General Index

( 235 ) GENERAL INDEX. A Abbots Mill, Canterbury, 109, 110. Abbots Park, alias " Scotland Hills," 68. Accounts, 1938, 1-liv. Ackroyd, L. J., and Wye Downs barrow, 215-216. Addington-Hayes road, 214. Adisham, Cooting Farm, 182. Adrian, Abbot of St. Augustines, 12. Aethelberht, King, passing of, 22, etc. Aethelbert, King of Kent, 10, etc. Aethelburga, stepmother of Eadberht, 11, etc. Aethilbald, King of Mercia, 23, etc. Aethilberht, King of Kent, 10, etc. Albinus, Abbot of St. Augustine, 12, etc. Aldlond, 103. Aldulf, Archbishop of Canterbury, 20. Aldulf (Eardwolf), Bishop of Rochester, 19, 25. Aldy, John, 96, 99, 101, 105, 107. Aleyn, John, 89. Algarffeld, 75. Alkham, 93 ; nailboume stream, 227. Alland, 77. Allen, Derek, and coins found on Kent Sites, 161. Allen, D. F., and Oldbury Hill, 137. Alleyn, Hugh, 89 ; Nicholas, 95. Allond, 92. All Saints, Canterbury, demolition of, 209. All Saints, Maidstone, on site of St. Mary's, 213 ; College of, 213. All Saints Lane, Canterbury, 108. Altaic, son of Wihtred and Werburga, 13. Altham, Alexander, 102, 106. Aluph, Sampson, 64. Alway, John, curate of Hythe, 64. Alwey, John, 31. Amos, E. G. J., and Report from Dover, 1939, 211-212; Mr. and Guston subsidence, 186. Andrew t h e Apostle, Bishopric of, 17. Andscohesham, 17. Anglo-Saxon Chronicles, 9, etc.; finds at Rochester, 205. anklet found at Minnis Bay site,. 201. Anley, Cristine, 34 ; William, 34. Annual General Meeting, 1938,. xxxviii. Antiquaries, Society of, and Oldbury Hill, Ightham, 137. Apingham, Richard, 42. Appledore, 93. Apulderefeld, William, 105. Apuldorefeld, William, 101. Archbishop's Palace, Maidstone, 213. Argent, Robert, 92. Armorer, John, 89. armillse, disposal of, xxxix. Arnard, Nicholas, of Newington, 30. Arnold, H. and W., of Stone Stile Farm, Chilham, 215 ; John, 79. Arnoll, Jane, birth of, 132 ; Steven, 133. Arnulphus, son of Baldwin, Earl of Guisnes, 110. " Ashford Wills," by Arthur Hussey,, review, 228. Ashley, 77. Asshe, Reginald, 106. Assher, 81 ; John, 88, 90, 100, 104 ;.• Infirmarian of St. Austin's, Canterbury, 69. Asshington, John, 81. Asshm'effeld, 77. Asshmynton, 94; John, 88, 90, 104;. treasurer of St. Austin's, Canterbury, 1468-1469, 69, 72. Astley, Sir Jacob, Royalist, 117. Attehoke, Vincent, 76. Atteh(oke), Robert, 76. atte Wode, Thos., 46. Augustine Friars, Canterbury, 43. Auncell, John, bailiff of Fordwich, 89, 104. Austin Friars, Canterbury, site of Simon Langton school, 210. Austin's House, Westminster, 122. Austrian arms in Temple Ewell Church, 2, etc. Aylesford, 168; Belgic cemetery, 172 ; bridge, 213. 19A 236 GENERAL INDEX. B Badill, John, 32. Baker, Harry, 55 ; John, 45, 64; Thomas, 131 ; William, 46. Baldwin, Earl of Guisnes, 110; Henry, 80, 89; Thomas, of Garrington, 80. Baldwyn, Henry, 75, 99, 104. Balsen, John, 102, 105. Balthard, witness to charter, 17, 20. Banta, witness to charter of Eadberht, 18. Bapchild, Council of, 11, etc. Barett, Stephen, 84. Bargrove, John, 50. Barker, John, 101, 105. Barly, Jeoffry, priest, 56. Barmettler family, and gift to Temple EweU Church, 7. Barnes, Ann, 134, 135. Barowe, John, 37, 55, 58. barrow found on Wye Downs, 215- 216. Bartlett, John, 97. Bartlott, John, 97. Barton, Thos., 76 ; William, 91. Bateman, Rev. J., of Petham, 226. Baton, Thomas, 33. beads found at Oldbury, 161, 162, 165, 180, 181. Beads, glass, 168. Beauchamp, Earl, Vice-President, death of, xxxviii. Beausfeld, see Whitfield. Beck Find : Prehistoric and Roman Site on the Foreshore at Minnis Bay, Report by Major P. H. G. Powell-Cotton, and G. F. Pinfold, 191-203. Beck, James, finder of Minnis Bay site, 191-203. Becket's shrine, 213. Bekills, William, 60. Bekin Street, Dover, 62. Belcheberough, 56. Beleies, Hythe, 54. Belgic pottery, fragments found near Deal, 205 ; at Oldbury Hill, 166, etc., 177, 192 ; pedestal-urns from Oldbury, 177 ; vase discovered at Minnis Bay, 192. Bellhouse, R. L., and Wye Downs barrow, 215-216. belt found, at Minnis Bay site, 202. Belte, Wilham, 64. Benet, Wilham, 35. Bengemyn, Richard, 97, 99. Benhaw, Hythe, 45. Benjamin, John, 28 ; Richard, 80, 95 ; Robert, 94. Bennitt, Rev. F. W., Diary of Isabella, wife of Sir Roger Twysden, Baronet, of Royden Hall, East Peekham, 1645-1651, 113-136. Beornhard, witness to Charter, 19. Berde, John, 55. Berell, John, 101, 105. Bergrove, Saltwood, 56; Wood, Hythe, 27. Berne, John, 78 ; Thomas, 45. Bernes, Richard, 46. Berry, 188; John, monk of St. Austin's, 67 ; Wilham, 60. Berton, William, 101, 105. Bertwald, Archbishop, 20. Best Lane, Canterbury, 108. Bexley Hill, near Eastbourne, glass beads found, 180. Bigberry, pots found, 159 ; Wealden foot-ring bowls found, 170. Billesdon, Robt., 94. Bilsington Priory, 43. Birehington, Minnis Bay find, 191- 203 ; 1904 find recalled, 193. Birdwood, Rt. Hon. Lord, elected Vice-President, xxxviii. Bire, Robt., 49. Blackheath, 124, 125. Blackie, Rt. Rev. Ernest, Dean of Rochester, elected Vice-President, xxxviii. Blackmansky, 76. Black Prince, arms of, on gate at Canterbury, 108 ; Chantry, modern building, 109; Priests, ehantry house, 108. Black, wood-reve of Chilham Estate, 215. Blackwoose. 41. Blakwose, 109, 110, 111 ; Canons, owners of Waterlock, Canterbury, 110. Blande, John, 91. Blanderell, Joan, 66. Blean, 89, 96; Forest of, in Treasurer's Account of St. Austin's Abbey, Canterbury, 74; Warden of, 80. Bleangate, Hundred of, 81. Bletchingley, 118. Blore, W. P., 71. Blossame, John, 93. Blossome, John, 88, 92. Bobbing, 93 ; in Treasurer's Account of St. Austin's Abbey, Canterbury, 73. Bochard, Wilham, 102, 106. GENERAL INDEX. 237 Bocher, Robt., 92, 93. Bodesham, 74. Boggis, R. J. E., "History of St. Augustine's Abbey," 67. Boldand, Edward, 39. Bolney, Alice, 30 ; John, 30. Bolton, J. Herbert, appointed Local Sec. of Rochester district, xxxviii; preservation of Temple Manor, Strood, xlvii; reports on Rochester Cathedral excavation, xlvii. Boniface's Hospital of AU Saints, Maidstone, 213. borer found at Minnis Bay site, 200. Borne, Agnes, 34 ; John, 34, 35. Botley, Robt., 38. Bottley, Robt., parish priest of Hythe, 44. Boughton, 93. Boughton Monchelsea, earthworks at, 163. Bourne, John, 57 ; Margaret, 57. Bouwens, B. G., "Wills and their whereabouts," review, 229 ; L. H. and B. G., " A thousand ancestors," review, 229-230. Bowes, John, 63. Bowis, Ahce, 64 ; John, 54 ; Thomas, 54. bowls, foot-ring, 157. Bowly, Col. W. A. T., Commandant of Duke of York's Royal Military School, 187. Boxe, John, 79. Boylet, Wihiam, 107. Boylett, Wilham, 101, 105. Brabazon, Miss, and Oldbury HiU, 137. Brabourne, 93. Bracebregge, WiUiam, 99. bracelet found at Minnis Bay site, 201. Bradbourne Hall, old home of the Twisdens, 221. Bradford, Mr. and Oldbury Hill, 137. Bradsole, 109; Abbey of, 111. Brand, John, 87. Brans tenement, Fordwich, 85. Brasebrigge, WiUiam, 9L Brasy, Thos., 39. Bredgate, John, 52. Bregland, Wffliam, 39. Brenchisle, John, 69, 90, 99. Brenchley, John, 69, 79. Brent, Roger, Mayor of Canterbury, 1470, 84 ; WiUiam, 84, 91. Brewer, Ales, 32. Bridgman, John, 37. Briggs, William, 53. Bright, William, 42, 49. Brigide, Edmund, 69, 95. Bristo, John, 30. British Arch. Assn., and Oldbury HiU, 137. British Camp at Chilham, 214-215. Broadlees Bottom, Dover, skeleton found, 217. Broadstreat, Canterbury, repair of, 95. Brodenax, Robert, 99. Brodnex, Wm., 39. Brombard, Thos., parish clerk of Hythe, 38. Bronze Age fishing village at Minnis Bay, suggestion of, 193 ; palstave found at Benenden, 204; site, Minnis Bay, 193, 194, 195. Brookfield Avenue, Dover, 211. Brooldand, 75, 93; in Treasurer's Accounts of St. Austin's Abbey, 74. Browne, Richard, 29. Browning, Cristian, 27 ; Henry, 27 ; John, 37 ; Richard, 53, 58; WiUiam, 59. Bryton, Henry, 100. bucket urn, fragments of, found at Minnis Bay, 193. Buckingham, Duke of, 125. Buckland Avenue, Dover, 211. Bukland, Ahce, 55 ; John, 63, 64 ; Thomas, 54, 63. BuUyng, John, 88, 93. Bunken, Hamon, of Burmarsh, 39. Bunkly, Sir George, death of, 118. Burastone, 134, 135. Burchell, J. P. T., 167 ; and Oldbury HiU, 138. Burgess, Christian, 52. burial at Oldbury Hill, 152 ; crouched, east of Dover Castle, 217-218 ; found on site of Simon Langton School, Canterbury, 210. Burland, Thos., 58. Burle, Nicholas, 88. Burmarsh, 99; in Treasurer's Accounts of St. Austin's Abbey, 73 ; lands in, etc., 39, 44, 64, 65 ; Church, 39. Burnell, Sir Nicholas, 85. Burwash, 93, 103. Bury, WiUiam, 102, 106. Buscombe, Thos., 32. BushUl, Brown, beheaded on Tower HiU, 115, 133. Bustowe, John, 55. Butcher, Robert, 93. Buteler, Cristian, 31. 19B 238 GENERA] Butler, Miss, and Oldbury HU1, 137. Bynna, witness to charter, 17. Bynton, Henry, 69. C Caburn, foot-ring bowl, 157, 159. CadwaUa, 11. Calais, 92. CaldweU, Mr., of Canterbury, work at Temple Ewell Church, 1, etc. Caleys, 103. Calf gate mede, Hythe, 32. CaUowe, Thos., 33. Calms Mede, Hythe, 45. Calowe, Robt., 37. Calvo, Thos., 55. Canon Court, Newington, 56. Canterbury, 122 ; ancient house not Black Prince's Chantry House, 108; Archaeological Society Report, 208-211 ; Archbishop of, 101, 104; beheaded 1645, 117; City Council, 108 ; Clement, 69, 91 ; Friars, 43, 49 ; Mayor and Corporation, 109. Canterbury, Notes on an Ancient House in Church Lane, by Dorothy Gardiner, 108-112. Canterbury, reconditioning of 17th Cent, cottages at, 209. Canterbury, St. Austin's Abbey Treasurers' Accounts, 1468-9, and Others, by Charles Cotton, 66-107. Canwyk Croft, Hythe, 41. Canyzan, Gerald, 106. CapeU, Lord, 126. Carden, Edward, 61 ; Thos., vicar of Lympe, 27, 56. Care, Ahce, 47. Carshalton, 168. Carter, Thos., of WiUesboro', 37. Castle Hill, Tonbridge, Iron Age camp, 141. Cave, Dr. A. J. E., reports on skeleton found east of Dover Castle, 218- 219. Cayne or Canons Court, Saltwood, 110. Caysshe, John, of Stodmarsh, 80. Celtic coins at Oldbury, 161; sherds at Oldbury, 156. Celts found at Minnis Bay site, 196. Chalkshan, Stanford, 64. Chamberlain, John, 84. Chamberleyn, John, 92, Chantry House in parish of St. Alphege, Canterbury, 109. Chapel Field, Farningham, xlvii. INDEX. Charles the Physician, 106. Charlton, 164, 168; pottery, 169, 179. Chart, 131. Charton, Manor of, xlvii. Chawdrye, John, 491 Chelinden, John, 41. Chequers Inn, Canterbury, 112. Cheriton, lands in, 46, 47 ; tenement in, 56. Cheseman, WiUiam, witness to will, 27. Cheteham, Thomas, 48, 49. Chevenyng, John, 90, 99, 104. Chiddingstone, decorated vessel from, 165 Chilham, British camp at, 214-215. Chilton, John, 56. Chirche, Richard, 97, 99, 101, 105. Chisel found at Minnis Bay site, 200. Chislet, 76, 81, 87, 90, 99, 104; Church, 82; in Treasurers' Accounts of St. Austin's Abbey, Canterbury, 72 ; Park, 74, 96. Ohislett, 78, 92, 103 ; manor of, 84. "Cholmley, Dorothy, 115; Elizabeth, 121; Sir Hugh, 115, 116. Cholmly, Ann, 133 ; Hugh, 134. Christ Church, Canterbury, St. Austins' Accounts in, 66. Churchfield, Stanford, 64. Church Lane, Canterbury, 110 ; houses condemned in, 108. Church Lane, Canterbury, Notes on Ancient House in, by Dorothy Gardiner, 108-112. Church Lane, Nonington, 182. Cinque Ports, Custumal of the, 189. Cissbury, 160. Clarence, Duke of, 93 ; cost of trout for, 92. Clerk, John, 102 ; Robt., 46, 47. Gierke, John, 105. Clerks, William, 92. Clerksfield, Stanford, 64. Cloveshoh Council, 12. Cobbe, John of Plumstead, 79, 99. Cock, Dr. F. William, A Custumal of New Romney, 188-190. coin found at Brookfield Av., Dover, 211; found at Oldbury, 161. Coles, Agnes, 60. Colin, Richard, 37, 38. Coll, Joan, 34. Colleotor for Sequestration of Kent, 120. Colles, John, 61. Colley, Richard, 75. Colsale, 77. GENERAL INDEX. 239 Colstede, 74. Colyer, George, 92. Colyn, John, 100, 102, 105. Combe Street, East Farleigh, Romano-British discoveries at, 204. Compe, John, 31. Condy, Ahce, 42. Congreve, A. L., of Cranbrook, 204. Coningham, Davy, 53. Cook, Benedict, 86 ; Roger, 86. Cooke, Thos., 101, 105. Cooting Farm, Adisham, 182. Copherst, 75. Cork, Roger, 106. Corke, Roger, 102. Coting Field, Hythe, 45. Cotings field, Hythe, 47. Cotmanton, 85. Cotton, Dr. Charles, St. Austin's Abbey, Canterbury, Treasurers' Accounts, 1468-9, and Others, 66- 107. Cotton, Dr. Charles, death recorded, 208 ; obituary, 232-234. Cotungsfield, Hythe, 46. Couper, John, 101, 105 ; Thos., 99, 101, 105. Courteney, Archb. and St. Mary, Maidstone, 213. Cowles, Walter, 45. Cowper, John, 62. Cozens, W. S., 108, 209. Crabble Paper Mill, 212. Cramme, Richard, 89, 102. Cranbrook, 66. Crane, Ralph, 85. Cranesden, John, 91. Craneasdenne, John, 91. Cranmer, Archbp., owner of Waterlock, Canterbury, 111. Crayford, 159, 164, 167, 168, 169; pottery, 168, 165, 172, 180. Cremation burials at Oldbury Hill, 152. Crevequer Tower, Dover Castle, 212. Crisp, John, 80. Croast, Mary, cook to Lady Twysden, 134. Croest, Mary, 135. Cromme, Richard, 106. Crompe, Gregory, 32, 62; Julian, 32 ; William, 32 ; of Horton, 29 ; Robert of Minster, 79. Crump, WiUiam, 28. Crundale House, 224. Crysp, John, 89, 99. Culverhawe, Hythe, 42. Curator's Report, 1939, 204. Curdon, Richard, 101, 102. Curtener, Philipe, 64 ; Thos., 64. Custumal of New Romney, by Dr. F. W. Cock, 188-190. Cuthbert, Archbp., lands granted to, 21. Cutter, John, 57. D daggers found at Minnis Bay site, 195. Dalleis, Stanford, 65. Dahninton, Wm., 53. Damiott, Hythe, 56. Damyatt, Hythe, 44. Dane Chantry, 225. Dane John gardens, Canterbury, trenches in, 211. Daniel, Mr., of Canterbury, death recorded, 208. Daniot, Hythe, 27. Darent Valley, 159. Darlyngton, Richard, 99, 101, 105. Dartford District Antiquarian Society : Report, xlviii; Museum, 138 ; Hulbury pottery in, 166 ; Saxon or Jutish cemetery, xlvi. Dawnton, William, 56, 57. ' Dawson, Thos., 61. Deal, research about, in 1939, 205- 206 ; skeletons found, 207 ; Town Hall, collection of antiquities at, 207. de Cardi, Miss, and Oldbury Hill, 137. deer skull found at Minnis Bay, 203. Deforsse, John, 44. Denby, Mrs., death of, 122. Deneholes, Notes on some excavations of the nature of, by W. P. D. Stebbing, 182-187. Dengrove, 74, 95. Depegate, Cheriton, 56 ; Hythe, 35. Dering, Sir Edward, marriage to Mrs. Mary Harry, 123; Member of Parliament for Maidstone, 116. de Vache, John, 101, 105, 106. Deyborne, 76. Diary of Isabella, wife of Sir Roger Twysden, Baronet, of Royden Hall, East Peckham, 1645-1651, by the Rev. F. W. Bennitt, 113-136. Dickinson, Robert, 58. Dickison, Roger, 134. Diggs, Richard, 50. Dilnott, Thos., of Sellinge, 58. Dimheahae, witness to Charter of Eadberht, 18. 240 GENERA L INDEX. Dimiot, Newington, 63. Dines, H. G., and Oldbury Hill, 137. Dingle, Peter, of Milton, 78, 79. Dixson, Harry, curate of Dover, 52. Doffin, John, 39. Doffine, John, 62. Dolet, Thos., 58. Dolett, Thos., 52, 53. Dollet, Thomas, 32. Dollett, Thomas, curate, 62. Dove, WiUiam, 48. Dover, archseology, 1939, 211-212 ; Castle, crouched burial found east of, 217-218; repairs at, 112; work continued, 212 ; College Field Club, and barrows found, 211 ; Domus Dei, 46 ; lands in, 62 ; Prior of, 83 ; subsidence at Guston, 186. Down, Katherine, 33 ; Richard, 93 ; Robert, 33 ; William, 33. Downe, Joan, 42; John, 89, 100, 101, 106. Downer, Geoffrey, 88, 100, 105. Downes, Geoffrey, 101. Downhamford, Hundred of, 81. Drake, John, 40, 60. Dromwida, 225. Dry Hill, Lingfield, 163, 181. Duck Lane, Canterbury, formerly Froxpole Lane, 109. Duck, Nell, maid to Lady Twysden, 119. Duffin, Thomas, vicar of Lyminge, 37. Duke of York's School, Guston, subsidence at, 186. Dukneys tenement, Hythe, 57. Dygon, John, Abbot of St. Austin's, Canterbury, 69. E Eadberht, King of Kent, commenced his reign, 10. Eadberht, Son of King Wihtred, Life and Records of, by Gordon Ward, M.D., F.S.A., 9-26. Eadbriht Eating, King of Northumbria, 21. Eadbryrht, King of Kent, see Eadberht. Eadburh, Abbess of Minster, 23. Ealdulf, Bhp. of Rochester, 19. Ealow, Thomas, 54. Eanberht, witness to Charter, 20. Earduulf, 22. Eardwlf (Aldulf), Bhp. of Rochester, 25. Early Iron Age fortifications at Oldbury Hill, 139 ; fragments of pottery found at Hartley, 204. Earnesbergh, Manor of,in Treasurers' Accounts of St. Austin's Abbey, 73. Earnisbergh, 87. earthworks at Oldbury, 137, etc. East Farleigh, Romano-British finds at, 204. East Peckham, 113, etc. ; Church, 116; ejection of the Vicar, 116; Register, 114. Eastward, Hythe, 41, 48, 52, 57, 62, 65. Eastbourne, beads found near, 161, 162. Eastry, cave at, 185 ; pagan mysteries, 185; pre-Roman origin, 185. EastweU, Saltwood, 65. Echingheld, Lyminge, 46. Ede, John, 54. Edwey, John, 46 ; Margaret, 46, 47 ; Thomas, 46, 47. Egbert, Archbp., 21. Egeworth, John, 60; curate of Hythe, 30. Elbregg, Rent of, 106. Elbregge, John, 100 ; widow, 102. Eldridge, A., and " Orpington" pottery, 179. Elham, 92 ; nailbourne stream, 227. Elingworth, Giles, 53. Ellis, Guy, of Kennington, 78. Elmstead, 74 ; Church, 224 ; home of the Honeywoods, 225. Elmystede,74. Elson, Harry, 52. Emiot, Ahce, 30 ; John, 30, 54. Emott, John, 54. Engeham, John, 99. Estday, Robert, 54. Eustace, John, 31, 40. Evans, John, of Rochester, 206. Evington Court, 225 ; House, 225. EweU and River, amalgamated parishes, 1. Excavations on Oldbury Hill, Ightham, 1938, by J. B. Ward Perkins, 137-181. Excursions, account of, 1938, xhv. Exeter, Duke of, 87. F Fagge, John, 39. Fairfax, Guy, 84; Sir John, into Kent with his army, 124; Sir Thomas, 118, 119, 122; and possessionof Towerof London, 121. Farmery, Gregory, 53. Farningham, 122 ; Roman walling at, xlvii. Faussett, Brian, 217. Faversham, 89, 93, 103, 104 ; Abbey of, 73 ; rectory of, 74, 78, 80, 89, 99. FeltweU, Stephen, 90, 104. Feraff, Richard, 89. Ferington, Bartholomew, 82, 86. ffanoU, Robert, 131. Field, Mr., and Oldbury Hill, 137. Figge, John, 60, 61. Finch, Henage, 121 ; Daniel, 121 ; Sir Nathaniel, burial of, 131. Findon Park, 160. Fisher, C. E. Reports, 204-205. Fitzwilliam Tower, Dover Castle, 212. Florence of Worcester, 21. Folke, Wilham, 88. Folkestone, Church, bequest to, 34 ; lands in, 30, 34, 56; Museum, 176; Roman ViUa, burial urn from, 176 ; sea gate, 29. Foord, Mr., and Eastry Cave, 185. Foorde, Walter, 105. foot-ring bowls, 159; distribution of, 157. Ford, Walter, 101. Forde, Ahce, 52. Fordwich, 24, 25, 72, 75, 78, 80, 81, 89, 94, 95, 103, 104 ; bailiff of, 99 ; crane at, 68 ; tenement at, 85. Fordwich Meadow, 96. Forsden, Richard, Almoner, St. Austin's, Canterbury, 69, 99. Forsett, John, Common clerk of New Romney, 188, 189. Foubrings, Hythe, 60. Fox, Thomas, 49. Frances, Lord, death of, 125. Franciscan gardens disfigured by iron store shed, 209. Francpledge, View of, in Treasurers' Accounts of St. Austin's Abbey, 94. Franks, Arthur, and Oldbury HiU, 137. Frankwell, Christopher, 53. Frariks, Hythe, 63. Frawyk, Thos., 91. FreeweU, Stephen, 99. French, John, 100. Friars, Augustine, 43 ; Observants, 43. Frog'enha'Ue, Richard, 78. Frowick, Thomas, 104. Frowyk, Thos., 91, 99, 101, 106, 107. INDEX. 241 Froxpole, Canterbury, 109, 111. Froxpole Lane, Canterbury, 112. Fry, William, 73. Fryat, William, 96. Fulling Mill, Sturry, 72. Fynew, John, 80. G GaiUor, John, 89, 101 ; Richard, 79, 80, 99. Gallaunt, Margaret, of Sittingbourne, 50. Gardiner, Dorothy, Notes on an Ancient House in Church Lane, Canterbury, 108-112. Gardiner, Dorothy, Report of Canterbury Archseological Society, 1939, 208-211. Gardiner's "History of the Great Civil War," 116. Garlinge, F. G., 182, 185. Garrington, 78, 79, 80, 81, 92. Garunton, 77. 103. Garwood, S., Surveyor to Duke of York's School, 186. Gay famUy, 225 ; Humfrey, 39. Geblett, Thos., 31. Gell, William, 44. Gemin, William, 57. Geoffrey, William, 50. George, John, 64 ; Juliane, 64. German, Thomas, 41, 43. Gibbe, Robert, 59. Gibson, Robert, 56. Gifford, Mr., 126. Gilam, Dom, curate, 58. GUbarte, Robt., 65. Gilbert, Joan, 44; Nicholas, 97 ; of Chislet, 79 ; Robert, 44; Thomas, 76. GUlow, Alice, 49. Gilm, Dom, priest, 55. glass beads, 162. Glass, Swiss Stained, at Temple Ewell, by N. E. Toke, 1-8. Godfrey, Thomas, 50. Godwin, Frank, elected to Council, xxxviii; and Oldbury Hill, 137. Goldfinch, John, of Postling, 37. Goldsmith on London Bridge, 101, 105. Goodale, Richard, 58. Goodewyn, John, 102, 105. Goodwyn, John, 99. Gooman, William, 89. Goreham, Thos., 31. Goring, Lord, 125. Gossops, meaning of, 117. 242 GENERAL INDEX. gouges found at Minnis Bay site, 200. Graham, John, and London-Lewes Roman Road, 214. Gravesend, pottery from, 167. Gray, Henry, 37; Rabege, 37; Richard, 37. Great Court, Canterbury, 74. Great Mongeham Church, 205. Green Dragon Inn, Dover, 212. Greenfield, Mr., and Oldbury HiU, 137. Greenwich, 125. Gregory, Pope, 12. Grey Friars of Canterbury, 102. Grove Manor, Woodnesborough, Court Rolls, 219-220. Gryffyth, Richard, 99. Guston, 75 ; subsidence, 186 ; John, 89. H Hagott, William, curate of Hythe, 55. Hakislond, William, 93. Hale, Christopher, 56 ; Edward, 56 ; Isabell, 56; John, 55, 56, 58; Thomas, 56 ; Thomasine, 55, 56. Hales, John, 33, 43, 49. Haiford, Robert, gift to church of Temple Ewell, 1., John, 39. Halywell, Prioress of, 85. Hamell, 78, 79. hammer found at Minnis Bav site, 199. Hammill denehole, 182. Hammond, John, 94, 95 ; William, 100. Hamond, John, 99 ; William, 89. Hampton, John, prior, St. Austin's, Canterbury, 69; Robert, 69, 80, 81, 89, 94,100, 103. Hardacre, 76. Hardman, Dr. F. W., and Nonington denehole, 185. Hardyng, Thomas, of Sandwich, 100. Harietsham, Church, 42 ; house in, 33 ; lands in, 36, 41 ; tenement at, 61. Harinton, Nurse, 132. Harison, Thomas, 41. Harman, John, 36, 55. Harris, John, 55. Harrison, Benjamin, 154, 155, 161; Sir Edward, 164; and Oldbury Hill, 138 ; Annual Report, 1938, xxxviii-xlix ; Thomas, 62. Harry, John, 40 ; Mr., 119 ; Stephen, 48. Harrys, Mr., of Surrey, 118. Hartes Horn, Stanford, 65. Hartley, near Longfield, early Iron Age finds, 204. Haryng, Robert, 104. Hascombe, earthworks at, 163; foot-ring bowl, 157, 159. Hastingleigh Church, 221. Hastleherst, Randolf, 32. Haut's Place, 225. Hawkes, C. F. C, and Oldbury HiU, 137; of the British Museum, 194; " Caburn Pottery and its implications," 159. Hawkherst, John, 100. Hawkherste, John, 69, 99. Hawkinge, lands in, 30. Hayman, Peter, 52. Hayton, William, 93. Heardbearht, father of Alric, 13. Hearn, Mary, servant to Lady Twysden, 122. Hearne, Mary, 127. Hebbing, John, of Canterbury, 43. Hebbings, Alice, 47. Heddelingwood, 79. Heghsted, Thomas, 28. Heighstede, Thomas, 45. Henegre, Thomas, of Saltwood, 44,45. Henewoods, see Honeywoods. Hengrove, Manor of, 77. Heniwater, Hythe, 45. Henley, Richard, 40. Heme, 93 ; Richard, 64 ; Robert, 100. Heron, Richard, 64 ; Thomas, owner of Chilham Castle, 215. Hersing, John, of Folkestone, 30. Herst, Reginald, 92. Herste, Agnes, 52. Herte, John, 84. Hertis Parke, 76. Herve, Robert, 69. Hervy, John, of Newington, 28. Herwardyn, John, 76. Heryng, Robert, Beadle of Sturry, 90, 97. Hethe, Thomas, 69. Hevening, John, 76. Hevy Water, Hythe, 64. Hewet, John, 37 ; Richard, 52. Hewitt, John, 88. Hewivats near Hythe, 42. Heyer, Thomas of Romney, 67. Heyton, Richard, 88; William, 88, 92, 93. Hiagham, Sellinge, 44. Hide, Sir Henry, 133. I Higham,211. GENERAL INDEX. 243 Highstede, Thomas, 47. hill-forts of S.E. Britain, 138. Hird, Johannes, death of, 132; John, death of, 133. Hodges, Thomas Law, 221. Hobson, B. D., and Oldbury Hill, 137. Hogge, Elizabeth, 34 ; Henry, 34 ; Joan, 34 ; Thomas, 34. Hoggs, Thomas, 44. Hogin, Thomas, 37, 55. Hoker, Walter, 60 ; William, 50. Holland, Earl of, 125. Holmbury, 159 ; earthworks at, 163. Holte, Robert, Warden of the Blean, 89,104. Holy Sepulchre, House of, Canterbury, 56. Honywood, John, 31, 42 ; home at Elmsted, Newington, and Postling, 225. Hoo, 211. Hooggett, Thomas, 41. Hooker, Edw., 93 ; H. A. and Oldbury Hill, 137, 154 ; find of two coins at Oldbury, 161. Hookmaker, Hythe, 41. Hooton, WiUiam, 101. Hope, John, 88, 93. Hope AU Saints Church, Romney, 189. Hopeland, 75. Hopp, WiUiam, 79. Hopper, William, Warden of Pewyngwood, 99. Horn, Henry, 30. Home, John, 32, 47. Horningbroke, Sir Wm., 73. Horsecroft, Hythe, 59. Horton Church, 85 ; lands in, 44 ; Priory, 43. Horton Kirby, Saxon or Jutish Cemetery at, xlvi. Hosberth, witness to Charter of Eadberht, 18. Hotham, Katherine, 116 ; Sir John, executed on Tower Hill, 115, 116. Hothfield Church, presentation of carved font cover, 208. Hoven, John, 54. Hovenden, M., and Oldbury HiU, 137. Howgan, Thomas, 57. Howgett, John, 65. Howgin, Ahce, 47 ; Thos., 55. Huggin, Thomas, 43, 60. Hulbury, 159, 164, 169 ; Iron Age pottery found, 164, 166. HuU, John, 61, 63. Hunt Street, 224. Hunt, Wilham, 35. Huntingdon, Countess of, 83, 86; Chapel, 88. Hussey, Arthur, "Ashford Wills," review, 228. Hussey, Arthur, Hythe Wills (third and final part), 27-65. Hutton, Miss, and Oldbury Hill, 137. Hythe, 95 ; bequest of wood to poor people of, 63; Church Steeple repair, 29 ; Common Hall, bequest to, 43 ; lands in, 27, etc. Hythe Wills, by Arthur Hussey (third and final part), 27-65. I Ickham, 188. Igglesden, Charles, " Saunter through Kent," Vol. XXXII, review, 224- 226. Ightham, 170. Ightham, Excavations at Oldbury Hill, 1938, by J. B. Ward Perkins, 137- 181. Ina, successor to CadwaUa, 11. Ingham, Thomas, 27. Ingram, Margery, 43 ; William, 106. Iron Age coins found at Oldbury, 161 ; material in West Kent, 138, 164; pottery at Oldbury, 158 ; pottery at West HiU, Dartford, xlvii; urns in Thames Estuary, 167. Isabella, Wife of Sir Roger Twysden, Baronet, of Royden Hall, 1645- 1651, Diary of, by the Rev. F. W. Bennitt, 113-136. J James, Christopher, curate of Hythe, 40. Janson, Thomas, 32. Jekin, Alice, of Wye, 46 ; Thomas, 50. Jenkin, AHce, of Wye, 47 ; William, 34. 38, 41. Jessup, R. F., 211 ; and barrow on Wye Downs, 217 ; and Oldbury Hill, 138 ; Note on British Camp atChUham, 215. Jirrey, Margery, 61. John, John, 38 ; Nicholas, 35, 36 ; Sampson, 36; Thomas, 38, 63; WiUiam, 36, 58 ; Wimarke, 36. Johnson, Maurice, 57 ; Thomas, 62. 244 GENERAL INDEX. Jones, Bavington, of Dover, 187 ; (Johannes) Alexander, 92 ; Surgeon-Capt. K. H., death of, 208, xxxviii. Jonson, Francis, 32. JuUiberries grave at Chilham, 214. "Junipers, The," Wye Downs, 216. Jutish or Saxon cemetery a t Riseley, Horton Kirby, xlvi. K Keef, D. C, and finds at Hartley, 204. Kelo, Richard, 60. Kempes, arms of, at Tremworth Manor, 225. Kennington, 78, 93, 99, 103 ; Church, 83 ; demesne of, 84 ; in Treasurers' Accounts of St. Austin's Abbey, 73 ; vicar of, 82. Kent CouncU of Social Service Summer School, xlviii. Kent, Petition of, 113. Kenyngton, 103. KerieU, Joan, 33. Kerry, Lord, 134. Keteham, Richd., 99. Keyes, S. K., death recorded, xlviii. King, Clement, 61 ; Richard, 37. King Street, Canterbury, 108. King's School, Canterbury, 209. Kinigitha, mother of Wihtred, King of Kent, 11, 26. Kiriell, John, overseer of Hytho, 33. Kirkbo, William, 30. Kittam, John, 45. Knight, John, 37, 53 ; William, 39. knives found at Minnis Bay site, 195. KnockmiU wood, 181. Knox, C. W., and Nonington denehole, 185. Kowleese, Hythe, 56. Kukemelle, Canterbury, 110. L Lambard, Thomas, 32. " Lambeth blue," pottery, 209. Lancher, Walter, 78. Landway, John, 91. Langdon, 92, 103 ; Manor, 74, 75. Larking, Rev. Lambert, 222. Lass, Thomas, 78. Lavendon Abbey, Bucks., a branch of tho Abbey of Promontro, 109. Leo, Richard, 105 ; William, 101. Loods Castlo, prisoners brought to, 122. Leeds, Lady Twysden visits her brother at, 134. Legh, Thomas, 46 ; WiUiam, 38, 53. Lehmann, Dr. H., of the National Swiss Museum, 2, etc. Lenham, 73, 79, 103 ; Church, 83 ; Manor of, 84; Royton in, 9 1; Vicar of, 82. Lentall.Mr., 121. Lesedes, Lyminge, 46. Levington, Alex., 37, 50. Levins, Thomas, beadle of Hamell, 79. Levyn, Thomas, 102. Levyns, Thomas, 98, 105, 107. Lewes, 160. Lewes-London Roman Road, 214. Leystrode, 74. Library, additions to, 1938, xli. Liffington, Alex., priest, 64. Ligh, Nicholas, 42 ; WiUiam, 34, 49. LUe, Sir George, 126. Lingfield, 163. Limpsfield, pottery type, 180. Lissys, Sir MiUs, 117. Little Pipers, Hythe or Stanford, 64. Littleboume, 73, 87 ; Church, 82 ; Manor of, 84 ; Vicar of, 93. Local Secretaries, reports, xlvi. London Road, Upper Deal, burial found, 206. Longoroft, Blackwooso, 41. Longport, 73, 76, 76, 78, 80, 99, 103. Love, John, 85. Lovett, Joan, 40 ; Michael, 33; Robert, 55. Lowet, Robert, 38. Lowett, Robert, 49. Lowis, John, 62; Richard, 50; William, 38. Lows, William, 43. Lowther, A. W. G., and Oldbury HiU, 137. Lucus, Sir Charles, 125. Lukke, John, 29. Lullingstone Castle, hill-fort above, 164. Lunce, Wm., 35, 54. Lurdynden, Roger, 86. Lylborne, Walter, 88. Lyminge, lands in, 4fi ; Monastery, lands in Romnoy Marsh granted to, 21. Lympn, ltmritt in, 57. LyndroRRo, Edward, limwllo of Lnnlutm, 79 ; Htophon, 89. Lynkofold, Robert'-, Vicar of Minster, 01. M Mackeson, the late Mr., donor of 16th Cent. MS. of the Custumal of New Romney, 188. Maidstone, 141 ; examples of pottery found at, 172 ; fight at, in 1648, 125 ; Museum, 138, 155 ; deposit of finds from Hartley, 204; omphalos-bowl found, 168. Maidstone, Simon, 69, 78, 81, 86, 90, 104. Maidstone, South Borough Central School History Club, xlviii. Mainde, Herman, 63. Maison Dieu (Mesenden), Dover, 56. Mailing, 133, 134, 135. Malmin, John, 53. Malward, Edward, 40. Manning, John, of Sandwich, 40. Manwood, Judge, Notes on the Custumal of Sandwich, 188, 190. Marchall, WiUiam, 105. Marchemane, WiUiam, 53. Marden, Alice, 61 ; Gehan, 61 ; Richard, 61. Mardiners, Cheriton, 56. Margary, Dr. I. D., and Oldbury Hill, 137, e tc Market Ward, Hythe, 30, 3S. Marly Pitts, Standford, 44. Marsh, John, 47. Marshall, John, 35 ; Thos., 84, 100 ; WiUiam, 101. Marshe, Edward, 59. Marten, James, 62. Martin, Nicholas, 38; Richard, 58,80. Martin's Bank, Sittingbourne, painted wall at, xlviii. Martyn, Richard, 72, 78, 89, 99, 104 ; Robert, 84, 100. Maseall, John, 100, 102, 106. Mason, Dr., 71. Mathew, Master, 62. Mattingley, H., and Stebbing, W. P. D., "Site finds at Richborough," review, 227-228. Mayoot, John, 97, 99. Maydeston, Simon, 90. Mead, Mr., late City Librarian of Canterbury, 208. Medieval pottery found at Cantorbury, 209. Medway, 169; Gap, 141 ; the natural boundary botwoen Men of Kent and Kentish Men, 169. Mellwaye, Thomas, 54. Metto, Nicholas, 40. Menstre, John, 104 ; (Minster), 103. INDEX. 245 Mercery Lane, Canterbury, 112. Merton, 74,75. Mett, Nicholas, 30. Michell, Thomas, 28, 30. Midelton, rectory, 81. Middilton, John, 57. Middle Ward, Hythe, 44,46,51,53,55. Middleton, 103 ; Court of, 85. Mighell, Thos., 42. Mildred, St., 23. MUdri the, Abbess, 15. Milis, John, 63. MiUes, John, 64. MiUs, Edward, 32; John, 33, 57; Mary, 132. Milton, 73, 74, 93, 104; Rectory, 77, 78, 90 ; Vicar, 83. MUton-next-Sittingbourne, demolition of old houses, xlviii. Minnis Bay : The Beck Find, Prehistoric and Roman Site, report by Major P. H. G. Powell-Cotton, and G. F. Pinfold, 191-203. Minnis Bay foreshore, 191. Minster, 78, 91, 92, 95 ; Abbey, 23 ; John, 69, 81, 87, 88, 90, 99, 103 ; Manor of, 84 ; Vicar of, 83. Miscellaneous Notes, 1939, 213-220. MitcheU, Miss, and Oldbury Hill, 137. Mongeham, Wffliam, 69, 72, 81, 88, 90, 94, 102, 104, 106. Monyham, Agnes, 28 ; Margaret, 28. Moore, Thomas, 102, 105. More, Hamond, 61. Morkace, John, 39. Morley, Laurence, 69, 78, 80, 81, 87, 90, 99, 104. mortai'ia, fragments found at Oldbury HiU, 153. Morton, Admiral and Captain, and Nonington denehole, 185. Morys, t h e ditcher, 106. Mount, Nicholas, 29, 37, 49, 53; Richard, 65. Mounte, Nicholas, 40. Moyle, Walter, 96. Moyse, Thomas, of Ivychurch, 75. Mull, King of Kent, 11. Mungeham, Wilham, 91. Myddleton, Sir Hugh, partner with Sir Nicholas Saunder, 113. Myles, John, 78. N Nackington, 76 ; Manor of, S5. NaUbournes: "The Intermittent (or naUboume) Streams of Kent," by F. 0. SneU, review, 226. 246 GENERA: Naseby, prisoners from, 118. Nashe, Frances, 39; Gese, 39; Lawrence, 39. Naye, Thos., 40. NeU, John, 45. Neolithic site at Twydall, xlvii. Nether St. Hythe, 54. Nethersole, John, 84. New River Scheme, London, 113. New Romney, Custumal of, by Dr. F.W. Cock, 188-190. New Romney, beads found, 161 ; Church, 190. New Work (Newark), and College of All Saints, Maidstone, 213. Newhouse, Agnes, see Taylor, Agnes ; Felice, 51 ; Joan, 51 ; John, 51 ; Robert, 61. Newies, Richard, 27 ; William, will of, 27. Newington, Capt. C. F., gift to Deal, 207 ; beadle of, 85 ; Church, 27, 37 ; home of the Honeywoods, 225 ; in Treasurer's Accounts of St. Austin's Abbey, Canterbury, 73 ; lands in, 27, 30, 31, 38, 44, 46, 47, 57, 59, 63. Newis, Joan, 27 ; Thomas, wiU of, 27 ; William, will of, 27, 33. Newland, 77, 92, 103. Newsole, land at, 85. Nigresse, Edward, 28; Theobald, will of, 28. Nonington, denehole at, 182, 183, 185. Norborne (Northbourne) Manor, 103. Norgate, William, 107. Norkin, Richard, 32. Norman Castle, Canterbury, converted into A.R.P. Shelter, 211. Northbourne, 75, 77, 80, 85, 91, 92, 96 ; Almonry of, 99 ; land at, 85 ; Manor of, 84, 103 ; Walter, Sub- Sacrist at St. Austin's Abbey, Canterbury, 69, 79, 100. Northgate, Canterbury, 108; WiUiam, granger at St. Austin's Abbey, Canterbury, 69, 79. NorthweU, Hythe, 27. North Holme, 98. North Wood, Swalecliffe, 15. Norton, Reginald, of Sheldwich, 80. Norwich, Lord, death of, 125. Not, Mr., 118. Notes on Some Excavations of the Nature of Deneholes, by W. P. D. Stebbing, 182-187. Nothbalth, witness to Charter of, Eadberht, 18. INDEX. Nothelm, Archbishop, 19. Nott, Edith, 59 ; Edmund, 28 ; Elizabeth, 28 ; John, will of, 28 ; Margery, 28 ; Robert, 59 ; Thomas, 28 ; Thomasine, 28; Valentine, 28 ; William, 59. Numismatics : " Site finds from Richborough," by Harold Mattingly and W. P. D. Stebbing, review, 227-228. O Oare, 80, 92, 99. Obituary, 232-234. Observant Friars, Canterbury, 43, 63. Offa, King of Mercia, 24, etc. Officers and Members, 1939, x-xxxiv. Oldbury, coins found, 161 ; omphalosbowl found, 168; pottery, 171, 173, 175, 177, 179; re-fortified against the armies of Claudius, 169. Oldbury Hill, Ightham, Excavations on, 1938, by J. B. Ward Perkins, 137-181 ; mention at Annual Meeting, xl. Old Downs, Hartley, 204. Old Park, Canterbury, 74. Olwey, Clement, 32, 35. Omphalos-bowls, 167, 168. Ore, 89. Orer (Ore), 103, 104. Orgrove, Folkestone, 56. ornaments, etc., found at Minnis Bay, 203. Orpington, types of pottery found at, 179. OrweU, Simon, of Faversham Rectory, 78. Osbarne, William, 78. OssweU, WiUiam, 69, 100. Osyngell, 103. Otford ("Progress") Roman site, 176. Overhaven, Agnes, 28 ; Alice, 28 ; Cristine, 28 ; John, will of, 28 ; Juhane, 28 ; Thomas, 28. Outclawe, Thomas, 57. Oxenbridge, Adam, 76. Oxenden, John, 101. Oxynden, John, 105. OzengeU, 92. OzingeU, 77. P Padyham, Symon, baiUff of New Romney, 188, 189. Painton, William, 50. Palet, Major, death of, 119. Palseolithic rock shelters at Oldbury HiU, 138, 139. palstave, Bronze Age, found at Benenden, 204; found at Minnis Bay, 198. Paner, Joan, 29 ; John, will of, 29 ; Marione, 29; Nicholas, 29; Stephen, 29. Park Brow, Sussex, early Iron Age sherd, 160. Parker and Laud MSS., 9, etc. Parker, John, of Sandwich, 40; Margaret, will of, 29. Partriche, Thomas, 29. Passon, Roger, 44. Paston family, 70, 71 ; letters, 67, 70 ; John, 67 ; Sir John, 70. Patch Grove, Oldbury, 140, 154, 155, 172, 176, 180 ; pottery, 164, 179. Pate, Joan, 30 ; Richard, will, 30. Patrixbourne, Swiss glass in church, 2. Patt, John, 33, 53. Patte, Alice, widow, will of, 30; Felice, 30; John, 30; wiU of, 29-30 ; Margaret, 29, 30 ; Phehse, 29, 30; Richard, 29, 30, 31 ; Roberge, 30 ; Thomas, 30. Payne, George, 161 ; Thomas, Black Prince's Priest, 109. Pear Tree Lane, Dover, 212. Pecching, Ahce, 31 ; John, wiU of, 31 ; Katharine, 31. Peckham, 116, etc.; East, see East Peckham. Pedelinge, lands in, 42 ; William, 34. pedestal-urns, distribution of, in Thames Estuary, 167 ; from Oldbury, 177. Pedling, land in, 45. Pendmede, 96. Penne, Master, curate of Hythe, 53 ; Wilham, 39, 43, 49, 50, 60. Penny Pot, 225. Penshurst, George, Abbot of St. Austin's, Canterbury, 67. Perkins, J. B. Ward, Excavations on Oldbury Hill, Ightham, 1938, 137- 181. Pers, IsabeUa, 47. Pery Hawe, Hythe, 41. Peter, Bishop of Carbo, 68. Peterborough, Earl of, 126. Peterbury, Earl of, see Peterborough. Petham, 225; naUbourne stream, 227. Petition of Kent, and Sir Roger Twysden, 113. INDEX. 247 Petrie, Sir W. M. Flinders, and JuUiberrie's grave at Chilham, 214. Petyman, Elizabeth, 79 ; Walter, 79. Pewingwood, 79. Pewyngwode, 95; in Treasurers' Accounts of St. Austin's Abbey, Canterbury, 74. Philip, Mathew, 105. Philipp, Matthew, 102. Philps, Nurse, wages of, 119, 128. Pikemede, Hythe, 42. Pilgrims' Chamber, Canterbury, 112. Pilgrims' Way and Oldbury Hill, 141. Pinfold, G. F., and Powell-Cotton, Major P. H. G., Report and Catalogue of the Beck Find, Prehistoric and Roman Site on Foreshore at Minnis Bay, 191-203. Pitlesden, Sir Thomas, 76. Place name work during 1938, xliii. Plaxtol, omphalos-bowl found, 168 ; pottery found, 172. Plome, William, 31, 51 ; curate of Hythe, 35, 40. Plummer, WiUiam, curate of Hythe, 28. Plumptre, Western, and Nonington denehole, 185. Plumstead, 92 ; land at, 84 ; Vicar of, 83 ; Wood, 96. Plumsted, 99, 103 ; in Treasurers' Accounts of St. Austin's Abbey, 73 ; land at, 85 ; Wood, 78. Pocock, widow, 29. Pocok, Alice, 31 ; Joan, 31 ; Margaret, 31 ; John, will of, 31 ; Robert, 31. Pollard, Thomas, 97. Pollards, Canterbury, 209. Ponsby, Agnes, 32 ; John, will of, 31-32. Poore, Robert, 89. Pope, Sir WiUiam, 76. Postling, home of the Honeywoods, 225. Pottery at Oldbury Hill, 148, etc. ; at Stone, xlvii; fragments at Market Street, Dartford, xlvii; found at Canterbury, 209, 210; found at Minnis Bay, 191, etc. ; Iron Age discovered at Dartford, xlvii; kiln found on site of A.R.P. Control Room, Canterbury, 210. Powell-Cotton, Major P. H. G., and Pinfold, G. F., Report and Catalogue of the Beck Find, Prehistoric and Roman Site on the Foreshore at Minnis Bay, 191-203. 248 GENERAL INDEX. PoweU-Cotton, Miss Antoinette, 191; Museum, 191. Poynant, Stephen, 92. Pre-Roman Iron Age, 164. Prehistoric and Roman Site at Minnis Bay : Report by Major P. H. G. Powell-Cotton, and Pinfold, G. F., 191-203. Premonstratension Canons possessed of Froxpole, Canterbury, 109. Premontre, Abbey of, 109. Preston, 103 ; Court of, 85 ; Manor of, 73 ; Rectory, 74 ; Vicar of, 83. Pricker, Hugh, death of, 133. Priest, S., and Oldbury HiU, 137. PriUs, Ralph, 47. Princes Chantry, Canterbury, 109 ; Priests' House, 108, 109. "Progress" Roman site, Otford, 176, 180; pottery types iUustrated, 179. Puta, Bishop of Rochester, 15. Pye, Alice, 32 ; Thomas, wiU of, 32. Pyddoke, Mr., and Oldbury Hill, 137. Pykmede, Hythe, 57. Pynton, WiUiam, 101. Pyrton, WiUiam, 104. Pyxe, Hugh, will of, 32. Q Quedhope, Hythe, given to Hythe Church, 42. Quithen, William, curate of Hythe, 39. R Radegund, Brother, 69, 96. Ravenston, Lordship of, 85. Rawlin, Joan, 32 ; John, will, 32. Rawlyn, Richard, 92, 100. Rawlyns, Richard, 101, 105. Raynold, Ahce, 33; Elene, 33; Elinor, 35; Elionora, will, 33; Elizabeth, 33 ; James, 33 ; John, will, 33, 37 ; Richard, 33 ; William, 33. Records Branch Report, xliii. Reculver, 93. Red Lion Inn, Sittingbourne, xlviii. Rede, 76, 96. Redpett, 31. Redsull Avenue, Deal, post-Roman burial found, 206. Reed, Richard, 123. Reformadoes, The, 120. Reigate, 125. Renaker, Elisabeth, 55. Renwell, John, 95. Reports, 204-212. Reports and Accounts, 1938, xxxviixlix. Reveris, John, curate of Hythe, 37. Reviews, 221-231. Reyton, Lenham, 91. Richborough : " Site finds from Richborough," by Harold Mattingly and W. P. D. Stebbing, review, 227-228. Rickerwood, 74. Riddisdale, Hamond, will, 33, 35. Rigdon, Alice, will, 34; Thomas, will, 34. Rilie, Sir Hugh, 117. rings found at Minnis Bay site, 201. Ringslow, Hundred of, 81. Rippnl, 103. Ripple, Manor, 74. Risdale, Thomas, 35. Riseley, Saxon or Jutish cemetery at, xlvi. rising in Kent, 1648, recorded in Evelyn's Diary, 124 ; of apprentices, 123. Robert, John, beadle of Snave, 78. Robin, Joan, 34 ; Margery, 33 ; Robert, wiU, 34; Sampson, 33, 34; will, 35. Robyn, Robert, 75. Rochester, 81, 125, 134 ; Cathedral, excavation of cloisters, xlvii. Rode, 74. Rokin, John, 34. Rolfe, Joan, 39. Roman finds near Deal, 1939, 205- 206 ; Folkestone, burial urn from, 176; millstone, 192; mortaria from Oldbury Hill, 153, 156; pottery, 192, 193; found at Oldbury, 154; found at Canterbury, 209 ; fragments at Market St., Dartford, xlvii; kiln found on site of A.R.P. Control Centre, Canterbury, 210 ; remains in Dane John, Canterbury, 211 ; road at West Wickham, 214. Roman Site at Minnis Bay : Report by Major P. H. G. Powell-Cotton and G. F. Pinfold, 191-203. Roman sherds found at Oldbury, 155; vessel found in Precincts, Canterbury, 210; walling at Farningham, xlvii. Romano-British crouched burial east of Dover Castle, 218 : finds at East Farleigh, 204. Romelond, 76. Romfiold, Beatrice, 35 ; John, 36 ; William, 35. GENERAL INDEX. 249 Romney Marsh, beads found, 180, 181 ; lands in, 21, 42. Romney, New, Custumal of, by Dr. F. William Cock, 188-190. Roos, Richard, 69, 87, 99, 104. Roper, WiUiam, 106. Rose Hotel, Canterbury, 209. Rose, Richard, sub-sacrist of St. Austin's, Canterbury, 69, 90. Rought Croche, Hythe or Stanford, 64. Rowegan, Richard, wiU, 35. Rowey, Richard, 92. Royal Archseological Institute, and Oldbury Hill, 137. RoydenHall, 113, etc. Roydon Hall and the Twysdens, 221. Ruck, Walter, Note on Hospital of New Work (Newark) and AU Saints, Maidstone, 213. Ruckinge, grant of lands to Aethelberht, 14. Ruffyn, 77. Rushbourne in Chislet, 76. Russell, Thomas, 42. Russhlym, Margery, 75. Rust, Agnes, 36 ; Alice, '35 ; will, 36 ; Joan, 35, 36, 37 ; John, 36 ; will, 37 ; Juliane, 35 ; Nicholas, 35 ; Thomas, 35; will, 36; WiUiam, 36; will, 35. Ruta, witness to Charter of Eadberht, 18. Rypple, 92. St. Alphege, Canterbury, 109. St. Augustine's, 15 ; Abbey, Register of, 110; Abbots of, 12, etc.; Cemetery, protest against trenches in, 209 ; Monastery, 43 ; and St. Radegund's, Abbots of, gardens side by side, 111. St. Austin's Abbey, Canterbury, Treasurers' Accounts and Others, 1468-9, by Charles Cotton, 66-107. St. Bartholomew's Hospital, Hythe, 32, 33, 41, 51, 59. St. Dunstan, London, 91. St. Helen's, Prioress of, 85. St. John the Baptist Almshouse, Hythe, 42. St. Lawrence, Canterbury, 82; Hospital, 85,97,98; Sisters of, 100. St. Martin's, Canterbury, Rector of, 97. St. Mary's, Northgate, Canterbury, 109, 110. St. Mary's of Montemerteto, 82. St. Mary Cray and Orpington, pottery found at, 179. St. Nicholas, Blakwose, 109 ; Hythe, 42. St. Paul's, Canterbury, 82, 98. St. Radegund's Abbey, 109, 110; Abbot of, 85, 111, 112; acquisition of Froxpole, 110; and St. Augustine's, Abbot's gardens side by side, 111 ; Bath or Wells, 112 ; Girls' Club, 108, 110 ; Hospice of, 111; Hostel, Church Lane, Canterbury, 209 ; rent roll in Canterbury, 110. St. Radegund's Street, Canterbury, 109. St. Sepulchre, Canterbury, 85 ; Nuns of, 100, 102, 105. Salis, Robert, 38. Sallisboume, Cicile, 37 ; John, 37 ; Richard, 37. Sahnansmarsh, 76. Salmeston, 72, 77, 90, 93 ; Grange, 81 ; tithes, 83. Salmestone, 78. Salmyston, 103. Saltwood, 46, 56 ; Church, 27, 45. 54, 58, 59 ; bequest for repair of, 59 ; lands in, 27, 30, 38, 42, 44, 45, 57, 59, 62, 63, 64 ; Park, 110 ; windmill at, 54. Samian ware discovered at Minnis Bay, 191, etc. Samwell, John, will, 37 ; Juliane, 37 ; Lawrance, 37 ; Margaret, 37 ; Marione, 37; Richard, 37 ; Thomas, 35, 52. Sande, John, 33. Sandis Hill, Newington, 56. Sandwich, 80, 92, 93, 100 ; Custumal, 188, 190 ; Mayor and Corporation, 91. Sanwell, Joan, 38 ; Thomas, 58 ; will, 37-38. Sany, Thomas, of Salmestone, 78. Sapurton, 87. Saunder, Alice, 38; Benet, 39 Elizabeth, 38; marriage into Napper or Napier family, 118 Frances, marriage to Edward Warham, 118; Henry, 129 IsabeUa, afterwards Lady Twys den, see Twysden, Sir Roger John, 38, 40 ; will, 39 ; Nicholas, 38; Richard, 38; will, 38 Roger, 38 ; will, 38 ; Rose, 43 Sir Nicholas, death of, 128 ; father of Lady Twysden, 113 ; Thomas, will, 38. 250 GENERAL Saxon or Jutish cemetery at Horton Kirby, xlvi. Saxon origin of barrow on Wye Downs, 217. Saxonbury, 159; earthworks at, 163 ; foot-ring bowl, 157, 159. Sayers, Philip, 46. Scappe, Agnes, 39; Juliane, 39 ; Martin of Burwash, 39 ; Robert, will, 39 ; William, 39. ScoUand, Abbot of St. Austin's, 68. Scott, John, 91, 100 ; Sir John, 101, 105 ; Mr., and Oldbury Hill, 137. Seabrooke, 31. Seal Chart, 139. Sedry, Mr. and chamber rent, 118. Sedbroke, Alexander, will of, 39, 40 ; Denis, 40 ; Elizabeth, 39 ; Joan, wiU, 40 ; Joane, 39 ; Margery, 40 ; WiUiam, 40. Seene Hill, Newington, 44. Seer, John, of Sandwich, 40 ; Robert, 40. Segrove, Isabel, 40; Joan, 40; John, 44; wiU, 40; Richard, will, 40. Selby, Mrs., notes demolition of houses at Milton, xlviii. Selling, 74 ; Vicar of, 83 ; Wilham, Abbot, 67, 69, 72, 101, 102, 105, 106. Selhnge Church, 58; lands in, 44, 68. Sellyng, 92,103. Seming, land in, 44. Sende, road at, 31. Sene Hill, Newington, 57. Serre, 24. Sevenoak, John, 90. Sevenoaks-Ightham road (Medieval) at Oldbury, 139. Sevenoaks, James, Abbot, 105, 106 ; John, 79 ; Museum, 138, 179, 180. Sevenoke, Abbot James, 67, 70, 101, 102. Seven Wents, Ightham, 139, 146. Sewen, John, curate of Hythe, 30, 33,59,61. Seyd, Cristian, 41 ; Dorothy, 41 ; Joan, 41 ; wiU, 40, 41. Shadoxhurst Church, 224; Docks, 226. ShakereU, James, of Ashley, 78. Sharpes, Thomas, 102. Sharpies, Thomas, 106. Shaw, Rev. W. F., and Eastry cave, 185. Sheldwich, 74, 80. Shelving Manor, Woodnesboro', Court RoUs, 219-220. INDEX. Shereve, Marione, 41 ; William, will, 41. Sherive, William, 63. Sherreve, Gervase, 86. Shilling, Frank, 88. Shipborne, 131. Sholden, 93 ; Matilda, 82. Sholdon, 103 ; Matilda, 86. Short Brothers works, Rochester, Anglo-Saxon find at, 205. Shotwater, John, 44, 45 ; Thomas, 44, 45 ; William, 44, 45. Shoulden, 77, 80 ; Rectory, 78. Shreff, William, 59. Shroisby, WiUiam, 69. Shurland, 77 ; in Sheppey, 74. Sibertswold, 73. Sigiraed, 26. Sikes, John, saddler, 56. Silk, John, 57. Silver (Argent), Robert, 92, 93 ; beadle of Kenington, 79, 99. Simon Langton School, site of Austin Friars, Canterbury, 210. Sire, John, 44 ; Robert, 49. Sittingbourne, painted wall at Martin's Bank, xlviii. Skinner, Henry, 51 ; will, 41 ; Isabelle, 41, 42 ; Margaret, 42. Smallwood, Richard, 42. Smalwode, Richard, 41. Smalwood, Juliane, 42, 56 ; will, 43 ; Peter, 42 ; Richard, 51 ; will, 42. Smeth, Thomas, 105. Smethe, Thomas, 99, 101. Smith, Joan, 36. Snave, 73, 80, 89, 92, 93, 103, 104. Snelgrov, Richard, beadle of Minster, 78. Snell, F. C, " The Intermittent (or Nafiboume) Streams of Kent," review, 226. Snell, Robert, 32, 38. Snowden, Robert, 40. Soldain in Hopeland, 76. SoUey, G. C, and deneholes, 185. Somer, Agnes, 43 ; Katherine, 43 ; Roger, 43 ; Thomas, will, 43. Somerset, Earl of, death, 118. Soules, Lord, 125. Southland family pedigree, 188; Elizabeth, 190; John, 189; Marget, 190 ; Mary, 190 ; Thomas, 189 ; William, 188,189,190. Southwin, Stanford, 64. Sparows croft, Hythe, 46. spears found at Minnis Bay site, 199. Spencer, Joan, 37. Spicer, John, of Lyminge, 40. GENERAL I N D E X . 251 Spitell Ground, Hythe, 56. Spratt, Douglas, 182. Springhead, 211. Sprot, Joan, 43 ; Thomas, will, 43. Spruce, Joan, 43 ; Mathew, 43; Thomasine, 43 ; William, wiU, 43. Spurges, Agnes, 44 ; Arthur, 44, 45 ; John, 44 ; will, 44 ; Juliane, 44 ; Katherine, 44 ; Sysle, 44 ; Thomas, 44,45; wiU,44. Spurgesse, Thomas, 59. Spurgey, Thomas, 33. Squerryes Park, Westerham, camp at, 146. Stace, Agnes, 46, 47 ; Ahce, 46, 47 ; Cristine, 46 ; will, 47 ; Elizabeth, 46; Isabelle, 45; Joan, 48; John, 45, 47 ; John, senior, will, 46, 48; John, son of Thomas Stace, will, 47 ; Katherine, 45, 47, 48 ; will, 46 ; Margaret, 47 ; Nicholas, 45, 46 ; Richard, 40, 45, 46, 57, 61 ; Roger, 89 ; Thomas, 42, 48 ; will, 45 ; Thomasine, 47. Stained Glass, Swiss, at Temple Ewell, by N. E. Toke, 1-8. Standford, 44. Stanford, 44, 45; house at, 64; lands in, 31. StapiU, Robert, 61. Staple, Edward, 48 ; Thomas, will, 48 ; Thomasine, 48. Staplegate, Canterbury, 109. Starnes, Stanford, 44. Stebbing, W. P. D., Notes on Some Excavations of the Nature of Deneholes, 182-187. Stebbing, W. P. D., Note on Court RoUs of Woodnesborough otherwise Winsborow, 219-220 ; review of " T h e Family of Twysden and Twisden," 221-224; and Mattingly, H., " Site finds at Richborough," review, 227-228. Stephens, Thomas, 129. Steveday, Margaret, 40. Steven, Thomas, 120. Stevens, Thomas, 131. Steveson, John, 102. Stevson, John, 106. Stevyn, Ahce, 49; will, 49; Margaret, 49 ; Thomas, wiU, 49. Stiles, Sarah, 119. Shngstones found at Oldbury Hill, 181. Stockenbury Wood, 118. Stodmarsh, 80, 81 ; Manor, 72. Stodmershe, 103. Stoks, Alice, 32. Stombilfield, Cheriton, 47. Stonar, research at, 206, 207. Stone, Alice, 49 ; Edward, 49 ; George, 117, 121 ; Joan, 49 ; John, death of, 123 ; Thomas at, will, 49. Stone, 48, 61, 74, 93 ; Cross, near Hythe, 69 ; find of pottery, etc., xlvii ; near Dartford, 168 ; Rectory, 92. Stone Stile Farm, Chilham, 215. Stone, The Hythe, 45. Stone, the sequestrator, 127. Stonewell acre, Cheriton, 56. Stowting, lands in, 64. Strey, John, 81. Strey (Sturry), John, subsacrist, St. Austin's, Canterbury, 69. Strode, Mr., Member of Parliament, 119. Strood, neolithic site at Temple Manor, xlvii. Strrey (Sturry), John, 104. Stubbes, Richard, 50; William, will, 50. Stubble, Thomas, 33. Sturrey, 103. Sturry, 72, 78, 89, 90, 98 ; Church, 82 ; Manor of, 78, 84 ; John, 87, 90. Styant's Bottom, 139, etc. ; beads found, 180. Sulman, Cristine, 50 ; Juliane, 50 ; Margaret, 50 ; William, will, 50. Summer Excursions, 1938, xxxix. Summerset, Earl of, death, 118. Sutton, Ralph, beadle of Hamell in Fordwich, 78. Swalclyff, 103 ; Rector, 102, 106. Swalecliffe, 15, 26, 74, 80. Swarling Downs, Witch of, 225. Swarling Manor, 225. Sword found at Minnis Bay site, 195. Symon, John, 97. Syre, Henry, 50; will, 50; Joan, 50, 51 ; John, 50 ; Nicholine, 50 ; Richard, 50 ; Thomas, will, 50 ; William, will, 50, 51. T Taillour, John, 31. Tanner, Agnes, 61 ; Alexander, will, 51 ; Emma, 34; Emme, 51 ; Joan, 52 ; John, 52 ; Margaret, 52 ; Margery, 51, 62 ; Thos., 51 ; will, 52 ; Thomasine, 51 ; William, 51, 52, 60; wiU, 52. Tatuin, Archbishop, 20. 252 GENERAL INDEX. Taylor, Agnes, or Newhouse, wiU, 51 ; Ahce, 52 ; John, 30, 40, 52, 54, 63, 64 ; will, 52, 63 ; Richard, 62. Taylour, Harry, 58. Telbridge, 75. Temple Ewell, Swiss Stained Glass at, by N.E. Toke, 1-8. Temple Manor, Strood, neohthic site at, xlvii. Tenaris Cross, Saltwood, 46. Tenham, John, of Littleboume, 78; Thomas, 79, 88, 100. Tenterden, 74, 75, 93, 103; Rectory, 92 ; Stephen, 69, 91. Tentwarden(Tenterden), Stephen, 91. Thanet, 92, 93 ; demesne woods in, 89. Thatched House, Petham, 225. Theodore, Archbhp. of Canterbury, 12. Thomas, William, 41. Thomlinson, Jane, Lady-in-waiting to Lady Ann Twysden, 127. Thorndenn, Thomas, 110. "Thousand ancestors," by L. H. and B. G. Bouwens, review, 229- 230. Three Corned Mede, West Hythe, 62. Tidbalth, witness to Charter of Eadberht, 18. TiteU, Joan, 54; John, wiU, 64; Margaret, 54 ; Richardine, 54 ; Thomas, of Canterbury, 54. Titill, John, 39. Title, John, 30. Tobias, Bhp. of Rochester, 12. Toke, N. E., Swiss Stained Glass at Temple Ewell, 1-8. Tokewood, 225. tokens, 17th Cent., presented to Deal, 207. Tomlin,.Canon, 209. Tompson, Nicholas, 53 ; Thomasine, 53 ; WiUiam, will, 53. Tonbridge, 121, 141. Tooke, William, 88, 92, 106. Tooker, William, 102. Torre, WiUiam, 93. Tothe, John, 53. Tower, Sir Reginald, 188 ; death of, xxxvii, 208. Treasurers' Accounts, 1468-1469, St. Austin's Abbey, Canterbury, by Charles Cotton, 66-107. Tremworth Manor, 225. Trewlove, Agnes, 63; Alice, 53; Wilham, wiU, 53. Tripplond, John, 102. TroUop, Ahce, 53 ; Robert, will, 53 ; Solomon, 53. Tropham, Thomas, 89. Trotter, Mr., 126. Tulke, Alice, 53 ; George, 54 ; John, 52, 53, 64; wih, 54; Nicholas, 52, 54, 65; Thomas, 44, 54; will, 53. TuU,John,57. Tuna, witness to Charter, 19. Turner, Mr., discovers neolithic site at Temple Manor, Strood, xlvii. Turpin, M. Pierre, of LiUe, acknowledgement to, 8. Turwyn, Mathew, 100. Tweffaer, farm at, 75. Twisden, John, 223-224 ; Sir Roger, see Twysden, Sir Roger; Sir Thomas, 115, 127, 223. TwydaU, neohthic site, xlvii. "Twysden and Twisden, family of," review, 221-222. Twysden, Ann, birth of, 117; Charles, birth of, 117 ; Elizabeth, 115, 132; Frances, 120, 121, 124, 127, 129 ; IsabeUa, portrait, 113 ; John, 129, 130, 132, 133; Lady, 127; death of, 114; Diary in British Museum, 113; see also Twysden, Sir Roger. Twysden, Phfiip, 222; Roger, breeched, 126 ; Sir Philip, 222. Twysden, Sir Roger, Diary of Isabella, Wife of, of Royden Hall, East Peckham, 1645-1651, by the Rev. F.W.Bennitt, 113-136. Twysden, Sir Roger, fined, 131 ; monument to, 114; prisoner of Parliament, 121; supporter of the Reformation, 115 ; taken prisoner to Leeds Castle, 133. Twysden, Sir William, 132; will, 124. Tykenherst, 77. TJ Underdown, Nicholas, 90, 91, 93, 96, 104. UnderhiU, Richd., 105. Underhyll, Richard, 101. urns, Belgic, from Oldbury, 177; Iron Age, in Thames Estuary, 167. Useborne, George, 67. "Oxbridge, 117. V Vache, John de, 92. Vane, Sir Harry, 116. Vanhere, Joan, 54; John, wiU, 54. GENERAL INDEX. 253 Vigor, Thomas, 35. VUbald, witness to Charter of Eadberht, 18. Voochis, Juliane, 37. Vynne, John, 88. W Wadesole, land at, 84. Wagmann, Jacob, of Lucerne, and Swiss glass at Temple Ewell, 4. Walda, 74. Waldys, WiUiam, 88. Waler, Arm, see WaUer ; Sir Will, see Waller. Waleys, WiUiam, 93. Waller, Agnes, 55; Anne, 55; Cristine, 55; Margaret, 55; Phehse, 55; Richard, wiU, 55; Richardine, 55 ; Thomas, 30, 55 ; will, 55 ; Sir WiUiam, 121. Walter, Thomas, 49, 59. Waltham Church, 224. Walton, Alice, will, 66 ; Thomas, 27, 38 ; wUl, 56, 56. Ward, C. H. Dudley, "Family of Twysden and Twisden," 116, 127; review, 221-222. Ward, Dr. Gordon, 129, 130 ; and Oldbury Camp, 137, etc. Ward, Dr. Gordon, Life and Records of Eadberht, Son of King Wihtred, 9-26. Ward, Mr., 123, 126, 127, 133. Warham, Betty, 131, 132 ; Edward, 120; and Frances, 129, 131 ; 132; Frances, 119. Warm, WiUiam, 27. Warley, Agnes, 56 ; Elizabeth, 56 ; Joan, 56 ; John, 56 ; Richarden, 56 ; Thomas, 56 ; William, 56, 57. Warren, Beatrice, 57; Joan, 57; John, 57 ; wiU, 57 ; Margaret, 57 ; Mathew, 57 ; William, 57 ; wiU, 57. Warren Wood, Wye Downs, 217. Warwick, Chamberlain of the Earl of, 92 ; Earl of, trout for, 92. Water, John, will, 57, 58 ; Margery, 58 ; Richard, 58. Wateringbury, 133. Waterlock, 112; owned by the Blakwose Canons, 110 ; possessed by Archbhp. Cranmer, 111. Waterlock Lane, Canterbury, now St. Radegund's Street, 110. Wateys, WiUiam, 92. Watkins, Rev. W. E., Vicar of Temple Ewell, 1. Watling Street, Canterbury, pottery found, 209 ; in relation to Oldbury Camp, 153. Waynflett, Robert, 101, 105. Wealden Iron Age, 163; Pottery, 170. Webbe, John, 80; Richard, 40; Robert, 44. Webster, Graham, Assistant City Surveyor, Canterbury, 210. Welby, Robert, 27. Welbye, Ehzabeth, 58 ; Henry, 58 ; Margaret, 58 ; Robert, will, 58 ; Thomas, 58. Welden, Sir Anthony, death of, 127. Weldisshland, Plumsted, 85. Well (or bath), of St. Radegund, 112. Welles, Cristine, 58 ; Philipa, 58 ; Richard, will, 58 ; Thomas, 58, 63. WeUs, Christian, 50. Werburga, stepmother of Eadberht, 11, etc. West Ward, Hythe, 48. West Wickham, Roman road at, 214. Westbere, 75, 76; Rector of, 102, 106. Westerham, beads found at, 161, 162, 180. Westhythe, 44, 45, 57 ; Church, 37 ; lands in, 36, 42, 47, 62. Wevar, George, 29. Wharton, George, 132. Wheeler, Dr., 150; and Oldbury HiU, 137 ; researches in Wessex, 163. WhetenhaU, Thomas, 115. Whimster, Mr., and Oldbury Hill, 137. Whinless Down, Dover, barrows found, 211. White, Agnes, 59 ; Alice, 59 ; Denis, 59; Hugh, 35; John, 59, 117; Peter, 69 ; Robert, 33 ; Thomas, 59 ; of Saltwood, 32 ; Thomasine, 59 ; William, 59 ; will, 58, 59. Whitfield (Beansfeld) in Treasurers' Accounts of St. Austin's Abbey, Canterbury, 73. Whitfield, Mr., 118. Whitmor, Thomas, 37. Whyte, Henry, 89. Wibarn, Simon, 36. Widdeler, Joan, 60 ; Thomas, wiU, 60. Wight, Hugh, will, 59; Robert, 59. 254 GENERAL INDEX. Wigors. Edmond, wiU, 69, 60 ; Joan, 60 ; Richard, 60 ; Thomas, 60. Wihtred, King of Kent, commenced reign in 692, 11. Wihtred, Life and Records of Eadberht, Son of, by Gordon Ward, 9-26. Wilkins, John, death of, 130. WiUaston, John, 78. WiUesborough, 73. Williamson, J. J., and Court Rolls of Woodnesborough, 219-220. Williamson, James, wiU, 61. " WiUs and their whereabouts," by B. G. Bouwens, review, 229. Wills, Hythe, by Arthur Hussey (Third and Final Part), 27-65. Winbolt, S. E., and Oldbury HiU, 138. Winchefeld, Agnes, wiU, 60 ; Ahce, 61 ; James, 60, 61 ; Juhane, 61 ; Thomas, 60, 61. Winchester, 81. Windfeld, Alice, 60 ; James, 60; Joan, 60 ; Juliane, 60 ; Nicholas, 60; Robert, win, 60 ; Thomas, will, 60 ; William, 60. Wingham, Martha, 86. Wingham Well, denehole at, 182, 183, 184. Winsborow (Woodnesborough) Court Rolls, 219-220. Winsor, Mrs., 123. Wintorbourne, Henry, 86. Woflo, Robert, 33. Wolchirch, 85. Wood, Arthur, death recorded, 208 ; Clement, 61 ; Emme, 36 ; Harry, 36 ; will, 61 ; Isabel, 61 ; Joan, 61 ; John, 61, 62 ; Juliane, will, 62 ; Margaret, 61, 62 ; Richard, 51, 62 ; will, 61 ; Robert, will, 61 ; Thomas, 61, 62; Thomasine, 61. Woodhous, John, 101, 104, 107. Woodhouse, John, 91, 99. Woodnesborough, otherwise Winsborow, Court RoUs, 219-220. Woodruff, Rev. C. E., 71. Worrall, Francis. Vicar of East Peckham, 114. Worsfold, F. H.. 104. Worthe, John, clerk of St. Austin's shrine, 89. WowaU, Alice, 38. ! Wreake, Agnes, 62 ; Elisabeth, 62 ; John, 62 ; Juhane, 62 ; Richard, 62 ; Thomas, will, 62 ; WiUiam, 62. Wrenke, Thomas, 54. Wright, Wilham, 58. Wrotham Heath, 223. Wye, 93. Wye Downs, round barrow found, 215-216. Wykham, John, 88. Wyngate, 77. Wyvedale, 75. Y Yaling, 133. Yelverton, Ann, 119, 134; Sir Christopher, 118, 119, 133; Sir Henry, 119. Yoklett, Thomas, 89. Yong, Agnes, 63 ; Alexander, wiU, 63"; Arthur, 64, 65 ; Denis, 64 ; Giles, 64 ; Joan, 63 ; wUl, 64; John, will, 63, 64-65 ; Margaret, 64; Paul, 64; Richard, 64; Steven, 64, 65 ; William, 64, 65. York, Archbhp. of, cost of trout for, 92. Young, Alexander, 58. Youth Hostel of 15th Cent, cottages at Canterbury, 108. Z Zammit, Mr., and Oldbury Hill, 137.


Obituary: Charles Cotton, Esq., O.B.E., F.R.C.P.E


Frontispiece 1938