Hythe Wills
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Plans of Dover Harbour in the Sixteenth Century
Additional Notes on the Horne and Chute Families of Appledore
( 127 ) HYTHE WILLS BY ARTHUR HUSSEY, First Part. A to F. HYTIIE church was a ohapel annexed to Saltwood until 1844, so there are no vicars but parish chaplains, whose names are found as Witness to the Wills. JoBN AoTON. 12 April 1503. Buried in the ohurchyard of St. Leonard. Repair of the church 2/-. To the best Cross 12d. St Anthony's Brotherhood 8d. Brotherhood of St James the 6-8d they owe me, to the increase of the same light. Daughter Joan £6-13-4d at her marriage or age of 18, but if she die the money to a priest to sing for our souls for a year. Wife Katherine dispose yearly in the church 4/- or more. Residue of goods after debts paid to wife Katherine my Ex'or, with Clement Holowey overseer. Witnesses :-Thomas Walton, Clement Perchild. [Probate 21 June 1503.] (Con. Vol. 7, fol. 59.) JOHN ADRIAN. 24 Sept. 1486. Buried in the churchyard. Residue to wife Katherine my Ex'or. [Probate 25 Oct. 1487.] (Con. Vol. 3, fol. 144.) EDMOND AMYSON. 11 Decem. 1520. Buried in the churchyard. Edith my daughter a fustian (cotton cloth] ldrtle and my colt. Wife Elisabeth the inatuff of the house, my gelding, mare, and all residue to pay debts. Ex'or-Richard Tasseld, and I forgive him the residue of the money he oweth me for his coat, also to have as much lining as shall line the coat. Witnesses :-Dom John Marten, John Taylor, Thomas Smith. [Probate 18 Sept. 1521.] (Con. Vol. 13, fol. 59.) 128 HYTHE WILLS. AGNES, WIDOW Olt' JOHN BADELL. 28 August 1484. Buried in the churchyard. Light of St James, and the Lamp before the Great Cross, each 12d. To the "operibus" of the Chapel my jet prayer beads, brass pot, iron candlestick, and 6-8d. Hospital of St Bartholomew next Hythe 6-Sd. Parish-chaplain 12d, and parish-clerk 6d. John son of John Fagge of Smeeth when 16 or at his marriage 26-8d, a girdle which was his mother's, but if he die to the " operibus " of the Chapel of St Mary in the Cha.pel of St Leona.rd. Messuage in which I live be sold, the money-to a chaplain to celebrate for quarter of a year 33-4d for my soul, husband, and all the faithful departed ; to 12 poor men and women in the town at the Vigil of Christmas 12 pair of shoes, six to men and six to women £12 yearly for three years by my Ex'ors; also to 12 men and women 1000 billetts (of wood], half at the Vigil of Christmas, the other half at the Vigil of the Epiphany, yearly for three years ; to Alexander Ba.dell my son £3-6-Sd, John Ba.dell my son 40/·, Cristine my daughter 53-4d. Son Alexander if he will to buy that messuage. All my stock belonging to the sea and seven nets be sold, the money disposed for our souls. Ex'ors :-William Waren, and Alexander my son. [Probate 14 March 1484-5.] (Con. Vol. 2, fol. 621.) JOHN BADDELL. 22 Sept 1552. Buried in the churchyard. Son Henry the bed in the parlour with all thereto and a ship chest. Daughter Joan two shot nets ready for the sea, a fare of flews, and half my household, son John the other half. Ex'or-Son John. Witnesses- Dom. Raaf curate there, Robert Gilbert. [Probate 16 Sept. 1553.] (Con. Vol. 25, fol. 37.) JOHN BATILL. 20 March 1543-4. Buried in the church of St Mary Dover if I die in that town, if at Hythe in the churchyard there beside my wife. Repair of Hythe church 20/-. Ex'or-Wife Amye with my brother William Ba.till overseer, he to have 40/-. My boat called the John be sold, and my brother William buy the same before any other if he will. Dom Robert Mede 40/-. Tomsine Marchale £10 at her marriage. John Cole two fare of £lewis and shot nets, two best sprat nets when 18, also £10 when 20. HYTHE WILLS. 129 Edward Milward my cousin £5. Residue to wife, Am.ye. Tene. ment where I live, house and garden, the Sparrow Hawe, my storehouse to my wife for life, then to my children if any, in default to John Cole my cousin and his heirs: Witnesses-John Clement, John Man. [Probate . . . 1544.] (Con. Vol. 19, fol. 57.) RoGER BARKER. 8. Decem. 1524. Buried in the churchyard. Residue after debts paid to wife Isabel my Ex'or with John Herry overseer. Witnesses-Dom Richard Shurington, Thomas Waller, Robert Chillenden. [Probate 8 March 1524-5.] (Con. Vol. 14, fol. 84.) JOHN BARROWE. 3 January 1500-1. Buried in the churchyard. To the church work 3-4d. Wife shall cause to be sung for my soul two Trentals, one at the Friars Augustine in Canterbury, the other in Hythe church. Wife Anice [Agnes] have the house I dwell in and the Mill for life, doing repairs, at her death son John have the house and son Mathew the Mill, both in fee simple and each heir to the other, paying to Alice and Joan their sisters 40/- each. If both sons die without lawful issue then at the death of my wife the house to daughter Alice. the Mill to Joan, each heir to the other, if both die without lawful issue then sold, the money done for our souls by my Feoffees. Each son have two silver spoons, and daughter Joan a maser and two sHver spoons at her marriage. Residue after debts paid to wife Anice my Ex'or. Witnesses:Thomas Huggin, Clement Perchild. [Probate 4 June 106.] (Con. Vol. 9, fol. 83.) AGNES BATTON, widow. 3 Decem. 1522. Buried in the churchyard beside John Barrow my second husband. Repair of the church 3-4d. Light of St Anthony, the Holy Cross, St George, St John junior, St Peter, St Mary, Corpus Christi, the Trinity, St James, each 4d. Thomas, Juliane, Alice Batton, each 26-Sd. To every brother and sister of St Bartholomew next Hythe 2d. Residue after debts paid to William Davy my son. Ex'ors-John Hull and John Harry, each to have 6-Sd. Feoffees of lands tenements-John Hales, John Hull, Stephen Harry. My messuage in West Ward 130 HYTHE WILLS. to John Davy my son in fee simple, also my land called Culverhough in the West Ward, paying yearly to the wardens of the church 16d for one Obit. Witnesses :-Dom John Alwey curate, John Taylor. [No Probate-Vo!. 1519-23.) (Con. Vol. 13, fol. 138.) WILLIAM BENETT. 16 Feb 1502-3. Buried in the churchyard next unto my father. Repair of the church 6-8d. Wife Joan the house I dwell in for life, and bestow yearly at my tenement 6-8d, after her death to son William when 21 and to his heirs. If Joan die before son is 21 then my brother Richard and my Feoffees yearly bestow for our souls 6-&l of the ferme of the house until son is 21. Son William when 21 have £13-6-8d, a silver goblet, three silver spoons. Daughter Margaret at her marriage or 18 years have £3-6-8d, a silver goblet and three spoons. Daughter Alice at her marriage a maser harnessed with silver, three spoons, and £3-6-Sd. If son die under age without lawful issue then Margaret his sister be his heir to the house and £6-13-4d, and Alice have the other £6-13-4d. If all three die under age and my wife be with child then the child be heir to the whole, but if no child then after wife's death the house be occupied by assignment of my E:x:'or and Feoffees, the money yearly bestowed for our souls, and three poor men and two poor women each have a pair of shoes, the residue of money in masses and other good deeds, and the £20 given to my children be disposed for our souls. Residue of goods after paying debts to wife Joan, who with my brother Richard Benett my Ex'ors and Thomas Hogin overseer. WitnessesThomas Hogin, Thomas Sanwell, Robert Lowet, Clement Perchild. [Probate 19 June 1503.] (Con. Vol. 7, fol. 56.) RIORARD BENETT. 16 April 1519. Buried in the churchyard. Light of St Peter, and St John, each 2d. Repair of the church a herring net or 5/-. Daughter Margaret eight shot nets, a tramel net, a wand of hooks, maunde [basket] of herbewes, six herring nets; if she die before 18 then to Joan my wife. William Bett father of my wife to have the keeping and oversight of the nets, etc, until Margaret is 18. Residue after debts paid to wife Joan, who with William Bett her father, my Ex'ors. Tenement and garden to wife Joan for life then to Margaret my daughter and her heirs HYTHE WILLS. 131 in fee simple, if she die without lawful issue before her mother, then at death of my wife be sold, to repair of the church £3-6-8d, a priest sing for our souls £3-6-8d, residue in charitable works. Witnesses-Dom William Bowman, John Hales, Thomas Smith. (Probate 18 May 1519.] (Con. Vol. 12, fol. 137.) WILLIAM BENETT. 20 March 1527-8. Buried in the churchyard. Repair of the church 4/-. Residue after debts paid to wife Agnes my Ex'or. Wife have my tenement called the Lamb until son Thomas is 21, keeping son to erudition who when 21 have the tenement and to his heirs and assigns. Also wife occupy my tenement called the Chequer for life for her own support, after her death to son Thomas, if he die before 21 then all lands tenements to Agnes for life, then to William Skappe my wife'sl other son and his heirs, under condition he do yearly during ten years one Obit in the Chapel of St Leonard of 26-8d for our souls. Witnesses :Dom John Egeworth curate there, Robert Browne, Robert Chillenden, Richard Tassill. [Probate 3 April 1528.] (Con. Vol. 15, fol. 24.) JoHN BERDE. 12 Novem. 1521. Buried in the churchyard. Light of Holy Trinity, St Leonard, St Ja.mes, Holy Cross, each 4d. Residue of goods to wife Alice, who with Stephen Hogben of Elliam my Ex'ors, he to have 6-8d, and Robert Lowet overseer, to have 3-4d. Lands tenements in West Ward to wife Alice in fee simple. Witnesses-Edward Jode, John Taylor, John Cutter. [Probate 5 Feb 1521-2.] (Con. Vol. 13, fol. 82.) .A.LIOE, WIDOW OF JoHN BERDE. 4 August 1525. Buried in the churchyard beside my husband John Berde. To the church 40/- and a great kettle. Dom James Levenard curate there a fur of black boge [lambskin] that was in my husband's scarlet gown. Dom. William Berd monk of Dover 10/-. Thoma.s Nede 20/-, six pewter plates, two dishes, folding table, three herring nets. To every Light that I am a sister 4d. Light of Our Lady in the Chapel of St James my best girdle. Residue to Harry Broke my brother and Ex'or to dispose 1 Agnes probably was widow of Robert Scappe of 1516. 132 HYTHE WILLS. at his discretion. The house I dwell in and the house that was my husbands be sold by Ex'or. Witnesses :-Dom James Levenard curate there, John Hewet, Robert Trevedik, Agnes Levenard. [Probate 25 Oct 1525.J (Con. Vol. 14, fol. 120.) ROGER BA.RGROVE. 30 Sept. 1524. Buried in the churchyard. Light of St Mary, St John, each 4d, St Peter 6d. Residue of goods after debts paid to wife Richardine my Ex'or, with Thomas White overseer. Witnesses :-Dom Richard Sherington curate there, William Crompe, Stephen Barret. [Probate 8 March 1524-5.] (Con. Vol. 14, fol. 87.) JAMES BERNE. 10 June 1479. Buried in the churchyard. To the' operibus ' of the Chapel of St Leonard 6-Sd, and of Sellinge 6-Sd. Parish chaplain 12d and parish clerk 6d. Wife Katherine have for life all my lands tenements in Hythe and Sellinge, then to Richard, William, John, my sons and their heirs, if they all die under age, then at the death of Katherine be sold, the money-to a priest celebrating in Hythe Chapel and Sellinge church for our souls, £3-6-Sd, and residue disposed in good works. After debts paid residue to wife Katherine, who with my brother William Berne my Ex'ors. [Probate 30 June 1479.J (Con. Vol. 2, fol. 435.) .ALIOE BERRYE, widow. 2 Sept 1545. Buried in the churchyard. Ex'or-Joan my daughter with John Lad overseer. John Berrye my husband's best jacket, and Geffery Berrye the best coat. Residue after debts paid to John Lad for the use of Joan my child. WitnessesDom Thomas Dolett, Master Cooper curate, Geffery Speake. [Probate 2 March 1545-6.) (Con. Vol. 21, fol. 31.) JOHN BILLINGBOROWE. 27 January 1512-3. Buried in the churchyard. Wife Margaret all her own moveable goods she brought to me at our marriage. Ex'or-Joan my daughter. All the stuff of my occupation be sold, the money to my wife and daughter. Witnesses- Dom John Simson, William Bustome, Henry Mase. [No Probate date. Vol. 1511-15.J (Con. Vol. 11, fol. 57.) HYTHE WILLS. 133 RoBERT BIRCHEWOOD. 6 Decem 1487. Buried in the churchyard of Barham. Residue to wife Agnes my Ex'or. Witnesses-John Fekin, John Digge, esquire. [Probate 5 March 1487-8.] (Con. Vol. 3, fol. 174.) THOMAS BORNE. 13 Novem. 1463. Buried in the churchyard. The parish chaplain 2/-, and parish clerk 12d. Residue after debts paid to wife Alice, who with William Feldeswell my Ex'ors, and John Honywode overseer. Tenement in which Thomas Sander dwells be sold, money to pay my debts. Wife Alice the tenement in which I dwell for her life, and wife shall provide John Blakminston sufficient food and drink during his life. After death of Alice if same John be living the tenement be let to ferme yearly, the money to provide for the same John; after his death be sold, and to Richard Bergrove1 and Agnes his wife my daughter 53-4d, or if dead disposed for our souls, also the residue. [Probate 14 Decem 1463.] (Con. Vol. 2, fol. 133.) JOHN BOURNE. 25 Feb 1518-9. Buried in the churchyard. To the reparation of the church 6-8d. To every Light in the church of which I am a Brother 4d. Joan the daughter of William Baker of Folkestone, two pairs of beads one of coral with a gold ring, a crucifix, the gauclies2 of silver and gilt ; the other beads of jet gawded with silver and gilt, also my best silver piece, six silver spoons, crimson girdle, and a chest. Wife Margaret all household stuff she brought to me at our marriage. Daughter Margaret two pairs of beads one of coral gawded with silver with a hart [sic] of silver, the other of amber with gawdes of silver, a maser silver and gilt, six silver spoons, red girdle, round table, cupboard, the chest in the parlour. Joan Hunt my servant a murray girdle, three silver spoons. Margaret my wife, Joan Baker, Margaret my daughter, and Joan Grant, a great vessel of bay salt standing under my cove [shed], equally to them. All timber within my 1 Rioha.rd Ba.rgrove of Sa.ltwood died 1492, leaving four sons-John, Drewis, Roger, Thomas, and daughter Joan. 2 Gauds were the larger or more ornamental beads between the ten Aves in a rosary. 134 HYTHE WILLS. tenement awl houses of office to my Ex'ors, not to be sold or given but for maintenance of the same. A moulding-board, kneedingtrowgh, buntjng-whiche,1 remain in my tenement. Residue after debts paid to Ex'ors to dispose for my soul, at my forthfare [burial] 16-8d, and yearly 6-8d for five years. Ex'ors-Margaret my daughter and Joane Baker, with William Baker of Folkeston, John Hales of Hythe, John Patte, Thomas Hunt, overseers, each to have 13-4d. Feoffees of my tenement-Thomas Hunt, John Patte. Wife have my tenement for life doing repairs, then to my daughter Margaret and Joan Baker, their heirs assigns for ever, if they die without lawful issue before my wife, then at her death my overseers sell the tenement, the money-a priest sing for our souls for a year £6-13-4d, the residue in charitable works. [Probate 8 July 1519.] (Con. Vol. 12, fol. 140.) JOHN BOWES. 8 April 1508. Intending to go to St James in Compostill, make my Will. Buried where it pleases God. High altar of Saltwood for tithes of the Mill and saffron garden 5/-. High altar of Hythe 12d. Brotherhood of Our Lady at Hythe £3-6-Sd which I had in a stock of my father, John Wanner. [John Vanhere, 1487.] Son John my silver piece and six spoons. Wife Alice a maser and a horn borded with silver and gilt, six spoons, half the household stuff, other half to son when 20, if he die wife have the whole. Son John have the Mill as by the Will of my mother. Wife have my house in Saltwood for life doing repairs, then to son John, but if he die then to be sold, money for a priest to sing for my father, mother, and John Wanner. Wife have the house I dwell in until son John is 20 then to him, but if he die without lawful issue, then at the death of my wife to be sold, the money disposed for our souls, and to St Bartholomews House 6-8d, to St John's House 6-8d, to the Brotherhood of Our Lady in Hythe 20/-. The garden in Saltwood parish bought from Colin and my dwelling house in Hythe be sold, and £3-6-Sd to Our Lady Brotherhood at Hythe. All things of my occupation remain with my place. Residue to wife Alice, who with Saunder Yong my Ex'ors, and Thomas Hogham overseer. Witnesses:John Cocke, Thomas Walton, Thomas Dalington. [Probate 6 July 1510.] (A.Val. 11, fol. 320.) 1 The bin or hutch in which meal is bunted or bolted.-Diot. l(ent Dialect. HYTHE WILLS. 135 WILLIAM BREORER. 3. Feb 1521-2. Buried in the churchyard. To the Brotherhood of St Katherine 4d. Son Robert a monk at St Augustine's Canterbury £5 when he singeth his first mass, but if he die before then to my children equally. Son John a fare of flews nets, a trawel net, three lines of small hooks, and a maunde of herbeur's hooks. Daughter Cecille Pargate a fare of flews nets and two lines of small hooks. Residue after debts paid to wife Elenor my Ex'or, with Richard White overseer. Wife have income from my chief tenement fo r life doing repairs, then son James have the tenement if he be then 30 and to his lawful issue, if James die before then the messuage to sons John and Thomas, and Cecille my daughter. Witnesses-James Lambe, Nicholas Mette, Richard White. [Probate 28 April 1522.] (Con. Vol. 13, fol. 92.) ELENOR BREOHER, widow. 13 May 1522. Buried in the churchyard beside my first husband.1 Light of Holy Cross and St Katherine, each 4d. Repair of the church 5/-. Son Robert a monk at St Augustine's Canterbury, six plates, six dishes of pewter, a maser, silver spoon, two best laton candlesticks, the ship chest in the parlour, when he sings his first mass. Son John a seine net, rope, silver spoon, the new net in the chest. Son Thomas silver spoon, two candlesticks, and 20/-. Son James two candlesticks, laton ewer, silver spoon, the plain chest in the parlour, and 13-4d. Juliane Mount m:y daughter half dozen of pewter, a chaffing dish, two silver spoons. Cecily my daughter half a dozen of pewter, two silver spoons. Residue to Ex'ors-Stephen Herry and Richard White, each to have 20/-. Witnesses :-John Taylor, John Cutter, James Lambe, Richard Stace, Davy Moyse. [Probate 4 June 1522.] (Con. Vol. 13, fol. 99.) THOMAS BREGEL.A.ND. 22 January 1544-5. Buried in the churchyard. To the use of Burwaremarsh church 6-8d. My brother William 20/-. Joan my sister 40/-. Mawdelin my sister four sheep. Residue be done by my mother's discretion for my soul. Witnesses :-Robert Dicarson, Dom William Quihant curate, Thomas Johnson. [Probate . . . 1545.] (Con. Vol. 20, fol. 55.) 1 Query-Philip Dodington who died 1492 and had a wife Alianore and daughter Juliane. 136 HYTHE WILLS. WILLIAM BRIGHT. 10 January 1491-2. Buried in the churchyard. Tenement in which I dwell in Market Ward be sold, the money to a chaplain to celebrate for a year £6-13-4d. The parish chaplain 12d, and parish clerk 8d. Sons John, William, Robert, each £5 when of age or at marriage. Daughter Joan 40/- at her marriage. To the Town Hall (commune aule) of Hythe 20/-. Residue after debts paid be disposed by Ex'ors for my soul. Ex'ors :-Thomas Walton and William Lee, with John Ma1man Bailiff of the Town of Hythe overseer. [Probate 13 Feb 1492-3.] (Con. Vol. 3. fol. 334.) RoBERT BRODENEX. 30 Novem 1487. Buried in the churchyard before the west door. The parish chaplain 12d, and parish clerk 9d. Wife Juliane have my bed with the seler the tester and curtains of white cloth, two cushions, bay mare, chest, all the fuel. John Horne my best jak, cloak, and salet. Residue of household things to wife for life, then Margaret my daughter have the best maser, eight silver spoons ; then to Cecille my daughter the second maser and eight silver spoons. William son of my son John Brodenex after the death of my wife have the best salet and sword, and when 18 a plain silver bowl, to be in the keeping of my Ex'ors, if William die under 18 to my daughter Margaret. Joan daughter of John Brodenex a bed with all thereto and a cow. After the death of Juliane a great brass pot and pan, two awnderines otherwise called coverdis standing in the chimney, great spit, and another spit for the chimney of my camera, remain in my messuage. Residue of things to my daughters Margaret and Cecilie. Residue of my goods after debts paid to my Ex'ors :wife Juliane and Henry Boldwin, to dispose for my soul. Feoffees of lands, tenements in Boroughmarsh, Eastbridge, and Hope All Saints :-Henry Bold win, Henry James, Robert Durbarne. Wife have messuage in which I dwell for life, and John Horne and Margaret his wife my daughter to dwell in the same as now they do, if they will agree with Juliane, and after the death of Juliane to Margaret my daughter and her lawful issue. After my death Margaret have 33 acres of land in Eastbridge parish in the tenure of the Court, of Lyminge and to her lawful issue, paying yearly to my Ex'ors for 20 years 6-8d at the Feast of All Saints [l Novem] and my Ex'ors yearly distribute in the Chapel of Hythe 3-4d in HYTHE WILLS. 137 bread to the poor of the Town, and 3-4d in exequies and alms. If Margaret die without lawful issue the 33 acres to Cecille my daughter and her lawful issue. .After my death daughter Cecille have 8 acres of land, whereof 5 acres are in Weathythe at the Bekin, and 3 acres in Boroughmarsh in Combe croft, and to her lawful issue, paying yearly 20d to my Ex'ors during the life of my wife at All Saints, to be distributed by Ex'ors in bread to the poor of the Town 10d, in alms and works of charity 10d. Also Cecille have after the death of Julaine 25 acres of land in Hope parish and to her lawful issue, paying yearly 6-8d to my Ex'ors at All Saints, to be distributed to the poor in bread 3-4d, and in other works of charity 3-4d. If Cecille die without lawful issue the land to my daughter Margaret, but if both die without lawful issue then to William son of John Brodenex my son and bis lawful issue. The same William when 18 have the Wind Mill called Frapis Mill with 8 acres of land to the same, and to his lawful issue paying for ten years to my Ex'ors 6-Sd yearly, they to distribute at All Saints in bread to the poor of the Town 3-4d, and in works of charity 3-4d. If William die without lawful issue the Mill and land to my daughter Margaret and her issue, in default to Cecille, in default be sold, the money disposed in Hythe church, repair of bad roads etc. for our souls. Witnesses .Roger Saunder, Thomas Bustonis, Robert Snell. [Probn.te 6 Feb. 1487-8.] (Con. Vol. 3, fol. 170.) STEPHEN BROMBARDE. 26 July 1483. Buried in the churchyard. The parish chaplain 6d, and parish clerk 4d. Daughter Marione after the death of my wife the middle brass pot, six pieces of pewter, two laton candlesticks. Wife Agnes a parcel of land and a stable, two stables obtained from John Payfrere, and to her heirs. Also all other lands tenements for life then to son Thomas. My messuage next the churchyard of St Leonard after the death of my wife be sold, a chaplain celebrate for a year, for my soul, wife, parents, £6-13-4d, residue of the money to son Thomas. Residue of goods after debts paid to wife Agnes, who with son Thomas and William Jenkin my Ex'ors. [Probate 18 Decem 1483.J (Con. Vol. 2, fol. 575.] THOMAS BROMBA:RD. 4 April 1497. Buried in the churchyard near the grave of my father. Master Robert Botley to pray for me 8d. Joan my 18 138 HYTHE WILLS. servant two woollen garments and two shirts. My house in the Brode Street be sold, to son Robert 26-8d, daughter Alice 6-8d, residue to wife Margaret with all other goods after debts paid. Ex'or :-Wife Margaret with Richard Keil overseer. [Probate 12 April 1497 .] (Con. Vol. 4, fol. 154.) WILLIAM BROMELES, Shoemaker. 28 Sept 1541. Buried in the churchyard. Repair of the church 6-Bd. William my brother's son £3. Alice Bromeles my sister 40/-. .Alice daughter of Richard Bromeles 40/-. Residue after debts paid to Dom William Langley curate of the town my Ex'or to dispose for my soul, with Adrian Lovayn of Hougham, overseer, he to have 6-8d. Witnesses :-Edward Milward, John Cardin, Thomas Vaughan. [Probate 12 Oct 1542.] (Con. Vol. 18, fol. 80; Vol. 21, fol. 12.) THOMAS BROWN. 6 April 1472. Purposing to visit St James and other Holyplaces by the grace of God, make my Will. Buried wheresoever God disposes. To the ' operibus ' of Hythe Chapel 3-4d. Wife Alice the tenement in which I dwell for 12 years after my death doing the repairs, then to William my son and his heirs, paying to my daughter Alice at her marriage 40/-. If wife be with child -a boy then son William pay to the boy 53-4d, but if a girl 40/-. My Feoffees take income from my tenement during the 12 years for the use of son William until he is 20, then William have the same and to his heirs, if son die under age without issue, then after the 12 years to b sold, the money to a chaplain to celebrate half a year 66-Bd, residue given in the church every year as long as it lasts. That 12 £lewis nets, 2 sprat nets, and a great rope be sold, the money to Margaret Brown my sister 35-&:l, residue disposed for my soul in works of charity. Wife have all instuff of my house and all stores belonging to fishing, except the great table and two trestles to the same, a great chest remain in the tenement. A great brass pot be sold the money disposed for the soul of Katherine my sister. Ex'ors :-William Lowns and John Denies have residue after debts paid. [Probate 26 July 1475.] (Con. Vol. 2, fol. 312.) WILLIAM BROWN. 29 Sept 1505. Buried in the churchyard. Repair of the church 6-8d. Light of St Anthony and St Peter, each 12d. HYTHE WILLS. 139 Thomas Banring my bay horse saddle and bridle, and liberty of his indenture. Dom Thomas Partrich my parish priest 6-Sd. Wife Agnes the tenement I dwell in for life, doing repairs, then to the child boy or girl she goeth with, if the child die then after the death of Agnes be sold by Ex'ors, and a priest sing for our souls for a year, £6-13-4d. Wife have income from the tenement in the west end of the town towards finding the child until 13, but if the child die before 18 the tenement be sold, the moneyto reparation of Hythe church £3-6-Sd ; in mending the highway between Rusts ground and Henywater 40/-, the year after 26-Sd; residue bestowed for our souls by 10/- yearly. Wife have residue of my stock to her own disposal, and to my child £6 when 18, but if the child die then to the reparation of the churches of Newenton, Boromarsh, Lymne, Saltwood, West Hythe, the Chapel of St Clare, and House of St Bartholomew, each 6-Sd; repair of the north wall of Hythe churchyard 13-4d, the residue at my years mind. Residue of goods after debts paid to wife Agnes, who with John Bergrove my Ex'ors. Witnesses :-Dom Thomas Patrich parish priest, Nicholas Mount parish clerk. [No Probate. Vol. 1503-6.] (Con. Vol. 8, fol. 99.) THOMAS BROWN. 27 June 1530. Buried in the churchyard. To all the Brethren Lights that I am in within the church 4d. Thomas Wiseman my best coat and cap. Christopher Hawke my coat lined with yellow. Residue to John Burstow and Agnes Vassour my Ex'ors to dispose for my soul. Witnesses :-Dom Simon Cowper, Edward Milward, John George. [No Probate-Vol. 1527-37.] (Con. Vol. 15, fol. 174.} EDWARD BROWNE. 17 January 1544-5. Buried in the churchyard. Ex'orW i fe Joan with John Balill, Jurate ofHythe overseer. Son John a fare of flewes and shot nets with their ropes, half a tramel net, and 40/-, when 24. Son Edward 40/- a fare of flewes and shot nets with their ropes, and a chest when 22. Wife have residue to pay my debts, and my house for life, then to son Edward. Wife have all my right to my tenement which John Estice bath now let to John Neale, after her death to son John. WitnessesThomas White, Dom Robert Mede, Robert Westbrome. [Probate 24 Sept 1545.] (Con. Vol. 20, fol. 6.) 140 HYTHE WILLS. JOAN, WIDOW OF EDWARD BROWNE. 20 Decem. 1552. Buried in the churchyard. To the poor of the town 6-8d. John Browne son of my husband a bed with all thereto in the inner room, brass kettle, chafing dish of laten, pewter pot. Edward son of my husband a sprat net, brass pot, cupboard in the hall, with all the tables forms stools, one of the best chairs, the painted cloths, two chests, pair of silver hooks, silver pin, the three silver spoons that Mr Badill hath to pledge for 3-4d, Edward paying the money. Leonard White two cushions, pewter pot, latten chafing dish. Residue to Edward Browne my Ex'or to pay my debts, with William Badill, Jurate, and William Woods, fisherman, overseers, each to have 6-8d. Witnesses :-William Badill, William Wood, Thomas Allen. [Probate 28 Feb 1552-3.J (Con. Vol. 25, fol. 11.) JoB.N BROWNE. 2 April 1550. Buried in the churchyard. To the poor mens box 2/-. Agnes Gervis my natural mother 40/-. John and Juliane Gibbons each a flewe and shot net, and 6-Sd. John Messenger half a fare of flewis and shot nets. Thomas Wallope my best cloak. Residue after debts paid to wife Thomasine my Ex'or. Witnesses-Thomas Dolet curate, John Stevenson, Thomas Wallope, Agnes Gervis. [Probate 23 June 1550.) (Con. Vol. 22, fol. 117.) RoBEltT BROWNING. 12 April 1558. Buried in the churchyard. William Marcye have all my goods. Witnesses-William Tailor, William Taddie. [Probate 20 May 1558. No Ex'or, administration of goods to William Marcye.] (Con. Vol. 27, fol. 62.) HENRY BUKLA.ND. 30 May 1490. Buried in the churchyard. To the painting of St Christopher 4d. Wife Joan my messuage in the East Ward for life, if she have need to sell the same, and Joan have 40/- and son John 40/-, the residue disposed for my soul. Son John buy the messuage if he will. Residue to wife Joan my Ex'or. [Probate 14 March 1490-1.) (Con. Vol. 3, fol. 310.) JOHN BUXLAND. 5 May 1522. Buried in the churchyard of St Olave the King and Martyr in Southwark. Sons Alexander 66-Sd, Thomas, HYTHE WILLS. 141 John senior, John junior, Edward, 40/- each. Daughters Jone, Richardine, and Alice Tulke, each 40/-. Residue after debts paid to be sold by my Ex'ors-son Thomas and Juliane my wife. Witnesses :-William Hobson curate there, William Gibbe, John Herry, Roger Wibarn, Nicholas Cowper. [Probate 4 June 1522.] (Con. Vol. 13, fol. 95.) T.8:0MAS BO.KLAND. 7 Novem 1557. Buried in the churchyard. All my moveable goods to my two sons John and Edward, my Ex'ors. Son John have my house for three years after my death, then son Edward have half with John, if they both die without lawful issue then to Joan my daughter and her lawful issue, in default to the next of my blood. Witnesses :-Dom William Quithen curate there, Thomas Jewett, John Budde. [Probate 9 Decem 1558.] (Con. Vol. 27, fol. 159.) JOHN BURSTOWE. 15 January 1544-5. Buried in the church of St Mary Dover. Wife Margaret my house in the West Ward of Hythe, after her death to daughter Elisabeth and her heirs, if she die under age without lawful issue then to John Grime my servant and his heirs. Roger Vaghan my half of the boat Nicholas to be partner with his father Thomas Waghan. Wife have my Crayer [trading vessel] John to her use for bringing up my daughter. John Grime two fares of flews and three of shot nets. My two boats the Jesus and the Clement to my wife. Residue to wife and daughter, wife having custody of Elisabeth's part until of age. Ex'ors :-Wife Margaret and daughter Elisabeth, with Edward Milward overseer. Witnesses :-Dom Brian, curate, Edward Milward, John Harries, John Carden. [Probate 20 March 1544-5.] (Con. Vol. 20, fol. 14.) TnoMA.s BusTOM. 3 March 1509-10. Buried in the church-porch for my money. Feoffees :-Robert Lovett, Nicholas Ovington, John Saunder. Son William my tenement for his life, doing repairs and paying the lord of the fee, after his death to Joan his wife for her life, then to Joan their daughter ; but if William overlive his wife and marry and have a son, then his son have the tenement and to his lawful issue, paying to Joan daughter of William £6-13-4d. 142 HYTHE WILLS. If William and his daughter have no lawful issue, then half the ferme of the tenement to Hythe church, the other half to the House of St John. Residue to son William my Ex'or. [No Probate date-Vo!. 509-11.J (Con. Vol. 10, fol. 40.) HER.RY BUTTER. 5 Sept 1486. Buried in the churchyard. To the works of the Chapel 5/-. Ex'ors sell a tramel and half, three flew nets, after the season of flowting [herring fishing] to pay my debts. Wife Alice the messuage I dwell in for life, then to my sons (not named], but if both die under age, then after my wife's death be sold, the money to Amy my daughter. Residue of goods to wife Alice, who, with William Butter, my Ex'ors. Witnesses :-John Borne, John Downe. [Probate 26 Sept 1487.] (Con. Vol. 3, fol. 140.) JOHN CALOWIS, Dyer. 31 Decem 1486. Buried in the churchyard. To the work of the Chapel 6-8d. Parish chaplain 12d, and parish clerk 8d. John Smithis my servant 26-8c:l. Ex'ors-John Downe and Thomas Cole. Messuage in which John Mills dwells be sold, the money-to Alice Stephin my sister £4, the residue to pay my debts and disposed for my soul. The garden opposite the tenement of John Newis be sold, with all the stock of my trade of dyeing, the money disposed for my soul and parents. Wife Alice for life messuage in which I live, then to son Thomas. Residue of goods to wife. [Probate 4 April 1487.] (Con. Vol. 3, fol. 124.) ROBERT 0.ALOWE. 1 Feb 1498-9. Buried in the churchyard. At my burying and month's day to as many priests as shall come 4c:l each, to say and sing a dirige with mass. Ex'or-Son Robert have residue, and yearly keep an Obit of 5/-. [Probate 6 March 1498-9.] (Con. Vol. 5, fol. 7.) ROBERT 0.ALOWE. 26 May 1519. Buried in the churchyard beside my father. Wife Alice all my sea-craft and instuff to pay my debts, and be Ex'or, with my son Thomas overseer. Witnesses :-Thomas Calowe, John Taylor, Thomas Michell, fisherman. [Probate 20 Sept 1524.] (Con. Vol. 14, fol. 47.) HYTRE WILLS. 143 WILLLUI CAR.LOWE. 10 April 1501. Buried in the churchyard. To repair of the best silver cross in the Chapel two old grotes. Ex'or-Wife Mabel and have residue to pay debts and dispose for my soul. Witnesses :--John Cardowe, John Conan, Robert Davy. [Probate 27 June 1501.J (Con. Vol. 6, fol. 30.) THOMAS CB:AUNDELER. 23 May 1490. By the grace of God intending to go to St James in Galis1 and other holy places, make my Will. Buried in Hythe churchyard or wherever it pleases God. To ' operibus ' of the Chapel 6-&l. To each Brotherhood 3-4d. Parish chaplain 3-4d and parish clerk 12d. William Benge my servant 40/-. Cecille Hardis 3-4d. John Lowis and Thomas Wodeland, each a sprat net. Joan wife of William Marchall two sprat nets. Thomas Marchall a sprat net and one wande of hamys [=hooks]. Nicholas Alford four shot nets and a sprat net. Lawrance Mason two shot nets. Wife Alice have for life all my lands, tenements, rents, services, then to Mildred my daughter her heirs assigns, if she die under age or before marriage then my chief tenement be sold, the money to a chaplain to celebrate for my soul and parents. After the death of my wife that J can Ma,rchall her daughter have t-he messuage next my chief messuage for life, then sold, the money-to operibus of the Chapel of St Leonard 20/-, the House of Poor of St John Baptist in Hythe 20/-, the Hospital of St Bartholomew 20/-, the residue for bad roads and other works of charity for our souls. Messuage in which Robert Brown dwells be sold after my death, money to pay debts, residue to wife Alice my Ex'or, with William Marchall, Thomas Baker, overseers, each to have 6-8d. [Probate 15 Novem 1491.] (Con. Vol. 3, fol. 303.) THOM.AS OHESEMAN. 27 Sept 1497 (1 1496]. Buried in the churchyard. Wife Denis all my cattle and other things of husbandry, all instore of my house and- debts due to me. Ex'ors :-Thomas Taylour and John Hersing my sons in law, with Denis my wife overseer. [Probate 15 March 1496-7.] {Con. Vol. 4, fol. 133.) 1 Galicia. in northwest Spa.in. 144 HYTHE WILLS. GREGORY CHuROHMAN. 28 August 1546. Buried in the churchyard. Wife Margaret have my house for life doing repairs, then to Magdalene my daughter in fee simple, but if my wife be with a son he to have the house and pay £10 to Magdalene. Ex'or-Wife Margaret and have residue after debts paid. Witnesses :-Dom Thomas Dolet curate, Thomas K.inckett, Thomas Dove, Thomas Jekins. [Probate 3 Oct 1546.J (Con. Vol. 20, fol. 65.) JOHN CLER.KE of Hythe being at the Town of Great Jernemouth [Yarmouth]. 19 July 1487. Buried in the churchyard of St Nicholas of Great Yarmouth. To the Friars of Canterbury celebrating 30 masses for my soul and parents 10/-. All my part of the boat [symbam] which I bought in Normandy and six flew nets be sold to pay my debts, the residue to wife Emma my Ex'or. Witnesses -John Peers of Jernemouth, John Came of same. [Probate 13 Deoem 1487.J (Con. Vol. 3, fol. 149.) 'ROBERT CLERKE, Smith. 22 June 1498. Buried in the churchyard. Robert Jenkin my servant a red cloak and worsted dublet and a chalder of sea coal. John and William my sons the shop of smith's craft with all tools when they are 24. Each daughter four silver spoons. My girdle of silver and gold which my mother gave me be sold, the money to my sons and Juliane my daughter. The Brothers and sisters of the House of St Bartholomew to pray for me 12d. To the church of St Giles of Winchelsea 3-4d ; and to the Franciscan Friars there 12d. Wife Beatrice have all my tenements in the Liberty of the Town and Port of Hythe, with all my lands in West Hythe and the Marsh for life doing repairs, after her death to son John my chief mansion and to his heirs, paying to Juliane my daughter five years after the death of his mother . . . [blank]; then son William the house with buildings in Middle Ward, each son heir to the other, but if both die before their mother without lawful issue, then after the death of Beatrice be sold, money-a priest celebrate for a year £6-13-4d ; to those who for the time being are Wardens of the goods for repair of the church 20/-; Juliane my daughter if alive 66-Sd; residue in works of cha.rity for our souls. Residue of goods not willed to HYTHE WILLS. 145 my wife to dispose as she like, and with Robert Snelle my Ex'ors, and William Warin overseer. Witnesses :-Thomas Walton, William Lee, Robert Lowett. (Probate 28 Sept 1498.] (Con. Vol. 4, fol. 192.) W1LLIAM 0LITEROWE.1 12 Feb 1454-5. Buried in the Chapel of St Leonard opposite the Image of St Mary in the north side of the same chapel. Light of St Mary and St Leonard, each 2 lbs of wax. Dom John Richford parish chaplain 20d, and the parish clerk 12d. To each servant 3-4d. Daughter Cecille at her marriage £20. Residue after debts paid to wife .Agnes, sons William and Walter, my E:x:ors. Wife have all lands, tenements, rents, services, or in future to come to me in right of inheritance for her life, then to Richard my son and his lawful issue, in default to my right heirs, in default to John Cheney and Margaret his wife my sister for their lives and their issue, in default to be sold and money disposed to a chaplain celebrating divine service in the Church of St Nicholas in the Town of Romney, for our souls . and parents. Witnesses :-Richard Brockhill, esquire, William Wattes, Edward Cristover. [No Probate Date.] (Con. Vol. 1, fol. 70.) RALPH COLMAN. 19 June 1533. Buried in the churchyard. Wife .Alice two tramel nets, and with son John have my house. Ex'or :-Wife .Alice and have residue. Witnesses :-William Newise, William .Atrege, Richard Amount. [Probate 17 .April 1535.] (Con. Vol. 15, fol. 280.) THOM.AS CoLYN. 10 Oct. 1509. Buried in the churchyard. Wife Joan have all my goods and pay my debts and be Ex'or. Witnesses:Dom Richard Colyn, John Daniell, Nicholas Mount. [No Probate-Vo}. 1506-9.] {Con. Vol. 9, fol. 181.) JOHN CooPER, Jurate. 9 Sept 1549. Buried in the churchyard. To poor people of the Town 10/-. To Bilsington church the heiffer which I received for the maintenance of a Lamp there. My brother 1 See Arolh Oant., Vol. XXVII, 47, 50. 146 HYTHE WILLS. Grimston 20/-, and to the children of my brother Thomas Grimston 20/-. Katherine my daughter £20 at marriage. To the highway between Bilsington Cross and Stone Cross, 20/-. Clemence my wife £30 if she claim no dower, and half my household stuff, the other half to my three children John, Richard, Katherine, when 20. Ex'ors-William Davington, Jurate, and John Bregman each to have 20/-. Ex'ors have the £40 in my custody to pay debts, any residue to my children when 20. Wife have for keeping of my children all income from my lands and tenements in Bilsington and Newchurch, and within the Liberty of Hythe and Saltwood for 12 years, then Ex'ors take income for the use of my children until they are 20. Son John when 20 all lands and tenements in Bilsington and Newchurch and to his heirs, paying £10 to my son Richard when 20. Son Richard when 20 all my tenements in Hythe and Saltwood and to his heirs. If both sons die without lawful issue before they are 20, then lands etc to daughter Katherine when 20 and her heirs, but if dead to the next of my kindred. Witnesses:Geoffrey Sparke, Thomas Cote. [Probate 10 Decem 1549.] (Con. Vol. 22, fol. 51.) THOMAS CoOTE. 7 August 1550. Buried in the churchyard. Clemens Morley daughter of my wife 40/-. My sister Elisabeth wife of Thomas Deringe of Petham 40/-. Clement Burfurthe and William Grigge my prentices each 6-8d. All goods to wife Margaret my Ex'or, with Thomas Johnson overseer. Witnesses :-Thomas Dolett curate, Geoffrey Sparke, Giles Ellingworth. [Probate 16 Sept. 1550.] (Con. Vol. 22, fol. 134.) ROBERT 0RISTIAN. 24 May 1484. Buried in the Chapel of St Leonard, and for my burial 13-4d to the operibus of the chapel. Parish chaplain 12d, and parish clerk 6d. To the parish chaplain saying exequies and mass by note from the day of my death to my trental in the chapel 10/-, and to two priests of the chapel about the same, each 6-8d, to three clerks 5/- each, and to four boys 20d each. Lands and tenements be sold, the money-to a chaplain celebrating for two years for my soul and parents £13-6-Sd ; to John son of Thoma.a Lowis and son of Joan Lowis my daughter 40/-; to William son of Ha.mon Risdale when of age 20/-; the residue HYTHE WILLS. 147 disposed by my Ex'ors :-William Warin, Thomas Lowis, William Rust, with William Luns overseer. [Probate 26 June 1486.] (Con. Vol. 3, fol. 93.) EDMUND Cru:STOFm. 29 Oct 1462. Buried in the chapel of St Katherine in the Chapel of St Leonard. Dom Richard Richeford parish-chaplain 20d. Wife Agnes have all lands tenements for life paying all services due, and if wife need she shall sell the same, if not sold then to my sons John and Edmund and their lawful issue, paying Alice and Katherine my daughters £4 at their marriage. Ex'or Wife Agnes and have residue. [Probate 7 Feb 1462-3.] (Con. Vol. 2, fol. 79.) WILLIAM _CROMPE. 18 Oct 1545. Buried in the churchyard. Repair of the church 3-4d. Son Thomas 20/- and my best gown and dublet, aon Richard my blue gown and jacket. Daughter Agnes £6-13-4d at her marriage or when 21. My wifes raiment to my two daughters Agnes and Juliane. Ex'or-Son Gregory have residue. Son Richard lands and tenements in Saltwood and Hythe, and to his lawful issue when 21, meanwhile son Gregory have them. Witnesses :-Thomas Johnson, Richard Ashenton, Richard Wood. [Probate 2 March 1545-6.] (Con. Vol. 20, fol. 32.) JOAN 0URTHOPPE. 17 May 1524. Buried in the churchyard beside my husband. Residue after debts paid to Thomas Wodde and George Jaxon my Ex'ors to dispose for my soul. My tenement be sold the money disposed for my soul, and Dom Thomas Hugonson if it please him to sing for my soul in Hythe church as long as the money will last, or some other honest priest. WitnessesNicholas Mett, John Sebram, Henry Horne. [Probate 13 July 1524.] (Con. Vol. 14, fol. 36.) JOHN CUTTER. 26 Oct 1522. Buried in the churchyard. To every Brotherhood in the Town 4d. Daughter Joan 20 /- when 20, and daughter Margaret 40/- when 21 or at her marriage. Residue of moveables after debts paid to wife Elisabeth my Ex'or, with John Hales 148 HYTHE WILLS. overseer. Wife have income from all my lands and tenements for life, then to son Lawrance and his heirs, if he die before 21 without lawful issue then to my daughters Joan and Margaret and their heirs, if they die without issue then be sold and to the repair of the church 40/-; to a priest to sing for our souls for a year £6-13-4d, the residue in good works. Witnesses :-John Hales, Nicholas Mette, Dom John Alwey. [No Probate. Vol. 1519-23.] (Con. Vol. 13, fol. 131.) THOMAS DALMINGTON. 5 Sept 1487. Buried in the churchyard. Light of Holy Cross, Corpus Christi, and the Brotherhood of St Peter, each 12d. The parish chaplain 12d, and parish clerk 8d. Brothers and sisters of the Hospital of St Bartholomew 12d. Repair of the highway against the house of Thomas Church 3-4d. Sons-John, William, Thomas, all my instuff and stock of my fishing craft between them, if all die to be sold and disposed for our souls by my Ex'orsThomas Lowis, Thomas Walton, Thomas Ingram. Son John when 18 my messuage in which I dwell, and messuage next John Frank, and to his heirs. Son William when 18 the messuage in which Thomas Church dwells. Son Thomas when 18, the messuage in which John Barde dwells. Ex'ors receive all income until sons are 18. My three sons all my Lands in Folkestone parish, if they all die under age without lawful issue then sold the money disposed for our souls. Any son that wishes to occupy my fishing craa, but if all refuse then to be sold the money to my sons. Witnesses :-John Borne, John Honywood, Thomas Church. [Probate 12 Decem 1487.J (Con. Vol. 3, fol. 148.) THOMAS DANIELL. 26 May 1536. Buried in the churchyard. Son John half my boat the James with all thereto, also half my boat the Mary, my lodge and veracon, seven tramel and three sprat nets, wand of hooks, fare of flews and shot nets. Daughters Juliane, Joan, Thomasine, and Alice, each half a fare of flews and shot nets. Nicholin my wife sell my Crayer called the Peter, money to pay debts. Residue of goods to wife Nioholin. my Ex'or with son John overseer. Witnesses :-John Sewen curate, William Mett,, Thomas Giles. [Probate 18 Novem 1539.) (Con. Vol. 17, fol. 48.) HYTHE WILLS. 149 JORN DENES. 20 Sept 1494. Buried in the churchyard. Alice, Margaret, Isabel my daughters, four flew and shove [sic] nets, silver girdle and four silver spoons. Wife Joan1 have two parts of my three boats [batallorum], capstan with all thereto. Wife have my house for life then to my daughters and their lawful issue, in default be sold, the money disposed for our souls. Ex'or-Wife Joan have residue. [Probate 22 Oct. 1494.] (Con. Vol. 4, fol. 25.). PBILIP DoDINGTON. 7 Novem 1491. Buried in the churchyard. To 'operibus ' of the Chapel 3-4d. Al.ianore my wife receive all income from my lands and tenements until son John is 21, then to him and his lawful heirs. Wife have for life messuage in which I dwell, then sold and to Juliane and Alice my daughters each £6-13-4d. Residue after debts paid to my wife my Ex'or. [Probate 13 Decem. 1492.] (Con. Vol. 3, fol. 331.] JORN DOVE. . 12 Decem. 1507. Buried in the churchyard. Repair of the church 5/-. Dom John Dove2 10/- to sing a trental for my soul. Brothers and sisters of St Bartholomew Spitill in Saltwood parish 3-4d. William Dove my brother £3-6-8d and all my wearing gear I went to the sea, in, and to his son William six nets and a rope. John Oldsberd my servant 6-8d above his wages. Margaret Osbarne my servant 40/- if she remain with my wife until married, if not nothing. Wife Alice my little Fisher boat with all thereto, and all household stuff. Mr Alexander Liffington my curate 6-Sd. Wife have my tenement for life then sold, the money to a priest to sing for our souls as long as it will last. My great Fisher boat be sold the money to pay debts. William Dove my brother the tenement upon the Ston in fee simple. Residue to wife Alice, who with Robert Hoker and George Ba.ten my Ex'ors. Witnesses :-.Alexander Liffi.ngton curate, Dom John Dove, priest, William Dove, John Oldeberd. [No Probate-Vo!. 1506-9.] (Con. Vol. 9, fol. 47.) WILLIAM DOVE. 20 Feb 1523-4. Buried in the churchyard beside my brother John Dove. To the Brotherhood of St Peter 6d. That each of 1 ,Toan was sister to J'ohn Marsh who died 1506. 1 Vicar of West Hytbe 1611-31. 150 HYTHE WILLS. my four sons (not named} have 13-4d when they are 20, each heir to the other, but if all die bestowed to amend highways within the Liberty of Hythe. Robert Minnett two :flew nets. Residue after debts paid to wife Joan, who with Thomas Ingham my Ex' ors. Wife have for life income from all my lands and tenements then to my children equally according to the nature of Gavilkinde. Witnesses :-.Stephen Harry, John Taylor, Richard at Wodde, Thomas Cheteham. [Probate 6 April 1524.) (Con. Vol. 14, fol. 9.) THOMAS DOVE. 22 January 1546-7. Buried in the churchyard. All moveables to wife Elisabeth my Ex'or, also my house and garden for life, then to son Nicholas paying to bis sister Joan 40/-. Witnesses :-Dom William Sherborne curate, Thomas Tanner. [Probate 13 June 1647.) (Con. Vol. 21, fol. 58.} ROBERT DoWNE. 4 Sept 1473. Buried in the churchyard. To each Brotherhood in the chapel of which I am a brother 12d. Fabrice of Chapel of St Leonard 20/-. To the parish priest 3-4d, and parish clerk 20d. A priest celebrate for a year for my soul and parents £6-13-4d, and my Ex'ors take it from the debt of £13-6-Sd in the hands of Roger Oswold, the residue to Joan Oswold my daughter, Katherine daughter of the same Joan, to Joan daughter of Richard Downe, and Agnes daughter of the same Richard, each 33-4d. Agnes my wife have for life a gold ring with a diamond, after her death to son William, but if dead to my son Mathew. Son Richard in 1475 the £3-6-Sd in the hands of Thomas Twinewode of Folkeston. To repair the highway at the Cross upon the cliff [palista) in Saltwood as far as Tenaris Cross £4, and the road Stonway under the Down 6-8d. Wife Agnes all my oxen, cows, sheep, horses, and plain silver bowl. Joan Oswold my daughter a maser bound with silver gilt, and four silver spoons. Sons William, Richard, Mathew, each two silver spoons. Son William when 20 a Wind Mill in Saltwood upon the cliff with all lands to the same, a messuage in the Town of Hythe next the house of Roger Oswold in Middle Ward, and to his heirs assigns. Wife Agnes all profits from the Mill until William is 20, and after her death all lands and tenements she holds for life to William. Son Mathew a certain house called Redebrok with all HYTHE WILLS. 151 lands, rents, services to the same, and to his heirs. All my instuff before marriage with Agnes be divided into five parts-to wife Agnes, Richard, Mathew, William my sons, and Joan Oswold my daughter. Residue to wife Agnes, who with son Richard my Ex'ors. [Probate 16 Novem 1473.J (Con. Vol. 2, fol. 251.) AGNES DoWNE, widow. 16 Feb 1480-1. Buried in the Chapel of St Leonard on the north side of the Chapel. To each Brotherhood of which I am a sister 12d. To repair one large window in the Chapel of St Mary 6-8cl, and to paint the great beam in the same chapel 3-4d. The parish chaplain 12d, and parish clerk 6cl. A chaplain celebrate for a year for my soul, and parents, and all faithful departed £6-13-4d. Repair of the highway from my gate as far as the spring at the tenement of John Reynold 26-&l. Son Thomas all my lands and tenements, and with William Ligh my Ex'ors. [Probate 11 April 1481.J (Con. Vol. 2, fol. 521.) RroHARD DoWNE. 7 Decem 1474. Buried in the churchyard. To the ' operibus ' of the Chapel 3-4d. To each priest to pray for my soul 12d, and the parish priest there 3-4d, the parish clerk 20d. Repair of a road next the land Nulesty Hill where most necessary 20/-. Wife Alice all my instuff and residue after debts paid, and with William Jenkin and Simon Wibern my Ex'ors. A piece of land called Trunte be sold, money disposed for my soul. Mathew Downe my brother one acre of land at Pedling. Each of my daughters (not named) when of lawful age or their marriage £5, to be received from the land called Castil field close. Wife have the messuage in which I dwell with Dental croft, and one house at E.astwell lese with barn, buildings, land Hoth field and Nulestis Hill, for her life, doing repairs, after her death to be sold, the money-to a chaplain celebrating in Hythe chapel for a year £6-13-4cl; to the 'operibus' of the chapel 20/-, and of Saltwood church 20/-; to the Hospital of St Bartholomew near Hythe 13-4cl, on the day of my Obit 20/-. [Probate 15 Feb 1474-5.] (Con. Vol. 2, fol. 296.) JOAN DoWNE. 8 August 1477. Buried in the churchyard. The parish priest 12d, and parish clerk 8d. To each Brotherhood Light in 152 HYTHE WILLS. the church 12d. To painting the High Cross 20/-. Repair bad roads 53-4d, where most necessary in the town. The parish priest and three other priests have 36-Sd to sing exeqmes and mass from the day of my death to my trental, and to four parish clerks and four boys 26-Sd. Alice daughter of Margaret Lovett, Isabella Coliar, Joan Baker, 10/- each. Agnes Hebbinge 3-4d. Alice daughter of Nicholas Ligh 3-4d. John junior, Alexander, Robert, William, sons of Nicholas Ligh [of Cheriton] 4/each. A small tenement in which Richard Buttye dwells be sold by Ex' or. Messuage in which I dwell to Richard Smalwode and his heirs, he to pay my debts and be Ex'or. Residue after debts paid to Juliane Smalwode my daughter. [Probate 5 Novem 1477.] (Con. Vol. 2, fol. 379.) JoBN DOWNE. 24 Sept. 1486. Buried in the churchyard. To the 'operibus' of the Chapel of St Leonard 20d. Ex'or-Wife Isabelle and have residue. [Probate 25 Oct 1487.] (Con. Vol. 3, fol. 140.) WILLIAM DoWNE. 19 January 1503-4. Buried in the churchyard next to my mother. Nicholas Mont parish clerk 2/-. Richard Wibarne my servant a mare and 6-Sd. Residue of goods after debts paid to wife Katherine, who with Robert Hokere and William Jenkins, my Ex'ors, and Robert Colma,n of Canterbury overseer. Lands and tenements to wife for life then to my children [not named), if they all die without lawful issue, then sold and money disposed for our souls. Witnesses :-Christopher Ward rector of Cheri.ton [1502-7] and curate of Hythe, Alexander Levington, Thomas Cobbs, John Wigors, Richard Wibarne. [No Probate-Vol. 1501-3.J (Con. Vol. 7, fol. 87.) WALTER DUNGATE. . . . 1518. Buried in the churchyard. Ex'or-Wife Alice and have all residue also all my lands and tenements and to her lawful issue. Witnesses-Dom Richard Sre:ffe, William Sire. [Probate 27 June 1519.J (Con. Vol. 12, fol. 169.) MARIE DUTSON. 25 July 1558. Buried in the churchyard. My brother Thomas Jekin and his wife Katherine my sister, all my money HYTHE WILLS. 153 that Gregory Brad hath in his keeping, also all moveable goods. Witnesses-Dom William Quithen curate, Katherine Browne. [Probate 28 July 1558.] (Con. Vol. 28, fol. 74.) .RoBERT DIAR. 19 Feb 1498-9. Buried in the churchyard. Daughter Juliane a chest, four pewter platters and dishes. Residue to wife Joan my Ex'or with William Jenkin, butcher, of Saltwood overseer. Witnesses :-Robert Lovett, Thomas Chilham. [Probate 6 March 1498-9.] (Con. Vol. 5, fol. 7.) ROBERT EASTDAY. 5 Sept 1537. Buried in the Chapel of St Leonard, and to the same 6-8d. Daughter Joan at her marriage £20, if she die the money to my wife. George Estday my brother 20/-. Joan Pendreth my servant 3-4d. That on every Good Friday for 20 years after my death to poor people 6-8d. Residue to my wife to bring up my children and hers-Robert, John, Joan. Ex'or Wife Juliane with William Crump overseer. Witnesses:Dom Robert Norfold priest, John Estas, William Mett, Thomas Solis. [Probate 26 Novem 1537.] (Con. Vol. 15, fol. 382.) JOHN EDWEY. 1 Novem 1473. Buried in the churchyard. Light of Holy Trinity, St Mary, St Leonard, St Katherine, each 8d. The parish chaplain 12d and parish clerk 8d. Isabelle my wife one quarter of everyone of my boats [symbe] four shot and flew nets, all that she brought at marriage, and £5. Son Thomas half part in all my boats, four shot and flew nets, large brass cooking pot, best cloke, a girdle of green and purple, plain silver bowl, one Briganden.s [coat of mail]. Son John one fourth part in all my boats and nets, my second cloak. Richard Sexten a flew net. Joan daughter of Thomas Edwey a silver necklace. Residue to wife Isabelle, sons Thomas and John. To the making of one common latrine in the Town 3-4d. Wife have my chief tenement for life then to sons Thomas and John and their lawful issue, in default to be sold, the money to a chaplain to celebrate for a year £6-13-4d, residue in good works. Son Thomas the tenement in the East Ward in which he now dwells. Ex'ors :-Wife Isabelle and son Thomas. [Probate 15 Deoem 1473.] (Con. Vol. 2, fol. 267.) 14A 154 HYTlIE WlLLS. THOMAS EDWEY. 6 March 1515-6. Buried in the churchyard next my father. Son Richard two flew and shot nets, a girdle harnessed with silver with double barr, of green and murrey colour. Thomas my servant three shot nets, two miketts of hooks and 6-8d. Residue after debts paid to wife Juliane my Ex'or. Wife have my tenement in the east end for life, then to daughter Juliane and her lawful issue, in default be sold and money disposed for our souls. Lands in Cheriton to wife for life then to William my son, paying my daughter 20/-. [No Probate date.] (Con. Vol. 11, fol. 121.) RICHARD EDWEY. 22 April 1519. Buried in the churchyard beside my father. Wife Joan for life have 12 shot nets renewing and keeping them sufficiently, after her death to Joan and Ma,rgaret my daughters, if they both die before my wife then wife have them for ever. Also wife have a sprat net, five lines of small hooks, and three flew nets. Each daughter three flew nets to be in the keeping of my wife repairing them, if both die then wife sell the six nets and dispose money for our souls. All other goods to wife Joan my Ex'or to pay debts, with William Benett and George Maywell overseers. Wife have the house in which I dwell in the West Ward for life doing repairs, after her death to daughter Joan and her lawful issue, in default to daughter Margaret and her lawful issue, in default be sold, the money-to Hythe church 20/· for reparations, the residue to a priest to sing for our souls as long as it will last, having £6-13-4d yearly. Also wife have income from my lands in Cheriton until Margaret my daughter be married, then to Margaret and her lawful issue, giving 40/- to Joan her sister ; if Margaret die before her marriage then to my daughter Joan and her lawful issue, in default be sold the moneyto my sister Juliane 40/-. the residue to the church works of Hythe and Cheriton. Witnesses :-John Patt, John Taylor, James Lambe. [Probate 8 June 1519.] (Con. Vol. 12, fol. 142.) RoDERT ELsEY. 5 Oct 1551. Buried in the churchyard. To poor people at my burial 10/-, and to the poor mens box 10/-. My new boat and all the tackling be sold to pay my debts, and Margaret Hays HYTHE WILLS. 155 have 20/-. Thomas Stone my servant half a fare of:£1.ew and shot nets, a mawnd [=basket] of hooks, half a tramel net with the apparel. Residue after debts paid to wife Rose my Ex'or, with Thomas Edeson and John Bridgman overseers. My house to wife Rose. Witnesses :-John Patt, William Mette. (Probate 4 Feb 1551-2.] (Con. Vol. 24, fol. 55.) JOHN ELSTON. l April 1495. Buried in the churchyard. Son William my part of one boat [batella] called a Hooker. Richard Baker my servant a flew net. Residue after debts paid to wife Cristiane my Ex'or. [Probate 29 July 1495.] (Con. Vol. 4, fol. 45.) MARGARET, WIDOW OF WILLIAM FELDISWELL. 24 August 1485. Buried in the Chapel of St Leonard. To each Brotherhood 4d, and the Hospital of St Bartholomew next Hythe 3-4d. Residue to John Denis my son my Ex'or. [Probate 27 July 1486.J (Con. Vol. 3, fol. 72.) JOHN FIGGE. 12 May 1524. Buried in the churchyard at the north end of Our Lady chancel beside my child. Residue to wife Juliane1 my Ex'or to pay debts, with Nicolas Mett overseer. Feoffees of lands tenements-John Winchfield and Clement Clerk. Lands etc be sold by Ex'or the money to pay my debts. Witnesses:Richard atte Wodde, John Taylor, Nicholas Mett, John Winchfield. [Probate 3 July 1524.] (Con. Vol. 14, fol. 36.) JoHN FoRDE. 3 Decem 1486. Buried in the Chapel of Holy Trinity in the Church of St Lawrance of Romney. A priest celebrate for a year for my soul; and my Ex'or provide another priest who will go to Rome giving him £6-13-4d, to celebrate mass in the Church of St Sebastian there at the altar of St Gregory. To the Church of St Lawrance Romney all income from a tenement in Romney late John Porters, to provide in the chapel of Holy Trinity the Lights belonging to the chapel, so that the Wardens and parishioners have the keeping of the tenement for ever to provide as above. Ex'or :-Wife Juliane and have all my stock of woollen cloth in Hythe and Romney, also my tenement in St Nicholas 1 Juliane was daughter of Agnes Winchfield, 1517. 156 HYTHE WILLS. parish Romney obtained from John Loudon. Witnesses:Richard Stace, George Moore. [Probate 9 January 1486-7.] {Con. Vol. 3, fol. 116.) THOMA.SIN FORDE. 26 January 1521-2. Buried in the churchyard. Reparation of Lympne church 6-Sd ; and to the mending of my fathers grave within Lympne church, and for a taper before St John there 3-4d. Alice Rode my mother £3-6-8d, and John Rode my father in law [ =step-father] 6-Sd. My three brothers John, Stephen, Nicholas Forde, each 20/-, and my sisters Alice and Margaret Rode, each 13-4d. My master William Legh 6-8d and my mistress his wife 6-8d, and to every of my master's servants dwelling with him at the time of my death 4d ; Residue to my mother to dispose for my soul. Witnesses :-Dom William Penne curate there, Dom John Alwey, William Lee. [Probate 19 March 1621-2.] (Con. Vol. 13, fol. 89.) THOMAS Fox. 4 August 1487. Buried in the churchyard. To the painting of St Christopher 12r.l. Robert Roker a pair of brigandines and salet [helmet]. Residue after debts paid to wife Marione my Ex'or. [Probate 24 Sept 1488.] (Con. Vol. 3, fol. 201.) (To be continued.)