General Index

( 305 ) GENERAL INDEX. COMPILED BY M. H. BOWRING. A Abnor Pit, 267. Aohalt, see Ashill (?). Aool, see Woodchurch, Thanet. Acrise Church, 61, 77. Ade, John, 16, 28. Adelulf (Eadwulf), Church of, at Hawkinge, 71. Adisham, William de, 130 ; Church, 65. Aelham, see Elham. Aelsieseire, see Eastbridge. Aescedefford, see Ashford. Aesling, see Eastling, Aetwangeraede, see Iwade. AeweUan, see Ewell. Aldhun, 82. Aldington Manor, 64, 136 ; Church, 76 ; in Thurnham, Church, 79. Alen, William, 28. Alfwold, grant of land to, 133-137. Alkham Church, 73. Allington Castle, 297. Alio Boctune, see Boughton Aluph. Alne Church (Yorks), 3. Alsi of Eastbridge, 75. Alter Berham, see Kingston. Anderida, Forest of, 249. Anglo-Saxon remains at Harrietsham, xliv; at Ramsgate, 283- 284. Antler tools on prehistoric sites, 181- 182. ap John, Maurice, rector of St. George's, Exeter, will of, 30. Appledore, dues from, 83 ; geology of, 250, 255, 257, 263; Church, 62 (royal arms), 212. Aqus, see Acrise. Archaeologists, Time Scale for, 241- 245. Archer's Court (Atterton), in River Parish, 79. Archis, Emma de, m. Manasses Count of Guisnes, 69 ; William de, 69, 71. Armorial Bearings : Aragon, badge of, 120, 121 ; Beaufort, badge of, 120; Bourne, arms of, 284; Castile, badge of, 120,121 ; Cinque Ports, arms of, 228 ; Elizabeth, Queen, arms of, 221 ; Ellis, arms of, 218 ; Granada, badge of, 120- 121 ; Henry IV of Prance, arms of, 275 ; James I, King, arms of, 226 ; Le Eevre, arms of, 275 ; Navarre, arms of, 275 ; Order of the Holy Ghost, collar and badge of, 275 ; Richard II, King, arms of, 219 ; Stoulinge, Sir Nicholas, arms of, 36 ; Stuart, royal arms, 238. Armour in Norman carvings, 4, 6. Arms of James II at West Mailing, The, by V. J. B. Torr, 234-240. Arms, royal, in Kentish Churches, 209-215 ; compulsory in churches after Restoration, 234; in churches, recipe for Restoration of, 213. Aran Valley, Sussex, Roman Pord in, 261. Arundel, arms of, 217. Ash next Sandwich Church, Font, 240 ; Fleet Manor Chapel, 73. Ash by Wingham, Church, 78. . Ashbocking, royal arms, 235. Ashford Church, 80; royal arms, 214, 235, 238. Ashill Farm, 74. at Sole (atte Sole, utte Sole), Thomas, 26, 28. Atterton, see Archer's Court. at Water (atte Water), Thomas, 24. Augustine, St., White Book of, Lists of Churches in, 60-89. Austen, Thomas, Vicar of Milton next Sittingbourne, 13-30 passim. Awcey (Awse), Joan, see Gladwin, Joan ; WiUiam, 14, 15, 19. Awse, see Awcey. Awoluescyree, see Hawkinge. Aylesford, 57. 26 306 GENERAL INDEX. B Bacelde, see Bapchild. Badlesmere Church, 66. Baedericesdenne, see Bethersden. Baethdesmere, see Badlesmere. Ballamye, William, 21. Banham, Roger, 46. Bapchild, near Sittingbourne, Roman pottery at, 192 ; Church, 77, 86. Bapchilde Court Manor, 24-25. Barbor, WUliam, 29. Barfreston Church Doorway, Carvings on, 1-12. Bargrave, Dean, 286. Barham, beaker found at, 175; Church, 66, 82-83. Barham Downs, in Stuart Times, 285. Barton, alias Northwood Manor, 64. Barton le Street Church, 6. Basinden, John, 29. Beachborough, 71-72. Beads, Celtic, found at Oldbury, 158 ; at Westerham, 158. Beaker Folk, in Britain, 179. Beakers, Early Bronze Age, 174-178. Bekesbourne Church, 64. Belgrave, William, Survey of Ford Manor, 169. Belice, Belche-berghe, see Beachborough. BeUinge, see Beachborough. Benenden Church, 63. Benett, Lawrence, 24. Bennett, B. J., Ford Manor, 168-173. Bennywith Island, Canterbury, 109. Berdelhameswicum, see Wilmington. Bereham, see Barham. Berghman, Joan, 26. Berham, see Bishopsbourne. Berwick Manor House, Lymne, 63. Bestiaries, Influence of, on Sculpture, 2-3. Bethersden Marble, in Canterbury Walls, 107. Bethersden Church, 65. Betteshanger Church, 10. Beunede, or Bennede, see Brenzett. Bewsborough Hundred, Court of, 72. Bewsfield Church, 85. Bexley Heath, 185. Bicknor Church, 86. Biddenden Church, 66. Bigg, Osbern, 76. Bilicean, see Beachborough. Bilsington Manor, 139 ; Church, 76. Bilswithetun, see Bilsington. Binigdaenne, see Benenden. Bircholt Church, 77. Birdon, John, 27. Bishopsbourne, alias Burna, Burne, 64; Church, 82-83, 209. Blacheman, of Blachemanstone, 75. Blackborn, Richard, 29. Blackmanstone Church, 75. Blean Church, 67. Blemya in early sculptures, 7. Blokke, Thomas, 29. " Blue Dick," 287. Boazio, map of Ireland, 51. Bobbing Church, 77, 86. Bocchar, John, tallow-chandler, 17. Bochard, Robert, roper, 43. Bocher, Thomas, 13. Bohemia, Anne of, arms of, 219. Bolde, John, 47. Bole, Bolle, see Bull. Bonyvarer, Richard, of Dover, 43. Boone, William, churchwarden of Appledore, 212. Borden Hall, early wall-paper at, 122 ; Church, 78, 87. Borewaremerch, see Burmarsh. Bothwell, Northants, charnel house at, 274. Boughton, dues from, 84. Boughton Aluph Church, 62, 301 ; Moyle Monument in, 286. Boughton under Blean Churoh, 62 ; Hawkins Monument in, 205-208. Boughton Malherbe Church, 62, 80. i Boughton Monohelsea Church, 62. I Bourchier, Elizabeth, m. Sir Lewis | Robsart, 47 ; Hugh, Lord, 47. 1 Bourne, Bartholomew, 284 ; Mildred,. i m. 1, John Eveas; 2, Lewis Clifford of Bobbing, 284. Bowdon, John, 17 ; Margaret, 17. | Bowre, Robert, 29. Box, E. G., Two Sixteenth Century Maps of Kent, with further notes on early Road-Books, 48-69. Boxley, fourteenth century house at, xlv ; Church, 79. ' Boys, Isabel, brass of, in Goodnestone Church, 91. Brabourne, alias Burna, Burne, 64 : brasses, 211 ; royal arms, 211. I Brackenbury, Richard, 117. Brackenbury, Sir Robert, granted the Mote, Maidstone, 117. Bradeburna, see Brabourne. Bradbourne (Derby), carvings, 6. Brass of Boys, Isabel, in Goodnestone Church, 91 ; Eveas, John, in Murston Church, 284 ; Iden,. Agnes, in Penshurst Church, 91. GENERAL INDEX. 307 Brasses in Brabourne Church, 211 ; in Canterbury, St. Paul's Church, 91 ; in Hoath Church, 91 ; in Mersham Church, 90-91. Brasted, flint implement found at, 278-280. Bray, Thomas, monk, 44. Brede, river, 247, 249. Bredgar Church, 77, 86. Brendley, beaker found at, 177. Brenzett, etymology of, 75 ; royal arms, 213. Bresenden, John, 14. Bresibalt, a Saxon tenant, 81. Brice, William, 27. Bridge, alias Burna, Burne, 64 ; 82. Bridges, Bunting, 132; Farleigh, East, 298 ; Kettebregge, 132. Bright, William, 22. British bricks found in Canterbury, 94. Brixi Cilt, 81. Brixiestun, see Sevington. Brkchirche, see Brookland. Broadstairs, St. Peter's Church, 85. Broca, see Brook. Broke, see Brookland. Broke, manor of, 21. Bromhill, destroyed by storm, 262, 264. Bromley, beaker found at, 175. Bronze Age Antiquities from the Lower Medway, by R. P. Jessup, 179-187. Bronze Age beakers, 174-178 ; implement from Romney Marsh, 284. Brook, Ralph, York Herald, tomb of at Reculver, 238. Brook Church, 80. Brookland, geology of, 259 ; Church, 87 ; oaks at, 255. Brown, William, 25. Buckhurst, George, churchwarden of Old Romney, 212. Buckingham, Duke of, rebellion of, 117. Buckland Church, 70. Building stones, English, 296. Bull (Bole, Bolle), John, 18, 23, 24, 26 ; Richard, 25 ; Thomas, 17. Buncker, Richard, 15. Burgavenny, Lord, 35. Burgh Castle, Suffolk, Saxon stone fort at, 110. Burghersh, family of, 35. Burmarsh, Abbot's Court Farm, 136 ; Saxon charters of, 133-141 ; Church, 87. Burna, Burne, Burnes, see Bekesbourne, Bishopsbourne, Brabourne, Bridge, Littlebourne, Northbourne and Patrixbourne. Burnan, see Bishopsbourne. Burton, Robert de, 255. Byrhtric, of Brightling, 140. C Caburn, Sussex, 182. Cade, John, rebellion of, 15, 18. Caenstone in Berwick Manor House, Lymne, 63 ; in Canterbury, Christchurch, 39-40, 43, 45; in Canterbury, Queningate, 100 ; in Canterbury City walls, 107; in Woolverton, old cottage, 74. Cagliostro, paintings at Hales Place, Hackington, 203. Canterbury, Archbishops of : Becket, Thomas, portrayal of in sculptures, 8-9 ; Chichele, 46; building activities of, 38 ; Cranmer, 168 ; Lanfranc, 83 ; building activities ! of, 114-115, 194ff; Domesday : Monachorum, 60; Langton. I Stephen, 201 ; mitre of, 9 ; Morton, Cardinal, 168 ; Sudbury, builds Westgate, 109 ; Whitgift, I 168. ! Canterbury, arms of the see, 217. Castle, xlvii, 105. Cemeteries, early, 106. i Canterbury Churches : All Saints, 85 ; Holy Cross, 109 ; St. Andrew, 85 ; St. George, royal arms, 215 ; St. John, 84 ; St. Martin, 96, 110 ; i St. Mary at the Castle, 84; St. | Mary Queningate, 107 ; St. Mildred, 84; St. Pancras, 96, 113; St. Paul, 84 ; brass in, 91 ; St. Sepulchre, 84. Canterbury, Dane John, the, 106. • Gates of, 93, 96-114. Canterbury Cathedral, 37-47, 193- I 200 ; the Precincts, royal arms in, 215. Canterbury Hospitals : St. John's, 114; St. Lawrence, 84; St. Nicholas, Harbledown, 114 ; Eastbridge, xlvii. Canterbury, Ruttington Lane, 111- 113. Saxon defence of, 94-96. St. Augustine's Abbey, 67, 84. Walls of, 92-115. Capel near Dover, screen, 300. 308 GENERAL INDEX. Carden, Thomas, of Sheppey, 13. Cardon, Bartholomew, 25 ; Thomas, 24. Carpenter, John, 17, 26. Catlott, Elie, 14 ; John, 17, 19, 27. Caumartin, Baron de, see Le Fevre, Louis. Cealueloca, see Challock. Celtic finds at Oldbury, 153 ; occupation of Oldbury, 155-158. Ceorleton, see Charlton. Cert, see Chart. Certeham, see Chartham. Challock Church, 82. Chamber, Robert, 24, 25. Charing, dues from, 83; Church, 62, 81; Pett Chapel, 66. Charlton by Dover Church, 69. Chart, Great, Church, 65. Chart Sutton Church, 80. Chartway, 79. Chatham, Bronze Age antiquities from, 179-187 ; Church, 64. Cheldewich, see Sheldwich. Cheriton Church, 73. Cheseman, Margaret, 17. Chevening, Roman urn-burial at, xlii. Cheyne (Cheyney), Frances, 29; John, 29 ; William, 29. Chicheley, Sir Robert, 38. Chiddingstone, Iron Age pottery from, 280-283. Childmelle, Disorie, 22 ; WiUiam, 22. Chilham Church, 64, 209. Chillenden, Thomas, Prior of Christchurch, Canterbury, 37 ; building activities of, 98, 100, 106, 109. Chillenden Church, 65. Chislet Church, 85. Chrism Fee paid by churches, 66, 68, 88. Church and Synagogue, symbolic carvings of, 11. Churches, Saxon, lists of, in Domesday Monachorum and White Book of St. Augustine, 60-89. Cilleham, see Chilham. Cillinge, see Selling. Cinque Ports, arms of, at Sandwich Guildhall, 223. Ciricetun, see Cheriton. Civil War, maps made for use in, 48, 51-58. Clenche, Thomas, 28. Cliff End, geology of, 253. Clifford, John, 30 ; Lewis, of Bobbing, 284 ; Mildred, see Bourne, Mildred. Cliue, see Cliff. Cloke, Simon, yeoman, of Great Chart, 15. Cnoltune, see Knolton. Cobbe, John, 26. Coin, temp. Richard II, found at Plumstead, xlvi. Coke, Robert, 25. Cokelette, Joan, 26. Coldred Church, 64. Colepeper, Colonel Thomas, 202 ; Sir Thomas, buys Place House, Hackington, 202. Collins, Rev. A. H., The Sculptured Ornament of the South Doorway of Barfreston Church, 1-12. Colman, John, 17. Colredan, see Coldred. Colsam, William, hermit, 21. Colsoll, James, of Sheppey, 13. Cook, Norman, and R. P. Jessup, Excavations in Rose Wood, Ightham, 1933, 162-167. Cook, Norman, and Michael J. McCarthy, A Roman Cemetery at West Wiekham, Kent, 188-192. Cooke, Raynold, 29. Cooling, Roman kiln found at, xliii. Corser, Ralph, 24. Cosin, Margaret, 23. Cotyng, Joan, 14 ; William, 17, 21, 22, 24, 26, 28. Court at Street Chapel, 76. Cowche (Coche), Agnes, Amos, Cicely, Denis, Joan, John, Jonas, Raynold, Richard, William, 13; John, 22. Cranbrook Church, 64, 232 ; royal arms, 238. Cray, North, royal arms, 238. Croft, Robert, 24. Crouche (Crowche), Fehse, m. William Huggin, 14 ; Hamon, 13 ; Isabel, wife of WUliam Crouche of ChalkweU, 13; Raynold, 17; WiUiam, of ChalkweU, will of, 13- 14. Crum, J. M. C, and M. M., The Tau- Cross Capitals in the Undercroft of Canterbury Cathedral, 193-200. Crundal Church, 80. Crux, Alice, will of, 14; Thomas, 14. Cryer, Thomas, 22. Cuthred, King, grant of lands by, 130. Cyllindaenne, see ChiUenden. Cyrringe, see Charing. GENERAL INDEX. 309 D Dale, Rev. H. D., Hythe, St. Leonard's \ Church, review of, 288-290. Dartford Church, font, 240. Davies, A. H., Thorne's Chronicle rendered into English, notice of, 295-296. Daywell, Margaret, wife of William Daywell, 14 ; Daywell (or Peryn), William, will of, 14. Deal, royal arms at, 238. Deal, Upper, royal arms at, 228. Debnam, Alice, 14; Joan, 14; Joan, wife of Robert Debnam, 14 ; Marione, 14 ; Robert, 21, will of, 14; Thomas, 14. Dedman, Alice, 14 ; Joan, 14. Deman Church, see Dymchurch. Demcherd, see Dymchurch. Dene hole in Long Beach Woods, 277. Denentune, see Thanington. Denewey, William, 23, 26. Denge Marsh, formation of, 268. Denton Church, 69. Denham, Thomas, 28. Detling Churoh, 79. Devonshire, Earl of, litigation with Lord Frecheville, 202. Dicson, Margaret, wife of Raymond Dicson, 15; Raymond, weaver, will of, 15 ; Robert, 16. Diernod, abbot of St. Augustine's, Canterbury, 137. Diggon, Margaret, wife of Matthew Diggon, 15 ; Matthew, will of, 15. Dingley (Dingle), Peter, Vicar of Milton by Sittingbourne, 18, 22, 26, 28. Direction for the English Traviller, A, ' 48, 49, 51-56. I Dixon's Corner, Sandwich, Roman pottery at, 261. I Dobenham, Robert, 26. Doddington Churoh, 78. Domesday Monachorum, lists of Churches in, 60-89. Domesday Monachorum, Ruckinge, 130. Douneham, Robert, 19, 25. Dover, beaker found at, 176. Dover Churches : St. James, 69, the font, 240 ; St. John Baptist in St. Martin le Grand, 69 ; St. Martin le Grand, xlii, 62, 79, churches subordinate to, 68-71 ; St. Mary, 69, 232, Turner drawing of 273 ; St. Nicholas in St. Martin le Grand, 69; St. Peter, 69. Dover Castle, 69, 79, 202. Dover, dues from, 84; skeletons found at, xlii. Downe, Parish of, by 0. J. B. and Eleanor K. Haworth, with foreword by Sir Arthur Keith, review of, 294-295. Dreamwurthe, see Tremworth. Drift implements found in Ightham district, 148. Driland, Richard, 18 ; Thomas, 18. Dungeness, formation of, 264-268 ; geology of, 253, 261, 264-268. Dunkirk, geology of, 261. Durrant (Duraunt), Edward, 39, 43, 45, 46. Dyne, Alice, wife of John Dyne, 15 ; John, 29, will of, 15. Dymchurch Wall, 134-136, 141, 257 ; Church, 76, 87. E Eadmer, monk of Canterbury, Historia Novorum in Anglia, 114. Eadrestun, see Elmstone. Ealdbeorht, thane of Offa, 129. Ealham, see Alkham. Ealdhuninglond, see Aldhun. Ealdington, see Aldington. Ealditun, see Aldington. Eardington, see Egerton. Eardlanestune, see Orlestone. Early Bronze Age Beakers, by R. F. Jessup, 174-178. Earthquake of 1382, effect on Christchurch, Canterbury, 38. East Bay, geology of, 267 ; as harbour for shipping, 269. Eastbridge Churoh, 75. Eastchurch Church, 77, 87. Eastling Church, 65. Eastrege, see Eastry. Eastry, dues from, 83 ; Church, 81- 82 Eastwell, 81. Ebbenea, see Ebony Isle. Ebony, royal arms at, by J. Marten, 214 ; Isle Church, 82. Edbald (Aedbald), King, charter of, 137-139. Edmund, King, charter of, 133- 137. Edmond (Edmund), William, 45, 46. Egelsinus, abbot of St. Augustine's, Canterbury, 68. Egerton Church, 81. 3 1 0 GENERAL INDEX. Egette (Echet), James, will of, 15 ; Joan, wife of James Egette, 15 ; Joan, wife of Thomas Egette, 15 ; John, 15 ; Thomas, 15, will of, 15. Elder, A. E., Vicar of Otford, 210. Elham Churoh, 65. Eliot (Elliot), Elizabeth, John, Katherine, Richard, Thomas, William, 16. Ellis, Thomas, founder of St. Thomas' Hospital, Sandwich, 218. Ellwood (Ellwode), Agnes, Maud, Robert, Thomas, 16; Cuthbert, will of, 28. Elmham, Thomas, of, 68. Elmley Church, 86. Elmsted Church, 67. Elmstone Church, 79. Eltham, Roman burial at, xlvi. Ely, John, 46. Ernulf, Prior of Christchurch, Canterbury, building activities of, 193ff. Ethelbert, King of Kent, grants land to Abbess Mildred, 129. Eu, Earl of, lands of, 139. Eveas, John, brass of in Murston Churoh, 284 ; Mildred, see Bourne, Mildred. Evesham, Epiphanius, funerary monuments by, in Kent, 205; Hawkins monument by, in Boughton under Blean Church, 206-208. Evolution of Romney Marsh, The, by C. J. Gilbert, 246-272. Ewell, manor of, 70. Excavations in Rose Wood, Ightham, 1933, by Norman Cook and R. F. Jessup, 162-167. Eythorne Church, 70. F Fairfax, General, 57. Falkland Islands, Romney Marsh sheep in, 252. Farleigh, 67. Faversham Church, 60, 64, 80, 86. Fealcing Rip, 134-136, 140-141. Feletwell, John, 24. Feltnall, Stephen, 24. Feltnell, Stephen, 28. FeneU, John, 30. Fiche, John, 23. Figge, Thomas, 16 ; WUliam, 16. Finch (Finche), Harry, 21 ; John, Prior of Christchurch, Canterbury, 37 ; John, 18, 21, will of, 16 ; Katherine, widow, 21. Fishlake Church (Yorks), doorway, 4. Fitzhubert, Adam, 71. Flawne, Thomas, will of, 17 ; William, 17. Fleet, 88. Fleet Manor in Ash by Sandwich, 73. Fleota, see Fleet. Flint implement found at Brasted, 278-280 ; at Fordwich, xlii. Folkestone : churches, 62, 71, 75 ; deanery of, 88 ; dues from, 84 ; manor of, 88 ; pottery found at, xlii; St. Botolph's Chapel, 74. Ford Manor, by B. J. Bennett, 168- 173. Fordwich, flint implement found at, xlii; Church, 64, 80, 85. Fostar, Joan, Cecile, William, will of, 17. Foston (Yorks), church carvings, 7.- Foxbury, near Stone Street, 154. Francklen, Elizabeth, John, will of, 17. Frecheville, Lord, of Staveley, 202. Fridenastede, see Frinsted. Frinsted Church, 80. Frittenden Church, 88. Froman, John, 46. Fye, Joan, John, 26. G Gamelanwyrthe Charter, 133-137. Gammon's Farm, near Burmarsh, 134. Gardiner, Dorothy, The Oxinden Letters, review of, 285-288. Margaret, wife of William Gardiner, will of, 17. Garrett, John, 58, 59. Garrington in Littlebourne, Church, 83. Garwynnetun, see Garrington. Gate (Gatte), Margaret, wife of Nicholas Gate, 18; Nicholas, roper, will of, 18 ; Robert, priest, 29 ; WUliam, 18. Gaunt, John of, Duke of Lancaster, 120. Gaye, Christopher, 15. Gebill, Richard, 19. Gecham, see Ickham. Geddyn, Anne, Elizabeth, John, Thomas, will of, 18. Genin, Richard, 25. Genvey, Ahce, Joan, Ralph, Richard, (waterman, will of), William, 18. GENERAL INDEX. 311 Gerrade, Francis, Margaret, Margery, Tomasine, William (will of), William (junior), 19. Gibson, Lawrence, will of, 19. Gilbert, C. J., The Evolution of Romney Marsh, 246-272. Gladwin, Joan, Thomas, will of, 19. Gmthhyrste, see Goudhurst. Godfrey, John, 18. Godmersham, Richard, penitenoer, 42, 44. Godmersham Churoh, 64, 209. Godwin, Earl, marriage gift of, 140- 141. Godyn, Anna, Christopher, Elizabeth, Emma, James, John (will of), Lawrence, Lewis (will of), William, 19-20. Goodnestone Church, brass, 91. Goldstone, Thomas, Prior of Christchurch, Canterbury, 41. Gormesfell, John, 26. Goudhurst Church, 80. Graveney Church, 63. Grauena, see Graveney. Great Stone Point, 270. Grene, Denis, Henry, Thomas, 18-20. Grey, Joan, wife of John Grey, 21 ; John, will of, 21; Lord, 116; William, 21. Griffin, John, survey of Ford Manor, 169. Griffin, Ralph, Two Brasses in Mersham Church, 90-91. Grimes' Graves, 182. Grose, Francis, drawing of Sir Roger Manwood's House, 202. Grove, John, monk, 39. Groveherst, manor of, 21. Groveherst, Joan, Thomas (will of), 21. Guldeford Level, reclamation of, 263. Gunsele, Elene, m. William Hellis, 22 ; Peter, will of, 22. Gurnarde, Agnes, 17. Guston Churoh, 71. Gutieston, see Guston. H Hackington, Hales Place and its predecessors, 201-204. Hadinwoldungdaenne, see Halden. Hadlow, 57. Haenostesyle, see Hinxhill. Halden, High, Church, 65. Hales Place at Hackington and its Predecessors, by Surgeon-Captain K. H. Jones, 201-204. Hales, Sir Edward, builds Hales Place, Hackington, 203 ; Sir John, of Tunstall, buys Place House, Hackington, 202; Miss, of Hales Place, 203. Halgastaw, see Halstow. Hallstatt culture in Britain, 179. Halsted, Lawrence, 24. Halstow, Lower, Iron Age pottery found at, 282 ; Church, 78, 87. Ham Church, next Sandwich, 66. Hame, Margery, WiUiam, 22. Hanbage, Thomas, painterstainer, 234. Hannen, the Hon. Henry A., obituary notice of, 303. Haranhylle, see Hernehill. Hardan, see Hardres. Hardres Church, 65 ; glass at, 32. Hardy, John, 42. Harison, Agnes, Stephen (will of), Thomas, 22. Harman, John, 26. Harries, William, will of, 22. Harrietsham, Anglo-Saxon skeletons found at, xliv. Harrietsham Church, 65. Harringe, near Street, 82. Harrison, Benjamin, archaeologist, 142, 160-161, 162. Harrison, Sir Edward, Oldbury Hill, Ightham, 142-161. Hartley Church, 209. Hartlip Church, 78, 87. Hart (Harte, Hartt, Hert), Joan, will of, 22 ; Joan, wife of Lawrence Hart, 23 ; John, 17 ; Juliane, wife of Nicholas Hart, 23 ; Lawrence, , will of, 23 ; Nicholas, 14, will of, I 23 ; Riohard, 23 ; Thomas, 23 ; William, hermit, will of, 23. Harting, Thomas, 13. Harty in Sheppey, Churoh, 66. Hastingleigh Church, 67. Hathfelde, see Hothfield. Haudkashyrste, see Hawkhurst. Haute, James, Sir Richard, Riohard, 116-117. Hawkhurst Church, 81, 88. Hawkinge Churoh, 71. Hawkins, John, doctor of medicine, 206 ; Sir Thomas, of Nash Court, 205. Hawkins Monument by Epiphanius Evesham at Boughton under Blean, The, by Surgeon-Captain Kenneth H. Jones, 205-208. 312 GENERAL INDEX. Haworth, 0. J. R., and Eleanor K., A History of Darwin's Parish, Downe, Kent, review of, 294-295. Hayes Common, 124; prehistoric trackway to, 128. Hayman, Agnes, wife of Ralph Hayman, 23-24 ; Marion, wife of Ralph Hayman, 24 ; Peter, 24 ; Ralph, vicar, 20 ; Ralph, will of, 23-24 ; Ralph, will of, 24 ; Ralph, son of Peter, 24. Healaugh Church (Yorks), doorwav, 4. Hearsden, Jutish cemetery at, xliii. Saxon window urns at, xliii. Herbilton, manor of, 65. Hedekaruna, see Headcorn. Hedesham, see Adisham. Hellis, Elene, see Gunsele, Elene ; Felise, Joan, John, Margaret, Thomas, William, 22. Hengistbury Head, Iron Age pottery at, 281. Hennaker, Robert, 25. Heordlyp, see Hartlip. Heortege, see Harty in Sheppey. Heraldry, see Armorial Bearings, Arms. Heringod, Christiana de, m. William de Kirby, 35 ; Stephen de, 35. Herne Church, 83 ; font, 217 ; royal arms, 217. Hernehill Church, 83. Herringbone work in Canterbury City waUs, 107. Herward, Joan, John (will of), Marion (wife of John Herward), 25. Hewe, Agnes, Robert, Thomasine, William (will of), 25. Hewitt, Engineer-Captain J. B., A Time Scale for Archaeologists, 241- 245. Higgin, John, 17. Higham Ferrers, College at, 38. Hill (HiUs), Cecilia, John, John (junior), Lawrence (will of), Ralph, Robert (will of), William, William (weaver, will of), 24-26. Hinderwell, John, 18. Hinxhill Church, 81 ; royal arms, 214. Hleodaena, see Lydden. Hlide, see Lydd. Hlyda, see Leeds. Hoath Church, brasses, 91. Hoker, Agnes, John (wUl of), 27- 28. Hollar, Wenceslaus, 52. Hollingbourne Manor, 62 ; Church, 79. Holman, Thomas, of Oldbury, 151. Holme Stone, geology of, 250, 267. Holnest, Joan, John (will of), Richard, 28. Holt, Alice, Dionise, George (will of), Rose, 28. Holwood Camp, 125-128. Horne, Cecily, wife of Richard Horne of Milton by Sittingbourne, 28 ; Edward, 28; James, 28; John, 16; John, of Milton by Sittingbourne, will of, 28-29 ; John, junior, 28- 29 ; John of Minster in Sheppey, 28; Richard, 16; Richard of Milton by Sittingbourne, will of, 28 ; Richard of Minster in Sheppey, 28; Richard, junior, of Minster in Sheppey, 28. Hoo, hundred of, 186. Hoo St. Werbergh Church, royal arms, 209. Hooker, Richard, 287. Hope All Saints Church, 75. Hothfield Church, 66. Hougham Church, 74. Howlet, Hugh, 19, 30. Hoyger, Nicholas, 45. Hroching, see Ruckinge. Huggin (Huggins, Hogan, Hogin, Hogon), Agnes, Bartholomew, Elene (wife of Thomas Huggin), Felise (see Crouche, Felise), Isabel (wife of John Huggin, senior), John, John (senior, will of), John (junior), Margaret (will of), Margaret (wife of William Huggin), Maud, Robert, Thomas (will of), WUliam, William (will of), WUliam (of Quyntonstreet, will of), 14, 16, 26-27. Huhcham, see Hougham. Hussey, Arthur, Milton Wills (next Sittingbourne), 13-30. Hussie, Agnes, Garrard (senior, will of), Garrard (junior, will of), John, Thomas, 29. Hyruuerthestun, 65. Hythe, and St. Leonard's Church, by Rev. H. D. Dale, review of, 288- 290. Hythe Haven, geology of, 258-261 ; Promontory, destruction of, 268- 270 ; Church, 75, 289-90 ; monuments by Evesham, 206 ; royal arms, 215, 289 ; skulls, 273-274. Hythe, West, 255 ; geology of, 258 ; Church, 75. GENERAL INDEX. 313 Ickham, 129-130 ; Churoh, 63. Ickham, Thomas, mensuration of Canterbury, 93, 94. Iden (Yden), Agnes, brass of in Penshurst Church, 91 ; Edmund, will of, 29 ; Ellen, wife of Edmund Iden, 29. Iffley (Oxon) Church, carvings, 6. Ightham, 57; beakers found at, 174; drift implements found at, 148. Ightham Mote, by Aymer Vallance, 116-123. Ightham, Oldbury Hill Fort, 142- 161. Ioocham, see Ickham. Iron Age Camp found at Sturry, xliii; Fortress in Holwood Park, 128 ; pottery, 280-282. Itun, see Eythorne. Ivychurch Church, royal arms, 213. Iwade Church, 78. Jenner, Thomas, bookseller, Civil War maps of, 51-66, 59. Jerom, John, mariner, will of; Thomas, of Tenham, 30. Jessup, Bob, workman, of Ightham, 162. Jessup, R. F., Bronze Age Antiquities from the Lower Medway, 179- 187. Jessup, R. F., Early Bronze Age Beakers, 174-178. Jessup, R. F. and Norman Cook, Excavations in Rose Wood, Ightham, 162-167. Jesuit College at Hales Place, 203. Joan, Harison's servant, 22. Jolliffe, J. E. A., Pre-Feudal England : the Jutes, review of, 290- 294. Jones, Surgeon-Captain K. H., Hales Place at Hackington and its Predecessors, 201-204. Jones, Surgeon-Captain K. H., The Hawkins Monument by Epiphanius Evesham at Boughton under Blean, 205-208. Joyce, John, 25. Juliane, Geddyn's servant, 18. Jutes, the, in England, 290-294. Jutish cemetery found at Hearsden, xliii. K Keer, Peter, map of Kent, 48, 50-51. Kempe, Sir Thomas, 35. Kemsing Church, 209. Kennington Churoh, 66, 87. Kennington, 66. Kent, early maps of, 48-59 ; list of, 58-59 ; playing card map of, 48- 50 ; Saxon Churches in, 60-89. Kentish rag, use of in Canterbury City walls, 107. Keston Common, Promontory Fort on, 124-128. Keylog, Thomas, 14. Kiln, Roman, found at Cooling, xliii. Kilvert, Thomas, 22. King, Richard, 25. Kingsdown Church, 32. Kingsnorth Church, 76, 83. Kingston Church, 82-83. Kirby, Christiana de, see Heringod, Christiana de ; William de, 35. Knolton Church, 64; royal arms, 235, 238. Kyngestun, see Kingsnorth. Kynigtune, see Kennington. L Lambarde, map of Kent, " Carde of this Shyre," 57. Lane, William, 40, 44. Langdon, East, Church, 85. Langley Church, 80. Langton, Simon, archdeacon of Canterbury, 201. Leeds, dens of, 139 ; Church, 80. Le Fevre, Louis, Baron de Caumartin, 275. Legesdun, see Leysdown. Lenham Church, 80, 87 ; royal arms, 215. Leocham, see Ickham. Letcote, Joan, see Fostar, Joan; John, Thomas, 17. Leysdown Church, 77, 86. Limen, river, 129-132, 137, 138, 141. Lists of Saxon Churches in the Domesday Monachorum and White Book of Saint Augustine, The, by Gordon Ward, 60-89. Littlebourne, alias Burna, Burne, 64, 86. Littlestone, 262; new shoreline of, 270. Livett, Grevile Mairis, Queningate and the Walls of Durovernum, 92-115. 314 GENERAL INDEX. Lockysmith, —., of Tong, 16. Long Beach Woods, native camp in, 276-278. Lonlay, St. Leonard's monastery at, 69. Loud, William, clerk, 15. Lower Wall, the, in Romney Marsh, 138, 141. Luckingdale, etymology of, 111. Luddenham Church, 67. Lydd, geology of, 256 ; Church, 75 ; royal arms, 213. Lydden Church, 74. Lyminge Church, 62, 76, 83 ; Abbey, 130. Lymne Church, 74. Lynsted Church, Monument by Evesham, 205-208. M McCarthy, Michael J. and Norman Cook, A Roman Cemetery at West Wickham, Kent, 188-192. Madden, John, survey of Ford Manor, 169. Maegdestane, see Maidstone. Maeredaen, see Marden. Maidstone: Church, 62,79; dues from, 83 ; " Old Tithe Barn," Agricultural History Museum in, xlv-xlvi; Roman burials at, xliii; storming of, 57, 58. Mailing, 57; Abbey, xliv, 299 ; Norman house at, xliv-xlv ; royal arms at, 234-240 ; St. Leonard's Tower at, 299 ; Elizabethan jug, 239 ; font, 239. Manwood, Sir John, Sir Peter, Sir Roger, 201-202. Mapleton, Thomas, King's Master Mason, 38, 42, 45. Marcher, WiUiam, 44. Marden, Church, 80 ; parish of, 88. Margate, Iron Age pottery found at, 282 ; St. John Baptist's Church, 85 ; font, 218; royal arms, 218. Marten, J., painter, of Tenterden, royal arms painted by, 214. Martines circe, see Postling. " Mass of St. Gregory " in window of Patrixbourne Church, 276. Master, Thomas, 13. Medway, Lower, Bronze Age Antiquities from, 179-187. Mollis Church, royal arms, 235. Meopham Church, pulpit, 239. Mersham Church, 64 ; brasses, 90 ; monument by Evesham, 205. Merstham stone, see Reigate stone. Mertumnes, see Hope All Saints. Middelea, see Midley. Middleton Church, 80. Middeltune, see Milton Regis. Middeltune, dues from, 83. Midley Church, 64. Midrips, the, 265, 266. Midripps, Lydd, 141. Mildrith, Abbess of Lyminge, 129. Miller, John, 24. Milsted Manor, near Sittingbourne, early wall-paper at, 122 ; Church, 77, 86. Milton Regis, rural deanery of, 86- 87 ; Church, 60, 62, 77. Milton by Gravesend Church, 209. Milton Wills (next Sittingbourne), by Arthur Hussey, 13-30. Milton next Sittingbourne, John, Priest of, 13. Minnis, etymology of, 273-274. Minster in Sheppey Church, 78, 87. Minster in Thanet Church, 85. Mitre, introduction and use of, 9. Molash, William, Prior of Christchurch, Canterbury, 39 ; building accounts of, 41-47. Monasterium Aethyrnan, see Herne. Mone, Robert, 25. Mongeham, Great, Church, 64; Little, Church, 85. Moningham, see Mongeham. Monk's Horton Church, 76. Monkton, Thanet, Churoh, 209 ; royal arms, 216. Montford, Hugh de, 69-70, 71, 72, 79. Moreton, Nicholas, Vicar of Milton by Sittingbourne, 18. Morinestune, see Murston. Morys, John, 46. Moyle, Captain, monument of, at Boughton Aluph, 286. Mundingham, see Mongeham, Great. Murston near Sittingbourne Church, 86 ; brass of Eveas, 284. Museum of Agricultural History in " Old Tithe Barn," Maidstone, xlv-xlvi. N Nackington Church, 83. Nash Court, attacked by Protestant mob, 207. Natindune, see Nackington. GENERAL INDEX. 315 Neolithic man in England, 251 ; occupation of Oldbury, 152-155 ; settlement in Rose Wood, Ightham, 162-167. Nettleshead Church, glass, 298. Neventone, manor of, 69. Newenden Church, 76. Newentone Church, 80. Newington, 71-72, 86-87. Newington-Bellhouse, manor of, 72. Newchurch Church, 75. Newnham Church, 209. Niwantune, see Newington by Sittingbourne. Niwecyrce, see Borden. Nonnington Church, 78. Northbourne, alias Burna, Burne, 64, 84 ; Church, 71. Northcip', see Warden in Sheppey. Northfleet Church, 209. Northwood Manor, alias Barton, 64. Norton, John, 18 ; Nicholas, Vicar of Milton next Sittingbourne, 13 ; Riohard, 18. Norton Churoh, 67. Note on the Restoration of Royal Arms in Kent, by V. J. B. Torr, 209-216. O Oaks on Romney Marsh, 255. Oare Church, 67. Odo, Bishop, Kentish lands of, 139. Offa, King of Mercia, grant of land in Kent, 129. Okingwold, William, yeoman, of Great Chart, 15. Oldbury, geology of, 146-147 ; prehistoric occupation of, 148-158. Oldbury Hill, Ightham, by Sir Edward Harrison, 142-161. Oliver, Affabel, Joan, Juliane, Ralph, 23. O'Neil, B. H. St. J., The Promontory Fort on Keston Common, 124-128. Oran, see Oare. Ordgares, see Orgarswick. Ordhelm, grant of land to, 133-137. Orgarswick Church, 76. Orlestone Church, 67. Ortelius, map of Scotland, 51. Ospringe Church, 64. Otford Churoh, royal arms, 210. Otterden Church, 66 ; font, 240. Ottrindaenne, see Otterden. Overley, —., carpenter, 46. Oxford, All Souls' College, 38. Oxinden Letters, The, by Dorothy Gardiner, review of, 285-288. Paddlesworth Church (nearLyminge), 77. Paget Sound, compared to Dungeness, 264. Paine, Beatrice, 25; William, churchwarden of Appledore, 212. Palasolithic implement found at Westerham, xlii; occupation of Oldbury, 148-152. Palmstead, 129-130. Panton, John, 13, 29. Parker, Cecily, wife of John Parker ; John, of Quex, 40, 44. Parkin, Thomas, barber, 26. Patrixbourne, alias Burna, Burne, 64; glass, 275; Norman doorway, 1, 10. Paveley, de, family of, 35. Payne, John, of Wye, 14 ; Thomas, 14, 16. Pearson, Lady, of Manwood Court, 227 ; M.P. for Sandwich, 214. Peckham, 57. Peerson, WiUiam, 16. Pegram, Agnes, Alice, 17. Pembury, 57. Penshurst Church, brass of Iden, 91. Penwortham, Henry, Rector of Wittersham and Crayford, 47. Perhamstede, see Palmstead. Peryn, William, see Daywell, William. Petham Church, 65; Swarling Chapel, 76. Pett Level, geologv of, 253. Pett Place, 66. Pettit, Cyriac, of Colkyns, 205 ; William, Vicar of Milton by Sittingbourne, 25, 26, 30. Pevington Churoh, 67. Peyton, Sir Thomas, of Knowlton, 286. Pikell, WiUiam, clerk, 19, 27. Playford Hall, Ipswich, 123. Plott, John, of Iwade, 14, 21. Plucelea, see Pluckley. Pluckley Church, 66. Plumstead, Richard I I coin found at, xlvi. Polhill, Robert, churchwarden of Otford, 211. Pordage, John, 24. Postling Churoh, 76. 316 Pottery, Iron Age, from Chiddingstone, 280-283. Poughill (Cornwall), royal arms, 235. Poulton Church, 68. Pre-Feudal England : the Jutes, by J. E. A. JoUiffe, review of, 290- 294. Prestentune, see Preston by Faversham. Preston by Faversham Church, 64. Preston by Wingham Church, 87. Promontory Fort on Keston Common, The, by B. H. St. J. O'Neil, 124-128. Purbeck marble, in Canterbury City walls, 107. Pytham, see Petham. Pytte, see Pett. Q Quarr Abbey stone in Canterbury City walls, 107. " Quartermaster's Map," the, 48, 52, 56-58. Queningate and the Walls of Durovernum, by Grevile Mairis Livett, 92-115. Quenyngate, Richard, monk, 109. R Radnor, Lord, 274. Raette, see Richborough Chapel. Raiffin, Robert, 22. Rainham Church, 78, 89. Ramsgate, Anglo-Saxon remains found at, 283-284; skeletons found at, xlii; wattle-knife found at, xlii; St. Laurence Church, 86. Raspit Hill, 147. Ratebouro, see Richborough. Ratling in Nonnington Church, 79. Ratteburg, see Richborough. Rattune, see Rayton. Ravensbourne, river, etymology of, 127. Raynold, William, 26. Rayton Chapel, 87. Reade, John, 29. Rebuilding of the South West Tower of Canterbury Cathedral in the Fifteenth Century, The, by C. Eveleigh Woodruff, 37-47. Reculver Church, 89 ; monument of Ralph Brook, 238. Redar, Thomas, of Bredgar, 13. Rede, John, 16. INDEX. " Regis Terra," technical meaning of, 139. Reigate stone in Christchurch, Canterbury, 39-40, 45. Rhee Wall, the, 257, 258, 263. Rhodes Minnis, 274. Riccall, Yorkshire, carvings at, 8. Richborough, varying names of, 73 ; Chapel, 66, 73. Ripe, Rype, meaning of, 141. Ripon, misericordes at, 7. Ripp Wood, 140. Ripple Chapel, 85. Ritupiae, see Richborough. River Church, 70. River Limen at Ruckinge, The, by Gordon Ward, 129-132. Rivers, Lord, 116, 117. Road, Roman, Dover to Richborough, xlv ; London to Mailing Green, 188. Robsart, Elizabeth, see Bourchier, Elizabeth ; Sir Lewis, 47. Rochester, Norman doorway, 1, 10. Rodmersham Church, 77, 86, 209. Rokynges, see Ruckinge. Rolvenden Church, 63. Roman burials, at Chevening, xlii; at Eltham, xlvi; at Maidstone, xliii; at Oldbury, 159. Roman Cemetery at West Wickham, Kent, A, by Norman Cook and Michael J. McCarthy, 188-192. Roman finds at Oldbury, 153 ; ford in Arun Valley, Sussex, 261 ; occupation of Oldbury, 158-160 ; pottery at Dixon's Corner, Sandwich, 261 ; remains at Cooling, xliii; waUs of Canterbury, 92- 115. Romney, 262 ; geology of, 256. Romney Marsh, Bronze Age implement from, 284 ; evolution of, 246- 272 ; formation of, 140-141. Romney, New, Town Hall, royal arms in, 213. Romney, New, St. Lawrence Church, 74 ; St. Martin, 74 ; St. Nioholas, 62, 232, 263 ; font, 240; royal arms, 213. Romney, Old, St. Clements Churoh, 65 ; royal arms, 212. Romney Warren, geology of, 256. Roose, William, 15. Roper monument by Evesham at Lynsted, 205-208. Rose Wood, Ightham, 154 ; excavations in, 162-167. Rother, river, 247, 249, 262. GENERAL INDEX. 317 Royal Heraldry of Sandwich, The, by V. J. B. Torr, 216-233. Royal Military Canal, 130, 132. Ruckinge Charters, Limen River in, 141. Ruckinge, Church, 62; dues from, 84; geology of, 250 ; River Limen at, 129-132. Ruffin, Elizabeth, Robert, William, 18. Ruluindaenne, see Rolvenden. Rumena, see Romney, New. Ryder, Peter, of Battersea, 45. Rye Church, royal arms, 213. Rypeland, 141. Rytlinge, see Ratling. S St. Laurence Church, Thanet, royal arms, 216. St. Margaret at Cliff Church, 71. St. Mary in the Marsh Church, 75 ; royal arms, 213. St. Mary's Island, 179, 184. St. Nicholas at Wade, royal arms, 216. St. Omer, geology of, 261. St. Paul's Cray, royal arms, 209. St. Peter's, Thanet, 240. Salt Marsh at Littlestone, 270. Salt Marshes on Norfolk coast, 260. Saltwood Church, 63. Samian ware at Oldbury, 160. Sands, Clays, and Minerals, notice of, 206. Sandhurst Church, 62. Sandwell, Jeffrey, survey of Ford Manor, 169. Sandwich; royal arms at, 209, 214, 216-233; Barbican, royal arms on, 224; Guildhall, royal arms at, 222-223, 230-231 ; " King's Arms," royal arms on, 219-221 ; "Old House," Strand Street, royal arms at, 223-224 ; Sandown Gate, 220. St. Clement's Church, 64; font, 217. St. Mary's Church, 214, 229. St. Peter's Church, 86, 215, 229. Sarre Church, 66. Saxon Charters of Burmarsh, The, by Gordon Ward, 133-141. Saxon Churches, lists of in the Domesday Monachorum and White Book of St. Augustine, 60-89; window urns at Hearsted, xliii. Saxton, Atlas of, 49, 50. Sayer, Thomas, 18. Schamel Hermitage, 23. Scriveling, see Shingleton. Sculptured Ornament of the South Doorway of Barfreston Church, The, by Rev. A. H. Collins, 1-12. Seasalter Church, 66. Seal Chart, 147. Sedbrook Watering, 130. Seleryth, Abbess of Lyminge, 129- 130. Selling Church, 76, 78, 87. Sellinge, Prior of Christchurch, Canterbury, 98. Selvington Church, 81. Sens, William of, buildings of at Christchurch, 193, 198, 199. Sexburgaminster, see Minster in Sheppey. Sheep from Romney Marsh, export of, 252. Sheldwich Chapel, 86. Shepherdswell Church, 85. Shewbridge (Shiwbridge), Henry, churchwarden of Otford, 211. Shingle drift, causes of, 272. Shingleton Church, 85, 87. Sholdon Church, 85. Shrinkling, see Shingleton. Siberdeswelde, see Sheperdswell. Signet, Reignold, 20. Silohester, walls of, 100. Silouesbregge, 75. Simonds, Ralph, 24. Simons, Matthew, 58. Simpson, Alexander, 17. Sineredaenne, see Smarden. Sinnafeld, see- Swingfield. Sittingbourne Churoh, 86. Siwoldescirc', 75. Sleeves in Norman carvings, 4-5. Smaldane, William, carpenter, 46. Smarden Church, 67, 209, 301, royal arms, 235. Smedetone, see Shingleton. Smith (Smyth), John, of Sandwich, 40, 45, 46 ; Peter, 24. Smithatune, see Shingleton. Snave Corner, pasture land at, 260 ; Churoh, 75, 87 ; royal arms, 211. Snave manor, 138. Snoth, John, 30. Speed, map of England, 50. Sprotte, Thomas, 26. Stacabere, see Stockbury. Stained Glass Windows at Stowting, by N. E. Toke, 31-36. Stamford, John, curate, 16. 318 GENERAL INDEX. Standon, Christopher, Edward, John, Levyn (wife of John Standon), 18. Stanford Church, 76. Stanor, see Stonar. Stelling Minnis, 274. SteUing Church, 77 ; glass from, at Stowting, 32. Stephens (Stevens, Stevyn), William, 24, 25, 45. Stockbury Church, 78, 87. Stodmarsh Church, 85. Stonar Church, 86. Stoke, 185. Stonden, John, 17. Stone implements found at Chatham, 180-181. Stone by Dartford Church, 209. Stone by Faversham Church, 78. Stone in Oxney Church, 88. Stone, John, chronicler, 39 ; John, tailor, 17. Stotync, see Stowting. Stoulinge, Sir Nicholas, 36. Stourmouth Church, 66. Stowting, manor of, 35-36 ; Church, 77 ; glass at, 31. Stowting (Stotync), Juliana, wife of Richard Stowting, 33-34, 36 ; Richard, memorial window of at Stowting, 33-34, 36. Straeta, see Court at Street. Stretton Sugwas, Hereford, carvings at, 6. Strithindenne, see Frittenden. Sturmude, see Stourmouth. Sturry, beaker found at, 175 ; bowman's wristguard found at, 176- 177; etymology of ,109 ; Iron Age camp found at, xliii; pottery, xliii; Church, 85. Stutinge, see Stowting. Sumafeld, see Swingfield. Sundridge Church, royal arms, 214. Suthtun, see Sutton. Sutton, East, Church, 79. Sutton near Northbourne Church, 85. Sutton Valence Church, 80. Sutton, Henry, sub-prior of Christchurch, Canterbury, 39 ; building accounts of, 41-47. Swaleoliffe Church, 87. Swingfield Minnis, 274 ; Church, 73. Swirgildan, see Swarling. Swiss Glass in Patrixbourne Church, 275-276. Swynford, Catherine, m. John of Gaunt, Duke of Lancaster, 120. Symonson, map of Kent, 57. Synagogue and Church, symbolic i carvings of, 11. Synett, William, 25. Syrran, see Sarre. T Taenham, see Teynham. Tanga, see Tong. Tan-Cross Capitals in the Undercroft of Canterbury Cathedral, The, by J. M. C. and M. M. Crum, 193-200. Taylour, Richard, priest, 30. Teichman-Derville, Major, mayor of New Romney, 212. Temple EweU Church, 70. Tenterden, Town Hall, royal arms | in, by J. Marten, 214; Church, I 89, 209. Teston, 57. Tewkesbury, royal arms at, 225. Teynham, Church, 62, 78; dues i from, 83. Thanington Church, 67, Thomas, Thomas, 28. Thomas the Waxchandler, will of, 37. Thorne, William, Chronicle of St. Augustine's Abbey, rendered into English by A. H. Davies, notice of, 296-296. Thornton (Thorneton), John, 15, 23,. 29. Throwley Church, 65. Thurnham Church, 79. Tillingham, river, 247, 249. Tilmanstone Church, 65. Time Scale for Archaeologists, A, by Engineer-Captain J. B. Hewitt, 241-245. Toke, N. E., Stained Glass Windows at Stowting, 31-36. Tomson, Robert, clerk, 23. Tonge Church, 77, 86. Torr, V. J. B., The Arms of James II at West Mailing, 234-240. Torr, V. J. B., Note on the Restoration of Royal Arms in Kent, 209-215. Torr, V. J. B., The Royal Heraldry of Sandwich, 216-233. Tremworth in Crundal Church, 81. Trianstone (Trimpson) manor, Burmarsh, 140. Trimpson, see Trianstone. Trivet, Elizabeth, wife of Sir Thomas Trivet, 35; Sir Thomas, 35. True, Edmund, 29 ; Edward, 27. Trulege, see Throwley. Tryan, owner of Trianstone, 140. GENERAL INDEX. 319 Tunstall Church, 77, 86. Turner, J. M. W., drawing of St. Mary's Church, Dover, 273. Tury, John, 26. Two Brasses in Mersham Church, by Ralph Griffin, 90-91. Two Sixteenth Century Maps of Kent, with further notes on Early Road- Books, by E. G. Box, 48-50. U Udimore, Sussex, royal arms at, by J. Marten, 214. Ulcombe Church, 79, 80, 209. Upavon Church (Wilts), font, 11. Upchurch Church, 78, 87. Valence, de, family of, 35. Vallance, Aymer, Ightham Mote, 116- 123. Vnedtun, see Wootton. W Waldershare Church, 65. WaUand Marsh, 256, 257 ; reclamation of, 263. Wall-paper, early at Borden Hall, 122; at Cambridge, Christ's College, 122 ; at Ightham Mote, 122 ; at Milsted Manor, 122. Walmer Church, 64. Walmestone Church, 79. Walpole St. Peter Church (Norfolk), 289. Walsh, John, 19, 26, 30. Waltham Church, 65. Walton Church, 70. Ward, Gordon, The Lists of Saxon Churches in the Domesday Monachorum and White Book of St. Augustine, 60-89. Ward, Gordon, The River Limen at Ruckinge, 129-132. Ward, Gordon, The Saxon Charters of Burmarsh, 133-141. Warden in Sheppey Church, 77, 86. Warehorne Church, 64. Warier, Thomas, 27. Watson, Maud, 16. Wealden fossils, 249. Wealdwarescare, see Waldershare. Wealemere, see Walmer. Wealtham, see Waltham. Webb, William, joiner, 13. Welcumweg, see Sutton, East. WeUe, see Eastwell, Westwell. Well Hall Estate, xlvi. Werhorna, see Warehorne. West Bay, Romney Marsh, geology of, 255, 257. West Cliff Church, 71. Westbere Chapel, 85. Westerham, palaeolithic implement found at, xlii; Church, 209, 232 ; royal arms, 209. Westwell, 81 ; Church, 63 ; screen, 300. White, John, churchwarden of Old Romney, 212. Whitfield Church, 68. Wicham, see Wickhambreaux. Wickhambreaux Church, 64. Wickham, West, burials found at, xliv; Roman cemetery at, 188- 192 Wieghelmestun, see Wilmington. Wielmestun, see Walmestone. Wihtricesham, see Wittersham. Willesborough Church, 87. William, monk of St. Alban's, 39, 43. William the Englishman, buildings of at Christchurch, 193. Willop Sewer, the, 139. Wilmington Churoh, 82. Wimlingweald, see Womenswould. Winchelsea, destroyed by storm, 262- 264. Winchester, St. Catherine's Hill, Iron Age pottery at, 280, 281-282. Winemund, grant of land to, 137- 139. Wingham, Church, 62, 78 ; dues from, 83. Wittersham Church, 76. Wiuelesberge, see Willesborough. Wndecyrce, see Woodchurch. Wodensburg, John of, Prior of Christchurch, Canterbury, 38. Womenswould Church, 79. Woodchurch Church, 63; royal arms, 216. Woodchurch, alias Acol in Thanet, 63. Woodnesborough Church, 63. Woodruff, C. Eveleigh, The Rebuilding of the South West Tower of Canterbury Cathedral in the Fifteenth Century, 37-47. Woodruffs, Fairfield, geology of, 253, 255. 320 GENERAL INDEX. Woolverton Manor, old cottage near site of, 74 ; Church, 74. Wootton Church, 76. Wouldham Church, royal arms, 209. Wreke, Harry, 27; William, 26, 27. Wristguard, bowman's, found at Sturry, 176-177. Wulacumba, see Ulcombe. Wulferestun, see Woolverton. Wye, Ohurch, 62, 80, 88, 209 ; dues from, 83. WyUan, see Eastwell. Y Yenes, Roger, 14, 19.


Obituary: The Hon. Henry Hannen


Frontispiece 1932