remarkable cures, 101. Feverell, Joan, widow of Robert, will of, 55. Fiennes, Elizabeth, wife of Alexander Iden, 107. Eilks, Joan, will of, 56. Finch, Nicholas, 51n. Finn, Arthur, of Lydd, 115. Fire-places at Bourne, Chilham and Bridge, 182. Fishermen's quarrels, Romney, Hythe and Lydd, 157. Fitz-Lewes, Anne, Philip, and Sir Richard, 107; arms, 109. Fitz-Paine, arms, 184. Flat roof for Sittingbourne Church, bequest for, 44. Flint Implements found at Tonbridge, 194. Fogge, Sir John, arbitrator on rent claim by Prior and Convent of Bilsington, 33. Folly, the tumulus at Swanscombe, 13, 14. Font cloth at Cranbrook, 61, 65. Forde, Sibille and William, 55; John a, will of, 56; Margaret, will, of, 56. Pordman, Joan, 47; (Fordeman), Robert, will of, 56 ; Joane, 56. Ford, Thomas F., A.R.I.B.A., on East Wickham Church and its Repair, 207-216. Forman, Robert, 40, 48. Forster, Robert, arbitrator on Bilsington rent claim, 33. Foule, William, 44, 55. Fowle, John, 37; William, 53; John of Lydd, arms, 191. Fraunceys, John, and Romney's lepers' hospital, 171. Fray, John, and grant of Manor of Bilsington, 32. Friars minor at Canterbury, bequest to, 40. Frodisham, Alice and James, 56. Fryer, John, and Whitefriars, Roohester, 141. Fulwood, Thomas, 44; (Fullwood), Thomas, will of, 66. Eyrmynger, Thomas, 55. Fysshar, John, 64. G Gale, Nicholas, 53. Gallows Common, Otford, 9. Garmeston, Dom. Roger, 38, 42, 54. Gay, Christopher, 51. Gebell, Richard, 40. George, Mr., gifts to Cranbrook Church, 62, 63 . Geronde, John, 43. Giles, Roger, 48. Goddarde, John, fined for nightwalking at Romney, 160. Goddards and collections of Kent books, 176. Godden, Emmot, 39. Goddynge, William, 42. Godfrey, Walter H.,F.S.A.,F.R.I.B.A., B.A., on Bourne Park, Canterbury, 181-185. Godmersham, petition to use the great hall in the parsonage, 102. Godwin, Earl of Kent, and New Romney, 154. Golden Legend, 67. Gold, Simond, 42, 44, 53. GoldweU, Thomas, and grant of dissolved Priory of Bilsington, 34. Gomme, G. L., the late, and his theory of Boley Hill, 127. Gordon family, 138. Gosebech, Thomas of, and Bilsington Rectory, 22. Gosholm, quartered arms, 109. Gozenhall (Goshall), 24. Graham, Miss, 141. Graves at Finglesham described, 118-125. Gravesend : G. M. Arnold on Sweyn's Camp, 13. Grayling, Dr. and Cliffe Church history, 83. Greatenearse (Gretaniarse, Gretamarsc, Gretenersce, Gretenesse, Grettenesshe) or Greatness, 3, 6, 9. Greatness, chapel of, 3 ; farm, 3. Grebell, Allan, of Rye, arms, 191. Green, George, rector of Cliffe, and "restoration" work, 82. Greenhill, Henry, 140. Greenwood, Benjamin and Philadelphia, brasses at St. Mary Cray, 187. Gregory, William, 44, 45, 56. Gundulf, Bishop of Rochester, 132. Guston, Richard, 49. Gybbys, Thomas, 44. Gybson, William, 52 ; George, 54. H Hacche, John, vicar of New Romney, and church as meeting place of Jurats, 169. Haddan and Stubbs on Bydictun, 10. Hadd, John, 102. Hall, James, 101; Henry, 138. Hammond, Humfrey, 101. Hammond's Corner, Bridge, 156. Hamon, John, 43. Hancokk, John, gifts to Cranbrook Church, 59. Harcourt, Thomas, 56. Hardie, Mr. Martin, on the carving of Heraldic ledger stones, 189. Hardman, Dr. F. W-, 6, 10, 11. Hardres, Little, new Church building, 92. Hardres, Sir Thomas, arms, 191 ; Mr., 98. Harker, Rev. George, 139. Harman, William, 100. Harris, Dr. and bibliography, 176. Harty, Parishioners and minister, 103. Harveiana, 176. Harvey, E. F., drawings by, 183,185. Harwarstock, Walter, and vilification of a Jurat, 159. Hasted's History, perfect and imperfect sets, 177. Hawley, Colonel, 115. Hayter, G. C. F., and Whiting, W., FF.S.A., on Durolevum—the Evidence of the Coins, 197-206. Heighsted, Lawrence, 40. Henaker, Thomas, 40. Hendely, John, gifts to Cranbrook Church, 59 ; John jun. and Jone his wife ditto, 60 ; Gervase and Thomas, 59. Henley, Rob., gift to Cranbrook Church, 62. Henry VIII. and the Manor of Childe, 5. Heraldic Ledger Stones, by N. E. Toke, 187-191. Herbertindenne, 20. Hernden, Sisley, gift to Cranbrook Church, 59. Hesketh, Major C. and Otford Park, 10. "Hideous Tempest" at New Romney, 156. Higham Marsh, and traces of a causeway, 72. Highstede, Thomas, 46. Hills, Michael, 103. INDEX. 231 Hinxhill, Holy cloth for brides at, 65. Histed, Lawrance, 48. Hobson, Mr. and Sweyn's Camp, 17. Hodson, Robert, 56. Hogg, A. H. A., on Sweyn's Camp, Swanscombe, 13-17. Holmesdale Valley, 9. Holy Cloth at Cranbrook, 61, 65 ; at Hinxhill, 65 ; at Ivychurch, 65n. Holywell, Robert, 45. Hoo, Thomas, and Manor of Bilsington, 32. Hopper, " Old Moder," gift to Cranbrook Church, 63. Hornby, Joane, 108 ; arms, 108. Hornesbrygge, 156. Houselling Towel or Cloth at Cranbrook, 61, 65. Howghton, John, 47. Hugh, Earl of Arundel and Manor of Bilsington, 32. Hugh, William, 44. Humphrey, G. W., 113. Huntregeume, John, 54. Hunt, Thomas, 54. Hussey, Arthur, on Sittingbourne Wills, 37-56. Hyrst, 11. Hythe Players, 161. I Iden, Alexander of Westwell, 107. Ingleton, William, 51. Ingrave Church and brass o£ Sir R. Fitz-Lewes and four wives, 108. Interdicts at New Romney, 171. Iron Age Hearth at Finglesham, near Eastry, by W. P. D. Stebbing, F.S.A., 69-70. Isaac, Joane, 51n. Isard, J. C, and Castle Hill Camp, Tonbridge, 193. Ivychurch, Marriage cloth at, 65n. J Jacobbe, John, 49. Jekyn, John, Grant to Bilsington Priory, 26. John, King, and escheat of land, 25 ; siege of Rochester, 133 ; visit to New Romney, 155. John of Sandwych and Bilsington, 20. John of Snaves, and Bilsington, 20. Johnson, Margaret, 38. 2 3 2 GENERAL INDEX. Josselin, Ralph, and Manor of Bilsington, 32. Jutish Cemetery near Finglesham, by W. P. D. Stebbing, F.S.A., 115-125; (Introductory note by W. Whiting, 115). K Karkereg, James, wife of, gift to Cranbrook Church, 63. Kar, Thomas, will of, 47 ; Joan, 47. Kempe, John, Archbishop, and Manor of Bilsington, 32. Kemsing, 5 ; (Cymecinc), 6. Kemsing Chart, 8, 9. Kent County Photographic Record and Survey, 216. Kentish Angler, The, 179. Kentish Bibliographical Notes, by F. William Cock, M.D., F.S.A., 175-179. Kenworth, William, 39. Kiddell, or Fishing grounds at New Romney, 165. Kilburne's A Brief Survey of the County of Kent, 178; Topographic, 178. " King Herrey of Wynsor," bequest to, 54. Kingsdown by Sittingbourne, pulling down a chancel, 92. Kiryell, Sir Thomas, and Manor of Bilsington, 32. Knatchbull Family, and Freedom of New Romney, 158. Kneeling Cloth "for child wives," bequest for, 49. Knight, Nicholas, 103. Knolles, Sir Robert, 107. Knox, Cecil, of Deal, 116. Kryell, William, 50. L Lacston, Sir John, gift to Cranbrook Church, 50. Lambarde, Fane, on The Easter Sepulchre in Faversham Church, 107-113. Lambarde, various editions of, 176. Lamberhurst, Ewhursts in, 11. Lambert, Jane, 51 Lambeth, M. S., and Otford, 2, 3. Lands comprised in the Manor of Bilsington, 34. Langport, Manor and Hundred of, 154. Larkin, Rev. Lambert L., and Kent Books, 175. Lawder, William, 54. Leeds, Priory of, Legacy to, 46. Lees, Thomas, 100. Legenda at Cranbrook, 62, 63, 68. Lenaker, Dom. William, 43. Lennard, Sir H. and Sampson, and Nether Bilsington, 34. Lenten veil at Cranbrook, 61, 66; traces of at Ashford, Stelling, Molash, Woodnesborough, and St. Alphege, Canterbury, 66. Lepers' Hospital at New Romney, 171. Le Reye, Yoke of, 5. Lewis, Rev. John, and Cranbrook Inventory, 57-8 ; Life of Raynold Peacock, S.T.P., 57 ; Life of Dr. John Wiclif, 57. Lighthouse Theory and Richborough Cross and Platform, 220. Lilly, Richard, 48. Lincoln Cathedral, lost brasses, 187. Lincoln College, Oxford, and Faversham Grammar School, 101. Livett, Rev. Canon, and Boley Hill, 130, 132, 134. Lloyd, Rev. T. G., of Cliffe, and Cliffe Church History, 86. Londesborough, Lord (Lord H. Conyngham), 182. London, William, 38, 45. Longe de la Sale, Robert, 5. Longley, Archbishop, 140; John, 140. Longley House, Rochester, 135, 139, 140. Lord Warden Ashton, and bribe, 157. Lovelett, Henry, 63. Luddenham, Oare, and Davington services, 104. Lutton, Thomas, 52. Lydd, land at, granted to Bilsington Priory, 27 ; rent of salt, 33. Lydd players, 161. Lydd, visit of K.A.S., 222. Lyndested Church, bequest to, 40. Lynot, John, of Ivecherche, and grant of land to Bilsington, 27. Lynton, Thomas de, rector of Cliffe, 86. Lytilforth, Dom. Richard, 56. • M Magdalen College, Oxford, 171. Maison Dieu Museum, Ospringe, 116, 197. GENERAL INDEX. 233 Maleville, Yoke of, 5. Manderville, William de, 20. Mann, Mr. L. H., and Sweyn's Camp, 17. Map illustrating Otford Park, 7. Marten, Thomas, 37. Marteyn's St., Dover, 89. Martin, Alan R., on The Church at Cliffe-at-Hoo, 70-88. Masers, bequests of, 42, 50, 54. Matilda, Countess of Hereford and Essex, and daughter of the Countess of Eu, 20. Maunsel, John, Provost of Beverley, founder of Bilsington Priory, 24, 25. Maycott, Mr. of Faversham, 40. Mayhew, Thomas, 50. Mayor of New Romney, irregularly elected, 162. Meiham (? Maytham), 20. Mercer, William John, and Kent Books, 175. Mersch, Joan of Hythe, fine on husband for her scolding, 160. Messenger, John, 54. Milton by Sittingbourne, 10 ; Milton mead (Meleton), 10; as Mylton, 39. Mint at New Romney, 154. Mokayt, John, fined for evil wishes against Jurats of Romene, 159. Moleyns, Adam, Bishop of Chichester, murderers of, 29. Monasticon, Dugdale's, 3. Mond, Robert, and Lambarde, 176. Mone, John, 44. Montfort, Simon de, and Rochester, 134. Monumental Brasses in Kent, work of W. D. Belcher, R. Griffin, and M. Stephenson, 187. Moor, Richard, gift to Cranbrook Church, 60. Morton, Cardinal Archbishop, gift to Cranbrook Church, 69. Morys, John, 48. Motenden, House of Holy Trinity, bequests to, 40, 47. Motte at Swanscombe, 13, 14 ; at Rochester, 132, 134. Myer, Sir Thomas, 37. Mylentum, 2. N Neilson, Miss N., Ph.D., and Cartulary of Bilsington, 19, 24. Nelson, Robert, 49. Nesfield, W. A., 184. Newchurch, visit of K.A.S., 222. New Romney Fencible Cavalry, 164. New Romney, visit of K.A.S., 222. Newynton, Wenyfryght, 41. Nicolls, Benjamin, 101. Nicol's Bibliotheca Britannica, 176. Noble, values explained, 63. Noke, Thomas, 42; John, 50 ; (Nokes), John, 53. Norden, John, 39 ; (Nordon), Thomas, 41, 46. Norman arch stone, West Wickham, 213 Norman origin of Boley Hill, works attested by various authorities, 130. Norreys, William, 107; Sir John, 107. Northumberland, Earl of, arms, 184n. Northwood Chapel in Milton Church, 108. Norton, John and Manor of Bilsington, 32. Norton, Sir John, 108 ; his tomb, 108, 113; Dame Joane and the Faversham tomb, 110; her will, 110. Norwich, Bishop of at New Romney, 171. O Ockwells, built by Sir John Norreys, 107. Odo, Bishop, at Rochester, 133. Offa of Mercia, and battle of Ottanford, 1 ; grant of Ottaford to Christchurch, Canterbury, 1 ; founder of Cliffe Church, 71. Okcombe, John, gift to Cranbrook Church, 60. Okynfolde, Thomas, 49. Oldcastle, Sir John, 107. Oman, Professor, and the Danes at Rochester, 130. Ondred, Wealden forest, 9. Osculatorium, 64. Ospringe, communion cloth, and Church breaking, 103. Otford, Making of the Great Park at, by Gordon Ward, M.D., 1-11. Otway, Simon, 103. Oxenden, Sir H., plate in Canterbury Cathedral, 93. Oxeneye, Yoke of, 4, 5. Oxinden, Henry, 178. Oxley, Sir John, gift to Cranbrook Church, 62. 234 GENERAL INDEX. Paddlesworth, Bell or Communion Cup ? 92. Palmer, Gabriel, 42, 54. Panels from Trevine, and Longley House, Boley Hill, 135. Pardon, Royal, for smuggling, 27 ; for rebellion, 28. Parish Clerk's washing dried in Church, 104. Paris, John, 100. Parker, James, 53 ; Edward, 101. Parliamentary representation of Romney, 168. Parres (Parys), Sampson and Margaret, 54. Parsons, Professor F. G., 119, 122, 123. Pastue, Sir William, gift to Cranbrook Church, 60. Patche, Dom. Anthony, 39. Pax, and the kiss of peace in Mass, 64. Payne, John, an early profiteer in herrings, 159. Payne, William, memorial at West Wickham, 214. Peckham, Archbishop, and the osculatorium, 64. Peirce, Sir Edmund, Knt., 98, 99. Pekill, William, 38. Pell, William, vicar of Tonge, and penance for irregular marriages, 102. Persall, Raufe, 52. Person, Dom. John, 41. Pest House at New Romney, 168. Petche, Dom. Anthony, 39, 51. Petite, Dom. Arthur, 44. Pever, Richard, vicar of New Romney, watched in prison, 159. Phillipp, John, 42. Pie-powder, Courts of, 136. Pilots' claim to a gallery in Deal Church, 92. Pilots' Fellowship, and opposition to gallery removal, St. Mary's, Dover, 92. Pisinge, Thomas, 103. Plan, etc., of Sweyn's Camp, Swanscombe, 15. Player, Anne, 141. Players at New Romney, 160. Plummer, John, 138. Poldre (Polders, Woodnesborough), 24, 25. Pole, William de la, Duke of Suffolk, murder of, 29. Polhill Drabble, Mr. and Mrs. R. B., 4. Poll Tax Assessment at New Romney, 157. Polybius on Roman signalling, 218. Polyer (Polvevers), Sittingbourne, 50. Pope Julius II., Bull of, to Roger Darley of Dover, 89, 96. Porter, Thomas, 52. Potman, Thomas, 47. Pottery unearthed at Finglesham, 69. Poynings Family, arms at Bourne Park, 182, 183 ; Sir Edmund, 184. Prayer Book of 1662, 90, 97, 98. Precedent Books, 95. Presentments, 95. Presents by New Romney, to win favour of Archbishop, 168. Prestige, Major Sir John, 181, 185. Pyghill, William, 46. Pympe, John, and Manor of Bilsington, 32. Q Quaker Settlement, Rochester, 141. Quarter of a man removed from New Romney, 160. Queen Eleanor's Barge from New Romney, 157. Quikerell, Robert, and legacy to Cliffe Church, 84. Quynt, John, 38, 46. R Ram, Joan, wife of John, 85. Ramsay, Sir James, on Rochester's fortifications, 132, 133. Rawe, William, and Manor of Bilsington, 32. Records of the Courts of the Archdeaconry and Consistory of Canterbury, by C. Eveleigh Woodruff, M.A., 89-105. Redehede, Thomas, 38. Regills, John, 42. Rhee Wall, New Romney, 156. Richborough, The Cross and Platform at, by Wm. H. Elgar, 217-220. Rigden, Dr., 179. Rochester Fair and Market grants, 137. Rodley, Dom. William, 54. Roger, de la Lee, 2 1 ; John, 40, 53. Rogers, John, 48. Rokesacre, Thomas, 111. GENERAL INDEX. 235 Romney, New, Pews for wives of Councillors and Freeman, 93; new vicarage offer, 93 ; origin of name, and early variations in spelling, 154. Rood (Rede) cloth at Cranbrook, 61, 66. Rooke, Ursula, daughter of Sir William, and wife of Sir Thomas Hardres, 191. Rosewell, Daniel, 100. Rotherford, Edmund, 38. Rother, River at New Romney, 153, 156. Rough, Thomas, Common Clerk of New Romney, 156. Rowe, Thomas, gift to Cranbrook Church, 60; Dr. A. W., and Margate find, 120. Rowlandson, Thomas, and Boley Hill, 141. Royal Archaeological Institute at Canterbury, 182. Royal jewels pledged to Prior of Bilsington, by Henry V., 27. Roydon, Master, 45. Rudderford, Edward, 48. Rutbye (Rudby, Rodeby) chapel of, Dover, 89. Ryssheton, Nicholas, Canon of Sarum, and Cliffe Church, 84. S St. Andrew's, Canterbury, new pews, 94, 103. St. Catherine's College, Cambridge, 156. St. Clement's, Sandwich, andremoval of Communion Table, 93. St. Erasmus, image to, at Aldington, 147. St. John, Hospital of, at Otford, 3. St. John the Baptist, Church of, at New Romney, 170. St. Laurence, New Romney, former Church of, 170. St. Martin, image to, at Aldington, 147 ; church dismantled at New Romney, 169, 170. St. Martin's Rectory, Canterbury, 91. St. Mary Boxgrove, and Bilsington rectory, 21. St. Mary's, Romney Marsh, plague at, 168. St. Mildred's, Canterbury, tower removal, 91. St. Nicholas, Thomas, and Manor of Bilsington, 32. Sampson, Margaret, 53. Satis House and Boley Hill, 130, 134, 139, 140, 141. Saunders, John, 100. Saxonbury, 195. Saxon Chronicle, and Boley Hill, 130. Saxon features erroneously ascribed to Aldington Church, 144. Schoolmasters' declarations, 94, 100. Sciofmgden, 11. Scott, Sir Gilbert, 184. Seal, 8; Seal Chart, 9. Seal bags described, 35. Sedley, John, 137, 138. Seholewelle, 6 ; (se hole welle), 8. Semi-incised stones at New Romney, 188 Seth, John, 52. Sevenoaks, 5, 9. Sewell, Richard, 41. Seyntleger, Ralph, and Manor of Bilsington, 32; Sir Anthony, grant of Priory and Rectory at dissolution, 34; Sir Warham, William, Sibilla and Nicholas convey Manor to Francis Barham, 34. Scealdefordan (Shaldeford), 3,4, 5, 6. Sheldon, Archbishop, and Royal loan, 1667, 90, 98. Sheppey Monastery, bequest to, 37. Sherwin, Jo., and Luddenham services, 104. Shinkwin, Mrs., 141. Shoreham, 8. Shorham Wood (Scorham silba), 6. Shotesbrook, Sir Robert, and Manor of Bilsington, 32. Simons, Michael, 37. Sittingbourne Wills, by Arthur Hussey, 37-56. Skipwith, Jane, 139. Skorme, Joan, widow (and wife " before God " of Richard Cranwell), 51. Smith, John, 100, 101; Reginald of British Museum, 115. Smith, Mr. Reginald and Tonbridge flints, 195. Smyth, Peter, 45. Snadhyrst (? Sandhurst), 11. Snave Church visited by K.A.S., and described by Mr. V. J . B. Torr, 221. Snell, Dom. Thomas, M.A., 46. Soldiers' wages and transport, Henry V.'s pledged jewels to Prior of Bilsington, 27. 236 GENERA:L INDEX. Somner, William, Canterbury, 98. Southland, John and William, 163 ; William, 165. Spitle Heath, Sevenoaks, 9. Springate, William, 50. Springland, Edward and Emmote, 48. Stebbing, W. P. D., F.S.A., on A Jutish Cemetery at Finglesham, 115-125. Stebbing, W. P. D., F.S.A., on An Iron Age Hearth at Finglesham, near Eastry, 69. Steed, P. W., and discovery of pottery at Finglesham, 69 ; Jutish Cemetery, 115, 117, 120, 123. Stephenson, Thomas, 54. Stevens, Thomas, 139. Stour, a salmon and trout river, 179. Stourton, Sir John and Manor of Bilsington, 32. Straker, Mr. Ernest, and Castle Hill Camp, Tonbridge, 195. Streatfeild Collections, 58. Streeton, William, 138. Stubbart, John, 56. Suit groat, or Yoke groat, 4. Sutton Courtenay, Saxon village, 16. Sutton, James, 42. Sutton Valence, rebuilding of Church, 93. Swanscombe Park Wood (Stone Park Wood), 13. Swantery or Swanstery, 37. Sweyn's Camp, Swanscombe, by A. H. H. Hogg, 13-17. Symond, Mighell, 39. Symon, Michell, 43. Symondson's Map, and Otford, 10. Symson, Hugh, 38. T Take, Edward, 51. Tarbutt's Annals of Cranbrook Church, 58. Tavern-frequenters of New Romney, 159. Taylor, Lorans, gift to Cranbrook Church, 60. Teichman-Derville, Major M., M.A., O.B.E., on The Annals of the Town and Port of New Romney, 153-173. Tenham, Vicar of, 39. Terras Normannorum, 26. Terrell, William, Alice and Mary, Textus Roffensis, 3. Thomas, Dom., 45; Ralph, 51 ; Edward, 55; Olde Thomas, portreffe and Cranbrook Church, 59 ; Timothy, 101. Thomas, Dr. H., on the material of Ledger stones, 190. Thomlyn, Edmund, 55. Tiece, James, a venerable Jurat of New Romney, 159. Tillard Bequest to Little Hardres, 92. Toke, N. E., on Heraldic Ledger Stones, 187-191. Tomlen, Thomas, 56. Tonbridge Public Library, and Flint Implements, 195. Tong Church, bequest of a " Cowcher " to, 37. Tong, James, 39 ; (Tonge) William, 40. Torr, V. J . B., and Cranbrook Invenory, 68. Tottysherst, Thomas, 5, 9. Towdryke, Andrew, 38. Towghe, Master, 45. Town Records of New Romney, 156. Tregone, Margaret and Thomas, 54. Trout fishing on the Darent, 179. Tucker, Christopher, 51n. Tudor, Steven, bequest to Cliffe Church, 84. Tunbridge Wells, Colbran's Guide to, of 1800, 3. Turner, Thomas, 101. Tuter, Adam, 162. U Undyrdown, John, 41. Unwyn, Thomas, 46. V Vallance, Aymer, on Cranbrook Church Inventory, 57. Venell, Robert, 43. Venison Feast at New Romney, 166. Vere, Aubrey de, Earl of Oxford, 107 ; Alice, 107. Victoria County History of Kent, and Swanscombe, 14; Rochester Castle, 131. Visitations in Canterbury Diocese, 96 ; Inquiry by Abp. Sheldon re Popish recusants and dissenters, 96. Vynall, Andrew, 163. GENERAL INDEX. 237 W Waghorn, Edward, gift to Cranbrook Church, 63. Wakehurst, Richard, junior, and Manor of Bilsington, 32. Walcot, Sir T., 35. Walker, Abraham, 100. Walmer, Land for the Barrack Services, 93; Church enlargement, 93. Walshe, Thomas, 47. Walter, Mr. and Mayoralty of New Romney, 162. Walton, Robert de, Rector of Cliffe, 85. Ward, Dr. and Bilsington Documents, 19, 36. Ward, Dr. Gordon, on The Making of the Great Park at Otford, 1-11. Warham, John, 101; Archbishop, 143, 147. Warren House Farm, Otford, 4, 5, 6. Warren Salts, New Romney, 167. Watts, Richard, of Rochester, 139, 141 • Thomas 55. Weldis'th (Weldishej, Sir Geo., gift to Cranbrook Church, 62 ; bequest to the altar of St. Thomas, 67. Wellis, Thomas, 56. Westenhanger, demolition, and use of Material at Bourne Park, 182. West Horndon Church, 108. West, John, 51, 54. Weyman, John, 44, 49, 55. Wheatley, Canon, on Boley Hill, Rochester, after the Roman Period, 127-141. Wheler, Major George, and coins found at Syndale, 197. Whitehead, butler to Lord Warden, and bribe, 157. Whiting, W., Rubbings of brass indent and arms re Easter Sepulchre, Faversham, 109, 113. Wilkin, Davy, 37, 45 ; Margaret, 37 ; Alice, 48. Wilkyn, John, 47. William atte Well de Kemsing, 5. William the Conqueror and New Romney, 154. Wills, Sittingbourne, A. to F., 37-56. Wilnor, John, 52. Wilson, Timothy, 101. Winbolt, S. E., on Castle Hill Camp, Tonbridge, 193-5. Winchelsea, Archbishop and the Osculatorium, 64. Windmill at New Romney, 165. Wolston, Robert, 38. Woodruff, C. Eveleigh, M.A., Notes on Some Early Documents relating to the Manor, Church and Priory of Bilsington, Kent, 19-36. Woodruff, C. Eveleigh, M.A., on The Records of the Archdeaconry and Consistory of Canterbury, 89-105. Woodyer, Alderman George, 140. Woollaston, George, discoverer of Mural paintings at West Wickham, 211n. Worth, Map of the Hundred of in Hasted's History, 176. Wotton, Sir Edward, 52. Wreke, William, 39. Wrentmore, Robert, 101. Wrewke, William, 42. Wulfred, Archbishop of Canterbury, and Otford Great Park, 1. Y Yardley, Ralph, 138. Yarmouth Herring Fair, reports on by Cinque Ports Bailiffs, 173. Yattendon Church rebuilt by Sir J. Norreys, 107. Yngleton, William, 42. Yngull, Thomas, 56. Yoke groat, Payment of, 4. Yonge, John, 53. Young, Roger Henry, 138.


Report of Proceedings 1929


Frontispiece 1928