General Index

( 329 ) GENERAL INDEX. A Abdy, Margery (daughter of Thomas) m. John Monynges of Waldershare, 18. Abell of Erith, arms in Eoots Cray Church, 218. Acrise Church, bequests to, 14. Adcock (Adekoc), Robert, in conspiracy at Cranbrook in 1437, 173, 180. Adisham, date of font, 326. a'Downe, Peter, 62. Adwy, or Edwy, King, 33. Aethilberht, King of Kent, grant of land, 35, 36, 39. Aford, John of Lydden, complainant against John Monyns, 9. Albes of Brother Richard Stone, 103. Alcock, Bishop, 198. Alday, Margery, m. John Monins, 20. Aldeburgh, Johane and John, 200, 201, 202. Alemanus, Joh., 107. Aleph, Katherine (daughter of Thomas) m. Richard Monynges, 19. Alric (Aleric, Aldrick, or Aldric), King of Kent, 112. Almshouses at Cobham, 144, 146. Altar slab in pavement at Cobham, 139. Altham, James, 101. Altroper, John, 49. Amos, E. G. J., Notes on Norman Waterworks in Dover Castle, 167- 172. Amos, E. G. J., and discoveries at Dover Priory, 1. Andred, Eorest of, 40, 42. Andrew, Richard, 50, 61. Andrewes and Drury, Map, 42, 89. Anselm, Archbishop, 199. Antiquities of Smarden, by Francis Hazelwood, 78n. Anstiff (Anstey or Anstive), Battell, m. John Monynges, 18. Appledore, bequest for water supply, 129. Apse in Kentish Church Architecture, The, by F. C. EUiston Erwood, F.S.A., 247-254. (Plans, 251.) Archaeology of Kent, by R. P. Jessup, reviewed, 304. Archbishop's Palace, Canterbury— The Great Hall, 298. (Illustrated.) Archer, Sir John, 132. Arms of Edward VI at Westerham, 287. Arms of the Monyns family, 17. Ashford Church, arms in South transept window, 100. Ash next Sandwich, sedilia canopies, 157n. At Hethe, Margaret, 67. Atwater, William, Bishop of Lincoln, 265. Aucher, Alice (ne'e Monings), wife of William Aucher, 18. Auger, Harry, 64. Aurifaber, ^Egidius, 107. Ayloffe, Katherine, m. Richard Monyn, 21. B Badlesmere Church, Notes on Carved Bench-ends in, by the Hon. Henry Hannen, 161-165. Illustration between 160 and 161. Baildon, Mr. Paley, F.S.A., 79, 82. Bailey, familiar and old acquaintance of Cade, 185 ; was he the Bayley of the Cranbrook ease ? 186. Baker, Mr. P. T., 160 ; William, 67 ; Martin, 69 ; Thomas, 203 ; Hercules, M.P. for Hythe, 279. Balston, Dom. William, 55. Bamburgh, John, 181. Banke, WiUiam, 14. Banson, WiUiam, iron memorial plate to, at East Peckham, 218. Barber, WiUiam, 50. Barham Downs, Races at, 1735, 277. Barker, Hugh, Chantry priest at Canterbury, petition, 207, 208, 209, 212, 213. 26 330 GENERAL INDEX. Barlass, Kate, heroism of, 177n. Barlynge, Thomas, accused of sacrilege, 180. Barming, Thomas, 50, 67, 61; Barmyng, 68, 71. Barne, George, John, Sir George, 101. Bath Place, Strand, London house of the Bishop of Bath and WeUs, 265. Batnor, Joan, 71. Battle Abbey presented with Denge Marsh land, 33. BayUy, John, squire to Humphrey, Duke of Gloucester, in Cranbrook plot, 174. Bayly, John, 14. Beachborough, Newington, records, 281-2-3. Beaufort, Cardinal, 178. Becket's shrine in 16th century, 260; Becket's weU at Otford, 310. Bedingaeld, John, Peter, 20. Bedynden, Adam, 64. Beele, Hamo, 15. Beggynden, or Begynden, brothers, accused of Cranbrook sacrilege and murder, 174; Adam, 176, 186; James, pardon of, 179, 182; William, of Faversham, 181, 183; John, of Cranbrook, 183, 184. Bele, Hamo, under sheriff of Kent, 184. Benet, John, 57, 58. Bennett, Lawrence, 69. Bentham, Alderman, of Cambridge, 270. Bermondsey, Prior and Convent of, 137. Berugh, Henry, 129. Birch, Cartularium Saxonicum, 39, 40, 42. Bishop's Wick, Lydd, 36. Bisse, Stephen, M.P. for New Romney, 279. Bix, John, 56, 62, (Byx), 66. Blackboy, Thomas, 62. Blackheath, Campeggio's reception at, 261, 264. Black Prince's chantries at Canterbury, 207, 208, 210, 214; levy for knighthood, 16. Bleccing (Bletohing), 33, 34, 36; Bletching Fleet, 31, 33, 46. Boger, Miss Margaret, drawings of Lydden Churoh features, 4, 5, facing 24, 27. Boger, R. C. D., 27. BoU, John, 56. Boole, John, 60. Botefish, Robert, 60. Bouchour, Richard and John, millwrights, 202. Boughton, Edward, 132. Boughton Aluph Church, deeds relating to, 283. Box, E. G., on .Some West Kent Roads in Early Maps and Road Books, 85-98; Notes on the History of Saxon Otford, 111-122. Bowden, John, 59. Bows, Arrows and Quiver in Monk's apartment, 104. Bradsole pond, St. Radegund's Abbey, 187, 188, 190, 192, 193. Brangwyn, Mr. Frank, and Romden Place, 77. Brasses in Cobham Church and their restoration, 143. Brayley on Badlesmere carvings, 162 ; Foots Cray, 218, 219. Brenzett Church, deeds relating to, 283. Brittain, F., Life of St. Radegund, 197. Brockman Papers, The, by Miss Burford Butcher, 281-283. (Pedigree, 282.) Broke, John, m. Christian Monyn, 21. Bromley, visited 1735, 271. Brook, Sir George and Lady, tomb of, 145. Broun, Sir Thomas, and Eleanor his wife, 19 ; Thomas, 181. Brown, Antony, 66. Browne, Nicholas, 60. Bruce, Lord, kiUed in a duel, 272. Bruer, WiUiam, 132. Bunce, Anne, m. Sir WiUiam Brockman, 282. Burchett, Josiah, M.P. for Sandwich, 279. Burh-ealdor of the vill of Smarden, 74. Bushe, John, 67. Butcher Member for Maidstone, and gift to feUow tradesmen, 274. Butcher, Miss Burford, on The Brockman Papers, 281-283. Butler, James, 132 ; John, 56, 67 ; Rowland, 70. Butler, Sir Philip, seat at Teeson (Teston), 274. Bylling, Thomas, 50. ' Byron, Rev. Edwin, restorer of Lymne chancel, 223. GENERAL INDEX. 33 1 C Cade, John, 50, 60n," 184, 185, 186. Cambridge undergraduates, tour of, through Kent, 1735, 267-280. Campeggio's Progress through Kent in 1518, by V. J. B. Torr, 265-265. Canterbury Cathedral visited in 1735, 276. Canterbury churches and apses, 247, 248. Canterbury Monastic Houses, Some Notes on Petitions Concerning, in the Court of Chancery, by Dorothy Gardiner, 199-214. Carmelianus, Peter, Archdeaoon of Southwark, 107. Gartularium Saxonicum (Birch), 39. Castle, Rev. J. A., Vicar of Westerham, 291. Castle ToU, Newenden, and Anderida, 308. Cathedral and Monastic churches with apses, 263, 254. Catherlough, Lord, 273. Caundysshe, Robert, 181. Caxton, W., 107. Cenulf, King of Mercia, charter of, 120. Ceolwulf, King of Mercia, grant of land, 120. Challices bequeathed to Tenterden and Warehome Churches, 128. Chapman, Thomas, 65, 66. Charters re Otford lands, 115 ei seq. Chartham, Agnes, Joan, Thomas, 55. Chartham MiU, rioting at, 203. Chatham visited 1735, 276. Cheapside, London, 265. Cheriton and Lydden chancels compared, 25. Cheyne, Sir John, 19. Cheyney, John, 69, 68. Chich of ColsheU, 19. Chicheley, Archbishop, 201. Chiddingstone, iron sepulchral slab of 1601 at, 215. Childer, Margaret, 65. ChUton, Nicholas, Vicar of Holy Cross, Westgate, Canterbury, and St. Sepulchre's, 200 ; daughter of Thomas, m. Henry Brockman, 282. Christchurch, Canterbury, land grant at Lydd, 35; Prior's petition, 202, 203, 204; date of the Gate, 260. Chuller, Dom. Roger, 53, 57, 71. ChurchiU, Miss Irene,, transcript of Warham's visitation re Lydden, 22, 27; Lambeth MS., 105; Cranbrook case, 186. Cinerary urn from Stodmarsh, 296. Clapham, Mr., on great HaU of Archbishop's palace, Canterbury, 298. Clark, Margaret, m. Wilham Brockman, 282. Clothaire, son of Clovis, first Christian king of N.W. France, m. Radegund, 197. Cnut and Edmund Ironside, 113, 114. Cobham Collegiate Church, by Aymer Vallance, 133-160. IUustrations 135, 139, 141, facing 140 and 156. Cobham, John, Lord, founder Cobham CoUege, 136, 144; Cobham, Joan de, brass of, 144; George, Lord and WiUiam, Lord, 144. Cock, Dr. F. WiUiam, on Appledore old vicarage, 126; on Edward Hasted, 295. Cole, Rev. W., Antiquary, 267 et seq. Coif's School, Lewisham, 272. Collegiate Churches in Kent, 163. Collsone, Christopher, 50. Colonia, Joh. de, 106. Colyer, Dom. Richard, 69. Contents, table of, v. Cooke, Clarencieux and pedigrees, 16, 18, 20. Cook, Robert, 54. Coote, Joan, Margaret, 62. Corben, R. and Sons, Maidstone, 78. Corrigenda to Volume XLII, 300 (Chalke Wills); 326 (Adisham and St. Mary's in the Marsh.) Cotton, Chas., O.B.E., Kentish Cartulary reviewed, 301. Cotyng, John, 60, 65 ; Robert, 51 ; Thomas, 55. Coulcher, Rev. G. B., restorer of Lymne tower and nave, 223, 224, 233, 234, 236. Courtney, Archbishop, 166. Cox, Agnes, 60. Cozens on Badlesmere carvings, 163. Cranbrook, A Curious Case at, in 1437, by Aymer Vallance, 173-186. Cranmer, Archbishop, negligence at Lydden Churoh, 10. Cranmer, Jane, sister of the Archbishop, m. John Monyn, 21. Crevequer famUy, 275. Crispe, Alice, daughter of WiUiam, I m. Thomas Monynges, 18. 332 GENERAL INDEX. Cristofer, Thomas, 36. Cromer, Sir WiUiam, 99. Cromwell, OUver, 99 ; Sir Richard, 100. Crumwell, Thomas, 13. Cuckmere Haven, 43. Curie, Thomas of Lydden, complainant against John Monyns, 9. Curteis, F. W., and Romden, 82. Cutmalis, William, 61. D Dacre Library, 18 ; MS. and Monyns pedigree, 19. D'Aeth, Sir Thomas, 277. Damye, Anthony, 68. Darent Valley, roads in, 91. Dartford to Sevenoaks road, 91. Davington Priory, Royal Arms at, 288. Dawson, Mr. Geoffrey, 73. Day, Mr. Francis H., F.S.A., 160. Deal, landing place of Campeggio, 260; visited 1735, 279; St. Leonard's Church and Royal Arms, 294. Deedes, Julius, and self-return to Parliament, 308. Defoe and Canterbury, 295. Denge Marsh Sewer's altered course, 32, 33. Denneway, William, 70. Dennys, Sir Thomas, 99. Depedate, Wilham, 49. Dering, Sir Edward, drawing of armorial shields at Lydden, 7, 17, 27; at Barham races in 1735, 277. Despencer, Baroness, daughter of Lord Abergavenny, 274. Dobyn, Joan, 53. Dodd, John, a tourist of 1735, 270. Dogett, Mark, 60. Domesday Monachorum, 239. Donne, Angel, Elizabeth, 99. Dorset, Earl of, portrait by Kneller, 273 ; Lord Warden, 278; lease of Knole, 310. Dover, affront to Campeggio, 257 ; visited 1735, 278 ; deeds relating to harbour, 283. Dover Castle, Norman Waterworks in the Keep of, Major Macpherson and Mr. E. G. J. Amos, 167-172. Dover Priory, skeleton discovered at, 1. Dover to London road, 85. Downe Court, 100. Drake, Rev. Ralph (Brockman pedigree), 282. Drayner, or Dragoner, Stephen, 76. Druce, Mr. G. C, F.S.A., on Badlesmere carvings, 161 ; photographs between 160 and 161. Dudley, Earl of Leicester, portrait at Knowle, 273. Dugdale, Roger, complaint as to Lydden Church, 10. Duke, John, 14. Dunstan, St., history on altar dorsal, 104. Dymchurch, 45. E Eadbriht, King, gift to Christchurch, Canterbury, 35. Earthquake shock in East Kent, 12. Ebony Church insufficiently repaired, 125. Ecgbert, King, 39. Editorship of A.C, xliv. Edmund Ironside and the battle of Otford, 113, 114; iUustration facing 114. Edolph, Simon, owner of St. Radegund's Abbey in 1590,192,193,195. Eldregate, Anne, 14. Elene, dishonest serving maid of Whitstable, 204, 206. Elizabeth, Queen, at Hemsted and Smarden, 77. Elmerste, Thomas, 70. Else, Mr. Thomas, owner of St. Radegund's Abbey, 187. Elvar, John, 67. Elys, Edward, 69. Engham, Thomas, m. Elizabeth Monyn, 21. Ernulf, Prior, architectural work at Canterbury, 230. Erwood, F. C. EUiston, F.S.A., Architectural Notes on the Church of SS. Peter and Paul, Swanscombe, 241-246; on the Apse in Kentish Church Architecture, 247-254. Estland, William, 59. Ethelbert, King of' Kent, and Rochester, 275. Eveas, Humfrey, 64. Evering, Ehzabeth, m. Zouch Brockman, 282. Excavation Branch of K.A.S., discontinuance of, xlvii. F Fabyan's Chronicle, 184, 185. Fairweather, Dr., F.S.A., and Sir WUliam Hope on Rochester Cathedral Priory, 254. Fane, Sir Thomas, and his wife, 273. Faucon, Richard, 68. Faustina, coin of, found at Romden, 74. Feilden, Lady Bridget, daughter of the fourth Earl of Denbigh, 78. Fermour, Sir H., seat near Chipstead, 272. Ffelde, Nicholas, 201. Fforde, John, widow of, 132. Field names in the Marsh, 32. Eiennes, Celia, Through England on a Side-saddle, 89, 267. Finch, John, M.P. for Maidstone, 274. Finniss, J. C, Sexton of Lymne, 228. Finn, the late Mr. Arthur, and Lydd records, 36, 36. Fisher, Bishop of Rochester, 262. Fisher, Ehzabeth, Isabell, 51, John, 60. Fisher, Thomas, senior, churchwarden, Lydden, 23. Fitzalan, Sir Thomas, Eleanor, 19. Fitz James, Richard, Bishop of London, 265. Fleot (Fleet), etymology of, 45, 46. Folkestone and Hythe, London to, 94. Font at Cobham, 134; at Foots Cray, 216, 218 ; at Lydden, 27; at Swanscombe, 245. Fonteyn, WiUiam, 106. Foots Cray, Notes on an Iron Grave Slab, and the Church Fittings at, by V. J. B. Torr, 215-219. Ford, Alexander, Thomas, 19. Fordet, William, bequest to Lymne crosses, 237. Fordman, Robert, 55, 63. Fowle, John, 68. Fowlis, —., 69. Frampton, • Rev. T. S., on Earthquake Effects at Lydden, 13; Greneford wiU, 14. Frith, Sir Charles, and a letter by I. Lukyn, 295. FuUer, WUliam, 61. FuUing MiU at Chartham, riot at, 203, 204. Furnese, Sir Henry, and Robert, gift to Romney Church, 279. INDEX. 33 3 G Gardiner, Dorothy, Some Notes on Petitions concerning Canterbury Monastic Houses in the Court of Chancery, 199-214. Gardiner, Mrs., on Mrs. Veal and her friends, 296. Garmestone, Dom. Roger, 51, 52, 57, 66. Garrard, Lawrence, 66. Gerard, Thomas, 67. Gervys, William, 60. GUes, Joan, Katherine, 65. Glanville, George, M.P. for Hythe, 279. Gloucester, Humphrey, Duke of, 174, 177 ; Eleanor, Duchess, and magic, 177. Glover, Robert, 67. Glover, Robert, on Foots Cray effigies, 218. Glydd, Anne, m. Wilham Brockman 282. Glynne, Sir Stephen R., and Cobham rood screen, 140 ; on Badlesmere carvings, 163 ; Foots Cray, 218 ; Lymne, 223, 233. Goddeson, John, 201. Godwin, Earl, at the Ness S. of Romney, 35. Godwin, Mr. F., and recent discoveries at Otford, xlviii. Godyn, Dom. Richard, 68. Gold, Symond, 59 ; WiUiam, 71. Goldwell, Thomas, last Prior of Canterbury resisting petition, 207, 208, 209, 213, 214; meeting Campeggio, 262. GorswaU, Lydd, 33. Gowland, Professor, 82. Gracechurch (Gracious) Street, London, 265. Graduated sedUia, significance of, 158. Granby, Marquis of, and American war, 269. Gravesend, Brief History of, by Mr. A. J. PhUip, 319. Grayling and Foots Cray Church, 218. Great Chart, Lymne and Boughton Aluph Churches compared, 236n. Great Mongeham, sediha, 26. Greenland, Augustine, churchwarden of Lymne, 237. Green, Rev. G. H., Vicar of Lymne, 228. GreenwaU (GrynwaU) unidentified boundary at Lydd, 30, 32. 334 GENERAL INDEX. Greenwich, bequest of books for use of freres mynors at, 131. Gregory, WiUiam, 62 ; Dom. Richard, 56 ; of Tours and St. Radegund, 198. Greneford, John, wiU of, 7, 14; AUce, wife of John Monyns, 8, 18 ; Margaret, 8. Gretton, Thomas, 70. Grey, Sir James, 277. Griffin, Ralph, F.S.A., Heraldic and Genealogical Note on Monyns Family, 16-22, 27. Gritten, A. J., and a supposed Roman pot from Margate, 300. (Illustrated.) Guldeford, 74, 76 ; George, 75n, 76, 130 ; Sir Henry, 76 ; Sir Richard, 75n, 76; Sir Robert, 75n; Sir Thomas, 77. Gundulf, Bishop, St. Leonard's Chapel, West Mailing, and Lymne, 225. Guston, Richard, 62. Guystrode, Jac. de, 107. Gybbes, William, Canon of St. Gregory, Canterbury, 200. H Haddock, Admiral, M.P. for Rochester, 275. Hadley, alias Hunt, WiUiam, 104. Halden Place, Rolvenden, 75. Hales, Cristofer, 131, 132; John, 132. HaU, John, 61. Halsey, Thomas, Bishop of Leighlin and Kildare, 264. Hame, Agnes, 52. HamUton-Thompson, Professor, 155. Hamlets of Romden, 74. Hamon, Thomas, m. Alice Monyn, 21 ; Letice, 200. Hampton, Thomas, Abbot of St. Augustine's, 262. Handkok (Hancokke or Adekoc), John and Lora of Cranbrook, 173n. Hannen, The Hon. Henry, Notes on Carved Bench-Ends in Badlesmere Church, 161-165. Harcourt, Thomas, 68. Hardman, Dr., 173, 176, 178, 179, 181, 186. Hare, Thomas, 70. Harlakynden, Thomas, 131. Harpesfield, Archdeacon, Visitation at Lydden, 10, 23. Harres, John, 36. Harris, on Badlesmere carvings, 162 ; Foots Cray Church, 218, 219. Hasted on Lymne, 222, 223 ; Hasted, Edward, memorial tablet, 295. (Illustrated.) Hayes, Bonham, 152, 163. Hayman, Rawff, 63. Hegg, Lawrence, 60. Hehnes (Holmes), 36. Hemsted Place, Benenden, 75. Hermitage at Schamel, 61n. Hertland, Martin, 67. Heth, Dom. John, 51. Hewet, John, ringleader of Chartham riot, 204. Hewitt, Captain, sketch of Lymne font, 236. Hexsted, Robert, 51. Heyman Petir, 132. Heynes, John, 69. Heyghsted, Lawrence, 60. Higden, Ralph, 106. Highsted, Margaret, 69. Highstede, Lawrence, 66 ; Thomas, 49. Hildefrith S. and Swanscombe Church, 246. Histed, Felice, and Lawrence, 53. Hogg, Mr. A. H. R., and Tonge Castle discoveries, xlix. Holme, battle of, 114. Holme, etymology of, 36. Holmestone (Ripp Wood), Lydd, 33 ; payments to keepers, 36. Holte, Robert, 140. Holywell, John, 66. Hope, John, butcher M.P. for Maidstone, 274. Home, John, 16. Horn's Cross, Greenhithe, Roman pottery at, 1. Hospital for poor widows at Bromley, 271. Hospitals with apses (Chatham and Harbledown), 253. Howard, Earl of Surrey, portrait at Knowle, 273. Huda's Fleet, near Lymne, 40, 46. Humphrey, Duke of Gloucester, 174, 177. Humphrey, G. W., sketch of Arms from Lydden Church, facing page 17. Hunt, Thomas, 66. Huntygrome, John, 56. Hussey, on Foots Cray Church, 218. Hussey, Arthur, on Sittingbourne Wills, 49-71. Husther, Isabell, 62. HyUs, Thomas, 62. Hythe, and West Hythe, 43 ; Hythe Road from Kingsdown to the Medway, 92; ditto, London to Hythe, 93, 94. Hythe, alleged massacre by Earl Godwin and Harold at, 308. I Igglesden, Sir Charles, Saunter through Kent, Vol. XXIV, reviewed, 306 ; Vol. XXI quoted, 161. Ightham Church described by Sir C. Harrison, 322, Illustrations, table of, vi; fund for providing, xlv, lvi. Innocent, Pope, and " penance" imposed on the Black Prince, 208, 209. Inventory of the Contents of the Bedchamber of Brother Richard Stone, Monk of Christchurch, Canterbury, edited by C. Eveleigh Woodruff, M.A., 103-110. Inventory of Church goods at Cobham, 147-166. Iron sepulchral slabs in Kent, 216. Irwin, Viscountess (nde Frances Shepheard), 271. Islip, Archbishop, and confirmation of Black Prince's ordinance, 207, 211, 213. J Jacobbe, John, 62, 66, 70. Jaenbert, Archbishop, gift of lands to, 29, 30. James I, portrait of at Knowle, 273. James, Martin, 76, 77 ; Auria (m. John Otway), Henry, Walter, 77; descendants of, 78, 80; Dr. M. R., 104, 106. James, Sir Henry, reverses, etc., 79. James I of Scots, murder of, 177. Jaques Court, Lydd, 30, 31, 34, 37. JebeU, John, Richard, 61. Jenson, Nio., 106. Jessup, Mr. R. F., on discoveries at Luddesdown Court Estate, xlix ; King's Farm estate, 1; a cinerary urn from Stodmarsh, 296 ; Archeology of Kent reviewed, 304. Jesus CoUege, Cambridge, origin of, 198. Johan, Countess of Kent, wife of the Black Prince, 208. INDEX. 335 John, Prior, 132. Johnson, Alexander, 69 ; Rev. John, Vicar of Appledore, and Cranbrook, 126. Judde, Sir Andrew, by Fane Lambarde, 99-101. Judde, Ahce, m. Customer Smythe, 100. Julius, John (vicar), peculations at Lydden, 10; (Julian) charge of spotting the church at Lydden, 23. Jutes in Kent, 111. Juyn, John, 181. K K.A.S., List of Officers, x ; Accounts of, Iii; presidency of, xliv. Keith, Sir Arthur, on human bones found at Luddesdown, xlix. Kent County Photographic Record and Survey, 27. Kent documents and the Records Branch, xlvi. Kent, great roads of, 1676, 98. Kentish Cartulary of the Order of St. John of Jerusalem, issue of, xlvi; reviewed, 301. Kentish Place Names, by J. V. WaUenberg, 122n; maps, etc., 122n. Kentish (suburban) antiquities noted in Report of Historical Monuments Commission, 312. Kent Place Names, work of Mr. E. Matthews on,' xlviii. Kepyng, WUham, 70. King, John, 67 ; Ivor H. L., 135, 139, 160. King's Farm estate, Gravesend, Roman remains at, 1. Kirkpatrick, Margaretta Louisa, m. Francis Drake Brockman, 282. KnatchbuU, Sir William, 277. Knight, Richard and WiUiam, bequests to Lymne Crosses, 237. Knocker, Captain Herbert, F.S.A., and Denge Marsh Manor, 32; Cranbrook Case, 186. Knolles, Sir Robert, 144. Knowle Park, 272. Knowth, Jane, heiress of Richard Mahnayns, 19; Elizabeth and Harry, 19. Kyffyn, John, senr., 70; Thomas, WiUiam, 71. Kyppyng, John, 67n, 61, 71 ; WiUiam, 66, 70. 336 GENERAL INDEX. Kytchyn, Thomas, Vicar of Lymne, 221n. Kytte, WUliam, murdered sexton of Cranbrook, 180. L Lacy, Robert, 203, 204. Ladbery, John, 49. Laidlaw, Ellen, m. Francis Head Brockman, 282. Lambarde, Gen. Fane, and Monins pedigree, 22, 27; and Romden, 83, 84 ; WUliam and Multon, who married Otway sisters, 83. Lambarde, Fane, on Sir Andrew Judde, 99-101. Lane, —., m. Margaret Monyn, 21. Lanfranc, Archbishop, and Lymne, 222, 238. Langdon, Abbot of, legacy to, 14, 22. Langton, Jane, Maria, Thomas, 101 ; Stephen, 298. Lawrence, William, 49. Leeds, Prior of, and alleged encroachment at Canterbury, 200. Lennard, Sampson, Bluemantle, 18. Lenynge, Richard, 65. Letice, Prioress of St. Sepulchre's, 199, 200, 201. Leverick, Parnell, wife of Edward Monings, 18, 19, 20 ; Sir John de, 157n. Lewisham, visited 1735, 272. Library, Monastic, at Canterburv, 103. Limene river, 43, 45, 46, 47. Liminge Monastery and lands at Lydd, 35. Limowart Lathe, 40. Livett, G. M., B.A., F.S.A., An Analytical Study of Lymne Church, 221-239 Livett, Canon G. M., 242, 249, 250. Local Secretaries of K.A.S., xii. Locksmith, John, 64. London to Hythe and Folkestone road, 94. Lovelace, Thomas, 19. Luddesdown Court Estate, excavations at, xlix. Lukyn L. and Defoe's tale of Mrs. Veal, 295. Lumpneye,, Henry, 132. Luns, Thomas, 203. Lutteridge, arms, 20. Lydd, Charters relating to, 29; boundary dispute of 1460, 30; sketch map, 31. Lydd Church and apse, 249. Lydden Church, by Aymer Vallance, 1-27. Lydden Church illustrations, full page, facing 1, 3, 8, 12, 17, 24, 27 ; plan, 3 ; drawings, 4, 5, 17. Lyminge Church and apse, 249. Lymne Church, An Analytical Study, by Greville M. Livett, B.A., F.S.A., 221-239. Plans and illustrations facing 221, 222, 224, 227, 230, and on 230, 231. Lymne, derivation and spelling of, 221n. Lympne in Saxon charters, 39, 40. LyncoU, or Lincoln, John, bailiff of the Abbot of St. Augustine's, petition of, 204,205; WiUiam, 205. Lytylford, Dom. Richard, 51 ; (Lytelford), 63. M Macpherson, Major, O.B.E., F.R.G.S., on Norman Waterworks in Dover Castle, 167-172. Maidstone Road—Westerham to Maidstone, 95; Maidstone to Farnham, 96. Malcolm IV of Scotland, and Priory and Nunnery of St. Mary and St. Radegund at Cambridge, 198. Mahnayns, Richard, 19; Thomas, 16. Manfeld, WiUiam, 66. Mailing or Manning, Martin, with iron slab at sepulchre at Foots Cray, 215 ; Barbara, 216. Manwood, Sir Roger, 76. Maps of Kent, and portions thereof, quoted, 85-98. Marchall, WiUiam, bequest to Lydden Church, 11. Margate, ? Roman pot from, 300. Marsh, Mrs. Walter, 160. MarshaU, Alice, 99 ; Wilham, clerk, Vicar of Appledore, and Rector of Warehome, 123 ; will of, 127 ; Peter, Vicar of Tenterden, 126, 127. Mary's-in-the-Marsh, St., date of tower, 326. Mascall, Richard, Town Clerk of Lydd, 30. Maser, bequeathed, 59; Brother Stone's, 104, 109. Mason, WiUiam, 60, 62, 67. Masters—of Yote Place, Mereworth, 273. GENERAL INDEX. 33 7 Mathew, Mary, m. Sir Andrew Judde (third wife), 99, 101 ; Thomas, 101. Maurice, Norman engineer of waterworks, 171, 172. May, Dionyse, WiUiam, 59. Maycott, Sir Cav., m. Mary Monynges, 18. Mediseval Kentish Parson, The Will of a, by A. H. Taylor, 123-132. MeUer, WiUiam, 203, 204. Meopham Church described by the Rev. G. A. Tait and Dr. Golding- Bird, 320. Mereworth Castle, 273. Merton, Walter de, Bishop of Rochester, and founder of Merton College, 275. Mervyn, Mary, m. Sir Andrew Judde, 99; Edward, Frances (ancestress of Oliver Cromwell), George, Richard, Sir Thomas, 99 ; arms of, between 100 and 101. Middlesex, Lord, 279. Midripps, Lydd, 34, 36. Miles, R. S., and Lydden Church, 26. Milner, Lord, at Sturry Court, 73 ; at Romden, 84n. Minster in Thanet Church described by Mr. V. J. B. Torr, 325 ; Abbey described by Mr. Aymer Vallance, 325. Molash, William, Prior of Christchurch, 202. Monins family, 7 ; heraldic and genealogical note by Ralph Griffin, F.S.A., 16. Monkton Vicarage, visit in 1735, 277. • Monyns famUy, various members of, 12, 19 ; pedigree, 21. Monyns, John and private chaplain, 8. Monyns, John ii, charged with detaining a chalice belonging to Lydden Church, 9. More, Sir Thomas, 207, 208, 265. Moreton, Rev. Tudor P., Vicar of Lydden, 27. Morinus, Martinus, printer, 107. Morrill, W. J., and Westerham Arms restoration, 291. Morse, Denyse, 65. Morton, Archbishop, 203. Munday, Nicholas, Churchwarden of Lydden, 23. Murton, Nicholas, 54. Mustard, John, 61. MydUton, Thomas, 55. Mylys, Alice, 70 ; John, 71. Myton, Thomas, rector of Foots Cray, brass inscription, 218. N Nag's Head (Horsehead) Inn, Southwark, 174. Nelson, Robert, 68. Nevell, Sir Thomas, monument at Mereworth, 274. Nicholas, Pope, Taxatio of 1291 (assessment of Lymne), 221. Noke, John, 60, 57. Nooke, John, 53. Norfolk, Duke of, 264. Norman, Dr. Philip, F.S.A., 174n, 186. Norman Waterworks in the Keep of Dover Castle, Major Macpherson and Mr. E. G. J. Amos, 167-172. Norris, Admiral Sir John, 75n. Northfleet Church described by the Rev. C. G. T. Colson, 318. Norton, John, 65. Nouwyke, Robert, 52. O Oake branch of WiUop Sewer (Oaks Arm), 44, 45, 47. Obit lands of John Smithson, 58. Obituary, Mr. W. Whiting, F.S.A., 329. Offa, King, gift to Jaenbert, Archbishop of Canterbury, 29, 30, 33 ; slaughter of Kentishmen at Otford, 111; alleged grant of Otford to Christchurch, Canterbury, examined, 115 et seq. Ogilby's Britannia, 88, 89. Old Soar, Plaxtol, described by the Rev. W. PhiUips, 321. Olyver, John, 63. Oman, Sir Charles, and Norman Waterworks at Dover Castle, 167. Onyon, Katherine and Thomas, wills ; Helen, James, Joan, John, Katherine, Umfrey, 49. Otford, battles at, 111 et seq. ; Offa's gift of, 115. Otringedene, John de, Vicar of Limene in 1292, 221. Otway, John and Auria, and their descendants, 77, 78, 80, 81, 82, . 83. Oxendon, Sir George, seat of, at Wingham, 277; M.P. for Sandwich, 279. 3 3 8 GENERAL INDEX. Oxford, John de Vere, Earl of, 162. Oxford University, bequest of books to, 131. Oyler, T. H., and Lydden chancel arch, 6. P Paget, Rt. Hon. Sir Ralph, purchaser of Romden, 84. Pakker, WiUiam, fuUer of Chartham, 203, 204. Palmer, Gabriel, 66. PapiUon, David, M.P. for Dover, also New Romney, 279. Parker, Archbishop, Visitation at Lydden—his neglect, 11. Parker, S., Map, 44, 45. Parker, WUham, of Lydden, complainant against John Monyns, 9. Parman, Walter, wiU of, 49. Patchy, Henry, 50. PathiU, Lydd, 31, 32. Patynden, Robert, 50. Payn, Mr. S. A., explorations in the Keep of Dover Castle, 168; investigations at St. Radegund's, 195. Payton, Elizabeth, daughter of John, m. Thomas Monynges, 18. Peckham, Archbishop, Register, including Lymne, 221. Peers, Mr. C. R., 82. PegiU, William, 49, 53 ; (Pegull), 54, 68 ; (Pekyll), 70. Pelham of Stanmer, " A whig and a rascal," 269. Pelham, the ryper, 49. Pennarth, Richard, wUl of, 50. Perse, John, 70. Peryn, John, 49. Pesok, Dom. Henry, 61, 68, 70. Petche, Dom. Anthony, 50. Petrie, H., Drawing of Lydden Church, 1. Pett, John, wiU ; Agnes, Thomas, 60. Peyne or Payne, Thomas, Chantry priest at Canterbury, petition, 207, 208, 209, 212, 213. PhUipot on Foots Cray effigies, 218, 219. Philippes, Maister Rowland, 131, 132. Piers, a 16th century medium, 174. Pilgrims' way, 89, 90; pUgrims' road meaning old road, 90n. Plague at Lydden, 13. Poitiers, settlement of St. Radegund at, 198; pUgrims to her tomb, 197. Poker's Map of 1617, 46. Polhil, David, seat near Chipstead', 272; M.P. for Rochester, 275.. Polyver, Joan; John, will of, 50.. Porter, Thomas, 69. Portus Lemanis, 39, 46. Poseweke, Katherine ; Richard, wilP of, 51. Poswicke, Katherine, wiU ' of ? Stephen, 51. Prehistoric upland camps in Kent, scarcity of, 305. Prisoners' fees, legacy to pay those of persons imprisoned for nonpayment, 129. Pulpit of alabaster at Foots Cray, 218.. Pycard, James, 130. Pykenot, John, 200. Pykeryng, John, 201. Pykyll, Affray, Helen, Margaret, Symon, William (wiU of), 61.;. Agnes, Alice, 62. Pyper, John, 67. Pypersford (Piper's Ford), 30, 31,. 32; (Pipsf ord and Piper's Pen), 32. Pyry, John, 56. Pyttard, Alexander, will of; Joan, 52. Q Quex Park, visited 1735, 277. Quynte, John, 53, 54, 67, 67, 68? Margaret, 71. R Races on Barham Downs, 1736, 277. Radegund, Saint, 197. Randolph, Elizabeth, m. Henry Brockman, 282. Rand, Joan, John, Julyane ; Richard, wiU of, 52. Randolff, Agnes, Alice, Eleanor, FeUce, Guy, Henry, Joan, Stephen, Thomas, WiUiam, 63; Felicia, wiU of, 53. Raydon, Thomas, 62, 63. Raynford, Riohard, 67. Reculver, Bassa's church, and apse, 249. Reculver Parish Church, by J. L„ Payne and W. T. HiU, reviewed, 313. Redhead, Margaret; Thomas, will of, 54. Redhed, Thomas, 49. Reid, Sir Hercules, 82. Rendle, Mr. H. Garden, 187. GENERAL INDEX. 33 9 Report for 1930, xliii; Report of Spring and Summer meetings, 315 ; ditto, Autumn meeting, 324. Revel, Thomas, M.P. for Dover, 279. Rice, Mr. R. Garraway, E.S.A., 78. Richardson, Joan; Robert, wiU of, 64 ; John, 68 ; Magister Cristofer, Administration of goods, 64. Rioheman, Thomas, 66. Ripe (Rype, Rhip, Ripp) at Lydd, 33, 34. Ripp Wood, Lydd, 36, 36. (IUustration.) Riste, G., one of party of tourists of 1735, 270, 280. Rivers, Dorcas ; Sir John, 79. Road books and maps quoted, 85-98. Road repair, contingent bequest for, at Appledore, 129. Roberds, John, 65. Robert, G., 63. Roberts, Edward, 71. Robinson, Dom. Richard, Administration of the goods, 65. Robyns, Agnes, Elisabeth, Henry, Joan ; Richard, will of, 54. Robynson, Steven, 36. Rochester Bridge, built by Lord Cobham and Sir R. Knolles, 144. Rochester churches and apses, 249 ; visited 1735, 276. Rogers, John, 76. Rolf, Thomas, 181. Roman pottery, etc., at Romden, 82, 83 ; Roman fort of Lemanae, 229; Roman site near Otford, supplementary detaUs concerning, xlviii; Roman (?) pot from Margate, 300. Romden Place and its Restoration, by W. Basil Worsfold, 73-84; Illustrations facing 73 and 81. Romney, Lord, 277. Romney Marsh, 29-47. Roodloft repair at Lydden, 9; screen standing in 1630, 10. Rood screen at Cobham, 140. Rose, WiUiam, of Canterbury, and litigation, 200, 201. Row, John, 52. Rowe, Ann, Elisabeth, Jone, Thomas, . Ursula, WUliam; John, will of, 65. Royal Arms at Westerham, The, by V. J. B. Torr, 286-294. Royal Historical Monuments Commission Report reviewed, 311. Roydon HaU, East Peckham, seat of the Twisdens, 273. Rumdene, Nicholas de, 74. Russell, Thomas, 15; George, of Christchurch, stone at Foots Cray, 218. Rust, Elisabeth ; Richard, wiU of, 65. Ruthall, Bishop of Duresme, 264. Ryeder, Thomas, 60. Rye Road in Kent, 86, 86. Ryper, a pedlar, 49. Rypper, Thomas, 64. S Sacrilege at Lydden, 10. SackviUe, Sir Edward, duel with Lord Bruce, 272. Sadiller, Emot, Wilham, 64. St. Aubyn, architect, and Lymne Church, 223, 226. St. John Hope, Sir WiUiam, 82, 187, 189, 196, 197, 247. St. Leger, Florence, m. John Brockman, 282. St. Radegund's Abbey, Dover, by S. E. Winbolt, 187-198. Plan, 188 ; illustrations facing 187, 191. St. Sepulchre's Nunnery, Canterbury, 199. St. Sigeburga, Abbess of Minster, 106. St. Thomas Watering, near Southwark, 264. Salisbury, See of, conferred on Campeggio, 266. Saltwood, 42. Salt Works near Lympne, 39, 40, 47. Salzman, Mr. L. F., F.S.A., More Mediceval Byways, 186. Sampton in West Hythe, identified as Sand Tun, 41, 42. Sandgate, 42. Sandisbere, Isabelle, John, Bichard ,- John, wiU of, 66. Sandisbery, Joan ; Richard, will of, 56; John, 66, 67. Sandsbery, Anne ; John, will of, 56. Sandtun, 39, 40, 41, 42, 44, 46, 47. Sand Tunes Boc, by Dr. Gordon Ward, 39-47. Map, 41. Sandwich, sUting up of Haven, 260 ; Town HaU described by Mr. G. C. Solley, 324. Saunter through Kent with Pen and Pencil, by Sir Charles Igglesden, 161 ; review of Vol. XXIV, 307. 340 GENERAL INDEX. Sawkins, Helen, m. Henry Brockman ii, 282. Saxon Lydd, by Dr. Gordon Ward, 29-37. Saxon Otford, Notes on the History of, by E. G. Box, 111-122. Scotney Court, Lydd, 33, 36. Scots levied in Romney Marsh, 44. Scott, G. G., and Cobham " Restoration," 134, 138, 140, 144. Scott-Robertson on Lymne, 223, 225, 232, 233, 234. Scott, Sir John and his daughters, bequest, 130. Seance to promote false accusation at Cranbrook, 174. Sellynge, William, 205. Sely, John, 131. Serys, Agnes, will of, 56. Sevant's Ripe, Lydd, 33, 34. Sevant's (Septvans) Court, 34. Sevenoaks, visited 1735, 272. Sevenoaks Essays, by Dr. Gordon Ward, reviewed, 309. Sevenoaks to Dartford Road, 97. Sever, William, Administration of goods, 56 ; Marione, 56. Sewen, Dom. John, 52. Seyntleger, John, 181. Shakespeare and WiUiam, Lord Cobham, 146n. Shavelok, John, wiU of, 56 ; John, Marione, Richard, Roger, Thomas, 57 ; Alice, Roger, 57n. Shepheard, Francis, a tourist of 1735, 270 ; Samuel, 271. Shepper, John, 205, 206. Sheppey, or Castelocke, John, Abbot of Faversham, 262. Sherborne, Bishop of Chichester, 262. Shilton, Miss Dorothy, 186. Shipley, Richard, 181. Shorne Church described by Canon Wheatley, 316. Showen, Dom. John, 52. Sir Andrew Judde, by Fane Lambarde, 99-101. IUustrations between 100 and 101. Sittingbourne Wills, by Arthur Hussey, 49-71. Sixtus IV, Pope, and privUege accorded to John Monyns, 8. Skelton, John, 55. Skenton, WUliam, 64. SmaUbrooks, Lydd, 33. Smarden a market town, 74. Smith, Perys, 65 ; Peter, jun., 59 ; Thomas, hermit, 51; Mathewe, Principal of Brasenose, 132. Smithson, Margaret, wiU of, 59. Smythe, John, will of, 57. Smyth, Dionise, Eleanor, Joan; Martin, will of, 57. Smythe, Sir Thomas, 100 ; arms of, between 100 and 101. Smythson, Margery, wiU of, 58. Smythson, Thomas, will of, 58; Denys, Dionise, Lawrence, Margerie, 58 ; Joan, Margaret, Nicholas, 58, 59. Snave and Lydden chancels compared, 25. Sorel, Agnes, wiU of; Clemens, Dionyse, Thomas, 59. Sorg, Antony, 107. Southfleet Church described by Mr. A. A. Burrows, 318. Sparrow, Richard, 49. Sperling, Edmund, will of, 60. Springett, Lawrence, will of, 61. Spryngate, Richard, 66 ; (Sprynget), 67. Sprynget, Elisabeth, Lawrence, Mabel, Margaret, Richard, 60 ; Thomas, 51 ; Wilham, will of, 60. Squerrye, Thomas, and his daughter, 99. Stafford, John, Archbishop of Canterbury and Chancellor, 175, 177, 203. Standley, Margarete, will of, 61. Stanley's Memorials, and Islip's confirmation of Chantry, 207. Stephen, James, 132 ; John, 54, 55 ; Thomas, 50. Stephynson, Joan, will of, 61. Stephyn, WUliam, 14. Stevens, John, 54. Stevyn, William, 60. Stile, Sampson, 65. Stodmarsh, cinerary urn from, 296. Stokes, Mr. Charles, 30, 42, 44. " Stone," as collective noun (Greatstone, Littlestone, Stone End), 33. Stone, Richard, Monk of Canterbury, 103-110. Streatfeilde, Richard, Iron sepulchral slab at Chiddingstone, 215n. Stutfall Castle, 41, 43, 46. Styles, Sir Thomas, seat at Wateringbury, 274. Surry, John, 203. Swanscombe, Church of SS. Peter and Paul, Architectural Notes on, by F. C. EUiston Erwood, F.S.A., 241-246. (IUustrations and Plan.) Swanton, Manor of, in Lydden, 7. Swayne, John, 66. GENERAL INDEX. 341 Sylke, Joan, Katherine; Simon, will of, 61. Symsone, Hugh, wiU of ; Katherine, 57. Synnett, Thomas, 60. T Taillour, Thomas, in Cranbrook conspiracy case, 173, 180. Tanner, Elisia, Joan, John, Richard, Thomas, 62 ; Thomas, will of, 61. Tatton, Catherine Elizabeth, m. James Drake Brockman, 282. Taylor, A. H., on The Will of a Mediseval Kentish Parson, 123- 132. Taylour, John, of ChaUock made bailiff of Christchurch Manor, WestweU, 205. Tenterden, School benefited by Marshall of Appledore, 126 ; bequests to the church, 128, 129 ; bequest to the poor of, 130 ; ditto for house for chantry priest, 130. Thanet (Tuftons), Earls of, burial place, 276. Thomas, Agnes, Alice, Edward, Joan, Margaret, Rose; Thomas, will of, 62 ; William, 62 ; Edward, will of, 63 ; Agnes, Anne, Ralf, Thomas, 63. Thomlyn, Joan ; William, administration of goods, 63. Thompson, Professor A. Hamilton, 160. Thorpe on Foots Cray Effigies, 219. Tilly, John, 68. Tonbridge, visited 1735, 273. Tonge Castle, Excavations at, xlix. Tonge, EsabeUe, 63 ; John, Stephen, 64; William, wiU of, 63 ; Wilham, 66, 71. Tooke, George, m. a daughter of Thomas Monynges, 19. Torr, V. J. B., A Tour through Kent in 1735, 267-280; Campeggio's Progress through Kent in 1518, 255-265; Notes on an Iron Grave Slab, and Church Fittings at Foots Cray, 215-219; The Royal Arms at Westerham, 285-294; The Sedilia in Lydden Church, 24 : Early Views of Lydden Church, 26 ; Sedilia and Altar Drains at Cobham, 166-160. Tournour, John, 201. Tour through Kent in 1735, by V. J. B. Torr, 267-280. Trapham, Henry, administration of goods ; Thomas, 64. Treschel, Joh., printer, 107. Trevisa, John, 107. Trewe, Agnes, wiU of ; Joan, John, Lawrence, Maude, Thomas, 64. Trinity, device of, 161. Triplowe, John, 58, 66. Trippelowe, James, will of, 64; John, Katherine, 65. Tryplowe, Katherine, will of, 65; Katherine ii, 65. Trytton, Joan, Katherine, Richard, will of ; Thomas, 66. Turner, Horsenden, M.P. for Maidstone, 274. Turnpike Act and roads, 94, 96. Twisden, Jane, daughter of Roger, 19. Twitham, Peter, 106. U Unwyn, Katherine, 49n. Urban V, Pope, and Cobham, 136; Urban VI, 137. Ury, William, 203. V Vagniacae, site of, 242. Vallance, Aymer, A Curious Case at Cranbrook in 1437, 173-186; on Cobham Collegiate Church, 133- 160 ; on Lydden Church, 1-27. Vaughan, impaling Warner at Foots Cray, 218. Vauxhall (Ffauxhall), Manor of, 208, 210, 211, 214. Veal, Mrs., and Mrs. Bargrave's ghost, 295. Veneto, Gabriele Bruno, 106. VenneU, Agnes, 52. Vere, John de, Earl of Oxford (Lord Badlesmere), 162. Visitations of Kent (Re Monyns), 18. Vydian, Alice, will of, 66. Vyncent, William, 71. W Wade, Alianore, Humfrey, Isabel, Jone, Dom. Lawrence, Nicholas ; Stephen, will of, 66 ; Joan, 67 ; John, wUl' of ; Margaret, Thomas, 67 ; William, 66. Wadell, Alice, 60. 342 GENERAL INDEX. Waifs and rights of Lords of the Manor, 204, 205, 206. Wake, T., on Norman Waterworks at Newoastle, 171. Walker, Katherine; Robert, administration of goods, 68. Wallenberg's Kentish Place Names, 122n. Waltham, —., 14. Waltham sediha, 157. Ward, Dr. Gordon, on Saxon Lydd, 29-37; on Sand Tunes Boc, 39-47; on Lymne Church, 238. Warehorn, complaint of non-residenoe of the parson, 125 ; bequests to the churoh, 128, 129. Warham, Archbishop of Canterbury, subjected to Wolsey, 259 ; meeting with Campeggio, 262, 264. Warner, John, Bishop of Rochester ; John Lee, Arohdeacon of Rochester ; Lee, 275. Warren, John, m. Joan Monyn, 21. Water, Joan, 51. Wateringbury, 274.. Waterworks, Norman, at Dover, 167-172 ; at Newcastle, 171; at Christohuroh, Canterbury, 172. Watte, John, of Cranbrook, accused of sacrilege, 180, 181, 183. Watts of Roohester, charity for poor traveUers, " not rogues nor Prootors," 275. Wayman, Elisabeth, Joan, John, wiUof; Margaret, 68; Richard, 50. Weavers in Canterbury, 277. Weldishe, Thomas, 55. Weldon, Ralph and wife, and son Anthony, tombs at Swanscombe, 246. Wellest, Michael, 51. Wells, Agnes, Alexander, Thomas, wiU of, 69 ; Thomas, 61; Thomas, Prior of St. Gregory's, 262. Wellys, Alice, John, wiU of ; John ii, 68; John, 70. Weman, John, 49. Wentlie, Elena, John, will of, 69. Werhard, a priest of Otford, 167, 168, 169, 170. West, Agnes, Joan, John, wiU of; Mary, 69. Westerham, Parochial History of, by Leveson-Gower, 292. Westerham, Royal Arms at, by V. J. B. Torr, 285-294. (IUustrated.) Westerham to Maidstone Road, 95. West Hythe, or old Hythe, 221n. West Kent Roads in Early Maps and Road Books, Notes on Some, by E. G. Box, 86-98. West Langdon, Abbot and Canons of, 9. Westmorland, burying place of Earls of, 274. Westwell Chancel, compared with Lydden, 25. Weyman, Alice, Henry, John, 68; John, 55, 59, 68; Richard, will of, 68. Whaley, EeUow of King's CoUege, Cambridge, Tour of Kent, 1735, 270, 280. Wheeler, R. E. M., Review of Jessup's Archceology of Kent, 304. Whetenale, WUliam, 52. White, Arnold, 57 ; Joan, Lawrence, 64. Whitfield, alias Beuesfield, churoh and apse, 260. Whythedde,. Julyane, 69; Robert, will of, 70. Wibert, Prior, 231. Wick, Little (The Wicks), 31, 32, 35 ; Bishop's Wick, 36. WUdman, EUsabeth ; GUes, administration of goods, 70. WiUiamson, Andrew, wiU of ; Core, Richard, 70 ; Sir Joseph, founder of free school at Rochester, 275. WiUiam the Conqueror, owner of Denge Marsh, 33. WiUop sewer and Watering, 41, 44, 47. Winbolt, S. E., on St. Radegund's Abbey, Dover, 187-198. Winchelsea, Lord, 277. Wingham, visited 1735, 277. Winter, Sir WiUiam, 101. Witherden, Thomas, George, owners of Romden, 82. Witchcraft charge in Cranbrook case, 176. Wode, Thomas, and his wife Ehzabeth, 16. -Wode, WiUiam att, 203, 204. Wodevyle, Richard, 181. Wolpette, Chapel of, 65. Wolsey and Campeggio, 255, 258, 259. Wood, John, senr., 58. Woodruff, C. Eveleigh, MA., on An Inventory of the Contents of the Bedchamber of Brother Richard Stone, Monk of Christchurch, Canterbury, 103-110. Woodruff, C. Eveleigh, 186. GENERAL INDEX. 343 Wooton, painting of the Duke of Dorset as Lord Warden of the Cinque Ports, 273. Worsfold, W. Basil, on Romden Place and its Restoration, 73-84. Wotton, Nicholas;, first Dean of Canterbury, 276. Wreke, Thomas, 62. Wulfred, Archbishop, 118, 119, 120. Wybarn, Elianore, Isabelle, Joane, Katherine, Margaret; Robert, wiU of, 70; Margaret, wiU of, 71. Wyborn, Robert, 63. Wye Church, deeds relating to, 283. Wyke, John, 130. Wyllers, John and wife, 14. Wylson, Alice, 67. Wynborn, Agnes ; Henry, administration of goods, 71. Wyne, Felice, 67. Wynet, John, 36. Wynter, John, 64. Wynyard, Wilham, 80. Y Yonge, Peter, 15. Yote Place, Mereworth, 273. Young, Lucy, m. James Brockman, 282.


Obituary: Mr William Whiting, F.S.A.


Frontispiece 1930