Milton next Sittingbourne Wills - IV

.( 177 ) MILTON WILLS. (NEXT SITTINGBOURNE)-IV. BY ARTHUR HUSSEY. (Concluded from Vol. XLVI, p. 51.) THOMAS SNELLING. 22 Oct 1523. Buried in the churchyard. To the reparation of the church and the maintaining of lights at the discretion of my wife (no name). Ex'or :-Wife [Elizabeth1] have all moveables with John Swift of Borden, overseer. All lands tenements to my wife then to my daughter (no name). Witnesses:Thomas Austen, vicar, John Lake, Robert Clerk, Robert Debenham. [Probate 11 Novem 1523.] (A. Vol. 16, fol. 48.) ELISABETH SNELLING. 22 May 1538. Buried in the churchyard between the graves of my husband and sons. ·To the £our men that bear my body to the church each a shirt price 10d. Ex'or make against my burying five tapers each of 3 lbs. of wax to burn about my herse at my burial and month's mind, to be held by five poor widows of the parish, each to have a smock price IOd. After the month's day one of the tapers to the Rood light, (2) to the Trendell, (3) be new stricken (made) and set up before the Sacrament to burn as long as it will last,, (4) the other two be new stricken and made one taper, to burn about the Sepulchre and maintained by Ex'or £or seven years. One yearly Obit be kept for ten years £or my soul, of 10/-. Residue after debts paid to Joan Westbie2 my daughter my Ex'or. Witnesses :-Thomas Austen, vicar, John Seth senior, Robert Ruffin, John Bull, John Lacye. [Probate 22 January 1538-9.] (A. Vol. 21, fol. 149.) HENRY SOTHERINDEN. 15 January 1522-3. Buried in the churchyard. Light of Our Lady of Pity 4d, St. George 2d, St. Christopher 2d. High Altar of the Minster in Sheppey 12d, and to the Prioress and her 1 Ex'or-Elisabeth his widow.-A. Act,, Vol. 5, fol. 125. 2 See Will of John Westby who died 1541, and had a wife Joan. 150 178 MILTON WILLS. sisters 12d to pray for me. Ex'or :-Wife Margaret and have the residue to pay debts etc., with Thomas Austen, vicar of Milton, overseer. Wife have in fee simple the house I dwell in, after her death be sold and money disposed for our souls. Witnesses :Thomas Austen, vicar, Thomas Denham clerk. [No Probate date.] (A. Vol. 14, fol. 329.) AGNES SPICE, widow. 25 Novem 1551. Administration of her goods granted to William Shrobsole of Milton and Robert Haywode of Leysdown in Sheppey, and to Joan Shrobsole and Elisabeth Haywode their wives, daughters of Agnes Spice, Bonds-Nicholas Hutchinson of Borden, tailor; and Thomas Barden of Milton, weaver, in £40. (A. Act. Vol. 10, fol. 108.) Tuol\I.AS SPROTTE.1 18 August 1472. Buried in the churchyard. Light of St. Mary of Upland 6d, St. John Baptist 2d, St. Thomas the Martyr 2d. To the parish chaplain 6d, the sacrist 4d. Daughter Joan at her marriage £5. Residue to wife Alice and William Sprotte my Exo'rs to pay debts. Feoffees :-William Baker, William Cotinge, John Grey. Wife have my messuage and 2 acres of land in Sewers field for life, then to William my son and his lawful issue, in default to Joan my daughter and her lawful issue, in default to be sold, the money to works of charity, viz. a priest celebrate in the church for one year for our souls; and to the works (operibus) of the church. If son William will build one house and a wheel-wright shop (rota artis), upon the land within t,he barn and gate next the highway, then he shall have all the forge with its tools for ever. Witnesses :-Peter Dingley vkar, William Baker, John Gray. [Probate 12 Novem 1472.] (A. Vol. 2, fol. 125.) THOMAS SPRINOETT. 10 April 1506. Buried in the churchyard of Holy Trinity, 􀂺\lilton. To four priests at my burial 6d each. Residue to wife Alice my Ex'or. V{ife have the house I dwell in for life, then to mv two.sons Larens and John, each heir to the other, but if both di􀂻 ·without lawful issue then to daughter Alice, if she die without 1 A Thomas Sport, smith, joined John Cade, 1450.-Arcli. Cant., \'11, 􀀱lli. MILTON WILLS. 179 issue to be sold and money disposed for our souls. Witnesses :Dom William Scotti priest, John Hogan. [Probate 28 May 1506.] (A. Vol. 10, fol. 121.) GEORGE STANDY. 18 June 1475. Buried in the churchyard. Alice Eget a cow, 4 ewes, 3 lambs, 3 acres of barley, and all my homiehold things. Residue to Peter Dingley vicar, my master, and George Cotinge, my Ex'ors. My messuage be sold, and the money 20/to Alice Eget, the residue disposed for my soul. [Probate 15 Sept 1475.] (A. Vol. 2, fol. 415.) THOMAS STEPHYN, 2 12 January 1456-7. Wife Juliana all my lands, tenements, rents, services, for life, except the messuage in which William Stephyn dwells in the tenure of St. John's; after her death to William my son his heirs assigns for ever. Son William the messuage in which William dwells in the tenure of St. John's, paying after the death of Juliana 66-Sd to a chaplain celebrating in the church for half a year for our souls. Also William pay £3-6-Sd to buy a vestment or the work of the church. [No Witnesses or Probate date.] (A. Vol. 1, fol. 18.) JULIANA STEVYN. 10 May 1475. Buried in the churchyard near my husband. John Pulliman a silver girdle. Isabella Martin and her daughter Joan Smith 4 bushels of corn. Residue to son William my Ex'or to dispose for my soul. [Probate 12 Oct 1475.J (A. Vol. 2, fol. 423.) E1110TA, WIFE OF WILLIAM STEVYN. 22 Oct 1466. Buried in the churchyard. Residue to William my husband and Ex'or. Feoffees :-John Ayerst of Smarden, Richard Ayerst of Sutton, Stephen Radle, senior. William my husband have all those tenements and lands in Sutton Valence which came to me by inheritance after the death of Stephen Stoland my father, and those which came to me by the Will of William Reynolds my late husband, and to his heirs assigns in fee simple for ever, under condition my husband pay to 1 William Scott, a. Witness to Wills between 1501 and 1506. 2 A Thomas Stevyn, shipman, joined John Cade in 1450.-Arch. Oant., VII, 268. 180 MILTON WILLS. Agnes my daughter by William Reynolds £10 when she is 18, if Agnes die before, then £6-13-4d to my sisters and £3-6-8d to my brother William Sutton, but if he be dead to a priest to celebrate in Sutton Valence church half a year. [Probate 18 March 1466-7 .] (A. Vol. 1, fol. 201.) JOHN STEVEN. 30 May 1551. Administration of his goods to his widow Margaret. Bonds :-Thomas Mr. [?Master] and William Coting, yeomen, in £66-13-4d. Inventory £45-6-4d. (A.. Act. Vol. 10, fol. 79.) JOHN STEPHYNES. 26 Sept. 1554. Administration of his goods, to Joan his widow. Bonds :-Thomas Master in £26-13-4d. (A. Vol. 11, fol. 117.) WILLIAM STOOKE, cowper. 1550. Buried in the churchyard. My house if my wife be with child to the child, or to wife Joan in fee simple. Residue to wife Joan my Ex'or. Witnesses :-Raynold Cowche, John Butler. [Probate 30 May 1551.] (A. Vol. 27, fol. 264.) SAMPSON STYLE. 12 August 1464. If I die from this sickness then a messuage with five acres of land in Halstow be sold, and one barn with a messuage in Middelton next the messuage of Stephen Feltnett, and from the money each Feoffee have 6-8d; Juliana daughter of William Stephen 40/- at her marriage, if she die before the 40/- in works of charity in the parish; John Style son of my brother 13-4d ; to the church of I wade, Bobbing, Sutton Valence, and East Sutton, each 6-8d. That four acres of land in Sowers field at Ferding Hegge to William Stephen my Feoffee on condition he buy for the church a silver Paxbrede price £3-6-8d. That two acres of land in Akirman field obtained from Thomas Egette, be kept and held for my Anniversary and of my wife in the church, viz. my Ex'or or asEigns pay to the vicar 4d, to two other priests 4d, the parish-clerk 2d, the sacrist 2d, and in alms to 12 poor people 12d, for my soul and wife during 30 years ; at the end of which time the land shall remain to Sampson Stephen his heirs assigns for ever. Agnes my wife half an acre in Akirman's field for life then to Sampson Stephen. A barn and croft at the Green, MILTON WILLS. 181 4½ acres in Akirman's field to Sampson Stephen and his lawful issue, in default to be sold and Juliana daughter of William Stephen at her marriage £13-6-8d if after the death of Agnes my wife. Residue of the money for a vestment to be bought for the church. For one year to the vicar and parish clerk £6-13-4d for exequies and mass on the morrow and in alms to 32 poor men Id each. Sampson Clifford my godson 6-8d and a gold ring Wife Agnes 5 cows, calf, and horse being in Elmely an ambler, all the vessels I had with her, one bed with all thereto in the parlour. All these goods and chattels remain in my chief messuage after the death of my wife, viz. in the new room a great bed with one transon (1 bolster) all shelves that be nail fast, a close cubord with two keys. In the parlour :-a little table, two small aunderings rake, pair of tongs, plain table of Estrysshebord [wood from Norway and' Sweden], pair of trestles, a form. In the hall (aula)-a hanging of red, chair, countertable, tabledormant, two forms. In the kitchen :-a dressing board, salt. stock. In the treasure :-hanging laver, pair of querne-stones, a whyche [hutch or bin] to put in malt, kneeding trowe with moldingbord, bunting whyche [bin in which meal is sifted.] That if my wife marry, the above shall be delivered to Sampson Stephen or his assigns. Witnesses :-Peter Dingley vicar, Thomas Sayer, Robert Moone, William Stephen. [No Probate Date.] (A. Vol. 1, fol. 102.) WILLIAM STONE. 3 Oct 1488. Buried in the churchyard. Residue after paying debts to wife Alice my Ex'or. Witnesses :-Robert Burdon, Nicholas Wode, William Furminger. [Probate 23 Oct 1489.] (A. Vol. 5, fol. 117.) JOHN SWAN. (No Date). Buried in the churchyard. After debts paid all goods to wife Isabelle my Ex'or, with Thomas Austen vicar, overseer. Witnesses :-John Hogin, John Burdon, John Catlott. [Probate 6 June 1527.] (A. Vol. 17, fol. 261.) JOHN TAUNTON. 8 January 1543-4. Buried in the churchyard. To poor people at my burying 10/-. Richard Romsey my kinsman 40/-, and to Joan his sister 26-8d, and Joan Meter his other sister 20/-, 182 MILTON WILLS. Margaret Watson my daughter £4 and to Alice Tumour her daughter 40/- at her marriage. William Watson my son in law 40/- and all my wearing raiment and tools of my occupation. Thomas Master have the profits from my Mill until next 25 March. Ex'or :-Thomas Master and have the residue. Witnesses :-Dom. Henry Brown, vicar [1543-5], Dom John Howgen, priest, John Logett. [Probate 25 January 1543-4.J (A. Vol. 23, fol. 183.) THOMAS THOMASSE. . 1522. Buried in the churchyard. To the tyling of the church 40d. My wife find a Taper of 3 lbs. of wax before the Assumption of Our Lady, yearly renewed as long as she liveth. To each of the three sons (not named) of Robert my son 20/- when 18; and to each of the two sons of my wife 20/when 18. Daughter Elisabeth the great brass pot, etc. Residue to wife Margaret my Ex'or, with Thomas Austen, vicar, overseer. Wife have the tenement I dwell in with two gardens and two acres of land, and six acres in Hartlip for her life, keeping an Obit in Milton church of 6-8d yearly while she lives. If wife with child, a son, he to have all the former, but if a girl £4-13-4d at her marriage. If the son die then after the death of my wife an Obit be kept from the ferme of the lands and tenement, in Milton church for 20 years, the vicar t.o see it done. After the 20 years tenement etc. be sold by Feoffees, half the money to a priest in Milton church and half in Doddinton church for my soul, friends, etc. If the man child overlive my wife he to keep yearly after her death an Obit of 6-8d in Milton church as long as be lives ; but if a girl the Obit of 40/- be kept by her for 20 years after the death of my wife, then tenement and lands be sold, half the money to a priest in Milton church and half in Doddinton church £or our souls. Daughter Elisabeth my middle house with garden in fee simple. The tenement and barn, etc., in which Adam dwells be sold and my wife have the money to pay my debts, etc. Also the house in North Street be sold and my wife dispose the money in good works. Witnesses :-Thomas Austen vicar, John Sen'ell, William Colsam, John Carpinter, William Harte. [Probate 22 Decem. 1522.J (A. Vol. 15, fol 201.) WILLIAM THOMELIN. 30 Sept 1466. Buried in the churchyard. clerk 12d, the sacrist 6d. John Wolford my To the parishbest red cloak, MILTON WILLS. 183 William Bugge my green cloak, Thomas Barkesore the black tunic, Richard Chilston a red hood. Residue to wife Joan my Ex'or to pay debts and dispose for my soul. Wife have my messuage in fee simple. Witnesses :-Peter Dingley vicar, Thomas Barman, David Powes. [No Probate Date.] (A. Vol. 1, fol. 247 .) HENRY THORNTON. 29 April 1541. The Ex'or :-Alice his widow in the presence of John Thornton, brother, and James Bridge and Dionisia Bradley, the Witnesses, brought the Will date 25 January 1540-1. Then John Thornton in the presence of Alice produced another Will. [No more information.] (A. Act. Vol. 8, fol. 71.) ROBERT THOMSON, Priest. 12 March 1499-1500. Buried in the church of Holy Trinity Milton. High altar 6-8d and to the use of the same altar a sheet ; and a sheet to the altar of St. Mary. To the vicar 6-8d. That they make three Crosses in the parish :-(1) to stand near the vicarage, (2) opposite the house of John Whitlok, (3) near the house of Mr. Sharp; and for their making 15/-. To the works (operibus) of the church the 26-Sd due to me from Marion Messanger. My Ex'ors spend on my day of burial 40/- and trental 40/-. To Agnes Godfrey 10/-, Richard Martin of Sidingbourne 3-4d, Richard Martin, tanner, 3-4d, the children of John German 3-4d. To repair the high way 26-Sd. Residue after debts, etc. paid to Elisabeth widow of Mr. John Norwood, Matilda Bull, and Robert Debenham my Ex'ors, to dispose for my soul. Witnesses :-William Petit, vicar, John Bery, Thomas Selling. [Probate 15 May 1500.] (A. Vol. 7, fol. 93.) Wn.LIA.M TONBREGGE. 22 August 1473. Buried in the churchyard of Bobbing. High altar of Middelton for tithes 20/-; of Bobbing 20d; of I wade 20d. Joan Warin daughter of my sister 20 ewes. Joan the daughter of Thomas atte Water 4 ewes. For the painting of St. Bartholomew of Bobbing 20/-. A priest celebrate in Bobbing church one year for my soul, £6-13-4d. Feo:ffees :Ralph Heyman and William Cotinge, each have 10/-. To the works (operibus) of the church 20/-. Residue to wife Joan, John Bole, William Newinton my Ex'ors, to pay my debts and dispose for my soul. Wife Joan the messuage obtained from 184 MILTON WILLS. William Chapman and messuage bought from John Egette for her life, also 16 dayworks of land in Akerman's field, and to her heirs assigns for ever ; the two messuages after the death of my wife to my daughters Joan and Emmote their heirs assigns for ever when the younger one is 16, each heir to the other, but if both die before 16 then at the death of my wife be sold, and £6-13-4d to a priest celebrating in the church for our souls for one year ; £3-6-Sd in the highway between the church of l\fiddelton and Iwade; £3-6-8d in the highway between the church of Middleton and Bobbing; residue in works of charity by my Feo:ffees. Son William when 20 all lands and tenements at Holte in Middleton and Bobbing and to his heirs for ever. If wife Joan be with child-a son, when he is 20 to share with William his brother. The messuage called the George bought from William Dorant to the child my wife is with when 20, except Forgrave Wood remain with Holte. One acre in Iwade remain to Holte. Wife have all income from Holte until sons are 20. [Probate 30 March 1474.J (A. Vol. 2, fol. 281.) JOAN TUNBRIDGE. 21 April 1507. Probate to her Will. Ex'or :-Son William. (No more information.] (A. Act. Vol. 3, fol. 152.) WILLIAM TUNBRIDGE. 10 January 1531-2. Buried in the churchyard of Holy Trinity in the procession way against the south door. Reparation of the church 3-4d. At Christmas there be given a 1,000 billets (of wood) to poor people of the parish, and so yearly for five years; and on Good Friday 16d, and so yearly for five years. Wife Thomasine of household stuff at her choice worth £3-6-Sd, except the maser to son Nicholas. Margery and Marione Munde each 10/- at marriage. Ex'or :-Son Nicholas have the residue to pay debts, etc. Son Nicholas the house in which I dwell called the George with all lands thereto, viz. 5 acres in Sewersfield, 8 acres in Dorundscroft, the barn next the churchway ; also my house that John Bradfield dwells in, with 10 acres thereto, all in fee simple. My wife have the great chamber over the parlour whilst a widow, with free going and coming, and 20/- yearly. Agnes my daughter the house she dwells in until her son William is 20, then to him in fee simple. The house in which John Haning dwells be sold, the money to all the children of my daughter Elizabeth. Two pieces of land beside Rushenden be sold, the MILTON WILLS. 185 money in charitable works for my soul, friends. Witnesses :Thomas Austen, vicar, John Seth senior, John Brisinden, Garard Hews. [Probate 16 Oct 1534.] (A. Vol. 20, fol. 17.) JOHN TORY. 3 January 1504-5. Buried in the churchyard of Holy Trinity Milton. Wife Alice my lands tenements in Milsted until son Thomas come to full age then to Thomas and his issue. Residue to wife Alice my Ex'or. Witnesses :-William Scott clerk, John Holt. [Probate 27 Feb 1504-5.J (A. Vol. 9, fol. 166.) J OIIN TRIPLOWE. 3 January 1509-10. Buried in the churchyard beside the church door. High altar 6-Bd. Light of the Rood, Our Lady, the Trinity, Our Lady of Pity, St. Peter, St. John, St. Thomas, to each 1 lb. of wax. Reparation of the church 6-8d. To poor house-holders in the parish 3-4d, and of Sidingbourne 3-4d. A priest have 10/- and say a trental of masses in Sidingbourne church for the soul of Margery Tibbing my mother. Ex'or :Wife Katherine, have residue after paying debts. All tenements lands in Middelton and Sidingbourne to my wife for life, than to John and Edmond my sons and their heirs. [Probate 21 May 1510.J (A. Vol. 11, fol. 238.) JOHN TYLFORTHE. 11 Oct. 1549. Buried in the churchyard beside my father and mother. Robert Hollyman son of my wife a cow. Residue to wife Amye my Ex' or to pay debts, with Richard Elyot overseer. Son Son John and to his lawful issue my house, and Amye my wife shall have her dwelling in the same. If John die without issue then to my son Thomas, in default of lawful issue to my two daughters Joyce and Margaret and their lawful issue. John Whithed son of my sister the 2/- he oweth me. Witnesses :John Gayton, Thomas N ethersole, Richard Eliot, William Coting. [Probate 1 April 1550.] (A. Vol. 27, fol. 143 and 29, fol. 261.) ROBERT TYNTE. 13 July 1549. My body to the sepulture of the christian. After debts paid then wife Joan and son George all residue of my goods, except 40/- to my Ex'ors. Wife have custody of son's part until he is 18. Ex'ors :-Hammond Edwards my father in 186 MIL'l'ON WILLS. law and my cousin Edmond Tynte. Witnesses :-Raphe Poste curate, John Butler, Robert Reyman. [Probate 5 July 1550.J (A. Vol. 29, fol. 244.) RICHARD UNDERWODE. 11 Decem 1534. Buried in the churchyard. Son Thomas my great brass pot and the pot hanging in the hall, etc. Son Richard a pot-hanger, salett, battle axe, dagger when 20. Agnes my daughter a laten ewer, etc, at her marriage. Residue after paying debts to my wife (no name), who with John Harvey, my Ex'ors, and Robert Ruffin overseer. That my Ex'ors find my taper in the church before Our Lady, yearly to be renewed at Easter and to burn before the Sepulchre, all times after before Our Lady in St. John's Chapel upon Our Lady Feasts, and after the death of my wife 10 lbs. of wax to the same. My Feoffees after the death of my wife out of the ferme of my house pay 10/yearly to some honest man to maintain the taper, giving security to the wardens, and once in two years the 10/- to be laid upon St. John's altar before the parishioners, and the sexton to have for lighting the taper 2d "That this gift be registered in the church book" and if my taper of 10 lbs be not maintained then the 10/to my next heir. Witnesses :-Thomas Austen clerk, John Lacy, John Couche. [Probate 17 Feb 1534-5.J (A. Vol. 20, fol. 108.) ROGER UNES. 16 Feb 1539-40. Buried in the churchyard of Milton. All my goods to wife Alice to pay my debts and bring up my children. Ex' or :-Wife Alice with her brother John Raynold overseer. Witnesses :-Thomas Austen vicar, John Raynold, Peter Sutton. [Probate 12 April 1540.J (A. Vol. 21, fol. 192.) WILLI.AM V ALLIS. No date. Buried in the churchyard. Son Richard and daughter Joan various household things. Residue after debts paid to wife Marione my Ex'or. Witnesses :-Dom William Greveson, Robert Wene, William Pikell. [Probate 1 July 1520.] (A. Vol. 14, fol. 81.) MARIONE V .ALESSE, Widow. No date. Buried in the churchyard next to my husband. Son Richard my white ray celar and tester. Daughter Joan a MILTON WILLS. 187 bed, etc. Residue disposed by Master Thomas Austen vicar. Witnesses :-Richard Spencer, baker, William Hart. [Probate 23 Oct 1527] (A. Vol. 17, fol. 271.) JOHN WELLYS. 20 Sept 1517. Buried in the churchyard. Ex'ors :-Wife Margaret and John Joye. Wife have all my goods to find my children (no names) and pay my debts. Witnesses :-Thomas Austen vicar, John Joye. [Probate 7 Oct 1517.J (A. Vol. 13, fol. 40.) EDWARD WESTBY. 1540. Buried in the churchyard. Son Edward, daughters Alice, Armincel, Christian, each when 16, have 20 ewes at 40/- the score. Margaret Couper my servant a gown furred with fox, Elisabeth Arnold a single tawny gown. Francis Miles 20/- when he has a good master that will lay the same in a stock to be yearly increased. William Miles 10/- when 16. Thomas Miles 10/- when he cometh out of his prenticehood. Residue after paying debts to wife Joan myEx'or, with my brother Robert Seath overseer. Witnesses :-Christopher Gaye, John Thornton. [Probate 29 April 1541.] (A. Vol. 23, fol. I.) JOHN WHITE. 15 April 1500. Buried in the churchyard. Margaret my daughter 5 silver spoons. Son Thomas my tenement at Chalkewell, five silver spoons, a mazer, and he to keep yearly for six years one Obit of 3-4d yearly. For 100 masses to be celebrated at Canterbury for the soul of Agnes Hamond 8-4d. Ex'or :Son Thomas. [Probate 4 June 1500.] (A. Vol. 7, fol. 256.) NICHOLAS WOODE. 24 May 1501. Buried in the churchyard. Ex'or :-William Woode my kinsman to sell my house with garden, the money to pay my debts viz. John Berye 22-4d. Snelling 2-2d. Hod of Tenham 5/-. Widow Clenche 3-4d. Henry Croche 17d. Thomas the shoemaker of Sidingborne 15d. Any residue to my son William, and daughters Katherine and Joan. [Probate 17 June 1501.J (A. Vol. 8, fol. ll3.) 188 MILTON WILLS. THOMAS WonWA.RD. 28 Decem 1527. Probate to his Will, and no Ex'or appointed; administration of the goods to John Bull next of kin. Inventory £2-19-Sd. [No more information.] (A. Act. Vol. 6, fol. 174.) JOHN WREKE. No date. Buried in the churchyard of Milton. To my mother the 20/- due to me from my brother William Wreke of Shepey. The ten ewes which Thomas Boll of Iwade has, to provide and maintain a taper before the Sepulchre in Milton church. To buy a surplice 6-8d. if all my debts in the Isle of Thanet (sic) can be recovered. Residue disposed for my soul by my Ex'or :-Magister Henry Finch. Witnesses :-Thomas Austen vicar, William Pikhill. [Probate 1 July 1520.J (A. Vol. 14, fol. 248.) JOHN WULFORD. 28 June 1484. Buried in the churchyard of Holy Trinity. To the parish-clerk for the Sepulchre of Christ a taper of 10 lbs. of wax, and for maintenance a cow. One ewe to repair the lights in the church at Essnyham St. Peter. Emotte my daughter two cows, one horse, ten ewes. Daughter Joan a cow, 6 ewes. Residue to wife Margaret my Ex'or, with Thomas Richards of Addington overseer. [Probate 28 January 1484-5.J (Con. Vol. 3, fol. 28.) JOHN YONGE. 13 Sept 1554. Administration to his goods granted to his widow, Friswide. Bonds :-George Cowland of Babchilde, husbandman in £13-6-Sd. (A. Act. Vol. 11, fol. 114.)


The Arms of Richard II as shown in the windows at Westwell and Wateringbury


Queen Elizabeth's Grammar School, Faversham