Records Branch, Reports and Accounts, 1931
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Reports of Proceedings 1931
The Library
RECORDS BRANCH. RECORDS BRANCH REPORT AND ACCOUNTS, 1931. COMMITTEE OF MANAGEMENT. 297 The Committee have accepted with very great regret the resignation tendered by the Hon. Agnes Conway on her approaching marrfa,ge, in view of the fact that her new home would be out of England, and they desire to offer her their best wishes for her future happiness. To fill the vacancy thus caused the Committee nominate Dr. William Cock, and submit his name together with that of Mr. Richard Cooke to the subscribers for election by them to the Committee of Management. PUBLICATIONS. A first part of Kent Chantries compiled by Mr. Arthur Hussey has recently been issued to subscribers, and a further part of the Register of Hamo Hethe, Bishop of Rochester, is expected to be ready in the early part of the summer. Another part of the Kent Chantries is in preparation, and Professor Putnam's volume on Two Rolls of Kent Keepers of the Peace, 10-11 Edward II. (1316-17) will shortly go to the printers. The othe1· works in preparation are :- Calendar of the Ji'eet of Ji'ines for Kent, temp. Hen. III. By Ralph Griffin, F.S . .A. Unpublished Visitations of the Diocese of Canterbury. By Rev. Canon Claude Jenkins, D.D., F.s.A., Lambeth Librarian. Lei'ger Boole of Faversham Abbey. Transcribed by Miss Joan Wake. Abstract of Kentisk Wills from the Archiepiscopal Registers at Lambeth. Compiled by the late Leland L. Duncan, with notes and introduction by the Rev. Canon Claude Jenkins, D.D. PRESERVATION OF REoORDS. Like other societies founded originally for the publication of documents, this Society has been faced within the last few years with the necessity of enlarging its scope to include the collection and preservation of records. The problem of rescuing 298 RECORDS :BRANCH. from destruction the mass of documents coming to light daily as a result of recent legislature and economic conditions is an urgent one, and must be dealt with now and within the next few years; or the opportunity will have passed for ever. Without detracting too much from the publications, it is the desire of the Committee to help forward as much as possible this work of preservation. It is a work which the Council of K.A.S. are anxious that the Records Branch should undertake, and they have generously made contribution towards the expenses. The task of accepting and housing documents relating to Kent handed over by the British Record Society and those received from other sources is being steadily carried on, but so far it has not been possible, for lack of time and adequate funds, to do very much in the way of listing and cataloguing. A certain amount of expense over and above the sum specially contributed for this object has been incurred, but the Committee are confident that the arrangements that they are about to make will considerably reduce the amount required in the future. As a result of the Hon. Secretary's move to Canterbury it was decided that the Records Branch could not keep on the Chancery Lane Office alone, as under the arrangement hitherto prevailing the Records Branch had been relieved of the greater part of the expense through Mr. Tyler's generosity. The Committee have been fortunate enough to obtain from the Deputy Keeper of the Public Records Office the use of a room for storing documents in the outlying record repository at Canterbury, until such time as they can make more permanent arrangements for their custody. This will enable the Hon. Secretary to carry on for the present. The Committee are most grateful to him for his continued assistance despite the pressure of other work. During the course of the year the Hon. Secretary has had the opportunity of transcribing the first Parish Register of Wickhambreaux, and has presented a typed copy to the Records Branch. This is a most valuable and useful work, and again the Committee's and Subscribers' thanks are offered to him. MEMllEBSHIP. The Committee are pleased to state that since the date of their last report the following have become subscribers to the Records Branch :-Frank Amos, Esq. (Canterbury), H. Bateson, Esq. (Wellington, New Zealand), Miss Burford Butcher (London), RECORDS BRANOH, 299 The Cleveland Public Library (U.S.A.), George Forbes, Esq. (Baltimore, U.S.A.), and Sir Edward Harrison (Ightham) . .Amongst the names removed by death are two original subscribers, Dr. Randall Davis and Gilbert Eliot, Esq., and also Sir George Whitehead, Bart. There have been very few resignations in spite of the difficult times. At present the number of Subscribers is 119, including three Life Subscribers and 29 Libraries. AoooUNTS AND SuBSORIPTIONS. A copy of the audited account of Receipts and Payments during the year ended 31st December, 1931, is attached. The balance in hand at the end of the year must not be taken as indicating any marked improvement in the financial position. The greater part of this balance has since been applied towards the cost of Volume XII, Part I, which, although issued early in 1932, is in respect of 1931 subscriptions. The Hon. Treasurer would be greatly assisted if those subscribers who have not akeady done so, will forward their subscriptions for the current year to him as soon as possible. HENRY lLiNNEN, Acting Chairman. March,, 1932. 300 RECORDS BRANOH. RECORDS BR.A.lCH, KENT ARCHlEOLOGICAL SOCIETY. Summary of Receipts and Payments, 1st January to 31st December, 1931. REOEIPTS. Balance, 1st January, 1931 ................... . Sitbscripticns : For 1930 and earlier years ................... . For 1931 ................................. . In advance ............................... . Donations ( General Fund) : Dr. Hardman ............................. . Sir John Twisden ......................... . Donations (C ustody of Record8) ; Kent Arohmological Society ................. . Miss Churchill ............................. . Dr. Cook ................................. . Richard Cooke ........................... . E. P. B. Richardson ....................... . Rev. C. Eveleigh Woodruff ................. . Dividends (Victory Bonds) ..................... . Sales of Publications ......................... . Sale of Stock of Paper .............•............ Amounts received for the publication of the Canterbury and York Society and for postages ....... . £ s. 8 0 106 0 4 0 5 0 l 0 10 0 5 0 l 2 I 0 5 0 l 0 d. £ s. d. 7 9 7 0 0 0 118 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 23 2 0 12 4 3 0 0 l 15 0 3 12 0 £163 10 11 PAYM!l:NTS. Publications £ a. d. £ 8. d. Vol. XII, Miss Burford Butcher, for assistance in checking Manuscript ................... . General Expensl!B : Annuo.l Report and general printing ......... . Insurance ............................... . 5 5 0 7 2 6 5 0 Postages and Petties ................••...... 3 10 9 10 18 3 Expenses (Custody of Record8) : Rent of room (57 Chancery Lane) ........... . Bookshelves and racks ..................... . 19 0 0 10 16 0 Electric fittings and wiring ................. . Printing ................................. . 4 4 0 2 13 0 36 12 0 Canterbury and York Society, for their publications Balance, 31stDecember, 1931 ................... . 3 6 0 107 9 8 £163 10 11 In hand: £20 Victory Bonds 4%, E. P. B. R10:e:.AnDSON, Hon. Trea.surer. Examined with vouchers and found coITect, F. H. DUli'FIELD, 15th March 1932. Hon,. Auditor,