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Obituary: F. W. Shilling
Frontispiece 1933
( 237 ) GENERAL INDEX. Achestan, Hundred, 16,18. Achle, see Oakleigh. Aclea, see Oakleigh. Adam, Sir, Vicar of Romney, 28, 30. Adamson, John, 44. Addington, Manor of, 154. Adisham, 22. Aecclesse, see Eccles. Aedune, see Hoden Manor. Aeglesforda, see Aylesford. ^ilstane, Bishop of Rochester, 158. Aeschylus, on beacons, 78. Aethelbert, coin of, found at Shoreham, xliii, 198. Agnes, Sister of hospital of St. James, Canterbury, 34. Alchorne family, 215. Alcorn, Robert, 30. Aldington, 142. Alekyn, Thomas, 30. Ambassador, French, praises English beacon system, 82, 95. Amherst, Mrs.,76 ; recipe for dropsy, 70 ; recipe for wiggs, 72. Ancient Stained Glass in Bishopsbourne Church, by N.E. Toke, 113- 122. Andrew, Nicholas, 43. Antiquitates Rutupinae, by Archdeacon Battely, 92. Appledore, 30. Apuldre, see Appledore. Aquablanca, Peter de, Bishop of Hereford, 27. Armada, coming of, 77, 89. Armorial Bearings: Beoldngham, arms of, 116, 117, 119; Beltnap, arms of, 92 ; Bromwioh, arms of, 119 ; Broughton, arms of, 139 ; Browne, arms of, 119; Canterbury, See, arms of, 115; Clive, arms of, 137, 139; Contry, arms of, 139; Corbet, arms of, 117; Dauntre, arms of, 92; Edward VI, King, arms of, 120; Eelkenss arms of, 120; England, Royal arm, of, 139; Haut, arms of, 114; Henry VII, King, arms of, 120 ; Henry VIII, King, arms of, 117 ; Huxley, arms of, 139 ; James II, King, arms of, 138; Longslow, arms of, 139; Morton, Cardinal, arms of, 116; Paulet, arms of, 118; Sharpe, arms of, 119; Styche, arms of, 139; Tudor, Royal arms, 116, 119; Unton, arms of, 117, 119. Aske, Robert, rebellion of, 84. Aucher, Sir Anthony, 116; Elizabeth, wife of John Corbet, 116. Austen, Thomas, Vicar of Milton next Sittingbourne, 36-51 passim. Austin, Thomas, 76. Aylesford, bequests to friars of 40, 43, 49 ; lathe of, 7-26; manor of, 9, 22. B Badlesmere, 8. Bakchilde (Bapchild), 43. Baker, William, 39. Ballard, Adolphus, 110; Elizabeth Balcombe, 110; Francis, 111; Isaac, senior, 110 ; Isaac, junior, 110, 111; Joseph, 111; Richard, 110. Ballard Family Register, The, by Frances M. Ballard and W. P. D. Stebbing, F.S.A., 110-112. Ballard, Frances M. and W. P. D. Stebbing, The Ballard Family Register, 110-112. Barham ohurch, xii. Barham Down, xii; earthworks on, 57, 196; finds at, xliii, 196; Roman road crosses, 58, 59. Barming, East and West, Manors of, 26. Barret, Peter, 98, 101. 238 GENERAL INDEX. Barton, 149. Bath-stone, in Eynsford church, 167. Battely, Archdeacon, Antiquitates Rutupinae, 92. Baxchild (Bapchild) church, 42. Beacons, Carde of, 86, 92, 95 ; first mentioned in England, 78 ; history of, 77-79 ; orders for maintenance of, 79-85, 91. Beacon System in Kent, The, by H. T. White, 77-96. Bearsted, finds at, xliii. Beckingham, Anne, wife of John, 117; John, 117; Louisa, 116; Mary Catharine, wife of Stephen, 116; Robert, 117; Stephen, 116, 117, 118; Thomas, 117. Beckingham Hall, 116; carved panel from, 117. Bekesbourne, xlii, 138, 139 ; church, xii, 34 ; old palace, xlii. Benison, Alice, 50. Berlingan, see Birling. Bertha, Queen, 160. Bery, John, 38, 49. Bestcherche, William, 53. Bestiaries, influence of, on church carving, 3. Besyle, William, 32. Beverley Minster, 1, 2. Bexley, Manor of, 146, 148. Bigberry, Bigbury, excavations at, xliii, 196, 212, 213 ; finds at, xliii. Birling, 13, 24. Birtrick, of Meopham, will of, 14, 158. Bishopsbourne church, stained glass in, 113-122. Blackman, Mary, 76. Blanche, Dom Nicholas, 48. Blean Forest, 126, 129. Bloxham church, 1. "Blue Dick," 113. Bobbing church, 40. Bocher, Bochiar, Richard,37. Bole, John, 39. Bolelar, William, 97. Boll, Henry, Richard, 44. Bollyn, Henry, 60. Boltune, see Boughton under Blean. BorcsteaUe, see Borstal. Borden, Thomas, 45. Borgham, see Burham. Borrett, Mrs., 76; reoipe for an Ague, 69. Borstal, 12, 16, 17. Boueheld, 13. Boughton Monchelsea, xii, 216; quarries at, 55. Boughton under Blean, 127, 134, 135. Boundary, between Kent and Surrey, alteration of, 152-155. Bourne, Abbot, 186. Bourne Park, 58. Bourne Place, 116. Bowra, Cecil A. V., Old Kentish Recipes, 63-76. Boxley, 20. Boys, William, 1. Brabourne Church, xlii. Bradley, Denis, 41. Bratt, WiUiam, 45. Braunton Church, 2. Bredgar Church, 40, 176. Bredhurst, William, 32. Bregge, see Bridge. Brekenoke, Alice, Elizabeth, Lawrance, 39. Brenchley, 22. Bridge Church, 34. Broad Clyst Church, 2. Brodnax, Mrs., recipe for college pudding, 71. Brokman, John, 33. Brome, Henry, priest, 37. Bromfeld, Bromfeild, John, 36, 43, 49. Bromley, Francis E., A Note on the Corona of St. Thomas of Canterbury, 102-109. Bromley, Hundred of, 9. Bronze Age, circles, xliv, 199; implements found at Walderslade, 195 ; at Sheppey, 195. Brook, 22. Brook Farm, Reculver, by C. R. Councer, 137-139. Brookland, 149. Browne, Robert, 61. Browne, Rupert, registrar, 98, 101. Browning, Dorothy, Joan, Katherine, 45. Buckland, 134. Bull, Mrs., recipe for Clary water, 70 ; snail water, 69. Buns, Helen, 36. Burden, Thomas, 47. Burgis, John, 42. Burham, 12, 13, 20, 21. Butley, John, 38. Bysschoppesgat, Adam de, 32. C Caen-stone, in Eynsford Church, 163, 166. Caerstane, see Teston. GENERAL INDEX. 239 Caetham, see Chatham. Oalamy Revised, by A. G. Matthews, review of, 219-221. Camden, Magna Britannia, 77, 78, 141. Campneys, Geoffrey, 33. Canterbury, Archbishops of : Aethelheard, 140; Alphege, 158: Becket, Thomas, bequest to shrine of, 34; caput aureum, 107; corona, 102-109 ; stained glass image destroyed, 113 ; supposed skeleton of, 102-109; Boniface, 30; Cuthbert, 181 ; Dunstan, 158, 181, 192; Jaenbert, 181 ; Kilwardby, 143; Lanfranc, 8; Morton, 115; Pecham, 144; Rich, Edmund, 141; Tatwin, 181; Walter, Hubert, 141; Wilfred, 124,132, 136. Canterbury, Archbishopric of, responsible for piers of Rochester Bridge, 22-24 ; lands at Darenth and Otford, 158; vineyards belonging to, 140-149. Canterbury Cathedral: animal carvings in, 4 ; bequests to priors of, 32, 34, 35 ; burial in, 31 ; documents from treasury of, 27 ; lands belonging to, 127. Canterbury Churches : St. Andrew, 211 ; St. Gregory, 34, 141 ; St. Laurence, 34; St. Martin, 160, 161; St. Peter, 198; St. Sepulchre, 34. Canterbury Hospitals : Eastbridge, 30 ; Harbledown, 34; Poor Chaplain's, 30; St. John, 34; St. James, 34, 35. Canterbury, bastion, 198; Dane John, 198 ; discovery of skeleton, 102; foundation of St. George's gate uncovered, xliv, 211; Fountain Inn, 97 ; friars, bequests to, 34, 40, 43 ; Marlowe's house, 198 ; medieval bridge, remains of, xliv, 211; medieval cannon balls found, 211-212 ; Roman building, remains of, xliv; Roman road at, 58 ; St. Augustine's Abbey, 149, 180, 181, 183, 192, 193, bequests to, 34, 35, burial in, 33; St. Austin's Abbey, 179-194. " Carde " of the beacons in Kent, 86, 92, 95. Cathorp Church, Lincolnshire, recipe from, 72. Catlot, Cattelote, Elizabeth, 41; Joan, 39, 40. Cealce, see Chalk. Cenwulf, Coenwulf, King of Mercia, charters, 124, 125, 132; exchanges land at Teynham, 140. Chalk, 12, 13, 20. Chalkwell, 43. Charles Edward, Prince, threatened invasion by, 91. Chartham, 149. Chartham Downs, position of Saxon cemetery, 60 ; earthworks on, 61. Chart, Little, 131. Chatham, 12, 19, 91 ; hundred of, 19, 24 ; skull found at, 200. Chelke, see Chalk. Cheney, Sir Thomas, 150. Cheseman, Thomas, 46. Chesny, Bartholemew de, 162, 154. Chester Cathedral, 2. Chevening Church, xlii. Cheyney, family of, 137. Chich, Chicche, John, 32. Chowne, Sir George, 213; Lady Mary, wife of Sir George Chowne (wiU of), 213; Nevill, 214; Thomas, 213, 214. Cilling, old port of Faversham, 123, 125, 126, 128. Clapham, A. W., A Note on the layout of the Cloister at St. Austin's Abbey, Canterbury, 191-194. Clarke, Jeoffrey, 38. Clement, James, 42. Clenche, Thomas, 49. Cleve (nr. Acol), beacon at, 80. Cliff-at-Hoo, 13, 23. Olive, Alice, wife of William Haward, 139 ; Sir Christopher, 137-139 ; Elizabeth, wife of Sir Christopher Clive, 138 ; Zutphania, 137. Cliue, see Cliff-at-Hoo. Clovile, Dom William, 45. Cobham College, repair of, 52, 53 ; records relating to, xii, 215. Cobham, Lord John, 52-56 ; alters St. Dunstan's Church, 65; William, Lord Lieutenant of Kent, 86,87,89. Coins, found at Farningham, 156 ; at Otford, 156; at Rochester, 206 ; Shoreham, xliii, 198. Colchester, 152, 154. Companion into Kent, by Dorothy Gardiner, review of, 223-224. Cooling, 135. Copton, 130, 131, 134, 149. Corbet, Elizabeth, wife of John Corbet, 116; John, 116; Mary Catherine, wif eof Stephen Beckingham, 116. 240 GENERAL INDEX. Corona of St. Thomas, 102-109. Coting, Cotinge, WiUiam, 41, 47. Cotton, Robert, Sir Thomas, William, 213. Councer, C. R., Brook Farm, Reculver, 137-139. Council of Clovesho, 140. Cowche, Raynolde, 38. Cowcheman, William, 38. Cowling Castle, 52, 53, 66 ; building of gateway, 54, 55. Cozenton in Aylesford, 12, 20. Cranbrook, connection with BaUard family, 110, 111. Crawford, 0. G. S., Field-Notes in the Canterbury District, 57-62. Cromwell, Thomas, orders repairs of beacons, 82. Crump, Ralph, 65 ; Thomas, 53-56. Cucclestane, see Cuxton. Culmer, Richard, 113. Curtis, Miss, 75; recipe for eye lotion, 74. Cusinton, Cusintune, see Cozenton. Cuxton, 12, 17. Cynedritha, Abbess of Cookham, 140. Cynincges cua lond, 125, 129-130, 135, 136. D Darent, River, 156, 157. Darenth, 158, 169; church, 167- 158, 162; remains of villa at, 166, 158. Dartford, 156, 157, 158, 159 ; skull found at, 200-201. Dartford, by Sidney Kilworth Keyes, review of, 222-223. Davis, Bernard F., An Early Alteration of the Boundary between Kent and Surrey, 152-155. Dawlye, Alice, 38. Deal, 111; excavations at, xliv, 199, 207-209; Jutish burial at xliv, 209-210 ; medieval key found at, 214-215. Debnam, Katherine, 42; Robert, 42. Dedeman, Isabelle, wife of Robert Dedeman, 41. Dene, Peter, 182, 183-184, 186. Denetune, see Denton. Denton by Gravesend, 13, 23. Denys, Joan, widow of John Denys of Welle next Littlebourne, 28 (will of), 33-36 ; John, 28. Detling, 20. Devil's Court HaU, The, skull found at, 62. Dictune, see Ditton. Dingley, Peter, vicar, 39, 45. Ditton, 12, 23. Dode in Luddesdown, 12, 13, 20, 26. Dodyngdale, 32. Domesday Book, 7, 9, 10, 18, 21, 26, 126, 140, 162, 155, 158, 159. 160, 161, 212. Dordrecht, animal carvings in cathedral, 5. Dorset, Duchess of, recipe for hair lotion, 68. Dover, progress of works at castle, xliii ; Roman road to Canterbury, 58. Druce, George C, The Sow and Pigs; A Study in Metaphor, 1-6. Drury, Denis, 50. Dudda, moneyer, xliii, 198. Dudesland, see Dode. Durant, Thomas, 39. Durham Castle Chapel, 2. Dygges, John, 34. Dygon, Abbot John, 182. Dygons, Mathew, 46. Dymchurch, Church, 212 ; lathe of, 10. Dyne, John, 37. E Eadmund, King, 127. Eadulf, Duke, 158. Ealhfleot, 124,127,128,130, 131, 132. Earddulf, 125, 130. Early Alteration of the Boundary between Kent and Surrey, An, by Bernard F. Davis, 152-155. Earthworks: on Barham Downs, 57-59, 196 ; on Chartham Downs, 61; at Harbledown, 196, 212 ; at Kingston, 57. Eastbridge, excavation at church, xliii-xliv, 212. Eccles, 12, 13, 20, 51. Echles, see Eccles. Edenbridge, 199. Edmund, chaplain of hospital of St. James, Canterbury, 34, 35. Eldrichgate, Joan, 34. Elham Church, xlii. Eltham, churchwarden's acoounts, 94. Elys, John, 32. Ernulf, Bishop, 169. Essex, John, William, 49. GENERAL INDEX. 241 Estland, WUliam, 44. Everard, Thomas, 32. EweU, Kent, 216. Exeter Cathedral, 2. Eynsford Church in the Valley of the Darent, by Grevile M. Livett, 156- 178. Eynsford, 158, 160 ; Church, 161- 178; Roman remains at, 156; Saxon bowl found at, 157. Eynsford, de, family of, 160-161, 176. Eynsham, Oxon, 157, 199. Eythorne, hundred of, 9, 20, 22, 24. F Fairlight beacon, 95. Falchenham, see Fawkham. Farleigh, West, records of, xii, 215- 216. Farley Chamberlayne, Hampshire, remains of beacon at, 92, 95. Farningham, 158; Church, 169, 161; Roman remains at, 156; Saxon cemetery at, 157. Faversham, 47, 123-135, 137 ; borough records, charters of, xliii; household inventory, 97. Fausset, Bryan, 57. Fawkham, 12, 14, 17. Febresham, Fefresham, see Faversham. Fige, WiUiam, 38. Firestone in Eynsford Church, 170, 172. Fliote, see Southfleet. Flori, Abbot Hugh, 181. Flyote, see Northfleet. Fobbyng, Essex, beacon at, 80. Fontenelle, cloister at, 193. Fowler, Cristin, 40. Friars of Aylesford, 40, 43, 49; Canterbury, 34, 40, 43 ; Romney, 29 ; Sandwich, 40 ; Wynchelsea, 30. Frindsbury, 12, 17. Frinondesbyrig, see Frindsbury. Fyndon, Abbot, 182. G Galba E4, record of hundreds, 16, 19. Gaystone, John, 46. George and Dragon Inn, Speldhursfc, 98. Germain, Lady Betty, 76; recipe for miUc punch, 69. Gilbourne, Nicholas, of Charing, 88. GiUingham, 12, 19; Church, 139 ; Saxon finds at, 201. Gisleardeslande, 12, 13, 20. Gladwin (Gladwen), Joan, Thomas, 42. Glapthorn Church, Northants, 1. Glass paintings, Flemish, 119, 120- 121. Godfrey, John, 38. Godwin, Earl, of Kent, 23, 26. Goodnestone, 134; church, 1, 2. | Grafon Aea, see Graveney. I Graveney, 123-136. | Gravesend, beacon at, 80, 81, 86. Greenfield, Archbishop of York, 183. Green St. Green, tumuli at, 156. ! Greenwich, 75 ; St. Alphege register, ! xliv. Groveherst, Joan, 45. ! GyUingeham, see GiUingham. H Hadlow, 12, 23, 64. Haeselholte, see Hadlow. i Hailing, 12, 17, 149. ! Halpeney, WiUiam, 51. j Halstowe Church (Lower), 40. ! Ham fleot, 125, 126, 127, 131-132. ! Ham, Hamme, 125, 126, 127, 130, I 131-132, 136. Hampstead, beacon at, 86. Hanekyn, Alexander, 32. Hannen Manuscripts, xii, 215-216. I Hansbie, Sir Ralph, 213. ; Haranhylle, see HernhiU. j Harbackenden, Walter, 51. | Hardres, 32. Harman, William, 48. HarnheUe, AUee, 34. Harte, Richard, 50; Sara, 50; WUliam, 39. I Hartinge, WiUiam, 37. Hasted, History of Kent, 22, 61, 114, 115, 141, 158, 159, 176. Hastings, lathe of, 10. j Haward, Alice, WiUiam, 139. I Hawkhurst, beacon at, 91. Hayman, Ralph, 44. | Hayward, Thomas, 41. j Heallingan, see Hailing. Hefer fleot, 126, 132. Hehham, see Higham. Helys, John, 30. Henhurst manor, Cobham, 12,13,20. Hennyhyrat, Hennhystae, see Henhurst. I Henry I, gifts to Rochester Church, i 159. 242 GENERAL INDEX. Henry VII, arms of, 120; orders upkeep of beacons, 82. HernhUl, 126, 127. Herst, John, William of, 33. Heyward, Thomas, 37. Higham, 13, 23. HiUs, Thomas, 44; William, 36. History of Knockholt, Kent, by G. H. Marlow, review of, 231. Hitchin Church, 2. Hludesdune, see Luddesdown. Hoden Manor, Frindsbury, 13, 20. HoUnganburnan, see HoUingboume. HoUingboume, 12, 19, 20, 22, 149. Holman, Alice, Arthur, 48. Hone, Galyon, Royal glazier, 119. Hoo, 12 ; beacon at, 80 ; hundred of, 17, 22, 24. Horndon, Essex, beacon at, 80, 81. Horsmonden, 22. Horstede, see Horsted. Horsted manor, Chatham, 12, 13, 20. Horting, WiUiam, 46. Horton Kirby, 159 ; Saxon remains at, 197. Horton Priory, ancient buildings at, xlii. Howaran, see Hoo. Hugh ii, Abbot, 181. Hundreds, courts of, 8 ; of lathe of Aylesford, 11-26. Hunt, Joan, 46. Husse, Garrard, 39. Hussey, Arthur, Milton Wills (Next Sittingbourne), III, 36-61. Hyueth, see Ivychurch. I Ibbinctun, Ibbintea, Ibentea, Ibentia, 124, 132-133, 134, 136. Ickham Church, 28. Iffin's wood, ancient encampment in, 61. Ightham, finds at, xliii, 195 ; Mote, xlii; iron bloomery at, 207. Ikham, Thomas, the Sacrist, 182. Inventories : William Bolelar, 97 ; a Faversham household, 97; Leader, George, 97-101; Leybourne, Juliana de, 97 ; le Pere, Robert, 30-31 ; linen at Leeds Castle, 97; Priory of Minster in Sheppey, 150; Walker, Frances, 97. Inventory of an Innkeeper's possessions in 1685, An. 97-101. Iron Age pottery found on Barham Down, 196; site at Deal, 207- 209. Isaac, John, wife of, 34. Ivychurch Church, 29. Iwade Church, 40. J Jenning, Thomas, 47. Jeny, Ralph, 48. Johnson, Elisabeth, wife of Garard Johnson, 36; Garard (wiU of), 36 ; Thomas, 36. Jones, Edward, will of, 36 ; IsabeUe, wife of Edward Jones, 36. Jones, G. P., Knoop, D. and Lewis, N. B., Some new Documents Con- ; cerning the Building of Cowling ' Castle and Cobham College, 52-56. Jonson, Joan, wife of Thomas Jon- : son, 36; Margaret, 36; Thomas (wUl of), 36 ; WUliam, 36. | Joye, Agnes, Alice, 37 ; AUee, wife of John Joye junior, 37 ; Anne, wife of John Joye, senior, 37; ! George, Joan, 37; John, senior I (will of), 36, 37; John, junior I (will of), 37 ; Juliane, 37. ! Juliana of Promhell, 29. Jutish burial near Deal, xliv, 209- 210. K Kent and Surrey Boundary, 152-155. Kent Hatch, xliii, 199. Kentish Architecture as Influenced by Geology, by John Archibald, review of, 224-226. Kentish Ragstone: in Eynsford Church, 170, 174, 178; in St. Austin's, Canterbury, 193. Kent Records: Vol. XIII, 1316- 1317, edited by Bertha Haven Putnam, review of, 217-219. Kent, Thomas, will of, 37. Keylog, Joan, wife of Thomas Keylog ; Thomas, 49. Key, medieval, found at Deal, 214, 215. " King, Riohard, 40. Kingsdown Church, 159. Kingston, church, xii; earthworks at, 57. Kirrill, Mrs., 74. Knight, Alice, wife of Robert Knight, 37 ; Robert, will of, 37. Knole Park, 76. GENERAL INDEX. 243 Knoop, D., Jones, G. P. and Lewis, N. B., Some New Documents Concerning the Building of Cowling Castle and Cobham College, 52-56. Kyere, Anthony, will of, 37 ; Joan, wife of Anthony Kyere, 37. L Lacey, John, 45. Lacye, John, 50; will of, 37-38; Henry, 38. Lain, Lane, Dr., 75. Lake, Alice, see Dawlye, Charitye, Denise, 38 ; Joan, wife of Thomas Lake, 38 ; John (wiU of), 38 ; Katherine, wife of Thomas Lake, junior, 38; Richard, Susane, Thomas, 38; Thomas, senior, (will of), 38 ; Thomas, junior (wUl of), 38 ; William, 49. Lake, Mr., 76. Lambard, Garrard, 47 ; Lady, wife of Sir Multon Lambard, 75 ; Mrs., 75 ; Sir Multon, 75. Lambarde, William, A Perambulation of Kent, 11, 86, 92, 141, 158 ; " Carde " of the Beacons in Kent, 86, 92, 95, 96. Lamberherst, Sir Thomas, chaplain, 33. Lambeth, 146, 148; Register, 124, 132-133. Lapyn, Robert, 32. Larkfield, hundred of, 17-24 passim. Lathe of Aylesford in 975, The, by Gordon Ward, -7-26. Lathe : of Aylesford, duties of, 16- 26; hundreds in, 11-26 ; of Dymchurch, 10 ; of Hastings, 10 ; of Shipway, 88. Lath Street, Saxlingham, Norfolk, 10. Lawrence, William, 46. Leader, George, inventory of possessions, 97-101. Leaths, near Burnham Overy, 10. Lee, Miss, recipe for lettuce soup, 74. Leeds Castle, inventory of linen, 97. Lese, William atte, 32. Letman, Elizabeth, wife of James Letman, senior, 38; James, will of, 38 ; James, junior, 38. Lewes, Roman road to London, xliii, 199. Lewis, N. B., Knoop, D. and Jones, G. P., Some New Doeuments Concerning the Building of Cowling Castle and Cobham College, 52-56. Leybourne, 12, 23; JuUana de, inventory of possessions, 97. Lichebundelond, 13, 21. Lillanburnan, see Leybourne. LiUinton, see Linton. Linton, 13, 21. Littlefield, hundred of, 23. Littlebourne, 34. Livett, Grevile, M., Eynsford Church in the Valley of the Darent, 156- 178. Loggett, John, see Sheppard. Lokyndane, chapel of, 34. London, James, will of, 39 ; Robige, wife of James London, 39. Long, Sir Richard, 85. Loose, 13, 21. Lorde, Agnes, wife of John Lorde, 39; John, will of, 39; John, junior, 39. Lose, see Loose. Luddenham, 131, 132, 134, 136. Luddesdown, 13, 24. Lullingstone, Church, 158, 159, 161 ; Saxon finds at, 157. Lydd Corporation, papers on upkeep of beacons, 93-94. Lymenhe, see Lympne. Lyminge Church, xlii. Lympne, 30. M Maas, Alianora, wife of John Maas, 39 ; • Alice, 39 ; Felice, wife of William Maas, 39 ; Henry, 39, 40 ; Joan, 40; John (will of), 39; Thomas, 39; WUliam (will of), 39-40. Mablet, Elinor, 50; William, 50, 51. Maegthanstane, see Maidstone. Maeranwyrthe, see Mereworth. j Maidstone, 55, 145 ; hundred of, 12, 20, 23, 25. Mailing, 12, 14, 17. Manchester Cathedral, 2, 3. j Manorbier, castle of, 149. Maplescombe, church at, 162. Marcall, Anne, wife of Henry Marcall, 41 ; Henry, will of, 41. , Marchant, Joane, 41 ; John of j Sheppey, 41 ; John, will of, 41 ; Thomasine, wife of John Marchant, J 4 1 . | Marie, Lady, recipe for Hungary ! water, 67. Marten, Agnes, 50. 244 GENERAL INDEX. Martin, Adrian, brewer (wUl of), 42 ; Cason, 42; Cristiane, wife of Thomas Martin, senior, 41 ; Elene, i 42; Isabelle, wife of Robert Dedeman, 41 ; Joan, wife of John Martin, 41, 42 ; John (will of), 41 ; Margaret, wife of Adrian Martin, 42; Margaret, Rose, Richard, Thomas, 4 1 ; Thomas, senior (will of), 41 ; Thomas, junior (will of), 42 ; WUliam, 41. Mase, Henry, wUl of, 40 ; Joana, wife of, 40. Mason, William, 41. Massie, Harry, 45. Master, Thomas, 47. May, Margaret, 34. Maycot, Anthony, George, Sir Cavalliero, 137; Mary, wife of Sir CavaUiero Maycot, 137. Maynerspytell, 35. Mearc fleot, 125, 129, 132. Medemans, Richard, 40. Medway, River, xii, 55, 215 ; order for defence of, 90-91. Melantune, see Milton, Gravesend. Meallingan, see Mailing. Meopham, 13, 24. Meriall, Felice, wife of WUliam Meriall,42; WiUiam, will of, 42. Mereman, William, 51. Mereworth, 12, 23. Meriman, Cristina, will of, 42; Matilda, 42. Mesolithic habitation, site at Ightham, 195. Messenger (Massanger), Adam, 42, wiU of, 42; Marion, wife of Thomas Massenger, 43 ; Thomas, 42, will of, 43; Thomas, junior, William, 43. Miller, Nicholas, 213 ; Richard, 46. Milnar, Katherine, wife of Richard Milnar, 43 ; Richard, will of, 43 ; Robert, Roger, Thomas, William, 43. Milne, Richard, 37. Milton, Gravesend, 13, 23. Milton-next-Sittingbourne, 36-51, passim ; old wallpapers at, 160. Milton Wills (next Sittingbourne) III, by Arthur Hussey, 36-51. Milys, John, 40. Minnis Bay, remains found at, xliii; pot found at, xliii. Minster, Sheppey, Abbey gatehouse, xlii; priory, record of old wallpapers at, 160. Misericords, decoration of, 1, 2, 149. Monke, Madam, 75. Monyns, Mary, wife of Sir CavaUiero Maycot, Thomas, 137. Moone, Felice, 43 ; Margaret, wife of Robert Moone, 44 ; Robert, will of 43-44. Morton, de, Agnes, wife of Richard de Morton, senior, 32 ; Elye, John, Richard, junior, 32; Richard, senior (will of), 31-32; William, 32. Morton, Nicholas, vicar, 50, 51. Morys, Isabel, Joan, 34 ; John, 35. Moston, or Walker, John, will of, 44. Murston, 134. Musical instruments, use of in animal carvings, 2, 3, 6. N Napoleon, threatened invasion by, 91. Navigation lights, 86-87. Nelson, head wound compared with Becket's, 106. Neolithic implements : in vaUey of the Darent, 156 ; at Ivy Hatch, Ightham, 195 ; at Bearsted, 196. Netlestead, 12, 23. Newcome, Elizabeth, widow of Thomas Newcome, 44 ; William, will of, 44 ; William, junior, 44. New Romney, 27. | Newton St. Cyres Church, Devon, 2. Norden, Edward, will of, 44. Northfleet, 13, 23, 24, 140-149. Norton, Joane, wife of Thomas Norton, 44 ; Sir John, 45; Thomas, will of, 44. Note on the Corona of St. Thomas of Canterbury, A, by Francis E. Bromley, 102-109. Notes on Wall-Papers, by Aymer Vallance, 150-151. Nott, Dom Amphebel, 37. Nynne, John, 35. O Oakleigh by Higham, 12, 13, 20. Oare, 132, 134. Odo, Bishop, 8. Off a, King, 158. Offaham, see Off ham. Offham, 12, 23. Old Kentish Recipes, by Cecil A. V. Bowra, 63-76. Old Romney, 28; St. Clement Church, 20 ; St. Laurence Church, 28, 29. GENERAL INDEX. 245 Orgate, Joan, wife John Orgate, 44 ; John, junior, 44, 45 ; John, senior, wUl of, 44. Orkney Islands, beacon system in, 78. Ospringe, 134. Otford, 145, 148, 168, 159 ; excavations at Frog Farm, xliii, 198; Roman remains at, 156. Overhill Farm, Boxley, 12, 20, 26. Owen, Mrs., 74 ; Mrs., Quaker, 75 ; Hugh, 74 ; Nathaniel, 75. Oxenden, Sir George, Sir Henry, 138. Oxenhoth Manor, West Peckham, descent of, 213-214. P Paddlesworth, 13, 24, 226. PalseoUthic implements: in the vaUey of the Darent, 156; at Swanscombe, 195. Parker, Richard, 51. Parkyn, Joan, wife of Thomas Parkyn, 45 ; Thomas, will of, 46. Patrixbourne Church, xii, 34. Payn, Alice, 46 ; Beatrise, wUl of, 45. Peadleswyrthe, see Paddlesworth. Pecchams, Two, see Peckham. Peckham, East, 12, 23 ; Great, 65 ; Little, 213, 214 ; West, 12,23, 213. PeUe, Fehce, wife of WiUiam Maas, 39, 40 ; Joan, John, 40. Perambulation of Kent, by William Lambarde, 11, 86, 92, 141, 158. Pere, le, AUee, wife of Robert le Pere, 28, 30; Elyce, Joan, 28, 29; John, 28, 30 ; Robert, 27, will of, 28-30, inventory of possessions of, 30-31; Stephen, 29. Perot, Dom John, 49. Pers, Thomas, 37. Petham, 32; Richard of, 32; Thomas of, 32. Petit, Clementine, 32. Petite, Dom WUliam, vicar, 38. Pett, WiUiam, 45. Pette, Robert atte, of Luddesdown, mason, 52. Pettely, Mrs., 76. Philpott, Alice, 46. Piokhill, William, 44. PUgrim's Way, remains found on, at Westwell, xliii, 204-205. Pincerna, Adam, Hugh, Ralph, 152, 164; WUliam, 154. Pinden, 12, 17. Pine, James de la, 137. Pinindene, see Pinden, Pinnenden, 7, 8. Plan of St. Austin's Abbey, Canterbury, The, by Canon R. U. Potts, 179-194 (and Folded Plan). Poer, Joane, 43. Poire, Sir John, 32. Poste, Raffe, 38. Posthumous Miracles of King Henry VI, The, edited by Paul Grosjean, review of, 231-234. Potage, John, 41. Potts, Canon R. U., The Plan of St. Austin's Abbey, Canterbury, 179- • 194. • Preston, North, 125, 127, 130, 134, ; 136 ; South, 129, 130. Pystok, John, 46. Q Queenborough, 90. R Raceforthe, Richard, 50. Raymond, Robert, 41. Raynold, WUliam, 38. ! Reade, Isabell, wife of John Reade, 45, will of, 45-46 ; John, wiU of, j 45. Recipes, old Kentish, 65-74. ! Reculver, Brook Farm, 137-139 ; Church, 137. Reder, John, 41. Remagen-on-Rhine, church carvings, 2. Revee, Joan, 46. Rev. Jeremiah Smith, The, by L. G. H. Horton-Smith, review of, 234-235. Ria, de, Adam, 152, 154; Eudes, Hubert, 152. Ribbesford Church, Worcs., 2. Richard I I , orders upkeep of beacons, 80. Richard, chaplain to Robert le Pere, 28, 30 ; Sir, vicar of WestweU, 33 ; the Constable, 127. Richeman, Joan, wife of Peter Richeman, 46 ; John, 46 ; Peter (wiU of), 46. Richmond Church, Yorks., 2. Ricman, John, 44. Rigman, John, 42. RUey, Agnes, wife of Robert RUey, 48 ; Robert, wiU of, 48. Ripon Cathedral, 2. Ripple Church, Gloucestershire, 149. Roberts, WiUiam, 53. 246 GENERAL INDEX. Rochester: Bishop of, 14, 16-19, 158-159; bridge, 91, upkeep of, 7- 25; castle, stone used at, 55 ; cathedral, 169 ; church, 159-160 ; hundred of, 17 ; monks of, 152 ; old wall papers at, 150. Roger of Kent, 152. Roman: bricks in St. Austin's Abbey, Canterbury, 181, 193; buUdings, remains of, at Canterbury, xliv, at Farningham, 156, at Otford, 156, at Thurnam, 196; burial groups, at Ryarsh, 197; burial urns, at Ruckinge, 196; cemeteries at Dartford, 156 ; coins found at Otford and Farningham, 156; road, between Kent and Surrey, 155; Canterbury to Dover, 58-60, London to Lewes, xliii, 199 ; sarcophagus and skeleton, at Snodland, xUii, 197, 202-203; shards, at Frog Farm, Otford, xlin, 198 ; skull, found at Redlands, Canterbury, 62; tiles, in Eynsford castle, 156 ; villa, at Darenth, 156. Romenal, see Romney. Romney, 29, 30, 93; bequest to friars of, 29; Hospital of St. Thomas, 29 ; House of St. John, 30 ; Marsh, courts of, 10 ; oratory of St. Martin, 160. Rose, Anne, Elizabeth, wife of William Rose, WUliam, mUler (will of), 47. Rotherfield, 64. Rouffyn, John, mariner (wUl of), Robert, William, 48. Ruckinge, finds at, xliii, 196. Ruffin, Robert, 36. Ruffyn, Robert, 29, 30. Ruffyne, Ahce, wife of Robert Ruffyne, 47, 48 ; Augustine, John, Robert, 47, 48 ; Robert, senior, yeoman (will of), 47-48. Rutone de, Alice, Geoffrey, senior (wiU of), Geoffrey, junior, Geoffrey of Smeeth, Joan, Joan, wife of Geoffrey de Rutone, Joan wife of Richard de Rutone, Mabel, Richard, 33. Ruxley hundred, 17, 18, 19. Ryarsh, finds at, xliii, 197. Rykman, Alice, 46; Anne, 47; Cicille, Elianore, wife of John Rykman, senior, John, John, senior (will of), 46 ; John, junior (will of), 46-47; Rose, 46, 47; Thomas, 46. S St. Alphege, Greenwich, parish register, xliv. St. Augustine's, Canterbury, see Canterbury. St. Cuthbert's Church, Wells, 2. St. Dunstan's Church, London, altered by Lord Cobham, 55. St. Gall, cloister at, 193, 194. St. George's chapel, Windsor, 2, 3. St. GUes' Church, Westwell, 33. St. Mary Redcliffe Church, Bristol, 2. St. Mary's, York, 183. St. Nicholas-at-Wade, fourteenth century cellar, xliv, 224. St. PhiUbert de Tournus, Burgundy, cloister at, 193. St. Riquier, cloister at, 194. Saltmarsh, Mrs., 76. Sands, Qlays and Minerals, review of, 230. Sandwich, 7, 10, 215; bequest to friars of, 40. Saunter through Kent with Pen and Pencil, A, Vols.XXVII, XXVIII, by Sir Charles Igglesden, review of, 226-230. Sawken, Robert, 60. Saxon: bowls found at Eynsford, Lullingstone, 157; cemetery on Chartham Downs, 60, at Farningham, 157; church at Darenth, 168, 163 ; divisions of Kent, 7-8 ; etymology of " lathe ", 9-10, of place names, 156-157 ; charters relating to Faversham, 123-136; schedule in Textus Roffensis, 11-13, 14, 16-26; remains at Horton Kirby, 197, at GiUingham, 201 ; use of beacons, 78. Sayer, Alice, 48; Alice, wife of Thomas Sayer, 49; Joan, 48; Robert (will of), 49 ; Sampson, 43, 49 ; Thomas, 49 (wiU of), 48-49. Scorey John, vicar, 47, 51. Scotland, Abbot, 181, 182, 192. Scott, WUliam, curate, 42, 49. Scray, hundred of, 88. Seasalter, remains at, xliii. Sede, Alice, wife of John Sede, John (will of), 49. Seethe, John, senior, 41, (will of), 50 ; John, junior, 60. Seleberhtinglond, see North Preston. Seman, Joan, wife of John Seman, John (will of), 49. Seth, Edmund, Isabel, James (wUl of), Joane, wife of James Seth, John, 50. GENERAL INDEX. 247 Sethe, John (will of), 50 ; Thomas (will of), 50-51. Sevenoaks, 64, 74-76. ShamweU, hundred of, 17, 23. Sharnhale, William, mason-contractor, 53, 55. Sharpe, Joan, 45; Joan, wife of William Sharpe, 51 ; John, 45 ; Richard, Thomas, William (wiU of), 51. Sheerness, 91. Sheldwiz, Sheldwych, John, 32. Shepherdswell, thirteenth century effigy at, xlii-xlui. Sheppard (or Loggett), Alice, wife of John Sheppard, George, John, miller (will of), Thomasine, 51. Sheppey, 131,229; beacon on, 80, 81; finds at Warden Bay, xliii, 195 ; Priory of Minster in, 150. Shilling, F.W., obituary notice of, 236. Shoebury, Essex, beacon at, 80, 81. Shooter's Hill, beacon at, 86, 94. Shoreham, coin found at, xliii, 198. Sibertswold, 59. Sigheard, 124, 128-129, 133, 134. Sinelond, see Snodland. Sittingbourne, 111 ; the George, 44. Skigbye Church, Notts, 43. Smalanlande, 12, 20. Snodilande, see Snodland. Snodland, 13, 24, 149; skeleton found at, xliii, 197, 202-203. Some Early Kentish Wills, by C. Eveleigh Woodruff, 27-35. Some New Documents Concerning the Building of Cowling Castle and Cobham College, by D. Knoop, G. P. Jones and N. B. Lewis, 52-56. Southfieet, 12, 17. Sow and Pigs; A Study in Metaphor, The, by George C. Druce, 1-6. Spacherst, Symon, 47. Speldhurst, inn at, 97. Spreyton Church, Devon, 2. Stablegate, Edmund, 32. Stane, see Stone. Stanes, WUliam de, 154. Stanley, Thomas, 213. Stebbing, W. P. D. and Frances M. Ballard, The Ballard Family Register, 110-112. Stede, John, 60 ; Nicholas, 45. Steven, William, 45. Stevin, William, 39. Stoce, see Stoke. Stockenbury, East Peckham, 13, 21. Stoke, 12, 17. Stokebere, see Stockenbury. Stone, 12, 17 ; near Dartford, beacon at, 86 ; near Faversham, 134; near Ospringe, 157. Sturmus (a witness), 152. StreatfeUd, Margaret, Mary, 75. Strood, 149. Suacy, Christopher, 45. Sugwas, Hereford, 27. Sundridge, xlii. Surrey and Kent boundary, 152-155. Sutcliffe, Dorothy, The Vineyards of Northfleet and Teynham in the Thirteenth Century, 140-149. Sutton, 159, lathe of, 15, 18, 24. Sutton, William, 44. Swalecliff, 131. Swale, River, 90, 125, 131. Swanatune, see Swanton. Swanscombe, flint implements found I at, xliii, 195. Swanton, Mereworth, 12, 23. SwarUng Farm, Belgic cemetery at, 61. Swithhun, 124, 126. T Taerstane, see Teston. Tatsfield, xliii, 199. Taunton, 9. Tavernyer, Stephen, 32. Tayler, James, 45. Terrell, Ralph, 51. Terry, WiUiam, clerk, 33. Teston, 12, 13, 20. Teteman, John, 40. Textus Roffensis, 7, 158, 159, 160 ; Saxon schedule in, 11-13,14,16-26. Teynham, 140-149. Therstan, see Teston. Thewitts, Henry, 213. Thomas, Ralph, of Borden, 36; Thomas, 46, WUUam, 47, 51. Thompson, Professor A. Hamilton, note to St. Austin's Abbey, Canterbury, 183-191. Thorneton, John, 45. Thurnham, finds at, xliii, 196. Tilbery, beacon at, 80. Tingewike, Nicholas, Rector of Reculver, 137. Toddington Church, Beds., 1. Toke, N. E., Ancient Stained Glass in Bishopsbourne Church, 113-122. ToUentrough, hundred of, 23, 24. Tonford Farm, waU and gateway of, 62. Tongue, Mr. drink for a cancered breast, 67. 2 4 8 GENERAL INDEX. Topography of some Saxon charters relating to the Faversham District, The, by Gordon Ward, 123-136. Toree, John, sacrist, 46. Totington Manor House, 51. Triplowe, James, 40. Trotterscliffe, 12, 17. Trotescliue, see Trotterscliffe. Tudor bricks at Brook Farm, 138; gateway at Tonford Farm, 62. Tumuli at Green St. Green, 166. Tunbrige, William, 44. Tuttesham, roll of the manor of, 216. Twiford, hundred of, 20, 23. U Ugborough Church, 2. UfanhyUe, see Overfull Farm. Upchurch, 40. Upnor Castle, 91. Ulcombe, 123. Underwood, Riohard, 43. V VaUance, Aymer, Notes on Wallpapers, 150-151. Vineyards of Northfleet and Teynham in the Thirteenth Century, The, by Dorothy Sutdiffe, 140-149. W Walderslade, finds at, xliii, 196. Walker, Frances, inventory of possessions of, 97. Walker or Moston, John, wiU of, 44. WaUington Hundred, 152. Wall painting, eighteenth century, in Canterbury, 198. Wall-papers, early examples of, 150. Walshe, John, curate, 42, 45, 46, 49. Walter, Abbot of Colchester, 164; Elenor, 46. Waltham, 32. Warcopp, John, 51. Ward, Gordon, The Lathe of Aylesford in 975,7-26; The Topography of Some Saxon Charters relating to the Faversham District, 123-136; notes added to Old Kentish Recipes, 74-76. Warden Bay, finds at, xlui, 195. Wateringbury, 12, 23. Waterman, John, 37. Watling Street, 57, 60, 123. Way, Harry at, 44. Welle next Littlebourne, 28, 33; church, 34 ; old chapel of, xlii. Werhard, priest, 127. West, William, 46. Westan Widde, see Blean Forest. Westby, Edward, 50. Westenhanger Castle, xlii. Westerham, hundred of, 12, 15, 23. Westminster Abbey, 2, 3. WestweU, beacon at, 95; church, 33; remains found on Pilgrim's Way near, xliii, 204-205. Westwood, Manor o°f, 129, 134-135. Wever, Robert, 44. Weye, Henry, 46, 49. White Horse of Kent, xii, 215. White, H. T., The Beacon System in Kent, 77-96. White, Lawrance, 37. Wickham, 152, 155. Wighelm, 125, 130. Wihtred, King of Kent, 126, 128. WiUmot, Dr., 75. Wilmington Chapel, 159. Wynchelsea, 31; church of St. Thomas, 30; bequest to friars minor of, 30; Hospital of Holy Cross, 30 ; Hospital of St. Bartholomew, 29. Winchester Cathedral, 2. Wingham, 149. Wlfric, Abbot, 179, 181, 182. Wodiet, Robert, 51. Wood, John, of Faversham, 137; Lawrence atte, 53. Woodruff, C. Eveleigh, Some Early Kentish Wills, 27-35. Wohringabyran, see Wateringbury. Woldeham, see Wouldham. Womenswold, 59. Wootton, 59. Worcester Cathedral, 2. Wouldham, 12, 13, 14, 20, 21, 158. Wreck, Thomas, mason, 53. Wrexham Church, 1. Wroteham, see Wrotham. Wrotham, 12, 23, 148. Wroxton Abbey, glass at, 118, 119, 122. Wuldeham, see Wouldham. Wydo, Abbot, 181. Wymbourne, John de, 33. Y Yalding, 22. Yevele, Henry, mason contractor, 54, 55, 56. Yoke, Robert, Thomas, 29. Yong, John, 51.