Sittingbourne Wills - Adt to Ful
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Notes of some Early Documents Relating to the Manor, Church and Priory of Bilsington, Kent
Cranbrook Church Inventory, 1509
( 37 ) SITTINGBOURNE WILLS. BY ARTHUR HTJSSEY. Snt THOMAS ADTH.1 28 April, 1525. Buried in the church in the middle pace there. To the church for maintaining of God's service, one Antiphonar, price £4. That an Obit of 3-4 yearly in the church for ever be purchased and made sure by John Fowle my ex'or. To Tong church a book called a cowcher price 13-4ci ; and to the shingeling of the church 20/-. To the highways in Sittingbourne between the Lion2 and Kippings door 10 marcs, (£6-13-4^). At my burying and month's day 40/-, in masses, Hghts, and to poor people, and there be ten priests, each one to have 12eJ!. That Margaret daughter of Davy Wilkin have 40/- at her marriage, if Davy pay to my ex'or such duties as he is bounden. Ex'or buy one stone graved to He over me, price 40/-. My great massbook to Tong church, and my little mass-book to the chapel of Swantery3 ; to the vicar of Tong a book called " Vita Christi," and to Sir John deputy to the vicar my " Catholicon." Sir Thomas Myer my murrey gown. A taper to burn before Our Lady of Pity price 5/-. To the Prioress and Convent of the Monastery of Sheppey, to pray for me, £3-6-8ri. Residue to Ex'or to dispose for my soul. [Probate, 8. Novem. 1525]. (A. Vol. 17, fol. 64.) HENRY AMYS, Candlemaker. 30 July, 1538. Buried in the churchyard beside AHce my wife. Son Richard aU the stuff in my great chamber, three beds with the stedells, etc., and the hangings, and in the chapel two curtains. Also all stuff in my working-house—three pans with chopping knives and other tools to the occupation of my candle making, and a fire rake. Ex'or—Wife Margaret, have all residue. Witnesses : Michael Simons, Thomas Marten. [Probate 18 April 1539.] (A. Vol. 22, fol. 5.) 1 In A. Act., vol. vi, fol. 161, the name is Athe, or Ache\ 2 Otherwise the Red Lion. 3 For Swanstery, see Arch. Cant., vol. XXXIV., pp. 63-78. 38 SITTINGBOURNE WILLS. REGINALD ARDISFELDE. 6 Feb. 1504-5. Buried in the churchyard of St. Michael. High altar Ud. Light of Holy Cross 12d. John Child, Margaret Johnson, AHce Bocher, each 3-4-i. Residue to Dom Roger Garmeston1 and Edmund Rotherford my Ex'ors, to dispose for my soul. Witnesses—John Butler, William Pekill, John Best. [Probate 2 April 1505.] (A. Vol. 9, fol. 33.) THOMAS ASHETON. 15 May 1520. Buried in the churchyard. High altar for tithes &d. To Our Lady of Piete in the church id. Light of St. Thomas id. To the service of St. Anne in the church 3-id. EHsabeth my daughter £3 at her marriage. Ex'or—Wife Elene and have residue. Witnesses :—Robert Wolston, Robert Cotyng, Hugh Symson. [Probate 4 July 1520.] (A. Vol. 14, fol. 262.) JOAN BAOHELER. 16 March 1504-5. Buried in the churchyard. High altar id. Light of Holy Cross, and St Andrew id each. Residue to Thomas Redehede and WUHam London my Ex'ors, to dispose for my soul. My house in Sowth Lane be sold, the money to fulfil the WUl of John CoHer, and my WiU, residue in works of charity. Witnesses : Roger Garmeston, John Quynt. [Probate 9 May 1505.] (A. Vol. 9, fol. 45.) ROBERT BAYLY. 6 April 1505. Buried in the churchyard. High altar 12^. Light of St Christopher 2 lbs. of wax. Residue to Andrew Towdryke my Ex'or to dispose for my soul. Witnesses :—Roger Garmeston, John Anderson. [Probate 9 May 1505.] (A. Vol. 9, fol. 45.) JOHN BADLYE. 10 Decem. 1546. Buried in the church. At my burial to poor people 40/-. To my four sons—WiUiam, John, Thomas, Richard, and my daughters—Margaret, IsabeU, Joan, each-£5. Wife Agnes the lease of my ferme caUed Fulstone during my years, j - J\y?£a^, w h o s e died 1518. name first occurs as a Witness in Ootober, 1488, SITTINGBOURNE WILLS. 39 and discharging my brother Richard of the bond for £40, that he was surety for me. Residue after debts, etc., paid to wife Agn es my Ex'or, to dispose for my soul. Sons WiUiam, John, Thomas, Richard, have aU my messuages, lands, tenements among them. Wife to pay the rest of the money for the lands bought from Emmott Goddyn of Stokbury. Witnesses—James Tong, Thomas Kenworthe, WilHam Wreke, Dom, Anthony Patche, curate. [Probate 25 May 1547.] (A. Vol. 25, fol. 151.) JOHN BAKER. 5 March 1504-5. Buried in the churchyard. Light of Holy Cross 8d. Residue to wife AHce, my ex'or. (No witnesses.) [Probate 5 June 1505.] (A. Vol. 10, fol. 2.) MARTYNE BAKER, Draper. 23 April 1549. Buried in the churchyard beside my children. Martyne my eldest son, Richard my second son, John my youngest son, each 20 marcs [£13-6-8ri] when they are 20, and each heir to the other, but if aU die before 20, the money to my wife AHce if aHve, but if dead, then to Thomas son of Ralph Martyne my godson, and Agnes daughter of Richard Froste butcher, equaUy. Wife have the profits from the £40 to keep my children until they be able to go to occupations. Ex'or—Mr. John Norden. Residue after paying debts to wife AHce. Witnesses :—Lawrence Bennett, Mighell Symond, Dom. Anthony Petche, curate.1 [Probate 26 Sept. 1549.] (A. Vol. 26, fol. 273.) DOM. ALAN BALSER.2 22 January 1527-8. WiU of Dom Alan Balser (sic), late curate of Sittingbourne. E'xor—Thomas Chapman ; fol. 174. 14 April 1529. The vicars of Tong and Tenham have the goods. Administration to Thomas Chapman of Mylton3; fol. 183. [No more information.] (A. Act., Vol. 6.) 1 The same Will with Probate 27th September, 1550, in A. Vol. 27, fol. 211. 2 As Alan Balsam, Balsham, curate, a Witness to Wills from 1522. 3 Plain Milton, not yet known by the vaunting name of Milton Regis. 40 SITTINGBOURNE WILLS. THOMAS BARMYNG. 10 June 1490. Buried in the churchyard. High altar 3-4$. Light of Holy Cross id. Reparation of the church 10/-. John Barmyng of Ulcombe my brother, my best cloke and hood ; and JuHane Clerke of East MaUing my sister, the best green girdle. WiUiam Falyn and IsabeUe Bontyng my servants each 6-8$. Residue to wife Joan and Thomas Henaker my Ex'ors. Wife Joan aU income from my lands tenements until son John is 20; then son Thomas my chief messuage, reserving unto my wife the upper room (alta camera) by the road with free coming and going. Also son Thomas have the tenement and barn with garden in South Lane, land caUed Eastley, and to his heirs, etc., paying to his mother 26-8$ yearly. Son John when 20 my tenement in which John Roger dwells, land in Northfield, and at Swanstre HUl, paying yearly to his mother 26-8$. If sons die without lawful issue before 20, then wife have aU lands, etc. for life, and at her death be sold, the money—to Lyndested church 10 marcs (£6-13-4$), John my brother at Ulcombe 10 marcs; to repair bad road betwene South Lane and Heigsted £3-6-8$ ; for a book for the church called Antiphoner £10 ; a silver bason to the church £3-6-8$ ; a set of vestments £20 ; to the buying of a smaU-house within Sydyngborn for poor people to Hve in for ever, for the love of God, £6-13-4$; to the House of Holy Trinity, Motenden, 6-8$ ; Friars Minor at Canterbury 6-8$; a priest to celebrate for our. souls, £6-13-4$ ; the residue in the church. Witnesses:— Richard Gebell, Thomas Henaker, WiUiam Tonge, Lawrence Heighsted. [Probate 15 July 1490.] (A. Vol. 5, fol. 172.) JOHN BARMYNG. 24 Sept. 1526. Buried in the churchyard. High altar 12$ ; and to every Light 2$. Wife AHce £23. Ex'ors—Thomas Ame of East MaUing, and WiUiam Bayle, with Mr Maycott of Faversham, overseer. My house in Tanner street Faversham be sold, money disposed for my soul—half in Sidyngborn church and half in Faversham. Witnesses :—Dom John Andrew, curate, Robert Forman, Robert Cotyng. [Probate 10 Oct. 1526.] (A. Vol. 17, fol. 109.) THOMAS BARON. 21 Oct. 1523. Probate to his Will to his widow Joan, the Ex'or. [No more information.] (A. Act, Vol. 5, fol. 125.) SITTINGBOURNE WILLS. 41 THOMAS BASKEVYLE.1 11 January 1456-7. Buried in the church of St Michael. High altar for tithes 3-4$ ; to the reparation and " operibus " of the church 6-8$ where necessary. Light of High Cross 12$. To the parish-clerk 6$, and the sacrist 4$. Residue after debts etc. paid to wife Alianore my Ex'or, for maintenance and bringing up of my sons and daughters under age. Feoffees of my Lands etc. in Sydyngborn, Bacchild, Borden:—John Cotyng, John Undyrdowne, John CoHer junior. Wife have for Hfe aU tenements, lands, rents, services, fermes, then to son John his heirs and assigns for ever, held of the chief Lord of the Fee by services due. If John die without lawful issue before his mother AHanore, then at her death to my daughters (no names) then living and their heirs assigns for ever ; but if they die without issue then to be sold by Feoffees, and £13-6-8$ to provide a chaplain to celebrate and speciaUy pray for my soul, wife, and all our benefactors, for two years in Sidyngborn church ; also to the reparation of the church £6-13-4$ ; to repair bad roads 2 0 / - ; and each Feoffee have 6-8$ ; the residue in good works. [No Probate date.] (A. Vol. 1, fol. 16.) JOHN BENETT. 23 Sept. 1507. Buried in the churchyard. High altar 20$. Light of St Christopher and St Margaret 8$ each. Dom. John Person to pray for my soul 20$. Daughter Joan £3-6-8$ if Thomas her husband come home and dwell with his wife, and then honestly behave himseU as a man ought to do ; and if he will not the money to my Ex'ors to dispose for my soul, and Joan have ten quarters of wheat. AHce daughter of Isoode the widow of John Elmese 20/-. Wenyfryght Newynton, Joan and Margaret Dix, the daughters of EHzabeth my wife 10/- each. Residue to wife EHsabeth to pay my debts, and with John Bowden my Ex'ors. Joan my daughter and to her heirs in fee simple my Uttle messuage. Wife aU income from the tenement I dwell in for Hfe, then to daughter Joan ; but if EHsabeth be with a son to him when 20, but if a girl share with Joan. If Joan die without lawful issue then to be sold, and £6 -13-4$ to a priest to sing for our souls, the residue in charitable deeds. Witnesses :—Thomas Nordon, John Byxe, Richard SeweU. [Probate 19 January 1507-8.] (A. Vol. 9, fol. 281.) 1 He joined John Cade in 1450, and had pardon (Arch. Oant., VII., 260). 42 SITTINGBOURNE WILLS. LAWRANCE BENETT, BOW and arrow maker. 18 March 1551-2. Buried in the churchyard. To 20 of the poorest householders 6$ each. The deaf miUer my tawny night gown furred with black lamb. Thomas Cobler my black frice [coarse woollen] gown, and black worsted jacket. AHce Coting servant unto James Sutton 20/- in money and household stuff. Thomas Noke 20/-. The messuage caUed Sarsonshed in which I now dwell, with gardens, orchards, lands, to be sold by my brother WiUiam Bennet and Richard Calverley, and my wife AHce shaU release unto them all her right in the same, for which wife have £40 from the money, daughter Rose £20, the child my wife goeth with £10, and John Benett now dweUing with my brother John Benett of Hastings £10. Margaret Benett now dweUing with WiUiam Goddynge of Dodington £5, and Thomas, Daniel, EHsabeth, children of my brother, each £3-6-8$. John Benett son of my brother have half my tools, timber, feathers, and other things of my craft caUed Bowyers craft and Fletchers craft; the other half to John PhilHpp my servant. WilHam Benett my brother have the rule and custody of Rose my daughter. Ex'ors—WilHam Benett and Richard Calverley, have the residue to pay my debts. Witnesses—Simond Gold, John RegiUs, WilHam Yngleton. [Probate 12 Aug. 1552.] (A. Vol. 29, fol. 118.) DENYS BERGAR. 26 Aug. 1513. Buried in the churchyard. High altar 8$. To the Rode Light 8$. To my mother in law aU my raiment, except my best gown, and 6-8$. Margaret my sister, my girdle, best beads, silver spoon, etc. Laurance my brother a maser and silver spoon. To the Alms-house a good pair of sheets. Residue to my brother and sister. Ex'or—Herry Amys. Witnesses- Roger Garmeston, Gabriel Palmer. [Probate 21 Oct. 1513.] (A. Vol. 12, fol. 153.) JOHN BEWKE, of Swaynstre in the parish of Sidingborne. 9 May 1502. Buried in churchyard of Morston.1 Daughter Joan a cow and 3 ewes. Residue after debts paid to Walter Clynton of Morston and WiUiam Wrewke of Elmele my Ex'ors, toudispose for my soul as they think best. Sons John and Thomas and to their heirs aU my lands tenements in Minster in the Isle of 1 Murston. SITTINGBOURNE WILLS. 43 Sheppey ; and Walter Clynton have the rule of my son John until of lawful age. Witnesses—Dom WilHam Lenaker, cleric, John Geronde, Robert VeneU. [Probate 16 June 1502.] (A. Vol. 8, fol. 204.) THOMAS BYROHE. 21 June 1482. Buried in churchyard. High altar 4$. Reparation of the church haU a bushel of corn. Light of Holy Cross, and St James the Apostle, each 2$. Son John three ewes and a lamb. Wife AHce a tenement with garden for Hfe, then to son John his heirs assigns for ever ; but if he die before his mother then at death of AHce to be sold, the money—to a chaplain celebrating for our souls and parents for quarter of a year, the residue in East street where necessary. Ex'or :—Wife AHce, and have residue. [Probate 26 Sept. 1482.] (A. Vol. 3, fol. 415.) JOHN BYXE. 16 Novem. 1480. Buried in churchyard. High altar 4$. Wife Agnes find a 1 lb. taper of wax burning in the church before Blessed Mary of Pite for one year ; also another 1 lb. taper in the Browne Rode in the Chapel of St John the Baptist, for one year. Residue of goods to wife Agnes my Ex'or. Wife have a tenement with two gardens in the East street for life, also for life the reversion of one tenement with lands and garden, which Thomas Byxe my father and Marione Byxe my mother hold for life caUed Motts tenement in Lyngsted [Linsted]. If wife with chUd a boy, then tenement in East street, and Motts tenement to my son after the death of Agnes, paying to Joan and Marione his sisters £3-6-8$ each ; but if a girl the tenements etc. equaUy to my daughters. [Probate 21 March 1480-1.] (A. Vol. 3, fol. 348.) JOANE BOTEISHE. 22 April 1523. Buried in the churchyard. To St. Anne's Brotherhood 2$. To the Berne Light 2$. Residue to son John my Ex'or. Witnesses—Dom Alan Balsam, John Hamon, MicheU Symon. [Probate 6 May 1523.] (A. Vol. 15, fol. 250.) 4 4 SITTINGBOURNE WILLS. O JOHN BOTEEYSHE. 4 March 1540-1. Buried in the churchyard. High altar id. Ex'or—wife AHce1 and have my house and all my goods, pay my debts and dispose the residue. Robert HolyweU my best coat. Witnesses—Symon Golde, Robert HolyweU. [Probate 25 June 1543 ; and Ex'or being dead Administration to John Mone (sic) her Ex'or.] (A. Vol. 23, fol. 229.) ALICE BOOTEEISHE. . . . 1541. Buried in the churchyard. At my burying dirige and three masses, and the same at month's day, to do for my husband and me together. To the holy sacrament for my tithes 12$. Robert Holywell my worsted doublet. A gown Hned with white fur, a brass pot with the hook, bed, etc. to mother Anthony. Joan Anthony a towel and best h a t ; other clothing to various people. Residue to John Audde my Ex'or to dispose for my soul, with Robert HolyweU overseer, he to have 3-4$. Witnesses—Don. Arthur Petite, Robert Holywell, Thomas Curtiss. [Probate 25 June 1542.] (A. Vol. 23, fol. 190.) OLYVER BOTHE, Labourer. 2 March 1516-7. Buried in the churchyard. To the Rood Light 2$. Ex'or—Wife Joane and have my house with all moveables. Witnesses—WilHam Gregory, John Weyman, William Foule, John Beste, Thomas Fulwood. [Probate 22 April 1517.) (A. Vol. 13, fol. 7.) JOHN BOWDON. 18 Decem. 1515. Buried in the churchyard. High altar 6-8$. To the Sepulchre Light a taper of 10 lbs. of wax, and my wife maintain it during her life, and at her death leave 10 lbs. of wax to the same. To every Light a taper of 1 lb., except the Light of the Standard of the high altar. A priest sing in the church a year for my soul, parents, Thomas Gybbys and all his friends, and aU christians. Ex'or—Wife Cecily, and have residue after paying debts, etc. Wife have for Hfe all income from my lands, tenements bought from WilHam Hugh, and from the heirs of Greenstreet in Tong and Murston, after her death lands etc. to be sold, and to Sidyngborne church £10 towards the new making of a flat roof over the body of the church ; but if the parishioners cause no flat 1 Ahce was sister to John Rowe who died 1531. SITTINGBOURNE WILLS. 45 roof to be made, then a priest sing in the church for a year and half for our souls. Also after the sale of lands, etc., then Rowland Butler and JuHane his wife have 13-4$. Wife Cecily1 have aU other lands tenements, bought from Master Roydon, David Willkyn, and Master Towghe, and to her heirs assigns for evermore. Witnesses—John Cotyng, Thomas Catelot, Edmund Bretayn. [Probate 16 January 1515-6.] (A. Vol. 12, fol. 504.) WrLLIAM BOWELL. 27 April 1517. Buried in the churchyard. High altar 4$. To the Rood Light 4$. Residue after debts paid to wife AHce, to bury me and keep herseU. Ex'ors—Wife AHce and son Thomas. Wife have for Hfe aU lands with a tenement in Rodmersham. That the vicar of Backchild have an acre of land in Rodmersham called Crompys acre in Longbrent, paying to my wife 23-4$ ; and if the vicar wiU not keep his bargain of the acre, then my wife pay unto him 10/- which I had of him in " ernest " for the acre, he allowing her two years ferme of 2/- yearly. Thomas my eldest son my house at Rodmersham, and the inner garden where the weUis with the way thereto, after his mother's death. SonMichael have the new garden on the north side of the said tenement, after his mother's death. If AHce have again the acre of land from the vicar of Backchild (as above) then wife have the same for Hfe, then to my two sons. Each son heir to the other, but if both die without lawful issue, the house garden and land remain to my daughters—Joane and EHzabeth and their lawful issue, in default to the next of my blood. My two sons within four months after the death of their mother, give to each of my daughters 6-8$. Witnesses—Dom Thomas, chaplain, Peter Smyth, WilHam Gregory. [Probate 29 July 1517.] (A. Vol. 12, fol. 600.) WrLLIAM BRAELIS. 10 Feb. 1475-6. Buried in the churchyard. High altar 12$, to the parish-clerk and the sacrist, each 4$. WiUiam London after the death of my wife have a folding table. Residue to wife AHce my Ex'or, with Geofrey BuUyng overseer. Wife have my tenement with garden for life, then sold, and to the reparation of the 'church 33-4$, to Julyane wife of John Colbrand 3-4$ and each of 1 Cicely then married . . . Messenger, and died 1528. See her Will. 46 SITTINGBOURNE WILLS. her children 20$ ; to the Priory of Leeds 6-8$ ; repair of bad roads 6-8$ ; and for 30 masses 10/-. [Probate 16 Feb. 1475-6.] (A. Vol. 3, fol. 64.) JOHN BRIGMAN. 28 May 1491. Buried in the churchyard. High altar 6d. Residue after paying debts etc. to wife Joan my Ex'or. Witnesses —Dom Thomas SneU, M.A., curate of the parish, John Quynt, WUHam PyghiU. [Probate 14 July 1491.] (A. Vol. 5, fol. 317.) JOHN BROKE. 28 Oct. 1473. Buried in the churchyard. High altar 6d. Light of Holy Cross and St Lawrence of Bakchylde 6$ each. Joanmysister3-4$. To the bad road at Highstede16-8$. Thomas Unwyn and Thomas Highstede my Ex'ors and Feoffees, shaU sell aU my part of a messuage and two acres of land at Highstede, to pay my debts, etc. [Probate 14 July 1474.] (A. Vol. 2, fol. 331.) JOHN BOWNELOWR. 4 January 1504-5. Buried in the churchyard. Light of Holy Cross a sheep. Residue to WilHam Bownflowr and Robergie my wife and Ex'ors, that they dispose for my soul. Witnesses— Thomas Nordon, John Bix. [Probate 8 May, 1505.] (A. Vol. 9, fol. 43.) WILLIAM BTJNTELOWRE. 10 Sept. 1511. Buried in the churchyard. Residue of goods to wife Agnes my Ex'or. Wife have for life my house with all thereto, and if with chUd, a son, to my son in fee simple ; in default to Joan my daughter paying to every sister 46-8$, but if Joan die without lawful issue, then to Margery my daughter paying to EHsabeth my daughter 13-4$, besides the 46-8$. In default of lawful issue to be sold, the money—to Water Pete 6-8$, Thomas son of John Turnor 5/-, John and Thomas Boutflower 6-8$ each, the residue for a yearly dirige and three masses as long as the money lasteth. [Probate 27 Novem. 1511.] (A. Vol. 12, fol. 59.) i About a mile south of Sittingbourne, on the road to Milstead. SITTINGBOURNE WILLS. 47 ROBERT BUSSHE. 31 January 1526-7. Probate of his Will to Ex'or Joan, widow. (No more information.) (A. Act. Vol. 6, fol. 168.) THOMAS BUSSHER. 20 March 1504-5. Buried in churchyard. High altar 12$. Residue to Joan Fordman my Ex'or, to dispose for my soul. Witnesses :—Dom. John Elmoth, Thomas Walshe. [Probate 5 June 1505.] (A. Vol. 10, fol. 3.) THOMAS KAR. 20 Decem. . . . ? Buried in the churchyard. High altar 4$. To the Brotherhood of Our Lady and St Anne 4$. The Friars of Aylesford 12$ ; of Mottinden 12$. My sister have my coat. Residue to wife Joan my Ex'or, with WilHam Andrew overseer. Witnesses :—Dom Alan Balsham parish priest, Robert Cotyng. [No probate date. Query 1522.) (A. Vol. 16, fol. 34.) JOAN, widow of THOMAS CARR. 18 January 1522-3. Buried in the churchyard. High altar a towel. Altars of St Anne, and Our Lady of Petye, a sheet. To the Rood altar a bell candlestick. To the Berne Light 4$. Julyane Cookys my sister my best gown and kirteU. AHce Bishop my daughter the second gown and kirtel. Residue after paying debts, and my husband's WiU fulfiUed, to be disposed by WilHam Andrewe my Ex'or. Witnesses :—Dom. Alan Balsam, parish-priest, John Howghton. [Probate 4 March 1522-3.] (A. Vol. 16, fol. 33.) JOHN CASTOR. 13 August 1539. Administration to the goods of John Castor. To Thomas Potman of TunstaU. (A. Act, Vol. 8, fol. 42.) WILLIAM CAYME. 11 January 1490-1. Buried in the churchyard. High altar 8$. A taper of 8 lbs. of wax to burn before the Image of Blessed Mary in the church as long as it wiU last. Residue after debts paid to wife Joan my Ex'or. That John Wilkyn of Tonge have a 48 SITTINGBOURNE WILLS. certain yearly rent of 6-8$ from aU my tenements next the market place. Wife Joan have my tenements and to her heirs assigns for ever. Witnesses:—John Blakboy, Henry Benett, John Rogers, John Morys. [Probate 23 March 1490-1.] (A. Vol. 5, fol. 389.) JOANE CAYME. 15 Sept. 1494. Buried in the churchyard. High altar 8$. Ex'or—AHce Wilkin my daughter, and have aU my goods, and the house I dweU in, in fee simple. Roger GUes when he fulfils aU covenants with me for a tenement, between Blackboys and my tenement, then GUes have the tenement in fee simple. Witnesses : Edward Rudderford, Lawrance Histed. [Probate 17 January 1497-8] (A. Vol. 7, fol. 1.) THOMAS CHAMPE. 4 April 1528. Buried in the churchyard. After my debts paid, residue to wife Margery [? and Exor]. Witnesses:—Richard LiUy, Robert Forman. [Probate 29 April 1528.] (A. Vol. 18, fol. 42.) SYMON CHAPLEYN. 18 July 1526. WiU of Symon Chapleyn. Ex'or, son WiUiam [No more information.] (A. Act, Vol. 6, fol. 165.) GEOEEREY CHARTHAM. 9 April 1522. Adminstration to the goods of Geoffrey Chartham. To Elisabeth his widow. Inventory £8-11-4$. (A. Act, Vol. 5, fol. 115.) THOMAS CHITLOWE. 16 Decem. 1528. WiU of Thomas Chitlowe. Exor, Joan his widow. [No more information.] (A. Act, Vol. 6, fol. 181.) CHRISTOPHER CLAXTON. 3 April 1494. Buried in the churchyard. High altar 12$. Dom WiUiam Fayreway chaplain there, all my hives of bees. Residue of goods to Emmote my sister wife of Edward Springland, to dispose for my soul, parents, and aU faithful departed. Ex'ors: Dom WUHam Fayreway, and Edward Springland. [Probate 6 Novem. 1494.] (A. Vol. 6, fol. 56.) SITTINGBOURNE WILLS. 49 JOHN CLOUGH. 8 June 1524. Will of John Clough. Ex'or—EHsabeth his widow. [No more information.] (A. Act, Vol. 5, fol. 130.) JOHN COCKE. 15 January 1522-3. Buried in the churchyard against Our Lady chancel. High altar 3-4$. To ten Lights in the church 10 lbs of wax:—To the Rood, Our Lady of Pitie, St Anne, the the ' picture' of the Resurrection, the Rood of Fortune, St John Baptist, St Michael, St Peter, Our Lady in the south chancel, AU HaUowen, lib each. Sons John and Lawrence each 2 kine and 2 seames of barley. Daughters Agnes, Margaret, Joan, each a feather bed with all thereto, and 3 seames of barley. At my burial 10/-, Richard Guston and John Weyman my overseers, 6-8$ each. Robert Cotyn sexton, my white coat. Each son heir to the other, but if both die their bequests equally to my daughters. Ex'or—Wife Agnes and have residue after debts paid. Witnesses —Dom Alan Balsam, my two overseers, Robert Nelson, John Jacobbe, Robert Cotyng. [Probate 4 April 1523.] (A. Vol. 15, fol. 249.) RAEE CORVESER. 1 Feb. 1538-9. Buried in the churchyard. Wife Katherine all my lands, tenements and moveable goods, paying to Thomas Okynfolde £6-13-4$ when he is 22. To buy a cloth for the child wives to kneel upon 6-8$. John my brother one shop in Sydyngborn and one in Milton. Ex'or—Wife Katherine. [Probate 18 April 1539.] (A. Vol. 22, fol. 4.) JOHN COTYNG. 1 Sept. 1459. Buried in the churchyard. High altar for tithes 10/-; to the clerk 12$, and sacrist 8$; to the vicar 3-4$, Light of Holy Cross 8$, of St Mary 6$. High altar of Bakchild 3-4$ and to the Lights of St Mary, St Lawrence, and St Katherine in the same church, 6$ each. Residue after paying debts, etc, to son Robert my Ex'or to dispose for my soul. Lands tenements in Sydyngborn, Myddleton, Bacchild, Tonge. Wife AHce have for life one house caUed the Swan in Sydyngborn, then be sold and money to Robert my son to find a priest to celebrate in the church for one year and haU, for my soul, wife, parents, 8 50 SITTINGBOURNE WILLS. benefactors. And to ' fabrice' of the same church £3-6-8$ and and'fabrice'of Bacchyldchurch£3-6-8$. Wife have all 'utensiHa' in the Swan belonging to the haU chamber and kitchen, except 24 silver spoons, a bowl caUed the maser, a silver salt, a plain silver bowl, which wife deHver to Robert my son. One barn in West street next Masys Place be sold, money to son Robert to pay my debts etc. Also Robert pay yearly 13-4$ to Alice out of the piece of land in North field in Sydyngborn. Son Robert have my messuage obtained from WiUiam Kryell and three virgates of land:—between the high road north, messuage and land of WilHam Springet east, land of John Cheyne, knight, and land formerly John Polyver1 south, messuage of Nicholas Bilbroke west; and to the heirs assigns of Robert for ever. Also Robert have a staU in the market-place of Myddelton between the staUs of John Noke south and north; and two stalls in the market-place of Sydyngborn ; one barn in Estrete, a garden between the lands of Thomas Mayhowe south, four acres in Hertys field, two pieces of land in Tonge caUed Lagetts and Vyneyard, three acres in Bacchild in Downyng field, six acres and three virgates in Sydyngborn in North field, and to the heirs and assigns of Robert for ever, held of the chief lord of the Fee by services due and accustomed rights. Son Thomas a messuage in BacchUd, 2 acres in Downyng field, a virgate in Pery field, 2 acres 3 virgates in Heggedale, 7 acres 1 virgate in Frensshland, a messuage formerly Thomas Bourdston,a croft to the same messuage, a croft of 5 acres in the Seche, 3 acres and a virgate in Rothefeldys field, and to the heirs etc. of Thomas for ever, held from the chief lord of the Fee. Son Thomas to provide a chaplain to celebrate in BacchUd church for half a year, for my soul, wife, and parents, and distribute yearly on my anniversary there during his Hfe 3-4$ for masses and to the poor.2 [No Probate date, or Witnesses.] (A. Vol. 1, fol. 268.) RICHARD CRANWELL. 24 AprU 1551. Buried in the churchyard. To poor people of the parish 5/-. EHzabeth and Elyn the daughters of John CranweU my natural son, three pewter platters and dishes, and 1 The name survived until recently in the house "Polveners" (119 High Street) ocoupied bythe late Dr. P. Graying, now the Post Office. 1 John Cotyng joined John Cade in 1450 and had pardon (Arch. Oant., VII., 260). * SITTINGBOURNE WILLS. 51 a silver spoon' to each, to be defivered by AHce their mother at their marriage, but if both die unmarried, to their father and mother. AHce wife of my son John two sUver spoons. John West my son in law have the £4 the bequest of his father John West; half my tools, haU my arrow heads, a table with trestles now at the house of Ralph Thomas. My brother Potman half a dozen of my best shafts for his own shooting, and to WiUiam Ingelton half a dozen. Son John haU a dozen, and John West aU my other bows and timber. Residue to Joane Skorme widow, and my wife before God, my Ex'or. Witnesses :—Christopher Gaye, Anthony Petche, curate. [Probate 26 May 1551.] (A. Vol. 27, fol. 94.) JOHN CRIPPIS. 29 May 1525. Buried in the churchyard. To the Brotherhood of St Anne 4$. Ex'or—Wife Joan and have residue after paying debts. Witnesses :—Dom Alen Balsham, Robert Cotyng. [Probate 21 June 1525.] (A. Vol. 16, fol. 233.) JOHN CROWMER,1 of Fogylston, esquire. 3 Feb. 1538-9. Buried in the Chapel of St Nicholas or elsewhere without pomp. High altar for tithes 3-4$, and of TunstaU, Morston, Tong, each 12$. At my burying five masses with clerks accustomed and offerings, and 2 5 / - to the poor. Each of my three daughters :—Benett Haschebornham, EHsabeth Borne and Grace Elys, have £13-6-8$ of such debts as their husbands oweth me, so that their husbands be content that such purchased lands go by my WiU, or else not. Anne Elys my wife's gentlewoman for her service to her mistress, £10 at her marriage. John Acorte and his sister aU such stuff in my hands of their father; and 20/-. Ex'or—Jone my wife, and have aU the residue of my goods to pay my debts, etc., and if any man can lawfuUy charge me with any wrong to them by me done, my wife to pay them in my name. After my wife's death my daughters Aschebornham have aU the stuff in the press chamber as it is 1 John was second son of James Crowmer of Tunstall by his wife Katherine Cauntelo. John married Joan Isaac by whom (a) Benett who married Thomas Ashburnham; (b) EHsabeth married (1) Henry Bourne of Sharsted, and (2) Christopher Tucker; (c) Grace married (1) Stephen Ellis of Kenington, and (2) Nicholas Pinch. Concerning earher generations of the Crowmer family see article on the Easter Sepulchre in Faversham Church, by Brig.-General Fane Lambarde in this volume. 52 SITTINGBOURNE WILLS. commonly used, my gUt goblet with cover, and a silver goblet. After my wife's death my daughter Borne aU the stuff in the chamber I lay in, my silver goblet with cover, and one gilt goblet. Daughter Elys aU the stuff in the old parlour, the inner chamber to the same, and the haU, after the death of my wife, a gilt goblet and silver goblet without covers, and a gilt salt. That aU my sons be good and kind to my wife. 18 March. This is my WUl:—That Herry Borne, gent., be Ex'or with my wife, and he to have a certain bUl of £5 he owes me. Son Stephen Elys be in Uke case Ex'or with my wife, as my son Borne, and have £3-6-8$. Written with my own hand 24 March—John Crowmer. Witnesses :—Mr. John Witnor, vicar of Sidyngborne, John Seth, Thomas Porter, WiUiam Gybson. [Probate 18 AprU 1539.] (A. Vol. 21, fol. 206.) JAMES CROMER, Esquire. 22 Feb. 1541-2. Buried in TunstaU church upon the right hand beside the high altar there. At my burying to priests, clerks and poor people £5, and the same at month and year day. My father in law Sir Edward Wotton have my best horse that he can chose. My cousin Thomas Digges my second horse and my best gown. My brother WiUiam Terell my black velvet coat. My brother Engham the best velvet jacket and my cloke welted [edged or faced] with velvet, and to my sister Engeham my black damask gown. Sir John Damrel one of my stone colts in Elmley. Edward Take a stone colt. AHce TereU my god-daughter and her sister Mary TereU, each £20. Dom John Butten parson of Morston £13-6-8$. ThomasLutton£10. Richard Day £6-13-4$. Jane Lambert £3-6-8$. AU my servants have their wages and Hverayes. Residue after debts, etc., paid to wife Anne my Ex'or to dispose as she thinks best, with Sir Edward Wotton my father in law overseer. Wife have my Manor of Marston and Broxham with aU lands thereto for her life, also the governance of William my son and heir until he is 21, wife having the profits from all my lands until son is 21, but if he die before 21 then wife have for Hfe, then to my next heir. If wife die before WiUiam is 21 then Sir Edward Wotton have the governance of my son. Witnesses :•— Dom John Button parson of Morston, Thomas Lutton, Raufe Persall vicar of Bradgar. [Probate 29 April 1542.] (A. Vol. 24, fol. 207.) SITTINGBOURNE WILLS. 53 WILLIAM CROWCHE. 29 Oct. 1471. Buried in the churchyard. High altar 20$, and to the reparation of the church where most necessary 20$. Light of St Mary 20$, of Holy Cross 8$. Residue after paying debts to wife Margery, who with John Nokes my Ex'ors. Feoffees —WilHam Fowle, John Bugge, Nicholas Gale. Wife have all those lands and tenements whice AHanore refict of John Crowche holds for 20 years, by the WiU of my father at Chalkwell1 in Midelton, during Hfe of Margery, and if wife be with a son then to him and his heirs, but if a daughter to her, if no child then be sold, and part of the money to Middelton church to pray for my soul, parents, friends, other part in Sidingborn church. [Probate 12 Decem. 1471.] (A. Vol. 1, fol. 412.) JOHN DEANES, Shoemaker. 20 January 1550 [? 1549-50]. Buried in the churchyard. John Yonge my wood knife, and Henry Lovelett my son in law [i.e., step-son] 40/-. Wife EHsabeth have my house bought from Lawrence Benet for her life, doing repairs, after her death to Anable my daughter and her heirs for ever, in default of issue to Henry Lovelett and James Parker my wife's sons and their heirs, but if they die under 21 then to Thomas Deanes my brother of New Buckingham in Norfolk. Residue of my moveables, jewels, etc., to wife EHsabeth my Ex'or. Witnesses:—Symon Gold, Lawrance Benet, John Yonge. [Probate 6 May 1550.] (A. Vol. 29, fol. 202.) ROBERT DEBDALE. 4 March 1503-4. Buried in the churchyard. To the Rood Loght [Loft] a pair of sheets. Richard Debdale 10 sheep. Joan my sister a pair of sheets. That Richard Courtfeld fulfiU execute and dispose aU the residue to my brother Richard and my sister. Witnesses :—John Roger, John Botler. ® [Probate 20 June 1504.] (A. Vol. 9, fol. 216.) ANNA DYBDALE. 10 Feb. 1510-11. Buried in the churchyard. WiUiam Dybdale a feather bed. Margaret Sampson a furred gown Agnes Dybdale a violet kirtle. Residue to WiUiam Dybdale and 1 Chalkwell, actually in Milton parish, lies on the western outskirts of Sittingbourne. 54 SITTINGBOURNE WILLS. Sampson Parres my Ex'ors. Witnesses :—Mgr Roger Garmeston, vicar, Gabriel Palmer. [Probate 30 July 1511.]' (A. Vol. 11, fol. 213.) [In A. Act., Vol. 3, fol. 174, it is Agnes Dibdale, and Ex'ors renounced, so 30 July Administration to Margaret Parys and Sampson Parys of Newenton.] WrLLIAM DURHAM. . . . 1526. Buried in the churchyard. High altar 4$, and to St Anne's altar 4$ to be prayed for there. Ex'or—Wife Elisabeth, and have residue, with George Gybson, overseer. Witnesses :—John Huntregeume, John Fysshar. [Probate 31 January 1526-7.] (A. Vol. 17, fol. 304.) ELISABETH, widow of WiUiam DORHAM. 9 Decem. 1527. Buried in the churchyard. To the Brotherhood of St Anne in the church 12$. That one go for me to Our Lady of Walsyngham ; to King Herrey of Wynsor ; and Our Blessed Lady of Court of Street, 10/-. The house in East Street with garden and one acre of land, which sometime was John Messenger's, be sold, the money distributed as by his Will. Residue after debts paid to WiUiam Lawder my Ex'or, with Dom WUHam Rodley parish-priest there, overseer. Witnesses :—John West, Thomas Hunt, Thomas Stephenson. [Probate 18 Decem. 1527.] (A. Vol. 18, fol. 6.) JOHN DYLOTT. 22 May 1480. Buried in the churchyard. High altar for tithes, 6-8$. Light of St Mary, St Christopher, St John Baptist, and Holy Cross in the Chapel of St John, 12$ each. Reparation of the Church 20$. PetroniUe Coke a brass pot, pan and 3 pewter bowls. Thomas son of Thomas Tregone a brass pot, and Margaret Tregone after the death of my wife a bed. Joan Dobyn my daughter a maser. Residue to wife FeHse my Ex'or. Wife have the tenement with garden where I dweU for life then to son Robert, his heirs and assigns, paying to Joan daughter of Richard Dobyn at her marriage £3-6-8$. [Probate 26 Oct. 1480.] (A. Vol. 3, fol. 327.) SITTINGBOURNE WILLS. 55 WILLIAM EASTON. 2 May 1557. Administration to his goods, to Agnes his widow. Bonds:—Edmund Thomlyn and John Butcher, yeomen, in £6-13-4$. Inventory £4 and 8$. (A. Act. Vol. 13, fol. 28.) HENRY ELMERST. 10 January 1492-3. Buried in the churchyard. Residue after paying debts to wife Katherine and Thomas Trigony my Ex'ors. Wife have income from my tenement with garden in East Street, after her death to Thomas and Peter my sons, each heir to the other, but if both die without issue before Katherine, at her death to be sold and money disposed for our souls. [Probate 7 March 1492-3.] (A. Vol. 5, fol. .148.) THOMAS ELMESTON. 9 Feb. 1517-18. Buried in the churchyard. High altar 6$. Feoffees:—Thomas Watts, Thomas Fyrmynger, John Weyman. Wife Agnes have my house for Hfe, if she keep a yearly anniversary of 5 / - for my soul, parents, etc., at her death the house to my sons John, Thomas, David, and if they aU die then disposed for our souls. Ex'or—Wife Agnes and have residue. Witnesses :—Dom Richard Lytilforth, Edward Thomas, WUHam Foule. [Probate 17 March, 1517-18.] (A. Vol. 13, fol. 102.) HARBARD ELVYE. 29 April 1550. Administration to his goods, to AHce Frodisham his mother, SibiUe Forde sister ; John Frodisham and WiUiam Forde husbands of same AHce and SibiUe. Bonds :— James Fordisham and WiUiam Forde, in £26-13-4$. (A. Act, Vol. 10, fol. 3.) JOAN, widow of Robert FEVERELL. 18 March, 1532-3. Buried in the churchyard. High altar 4$. A taper of lib. to burn before the Sacrament. Residue to Alys daughter of John Austen of Faversham, my Ex'or. Tenement in Borden to AHce Austen of Faversham and her heirs for ever, if no lawful issue, to her brother John Austen and his lawful issue, in default be sold, the money to the necessary uses in 56 SITTINGBOURNE WILLS. Sythingborne church. Witnesses :—Dom. Richard Colyer, vicar [1531-8], John Austen of Faversham. [Probate 14 May 1533.] (A. Vol. 19, fol. 354.) JOANE FILES, widow. 25 Novem. 1522. Buried in the churchyard beside the body of my father. Joan daughter of WUHam Eastland my great chest in my parlour. Residue after paying debts to WiUiam Eastland my Ex'or, to dispose for my soul. Feoffees of lands, etc.—Sir WiUiam Cromer, knight, John Cheyney, gent. William Eastland have aU my lands, tenements in Bakchild and Sittyngborn, paying to the churchwardens for reparation of the church 22/- yearly for five years. Witnesses—WiUiam Gregory, Thomas Harcourt, Thomas WeUis. [Probate 3 June 1523.] (A. Vol. 15, fol. 255.) JOHN A FORD. 14 Novem, 1526. Buried in the churchyard. To the Rood Light of Fortune 4$; to the Rood Beam 4$. Residue after debts paid to wife Margaret my Ex'or. Witnesses :—Robert Cotyng, Thomas YnguU. [Probate 5 Decem. 1530.] (A. Vol. 17, fol. 121.) MARGARET FORDE. 16 Novem. 1526. Buried in the churchyard. All my goods after debts paid, to Dom John Andrew my ghostly father and Ex'or, to dispose for my soul, husband. [Probate 5 Decem. 1530.] (A. Vol. 17, fol. 121.) ROBERT FORDEMAN. 16 Feb. 1529-30. Probate to his WiU to Joane his widow and Ex'or. (No more information.) (A. Act, Vol. 6, fol. 189.) THOMAS FTJLLWOOD. 22 March 1549-50. Buried in the churchyard. Ex'or—wife Maryon, and have the house I dwell in, and to her heirs and assigns in fee simple, and all my moveables after debts paid. Witnesses ;. John Stubbart, Robert Hodson, Thomas Tomlen. [Probate 6 May 1550.] (A. Vol. 27, fol. 16.). (To be. continued.)