General Index
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Editorial Notice
Frontispiece 1929
General Index
( 275 ) GENERAL INDEX. Abbott, Archbishop, and inquiry for silver font at Canterbury, 105. Abraham, Reginald, 139. Accounts of the K.A.S. for 1929, lii-lv. Aelfled of Dover and the Priory, 242. Aehus Lampridius, 192. Aethelbert of Kent, grant to St. Mary's, Lyminge, 87. Agar, Mr., 129. Aglionby, Dean, 101. Aix, the tapestries at, 100. Aldey, Edward, 120, 136. Aldington Church and Lenten veil, 232. Aldington Font, by V. J. Torr, 223. (With Illustration.) Allen, J. Romilly, and the art of mosaic, 191. Alluvium deposits in Romney Marsh, 263. Alphanus, Chamberlain to Pope Calixtus II, 193. Amherst, Richard, Sergeant at Law 173, 175 ; Elizabeth, 173. Amos, Mr. E. G. J., and Dover excavations, xlix., 236. Amys, Henry, 50. Anderson, John, 52. Andrew, William, 44, 47. Animal Symbolism in Bcclesiastical Architecture, by E. P. Evans, 212. Anselm, St., 128. Aosta Cathedral, Janus at, 199. Appledore Church and Home's Place, Appledore, 266. Archaeological Journal, 225, 252. Archaeological Societies, Annual Congress of, 1. Archdeacon of Canterbury reproved by Archbishop Laud, 98, 111, 112. Arnold, W. T., The Roman System of Provincial Administration, 154. Arras Museum with mosaic of Bishop Erumaldus, 193. Assheton, Thomas, 43. Atkinson, Mr., 137. Aucher, John, 120, 121, 124, 136. Austyn, Thomas., 38. B Bagnacavallo, Church of, 86. Baker, Samuel, 118, 119. Baldwin Brown, Professor, on Lydd Saxon Basilica, etc., 72, 75, 84, 86, 87. Baleys, John, 55. Balsam, Dom. Alan, 48, 50. Bamford, Roger, 23. Banaster, William, 60. Barbor, Martin, 49. Bargrave, Dean, 94, 98,115,118, 119; John, 124. Barker, William, 23, 120, 136; Joan, 45 ; Roger, 51. Barley, John, 23. Barlo>ve, Thomas, 23. Barming, Thomas, 38. Barnager, Thomas, 48. Barnard, Bishop, consecration of, 127. Barnard, Mr. E. A. B., and the preservation of ancient documents, li. Barton, Dom. William, 42 ; John, 42. Barton-on-Humber Church, 84, 86. Basilica, Saxon, at Lydd, 72. (Illustration, 77, 78), at Porta Maggiore, 73. Baskevild, Thomas, 51. Bayhall, Pembury, by Mrs. R. Maseall Curteis, and Lady Hawley, with a Note on Dame Dorothy Selby and the Gunpowder Plot, by Sir Edward Harrison, with illustrations, 173-6. Beadle, John, 23. Bebill, John, 51. Becket, Archbishop, and Suffragan Bishops' Consecration, 101, 102, 125, 128, 129 ; refuge at St. Bertin, 195 ; translation, 198; shrine, 215. Bedyll, Edmund, 37. " Beeds " and girdles, bequests of, 40. Beer taken by Cinque Ports bailiffs to Yarmouth, 28. Bees bequeathed, 42. Belcanqual, Dean, 138. Belke, William, 120, 121, 136. 276 GENERAL INDEX. Bell Harry steeple, Canterbury, repair of, 103, 133. Benbrick, John, 22 ; Edward, 23. Benevolence to resist Scots, 99, 115. Bennet Laurence, 43, 54, 55. Bernard, St., of Clairvaux, and grotesque figures, 211. Bertha, Queen, 76. Bertin, St., and Canterbury, 194, 195. Bery, John a, 40. Best, John, 39. Bestiaries and their origin, 211. Biscopeswic, Lydd, 88, 89. Bishops, rights of the church of Canterbury concerning consecration of, 101, 122, 124, 127, 129. Bisshope, Henry, 41. Bix, John, 41, 54. Black Book of the Cinque Ports, 21. " Blaspheming trooper " in pulpit, 137. Blechinden, Dr., 119. Bleching, 88. Bleringham, Church of, 197n. Boarhunt Church, 84, 86. Bodiham, Dom. John, 46. Book of Notte (Romney Records), 1. Bosham Church, 84. Bott, John, 38. Boundary Marks at Ightham, 180- 187. Bounds of Ightham Parish, a Record of 1805, by Sir Edward Harrison, 179-187. Boweden, John, 40, 52. Box, Mr. E. G., and discoveries at Otford, xlviii. Boys, Richard, 23. Bradford-on-Avon Church, 86. Bray, Dr., 119. Bredgar Vicarage, 48n. Brent, Sir Nathaniel, Vicar-general, and aids for repairs to St. Paul's, 105. Brett, John, 23, 35; Stephen, 22. Brian, Thomas, 23. Bridges, Ancient, of the South of England, by E. Jervoise, reviewed, 246. Briham, Jeremiah, 23. Brinsop, Hereford, and Zodiacal signs, 206. British Museum and Sittingbourne Mammoth, 229. Brixworth Church compared with Lydd, 74. Brooklehurst, Rev. G. and Mersham Brasses, 235. Bromet, Dr., 194. Bromfield, William, 41. Bronze objects found at Otford (illustration), 169. Brook Church, 271. Brookland Church described, 265. Brookland Church Tower tradition, 71 ; Twelfth Century font, 199- 206, 265. Broomey (or Broomhey) Farm, Cooling, xlviii. Browne, John, 174; Charles, 174; Elizabeth, 175. Browninge, William, 22. Brownrigg, Bishop, 126. Brytonton, Henry de, 46. Bugge, Thomas, 46. Bullar, John, 50. Burgherd of Otford, 147. Burvill, James, rector of Ham, petition of, 136. Butler, Robert, 22 ; John, 41; William, 55. Butt, William, 48. Byng, George, 22. Bysshop, William, 22. Byxe, John, 55. Byzantium as original source of mosaics, 190. C Cade, Jack, Proclamation of Pardon (missing document), 4 Campnes, Richard, 53. Candos, Thomas, 60. Canterbury Cathedral Precincts, encroachments in, 107. Canterbury histories and the Canterbury Roundels, 216, 217, 218, 220, 221. Canterbury Records destroyed by fire, 130. Casaubon, Meric, 118, 119, 120, 124, 136. Castillon, John, 120, 124, 136. Castor Ware at Otford, 164. Chalice at St. Mary-in-the-Marsh, 261. Chalice Brass Indents at Whitstable, etc., 234-5. Chalke Wills, Two, by Aymer Vallance, 67-60. Challock Church, 266. Chalton, Dom. Walter, 51. Chantrey Perpetual at Sittingbourne, " if the law permit it," 39. Charleloke, Alice, Roger, 49. GENERAL INDEX. 277 Charles I and proxy installation of Dr. Turner as Dean of Canterbury, 118. Charlys, Stephen, 60. Cheriton, late-Saxon Church, 86. Cheyney, John, 38, 48. Chiddingstone, Records at, 147. Chilham Castle, 268. Choir Eund, Canterbury, increase of, 97. Christ Church, Canterbury and Marsh fisher folk, 73 ; quarrel with Dover Priory, 242. Christian Symbolism, by Allen, 206, 207n. Churchwardens' Accounts at Hoo, 246. Cinque Ports, Domesday, 4, 14 ; Charters of, 4, 19 ; Records of, 18-36 ; Banner of, 19, 37 ; arms of (illustration), 20 ; books, papers and documents, 21-26; Lord Warden's Banner (illustration), 27. Clarke, William, 23. Clergy, harsh treatment of, under Commonwealth, 103. Cnut and manor of Thanet, 226. Cobbe, Richard, 131. Cobb, Mr. E. F., and Roohester Cathedral, 1. Cobb, Rev. T. and Ightham bounds, 181. Cobham, Lord (Sir W. Brooke) and the Cinque Ports, 26. Cock, Dr. P. W., and Hasted Memorial, xlv; Marsh oratories, 73n; and Appledore, 266. Coekram, Richard, 23. Coins, Roman, found at Otford, 168. Colepeper Family and Bayhall, Pembury, 173. Collins, Canon P. H., 84. Collins, Rev. A. H., on Stourmouth Church, 141-6 (illustrations). Colonsack, Richard, 40. Colonsale, Robert, 40. Conway, Sir Martin, and the Society's work, xliv. Cooke, Robert, 54. Coombe, Thomas atte, 46. Cooper, Rev. R. G. and St. Mary Magdalene, Canterbury, 1. Corbeil, Archbishop, and Dover Priory, 240. Cornwall, James, 133. Cosmati mosaics, 191. Cotyng, Robert, 38, 48, 49, 60. Coulton, Dr., Life in the Middle Ages, 232. Court Lodge, Godmersham, 270. Cranbrook Church Inventory, 231. Cranwell, John, 40, 56. Cresfeld, Hugh, 44. Crippis, Marget, 59; Thomas (Crippe), 59. Crispe, Sir Henry, and Stonar, 26 ; John, Arthur, 66. Cromer, Sir William, 37, 52; John, 41. Crompe, — 23. Cromwell's order against sequestered men, 138. Crowche, Clement, 53. Cryppes, Walter, 51. Curate's precarious £20 per annum, 135. Curteis, Mrs. R. Mascall, and Lady Hawley, on Bayhall, Pembury, 173-6. Curzon, Lord, 26. Cuthbert, Archbishop, Abbot of Lyminge, 88. D Dart and Canterbury Roundels, 216. Davis, Dr. Randall, and West Hythe Church, 1. Davis, Sir E., and Chilham Castle, 269. Deerhurst Priory Church, 79, 80. Degon, Richard, 52. Denewey, William, 50. Denge Marsh, 88, 90, 92. Dering, Richard, and Canterbury Tapestry, 100. Desiderius, Abbot of Monte Cassino, 190. Dey, John, 44. Didsburye, William, 22. Digges, Sir Dudley, and Chilham Castle, 268. Diocletian, Emperor, 164, 155. Divinity Lecturer at Canterbury, 110. Dodde, David, 65. Domneva Ermenburgha, Abbess, 226. Donnington, Otford, 148. Dorset, Earl of, 26, 173. Doubleday, Mr. L., and Mammoth remains at Sittingbourne, 229. Dover Priory, by C. R. Haines, reviewed, 240. Dover, Roman tiles at, xlix; Chancery Court of, 6, 11. Drake, Mr., and Stourmouth, 146. 278 GENERA] Druce, Mr. G. C, and fantastic figures in Church Architecture, 212, 221. Dufferin, Lord, 26. Duffield, Mr. F. H., and St. Paul's Cray Church, and Orpington Cottages, xlix. Dukden, John, 48. Dukeson, Dr., 137. Du Moulin, Peter, 120, 124, 136. Duncan, Mr. Leland, the late, and All Hallows, Hoo, 245. Dunck, John, 23. Dungeness, 89, 90, 92. Dusshare, William, 48. Dymchurch, Romano-British Pottery at, 89, 263; Lydd Church, 66; Sea Wall, 262, 264. E Eadbald, King of Kent, and Dover Priory, 241. Eadbert, King of Kent, 88. Eanswith, Abbess of Folkestone, 242. Earthworks at Mangravet Wood, near Maidstone, xlvi. Easter Sepulchre at New Romney, 259 ; at Challock, 267. Eaton, Nicholas, 23. Edolphe, Thomas, 22. Education of Testator's son till 21 ("to learn his descant and play at the organs "), 64. Edward the Confessor's tomb and mosaics, 191. Egbert of Kent, 91. Egglestone, John, 22. Elgar, Bartholomew, 153. Elgar, Mr., and plans of Lydd church, 62. Elham, John, Prior of Canterbury, 95. Ellis, Richard, 22. Elmestone, Thomas, 47. Ely, Francis, Petition of, 134; Nathaniel, 134. Elyatt, Richard, 37. Ensigne, Thomas, 22. Erwood, Mr. F. EUiston, and summer excursion, xlv; on Well Hall, xlix ; on Lydd Basilica, 72, 73, 83 ; on Aldington Font, 223. Estates Proper of Rochester Bridge, 238. Estland, John, 52. Etherick, Stephen, 23. INDEX. Evans, E. P., Animal Symbolism in Ecclesiastical Architecture, 212. Evemden, Francis, 22. Eversfleld, Mrs., 179. Ewing, Mr. Guy, Death of, xliii. Excavations Branch of K.S.A., Report by Mr. Erwood, xlvi. Excursions, Summer and Autumn, xlv, 255, 266. F Fair held in Canterbury Churchyard, 97, 107. Fawcon, Richard, 45. Financial troubles of Dean and Chapter of Canterbury, 100, 119. Finch, Robert, 55. Finglesham, Excavations at, xlv, 255. Finn, Mr. Arthur, Death of, xliii, 262 ; Lydd Church, 72. Fisher's History of Rochester, 234. Flagons found at Otford (Illustration), 166. Fletcher, Sir Banister, 192n. Font given by Dr. Warner to Canterbury, and its fencing, 123. Font, silver, for Royal Christenings, 105. Fonts in Kent, of 12th or early 13th Century, 223. Foord, Thomas, 23. Formulare Anglicanum, by Thomas Madox, 57. Forstall, Henry, 23. Fossil Elephants, etc., in Kent and Essex, 230. Foule, John, 47, 51 ; Thomas, 51. Fowle, Edward, 56. Fowler, James, 194, 195. Fray, Thomas, 23. French, Richard, 22. Frewen, Dr., 119. Frognall, John, 46. Fuller, Thomas Walter, 51. Fulwood, —, 65. Furmyngeham, Thomas, will of, 37. Fyrmynger, Thomas, will of, 37; Agnes, Davy, John, Rose, 37. G Garard, Agnes, will of, 40 ; Thomas, William, Alice, Isabelle, Margaret, 40. Gardner-Waterman, Rev. W., and Romney Records, 2 ; obituary of, 273. GENERAL INDEX. ' 27 9 Garmeston, Roger, will of, 37; 42, 47, 49, 52, 54 ; Harry, 37. Garrard, Thomas, will of, 38; Lawrence, 38, 39, 54 ; John, 38, 55 ; Richard, Thomas, Alice, Isabelle, 38 ; Lawrence, will of, 39 ; Agnes, Cokke, John, Thomas, 39. Garrett, Robert, 22. Gavelkind, law of, 154. Gaye, Christopher, 40, 42, 47. Gebill, John, Joan, 51. Geekie, Dr., 102, 132. Gerard, Lawrence, 48 ; Thomas, 51. Germigny, 86. Gernrode, 86. Gerold, Joan, 44, 45. Gervase and Stephen Langton's flight, 196. Gibberidge, Richard, 23. Gibson, Edmund, Bishop of London, 131. Gibson, George, 41, 46, 47, 65, 56 ; William, 46, 56. Giebell, Elisabeth, will of, 47. Gill, Nathaniel, petition of, 137; Alexander, 137n. Gilnot, John, will of, 40 ; Elene, 40. Goddard, Elizabeth, 153. Godden, Edmund, 56. Godmersham Church, 269. Godwin, Miss and Roman Pot at Otford, 231. Godwyn, Dr., 125, 134. Golde, Symon, 43, 54. Goldstone, Prior, and Canterbury Tapestry, 100. Golman, Otford, 148. Gooddye, Edmund, Administration of effects, 40 ; Alice, 40. Goodinge, Edmond, 56. Goram, David, 23. Gostling and Canterbury mosaics, 220. Grangeman, William, will of, 40; Joan, William, Katherine, Alice, 41. Granton, Thomas, will of, 41. Great Chart, " New Purchase," 94. Greatness, Otford, 150. Great Paxton and Lydd churches, 74. Green, Rev. G. H., and West Hythe Church, 1. Greening, F. H., and Lydd Church photograph, 72. Greenwood, Bailiff of Yarmouth and the Cinque Ports Bailiffs, 29, 31, 32. Gregory, Dom. Richard, 49, 53. Grene, John, Administration of the effects of, 41. Gresham, Sir Thomas, 93. Grey, John de, 196. Griffin, Ralph, and Stephenson, Mill, 58. Griffin's Kentish Items, 145. Grove, John, 22. Gryffyth, Dom Thomas, 37 ; Anne, 37. Gulbregge, Stephen, 42. Gundulf, Bishop of Rochester, 145. Gunpowder Plot, Embroidery depicting, 177. Guston, Joane, will of, 41 ; Richard, 42, 47. Gybson, William, will of, 40 ; Agnes, George, Marion, 40. H Hackett, Dr., 137. Hale, Otford, 148. Hall, Bishop, 138. Hamlets in Ightham, 180. Hamo Hethe, Register of (Vol. IV), xlv. Hamo, son of Vitalis, and Stourmouth Church, 145. Hanyng, William, will of, 41 ; Joan, John, Margaret, 41. Harcourt, Thomas, will of, 41, 50. Hardres, Peter, 124, 136. Hardware, Robert, will of, 42 ; Agnes, Thomas, 42. Harlyng, Dom. William, 48. Harrison, Benjamin, John, Thomas, 179. Harrison, Sir Edward, On Dame Dorothy Selby, and the Gunpowder Plot, 177-8. Harrison, Sir Edward, On The Bounds of Ightham Parish, a Record of 1805, 179-187. Harry, Peter, 22 ; Thomas, 59. Harryson, Ralph, will of, 42 ; Joan, John, Nicholas, 42. Hartinge, William, 66. Hart, John, will of, 42 ; Anne, Joan, John, 42. Hasted, Edward, suggested Memorial to, xlv. Hatton, Lady Elizabeth, 137. " Haunted House " at Pembury, 176. Hawke, Captain Edward, 133. Hayward, Edward, will of, 42; Christopher, Edith, Edmonde, Thomas, William, 42. Heblethwaite, William, 22. 280 GENERAL INDEX. Heild, Thomas, will of, 43 ; Helene, Katherine, Peter, 43. Helles, Richard, will of, 43 ; Agnes, Isabelle, Joan, 43. Henneker, Agnes, Isabelle, Ralph, 37. Henri des Murs, Bishop, 194. Henry I I I , tomb of, and mosaic work, 191 ; Westminster lectern, 196. Herbert, John, 23. Hermand, M., 194. Herringbone work in Architecture, 84, 85. Herry, John, 44. Hert, William, 51. Hewes, John, 52 ; Thomas, 66. Highstede, Thomas, will of, 43; Alice, 43. High Wycombe and Suspended Vestments, 232. Hill, Thomas, 42. Historical Memorials of Canterbury, by Dean Stanley, 215. Hodley, William, will of, 44; Margery, 44. Holdernesse, William, Administration of effects of, 45. Hollman, John, will of, 44 ; Richard, Thomas, 44. Holmstone, Lydd, 89. Holnest, Stephen, will of, 44 ; Alice, John, 45; Robert, will of, 46; Denis, Felice, John, 45. Holnyst, John, 62. Holworthy, Mr. R. and Romney Records, 2. " Holy Cloth " at Royal Wedding, 1930, 232. Holywell, Robert, 60, 64. Honorius III, Pope, 193. Hope All Saints, and Lydd Church, 66. Hops at Pembury, 174. " Horn of Saylence," the Brasen (Illustration), 36. Hotts, Thomas, 66. Howard of Effingham, Lord, letter from, 34. Hunte, Thomas, will of, 45, 50; Henry, Lawrence, Thomas, 45 ; Joan, 46. Husee, Henry, will of, 46; Cristina, Margaret, Mark. 46. Hussey, Arthur, on Sittingbourne Wills, 37-66. Hutson, Richard, 23. Hyde, Gilbert, Auditor to the Dean and Chapter of Canterbury, 104. Hydros, Battle of, 133. Hyghsted, Thomas, will of, 43; Katherine, Laurence, Matilda, 43. Hylde, Peter, will of, 43. Hysted, Lawrence, will of, 44, 49 ; Peter, 44. Hythe Church and Lydd compared, 66. Hyxstede, Peter, will of, 44 ; Joane, 44. I Iden, Master, 39. Iffiey, Oxon and Zodiacal Signs, 206. Ightham Parish Bounds, by Sir Edward Harrison, 179-187. Ightham Parish Church and Dame Dorothy Selby, 177, 178. Imprisonment of . Clergyman for standing up for the King, etc., 138. Illustrations, table of, vii-viii. Innings in Romney Marsh, 266. Innocent II and III, Popes, 193. Inventorj required of Canterbury Records, etc., 116. i Irish distress, order for Sale of Church plate, etc., by Dean and Chapter of Canterbury, 117. Irreverent Behaviour in Canterbury Cathedral, restraint of, 131. Isobel, divorced wife of King John, 212. Ivychurch Church, 266. J Jacob, John, 22, 46 ; Administration of effects of, 47 ; Margaret, Administration of effects of, 47 ; Thomas, 47, 52. Jacobe, John, will of, 46 ; John, 46. Jackson, Thomas, 118, 119. Jaenbert, Archbishop, 88. Jannon, Mr., 120. Janus at Aosta Cathedral, 199. Jeake, Charters of the Cinque Ports, 4. Jebill, Richard, 45 ; will of, 47; Isabella, Joan, 47. Jefferay, John, 111, 118, 119. Jenyns, John, 38. Jerome, St., 190n. Jessup, R. F., Gravesend, xliv, xlvii. Jewett, John, 38. John, King, 196. Johnson, Margaret, will of, 47 ; Mary, 174. Johnston, Mr. Philip, F.S.A., F.R.I.B.A., and Stourmouth Church, 142. GENERAL INDEX. 281 Journal of the British Archaeological Association, 252. " Jugum " and Yoke, 164. Jury, William, will of, 48 ; Joan, Lawrence, William, 48. Juxon, Archbishop, 101, 122, 124, 130. K K.A.S. Museum, gifts to, 252-3. Kempe, Edward, 22. Kennett, Thomas, 44. Kent, by S. E. Winbolt, reviewed, 243. Kentish Place Names, xlvii. Kercher bequeathed to church, 40. Keyser, Charles E., F.S.A., death of, xliii. Kiln at Otford, 160 ; plan of, 161. (Illustration.) King, Bishop, 126. King, Richard, will of, 48; Agnes, Alice, 48. Kingsley, Canon, 98, 116, 118, 119. King, W. J., death of, xliii. Kipping, William, 48. Kipps, Mr. Percy K., and Minster Court, 225. Knight, William, 23 ; Stephen, 49. Knocker, Sir Wollaston, 26. Knole, records at, 147. Knowles, W. H , and Wing Church, 75. Knyght, Stephen, will of, 48; Elisabeth, 48. Kotyng, Thomas, 52. Kypping, Joan, will of, 49. Kyppyng, William, will of, 48; Joan, Wilham, 48-9; Agnes, Godlef, 49 ; WiUiam ii, will of, 49 ; Alice, Anne, Nicholas, 49. Lake, Thomas, 22. Lancaster, Peter, 23. Lanciani, Rodolpho, and Roman Churches, 193n. Landrishulle, Otford, 149. Langton, Guy, 23. Langton, Stephen, 196. Lasher, Nathaniel, 23. Lathbury, John, will of, 49; Katherine, Stephen, 60. Laud, Archbishop, 95-100; letters from, 107-112, 114-117. Laurens, Thomas, 38. Lavyer, Hugh, 55. Lawrence, John, will of, 50 ; Elisabeth, 50. Lay Clerks' stipends at Canterbury, 110. Lecturers' duty, 110. Leeds Castle, tJie Mystery of, by Mrs. E. V. Paterson, 233. Leeds, late Saxon Church, 86. Lee (or Plumer), Robert, will of, 50 ; Dionisie, 50. Legging, Adam, 49. Legh and Thundre, Otford, 149. Le Keeux, Mr., 120. Lemanis Portus, 90. Lemn, river mentioned by Nennius, 90; (Lemin), 262. Lenham, Prior Thomas, and Dover Priory, 242. Lennarde, Henry, 22. Leone, Bishop of Ostia, 191. Lethaby, Professor, and Byzantine mosaics, 190, 192n, 196. Leuell, Robert, 42. Library of K.A.S., Books recently added to, 249-251. (Illustration.) Licentious Houses in Churchyard, Petition against, 136. Ligen, Adam, 49. Lindsay, Lord, and mosaics in Italy, 193n. Livett, Canon G. M., on Lydd Church, 61, 92. Livett, Canon G. M., on Minster Court and Tripartite Churches, 225. Livre des Creatures, by Thaiin, 205, 211. Lobsmith, — 55. Local Secretaries of the K.A.S., xii. Loksmyth, Thomas, 50. London, William, 47. Long, Rev. G. S., on Aldington Font, 223. Longford and Lydd Churches, 83. Longford, Otford, 149. Lord, Rev. H. F., and Mammoth Tusk, 229. Lotter, John, will of, 50; Alice, Joan, John, Thomas, 50. Lovelace, Sir William, counsel for Dean and Chapter of Canterbury, 104. Lovelas, Alexander, 51. Lovelesse, John, 55. Lowth, John, will of, 50 ; Elisabeth, 60. Luard, Major, 178. Lunsford, John, 22. 282 GENERAL L INDEX. Lydd Church: (with Illustrations, plans, etc.), by Grevile Mairis Livett, B.A., F.S.A., Hon. Canon of Rochester, 61, 92. Lydd and ships of war, 25 ; Derivation of name, 89. Lyff, Richard, 22. Lyminge and Lydd Churches, 76, 82 ; suggested work of St. Dunstan, 245. Lynch, Dean, 102, 131, 132. M Mackinder, H. J., on Britain and the British Seas, 90n. Madox, Thomas, compiler of Formulare Anglicanum, 57. Magnentius, Coins of, at Ctford, 158. Maids, young, contingent bequest for marriage portions, 39. Maister, Thomas, 22. Maleville yoke, Otford, 148. Malmesbury Abbey Sculptures, 207. Mammoth Tusk from Sittingbourne, 229. (Illustration.) British Museum Hints on Preservation of Tasks, 230n. Mandeville, William, Earl of Essex, 212 ; Geoffrey, 212. Mangravet Wood, Earthworks at, xlvi. Marche, William, 23. Mareys, Master Thomas, Rector of Stourmouth, brass of, 145 (illustration) ; William, 146. Marke, Thomas, 23. Marlow, Mr. R. H., 162. Marsh, Proctor, 138. Marten, Rafe, 42 ; Thomas, 44. Martin, Richard, John, 57, 59. Martyn, Richard, 46; Isabella, Thomas, William, 57 ; John, 59. Martyn, Thomas, will of, 59 ; Alys, 60 ; Margarette, 59, 60. Mason, William, 38, 48. Master, James, Ex-Mayor of Canterbury, petition of, 139. " Master Omer," 197. Matthew, Nicholas, 51. Matthews, Mr. E. C, and Kentish Place Names, xlvii; Admiral, 102, 103, 132. Mattingley, Mr. H., 162. Maunder, Cecile, Administration of the effects of, 60 ; Agnes, 50. Mayhew, Thomas, will of, 51; Joan, 51. Mayow, John, will of, 52 ; Joan, 52. Mayowe, Thomas, 50. Mersham, discovery of Brasses at, by V. J. Torr, 235. Messenger, Cicile (formerly Hewes and Bowden), will of, 52. Mesynger, John, will of, 52 ; Isabelle, 52. Metal objects found at Otford, 170. Micklethwaite, J. T., F.S.A., and Lydd Saxon Basilica, 72. Miller, Rev. E. A., and Minster Abbey gatehouse restoration, 1. Mills, John, 121. Minster, Abbey Gatehouse at, 1. Minster Court and Tripartite Churches, A Note on, with plan, by Canon G. M. Livett, 225. Miscellaneous Notes, 229. Mittell, Elizabeth, 174. " Modershepe," bequests of, 59. Mohurs, alias rupees, given to Canterbury Cathedral, 131. Moldings in Lydd Church (Illustration), 69. Mond, John, 41. Monins, Stephen, 23. Months, Labours of the, in Canterbury mosaic, 198. Monumental Brasses in Kent, by Griffin and Stephenson, 58, 234. Morcote, Dom. William, 52. Mortaria found at Otford, 167. Morys, John, 38. Mounteagle, Lord, and Dame . Dorothy Selby, 177. Mosaics of the 12th century, 193 ; 13th century, 194. Mose, Otford, 149. Mowll, Mr. J. H., and Dover Excavations, xlix. Mugeridge, Mr. F., xlviii. Muniments of the Church, Safe keeping of, 99. Mylner, Roger, Administration of the effects of, 62 ; Katherine, 52. Mynge, John, 22. Mynter, Felice, 44 ; Symon, 44. Mytar, William, will of, 63. N Neglect of accessories of Divine Service in mediaeval times, 233. Nelson, Robert, will of, 53; Margaret, 53. Nesbitt, Alexander onMosaics, 190n, 191n, 193n. GENERAL INDEX. 283 Nevell.Dean, 134. Newchurch Church, 259. Newenton, Agnes, will of, 63. Newington-next-Sittingbourne, Font compared with Ivychurch, 257. Newman, Anne, Clergyman's widow, petition of, 135. New Romney and Cinque Ports Records, The, by Major Teichman- Derville, M.A., 1-36. New Romney, Old Map of, 3; Ancient Books of Record of, 5-7 ; Loose Documents concerning, 8- 13 ; Common Seal (Illustration), 13. New Romney Church, 259. Nicholas, Sir Edward, 120. Noke, John, Senr., 41, 51 ; Will of, 54 ; Jane, Thomas, 54. Nook, John, Senr., 38, 48 ; will of, 53 ; Isabelle, Joan, John, 53. Norden, Thomas, 44 ; will of, 54 ; Edward, John, Marcy, William, 55, 56; Marcy, will of, 56; Margaret, Ursula, 55 ; Elinor, 56 ; Ursula, Administration of the effects of, 56. Norman Churches without towers in the Marsh, 7 In. North, Colonel, and Otford British Pottery, 161, 162. Northboume, Lady, death of, xliii. North Elmham Church, 81. Norton, Edward, Administration of the effects of, 56 ; Joan, 56. Nowell, John, 23. O Off a, grant to Canterbury, 88. Cnwyn, Thomas, 43, 53. Opus Alexandrinum, etc., in Canterbury Cathedral, by N. E. Toke, 189-221. (With Illustrations.) Oratories in Romney Marsh, 73. Ordymer, Ralph, 40. Orewell, John, 95. Orpington, Old Cottages at, xlix. Oswulf and Dover Priory, 242. Otford, A Note on the Yokes of, by Gordon Ward, M.D., 147-156. Otford, List of Holdings at, 148-151. Otford Roman Site, Lecture on, by Mr. B. W. Pearce, xlv, 255 ; other finds at, xlix. Otford, Roman Villa at (Illustration), 159. Outpost Parish, The Story of an, by F. J. Hammond, reviewed, 245. Oxeneye, Otford, 148. Oysters cried for sale at Yarmouth, 33. P Page, Thomas, 57, 60. Palimpsest Brass at Godmersham, 270. Palmer, Gabriel, 50. Pantheon, Roman Pavement in, 192. Parker, Archbishop, and his Antiquitates Britannicce, 122, 126, 128. Parker's Concise Glossary of Architecture, 202, 204. Parliaments, the K.A.S. and personnel of past, xlv. Partriche (P'triche), Joan, 53. Paschal, Thomas, 51. Paske, Thomas, 118, 119. Patche (or Petche), Dom. Anthony, 42, 46, 47. Patent (Cinque Ports) of Charles I, 24. Paulinas of Nola, 190n. Peake, Dr., 119. Peake, Matthew, 23. Pearce, Mr. Bertram W., M.A., on the Roman Site at Otford, xlv. Pearce, B.W., on the Roman Site at Otford (Second Article), 157. Peckham, Fryer John, 128. Peers, C. R., and Wing Church, 75. Pegode, William, 49. Peirce, Dr., 136. Pekkham, John, 47. Penny minted at New Romney (Illustration), 5. Perse, Thomas, 56. Pery, John, 53. Petitions for Aid, 134-139. Petts, — 55. Pierce, Thomas, 120. Pilar, Robert, 41. Pilgrimages, bequests for, 46. Pilgrims' furrow in Canterbury Cathedral, 215, 216, 218, 220. Pistoke, John, 51. Pixe, Michael, 22. Place Names in Kent and Sussex, xlvii. Podage, John, 55. Pokyll, William, 49, 50 . Polhill-Drabble, Mr. and Mrs., Sundridge, 147. Popes and mosaics, 193. Pordage, Josua, 22. Porrege, John, 56. Portryff, Richard, 22. 284 GENERAL INDEX. Portus Lemanis, 91, 262. Pothyn or Potkyn, Constance, will of, 58 ; Alson, 58. Potmans, Thomas, 55, 56. Potters' Marks on Mortaria at Otford (Illustration), 167. Pottery at Otford (Illustrations) 163, 164, 166, 167. Pottkyn, John, 57. Potts, Rev. R. U., and St. Austin's Abbey, Canterbury, 1. Powell Cotton, Major, 229. Prebendal houses at Canterbury, 98, 112. Prisoners at Yarmouth and Cinque Ports Bailiffs' demand to view, 30. Prison without Westgate, Canterbury, 139. Procurations, Letter concerning, to Archbishop Laud, 99, 113 ; his reply, 99, 114. Pulpit, pre-Reformation, at Brook, 271. Pye, Margaret, 48. Pykkyll, William, 62 ; (Pygill), 54. Pypar, Elizabeth, Joan, 39; William, 51. Pypow, Joan, 38. Pystok, John, 47. Q " Quiremen's augmentation, Sec.," 121. Quynte, John, 39, 43, 47, 61, 54. R Rainham, Peter, 163. Reading, John, 120. Records of Cinque Ports, care of, 36. Reculver and Lydd Churches, 74, 82, 85n, 87. Rede, John, Thomas, 52. Redhede, Thomas, 47. Redman, Dr., 125. Reeve, William, 22 ; George, 23. Repayments to Prebends who lent money to the Church at Canterbury, 119. Repton Church, 83. Reviews (see General Index, vi), 237-246. Reward solicited for special services by a Minor Canon, 133. Reye, Otford, 149. Rhee Wall, construction of, 91, 262- 265. Richard, Bishop of London, 128. Richardes, Thomas, 65. Richborough, 85n. Rigby, Mr. H. A., 162. Riley, Mr., and Romney Records, 2. Rivoira on Ancient Churches, etc., 75, 85, 86. Road repair, bequests for, 38, 39, 45, 48, 49, 51, 55, 56. Robins, Reginald, 22. Rochester Bridge, by Miss Janet Becker, reviewed, 237. Rochester, Cathedral, 1 ; Romano- Saxon Church at, 82 ; Castle, 85n. Rodeley, Dom. William, 44. Rogers, Dean, 134. Rogers, John, M.A., petition of, 135 ; Rufus, 135 ; Watkyn, 49. Roman Dover, discovery reported by Mr. E. G. J. Amos, 236. Roman Site at Otford, by Bertram W. Pearce, M.A., 167-171. Roman Pot from Otford, 230,231. Romanus, Priest at Lyminge, 88. Romney Haven, 92. Romney Marsh, its origin, etc., 90 ; Topography of, 262. Roper, Miss Anne, on St. Mary-inthe- Marsh, 260. Rother, River, 90, 91, 92, 262, 264. Rough, Daniel, early records of New Romney by, 6. Roundels in Canterbury Cathedral and their positions, 189 et seq. Royal Exchange and Great Chart Farm, 93, 94. Ruck, Arthur, 23. Ruck, Mr. Walter and the K.A.S. Library, xliv, xlvii. Russell, Thomas, 23. Rye, status of, as Cinque Port, 4. Rype (Rhip or Ripp), Lydd, 88, 89. S Saokville, Lord, 147. St. Austin's Abbey, discoveries at, 1. St. Bertin, Abbey of, 193, 196 ,196, 197n. St. Denis and mosaic work, 193. St. Frideswide, Oxford, and Lydd, 82. St. John of Jerusalem, Order of, possessions in Kent, xlv. St. John, Sir William, 35. St. Lawrence, Reading, and Suspended Vestments, 232. St. Martin, Canterbury, 76, 83 ; font at, 245. St. Martin D'Ainay at Lyons, 193. St. Mary in Castro, Dover, 83. St. Mary-in-the-Marsh, 260. St. Mary Magdalene, Canterbury, 1. St. Michael, Canterbury, 121. St. Michaels, St. Alban's, 86. St. Mildred, nunnery of, 225. St. Nicholas, New Romney, 259. St. Omer, mosaics at, 193, 195. St. Pancras, Canterbury, 82, 83. St. Paul's Cathedral, appeal to Canterbury, 105. St. Paul's Cray Church, xlix. St. Peter's, Canterbury, 135. St. Zeno, at St. Passede, Rome, 192. SS. Cosmos and Damian and Phallic rites, 266. Salisbury, Lord, 26. Salisbury, Mr. and Romney records, 2. Salt pans in Kent and Essex, xlviii. Samian Ware found at Otford, xlix, 160 ; illustration, 163-4. Sancroft, Archbishop, 101, 127, 129. Scammell, Walter, 128. Scott Robertson, Canon, on Lydd Church Architecture, 61. Seal parish rates, etc., 179, 180. Selby-Amherst, Charles, 174, 176. Selby, Sir Henry, 173; Charles, Dorothy, 174, 177-8; Thomas, 178. Senior, Mr. C. H., and Minster Abbey, 226. Sepham, Otford, 150. Sette Bassi, villa near Rome, 86. Severus, Emperor and mosaics, 192. Shaw, Thomas, 38. Shaw's Specimens of Tile Pavements, 200, 202, 204. Sheldon, Archbishop, 101. Shepherd, John, 103, 133. Shewen, Dom. John, 37. Shilling, Mr. F. W., and Neolithic flint implement, xlviii. Shilton, Miss D. O., and Romney records, 2. Shorne, late-Saxon Church, 86. Silchester Church, 79, 81. Simpson, Dr., 134. Sittingbourne Wills, by Arthur Hussey, 37-56. Smith, Mr. Reginald (British Museum), 162; Peter, 38. Smyth, Peter, 39, 40,48, 61; Thomas, 49 ; Joan, William, 37. Somerford Keynes and Lydd, 83. Some Seventeenth Century Letters and Petitions, from the Muniments of the Dean and Chapter of Canterbury, edited by C. Eveleigh Woodruff, 93-139 ; Preois thereof, 93- 103. INDEX. 285 Somner, William, and Canterbury encroachments, 97; roundels, 216. Sparrow, Richard, 40, 55, 56. Sprott, Thomas, 22 ; Dom. William, 46. Spryngett, John, Richard, William, 51. " Squinch " Arch in Bridges, 248. Stalls in Godmersham Church, 270. Standfeld, Hugh, 40. Stanton Fitzwarren, Wilts., and Virtues and Vices in Sculpture, 207, 208, 210. Statutes of 1635, 107 ; Archbishop's letter, 107 ; Dean and Chapter's reply, 108 ; Laud's rejoinder, 109. Stebbing, Mr. W. P. B., 255. Stevenson, Thomas, 53. Stokes, Mr. C, on the Topography of Romney Marsh, 262-265. Stone End, Lydd, 92. Stone, John, 53. Story of an Outpost Parish (All Hallows, Hoo), by R. J. Hammond. Reviewed, 245. Stourmouth Church, by the Rev. A. H. Collins, M.A., 141-146. Streatfield, Sir Henry, 147 ; Thomas, 174. Strete, John, Margery, Sibell, 47. Strode, Mr., 137. Stroud, Lady, 174. Stubbs, Dr., on St. Bertin, 196. Style, John, 54. Suger, Abbot, 193. Sulung and Yoke, 147, 156. Surgeons temp. Henry VIII; Proclamation to allow others to minister outward medicines, 16. " Suspended vestments " explained, 231-233. Sutton, James, 42. Sydney, Henry, Viscount, 26. T Tamworth Castle, 85n. Teichman-Derville, Major M., O.B.E., on New Romney and Cinque Ports Records, 1-36. Terendens, 66. Thanington curate's small income, 136. Theobald, Archbishop, in exile, 196 ; Dover Priory completion, 240. Thomas, Thomas, 38. Thompson, A. Hamilton, 85n. Thorpe, Dr., 127, 129, 130. 286 GENERA: Thorpe, Dr. George, 101 ; William, 23. Toke, N. E., on the Opus Alexandrinum and Sculptured Stone Roundels in the Retro-Choir of Canterbury Cathedral, 189-221. Tonge, James a, 55, 56 ; William, 56. Torr, V. J., on Aldington Font, 223- 224. Torr, Mr. V. J., on " Suspended Vestments," 231; Descriptions of Churches, 256-272. Toscanella, 86. Toulon, report of British victory off, 132. Towdrick, Andrew, 42. Towel, best diaper, bequeathed to Church, 52. Tower, Sir Reginald, and Kent Rural Community Council, li. Traill's Social England, 202, 203. Tretton, William, 55. Trignall, Thomas, 48. Tripartite Churches in England and Scotland, 227. TrottisclifEe Church, 85n. Tryplowe, John, 40 ; (Triplow), 42. Trytton, Thomas, 44. Turner, Dr., 101, 120, 124, 136; his installation as Dean of Canterbury, 118. Turpin, M. Pierre, of Lille, 194, 204, 221. Twitton, Otford, 149. Tyddeman, Thomas, 23. Tylly, John, 39. " Tythes forgeten" bequest in respect of, 59. U Umfrey, John, Katherine, Thomas, 51. Usborne, Major, Excursion Secretary for East Kent, xlv, 266. V Vackon, Thomas, 42. Vallance, Aymer, on Two Chalke Wills, 57-60. Vallance, Mr. Aymer, and Suspended Vestments, 231. Vallance, Mr., and editorship of A.C, xlvii. Venice, Stones of, by Ruskin, 203n. 207n, 215n. Vestments for Church, legacy for, 61. INDEX. Virtues and Vices on Canterbury Roundels, 206-211. Vitruvius and Roman Basilicas, 73n. W Waad, John, 23. Wake, Archbishop, 132n. Walker, Mr. H. Bachelor, and Romney records, 2, 26. Walland Marsh, 263. Waller, Richard, 23. Wallet, M. E., on St. Omer mosaics, 194n, 195, 197. Walloons and Worship in Canterbury Cathedral Crypt, 120. Wallpaintings in Brook Church, 271. Walter, Archbishop Hubert, 196. Ward, Dr. Gordon, A Note on the Yokes of Otford, 147-156. Ward, William, 23. Warner, Dr., 123. Wattes, Petronelle, 39. Wayman, John, 44, 47. Wayn, Dom. William, 46. Weever, John, and ancient funeral monuments at Chalke, 57. Well Hall, Woolwich, xlix. Welles, Saunder, 55 ; Thomas, 47, 50. Wentworth Rule in Ireland, 100. Wentworth, Sir John, 34. Westfield, Bishop, 126. West Hythe, ruined church at, 1 ; comparison with Lydd, 66. Weymon, John, 44. Whetenall, William, 44. White Book of the Cinque Ports, 21. Whitfield, Clement, 22. Whitfield, late-Saxon Church, 86, 87. Whiting, Mr. W., on recent excavations, and cloisters in Cathedrals, xlv. Whitstable Chalice Brass Indent, by V. J. Torr, 234-5. Whytall, Thomas, 95. Wihtred, King of Kent, and Dover Priory, 241. Wilcocke, John, 23, 34. Wilkin, Davy, 63. Willcocks, Mrs. andHarrisonrecords, 179. Willes, William, 22. William, Abbot of Thierry, 211. William, son of Count of Flanders, 193. Winchelsea, as Cinque Port, 4; Destruction of old, 264. Windmills and the Society for the Protection of Ancient Buildings, li. Wing Church compared with Lydd, 75, 83, 84. Winniffe, Thomas, 126. Wivill, — 23. Wodeland, Otford, 149. Wolsey, Cardinal, and Brookland Tower, 71. Wood, Robert, William, 22. Woode, Richard, 44. Woodruff, Rev. C. Eveleigh, on Some Seventeenth Century Letters and Petitions, 93-139. Worth and Lydd Churches, 83, 84, 85. Wotton, Dean, 93, 134 ; Letter re sale of site for the Royal Exchange, 103. Wright, Robert, 42. Wye, Manor of, 153. Wygood, John, 56. INDEX. 287 Wylkyn, Davy, 52. Wymonde, Paul, 22, 23 ; William, 23. Wytherys, Richard, 22. Y Yarmouth Fair, relations of the Cinque Ports Bailiffs to, 20, 21, 28-36. Yokes of Otford, A Note on the, by Gordon Ward, M.D., 147-156. York Minster and Suspended Vestments, 232. Younge, Thomas, 22. Z Zodiacal Signs in Canterbury roundels, 198.