Sittingbourne Wills - Fur to Nor (continued)

( 37 ) SITTINGBOURNE WILLS. (Continued.) BY ARTHUR HUSSEY. THOMAS FURMYNGEHAM. 14 April 1529. Probate to his Will. Ex'or Thomas Furmyngeham, father. (No more information.) (A. Act Vol. 6, fol. 183.) THOMAS FYRMYNGER. 5 Sept. 1530. Buried in the churchyard. High altar 12d., and reparation of the church 16c?. Son Davy £3-6-8c2. when 24. Son John 20/-. Daughter Agnes at her marriage £3-6-8ci. Isabelle and Agnes the daughters of my wife, each have a cow. Ralph Henneker son of my wife 8/-. Residue after paying debts to wife Roose1 my Ex'or, to dispose for my soul. Wife have for life my house and garden at Mylton, then to John and Davy my sons, and their heirs for ever. Witnesses : Dom John Shewen curate there, Edmund Bedyll, Richard Elyatt. [Probate 16 Sept. 1530.] (A. Vol. 19, fol. 37.) ROGER GARMESTON2 , vicar. 20 Decern. 1518 [? 1517]. Buried in the high chancel of the parish church before the Image of St Michael. To a flat roof or any other reparation of the church £6-13-4cZ. Toward a vestment for Our Lady and St Anne £3-6-8c£ Four torches of 6-8d. each at my burying and month's day, then remain to the church. Sir William Cromer have my furred gown and my horse. Harry Garmeston my brother 4 0 / - ; my sister Anne 4 0 / - ; Dom Thomas Gryffyth her son 40/ -. William Smyth vyntenour 40/-, and Joan his sister 40/-. To the House of Our Lady and St Nicholas of Ledes £6-13-4il To provide a priest for 3 years, 1 Rose was widow of Richard Hennacre of Bredgar, who died in 1521, and had a son Ralph, and two daughters Isabelle and Agnes. (A., Vol. 15, fol. 4.) 2 His name first occurs as a Witness in Oct., 1498. 3 8 SITTINGBOURNE WILLS. £20. Master Thomas Laurens £3-Q-8d. Robert Cotyng the sexton a short black gown. Residue to my Ex'ors—Thomas Austyn vicar of Mylton and John Cheyney to dispose for my soul, and each have £3-6-8c2. Witnesses: John Jenyns, Robert Cotyng, sexton. [Probate 28 July 1518.] (A. Vol. 13, fol. 122.) THOMAS GARRARD. 2 May 1486. Buried in the Chapel of the Blessed Mary Virgin within the church of St Michael. High altar 5 / - . Reparation of the church where most necessary and for breaking the ground in the church 40/-. To the clerk and sacrist 12d. each. To bad roads between my house and Shamell 20/-. John Bott my kinsman a russet cloak and 20/ - ; Joan Pypow two cloaks a kyrtyll and 40/-; the wife of Thomas Shawe 6-8d. and a red " rotunda " [1 cloak]; John Morys a violet cloak. Each of my two daughters a feather bed, 4 pair of sheets, 2 bolsters, 4 cushions. Each Feoffee 6-8d and each Ex'or 20/-. Residue after debts paid to son Lawrence, William Mason, John Nook senior, my Ex'ors, to dispose for my soul. Feoffees :—John Butt, Thomas Thomas, Peter Smith, Thomas Barmyng, of all my tenements lands rents woods pastures etc., in Sidingborne, Borden, Wormesell, Newynton, Midelton, Tenham, Dodington. My messuage called the Lion in Sidingborne with all woods growing in Tenham and Milsted, with Kryett croft, 3 acres at Kyfeld, 1 acre in Pattowe croft, my wood at Hoghsted, to son Lawrence when 24, yearly income from the same received by my Feoffees to pay debts, etc. Messuage in which John Jewett dwells with all my lands tenements in Wormesell, 5 acres at Heghsted, to son John when 24. Messuage at Shamell and 3 acres there called Shamellcroft, all my tenements between my messuage called the Lion as far as the Katerinwhele, the house at the Key at Holrich, to son Richard when 24. Income from my messuage and lands at Wood in Borden, messuage and lands at Kekhalk in Newington, and at Cokowherne, 1| acres in Begge field, to son Thomas when 24. If any son die under 24 without lawful issue his share to the others, but if all sons so die then to Alice and Isabelle my daughters when 24, if they are dead then be sold, the money—in Wormesell and Borden churches £3-6-8d each, Newington 40/-, Milton 20/-, Milsted 13-4d, and a chaplain celebrate for our souls in Sidingborne church for ten years, 100 marcs (£66-13-4cZ.), to SITTINGBOURNE WILLS 39 bad roads and the marriage of young maids £20, the residue to the necessary works (operibus) of the church. After the death of Petronelle Wattes all lands in Dodington be sold, the money to my daughters at their marriage. [Probate 19 July I486.] (A. Vol. 4, fol. 95.) LAWRENCE GARRARD. Sunday after St Michael in Monte Tumba [16 Oct.] 1500. Buried in Our. Lady Chancel between my father and grandfather. To the vicar for tithes 20/ - at next Easter. To every Light in the church that is found above two or three tapers lib. of wax. To 4 poor men to bear me to church 16d., and to 8 torch-holders 16c?. Cokke Garrard of Stoke 10/-. Richard my servant my long crimson gown furred with white lamb, my second silk dublet, best pair of hoses, and 30/ - for his wages, for to be true servant to my wife. John Quynte sexton my long russet gown furred with black lamb. My three servants—Joan Pypar 13-id., Elisabeth 6-8d., and Joan 12d. That my heirs male as soon as the law will licence them shall enter upon my croft called Cryells of 8 acres, my wharf at Holeryche and all housing thereto, a tenement which John Best dwells in, my house at Shamell with barn garden and 3 acres of land, croft called Shamell croft, 3 acres in Layfield, 1 acre at Putwode, 3 parcels of land in Hysted Wood in Sythyngborn and Myddylton, to have and enjoy them and to their heirs and assigns in fee simple for ever. In default of male issue to my female issue. My chief messuage called the Lion after my wife's death to son Thomas and his issue, in default to his brethren if alive, or to my female issue, or in default as hereafter. John Garrard my brother £40 upon condition he bring afore Master Iden, Peter Smyth, and John Tylly, sufficient surety to restore the £40 at the end of eight years to the use of my heirs. A priest sing in the church for my soul, friends, etc., for two years, and have £12. Wife Agnes £13-6-8t?., all my plate of 8 score [160] ozs. for her life, then the plate to son Thomas. Also wife have all the instuff of my messuage, but all my harness hows and bills remain with the Lion for the use of my heirs. Each daughter (no names) £13-6-8cZ. at her marriage. For default of my issue male or female, all lands tenements, plate to my Ex'ors to purchase a Perpetual Chantry in Sydyngborn church to sing and pray for our souls and friends for evermore, if the law will suffer it, but if not to be disposed in making of high ways and 40 SITTINGBOURNE WILLS other charitable deeds. " My book in the Chapel shall remain with my house," also all stuff in Joan Pypars chamber. Ex'ors to buy three stones price £3, for my grave, my father's, and grandfather's. Residue after paying debts to my Ex'ors :—Peter Smyth, John Tyhy, John a Bery, John Tryplowe, John Boweden, each to have 6-8ti. [Probate 4 March 1501-2.] (Con. Vol. 7, fol. 32.) AGNES GARARD. 8 March 1501-2. Buried in the churchyard. High altar 20d. To the Light of the Cross, and of Our Lady, each 3 lbs. of wax, to the Sepulchre Light 10 lbs. of wax. To the church to make a corporas my finest kercher of Raynes. Son Thomas my best beeds, girdle, two garnish of pewter, etc., if he die without lawful issue or under age, then to my son William. Daughter Alice my second girdle and second beeds, daughter Isabelle my third girdle and third beeds. Margaret my sister my best gown furred with shankys, a new girdle one side red the other murrey. Ex'or— Peter Smyth my uncle and have the governance of my children and keeping of their goods for them. Residue equally to William, Alice, Isabelle, my children, each heir to other. [Probate 24 July 1502.] (Con. Vol. 7, fol. 66.) WrLLiAM GYBSON, yeoman. 15 April 1551. Buried in the churchyard. Hugh Standfeld son of my sister 20/-. Wife Agnes my tenement and garden for life then to my daughter Marion. Ex'or—Wife Agnes with my brother George Gybson, overseer. Witnesses : Christopher Gaye, Richard Colsonsack, Richard Sparrow. [No Probate.] (A. Vol. 29, fol. 228.) JOHN GCLNOTT. 5 Decern. 1520. Probate to his Will. Ex'or dead. Administration to Elene widow of John. [No more information.] (A. Act. Vol. 5, fol. 107.) EDMUND GOODDYB. 24 Novem. 1548. Administration to his goods to Alice his widow. Bonds—John Cranwell of Sidyngborn, Ralph Ordymer and Robert Colsonale of Canterbury, yeomen, in £40. (A. Act. Vol. 9, fol. 142.) SITTINGBOURNE WILLS 41 WILLIAM GRANGEMAN. 8 Decern. 1496. Buried in the churchyard. Residue to wife Joan, who with John Noke senior and John Bix my Ex'ors. Wife have my tenement for life then to son William and his heirs for ever, if he die under age then to Joan my daughter and her heirs for ever. When William have the same he to pay to Joan my daughter 40/- and a spruce chest at her marriage, and to her sisters Katherine and Alice £3-6-8(2. each. [Probate 7 April 1497.] • (A. Vol. 6, fol. 253.) THOMAS GRANTON. 4 Novem. 1504. Buried in the churchyard. Light of Holy Cross 1 | lbs. of wax. John Butler for keeping and providing for me in my illness 40/-, also the residue to dispose for my soul, and be Ex'or. Henry Bisshope 20d. [Probate 11 Decern. 1504.] (A. Vol. 9, fol. 93.) JOHN GRENE. 21 May 1545. Administration to his goods, to Margaret his widow. Bonds Robert P'lar in £5. (A. Act. Vol. 8, fol. 108.) JOANE GUSTON. 12 Decern. 1540. Probate of her Will. Ex'or .-—John Mond. [No more information.] (A. Act. Vol. 7A, fol. 14.) WriiLIAM HANYNG. 22 Sept. 1512. Buried in the churchyard of Sidyngborne. High altar of Borden id. Ex'or—Wife Joan and have residue after paying debts. Wife have a messuage in Borden for life, then sold and the money remain with William Bromfield of Borden and disposed by him and John my son—to (1) Margaret my daughter 26-8d.; and (2) every year 2 / - for an Obit in Borden church for ten years, (3) the residue to son John. [Probate 19 January 1512-3.] (A. Vol. 12, fol. 259.) THOMAS HARCOURT. 27 Sept. 1526. Probate to Will. Ex'ors -.—John Cromer and George Gibson. Inventory—£19-17-3^. [No more information.] (A. Act. Vol. 6, fol. 165.) 4 2 SITTINGBOURNE WELLS. ROBERT HARDWARE, Innholder. 13 Decern. 1551. Buried in the churchyard. Thomas Vackon my kinsman my marble coat. Thomas Hardware my father 20/-. Residue to wife Agnes my Ex'or. Witnesses :— Christopher Gay, James Sutton, Robert Wright. [Probate 2 June 1552.] (A. Vol. 29, fol. 94.) RALPH HARRYSON. 17 January 1502-3. Buried in the churchyard. High altar 3-id. To the Rood Loft 3-4eZ. Light of St Anne 12d. Nicholas my brother 40/-, Andrew Towdrik 6-8d. Richard Guston 3-4il John my eldest son a feather bed etc., £3-6-8d. and a hive of the best bees when 18, but if he die the money to a priest to pray for our souls, and the other things to the child my wife goeth with. Residue to wife Joan, who with John Triplow and Nicholas Harryson my Ex'ors. Witnesses—Master Roger Garmenston, Richard Guston, Stephen Gulbregge. [Probate 16 March 1502-3.] (A. Vol. 8, fol. 257.) JOHN HART. 16 April 1533. Buried in the churchyard. High altar id.; and to the Rood altar 2d. Son John and daughter Joan 6-8d. each. Residue after debts paid to wife Anne my Ex'or. Witnesses :—Dom. William Barton, Robert Leuell, Thomas Hill. [Probate 15 Sept. 1533.] (A. Vol. 20, fol. 35.) EDWARD HAYWARD.1 11 Novem. 1543. Buried in the churchyard. To the holy sacrament for tithes 2 / - . At my burial a dirige and four masses. My brother Thomas the younger all that part of my house and lands at Rayneham, also the part my brother Thomas the elder bequeathed to me. Son Christopher £4 and my brother Thomas Hayward of Milton the elder, have charge of Christopher with 20/- yearly. Residue to Edith my wife and Ex'or to dispose for my soul, with John Barton overseer. Witnesses:—John Barton, Rafe Marten, William Hayward, Dom Anthony Patche2 curate there. [Probate 8 May 1544.] (A. Vol. 23, fol. 148.) 1 The Will of Edmonde (sic) Hayward, glover, in Vol. 26, fol. 78, is the same. 2 Anthony Patche a Witness to Wills between 1543 and 1552. SITTINGBOURNE WILLS. 43 THOMAS HEILD. 10 July 1409. Buried in the churchyard. High altar id. Light of the High Cross, and of St Mary id. each. Ex'or:—Wife Helene and have residue after debts paid, to bring up my children, with Thomas Onwyn overseer. Wife have my tenement for life then to son Peter and his heirs for ever, paying to Katherine his sister 20/-. If Peter die without lawful issue, then to be sold and money disposed for our souls. [Probate 22 Oct. 1490.] (A. Vol. 5, fol. 235.) PETER HYLDE. 3 July 1511. Probate to his Will, to Ex'or—Thomas Assheton. [No more information.] (A. Act. Vol. 3, fol. 174.) RICHARD HELLES. Smith. 4 Oct. 1550. Buried in the churchyard. My daughters— Joan, Agnes, Isabelle, each 20/-. Ex'or—Wife Agnes, and have my goods, chattels, jewels, and debts due to me. Witnesses :— Lawrence Bennet, Symon Golde. [Probate 14 June 1551.] (A. Vol. 29, fol. 232.) THOMAS HYGHSTED, at Holerych. 30 March 1474. Buried in the churchyard. High altar 12d. For a silver thurible to be bought or other jewel (jocali) I2d. Matilda my daughter a coverlet, pair of sheets, etc. That my part of a certain small ship (navicule) be sold, the money to pay debts. Wife Katherine have my part in two messuages at Holerych for ever, and it shall be at the choice of my wife whether she pay Laurence Hygsted 53-id. and have the whole messuage, or receive from Lawrance 53-id. and have part of the messuage. Ex'ors :—Katherine my wife and John Quynt. [Probate 18 July 1474.] (A. Vol. 2, fol. 331.) THOMAS HIGHSTEDE. 2 April 1500. Buried in the churchyard. High altar 12d. Light of Holy Cross 8d.; of St John of Dunstall [Tunstal] Set; of Holy Cross of Borden id. Residue after debts paid to wife Alice my Ex'or. That 100 masses be said by the Grey Fi'iars of 44 SITTINGBOURNE WILLS. Canterbury within a year after my death. Wife have 13-4d!. yearly of the money due to me by the sale of my lands, as by a deed. Witnesses—WiUiam Whetenall esquire, Hugh Cresfeld, Richard Woode. [Probate 31 March 1501.] (A. Vol. 8, fol. 56.) LAWRENCE HYSTED. 4 January 1523-4. Buried in the churchyard beside my wife. To the finding of St Ann's priest id. a quarter for two years. To the Beam Light a taper of 1 lb. of wax. Residue after paying debts to Peter Hysted my son, and Felice Mynton my daughter, equally. Ex'or :—Simon Mynton my son in law. Witnesses— William Andrew, John Wayman. [Probate 17 Feb. 1523-4.] (A. Vol. 16, fol. 63.) PETER HYXSTEDE. 28 May 1528. Probate to his Will, to his widow Joana. [No more information.] (A. Act, Vol. 6, fol. 177.) WrLLIAM HODLEY. 6 January 1518-9. Buried in the churchyard. High altar id. Light of the Rood, and of St Anne id. each. Residue to wife Margery, who with Thomas Trytton my Ex'ors. Witnesses —Master Thomas Norden, John Weymon, John Herry. [Probate 9 Feb. 1518-9.] (A. Vol. 14, fol. 71.) JOHN HOLLMAN. 24 June 1528. Buried in the church. High altar 6-8$.; and of Newenton, Mylton, Borden, Eastchurch, 6-8$. to each. Thomas son of Richard my brother 26-8$. and Richard my brother 6-8$. All my lands be sold by John Dey and Thomas Kenett my Ex'ors. Witnesses :—Dom William Rodeley, Thomas Marten. [Probate 25 Sept. 1528.] (A. Vol. 18, fol. 131.) STEPHEN HOLNEST. 15 Sept. 1474. Buried in the churchyard. High altar 6$. To two priests the day of my burial 2/-. Robert Holnest my brother a green cloak. Residue after debts paid to Joan Gerold SITTINGBOURNE WILLS. 45 my Ex'or, with Richard Fawcon overseer, to dispose for my soul. Joan Gerold have my tenement for life on condition she dwells upon the same while she is sole, doing repairs and keeping one Obit in the church of two priests yearly, to pray for my soul, Alice my wife, and all faithful departed, during the life of Joan Gerold; after her death the tenement be sold, and with the money a chaplain celebrate for my soul wife Alice, etc for hah a year, £3-6-8$. To repair bad roads between Bakchild and Sydyngborn 6-8$.; to the reparation of Sydyngborn church 6-8$ ; to John son of Robert Holnest 6-8$. ; to my Feoffees for their labour 6-8$. ; any residue in pious uses. [Probate 18 January 1474-5.] (A. Vol. 2, fol. 364.) ROBERT HOLNEST. 15 July 1494. Buried in the churchyard. High altar id. Light of the High Cross 12$., and to the Lamp burning before the High Cross 4$. Felice Holnest 12$. To the four sons (no names) of John Holnest my son 3-4$. each. Ex'ors keep my Obit a month after my death and my anniversary. Wife Denis have one small tenement and garden on the east side of the Tankert in East street, and to heirs and assigns for ever. Residue to wife Denis and Richard Jebill my Ex'ors. [No Probate date. Of next Will, 30 January 1494-5.] (A. Vol. 6, fol. 46.) WrLLIAM HOLDERNESSE. 3 July 1527. Administration to his goods, to Joan Barker his mother. (A. Act. Vol. 6, fol. 171.) THOMAS HUNTE, Tailor. 13 May 1545. (No burial directions.) To the holy and blessed Sacrament for tithes 12$. At my burying five masses with dirige, and to poor people 6-8$. Lawrence my son have the lease of my house, with all the hangings, a spruce table and cupboard in the hall, a long settle and forms, dozen of pewter dishes platters and saucers, half dozen candlesticks, two latten basins, four pewter potts, brass pot, two ketells, stuppen, skillet, chafing dish, the best bed with all thereto in the parlour, four silver spoons, a salt celler. Son Thomas the second bed in the 46 SITTINGBOURNE WILLS. parlour with all thereto. Son Henry a bed with all thereto. Daughter Joan various things. Sons Henry and Thomas all my raiment and apparel. Ex'or John Frognall my son in law with John Jacob overseer. Witnesses—George Gibson, William Gibson, John Jacob, Anthony Patche, clerk. [Probate 22 July 1545.] (A. Vol. 21, fol. 204.) HENRY HUSEE. 22 January . . . . [torn away]. Buried in the chancel of St Mary in the church of Sydingborne, next Margaret sometime my wife. High altar 6-8$. Dom John Bodiham and Dom WiUiam Sprotte, chaplains there, each 2 / - ; and to the chief parish-clerk 12$. Light before the High Cross 6-8$. To the church 40/ - . To each poor person coming at the day of my burial and month 1$. That one go on Pilgrimage to Walsyngham after my death 10/-, and to Bridlington 20/-. That 100 masses be celebrated for my soul in the Friars Carmelite at Aylesford, and by the Friars Minor, Friars Preachers, and Friars Augustine at Canterbury, 33-4$. Mark my son all my armour with my great dagger ornamented with silver, and eight of my better robes for my body, two horses, one grey colour which I bought from Thomas Bugge, with my best saddle with all thereto ; the other called gelding of the same colour with another good saddle and all thereto. Thomas atte Combe my servant 20/-. All goods and chattels be divided into three parts—(1) to be done for myself, (2) for Cristina my wife, (3) for my sons and daughters (no names), after my debts be paid. Ex'ors :—Wife Cristina and son Mark, with Henry de Byrtonton overseer. [No Witnesses or Probate date1 [1408].] (Con. Vol. 1, fol. 17.) JOHN JACOBS. 16 Aug. 1521. Buried in the churchyard. My sister (no name) have my house in Quenesborough ; and my uncle Carden to show my Ex'or my moveables in Quenesborough. Residue to my Ex'or—John Jacobe. Witnesses :—Dom. William Wayn, curate, Richard Martyn. [Probate 6 Novem. 1521.] (A. Vol. 15, fol. 36.) 1 This Will is between Wills proved 7 March, 1407-8, and 9 Oct. 1408; so Henry Husee must have died in 1408. SITTINGBOURNE WTLLS. 47 JOHN JACOB. 24 Sept. 1550. Administration to his goods, to his widow Margaret. Bonds:—Chroferus Gaye, gent, and Anthony Petche, cleric, in £30. (A. Act. Vol. 10, fol. 41.) MARGARET JACOB. 12 Sept. 1553. Administration to her goods, to son Thomas Jacob. Bonds:—George Gibson of Sitingborn and John Pekkham of Morston in £20. (A. Act., Vol. 11, fol. 78.) RICHARD JEBILL. 8 June 1500. Buried in the churchyard. High Altar 12$., Light of Holy Cross 8$., of St. Mary 6$. To the vicar to say once a year mass for my soul during seven years 6-8$. Ex'or—Wife Isabella and have the residue. Daughter Joan after the death of my wife have my messuage, paying within three years after the death of her mother £3-6-8$. to a priest to sing for our souls, and to Isabella my daughter £3-6-8$. Witnesses:—Dom. John Garmeston, John Pystok, Lawrence Hystede, John Qwynt. [Probate 3 July 1500.] (A. Vol. 7, fol. 244.) ELISABETH GIEBELL, widow. 20 August 1517. Buried in the churchyard. High altar 8$. Light of the Rood and of Our Lady 4$. each. To the Brotherhood of St Anne within the church 12$. Feoffees :—Richard Guston, Thomas Welles, Thomas Elmeston, of my lands etc. in Teneham and Lynsted. All lands tenements to Margery daughter of John Strete, paying to Sibell her sister £4. Residue after debts paid, to Margery Strete my Ex'or, with Richard Goston, overseer. Witnesses :—John Foule, John Wayman, William Andrewe. [Probate 20 May 1518.] (A. Vol. 13, fol. 148.) MARGARET JOHNSON. 29 April 1506. Buried in the churchyard. High altar 4$. Light of Holy Cross 2$. Residue after paying debts to Dom. Roger Garmeston and Thomas Redhede my Ex'ors to dispose for my soul. Witnesses—William London, John Quynte. [Probate 10 Feb. 1506-7.] (A. Vol. 10, fol. 202.) 4 8 SITTINGBOURNE WILLS. WILLIAM JURY. 26 August 1495. Buried in the churchyard. Ex'or—Wife Joan and have all my goods and chattels, to pay John Nook senior 20/-, and dispose the residue for my soul, parents. Feoffees: Lawrence Gerard, William Dusshare, John Dukden. Wife Joan have my tenement for life, then to Lawrence and William my sons in fee simple, if either die before 20 the other to be heir, but if both so die then to my daughters (no names). [Probate 13 April 1496.] (A. Vol. 6, fol 152.) RICHARD KYNG. 10 Sept. 1523. (No burial directions.) High altar 6-8$., and two staff torches to serve at the sacrying time. Altar of Sb Agnes 12$. Mr. John Cheney a bay gelding to be overseer of my Will, with my wife. Alice King 40/- to bind her prentice. Margaret Pye 3-4$. Ex'or—Wife Agnes, and have residue to pay debts :— Witnesses Dom. William Harlyng1 vicar of Bradgar, Dom Alan Balsam, priest of Sidyngborne. [Probate 11 January 1524-5.] (A. Vol. 16, fol. 150.) STEPHEN KNYGHT. 16 Novem. 1522. Buried in the churchyard. High altar 4$. ; and to the reparation of the church 4$. To Our Lady of Pity 4$. To repair the highway in the East Street 4$. Residue to wife Elisabeth my Ex'or. Witnesses :—Dom Adam [? Alan] Balsam, Robert Cotyng, William Kipping. [Probate 5 Feb. 1522-3.] (A. Vol. 15, fol. 217.) JOHN KYPPYNG. 15 May 1497. Buried in the churchyard. High altar 12$. Light of Holy Cross, Blessed Mary, St. John, St. Katherine, 1 lb. of wax to each yearly for seven years. A chaplain celebrate for half a year for my soul, parents, and all faithful departed. Residue after debts paid, to wife Joan and son WUliam, my Ex'ors. Feoffees :—William Mason, Peter Smyth, Thomas Barnager, WiUiam Butt, Thomas Trignall. Wife Joan have my parlour with the appurtenances, and free going and coming unto the garden and the well. Son William my chief messuage with 1 William Harlyng was vicar of Bredgar 1518-34, and his name is carved on the beam over the fireplace, in what was the hall or chief room of Bredgar vicarage. SITTINGBOURNE WILLS. 49 all lands, woods, paying to Joan my wife 26-8$. yearly. Agnes my daughter my little tenement as it is divided, in which Adam Legging dwells, for her life, then to Godlef my daughter in "fee simple. Alice Charleloke my daughter have my tenement sometime Watkyn Rogers, on the west part as it is divided, after her death to Roger Charleloke her son in fee simple. Witnesses :— Thomas Smyth, Martin Barbor, WUliam Pegode. [Probate 21 Novem. 1497.] (A Vol. 7, fol. 69.) JOAN KYPPYNG. 1 Sept. 1507. Buried in the churchyard. High altar 8$. Light of Holy Cross 8$. Alice Schercloke have my black chest. Residue to William Kyppyng my Ex'or. Witnesses:—Roger Garmeston, William Pokyll, Stephen Knight. [Probate 15 March 1507-8.] (A. Vol. 9, fol. 291.) WILLIAM KYPPYNG. 29 January 1526-7. Buried in the churchyard. High altar 12$. To St John, St Katherine, St Anne, each a taper of 1 lb. of wax. At my burying 6-8$. Son Nicholas my greatest brass pan, a laver, 3 platters, 3 dishes, etc., a cow and horse price 23-4$. Alice my daughter 40/- when 18. Residue after paying debts to my wife Anne my Ex'or. Wife have all income from my house with all lands in Sithyngborn, Marston, Bakchild, Mylkested, paying the rent and doing repairs. If wife marry then son Nicholas have the same paying to his mother in law (sic) 20/- yearly, or after her death to Nicholas and his lawful issue in fee simple, in default to be sold. The money—to Morston church 53-4$., to a priest to sing for my soul, parents, etc., in Sydyngborn church £10, the residue in repair of the highway between my house and the church. Alice my daughter the house that Adam Ligen did dwell in, in fee simple, if she die without lawful issue, then to son Nicholas in fee simple. Witnesses :—Dom Richard Gregory, Robert Cotyng. [Probate 31 January 1527-8.] (A. Vol. 17, fol. 318.) JOHN LATHBURY. 12 Oct. 1513. Buried in the church of St Michael before the Blessed Rood between St Anne's altar and Our Lady's altar. High altar for tithes 6-8$. To the altar of Our Lady of Piete 4$. 8 50 SITTINGBOURNE WILLS. To the altar of St Anne 4$. Reparation of the roof of the church 6-8$. Son Stephen 40/- toward a stock until he is 21, but if he die to Katherine my wife to dispose as she please. Also Stephen have my best maser, three silver spoons, two great brass pots. Elisabeth Fisher my servant a feather bed bought at Gravesend. Ex'or—Wife Katherine and have the residue. Witnesses— Thomas Wells, Henry Amys, WUliam Pokill, Gabriel Palmer. [Probate 22 Novem. 1513.] (A. Vol. 12, fol. 167.) JOHN LAWRENCE. 22 Sept. 1525. Buried in the churchyard. High altar 6$. Brotherhood of St Anne 6$. Ex'or—Wife Elisabeth and have all the residue. Witnesses :—Dom. Alen Balsam, Robert Cotyng. [Probate 11 Oct. 1525.] (A. Vol. 17, fol. 7.) ROBERT LEE, or PLUMER. 5 Decern. 1526. Probate to his Will to Dionisie his widow. [No more information.] (A. Act, Vol 6, fol. 167.) JOHN LOTTER. 27 Decern. 1464. Buried in the churchyard. High altar 6$. To the little Chapel [ad capellula] of Blessed Mary at Botras 6$. Ex'or—Wife Joan and have residue. Wife have my messuage in East Street for life, then to John my son and his lawful issue, paying to Thomas my son 13-4$. and to Alice my daughter 20/-. Son Thomas another messuage on the north side of the great messuage, between garden of William Denewey and garden of Thomas Mayowe, and to his lawful issue. [No Probate date.] (A. Vol. 1, fol. 46.) JOHN LOWTH. 15 May 1524. Buried in the churchyard. Wife Elisabeth all moveable goods to keep my child (not named). Witnesses :— Thomas Harcourt, John Bullar, Robert Holywell. [Probate 8 June 1524.] (A. Vol. 16, fol. 327.) CEcrLE MAUNDER. 25 Feb. 1540-1. Administration to her goods, to Agnes Maunder, sister. Bonds :—Thomas Loksmyth of Tong husbandman, and Thomas Hunte of Sydyngborn, tailor, in £20. (A. Act, Vol. 8, fol. 64.) SITTINGBOURNE WILLS. 51 THOMAS MAYHEW. 2 June 1469. Buried in the church of St Michael on the north side before the door of the chancel of St John the Baptist. High altar 6-8$. Light of Holy Cross 20$. St. Erasmus the Bishop 2$. To the parish-clerk and sacrist, each 12$. Light of St Michael a wax taper price 12$. Residue after debts paid to wife Joan to dispose for my soul. Ex'ors—Wife Joan and John Bebill, with John Noke overseer. Feoffees :—John Noke, Thomas Gerard, Walter Cryppes, John Quynte, John Pistoke, John BebiU, of all my lands, tenements, rents, fermes, services, in Sidyngborn, Morston, Bakechild. That 7 acres at Wattemansgore called Stopyke be sold, the money to pay my debts. Wife Joan the messuage in which I dwell with three gardens, 7 acres in Northfield, a certain barn with buildings, and 22 acres of land in East Street, for her life and doing repairs ; after her death the barn and 22 acres to be sold, the money to buy a set of vestments for the church price £40 ; a new cross price £13-6-8$.; a priest celebrate specially for my soul, parents, and all the faithful for a year, £6-13-4$. the repair of bad roads between my messuage and the Chapel of Swanstry £6-13-4$. After the death of Joan, then Thomas son of John Umfrey have a garden opposite the garden and messuage of John Umfrey, between the garden of the heirs of Thomas Baskevild west, the Butts of Sidyngborne north, my garden east, and to his heirs for ever. After the death of Joan, my messuage, gardens, and land to be sold, the money—to the glazing of a new window (nova fenestra vitral) on the north side of the church next the Image of St Clement, £13-6-8$.; also to buy four cows for the church to maintain the Light of St Thomas the Martyr yearly for ever, 40/-; a chaplain celebrate for my soul, parents, and all the faithful for two years £13-6-8$. ; to the church of Bakechild a portifor, 20/-. And to Alexander Lovelas 40/-, John Spryngett 3-4$., Thomas Pasohall £3-6-8$. Joan daughter of John GebUl 40/-, Thomas son of Walter Fuller 3-4$., Roger Barker £3-6-8$., William Pypar 26-8$., Katherine daughter of John Umfrey £3-6-8$., Nicholas Mathew 6-8$. If any of them die before Joan my wife then with their money one stone be placed upon my grave price 46-8$. Thomas son of John Fowle have five virgates of land at Mille Hill for ever. Witnesses :— Dom. Walter Chalton vicar there, William Spryngget, Richard SPryngget, William Hert, Peter Smythe. [No Probate date.] (A. Vol. 2, fol. 3.) 52 SITTINGBOURNE WILLS. JOHN MAYOW. 9 June 1507. Administration to his goods, to Joan his widow. (A. Act, Vol. 3, fol. 153.) JOHN MESYNGER. 8 Sept. 1505. Buried in the churchyard. Residue to wife Isabelle my Ex'or. My tenement in East Street bought from John Holnyst, and 1£ acres in Bakechylde to wffe for life, then sold and money disposed for our souls. Witnesses :—Roger Garmeston vicar of the church, William Pykkyll, John Anderson. [Probate 22 Oct. 1505.] (A. Vol. 10, fol. 32.) CICILE MESSENGER. 5 Novem. 1528. Buried in the church of St Michael under the stone where my husband John Bowden lieth [Died 1515]. High altar 20$. To Tong church my best diaper towel as a houseling towel. To St Anne's altar a sheet for altar cloth. My sister Hewett my best gown with the tache upon it, also 6-8$. Thomas Rede my brother 6-8$. That there be done upon the day next after Crispyn and Crispyanys [25 Oct.] for the souls of John Bowden and Cicile his wife and all christian souls, a dirige and mass ; and it shall be put upon the mass-book. The house Bowden bought from Davy Wylkyn and two acres of land in Bryton be sold to fulfill my Will. The land that was John Hewes in Tong and Morston be sold to fulfill the Will of John Hewes. [Died 1480]. That Sir William Cromer, knight shall buy my land that was John Bowden's. Ex'ors :—Richard Degon and John Rede of Mylton, with Sir William Cromer, knight, overseer, each to have 20/-. Witnesses :—Dom. William Morcote, Thomas Kotyng, John Estland.1 [Probate 16 Decern. 1528.] (A. Vol. 18, fol. 76.) ROGER MYLNER. 24 Oct. 1554. Administration to his goods, to his widow Katherine. Bonds :—Thomas Jacobe, yeoman in £10. (A. Act, Vol. 11, fol. 121.) 1 John Hewes of Tong who died 1480, had a wife Cecile (Con. Vol. 2, fol. 484, Howe in Index), who then married John Bowden of Sittingbourne (died 1513), and a third husband—Messenger. SITTINGBOURNE WILLS. 53 WrLLiAM MYTAR. 11 June 1522. Buried in the churchyard. High altar 12$. All residue after paying debts, to Joan P'triche [? Partriche] my daughter and Ex'or, with Davy Wilkyn, overseer. That Joan shall receive of Richard Campnes tUar of Syddyngbom £3-13-4$. to pay for the house, which he bought at a place called Shamyll. Witnesses:—Dom Richard Gregory, John Pery, Thomas Stevenson. [Probate 18 Decern. 1522.] (A. Vol. 15, fol. 158.) ROBERT NELSON. 21 Oct. 1528. Probate to his Will, to Exor—-Margaret his widow. Inventory £6-15-8$. (No more information.) (A. Act, Vol. 6, fol. 179.) AGNES NEWENTON. 12 Feb. 152.1-2. Probate of her will to Clement Crowche. (fol. 114.) 21 Oct. 1523. Ex'or dead. Administration to John Stone of Tong. (fol. 125.) (A. Act, Vol. 5.) JOHN NOOKE, senior. 29 May 1499. Buried in the churchyard. High altar 5/-. Light of St John yearly 1 lb. of wax, of Holy Cross 12$. of Blessed Mary 4$. To the holy-water carrier and the sacriste of the church 12$. each. Residue to wife Joan and John Onewyne my Ex'ors. Son John my cart (bigam), two harrows, all my horses cows pigs. Wife have 13-4$. every quarter out of my chief place and land called Mayhous, also the parlour in my chief messuage with a foren " [? fire-place] thereto, and the next chamber thereto, a piece of ground to cowch [store] in her wood, free access to the well and the genetyne garden. After her death John Nooke the youngest my nephew, have my messuage and lands Mayhous, the ground with the wood called the Wynyngs, and to his heirs for ever, if he die without lawful issue then to be sold, the money to a priest to sing for two years in the church, and residue to the church work there. Son John have my two shamels [portable stalls] in Middilton market-place and one at Sidingborn and to his heirs. Joan and Isabelle the daughters of my son at their marriage two 5 4 SITTINGBOURNE WILLS. messuages called Bougeoars as they be now divided. That the churchwardens for the time being have all income from a yard of ground by the Cornysshe Chowgh, on condition they find a wax taper to burn before the Image of St Michael in the church on the Sundays and Holydays. My wood at Highsted be sold the money to fulfill my Will. Witnesses :—Dom Roger Garmeston vicar, Laurence Garrard, John Bix, William Pygill, John Quynte, Robert Cooke. [Probate 23 Oct. 1499.] (A. Vol. 7, fol. 168.) JOHN NOKE. 11 April 1540. Buried in the churchyard next my ancestors there. To the Blessed Sacrament of the altar for tithes 12$. To the Sepulchre Light a taper of 10 lbs. of wax which shall be striken [made] ready at the charge of Jane my wife during her life, after her death the stock of wax remain to the Light for ever. At the day of my burial 6-8$. for a dirige by note and five masses. That the churchwardens for the time being receive from Jane my wife 10/- at the Feast of St Michael yearly during 20 years, for which Jane hath certain tenements and lands in lease by Indenture from me for 20 years from 8 April 31 Hen. viii [1540], and the churchwardens dispose the 10/- in the church for a dirige and five masses with five priests, on the Monday after the Feast of St Michael yearly, the residue to poor people, for my soul and all christian souls. The churchwardens having 4$. for their labour. Residue of my moveable goods, jewels, after paying debts to wife Jane my Ex'or, with Lawrence Benet overseer, and he to have the keeping of Thomas my eldest son until 21 at school that he may learn his descant and play at the organs. Witnesses :—Symond Golde, John Style, Robert HoUywelle, Lawrence Benett. [Probate 5 Oct. 1540.] (A. Vol. 23, fol. 7.) THOMAS NORDEN.1 31 March 1545. Buried in the churchyard on the north side next unto the Chapel of St John the Baptist. High altar unto the laud and praise of the Sacrament 3-4$. At my burial for dirige and ten masses and to poor people 10/-. That on one Friday in every month in the year dirige be sung and the mass of 1 In 1542 Thomas Norden contributed £20 to a loan to Henry VIII. Arch. Carit., xi. 399. SITTINGBOURNE WILLS. 55 Jesus sung, with four priests the clerk and sexton, with four children that can sing and help in the service. That each of the priests have every Friday 6$. the clerk and sexton 6$. each, and the children 2$. each, whereto 10/- for every Friday the residue to poor people, to be paid every month by my Ex'or for the Obit. Marcy my wife the £10 in the hands of Thomas Hotts of Stockbury, £10 with Terendens of Borden, £13-6-8$. with Petts of Borden, £6-13-4$. with William Gibson of Sidingborne, £20 with Lawrence Bennett, £20 with John Baleys of Sidingborne, £20 with Thomas Potmans of Tunstall; also the house and garden bought from Fulwood of Sidingborne, house and garden in Milton bought from Mr. Stonden, houses and gardens bought from William Tretten in Sidingborne, house and garden bought from Saunder Welles, a garden hired unto William Gibson, house and garden which was John Byxes of Bocton, that Hugh Lavyer dwells in, all for her life, then to William son of Edward Norden. Son John the lease of the house he dwells in with all the stock and implements, and Crowne Marsh and Pyruwinkle Mill. To Ursula and Margaret the £20 in the hands of Thomas Hewes of Milton. Wife Marcy £53-6-8$. in John Norden's hands, if he deny the payment then John to pay the £100 which is in his hands ; also to wife £6-13-4$. with George Gibson. The said William and John Norden have the £66-13-4$. in the hands of Mr. John Garrard, and after the death of William that John shall have the whole stock of the George. William son of Edward Norden the £100 in the hands of Mr. Roger Finch of Borden, to find WUliam to school with the profits until the age of 20, and John Norden have the custody of William who when 20 have the £100, but if he die to the children of Edward Norden. Thomas Richardes the £20 in his hands. David Dodde the £20 in the hands of Lobsmith of Tonge. Ursula and Margaret daughters of Edward Norden, £20 in the hands of John Lovelesse, esquire. Richard Sparowe £3-6-8$. in his hands and a garden he occupieth in fee simple in East Street. The children of Thomas Richards and David Doddes the £20 with John Podage of Rodmersham ; the children of Thomas Bene £20 with Mr. Garret Huskis of Milton. To mend the high ways, the £6-13-4$. with John Podage, to be bestowed in East Lane and South Lane. James at Tonge of Tunstall my overseer 40/-. Residue to wife Marcy my Ex'or. Witnesses :—James a Tonge, John Podage, William Butler, Thomas Richard. [No Probate date.] (A. Vol. 24, fol. 134.) 56 SITTINGBOURNE WILLS. MARCY NORDEN, widow. 8 Decern. 1545. Buried on the north side of the church next unto my husband. High altar for tithes 40$. At my burying to clerks and poor people 53-4$. Edmond Goodinge £20, and my house in Sidingborne called the Mayden's Head, with the garden and to his heirs for ever. John Norden my house and garden at Mylton paying unto John Cranewell £10. John Cranewell the £20 in the hands of Thomas Potman. John Wygood £13-6-8$., John Crispe £10, Arthur £20 when 21, the daughters of William Tonge £5 each at their marriage. The £6-13-4$. in the hands of George Gibson be bestowed in repair of bad roads. Edward Norden two silver spoons, and Elinor Norden one silver spoon. Residue to my Ex'or—Edmond Godden, with James Tonge, overseer. Witnesses :—John Porrege, Richard Spareowe, James Tonge, John Norden. [Probate 12 April 1546.] (A. Vol. 24, fol. 189.) URSULE NORDEN. 2 March 1552-3. Administration to her goods, to William Norden, brother. Bonds :—Edward Fowle of Canterbury, tailor, in £30. (A. Act, Vol. 11, fol. 46.) THOMAS NORTON. 1 Sept. 1558. Administration to his goods, to his widow Joan. Bonds :—William Hartinge and Thomas Perse of Milton in £20. Inventory £11 and 6$. (A. Act, Vol. 13, fol. 51.) (To be concluded.)


The New Romney and Cinque Port Records


Two Chalk Wills