General Index
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Obituary: Augustus Alfred Arnold, F.S.A Arthur Randall Davis
List of Local Secretaries
General Index
( 307 GENERAL INDEX A Abacus counters unearthed at Dymchurcb, 279 ; illustration fa.oing 280. Ade, J. will, 79 ; Elizabeth, 79. Agland, Dom John, will, 79. Aix in Provence, Canterbury Tapestries at, 67-78. Alan, steward of the King of Scotland, 30. Albone, Katherine, will, 79. Aldcroft, William, 134. Allen, William, l 02. Allsworth, Stephen, 150. Anselm and Ha,ckington Church, 253. Arey, Sir Robert de, 31. Arnold, A. A., obituary, 303. Ashford Church visited by K.A.S., 292. Atken, John (will), Isabell, 81. Austen, Thomas, 79, 82, 83, 92, 93, 100, 102 ; will, 81. Austin, George, and removal of tapestry hooks from Canterbury Cathedral, 70. Awcey, William (will), Joan (will), Katherine, 82. Ayleef, Thomas (will), 79; John, Katherine Margaret, Richard, William, 80. B Bach, Matthias vom, and stained glass at Temple Ewell, 252. Badlesmere Church carved bench ends, correction as to period, 278. Badmangore, 147. Baker, Thomas (will), John, Robergie, 82; William, 99; Richard, 148. Baldwin, Archbishop, and St. Stephen's Church, 253-263. Bandberye, Andrew, 85. Bans, Jone, 86. Barfreston Church, 260. Barindena (Barden), 44. Barman, John (will), Petronille, 82. Barmetler, Caspar, and stained glass at Temple Ewll, 250. Barnjet, 53. Barry, Robert, 86. Beacons in Kent, 211-217. Becket, John, pensioned by Canterbury, 16. Beck.et, St. Thomas, in Art reviewed, 281 ; Becket's murder planned at Saltwood, 293; Becket's Well at Otford, 296 ; Financial Aspect of Cult of, 13-32. Berry, Juliane (will), Thomas (will), Alice, Joan, William, 83; John, sen., 86 ; John, 90, 97, 98. Bery, John, 101. Bette, Marione (will), William, 83; Agne, John, Thomas, William, 84. Bewke, John'(will), Elen, 84. Bidborough, 44. Biddenden, ancient houses at, 121. Black Death, effect on Canterbury pilgrimages, 20. Bladesrnyth, Thomas, will, 84. Blanda; Miles, will, 85. Blower, William, 102. Booher, Thomas, 86 ; will, 93. Boll, Katherine, 80 ; Henry (will), Joan, John, Margaret, Richard, 90 ; Thomas, l 02. Boneveraall, Michael, maker of Rood loft for Hackington, 267. Book of the Names of all Parishes, etc. in England and Wales, A, (1668), 1-12. Borden, William, 83. Boaville and ·Judde, family con, nections, 277. Bour, Thoma.a, 93. Bowell, Alice (will), Henry, 86. Box, E. G., on Kent in Early Road Books of the Seventeenth Century, 1-12. Box, E. G., on Donations of Manors to Christ Church, Canterbury, and Appropriation of Churches, 103- 119. Bradfield, Elisabeth (will), John, 85. Brasses, Two Lost (Sandeway and Welde) by Fane Lambarde, 187- 188. With Plates. Bredleye, Denyce (will), Elisabeth, Katherine, 85. 21,• 308 GENERAL INDEX. Brett, William, 88. Brette, Agnes, 97; William, 98. Brine, Dom John, 87. Brisinden, John (will), Elisabeth, Joan, Katherine, 85. Brome, Dom Renry, 82. Bromefield, John, 82, 84, 97, 99; will, 86 ; Thomas, William, 86 ; Joan, will, 87. Bron, Stephen, wool merchant, 226. Brooke, ffrancis, 137. Browne, Joan, John, Robert, 86; Rev. T. R., 145; Francis m. 5th. Baron Teynham, 158. Brown, William (will}, Alice, 87. Brus, Robert de, 30. Buckland, James, Schoolmaster at Tenterden, 143. Bugge, William (will), Alice, Felice, Joan, Willia.m, 87; John, 88. Bugg, William (will), Katherine, 88. Buk.mer, Richard (will), George, Rency, John, Katherine, Nicholas, Thomas, 88. Bull, John (will}, Agnes, Joan, Matilda, Stephen, Mawde (will), 89 ; Steven, 90 ; Agnes (will), 91 ; Jane, John, Richard (will), Thomas, 91. Bunting, John (will), Joan, 91. Bw-don, Robert, 88 ; (will), Thomas (will), Agnes, Alice, John, Katherine, Lowes, Margaret, Margerie, Thomas, William (will), 92 ; John, will, 93 ; Alice, Margaret, Marion, Richard, Thomas (will), 93; Valentine, 97. Burgess, John (will), Alice, John, 93. Burton, Peter, Master of Tenterden School, 133. Bury, John, 97. Bussher, Willia-m, 86. Bryce, John (will), Agnes, Henry, Katherine, Margaret, 84. Bryne, Dom John, 92. Bysler, Michael and stained glass at Patrixbourne, 242. C Cambridge Corpus Christi College, MSS., 104 et seq. Oanterbury Castle, Story of reviewed, 288. Canterbury Ca.thedr,i,l seized by Puritan troops, 68. Cardon, John (will), Thomas, 94.. Carpenter, Emota, will, 94. CaITe, Elene, 99. Cartularies and Catalogues as to Donations of Manors to Christ Church, 103. Catelot, John, 86; Agnes, Richard (will), Thomas, 94. Cathott, John, 97. Chalkelin, Agnes, 89. Chambers, A., Gifts to Hackington Church, 263. Chapman, Oliver, 85 ; Thomaa (will), Agnes, William, 94 ; William, 96. Chappa, Claude, inventor of the "Tachygraphe," 212. Cherche, Adam ate, wool merchant, 226. Chevening, burial urn from, 271. Chiche, Margaret, 79n ; Ralph, 88, 90, 97, Joan, 89 ; Raufe, 90; Ralph (will), Joan, 94; Elisabeth, Ka.therine, Ma.rgaret, 95. Childe, John (will), Alice, Henry, Katherine, Margaret, Richard (will), 96. Chilton, Alice, 94.. Chitt;enden, Alexander (will), Margery, 96. Chrism fees (Rochester) 39 ; St. Augustine's Priory and Christ Church, 54, 55. Christen, Ja-cob, and stained glass at Temple Ewell, 251. Clement, William, 04. Clenche, Agnes, Thoma.a, will, 96 ; John, Katherine (will), Thomas, William, 97 ; John, 98. Clerke, Robert (will), Alice, Amy, James, Joan, 98; Thomas, 100. Clowyll, William, 99. Cock, Sampson, will, 99. Cocklett, Nicholas, 99. Coke, John, 102. Cokke, John, will, 98; Joan, Samp-· son, Thomas, 98; 99. Cok, Thomas, will, 99. Collar of SS., 263. Collyns family, memorials to, by Evesham, 160. Colt, Maximilian, 263. Colyn, John, 93. Consecr,i,tion Crosses at Milton Regis, 272. Conyngham, Marchioness and foreign glass at Patrixbourne, 229. Cook, Emott, 86. Coombe, Rev. J. R., 144. Cooper, Muriel Minter, and painted glass at Ha.ki.ngton, 263. GENERAL INDEX. 309 Coppyn, Agnes, will, 100. Cornyll Wilmine, 96. Corona of Canterbury Cathedralorigin of name, 15n. Corser, John (will), Agnes, Austen, Joan, John, Lawrence, 100. Coting, Thomas, 97 ; Joan, John, 99; John (will), Katherine, William, 101. Cotland, William, 90. Cotyng, William, 83, 85, 91, 92; (will), Alice, Isabelle, Joan, John, Katherine, Nicholas, Thomas, 100; Joane (will), John, Katherine, Michael, William, 101 ; Robert (will), Alice (will), Agnes, Joan, Rose, Thomas, William (will), 102. Couper, George, 102. Cowche, Ra.ynold, 85, 87 ; John, 94. Cowper, Martin, 99. Coye, Elisabeth, 194. Cranmer at Otford Palace (writing the XXXIX articles), 295. Cromwell, Oliver and Canterbury Cathedral tapestries, 69. Cropley, Robert, Master of Tenterden School, 133. Crowche, John, 79. Cruttall, Robert, Master of Tenterden School, 134, 138. Curle, Dom Harry, 80. D Dane John and ite Manor, TM, reviewed, 288. Dating of Timber Houses in the Weald of Kent, The, by the late Halford L. · Mills, 120-128. Davis, A. Randall, obituary, 305. Death W atoh beetle at Haokington, 265. Debenham, Robert, 90, 101. Del'angle, Theophilus, Schoolmaster and Vicar of Tenterden, 143. Denew, Nathaniel, 141. Dering, Richard, monk of Canterbury, donor of tapestries, 68, 72. Direction for the English T1·aviller, A, (1635), 1-12. Diricke, Elizabeth, Thomas, 91. Distances between various Kentish towns, 2, 3, 4, 9, 10. Donations of Manors to Christ Church, Canterbury, and appropriation of Churches, by E, G. Box, 103-119. Douche, Thomas, 90. Dover, Prior of, as Smuggler, 227 ; Wool Trade .of, 218-228. Down, Benjamin, 139. Draper, Dom Thomas, 94; Walter le, wool merchant, 226. Diirer, designs copied in Swiss glass at Patrixbourne, 243, 248. Dyne, John, Richard, 82. Dyneley, Peter, 83, 84, 88, 91, 94. Dyon, John, 154. E Each End, 184. Ebbsfleet, 172-177. Edmed, John, 141. Elias of Dereham, and Becket's shrine 17. Elliott, Richard, 101. Ely, George, 132. England, an intended Guyde for English travailers, by John Norden, {1625), 1-12. Englefield, Mary, m. 4th Baron Teynham, 157. English traviller, a direction for the, 1, 2, 3, 4, 8, 9n, 12. Erle, John, 84. Essex, William, 97. Ethelbert, King of Kent, and St. Augustine, 177, 183. Eu, Alice, Countess of, 31. Evesham, Epiphanius, S()Ulptor of Roper memorial, 159-164. "Evidentire " (Chronicle of William Thorne) 103, 105 et seq. F Fagg, William, 98. Faversham, James II at, 269. Feltnell, Stephen, 98. Fenel, Elisabeth, 91, John, 92. Feron, Gilbert, Wool merchant, 226. ffelyppe, George, and Tenterden Grammar School, 131. ffl.nch, Edward, 134, William, 136,142. fforde, John, 137. Financial Aspect of the cult of St. Thomas of Canterbury, The, by C. Eveleigh Woodruff, M.A., 13-32. Finohe, Katherine, 81; John, 91. Fitzmaurice Margaret, m. 4th Baron Teynham, 157. Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge, 33, 37. 310 GENERAL INDEX. "Fleets" in the Wantsum Channel, 172. Fla.wne, Elyne, 86. Folkestone " a, miserable fishing town," 5. Forcet, John, 81. Fragmenta Sprouw:na, lIO. Fryth, Robert atte, 83; Joan, 84. Furner, John, 91. Fyneux, John, Chief Justice of England, 95. G Ga.le, Alianore, William, 92. Ga.mble's telegraph, 212. Ga.mlyn, vicar of Fa.versham in 1688, 273. Gate, William, 86 ; Nicholas, 88 ; Dom Robert, 93. Ga.velkind, provision against in will, 80. Ga.wdeby, Thomas, 93. Geoffrey .Prior of Canterbury, appeal to Rome re Becket offerings, 15. Gervase, Actus Pontificum, 107. Giffard, Bishop of Medina, and titular Bishop of Oxford, 270. Ginder, Stephen, 138. Girdler," Goodman," 133. Girt.in, T. and sketch of Tonbridge Castle, 34. Gisler, Peter, commemorated by stained glass at Patrixbourne, 233. Gladwin, Thomas, 82, 87, 101. Glover, William, 87. Godeman, William, 88. Godfrey, John, Margaret, William jun., 90. Godolphin, Lord, 136. Goldstone, Prior, and Canterbury tapestries, 72. Grange, Gillingham, 53. Great Cha.rt Church described to K.A.S. by Ca.non Livett and Mr. V. J. Torr, 292. Greatness, 51. Groombridge, French Prisoner a.t, 273. Grovehurst, Joan, Thomas, 95. Guntlin, Johan Peter and stained glass at Patrixbourne, 234 ; Meinrad, ditto, 240. H Hackington, see St. Stephen's. "Haeselholte" (? Hadlow), 47. Haffenden, Stephen, Master of Tenterden School, 133, 138, Ha.Iden Church described to K.A.S. by Mr. V. J. Torr, 290. Hales, Sir Edward, 134, 136 ; Sir John, 136-143. Halford Mr., gift to Temple Ewell Church, 249. Hall, James, Master of Tenterden School, 143. H:arornond, Humphrey, Maater of Tenterden School, 135. Hancocke, Ja.mes, 88. Hardy, Miss A. G., on the Old Telegraph from London to tho coast of Kent, 211-21,. Harling, Dom. W., 80. Harris, William, 102. Harte, Nicholas, 100. Harting, William, 86, 87. Hasted, MS. Notes of, 187. Helle, 52. Hewitt, Eng.-Capt., J.B., R.N., 217, 257. Heyman, Ralph, 97. Heyman, Founder of Tenterden School, 129. Hildenborough Old Barn visited by K.A.S., 296. Hiller, Thomas, 81, 82, 91; William 91. Hobbys, Dom John, 84. Hobeliers serving beacons, 211. Hogan, John, 88. Hogg, A. H. A., on Tonge Castle, 60-66. Hoggs, John, 97. Holmesdale, The evolution of the, by Herbert W. Knocker, F.S.A., 189- 210. Holte, John, 97. Holyman, Robert, 85. Homesby, Alex, 143. Hoo, 50. Hood, Robert, 84. Hose, Sir Walter, and the French prisoner at Groombridge, 274. Howard, Bernard, 157. Hussey, Arthur, on Milton Wills, 79-102. Hythe Church visited by K.A.S., and described by the Revs. C. W. Chaste! de Boinville and H. D. Dale, 293. I Iden, Thomas, 97. Ightham Ohurch, History and records of,. by Sir Edward Harrison, reviewed, 287. GENERAL INDEX. 311 Ilberde, H., 79. im Ebnet, Balthasar, and stained glass at Patrixbourne, 238. Inmen and Yokemen, 193. J James II at Faversham, by Sydney Wilson, 269-270. James II originator of a flag. signalling code, 212. John, son of William of Quetherinton, 31. Jones, Surgeon Captain Kenneth H., M.B., R.N., on St. Stephen's Church, Hacklngton, and its possible connection with Archbishop Baldwin, 263-268. Joye, Andrew, Henry, John, 97. Judde, Sir Andrew, 277. Jutz, Melchior, and stained glass at Patrixbonrne, 245. K K.A.S. Summer Meeting, 290-295 ; Autumn Excursion, 295. K.A.S. Library, Recent additions to, 301; illustration facing 301. Kent in Early Road Books of the Seventeenth Century, by E. G. Box, 1-12. Kidbrook, 52. Kessalter, Weme, and stained glass at Pa.trixbourne, 248. King, Richard, 96. Knocker, Herbert W., F.S.A., on the Evolution of the Holmesdale, 189-210. Knollys, Philadelphia, m. 4th Baron Teynham, 157. Knox, C. W., on BichboroughLambese, 165-171. Krauwinckel, Counter from Romney, 280. L Labon, " Bishop of Canterbury," with James II at Faversha.m, 270. Lacy, John, 79, 91 ; Levyn, 79. Lake, ThomM, 96. Lambarde, Fane, on Two. Lost Brasses(Sandewayand Welde), 871. LambElse and Richborough, 165-171. Lambeth Cartularies, 103 et seq. Lanfranc and chrism dues, 56. Laud, Archbishop and recusant Ropers, 157. Lawrance, Thomas, 81 ; John, 86. LeBlak, Thomas, woolmerchant, 226. Leef, Dr., 80. Livett, Canon, and Ha.ckington Church, 253. Lockesmythe, Thomas, 93. Long, John, 81. Lovell, Jane, daughter of John Roper, 154. Lullingstone, Helmets of Sir John Pechy at, 275. Lympne Castle visited by K.A.S., and described by Mr. Aymer Vallance, 294. Lynsted and the Ropers, 147-164. M Maister, Thomas, 93. Mantell, John, and Tenterden Grt1>mmar School, 130, 135, 143. Manwood, Sir Roger and Hackington Church, 262. Maps of Kent, early, 1-12. Marchant, John, 82, 102. Marden, James, 85. Margary, I. D., F.S.A., on the Roman Road from New Cross to Edenbridge, 275. Margate, " a. pitiful place," 5. Marshall, William, 85; Rev. W., and Tenterden Grammar School, 130, 131 ; Thomas, 139, 141. Martin, Agnes, Richard, 81, 96; John, 96. Mascall, John, 141. Mason, John, 86, 87; Robert, 87; William, 99. Meinrad, St., legend of, 239. Marley, Robert, 88. Marston in Shorne, 50. Michell, Anicia, John, 96. Mileham, Richard, 88; Robert, 91. "Miles" of various lengths, 10, 11. Mills, Halford L. the late, on the dating of timber houses in the Weald of Kent, 120-128. fills, v., 144. Milton, Rev. A., and Canterbury tapestries, 78. Milton (Next Sittingbourne) Wills, by Arthur Hussey, 79-102. Milton Regis Church, Consecration Crosses at, 272. Minster (Than.et), 177. Monins, Richard, 79n. Monro, Dr., patron of a.rt, 34. Monson, Elizabeth (nee Dyon), m. John Roper, 154. 312 GENERAL INDEX. More, Margaret, 147. Moan, William, Sir Thomas, 277. Morice, John, 101. Mortimer, Sir Edmund de, 31. Moyes, Edward, 98. Murray, Lord George and telegraphs, 212. Myne, Dom Thome.a, 102. N Napleton's insult to James II at Faversham, 269. Nele, Richard, 81. Newenton, Elisabeth, 86. Newman, John, Robert, 99. Nicholls, S. T., and consecration crosses a.t Milton Regis, 272. Norden, John, 1-12. Northey, Sir Edward, 136. Norton, Stephen, 95. 0 Offa. of Mercia in Otford battle, 296. " Ordrichespunde " manorial tenure of, 198. Otford Pa.lace and Church visited by K.A.S., 295. Otford, 2nd battle, Edmund Ironside defeated Cnut, 296. Obituary : Augustus Alfred Arnold, F.S.A., 303 (with portrait facing same); Dr. Arthur Randall Davis, 305. p Paddleaworth (Snodland), 45. Painter, Dom William, 96. Parke, Elizabeth, m. John Roper, 153. Parker, Margaret, Thomas, 99. Parkin, Thomas, 99. Pasley, Colonel and telegraphs, 213. Patrixbourne, Swiss stained glass at, 229-252. Pattenden, Lawrence, 91. Peers, Nicholas, 87. Pelham, R. A., M.A., on Some aspects of the East Kent Wool Trade in the Thirteenth Century, 218-228. Peny, James, John, wool merchants, 226. Perye, William, 90. Peryman, Thomas, 88. Peter, Joan, 102. Petre, Mary, m. third Baron Teynham, 156, 157. Petyte, Dom William, 89, 90, 97. Pickard, Daniel, Master of Tenterden School, 132. Pilgrimages to Canterbury, 13-32. "Pilgrims' Way," 13. Playing Cards with maps, 12. Pla.yse George, 94. Plegstow, or playing field at Otford, 296. Polokk, Thoma.a, 82. Polyn, Katherine, 83. Pomfret, J.B., 144. Popham, Sir Home, inventor of code of flag signals, and advocate of the Semaphore, 215. Porrege, John, 93. Pottery finds at Sevenoaks, 271 ; at Tonge Castle, 65. Presteigne, tapestry panel at, 75. Pryne, Richa.rd, 86. " Pyramus and Thisbe " a.t Patrixbourne Church, 235. Q Quynte, Jone, 86, 99; Felice, 133. R Ram, John, and Jone, 187. Rayman, Robert, 91. Raynolde, John, 85; William, 86, 92. Read, William, 137. Records Branch report and accounts, Publications in hand, 297. Reculver, 181-184. Reousancy oftheLynatedRopers, 156. Rede, John, 102. Redforthe, Richard, 87. Reeve, duty of, to Manor,,202. Reeve, John, 141. Regal, the great ruby of France, a.nd Canterbury Cathedral, 29. Reviews: Holy Trinity Church, Margate, by H. M. Walt.on, 289. Ightham Ohurcl, by Sir Edward Harrison, 287. St. Thomas Becket in Art, by Professor Borenius, 281. Sands, Clays and Minerals (New Magazine), 289. Story of Canterbury OCUJtle, and The Dane John and its manor,by Dorothy Gardiner, 288. Richard, Clerk of the Exchange, Canterbury, 31. Richborough-Lambese, by o. w. Knox, 165-171. GENERAL INDEX. 313 Richeman, Alice, John, Peter, 96. Richemond, Thomas, IOI. Road Books, Kent in early, E.G.Box on, 1-12. Rochester, Wool Trade of, 218-228. Roebuck, George, contractor for telegraph stations London to Dea.I, 212. Roman Coin discovered at Romney, 279. Roman Road through Edenbridge, 274; from Riohborough to Canterbury, 170. Romney Marsh, coins and counters from, 279. Romney, Wool Trade of, 218-228. Rooe, John, vicar of St. Stephen's, Hackington, 267. Ropers, The, and their Monuments In Lynsted Church, by Aymer Vallance, 147-164. Ruskin and Turner'e art, 33. s St. Nicholas at Wade, 181. St. Stephen's Church, Hacklngton, and Its possible connection with Archbishop Baldwin, by Surgeon Captain Kenneth H. Jones, M.B., R.N., 253-263. Rood Screen at, by Aymer Vallance, 264 ; Indenture transcribed, 267. Sa.lesbury, Dionise (m. John Sandeway), 187; Christine (m. Clement Overton), 187. Sandeway, John and Joan, brasses of, 187. Sandwich, Wool Trade of, 218-228. Sandye, Col. E., leader of Parlia. mentary troops at Canterbury, 68. Sarazen's Head, Ashford, 141. Sarre, 179. Sawltins,' John, 141. Saxon Churches In the Textus Roffensls, by Gordon Ward, M.D., F.S.A,, 39-59. Sayer, Samson, 81; William, 83; Thomas, 99. Scarletts visited by K.A.S., 296. School fees, 17th century application for by a Tenterden schoolmaster, 133. Schultes, Counter from Romney, 280. Schwander, Johan, and stained glass at Patrixbourne, 238. Scotland's royal crown presented to Canterbury, 29. Scoone, Thomas, 130. Scott, Dom William, 88, 98. Scott, Michael, of the Kingdom of Scotland, 30. Seborne, Catherine, m. 2nd Baron Teynham, 165. Seth, John, 80, 82, 84, 93. Sevenoaks, pottery finds at, 272. Sharpe, Godfrey, 82; John, 96. Shelfing, Thomas D., wool merchant, 226. Shepway Cross, memorial by Lord Beauchamp, 293. Shipping of Wool in thirteenth century, 218-228. Short, Thomas, 139. Signet, Reginald, 83, 100. Skeets, James, 140. Skelton, William, 84. Slede, Thom.as, 81. Smarden, timber houses at, 120-128. Smith, William, 80; Peter, 81; Piers, 100. Smuggler of wool, Prior of Dover as, 227. Snaxton, Hamon de, wool merchant, 226. Sole, Thomas, 89. Somner and Dugdale'a Catalogue of Donations, 103 et seq. Southouse, Thomas, Ma.yor of Faversha.m, 269. Spiller, Robert, 137. Stamford, Dom John, 85. Standard, Thomas, 88. Steinegger, J ohan Caspar, and stained glass at Patrixbourne, 236. Stone, John, 81, 86; Simon, 88. Stonyng, Anne, Walter, 81. Storey, John, 96. Stourmouth, 184. Strekenbold, George, and Tenterden Grammar School, 131. Sturrey, William, 93. Sundrish Ma.nor, 190. Swiss stained windows In the Churches or Patrlxbourne and Temple Ewell, by N. E. Toke, 229-252. Symon, Reginold, 83. T Tapestries from Canterbury Cathedral, The, by Aymer Vallance, 67-78. Taverner, Walter le, wool merchant, 226. Taylor, A. H. on the Grammar Free School at Tenterden, 129-146. 314 GENER.AL INDEX. Tetloeg rtahpeh s,c oTashte oofl d,K efrnotm, bLy onMdiosns w TeAm.p Gle. EHwaerldly, ,S w21is1s- 2s1ta7i.n ed glass at, WJadoaner ,( o8r3 ,W 9a9t. er), Thomas, 82, 83; Te2n2t9e-r2d5e2n. Church visited by K.A.S. Wathlkee rW, aGnetsourgme CPh.a, nonne lV, i1ll7a2g-e1s8 6o.n Manadn ,d 2e9sc1r.i bed by the Rev. M. L. WWalalskheer,, PDeormsi vJaol,h n8,5 .8 8, 90. TeSnetehrodoeln ,a t, Tbhye A. GHra. mTmayalro r, F12re9e- W1a8n6ts. um Channel, Villages on, 172- Te1st4a6m. entary provisions curious, WSaardx,o nD r.c hGuorcrhdoens , ionn tThhee Tliestx tuosf 9841,, 9854,, 18060, . 87, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, I WaRrodf,f eInssaloso, ,3 193-529.. TeCxthuusr chReso ffine,n 3s9is-,5 9L; isDt atoef of,S 5a4x.o n \I WWaarnrraont,t ,M aa srgixatreeetn, t8h0 .c entury, from Teaynnthsa, m16 B5-a1r5o9n. a and their descend- I WRarormannte, yR, ic2h7a8r. d, 84. TThhaonmeass a, nAdg nCehsu, r8c9h.e s, 42. . WWaarrrseinng, , RRicichhaarrdd, , 9150. 0. TThhoommplysno,n W, Jaolhtenr, , 8865.. WWaeayled, oHf eKnreyn,t 8a8t. the Conquest, 57. TThhoornrnee'tso n",E Jvoihdne,n t8i2a,e ,9"3 ,1 9065.. Wbelrdeeu,x H, bernarsys, oRf,e c1t8o7r. of Wickham- TToommslionn, ,W Diollmia mR,o jbuenrt.,, 9809.. WWeelllfiosr, tJho, hDno, m84 J, a1m01e.s , 81, 82. ToAnbyrmidegre V, alAlann ceO, ld3 3-3V8ie. w of, by Wnesottoen a osf tCor aanrbmrso obky o. Rnda lTphen Gterridffienn,, TToonngberi dCgaes tKle,a bthye Ari.n eH, . 8A7.. Hogg, 60· Wh27it6fi.e ld, James, 140. Tre6e.sur6. e chest perhaps from Spanish Wh86it.h ed, Alice, Margaret, Richard, TrAiprlme, aJdoah, na,t 9H2.y the, 293. WTillaepmeesntrti,e sT, h7o1m. as, and Cant,erbury TTuricpkloerw, eE, lJhoahnna,n ,9 173, 41; 0 1A. ndrew, 138. WIaits oFna,v eSrysdhnaemy,, 2o6n9 -K27in0g. James II TTuunnbbrriiddggee,, WAginlleiasm, 9, 78. 6, 87, 102. Wiartt tPz,a tCriaicpbtoauinrn, ean, 2d4 3s. tained glass TTurnurneerr,, JJo.hMn., WMa.,r iaotn ,T 9o1n.b ridge, 33. WWiotdheiowtatr, dR, oAbleicrte,, 8879.. TTyyelesr, ,M Cahratrilne,s 8H4.e nry, 148. • WKoo.dAo.hSu. roahn d Chduerscchri bevdi sitbeyd Dbry. Tylford, William, 100. F. W. Cock, F.S.A., 291. V Vaollfa Tncoen,b rAidygme,e r3, 3-o3n8 . An Old View Vaallnadn cteh, eirA ymmoenru, moenn tsT hIne LRynopsteerds VaCllhaunrcceh, , A1y4m7-e1r6, 4o. n The Tapestries Vaflrlaonmce C, aAnytmerebru, ryo nC aRthoeoddr aSlc,r e6e7n-7 a8t. VaHnatocrktl n(gtoro nV,a 2u6t4o.r t), John de, 31. Vilblya gGese oorgne tPh.e WWalaknetrs,u 1m7 2C-1h8a6n.n el, a.WWooodordueff, W, ilCli.a mE, vAelliecieg,h J, oa· onn, 1. 0t2h. e Sfitn.a Tnchioaml aass poet ctC aonft ertbhuer yC, u1l3t- 3o2f. Wtohoilr tetreandthe coefn tEurays,t SKomenet AInsp etchtes 2o1f 8t-h2e2,8 . by R. A. Pelham, M.A., Worth, 185. y Y" Yenoeks,e mReong e"r , a8a2 ;p oRssoibbeler t,o 8r4ig. in of "Yeomen," and "Yokel," 103.