Records Branch
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Frontispiece 1934
( 255 RECORDS BRANCH. AN OUTLINE OF ITS WORK FROM 1932 To 1934. In 1932 a further part of the Register of Hamo Hethe, Bishop of Rochester, was issued to the subscribers. During this year the documents' relating to Kent were safely removed to the Record Depository at Canterbury, where they can be seen on production of a permit from the Hon. Secretary or any member of the Committee. During the same year the Hon. Secretary had the opportunity of transcribing the Parish Registers of Stodmarsh. He presented a typed copy to the Records Branch. This year also saw the initiation of the British Records Association, with the Master of the Rolls as President. The Committee decided to subscribe to the Association, whereby they obtain the right of sending a representative to the Annual Meeting with powers to vote. MEMBERSHIP. The number of the subscribers, which showed a decline from that of the previous year, was 115, including three Life Subscribers and twenty-nine Libraries. During 1933 the Branch suffered, by the death of the Hon. Henry Hannen, a very grieyous loss. He had been a member from its first inception. The publications were Professor Putnam's volume on Two Rolls of Kent Keepers of the Peace, 10-11 Edward II (1316-17). During the year further deeds relating to Kent were received through the Records Preservation Section of the British Records Association, while the Hon. Secretary attended as delegate at the First Annual Conference held by the Association in London in November. Part of the business of the Conference dealt with getting in touch with solicitors for the furtherance of the work of preserving records. MEMBERSHIP. This showed a further small decline, but two new Subscribers were recorded. 256 RECORDS BRANCH. The Accounts showed the sum of £57 included in the balance. This was a gift from Mrs. M. Holland for cost of a volume on Kent Chantries in memory of her late husband. The Report for 1934 showed that the following publications were issued to subscribers :-Kent Chantries Part II ; an Appendix to Kent Chantries entitled Canterbury Chantries ; Register of Hamo Hethe, Bishop of Rochester, Part V. The Somner MS., from which the volume on @anterbury Chantries had been transcribed by Mr. Holland, related to Chantries and Hospitals in Canterbury in 1546. It was edited by Dr. Cotton who also "M'ote an Introduction. The other works in preparation were :Kent Chantries, third and last part. Leiger Book of Faver sham .Abbey. Transcribed by Miss Joan Wake. Calendar of the Feet of Fines for Kent, temp. Hen. III. By Ralph Griffin, F.S • .A. Unpublished Visitations of the Diocese of Canterbury. By Rev. Canon Claude Jenkins, D.D., F.S.A., Lambeth Librarian . .Abstract of Kentish Wills from the .Archiepiscopal Registers at Lambeth. Compiled by the late Leland L. Duncan, with notes and introduction by the Rev. Canon Claude Jenkins, D.D. During the year further deeds relating to Kent were received through the Records Preservation Section of the British Records Association. A meeting of subscribers to celebrate the twenty-first anniversary of the Records Branch was held at Canterbury on 14th July, with the Rev. Canon G. M. Livett in the Chair. Addresses were given by Dr. Irene Churchill, F.S.A., Hon. Editor, and Miss N. Dermott Harding, B . .A., Assistant County Archivist. The meeting included facilities, by the courtesy of W. S. Wright, Esq., of the Canterbury Branch of H.M. Records Office, to inspect the arrangements made for the preservation of documents in the Records Depository. MEMBERSHIP. This showed, for the first time since 1932, a small increase in the number of subscribers to 120. This included twelve new members. RECORDS BRANCH. 257 A copy of the audited accounts of Receipts and Payments during the year ended 31st December, 1934, is attached. The Hon. Secretary, Mr. Frank Tyler, F.S.A., 129 Whitstable Road, Canterbury, will welcome any enquiries relating to the Branch. The annual subscription is 20s. In August 1935, a letter, under the signatures of Lord Conway of Allington, the President, and Mr. Frank W. Tyler, the Hon. Secretary of the Records Branch, was sent out to the solicitors of Kent. This drew attention to the value for record purposes of much disused material stored away in offices, and trusted that such documents might be transferred to the Society's Depository either as a gift or deposited on loan. Expert assistance in the sorting of the deeds and papers could be arranged for if necessary. It was pointed out that documents representing seventy or eighty parishes had been collected but that large further additions would be welcomed. 258 RECORDS BRANCH. RECORDS BRANCH, KENT ARCHlEOLOGICAL SOCIETY. Summary of Receipts and Payments, 1st January to 31st December, 1934. RECEIPTS. Balance, l8t January, 1934: General Funds ............................. . Mrs. Holland's donation ..................•. Subscriptions : For 1933 and earlier years ................. . For 1934 ..................•............... For 1935 •...............•.•.........•..... Donations: Sir John Twisden, Bart. . ...•..•............ Kent Archreological Society ......... , ...... , . Mrs. E. L. Holland : Balance of donation for cost of volume on Cante·rbury Chantries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dividends and Interest •....•.................. Sales of Publications ......................... . PAYMENTS. Publications : Volume XII, Part 2, Printing and Distribution Volume XII, Supplement (Canterbury Chantries), Mrs. Holland's Gift ................... . Volume IV, Part 5, Printing and Distribution Expenses: Annual Report and General Printing ......... . Postages and Petties ......................· . . Contribution towards rent of room, 6 Hawks Lane, Canterbury ..................... . Containers, Shelving and Sundries (for Records) Subscription to British Records Association ... . Balance, 31st December, 1934 ................. . In hand: £20 Victory Bonds 4%, Subscriptions in arrear, £10. £ s. d. 40 16 6 57 0 0 12 0 0 100 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 10 0 0 £ s. d. 97 16 6 113 0 0 11 0 0 4 16 0 1 7 9 11 11 9 £239 12 0 £ s. d. £ s. d. 55 15 11 61 16 0 38 4 8 155 16 7 4 2 3 5 4 6 10 0 0 6 7 2 1 0 0 26 13 11 57 1 6 £239 12 0 E. P. B. RICHARJ)SON, Hon. Treasurer. Examined with vouchers and found correct, F. H. DUFFIELD, 7th March, 193n. Hon. Auditor.