General Index

( 307 ) GENERAL INDEX. A Ablotts, Ightham, 65. AcCOWlts 1936, 1-liv. Acre, The, Boro' Green, 65. Acre, Ightham, o.nd the Staley fo.mily, 88-91. Acryse, 267. Acton, John, will, 127. Adam, Alexander, 13. Adames, Ightham, 66. Adams family, Deal, 183. Adams, Thoe., Hll. Addams, John, steward of the Ma.nor of Ight,ham, 32, 30. Adrian, John, will, 127. Aelfeige the Chamberlain, 233. Aelfstu.n, 231. Aelfwold, 229. Aescburnan (River Ashbourne), 238. Aethelereth, 231. Aethelfiaed, 229. Aethelwig, 231. Aetheraed, 231. Aldraed, 231. Aldulfs, Ightham, 66. Alexander, Adam, 15. Aleyn, Thoe., 27. Alfege, St., 289. Alford, Nicholes, 143. Allen family, owners of Ightham Mote, 39-40. Allen, Henry, 13, 31 ; Thomo.s, 140. Allington Castle, 250. Alway, John, 130, 148, 156. AmoWlt, Richard, 145. Amyson, Edmond, will, 127. Andi-ewes, William, 202. Annuo..1 General Meeting 1937, xxxviii, eto. Annual Report o..nd Accounts, xxxvii, etc. Ansell, George, of Deal, 186. Appleby,John, vicar ofWrothnm, 87. Appledore, 269 ; Brotherhood of, 236-0 ; mention in A-S. Chron., 230; Horne fo.mily ln.nds, 160. Appledore, Horne and Chute Family of, by F. W. Cook, 157-162, Apuldre, 233. Arbitration at Ightham manor Court, 42. Archery, decay of, at Ight.Jmm. 12. Architect,ure>--" Franeisc-an Arc·hitecture in Englo.nd," review, 296-8. Armour : A Helm in Goudhurst Church, by F. H. Orlpps􀆟Day, 223- 228. Armourers, English, 223-4. Armstrong, Ralph, t.ithing man of Ighthrun, 10, 29. Arsio, Barony of, and Dover Castle, 103. Ash Church, brasses in, 224. Ashbourne, bridging of, 230, 238. Ashenden, Tenterden, 241. Ashenton, Richard, 147. Ashewell, Ighthmn, origin of name, 66. Ashford, 160, 253; aud Constables of Dover Castle, 102. Ashurst, 253. Assize, swearing into, 8-9. Atrege, William, 145. at Wodde, Richard, 150, 155. Aucber, Anthony, of Dover, I lll, 183. Aucher, Edward, 183. Audit House, Canterbury, 220. Austin, Richard, 6. Averenohes, Barony of, and Dover Castle, 102. Averill, Robert, 6, 7. A.."Ce, Viking Age, found at., 286-6. Aylesford, 250, 269. B Badell, Agnes, will, 128; John, will, 128. Bo.dill, William, 140. Bailee, Dr., 219. 308 GENERAL INDEX. Baker, family of Deal, 183; Henry, 175; Hercules, arms of, 174; James, arms of, 174; Joan, 133, 152 ; John,C aptain of Deal Castle, 174, 175; Narborough Filmer, 175; Richard, 155; Thomas, 42, 143, 170, 174, 175; Thomas bequest to St. Leonarda, Dea.I, 182; William, 175, 133. Balcombe, William, 32. Balden, Weston, 7. Baldwin, John, 7; Robert, 6, 31, 33. Baldwin-a, Ightham, 66. Baldwyn. Robert, 4, 5, 6. Bale, John, 201, 218. Balill, John, overseer of Hythe, 139. Bank, 'l'he, Ightham, 66. Banring, Thomas, 139. Barde, John, 148. Ba.rgrave, Dean, 200 ; Isaac, 204. Ba.rgTove, Richard of Saltwood, 133; Roger, will, 132. family, arms, 181. Barne Crofte, Ightbam, 46, 66. Barnfield, Ightham, 83, etc. Barker, Roger, will, 129. Barret,N icholas,4 ,7 ; Stephen,1 32. Barr Field, Ightham, 66. Barrowe, John, will, 129. Barrow Field, Ightham, 66. Barton, Richard, 37. Basted Mill, 27, 66. Ba.till, John, will, 128-9. Ba.till, William, 128. Batton, Agnes, will, 129. Bauldwyn, John, borsholder of Ightham, 84. Bay Shaw, Ightham, 66. Bayle,J ohn,t ithingman of Igbtham, 33. Baynham, William, 160. Bea.con (Ra.spit) Hill, 66. Bearfield,I ghtham, various spellings, 66. Bedingfield, Mrs., 213. Belgrave, Will, 196,217, 219. "Bell Jesus" Canterbury, 197. Bellows Lane, Ightham, 67. Benet, John, 2, 37. Benett, Richard, will, 180-1 ; William, will,1 03-1 ; William, 154. Beneyts, Henry, Ightha.m, 67. Benge, William, 148. Bennett,J ohn, 87; William, 4,7 , 35. Berd, William, of Dover, 131. Berde, Alice, will, 131 ; John, will, 131. Berds, Ightha-m, 67. Ber􀅏ove, John, 139. Berme, Thomas, 44. Berne, James, will, 132; William, 132. Berrye, Alice, 132. Berwicke, Humphrey, 40. Baseley family,a rms in St. Leonards, Deal, 173. Beat, J onatha.n, tenement in Precincts, Canterbury, 203, 215. Bethersden (Betrisden) 253. Bett, William, 130. Beverley, Widow, 11. Bewgle, John, 23. Bewley, Ightham, origin of names, 65, 67. Bigbury, 280. Billingborowe, John, will, 132. Bilsington, 268 ; Church, bequest of a heiffer, 145; Bilsington Oross, 146. Bing, Robert, Lord of the Manor of Wrotham, 84, etc. Bing v. Hooper Tithe Case, 83-88. Bircharos, now Warren Farm, Ightham, 67. Birchewood, Robert, will, 133. Birds Hill, now Warren Farm, 67. Birhtfreth, 233. Birhtraed, 231. Birhtsie, 231. Birling helm, 226. Blacheman, 244. Black Prince's helm, Canterbury, 224, 225. Blackheath, Battle of, 289. Blaclona.nstone and Constable of Dover Castle, 102. Blakxni.nton, John, 133. Blasland, Mr., 184. Blatcher, Thos., 5. Blechenden, Dr., 216, 217. Bohland, Thos., will, 141. Boldwin, Henry, 136. Boleyn, Anne, cousin of Lady Catherine Howard, 193. Bonington, 268. Bonnington and Constable of Dover Castle, 102. Boots Holme, alias Burcham, Ightham, 40. Bore Pla.oe, Chiddingstone, 190. Borne, John, 142, 148. Borne,T homas, will,1 33. Borne Croft, Ightha.m, various spellingi,, 67, 85. Borough Green, various spellings and origin of place name, 64. Boroughes,J ohn,4 . GENERAL INDEX. 309 Boroughmarch Church, 139; Lands in, 136. Borough, John, 13. Borow, John, 5; Thomas, 5. Borsholder, method of choosing, 33. Bosses, Upper and Lower, Ivy Hatch, 67. Botley, Robert, 137. Boughton, 161, 268. Boughton Malherbe, 269. Boughton Monchelsea, 269. Boulogne, Eustace of, constable of Dover Castle, 100. Boulogne, Pharamus de, Constable of Dover Castle, 100. Bound, John, 5; Robert, 4. Boundes Long Crofte, Ightham, 68. Boundes Square Crofte,Ightham, 68. Bounds Tenement, Ightham, 68. Bourne Croftes, 86. Bourne, John, will, 133. Bowes,J. ohn,w ill, 134. Bowles family of Deal, 176; Tobias, granted faculty for gallery at Deal church, 184 ; Tobias, Mayor of Deal, 176. Bowman, William, 131. Bownde, George, 7 ; Robert, 4. Bowser, Rev. E. D., Rector of Deal, 188. Boys, Thomas, Memorial in Deal Church, 169. Brabourne and Constable of Dover Castle, 102. Brad, Gregory, 153. Brakins, Ightham,68. Bra.mblie Field, Ightham, 68. Bread and Ale, Assize of, Ightham, 9-14. Breakers of the Peace, Ightham Court Rolls, 3-8. Brecher, Elenor, will, 135; William, 135. Bregeland, Thomas, will, 135. Bregman, John, 146. Breton, Richard and Robert, 162. Brian, Dom, Curate of Hythe, 141. Bridgman, John, 155. Bright, Robert, Stanstead, 2; William, will, 136. Brightrede, John, 37. Brissenden, Robert 4; Thomas, 4. Brixiestun, 244. Broad.a Seare, Ightham, 40, 68. Broadnex, Major, 219. Brockhill, Richard, 145. Brocks, Ightham, origin of name, 68. Brode,J ohn,2 8,2 9 ; Robert,2 2,2 3. Brodenex, Robt., will, 136. Broke, Harry, 131. Brombarde, Stephen, will, 137 ; Thomas, will, 138. Bromeles, 'William, will, 138. Bromteye, Ightham, 44, 68. Brongger, John, 35. Bronze Age celt found at Dover, 287 ; at Dunton GrAen, 285. Brooms, Ightham, origin of name, 68. Brothers, Thomas, 188. Brown, Margaret, 138 ; Robert, 143 ; Thomas, will, 138, 139 ; William, 138, 139. Brownacre, Borough Green, 68. Browne, Joan, will, 140; John, will, 140, 196, 217; Edward, 140, will, 139 ; Katherine, 153; Leonard, 213; Robert, 131. Brownes, Ightham Mote, 40, 68. Browning, Robert, will, 140. Bruer, William, 32. Brumsell, John, of Dover, 174. Bryggs, Stephen, 27. Buckley, George, 200. Bud, Christopher, 16. Budde, John, 141. Buds Plains, Ightham, 68. Bukland, Henry, will, 140; John, will, 140-1. Bull, The, Ightham, 69. Bulleign, Tenterden, 244. Bulstrode, Edward, memorial to, in Deal Church, 180. Bunce, Ciprian, of Canterbury, 157. Burdon, ,fohn, 23, 94 ; William, 25, 94. Burfurthe, Clement, 146. Burgh, Hubert de, Constable of Dover Castle, 101, 104; John, 13. Burghley, Lord, 252. Burials found at Deal, 288. Burmarsh, 136, 137, 268; Church, 135. Burstow, John, 130. Burstowe, John, will, 141. Burton, Thoma.a, 21. Burvil, :Mr., 215; James, details o{ house in Precfacts, Canterbury, 201. Busbye, Ellen, 15. Bustoro, Thomas, will, 141. Bustoroe, William, 132. Bustonis, Thomas, 137. Busty or Shode, Ightham, 60 ; as water supply, 11. Butcher, Miss :M. B., 158 ; Mr., of the Precincts, Canterbury, 219 ; Francis, lease of lands, 222. Butcher, Francis, lease of lands, 222. 24 310 GENERAL INDEX. Butfield, Ightham, 69. Butler, Ja.mes, 7. Butter, Herry, will, 142. Byng, Robert, see Bing. Buttye, Richard, 152. C Calowe, Robert, 142; Thomas, 142. Calowis, John, dyer of Hythe, 142. Canterbury, 253. Canterbury Cathedral, The Parliamentary Survey of the Precincts, in the time of the Commonwealth, by The Rev. C. Eveleigh Woodruff, 195-222. Capel helm, 227. Carden, John, 141. Cardin, John, 138. Carlowe, William, will, 143. Carver's Field, Ightham, 69. Casaubon, Dr. Meric, Canon of Canterbury, 197. Castleden, Thomas, 5. Castleguard Service of Dover Castle, by F. W. Hardman, 96-107. Castleton, Thomas, 6, 7, 14. Castleward Rents of Dover, 105, etc. Chaltons, Ightham, 37. Chapman, Robert, 37, 43. Charing, 254, 269. Charlton, Henry, 86. Charltons, Ightharo, 69, 94 ; Farm, Ightham, 39. Charte, Seal Cha.rt, 69. Chaundeler, Thomas, will, 143. Chayrie, John, 17. Cheney, John, 145. Cheperegge, a Saxon centre, 245-246. Chequers Inn, Ightham, 70. Cheriton Church, bequest to, 154. Cheseroan, Thomas, will, 143. Cheteham, Thomas, 150. Chilham, Thomas, 153. Chillinden, Robert, 129, 131. Chillington House (Maid stone Musewn), 189. Chipatede, Sarah, 21 ; 'rhomas, I, 2; William, 2, 21. Chown, John, 42, 44. Chowning, William, 14, 15. Chowninge, Richard, 11, 13; William, 11, 13. Chowte, Phillip, custodian of Camber Castle, 165. Christchurch, Brotherhood at, 231. Church, Thomas, 148. Church Furze Field, Ightharo, 70. Church Green, Ightham, 70. Churchman, Gregory, will, 144. Chute, Estate Map found, 159; Family coat of arms, 159 ; Family coat of arma at Speldhurst and Bethersden, 160; Phillip, burial of, 157, 159 ; Phillip, Captain of Camber C1U:Jtle, 158. Cinque Ports, Naval force of, 104-105; Warden of, annexed to office of Constable of Dover Castle, 98. Clemantt, Jno., 184. Clement, John, 129. Clerk, Clement, 155; John, builder of Wyke Pier at Dover, 109. Clerke, John, 28, 144; Robert, will, 144. Cliterowe, William, will, 145. Cobbs, Thomas, 152. Cobham helm, 225, 227. Cock, F. Wllliam, Additional notes on the Horne and Chute Families of Appledore, 157-162. Cooke, John, 134. Cooklebridge Field, Origin of name, 70. Cohilds, Igbtham, 70. Cole, John, 128; Thomas, 142. Cole Farm, Tenterden, 244. Coliar, Isabella, 152. Colman, Ralph, will, 145; Robert of Canterbury, 152. Colt, Richard, 184. Colvyn, Richard, 15. Colyer-Fergusson, Sir Thomas, owner of Ightham Mote, 40. Colyn, Thomas, will, 145. Conan, John, 143. Consant, Rev. Thos. of Deal, 170. Constable of England, history of, 100. Constables of Dover Castle, 97, etc. Conyerd, Ightham, 70. Cook, Norman, A Pit Dwelling of the Early Iron Age at Rainham, Kent, 280-3. Cooks, Ightham, 70. Culpeper, family, early origins of, 191 ; Sir Alexander, wooden effigy of, 226; Thomas, 192; execution of, 194; Sheriff of Kent, 226. Culpepers, Holllngbourne Manor and the, by Aymer Vallance, 189-194. Cumberland, Robert, 210. Cunney Field, Ightham, 71. Cupper Rafe, 35. Curator's Report, 284-286. Curde, John, 16. Curthoppe, Joan, will, 147 .. Cutter, John, 131, 135, will, 147. GENERAL INDEX. 311 D Dagger, bronze, found at Folkestone, 284-5. Dalington, Thomas, 134. Dalmington, Thomas, will, 148. Daniell, John, 145; Thomas, will, 148. Danvers family, 177. Dartford, Overy Liberty, 291. Davington, William, 146. Davy, John, 130; Robert, 143. Daye, Richard, 34. Deal, burials found at, 288 ; discoveries in 1937, 288-289; Pilots, · gallery built for, in Deal Church, 184, 186, 187 ; St. Leonarda Church, 167-188. de Fiennes, John, Constable of Dover Castle, 96. de Montforts, Hereditary Constables of England, 98-99. Deane, Upper, Middle and Lower, Ightham, 40. Deans, Ightha.m, 71. Deedes, Thomas, of Hythe, 251. Delce, Little, 272. Denegeburne, Hamo de, 245. Denes, John, will, 149. Denies, John, 138. Denis, John, 155. Denne, Dorothy, 209; Thomas, 213; family of Deal, 183. Dental Croft, Hythe, 151. Derham, Francis, execution of, 194; Francis, and Lady Catherine Howard, 192. Dering, Sir Edward, 233. Deringe, Thomas, of Petham, 146. Diar, Robert, will, 153. Dicarson, Robert, 135. Digge,John, 133; Thomas,maker of Dover Harbour, 116, etc.; Report on Dover Harbour, 117-118. Digge, Report on Dover Harbour, 117-118. Dingley family arms, 181. Dixwell,, 216. Dobet, Thomas, curate of Hythe, 140. Doddyn, Benet, rector of Deal, 168. Dodge, John, 88. Dodge, Richard, 42. Dodington, Philip, will, 149. Doe, Robert, 209. Does, Robert, 212, 221, 222. Dolefeilde, Ivy Hatch, 71. Dolet, Thomas curate of Hythe, 144. Dolett, Thomas, 132, 146. Domneva, founder of Manor of Minster, 241. Double Dance, Ightham, 71. Dove, John, will, 149; Thomas, 144, will, 150; William, will, 149. Dover, bronze age celt found, 287 ; first mention of port, 109; Medieval finds at, 287 ; Report, 1937, 287 ; Roman burials found, 287. Dover Castle, 27 4 ; Castleguard rents to the Crown, 105; false story of the de Fiennes, 96; garrison, 102- 103; income of Constable, 101 ; Knights fees for, 102; merging of offices of Constable and Warden, 105; manned by King's soldiers, 104. Dover : Castleguard Service of, by F. W. Hardman, 96-107. Dover Harbour, criticism of building, 111 ; early pictures of, 111, etc. ; petition for repair to Thos. Cromwell, 110; previous sites, 109; state in 1595, 123-124 ; tonnage payable on passing ships, 115. Dover Harbour : Sixteenth Century Plans of, by Aleo Macdonald, 108- 126. Dowles, Ivy Hatch, 71. Downe, Agnes, will, 151; Joan, \V1ll, 151-152; John, 142; will, 152; Mathew, 151 ; Richard, will, 161 ; Robert, will, 150 ; William, 152. Drake, Duncomb, buried in St. Leonarda, Deal, 182; Family arms, 182 ; Sir Francis Samuel, memorial in Deal Church, 179. Drayton, Horton, auditor and Chapter Clerk, Canterbury Cathedral, 199. Dumbourne, 244. Dungate, Walter, will, 162. Dungeness, 256. Dunsda.le, Ightham, alias New House, 77. Dunstan, Archbishop, 231. Durbarne, Robert, 136. Durrant, John, occupier of house in Precincts of Canterbury Cathedral, 216-217. Durrants Crofte, Ightham, 72. Dutson, Marie, will, 152-153. Dynes, Ightham, 40, 72. E Eadelm, 231, 233. Easwold, 230, 231. Ealdelm, 233. 312 GENERAL INDEX. Ealhfreth, 233. Enrly Kent Maps (16th Century), by Canon Grevlle M. Livett, 247-277. Ensole, J\fanor of (Nonington), 100. 1', John. 133. Feldeswell, William. 133. Feldiswell, :i\Iarg,.u-et. will, 155. Felowyslond, Ighthnm, origin of ntlme. 72 .. Fen Field, Ighthtm1, 72. Ft>ru1, ,Tohn, 37. Fenne. ,fohn, and Alice, 41. Fernhill, I􀊾htham, 7:!. tfotherbie. 'sir John. 219, 221. Fi􀊿'nnes fomilv. eQnnection with D,n·t>r C'astle. !l(l. 97. 100. Figge, John, will, J 65. Fign Hill, Ightham, 72. Finche, Wodow, 16. Fi.she Streate, Ighthrun, 72, 93. Fitz William, .Barony of Ada, at Dover Castle, 103. Flower, William, 261. Fludd, Thomas, of Appledore, 100. Folkestone, bronze blade found at, 284-285. Folkestone, Land in, 148. Forde, John, 22; will, 155: Thomasin, will, 156; William, 20. Fordwich, 267. Forsham, Rolvenden, 245. Fotherby, Sir John, 216, 219, 221; Priscilla, 162. Fox, Thomas, will, 156. " Franciscan Architecture in England," review, 296-298. Frank.field, Seal, 72. Freezingham, Rolvenden, 245. French, Sainson T. Wynne, 170. Frensshe, John, 22; Richard, 22. Fulbert, Barony of, and Dover Castle, 103. Fuller, James, 183; Thomas, 22; Walter, 10, 20; William, 5, 19, 20, 22, 23, 25, 29, 35. 37, 44. Fullers, Ightham, 72. Fullers Crofte, lghtham, 72. Furmonger, John, tithingma.n of Ightham, 33. Furze Field Wood, Ightham, 72. G Gage, Thon1as, parson of Deal, 182. Gallows Field, Ightham, 72. Gardener, Isabel, 10; Robert, 35, 47. Gardiner, Canon T. G., house in Precincts of Canterbury, 221 ; Robert, 14, 16; Walter, 3, 31. Gardner frunily of Deal, 178, arms of, 181; Thomas, 178; 'Walter, 5; William, Congregational Minister at Deal, 17S. Gardyner, John, 19, 41 ; Robert, 45 ; Thomas, 23. Garland, John, 6. Garners, Ightham, 73. gavelkind, law of, obtaining at Igbtham, 38. C'􀋀ffrey, Henry, 87. C'..eorge, John, 139. C'..eorge and Dragon. Ightham, 73 ; building of, 92. GENERAL INDEX. :313 Georgies, Ivy Hutch, 73. Goro.rd, Henry, roctor of Deal, 17 H ; momori0,l in St. Leonnr




Frontispiece 1936