ntotojjia (IjiattitHtm " ANTIQUITATES SEU HISTOBIABUM BELIQULffii SUNT TANQUAM TABULA NAUFBAGII ; CUM, DEFICIENTS ET FEBE SUBMEBSA BEBUM MEMOBIA, NXHILOMINUS HOMINES INDUSTBn ET SAGACES, PEBTINAOI QUADAM ET SOBUPULOSA DILIGENTIA, EX GENEALOGIIS, FASTIS, TITULIS, MONUMENTIS, NUMISMATIBUS, NOMINIBUS PKOPBIIS ET STYLIS, VEBBOBUM ETYMOLOGXIS, PBOVEBBIIS, TBADITIONTBUS, ABOHIVIS, ET INSTBUMENTIS, TAM PUBLIOIS QUAM PBIVATIS, HISTOBIABUM FBAGMENTIS, LIBEOBUM NEUTIQUAM HISTOBICOBUM LOOIS DISPEESIS,—EX HIS, INQUAM, OMNIBUS VEL AXIQUIBUS, N0NNUL1A A TEMPOBIS DILUVIO EBIPIUNT ET OONSEBVANT. BES SANE OPEBOSA, SED MORTALIBUS GBATA ET OUM BBVEEENTIA QUADAM CONJUNOTA." " ANTIQUITIES, OB BEMNANTS OF HISTOEY, AEE, AS WAS SAID, TANQUAM TABULAE NAUFBAGII : WHEN INDUSTEIOUS PEBSONS, BY AN EXACT AND SCEUPULOUS DniGENOE AND OBSEEVATION, OUT OF MONUMENTS, NAMES, WOEDS, PBOVEBBS, TBADITIONS, PBIVATE EECOBDS AND EVIDENCES, FBAGMENTS OF STOBD3S, PASSAGES OF BOOKS THAT OON0EBN NOT STOBY, AND THE LIKE, DO SAVE AND BEOOVEB SOMEWHAT FEOM THE DELUGE OF TIME."—Advancement of Learning, ii. BEING TRANSACTIONS OW THE KENT ARCHAEOLOGICAL SOCIETY. 15 A 13 /\./ Isl \/' > :« VOLUME LIV FOB 1941 ILonuon : PRINTED FOR THE SOCIETY BY HEADLEY BROTHERS, INVICTA PRESS, ASHFORD, KENT AND 109 KINGSWAY, LONDON, W.C.2. 1942. NOTICES. The CouncU of the Kent Archaeological Society invite the attention of members to the foUowing matters :— (1) The CouncU are not answerable for opinions put forward in this work. Each contributor is alone responsible for the contents of his paper. (2) Papers submitted for pubUeation in the next volume should reach the Editor, complete in aU respects and ready for the printer, by 30th September. (3) Changes of address and errors in the list of members should be notified at once to the Hon. General Secretary.1 (4) An expansion of the membership would enable the Society to publish a larger volume of their Transactions and to undertake extended archaeological work generaUy. Members, therefore, are urged to induce their friends interested in archaeology to join the Society. Information as regards the Society's activities, copies of the Rules and forms of appUcation for membership may be obtained from the Hon. General Secretary.1 (5) The annual subscription of ten shillings covers aU the privUeges of membership, but additional contributions in the form of annual or occasional donations to the IUustrations Fund, towards excavation work, or for the general purposes of the Society, and new subscribers to the Records Branch, are invited and are always very welcome. (6) Expense would be saved if more members paid their subscriptions by Banker's Order. Forms of such Order may be obtained from the Hon. General Secretary.1 Subscriptions not paid by Banker's Order should be sent, on 1st January in each year, to the collector, Mr. A. H. Taylor, Winton, 27 Nunnery Road, Canterbury. (7) The Society's room at Maidstone Museum is open daUy to members who wish to consult books in the Reference Library, and the Hon. Librarian and the Curator are always glad to help caUers to obtain any information which they may require. 1 Sir Edward Harrison, Old Stones, Ightham, Sevenoaks. Printed and made in Great Britain. ILLUSTRATIONS. • PAGE Earthworks in Joydens Wood, Bexley, Kent: Map of Earthworks facing 10 Diagrammatic Plan of Earthworks 12 Plan of Square Earthwork 15 Sections of Dyke 20 Map : Saxon remains in the Cray and Darenth Valleys 24 Earthworks on Hayes and West Wickham Commons : Map of Earthworks facing 28 Plan of Details of Earthworks 31 St. Margaret's Bay and the Roman Roads from Richborough to Dover and Canterbury : Fig. 1. Part of Andrew's, Dury and Herbert's Map of Kent facing 35 Fig. 2. Aerial photograph of the Bay . . . . facing 36 Fig. 3. Section of Fig. 1 as original scale \ Fig. 4. Admiralty Chart No. 738 > facing 37 Fig. 5. Ordnance Survey (1906) ) Fig. 6. Plan of the Roman Road from Richborough to Canterbury facing 38 Stonar and the Wantsum Channel: Plate I. The earliest plan of the Wantsum and the Stour facing 42 Plate II. Polychrome Pottery from Stonar 58 vii Viii ILLUSTRATIONS. PAGE The Age of Saint Mildred's Church, Canterbury : Plan of Site 66 Crop Markings near Salt Farm, Fawkham—Ordnance Survey facing 74 Mr. Richard Cooke facing 76 Eent glrcfjaeologtcai ikicietp. OFFICERS AND MEMBERS. 31ST DECEMBER, 1941. ( x ) fcnt Slrrfjaeologtcal ikicietp- ^retftoent. MAJOR M. TEICHMAN DERVILLE, O.B.E., D.L., M.A., F.S.A. THE ARCHBISHOP OF CANTERBURY, G.C.V.O., D.D., LL.D., D.C.L., D.LlTT. THE MARQUESS CAMDEN, G.C.V.O., T.D. THE EARL STANHOPE, K.G., D.S.O., M.C, D.L. THE EARL OF DARNLEY. THE EARL OF RADNOR. THE EARL BATHURST, C.M.G., T.D., D.L. THE LORD BISHOP OF BATH AND WELLS, D.D. THE LORD BISHOP OF ROCHESTER, O.B.E., M.C, D.D. THE LORD SACKVILLE, K.B.E., C.B., CM.G. THE LORD NORTHBOURNE. FIELD-MARSHAL LORD BIRDWOOD, G.C.B., G.C.S.L, G.C.M.G., G.C.V.O., CLE., D.S.O., M.A., LL.D., D.C.L. SIR H. B. COHEN, BART., O.B.E., T.D. COLONEL THE RT. HON. SIR G. L. COURTHOPE, BART., M.C, T.D., D.L. SIR CHARLES MARSTON, F.S.A. THE DEAN OF CANTERBURY, D.D. THE DEAN OF ROCHESTER, B.A. ALFRED C BOSSOM, F.R.I.B.A. MAJOR VICTOR CAZALET, M.C GEORGE 0. DRUCE, F.S.A. REV. CANON G. M. LIVETT, B.A., F.S.A. W. H. AYMER VALLANCE, M.A., F.S.A. REV. C EVELEIGH WOODRUFF, M.A. honorary Cbitor. W. P. D. STEBBING, F.S.A., F.G.S., The Brambles, Manor Avenue, Deal. Honorary (general Secretary. SIR EDWARD HARRISON, Old Stones, Ightham, Sevenoaks. Honorary tEreajefurer ano Junanrial Secretary. CHARLES STOKES, New Hall, Dymchurch, Kent. honorary lUarartan. A. J. GOLDING, The Museum, Maidstone. (ALL THESE ARM BX-OOTIOIO MUMBEES Off THE OOTTNOIL.) LIST OE OFFICERS. XI Clecteb Jfflemrjerg of tfje Council. J. HERBERT BOLTON Rochester. H. R. PRATT BOORMAN, M.A Maidstone. T. ARMSTRONG BOWES, M.A., M.D., F.S.A Heme Bay. Miss IRENE J. CHURCHILL, D.PHIL., F.S.A., F.R.HIST.S. . Shortlands. F. W. COOK, M.D., F.S.A Appledore. SIR T. COLYER-FERGUSSON, BART., M.A., F.S.A. . . Ightham. 0. R. COUNCER St. Paul's Cray. REV. CANON J. M. C. CRTOI, M.A Canterbury. F. C ELLISTON ERWOOD, F.S.A Shooter's Mill. MRS. T. G. GARDINER Canterbury. FRANK GODWIN . Sevenoaks. SIR HUGH N. JAOKSON, BART. F. W. JESSUP, B.A., LL.B Ditton. R. F. JESSUP, F.S.A. Ditton. CAPT. H. W. KNOCKER, F.S.A Westerham. REV. CANON R. U. POTTS, M.A., F.S.A Canterbury. E. P. B. RICHARDSON, F.O.A Barnet. Miss ANNE ROPER Littlestone. FRANK W. TYLER, F.S.A Canterbury. GORDON WARD, M.D., F.S.A Sevenoaks. REV. CANON S. W. WHEATLEY, M.A., F.S.A. . . . Rochester. SIR GERALD WOODS WOLLASTON, G.O.B., K.O.V.O., F.S.A. London. GfrujJteejS. F. W. COOK, M.D., F.S.A. F. H. DAY, M.A., F.S.A. R. F. JESSUP, F.S.A. THE RT. HON. LORD JUSTICE LUXMOORE. Hon. gluottors. A. G. B. CHITTENDEN, F.C.C.S. E. P. BOYS RICHARDSON, F.O.A. Curator. C E. FISHER, B.SO. Collector. A. H. TAYLOR, Winton, 27 Nunnery Road, Canterbury. panfeera. NATIONAL PROVINCIAL BANK, LTD., Maidstone. Hon. Secretaries for excursion*. EAST KENT : LT.-COL. S. H. PAGE, O.M.G., 28 Vale Square, Bamsgate. WEST KENT : R. W. STRICKLAND, Hemmings Bank, Ightham, Sevenoaks. ( xii ) Hist of Hocal Secretaries. ASHFORD R. J. Geering. BLACKHEATH F. C. Elliston Erwood, F.S.A. BROMLEY Miss Irene J. Churchill, D.PHIL., F.S.A., F.R.HIST.S. CANTERBURY Rev. Canon R. U. Potts, M.A., F.S.A. CRANBROOK Major Brio Clarke. DARTFORD A. Cumberland. DEAL, WALMER, SANDWICH . . . F. W. Hardman, LL.D., F.S.A. DOVER J. H. Mowll. FAVERSHAM Sydney Wilson. FOLKESTONE AND HYTHE . . . N. E. Toke. GRAVESEND R. F. Jisssup, F.S.A. LONDON Capt. H. W. Knocker, F.S.A. MAIDSTONE A. J . Golding. MALLING Miss Joan Nisbett. MARGATE C C Maughan. RAMSGATE Lieut.-Colonel S. H. Page, O.M.G. ROCHESTER J. Herbert Bolton. ROMNEY AND LYDD . . . . Major M. Teiehman Derville, O.B.E., D.L., M.A., F.S.A., F.R.G.S. SEVENOAKS F. Godwin. SHEPPEY Rev. 0. H. Brasier. SITTINGBOURNE Mrs. E. Selby. TENTERDEN G. S. Elgood, R.L, R.O.I. TONBRIDGE Miss V. Elizabeth Buxton. TUNBRIDGE WELLS . . . . Charles R. Bosanquet. i&ecorbs prancl) (for the publication of Kent Records). MEMBERS OF COMMITTEE: The President, MAJOR M. TEIOHMAN DERVILLE, O.B.E., D.L., M.A., F.S.A., F.R.G.S., Chairman; Major Eric Clarke; F. William Cock, M.D., F.S.A. ; Richard Holworthy; Rev. Canon Claude Jenkins, D.D., F.S.A. ; Herbert W. Knocker, F.S.A. ; Frank W. Tyler, F.S.A.; Rev. C. Eveleigh Woodruff, M.A.; the Hon. Gen. Secretary of the Sooiety and the Hon. Editor of Arch. Cant, (ex-officio). HON. EDITOR : Irene J. Churchill, D.PHIL., F.S.A., F.R.HIST.S., 22 May's Hill Road, Shortlands, Kent. HON. TREASURER : E. P. Boys Richardson, F.O.A., " Dava," Arkley, Barnet, Herts. HON. AUDITOR : S. Grave Morris, F.S.A.A. HON. SECRETARY : Frank W. Jessup, B.A., LL.B.-, Autumn Cottage, Ditton, near Maidstone. ( xii ) ecor'i.Ys rancb (for the publication of Kent Records). MlllMBERs OF Col!WI'l"l'EE : The President, MAJOR M. TmomtAN DRRVJLLE, O.B.E,, D.L., M,A., F.S,A., F.:a.o.s., Olu:r,irman; Major Eric Clarke; F. William Cook, M.n., F.s.A.; Richard Holworthy; Rev. Canon Claude Jenkins, D,D., ll',S.A.; Herbert W. Knocker, F.S.A.; Frank W. Tyler, F.s,A.; Rev. C. Eveleigh Woo druff, M . .A.; the Hon. Gen. Secretary of the Society and the Hon. Editor o f Arch. Oa.nt. (ex-offieic). HoN. EDITOR : Irene J. Churchill, D,l'BIL,, F,S.A., J',R,HIST.s., 22 May's Hill Road, Short)a.nds, Kent. HoN. TREASURER: E. P. Boys Richardson, F,O,A., "Da.va.," .Arkley, Barnet, Herts. HON. AUDITOR: s. Grave Morris, 11'.8.A.A. HoN. Sl!:ORETARY: Frank W. Jessup, B.A,, LL,11,, .Autumn Cottage, Ditton, near Maidstone. ( xiii ) SOCIETIES IN UNION. For Interchange of Publications, etc. Bristol and Gloucestershire Archseological Sooiety, Roland Austin, F.S.A., 24 Parkend Road, Gloucester. British School at Rome, Valle Giulia Roma (51). Cambrian Arohaeological Association, Rev. Canon Ellis Davies, Whitford Vicarage, Holywell, Flintshire. Cambridge Antiquarian Sooiety, The Librarian, Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology, Cambridge. Cambs and Hunts Archaeologioal Sooiety, / . R. Garrood, M.D., Alconbury Hill, Huntingdon. Carmarthenshire Antiquarian Sooiety, George Eyre Evans, 5 Quay Street, Carmarthen. Courtauld Institute of Art, University of London, Miss Welsford, Librarian, 20 Portman Square, W.l. Cumberland and Westmoreland Antiquarian Sooiety, The General Secretary, Creevyargon, Kendal. Derbyshire Archseological Society, The Librarian, The Bridge Chapel House, St. Mary's Bridge, Derby. East Herts. Archseological Sooiety, H. C. Andrews, M.A., F.S.A., The Museum, Bull Plain, Hertford. Essex Archseological Society, P. G. Laver, F.S.A., Holly Trees, Colchester. RHarvard College Library, Cambridge, Massachusetts, U.S.A., c/o E. G. Allen and Son, Ltd., 14 Grape Street, Shaftesbury Avenue, W.C. Historic Society of Lancashire and Cheshire, Hon. Librarian, Royal Institution, Colquitt Street, Liverpool. Leicestershire Archseological Society, The Librarian, Guildhall, Leicester. Lincolnshire Architectural and Archseological Society, The Jews' Court, Steep Hill, Lincoln. London and Middlesex Archseological Society, The Bishopsgate Institute, Bishopsgate, E.C.2. National Historical Museum, Stockholm, The Librarian. Norfolk and Norwich Archaeological Sooiety, Guildhall Hill, Norwich. Oxford Architectural and Historical Society, Ashmolean Museum, Oxford. Powys-land Club, Powysland Reference Library, Church Bank, Welshpool, Montgomeryshire. Xiv KENT ARCHEOLOGICAL SOCIETY. Royal Arohaeological Institute of Great Britain, C. F. C. Hawkes, B.A., Lancaster House, St. James's, London, S.W.I. Royal Numismatic Sooiety, 22 Russell Square, W.0.1. Royal Sooiety of Antiquaries of Ireland, Hon. Gen. Secretaries, 63 Merrion Square, Dublin. Royal University Library of Uppsala, Sweden, A. Grape, Chief Librarian. Shropshire Archseological Sooiety, The Librarian, Public Library and Museum, Shrewsbury. ESociety of Antiquaries of London, Burlington House, Piccadilly, W.l. Society of Antiquaries of Newcastle-upon-Tyne, R. Blair, The Library, The Castle, Newcastle-upon-Tyne. Society of Antiquaries of Sootland, Queen Street, Edinburgh. Somersetshire Archseological and Natural History Society, Museum, Taunton. SufEolk Institute of Archseology, H. R. Barker, Librarian, The Athenceum, Bury St. Edmunds. Surrey Archseologioal Society, Castle Arch, Guildford. Sussex Archseological Society, Barbican House, Lewes. Verein von Altertumfreunden im Rheinlande, Bonn, Germany. Wiltshire Archseological and Natural History Society, Museum, Devizes. Woolhope Club, The Librarian, Museum, Hereford. Yorkshire Archaeological Society, 10 Park Place, Leeds 1. Yorkshire East Riding Antiquarian Sooiety, Museum, Hull. ( xv ) MEMBERS. CORRECTED TO 31st DECEMBER, 1941. * Denotes a Life Compounder. R Signifies Subscriber to Records Branch. HONORARY MEMBERS. 1895 THE BRITISH MUSEUM, Great Russell Street, W.C.I. 1920 Lady ST. JOHN HOPE, Binsted, Cambridge. 1927 A. W. HUGHES CLARKE, F.S.A., 45 Cambridge Road, Wimbledon, S.W.20. 1928 0. G. S. CRAWFORD, F.S.A., Ordnance Survey Office, Southampton. AFFILIATED SOCIETIES. 1938 Beokenham Sooiety (Edwin Davies, Hon. Sec, 80 High Street, Beckenham). R1922 Canterbury Arohaeological Society (Hon. Sec, Mrs. Gardiner, Cogan House, 53 St. Peter Street, Canterbury). 1926 Dartford Antiquarian Sooiety (Hon. Sees., F. J. G. Foot, 118 Shepherds Lane, Dartford, and E. H. Houghton, " Cotswold," Wayville Road, Dartford). 1925 Gravesend Sooiety (A. J. Philip, M.B.E., Publio Library, Gravesend). 1928 Greenwioh and Lewisham Antiquarian Sooiety (J. W. Kirby, Hon. Sec, Kenmure, St. James's Crescent, Sidney, Bexhill, Sussex.) 1937 Tonbridge Antiquarian Society (Mrs. Martin Hardie, Co-Hon. Sec, Rodbourne, Yardley Park Road, Tonbridge). 1932 Woolwioh and Distriot Antiquarian Sooiety, Polytechnic Woolwioh (W. T. Davis, Hon. Sec, 141 MoLeod Road, Abbey Wood, S.E.2). OTHER SOCIETIES AND INSTITUTIONS. 1867 Athenaeum, The, Pall Mall, s.w.l. 1935 Balliol College (R.A.B. Mynors, Librarian), Oxford. R1886 Birmingham Publio Libraries (The City Librarian), Birmingham 1. R1880 Bodleian Library, The, Oxford. 1886 Boston Publio Library, Mass., U.S.A., o/o B. Quaritoh, Ltd., 11 Grafton Street, New Bond Street, w. R1911 Brenchley Trustees, The Museum, Maidstone. Xvi KENT ARCHAEOLOGICAL SOCIETY. 1900 Brighton Publio Library (Henry D. Roberts, M.B.E., Direotor), North Gate House, Church Street, Brighton. R1936 Bristol University Library (W. L. Cooper, M.A., Librarian), The University, Bristol. 1936 Bromley Central Publio Library, High Street, Bromley. 1941 Brotherton Library (Dr. R. Ofior, Librarian), The University, Leeds 2. 1930 California University Library, Berkeley, California, o/o B. F. Stevens and Brown, Ld., New Ruskin House, 28-30 Little Russell Street, w.o.l. R1925 Cambridge University Library (H. C Stanford, Secretary), Cambridge. B1883 Canterbury Cathedral, Library of the Dean and Chapter. R1886 Canterbury Municipal Library, The Royal Museum, Canterbury. 1919 Chicago University Libraries, Order Division, Harper, w.21, Chioago, U.S.A. (per B. F. Stevens & Brown, Ld., New Ruskin House, 28-30 Little Russell Street, w.o.l). R1929 Cleveland Public Library, 325 Superior Avenue, N.E. Cleveland, Ohio, U.S.A. (per H. Sotheran, Ld., 2-5 Sackville Street, w.l). R1922 College of Arms, Queen Victoria Street, E.o.4. 1894 Columbia University Avery Library, New York, U.S.A. (per G. E. Stechert and Co., 2 Star Yard, Carey Street, Chancery Lane, w.o.2). B1875 Congress Library, Washington, U.S.A., c/o Edwd. G. Allen & Son, Ltd., 14 Grape Street, Shaftesbury Avenue, w.c.2. R1912 Constitutional Club, Northumberland Avenue, w.c.2. 1926 Copenhagen Royal Library (per Francis Edwards, Ld., 83A High Street, Marylebone, w.l). 1920 Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, U.S.A., c/o Edwd. G. Allen & Son, Ltd., 14 Grape Street, Shaftesbury Avenue, w.o.2. 1926 Cranbrook Parish Council, Cranbrook, o/o Major E. Clarke, Cranbrook. 1931 Cranbrook School (The Headmaster), Cranbrook. 1936 Dartford Public Library and Museum (Edward Wood, Librarian), Central Park, Dartford. 1937 Dartmouth College Library, Hanover, N.H., U.S.A., o/o Edw. G. Allen & Son, Ltd., 12-14 Grape Street, Shaftesbury Avenue, w.c.2. 1935 Dover Publio Library, Biggin Street, Dover. 1937 Erith Museum (Erith Urban Distriot Counoil) (E. Bridgstook Choat, F.R.M.S., F.Z.S., F.R.S.A., Hon. Curator), Publio Libraries and Museum, Erith. 1897 Folkestone Publio Library and Museum, Folkestone. 1931 Friends of Canterbury Cathedral, Christ Churoh Gate, Canterbury. B1907 Glasgow University Library, o/o Jaokson, Son & Co., 73 West George Street, Glasgow, 0.2. R1930 Haverford College Library, Haverford, Pennsylvania, U.S.A. R1937 The Henry E. Huntington Library and Art Gallery, San Marino, California, U.S.A. (per B. F. Stevens & Brown, Ltd., New Ruskin House, 28-30 Little Russell Street, w.o.l). R1922 Kent Education Committee, Springfield, Maidstone. 1932 Kent and Kentish Men, Association of Men of, 19 Gabriel's Hill, Maidstone. 1930 King's Sohool, Library of, Canterbury. 1927 King's Sohool, Library of, Roohester. R1863 London, The Corporation of the City of, The Library, Guildhall, E.C.2. R1868 London Library, Tho, 14 St. James's Square, s.w.l. 1934 London, University of, The Library, Bloomsbury, w.o.l. R1937 London, University of, Institute of Historical Researoh, w.o.l. LIST OF MEMBERS. xvii 1936 Lund, R. University Library (P. Wilner, Librarian), Lund, Sweden. 1932 Margate Publio Library, Viotoria Road, Margate. 1930 Miohigan, University of, General Library, Ann Arbor, Miohigan, U.S.A. (per Henry Sotheran, Ld., 2-5 Saokville Street, w.l.) 1929 Minnesota, The Library, University of, Minneapolis, Minn. U.S.A. (per G. E. Steohert and Co., 2 Star Yard, Carey Street, w.o.2). R1902 Newberry Library, Chicago, U.S.A., o/o B. F. Stevens & Brown Ld., New Ruskin House, 28-30 Little Russell Street, w.o.l. R1916 New England Historic Genealogical Society, 9 Ashburton Place, Boston, Mass., U.S.A. (per B. F. Stevens & Brown, Ld., New Ruskin House, 28-30 Little Russell Street, w.o.l). R1898 New York Publio Library, o/o B. F. Stevens & Brown, Ld., New Ruskin House, 28-30 Little Russell Street, w . c l. R1907 Peabody Institute of Baltimore, Baltimore, U.S.A., o/o Edwd. G. Allen & Son, Ltd., 14 Grape Street, Shaftesbury Avenue, w.o.2. R1899 Pennsylvania Historical Sooiety, 1300 Locust Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, U.S.A. (per B. F . Stevens & Brown, Ld., New Ruskin House, 20-30 Little Russell Street, w.o.l). 1923 Princeton University, New Jersey, U.S.A., o/o Edwd. G. Allen & Son, Ltd., 14 Grape Street, Shaftesbury Avenue, w.o.2. R1896 Public Record Office (The Librarian, Chancery Lane, W.C.2). 1935 Ramsgate Public Library, Ramsgate. R1896 Rochester Pubhc Library, Roohester. 1924 Roohester Museum, Roohester. 1897 Royal Institution of Great Britain, The Library of, Albemarle Street, w.l. R1911 Ryland's Library, The John (R. W. Shepherd, Treasurer), Deansgate, Manchester. R1925 St. Augustine's Abbey, The Librarian of, Ramsgate. 1914 St. Augustine's College, The Bursar of, Canterbury. 1913 Sevenoaks Publio Library, The Drive, Sevenoaks. 1926 Sevenoaks School (Library), by C. G. Rich, School House, Sevenoaks. 1934 South-Eastern Agricultural College, Wye, Ashford. 1939 South-Eastern Sooiety of Architects, Cecil Burns, F.R.I.B.A., Stone Lodge, Vale Avenue, Tunbridge Wells. 1936 Southend-on-Sea Publio Libraries (WilliamPollitt,F.s.A.,F.L.A.,Librarian), Central Library, Viotoria Avenue, Southend, Essex. 1932 Sutton Valence Sohool (The Headmaster), Sutton Valence, Maidstone. 1880 Sydney Free Publio Library, c/o W. H. Smith & Son, Ltd., 153 Oxford Street, w.l. 1936 Tunbridge Wells, Borough of Royal, Publio Library, Dudley Road, Tunbridge Wells. 1931 Tunbridge Wells Nat. Hist, and Philosophioal Sooiety, Hon. Secretary, E. H. Marsh, 10 Culverden Park Road, Tunbridge Wells. 1894 Viotoria and Albert Museum, Library of the, South Kensington, s.w.7. R1907 Victoria, Publio Library of, The Chief Librarian, Melbourne, Australia (per H. Sotheran, Ld., 2-5 Saokville Street, w.l). R1926 Wales, National Library of, Aberystwyth. 1908 Wisconsin State Historical Sooiety, Madison, Wis., U.S.A. (per Henry Sotheran, Ld., 2-5 Saokville Street, w.l). R1906 Woolwioh Publio Libraries (Borough Librarian, Philip C Bursill, F.L.A.), Central Publio Library, Woolwioh, S.E.18. R1914 Yale University, Conneotiout, U.S.A., o/o Edwd. G. Allen & Son, Ltd., 14 Grape Street, Shaftesbury Avenue, w.o.2. 2 XVlii KENT ARCHAEOLOGICAL SOCIETY. 1889 *Acworth, Rev. R. William Harrison, B.A., Glovers, Kennington, Ashford. rt.1930 *Adams, Arthur, PH.D., F.S.A., Trinity College, Hartford, Conneotiout, U.S.A. 1939 Aikin, Mrs. H. F., Avooa, St. Mary's, New Romney, Kent. 1936 Ainslie, J. R., Poplar Hall, Brookland. 1933 Aisher, 0. A., Faygate, South Godstone, Surrey. 1941 AUnatt, J. C , Whitethorn, North Road, Hythe. 1941 Allnatt, Miss K. E., Whitethorn, North Road, Hythe. 1936 Allworthy, J. H., B.SC, M.R.S.T., Bexley House, High Street, Wye, Ashford, Kent. 1939 Almond, H. W. Lance, Crauleigh, Grange Road, Ramsgate. 1922 *Amos, E. G. J., 12 Snargate Street, Dover. 1937 Amos, M. G., 126A Old Dover Road, Canterbury. 1927 *Anderson, H. W.. F.S.S., Granard Lodge, Folkestone. 1938 Andrews, F . C, 175 Cliffe Road, Strood, Kent. 1926 Andrews, P . M., A.R.I.B.A., 1937 Ansell, W. H., M.O., F.R.I.B.A., A.R.E., Little Paddock, Seal, Sevenoaks. 1936 Apthorpe, Mrs. L. M. A., Fairways, Ightham, Sevenoaks. 1925 Archibald, John, L.RJ.B.A., St. George's Road, Sandwich. 1933 Arnold, R. C M., Meopham Court, Meopham. 1890 *Ashton-Gwatkin, Rev. Canon W. H. T., M.A., Davington Priory, Faversham. 1928 *Baker, Chas. M., C.I.E., Green Farm, Meopham, Gravesend. 1929 Baker, Edward T. L., O.B.E., M.A., Hill Crest, Coton, Cambridge. 1919 Baker, Rev. F. V., B.A., 36 Highbury Hill, N.5. 1883 Baker, Sir Herbert, R.A., F.R.I.B.A., Owletts, Cobham, Gravesend. 1939 Ball, F. L., Lynsted, Queen's Avenue, Maidstone. 1939 Ball, Mrs. F. L., Lynsted, Queen's Avenue, Maidstone. 1930 Ballantyne, W. H., Vine Cottage, 1 Holly Bush Lane, Sevenoaks. 1918 Barliam, Colonel, Chamberlaynes, Rolvenden, Cranbrook. 1930 Barham, G. Basil, 3 Perryn Road, East Acton, w.3. 1930 Barnes, Miss Margory R., Sophurst, Matfield, Tunbridge Wells. 1898 *Barrett, F. A., o.B., Laddingford House, Yalding. 1917 Barrett, Miss K. E., Westoroft, South Road, Forest HiU, S.E.23. 1932 Bath and Wells, The Right Rev. the Lord Bishop of, D.D.,The Palace, Wells, Somerset. 1920 "Bathurst, Tho Right Hon. the Earl, O.M.G., T.D., D.L., Bathurst House, Belgrave Square, s.w.l. 1932 Bax, Vice-Admiral Robert N., o.B., Selling Court, Faversham. 1927 Baynton, Alfred, Coombe House, New Dover Road, Canterbury. 1893 *Beale, G. F . Tracy, Popes Farm, Sandway, Maidstone. 1931 Beard, Miss F. Marion, East Cross Cottage, Tenterden. 1933 Beard, W. F., Horton Cottage, Rolvenden Layne, Nr. Cranbrook. 1923 Beazeley, Miss, 29 Western Avenue, Ashford. 1928 Beazley, A. Stuart, Street Cottage, Bethersden, Ashford. 1919 *Beck, A. C, 4 Mount Avenue, Ealing, w.5. 1926 Beeohing, Miss Alioe M., Bordyke Lodge, Tonbridge. 1921 *Beetlestone, H. A., 72 Kingsley Way, Finohley, London, N.2. 1933 Belk. Lt.-Col. Wm., o/o National Provincial Bank, Middlesbrough. 1933 Bellhouse, Miss O. M., 1927 Benoo, Capt. Eric W. J., Milgato Park, Bearsted, Maidstone. 1931 Bennett, H. A., 7 Minor Canon Row, Roohester. 1926 Berrill, Mrs. Claro E., Tho Boundary House, Ightham, Sevenoaks. 1939 Bevoridge, Alexander, 7 Quarry Hill, Sevenoaks. 1937 Bickersteth, J. Burgon, 16 New Dover Road, Canterbury. 1922 *Biggs, Lewis, Trootops, Wrotham. 1936 Bills, J. S., 76 High Street, Queenborough. LIST OF MEMBERS. xix 1937 Birdwood, Field-Marshal Lord, G.O.B., G.C.S.I., G.O.M.G., G.O.V.O., C.I.E., D.S.O., M.A., LL.D., D.O.L., Deal Castle, Deal. 1926 Blaokden, Mrs., M.B.E., The Jewell House, Marden. 1927 Blogg, Mrs. Muriel, Crismill House, Bearsted, Maidstone 1927 Bolton, J. Herbert, 50 Maidstone Road, Rochester. 1937 Boning, L. G., Alfretou, Hitchin Hatch Lane, Sevenoaks. 1932 Boorman, H. R. P., M.A., Cedars, Maidstone. 1901 *Borrowman, J., A.R.I.B.A., Hambledon, Godalming, Surrey. 1933 Borton, Miss Silvia M., Wigmore, Upper Walmer. 1906 Bosanquet, Chas. R., 17 Upper Grosvenor Ro ad, Tunbridge Wells. 1937 Bosanquet, Geoffrey C, Croft, Seal, Sevenoaks. 1932 Bossom, Alfred, F.R.I.B.A., Allington Castle, Maidstone. 1939 Bowen, John, Badgers' Mount, Halstead, Sevenoaks. B1921 Bowes, T. Armstrong, M.A., M.D., F.S.A., M.R.O.S., L.R.O.P., 15 Queen's Gardens, Heme Bay. 1890 *Bowker, A. F., F.R.G.S., F.G.S., F.R.M.S., Old Glebe, Wrotham, Sevenoalts. E1924 Bowra, C. A. V., The Bower House, Ightham, Sevenoaks. 1927 Bowring, Arthur, The Oaks, Goudhurst. 1941 Bowser, Rev. Canon E. D., The Rectory, Deal. 1924 Boyd-Wallis, A. C , 99 Bradbourne Vale Road, Sevenoaks. 1938 Boyd, Mrs. D. A., Summersgrove, Whitehaven. 1926 *Boyd, Percival, F.S.A., Gibcracks, Upper Warlingham, Surrey. 1935 Bradburn, Rev. Harry, Vioarage, Milton Regis, Sittingbourne. 1938 Brade, W. R. V., Emsoote, 12 Ethelbert Road, Canterbury. 1921 *Brain, Richard F., Chatham House, 14 New Road, Chatham. 1893 Brampton, F. J., 25 Culverden Park Road, Tunbridge Wells. 1931 Brasier, Rev. 0 . H., The Vioarage, Minster, Sheerness. 1927 Bredin, Rev. Edward Robert, The Reotory, Uloombe, Maidstone. 1927 Brennand, Miss Eunice F., St. Michael's Cottage, Warfield, Bracknell, Berks. 1936 Brett, Charles H., Ivy Farm House, Kemsing, Sevenoaks. 1895 Bridge, John William, The Nook, Lucerne Street, Maidstone. 1935 Bristow, H. H., Eothen, North Road, Hythe. R1918 Bromley, Dr. F. E., 24 Orchard Street, Canterbury. 1930 Brooker, Fredk. G., The Corner Cottage, Vine Avenue, Sevenoaks. 1928 Brooks, Mrs. Mary Agnes, Maypole, Goudhurst. 1932 Brown, Arthur, 10 Oakfield Lane, Dartford. 1930 Browne, Mrs. Robert, Slowery, Pembury, Tunbridge Wells. 1936 Browne, William T., 43 Baston Road, Hayes, Bromley, Kent. 1936 Browning, Mrs. Beatrice, 1930 Browning, George, St. George's Place, Canterbury. 1933 Browning, L. H., Plummer House, Tenterden. 1927 Buckingham, Mrs. Mabel F., Harrietsham Manor, nr. Maidstone. 1935 Bunyard, Miss Lorna Y., 25 Bower Mount Road, Maidstone. 1921 Burke, Capt. G., Firebrand, Winchelsea, Sussex. 1920 Burrows, A. J., Holmlea, Kennington, Ashford. 1925 Burrows, Mrs., Crowdloham House, Kemsing, Sevenoaks. 1933 Burtensha-w, Arthur H., F.S.I., F.A.I., Arley, Tenterden. 1933 Bushell, C L., Scotch Corner, The Wildernesse, Seal, Sevenoaks. 1926 Bushell, T. A., Poynings, Greenway, Chislehurst. R1930 Bussell, F. R., Blaok Charles, Underriver, Sevenoaks. 1911 Buxton, A. F., Fairhill, Tonbridge. 1933 Buxton, Miss V. E., Fairhill, Tonbridge. 1918 Cairns, J. J., Horton Priory, Hythe. R1902 Camden, The Most Noble the Marquess, G.o.v.o., T.D., Bayham Abbey, Tunbridge Wells. 1916 Campbell, Major E. Kenneth, O.B.E., Millfield, Wittersham, Tenterden. 1929 Cannon, Rev. E., The Vioarage, Meopham. XX KENT ARCHAEOLOGICAL SOOIETY. R1930 Canterbury, His Grace the Archbishop of, G.o.v.o., D.D., LL.D., D.O.L., D.LITT., Lambeth Palace, s.E.l. 1918 Canterbury, Ven. T. K. Sopwith, M.A., Archdeacon of, 17 The Precincts, Canterbury, 1932 Canterbury, Very Rev. the Dean of (Dr. Hewlett Johnson), The Deanery, Canterbury. 1934 Card, R. W., 1931 Carden, Miss Mabel A., Redwell Croft, Ightham, Sevenoaks. R1909 Cartwright, Sydney, LL.B., Mayfleld, St. Botolph's Road, Sevenoaks. 1934 Carver, A. R., Pimm's Orchard, Matfield, Paddock Wood. 1939 Cavell, Rev. J. K., B.A., at Addington Vicarage, Croydon. 1925 *Cazalet, Major Victor, M.a., Great Swifts, Cranbrook. 1941 Ceci, Joseph, Prints and Drawings Dept., British Museum, c/o National Library of Wales, Aberystwyth, Wales. 1930 Chalmers-Hunt, D. R., B.O.L., Little Orchard, Broad Oak, Canterbury. 1924 *Chamberlain, Major John A., Five Gates, Waverley Lane, Farnham, Surrey. 1933 Chambers, J. J., Manor House, Southfleet. 1938 Chambers, Perceval, Shepway Court, Maidstone. 1934 Chapman, Capt. Percy W., Wentworth, Dymchurch. 1939 Chatterton, Bertram, Edgehill, Hartley, Cranbrook. 1938 Chatwin, Mrs. A., 1940 Checkley, J. F. H., L.RJ.B.A., 26 Maple Avenue, Maidstone. 1918 Chettoe, C S., Parkfield Corner, Blaokhail Lane, Sevenoaks. 1922 Chilton, T., Elmstead, St. John's Road, Bexhill, Sussex. 1932 Chittenden, A. G. B., F.o.o.s., Derringstone, Magazine Road, Ashford, Kent. R1923 Churchill, Miss Irene J., D.PHIL., F.S.A., F.R.HIST.S.. Fircroft, 22 May's Hill Road, Shortlands. 1939 Churchyard, Mrs. J . H., Sunfield, Ightham, Sevenoaks. 1939 Claok, Rev. G. R. S., St. Margarets-at-Cliffe, Dover. 1936 Clark, E. H., 119 Chatham Road, Maidstone. R1939 Clarke, Basil E., Homeside, Wimbledon Common, s.w.19. R1922 Clarke, Major Eric, The Abbey, Cranbrook. 1938 Clarke, Miss E. M., Post Office, Goudhurst. 1939 Clarke, H. H. Rose, M.D., Grey Timbers, Pluoldey, Ashford, Kent. 1939 Clarke, Rev. Canon P. A. L., M.A., The Vioarage, Faversham. 1918 Clifford, W., Bower Cottage, Roseaore Lane, Bearsted, Maidstone. 1924 Clive, Miss Kathleen, Birohes, Penshurst. 1923 Cloke, F. A., 51 Strand Street, Sandwich. 1932 Close, Mrs. A. D., Hazelwood, Pembury, Tunbridge Wells. 1902 Cobb, E. F., A.R.I.B.A.. 70 High Street, Rochester. 1938 Cochrane, Rear-Admiral E. 0., Primrose Hill, Hawkhurst. R1898 *Cock, F. W., M.D., F.S.A., The Well House, Appledore, Ashford. 1934 Cocking, W. Cyril, M.I.STRUOT.E., Troutbeck, Otford. 1934 Cocking, Mrs., Troutbeck, Otford. R1911 *Cohen, Sir H. B., Bart., o.B.E., T.D., 6 King's Bench Walk, Temple, E.O.4. 1921 Cole, Miss, 48 Whitstable Road, Canterbury. 1928 Coles, Jas. Hatch, 71 College Road, Maidstone. 1932 Coles, Cyril A. G., Whiston, Alpha Rnad, Birehington. 1936 Collier, M. D., Rosemary, Glyne Drive, Bexhill-on-Sea. 1933 Collins, C T., Ninfield, 29 Postley Road, Maidstone. 1934 Colquhoun, Jas., 73 St. James's Street, s.w.l. 1941 Colt, Miss M., Plashes, Littlestone, New Romney, Kent. 1938 Colyer, Owen, Mantle's Farm, HoUingbourne. R1889 *Colyer-Fergusson, Sir Thos. C, Bart., F.S.A., Ightham Mote, Ivy Hatoh, Sevenoaks. 1937 Congreve, Anthony L., Cranbrook Sohool, Cranbrook. 1908 Connor, F. R., Grove End, Heath Grove, Barming, Maidstone. 1931 Conway of Allington, The Lady, Saltwood Castle, Hythe. LIST OF MEMBERS. xxi 1938 Cook, Arthur R., Petteridge Place, Brenchley. 1920 Cook, G. T., Lulworth, Queen's Avenue, Maidstone. 1928 Cook, Jas., 1938 Cook, S. T. Chandler, Kastanon, Holt Wood, Ditton. 1925 Cooke, Miss A. S., 7a Ashford Road, Maidstone. 1939 Cooper, Miss I. M., Hollybush Cottage, StaUsfleld Green, Faversham. 1928 Coote, Mrs. Deborah M., Redbrooks Wood, Hythe. 1936 Coote, Howard, Rochester House, Parkfield, Sevenoaks. 1926 Corben, Charles, Sutton End, Warm Lake, Sutton Valence, Maidstone. 1904 *Corfe, A. F., The Spinney, Ashford Road, nr. Maidstone. 1935 Corfield, Dr. Carruthers, Broadmark Place, Rustington, Sussex. 1939 Cother, A. W., Kinsale, 42 Wilson Avenue, Rochester. 1940 Cotton, Mrs. A., 11D Precincts, Canterbury. 1935 Coulson, Mrs. Rose, The Armourv, 14 East Cross, Tenterden. 1929 Councer, C R., The SmaU House, St. Paul's Cray. R1911 Oourthope, Col. The Rt. Hon. Sir G. L., Bart., M.c, T.D., D.L., Whiligh, Sussex. R1937 Oourthope, Miss E. J., Sprivers, Horsmonden. 1919 Courtney, C, 10 Camden Close, Chislehurst. 1919 Cowan, H. A., 25 Albert Road, Ashford. R1931 Cozens, W. Sidney, 92A Broad Street, Canterbury. 1911 Cripps-Day, F. H., 38 York Terrace, N.w.l. 1939 Crow, Miss K. E., Green Bushes, Dymchurch. 1929 Crum, Rev. Canon J. M. C , M.A., The Precincts, Canterbury. 1928 Culmer, Geo. G., Speldhurst, Canterbury Road, Faversham. 1934 Cumberland, A., Rossmore, 2b York Road, Dartford. 1936 Curie, Mrs. A. T., Little Tigh, Seal Chart, Sevenoaks. 1918 Curteis, Lieut.-Col. John, 6 The Lawn, St. Leonards-on-Sea. 1938 Curtis, Miss C L., The Glebe House, Pembury. 1936 Curtis, H. G., Corbar, Montefiore Avenue, Ramsgate. 1926 Dale, Rev. H. D., Bennington, Saltwood, Hythe. 1922 Dalison, M. D. P., The Upper Farm, Roughway, Tonbridge. 1926 Daniel, H. Kenyon, 15 Vale Square, Ramsgate. 1939 Daniel, Miss N. M., 1934 Darnley, Rt. Hon. Earl of, Cobham Hall, Cobham, near Gravesend. 1936 Darwall, Miss Evelyn, Earlsmead, St. Clare Road, Walmer. 1926 Davies, David, M.B., 8 Lonsdale Gardens, Tunbridge Wells. 1933 Davis, A. J., A.R.A., F.R.I.B.A., Carisbrooke, Littlestone-on-Sea, New Romney, Kent. 1930 Davis, George H., Wynsford, Hitohen Hatoh Lane, Sevenoaks. 1938 Davison, Ian, Branden, Sissinghurst, Cranbrook. 1933 Day, Mrs. E. C, Merrington Place, Rolvenden. 1919 Day, Rev. E. Hermitage, D.D., F.S.A., The Little Hermitage, Southway, Pinelands, Cape Town, South Africa. R1908 Day, Francis H., M.A., F.S.A., The Vines, Maidstone Road, Rochester. 1904 Day, Walter, 42 Earl Street, Maidstone. 1926 Day, Wm., jun., 61 College Road, Maidstone. 1931 *Deare, D. H., 43 Essex Road, Gravesend. 1924 Dedriok, W. E., Brome House, West Mailing. 1938 de Krafft, William, Heronden Hall, Tenterden. 1939 Delano-Osborne, Maj.-Gen. 0 . H., o.B.,O.M.G.,TheOldPalace,Bekesbourne. 1927 Denoe, Alex. H., Little Dane, Biddenden, Ashford. 1927 Dence, Mrs. M. G., Little Dane, Biddenden, Ashford. 1939 Diamant, A. St. John, L.R.I.B.A., Eastling Manor, Faversham. 1921 Dickinson, P. G. Murgatroyd, 16 Hartford Road, Huntingdon. 1924 Dilnot, F., Splicing Oaks, Llanarth, Cardiganshire. 1937 Dixon, John, Gavelkind, Holt Wood, Ditton, Maidstone. XXii KENT ARCHaSOLOGICAL SOCIETY. 1935 Dobbie, Herbert, Graystone Lodge, Ashford Road, Faversham. 1930 Dorman, Edgar Philip, Pine Cottage, Ivy Hatch, Sevenoaks. 1927 *Doubleday, Leslie, Hempsted House, Tonge, Sittingbourne. 1932 Douglas, G. P., Otterburn, Reotory Lane, Sidcup. 1937 Douglas, H. J. S., 31 Chapel Street, Belgrave Square, s.w.l. 1938 Dover, Rt. Rev. the Lord Bishop of, St. Martin's Priory, Canterbury. 1939 Downing, Miss L. I., 33 All Saints' Avenue, Margate. 1909 Druce, G. C, F.S.A., Flishinghurst, Cranbrook. 1910 Druce, John A., Gore Court. Goudhurst. 1932 Druce, John C, Three Wents, Kippington Road, Sevenoaks. 1937 Dunkley, Rev. E. H., Brewood, Dartford Road, Horton Kirby. 1899 East, F. J., 29 Sedlescombe Road South, St. Leonards-on-Sea. 1940 Edlmann, Col. F. J. F., D.S.O., Hawkwood, Chislehurst. 1917 Edmeades, Major H., Nurstead Court, Meopham, Gravesend. 1938 Edmunds, Arthur, o.B., F.R.O.S., M.S., Bramley Cottage, Charing. 1936 Edwards, Mrs. M. E., April, Buxton Lane, Upper Caterham, Surrey. 1931 Elam, Chas. C Roslyn, 111 Old Dover Road, Canterbury. 1939 Elgood, Edward S., 97 Marlow Road, Anerley, s.E.20. R1910 Elgood, George S., R.I., R.O.I., Knockwood, Tenterden. 1931 Elgood, Miss Jane 0. Shirley, B.A., Knockwood, Tenterden. 1939 Elliott, S. S., West Lodge, Chipstead, Sevenoaks. 1922 Else, Thomas, Lowlands, Paddock Wood. R1926 Elwin, E. A., StaUsfleld Lodge, Kearsney, Dover. 1929 Elwin, Mrs. M. M., StaUsfleld Lodge, Kearsney, Dover. R1908 Erwood, Frank C. EUiston, F.S.A., Jesmond Dene, Foxcroft Road, Shooters Hill. s.E.18. 1920 Etherington, Rev. F. M., A.K.C, Withypool, Minehead, Somersot. 1937 Evans, Miss Gertrude, High Street House, Sevenoaks. 1925 Evans, John H., The Refinery, Isle of Grain, Rochester. 1938 Evans Gordon, Miss C H., Prostons Cottage, Ightham, Sevenoaks. 1928 *Eve, Ceoil G. W., B.A., A.R.I.B.A., 16 Hanover Square, London, w.l. 1931 Eyre, Miss Barbara G., Leigh House, 52 Shornoliffe Road, Folkestone. 1932 Farish, Mrs. J., 42 London Lane, Bromley. 1938 Farmar, Major-General G. J., Millwood, Wrotham Heath. 1936 Fear, W. H., Oaklands, Kennington, Ashford. 1933 Fenner, A. H., A.O.P., F.R.H.S., M.R.S.T., Sohool House, Pembury,Tunbridge WeUs. 1932 Fielding, Mrs. d'Arcy, York House, 9 York Buildings, Adelphi, w.0.2. 1921 Filkins, E. W., A.R.I.B.A., The Thatched Cottage, Claphall, Gravesend. 1929 Finch, Rev. J. A., M.A.. The Vioarage, Marden. 1932 Finoham, Rev. H. C, The Mount, Duppas Hill Road, Croydon. 1934 Findlater, Lt.-Col. W. A. V., The Croft, Tenterden. 1937 Fisher, C. E., B.SO., The Museum, Maidstone. 1939 Fisher, P. M., Little Coppice, The Old Walk, Otford. 1934 Fleming, Owen, Toys Hill, Sevenoaks. 1923 Floor, C., Olav Kyrres Gate 7, Bergen, Norway. 1921 *Foot, F. J. G., Branksomo, 118 Shepherds Lane, Dartford. 1935 Foskett, B., Chateau Bolvoir, Sevenoaks. 1932 Fountain, Lady, Little Mote, Eynsford. 1936 Fox, Mrs. E. V. Pioroy, Westoroft, Keston Mark. 1931 Franks, Arthur, Spioklewood, nr. Seal, Sevenoaks. 1930 Franks, Mrs. Mary Rosamund, Loa Farm, Bramloy, Guildford. 1938 French, J. Hillier, St. MargarotB, 123 Tonbridge Road, Maidstone. 1933 Fright, Ceoil R., 58 Elmhurst Road, Reading. LIST OF MEMBERS. xxiii 1939 Fry, Maurice, Restlands Holt, Sharpthorne, East Grinstead, Sussex. 1938 FuUagar, A. E., Uplands, 15 Bower Mount Road, Maidstone. 1938 FuUagar, J. J. Kelsham, o/o Mrs. H. E. Blake, Kelsham, TattersaU Gardens, Leigh-on-Sea, Essex. 1928 Furley, Frank M., Crossways, Ethelbert Road, Canterbury. 1921 Fynmore, A. H. W., 119 High Street, Sandgate, Folkestone. 1926 Gale, G. A., 1924 Gale, Mrs., The Glebe, Sevenoaks. 1938 Galer, Rev. R. F., The Vioarage, St. Mary Cray. 1931 Gardiner, Mrs. T. G., Cogan House, 53 St. Peter Street, Canterbury. 1931 Garner, W. P., Sunnyside, 3 Glover Road, Willesborough, Ashford. 1940 Gatehouse, Mrs. M. M., 96 Winoheap, Canterbury. 1922 Geering, G. J., HiUy Cottage, Loose, Maidstone. 1909 Geering, Robert J., Barrow Hill, Ashford. 1921 GUbert, Charles B., Oakfield, Wimborne, Dorset. 1878 *Godfrey-Faussett, Brig.-Gen. Edmund G., C.B., C.M.G., F.S.A., Hadlow Down, near Uokfield, Sussex. 1880 Godfrey-Faussett-Osborne, H. B. G., Queendown Warren, near Sittingbourne. 1929 Godfrey-Faussett, Major P. G., Heppinge, Saltwood, Hythe. 1928 Godwin, F., Greystone Lodge, 47 Granville Road, Sevenoaks. 1924 Golding, A. J., Honorary Librarian, The Museum, Maidstone. 1936 Goodall, A. G., 7 Tudor Close, Winchester Road, Bromley, Kent. R1912 *Goodsall, R. H., F.R.I.B.A., Stede Court, Harrietsham. 1935 GostUng, Major B. W., House of Agnes, 71 St. Dunstans, Canterbury. 1922 Goulden, H. Gontran, Bourne's Corner, Patrixbourne, Canterbury. 1915 Gower, Sir Robert Vaughan, K.o.v.o., O.B.E., D.O.L., F.S.A., M.P., Sandown Court, Tunbridge Wells. 1926 Graham, Miss E. Dorothy, Old Bury Hall, Ightham, Sevenoaks. 1937 Graham, James, O.B.E., Heathside, Limpsfield, Surrey. 1929 Graham, Miss W. M., Old Bury Hall, Ightham, Sevenoaks. 1940 Granger, E. R., Movar, 210 Hastings Road, Bromley, Kent. 1926 Grant, T. F. W., F.R.I.B.A., 11 Buckingham Street, Adelphi, w.o.2. 1938 Grattan, Mrs. W. K. W., The Grange, High Halden. 1925 Green, Mrs. W. Curtis, Coldharbour, Northbourne, Deal. 1937 Groy, Mrs. Charles, Hocken Edge, Cranbrook. 1937 Grutter, Mrs. Eva, Ratsberry Cottage, Tenterden. 1936 Gurney-Smith, J. H., The Orchard, Borough Green, Sevenoaks. 1925 Hadenfeldt, R. A., Sutton Valence School, near Maidstone. 1937 Hadow, Lt.-Col. A. L., O.M.G., Kester, Kemsing, Sevenoaks. 1929 Haire, Rev. A. M., Linton Vicarage, Maidstone. 1896 Hale, Rev. J. R., M.A., The Vioarage, Yalding, Maidstone. 1941 Hale, Joseph, 134 Wheeler Street, Maidstone. 1918 Hall, Mrs. Charles H. E., Birohley, Biddenden. 1938 Harby, Mrs., Tor House, Castle Avenue, Dover. 1909 Hardoastle, Ven. Archdeaoon E. H., M.A., 1 Selbourne House, Chatham Plaoe, Brighton. 1933 Hardman, G. W., Greenways, Walmer. R.1924 Harrison, Sir Edward, Hon. General Secretary, Old Stones, Ightham, Sevenoaks. 1910 Harrisson, W. R., The Limes, Sandwioh. 1925 Hart, Edwin, F.S.A., 1 Christohuroh Gardens, Epsom, Surrey. 1925 Harvey, Marshall, 36 Station Street, Sittingbourne. 1922 Harwood, Miss M., Ringle Crouoh Farm, Sandhurst, Hawkhurst. 1901 ""Haslehust, Arthur C, Woodside, Marden. X x i v KENT ARCHAEOLOGICAL SOCIETY. 1936 Haslehust, Ernest W., R.I.R.B.A., H.W.A., 3 The Orchard, Blackheath, S.E.3. 1901 "Haslewood, H. D., 139 Temple Chambers, Temple Avenue, E.o.4. 1937 Haughton, Mrs. Janet, R.M.S., Friezley, Cranbrook. 1929 Hawley, Lady, Sussex Rise, Frant Road, Tunbridge WeUs. 1922 *Haynes, L. P., Ockham, Bodiam, Hawkhurst. 1918 Haynes, R. B., The Mill House, Loose, Maidstone. R1926 Headley, B. H., 69 Queen's Road, Ashford. • 1917 Headley, L. P., Swinford Old Manor, Ashford. 1932 Heather, B. A., Felgarth, Seven Wents, Seal, Sevenoaks. 1938 Heather, Mrs. D. A., Felgarth, Seven Wents, Seal, Sevenoaks. 1926 Hewitt, Engr.-Capt. J. B., R.N., Albercot, Freeland Road, Claoton-on-Sea. 1920 Hewitt, Mrs. Copley, The Friars, Aylesford, Maidstone. 1934 Heywood, Miss D. F., The Forge, Hamptons, Tonbridge. 1930 Hicks, Arthur Joseph, Seal Hollow, Sevenoaks. 1936 HiU, Rev. D. Ingram, 13 The Waldrons, Croydon. 1928 Hill, Thos. W., Hillsden, Madeira Avenue, Bromlev. 1908 Hills, Henry, Kings Mead, Matfield, Tunbridge Wells. 1935 Hills, Mrs. Emma M., 81 Queenborough Road, Sheerness. 1934 Hinds, Miss E. M., Orohard Cottage, Ham Street, Ashford, Kent. R1928 Hobday, S. R., O.B.E., F.R.S.A., 6 King's Bench WaUc, Temple, E.o.4. 1937 Hobson, B. D., Walders, 15 Vine Avenue, Sevenoaks. 1915 Hodsdon, G. C, Crook Lodge, Shepherd's Lane, Dartford. 1925 Hogg, A. H. A., The Pines, Tadworth, Surrey. 1921 Holden, Rev. Canon Hyla, M.A., The Vicarage, Folkestone. 1929 Home, Major Gordon, Foxbury, Hambledon, Surrey. 1935 Homer, Mrs. Jessie, Little Manor, Dingleden, Benenden. 1900 Homewood, E. J., 13 Harmer Street, Gravesend. 1878 Homewood, W. J., Weavers' Hall, 22 Basinghall Street, E.O.2. 1932 Hooper, Henry R., Stonegreen, Mersham, Ashford. 1922 Home, Dr. W. Jobson, M.A., M.D., B.O., Highlands, Mereworth£|Maidstone. 1935 Horsley, Mrs. Walter, Willesley, Cranbrook. 1938 Horton, Frank R., Bybrook House, Ashford. 1927 Hovenden, Maurice, Sunnyways, Vine Avenue, Sevenoaks. 1934 Howarth, Mrs. E. K., Down House, Downe, Kent. 1938 HoweU, Sir Evelyn B., K.C.I.E., O.S.I., Fouracre, Staplehurst. 1930 Hudson, E. R., 67 Riffel Road, Cricklewood, N.W.2. 1899 Hughes, C. G., Myrtle House, Canterbury Road, Sittingbourne. 1941 Hughes, Mrs. M. A., Ash Tree House, Loose Road, Maidstone. R1921 Huiburd, Percy, Nonnington Hall, Graffham, nr. Petworth, Sussex. 1930 Hunt, John, Poyle Manor, Colnbrook, Bucks. 1923 Hunter, E. Leslie, M.LN.A., The Old Vicarage, Shorne. 1927 Hutchings, N. G., 255 Southlands Road, Bromley. 1934 Hutchinson, A. L., Springfield, Maidstone. R1899 Igglesden, Sir C, F.S.A., Heathfield, Ashford. 1941 Irwine, Mrs. O. B., Hale, Horsmonden. 1920 Jaokson, Sir Hugh N., Bart., 1938 Jacob, Miss T. M., Lashenden, Biddenden, Cranbrook. 1930 Jaffray, Miss Mary H., The Bungalow, Queenborough. 1933 James, V. F., Mann's Farm House, Ash, Sevenoaks. 1938 Jelf, Sir Arthur S., O.M.G., The Priory, The Bayle, Folkestone. R1929 Jenkins, Rev. Prof. Claude, D.D., F.S.A., Christ Church, Oxford. 1939 Jenkins, Miss E. M., 76 Shepherd's Lane, Dartford. 1936 Jenkins, S. Payne, 40 Grosvenor Road, Tunbridge Wells. 1899 ""Jennings, 0. F. J,, Brackley House, Beokenham. 1892 Jennings, W. J., Kennington Hall, Ashford. LIST OE MEMBERS. XXV R1932 Jessup, Frank W., B.A., LL.B., Autumn Cottage, Holt Wood, Ditton, Maidstone. 1924 Jessup, Ronald F., F.S.A., Autumn Cottage, Holt Wood, Ditton, Maidstone. 1936 Johnston, Miss D. E., Hallhouse Farm, Appledore, Ashford. 1904 *Jones, Erio A. Goddard, 3 Talbot Place, Blackheath, s.E.3. R1933 Jones, R. F. Bavington, 185 Snargate Street, Dover. 1934 Keith-Luoas, Bryan, High Crouoh, Borough Green, Sevenoaks. 1923 Kemp, Peroy, Seasalter, Shepherds Lane, Dartford. 1931 Kemshead, F. H. R., B.SO., Mersea, 7 Pattens Lane, Chatham. 1927 Kennard, Jno. Wm., Belmore, Magazine Road, Ashford. 1932 Key, Rev. Fredk., The Reotory, Trottiscliffe, West MalUng. 1929 King, John A., Manor Farm, Curry Rivel, Taunton. 1936 Kingsley, Charles H., West Pavilion, Mereworth, Maidstone. 1939 Kirby, Miss C F. Meme, Heronry Cottage, Mayfleld, Sussex. 1900 *Kleinwort, H. G., Wierton Place, Boughton Monohelsea, Maidstone. 1923 Knight, Hugh D., Heath Cottages, Bessels Green, Sevenoaks. 1923 Knocker, Anthony ChVe, Oak End, Sevenoaks. R1908 Knooker, Capt. Herbort W., F.S.A., Rysted House, Westerham. 1939 Knooker, Mrs. S., Rysted House, Westerham. 1921 Knooker, John C, 2 GarUnge Road, Southborough, Tunbridge WeUs. 1928 Knott, S. J., 8 St. Alphege Road, Dover. 1932 Knowles, H. S., Kingscote, Offham, Kent. 1926 Knox, Ceoil W., 4 Hawksdown, Walmer. R1906 *Lambarde, Brig.-General Fane, O.M.G., D.S.O., F.S.A., Ledbury, Park Lane, Sevenoaks. 1922 Lambarde, Mrs., Ledbury, Park Lane, Sevenoaks. 1920 Lamplugh, Rev. Bertram, c/o The Vioarage, Malmesbury, Wilts. 1926 Landale, Capt. H. R., EweU Manor, West Farleigh, Maidstone. 1922 Lander, Mrs. G. Druce, 1926 Lang, R. T., j.p., F.R.G.S., 1 Whitton Terrace, Rothbury, Northumberland. 1931 Langhorne, Rev. E. H., 128 Selhurst Road .South Norwood, S.E.25. 1939 Layman, Miss A. M., 23B Ethelbert Road, Canterbury. 1939 Layman, Erio, 23B Ethelbert Road, Canterburv. 1938 Leaver, Miss E. Barbara, Arlesdene, Canterbury Road, Heme Bay. 1939 Le Messurier, A., The Snuggery, Maidstone Road, Chatham. 1934 Lemon, Mrs. Claude, Coursehorn, Cranbrook. 1938 Lennard, Miss E. P. H., Roughetts, Hildenborough. 1938 Leveson Gower, R. H. G., Titsey Place, Limpsfield, Surrey. 1938 *Levett, J. A., A.R.O.O., 3 St. Margaret's Street, Roohester. 1919 Lewin, Captain J. Edward, Rossall, Sandwioh. R1906 Little, A. G., D.LITT., F.B.A., Risborough, Sevenoaks. R1889 Livett, Rev. Canon Grevile M., B.A., F.S.A., Stoneleigh, Old Dover Road, Canterbury. 1937 Looket, Mrs. M. A. C, Shirrenden, Horsmonden. 1936 Lord, Mrs. D. C, Dil Khush, Smarden. 1909 Lovell, Mrs. Charles E., M.B.E., 21 Southwood Court, Hampstead Garden Suburb. N.w.ll. 1936 Lowe, Arthur S., Pett House, Stockbury, Sittingbourne. 1935 Lowe, Mrs. Violet P., Mountside, Church Hill, Caterham, Surrey. R1930 Loweth, Sidney Harold, F.R.I.B.A., F.R.S.A., Westways, Bearsted, Maidstone. 1903 Lubbock, Peroy, c/o Major C E. Pym, Foxwold, Brasted, Kent. 1931 Lucas, T. Geoffry, F.S.A., F.R.I.B.A., M.T.P.I., Soundings, Granville Road, Walmer. 1932 Luok, Col. B. J. M., O.M.G., D.S.O., The Hermitage, West Mailing. 1924 Lucy, Francis W., Langley Lodge, Sutton Valence, Maidstone. 1927 Lucy, Mrs. F. A., Perm Court, HoUingbourne, Maidstone. 1924 *Luxmoore, The Rt. Hon. Lord Justice, Bilsington Priory, nr. Ashford. XXVi KENT ARCHAEOLOGICAL SOCIETY. 1923 McClemens, J., M.B.E., 57 St. Helen's Park Road, Hastings, Sussex. 1929 Macdonald, Alec, M.A., 8 Lansdowne Crescent, Worcester. 1938 MoDougall, Mrs., Provender, Faversham. 1937 McDowall, E. D., The Castle House, Otford. 1933 MoGrath, Ernest H., 13 Kingswood Villas, Gillingham. 1938 Maclvor, D. T., Kilbaigie, 8 Old Road East, Gravesend. 1926 Mackean, Rev. Canon W. H., D.D., Oriel House, Roohester. 1938 Mackie, L. J. D., Mole Cottage, East MalUng. 1928 McMaster, Dr. Arthur B., St. Alban's Court, Nonington, Dover. 1936 Macmiohael, Lady, Nouds, Teynham, Sittingbourne. 1929 McMillan, Arnold, L.R.O.P., L.R.O.S., Edin., Ivy House, New Romney, Kent. 1925 Macmillan, Douglas, F.s.s., M.I.H., Walden, Knoll Road, Sidcup. 1938 Macnutt, Rev. Canon F. B., M.A., 14 The Precincts, Canterbury. 1936 Maddau, J. G., Aldon House, West Mailing. 1938 Maitland, Mrs. H. T., Caterways, Charing. 1936 Mallinson, Dr. F. M., HUlside. London Road, Sittingbourne. 1930 Mallmann, Mrs. Helene C, South Lodge, Ightham, Sevenoaks. 1919 "Man, Rev. Morice L., M.A., The Reotory, Chartham, Canterbury. 1934 Mann, Walter N., 1939 Marchant, Miss R., 24 Longmeads, RusthaU, Tunbridge Wells. 1931 Marriott, Mrs. A. M., Fir Cottage, Ightham, Sevenoaks. 1936 Marriott, H. B., The Old Vioarage, Egerton, Ashford. 1926 Marsh, Mrs. Walter, The Crossways, Cobham, Kent. 1934 Marshall, Mrs., 179 Old Dover Road, Canterbury. 1932 Marston, Sir Chas., F.S.A., 4 Camden Park, Tunbridge Wells. 1921 Martin, Alan R., F.S.A., 18 Kidbrooke Park Road, Blackheath, s.E.3. 1936 Martin, Archibald W., Barnjet, Stone Gap, Broadstairs. 1930 Martin, CyrU R., Sunnyside, Elwick Road, Ashford. 1936 Martin, Miss D. G., 1895 ""Martin, P. A. B., Chipstead, Sevenoaks. 1938 Mason, Mrs. E. M., Gwynant, Crofton Lane, Orpington. 1939 Mason, W. GlanviU, F.R.M.S., F.B.O.A., F.N.A.O., F.I.O., Bernvale, 27 Maidstone Road, Chatham. 1914 ""Masterman, Captain J. S., 14 Colemore Road, Bosoombe East, Hants. 1926 Masters, Mrs. Emma, 2 Bower Place, Maidstone. 1928 Matthews, F. C A., 21 New Road, Roohester. 1907 Maughan, 0. ColUngwood, Bromstone House, St. Peters, Broadstairs. 1934 Mavrogordato, Geo. M., Mariners, Westerham. 1928 Maxted, G. V., Rhondda, Barnet Lane, Elstree, Herts. 1929 May, Borton Lord, Yverdon, Hadlow Road, Sidoup. 1929 May, Mrs. Elizabeth R., Yverdon, Hadlow Road, Sidoup. 1921 "Meaden, J. Gilbert P., 70 Grove Park Terrace, Chiswiok, w.4. 1927 *Meads, W. Edward, 30 Buckhurst Road, Bexhill-on-Sea. 1931 Mee, Arthur, Eynsford HiU, Eynsford, Dartford. 1934 Mellor, Sir Gilbert, Ulcombe Place, Maidstone. 1934 Mellor, Lady, Ulcombe Place, Maidstone. 1928 Mercer, Miss 0. M. E., Woodcut Farm, HoUingbourne. 1916 Mercer, Gerald C, Woodlands, Harrietsham. 1931 Merriam, Alfred Brooks, 9 Lookout Avenue, Lawrence Park, BronxviUe, New York, U.S.A. 1928 Merriam, Sidney A., Seven Weston Road, Marblehead, Mass, U.S.A. 1935 Messenger, Paymaster-Commander A. W. B., R.N., L.R.I.B.A., Longfleld, Bidoford, Devon. 1938 Metoalf, Miss Edith L., GranviUe, Southborough, Tunbridge WeUs. 1933 Meynell, Henry, High Street, Tenterden. 1938 Midwinter, Rev. A. A., The Reotory, Tunstall, Sittingbourne. 1905 Miles, Martin, Netherfleld, 27 Scott's Lane, Shortlands, Bromley, 1921 Millais, Lady, Leaoon Hall, Warehorne, Ashford. LIST OE MEMBERS. xxvii 1936 Millen, Miss Mollie, Parkside, 6 Woodstock Road, Sittingbourne. 1938 Mills, Miss A. Dorothy, 14B The Precincts, Canterbury. 1932 Mills, Miss Mary 0. S., 14B The Precincts, Canterbury. 1933 Mitchell, Miss I . L., Longdene, Blackball Lane, Sevenoaks. 1934 Mitohell, Mrs. H. J., Tylers, Kippington, Sevenoaks. 1929 MitcheU, W., 1 Wayville Road, The Brent, Dartford. 1933 Monekton, G. W. R., 28a Cadogan Place, s.w. 1934 Moore, Milicent, Lady, Little Shepherds, Cranbrook. 1930 Morrison, Rev. W. D., D.D., St. Marylebone Reotory, 38 Devonshire Place, London, w.l. 1930 Morton, Capt. D. Hamill, B.A., B.A.I., Slieve Truim, Dymchurch. 1936 Morton, Major D. J. F., R.A., Earlylands, Crockham Hill, Edenbridge. 1938 Moulton-Barrett, Mrs. K. J., 1938 Mowbray, A. J. H., Little Tigh, Seal Chart, Sevenoaks. 1920 MowU, J. H., Chaldercot, Dover. 1922 Murray, Miss Barbara, 18 Viotoria Park Square, Bethnal Green, E.2. 1937 Murton, Mrs. A. H., Cranbrook Lodge, Cranbrook. 1926 Neame, Mrs. M. K. F., M.B.E., Alfred House, Canterbury Road, Preston, Faversham. 1933 Neame, Hon. Mrs. M. D., Syndale, Faversham. 1940 Neame, Thomas, Colkins, Faversham. 1936 Newton, John, Southover, Hawksdown, Upper Walmer. 1921 Nicholls, Sydney T., 49 Crown Road, Milton Regis, Sittingbourne. 1901 ""Nicholson, Herbert, Bidborough Hall, Bidborough, Tunbridge Wells. 1931 Nioolson, Hon. Mrs. Harold, Sissinghurst Castle, Cranbrook. 1928 Nisbett, Miss Joan, Borough Green House, Borough Green, Sevenoaks. 1930 Noble, Major W. J. W., Mayfleld, Kingswood Road, Shortlands, Bromley. 1932 Norman, A. C, The Rookery, Bromley Common, Kent. 1911 North, Lieut.-Colonel O. H., D.s.o., F.S.A., Clifford Hall, Yealand Conyers, Oarnforth, Lanos. 1934 Northbourne, Rt. Hon. Lord, Northbourne Court, Deal. 1930 Offord, Mrs. D. L., 1915 *Oke, A. W., F.S.A., 32 Denmark Villas, Hove, Sussex. 1919 Oliver, Dr. C Pye, O.M.G., The Gables, Tonbridge Road, Maidstone. 1934 O'Neil, B. H. St. J., F.S.A., 32 Blomfield Road, London, w.9. 1908 Orwin, Levi, BaUey HiU, Castle Cary, Somerset. 1906 Page, Lt.-Colonel S. H., O.M.G., Tancrey House, 28 Vale Square, Ramsgate. 1922 Page, Miss SibyUa, Tancrey House, 28 Vale Square, Ramsgate. 1928 Paine, Geo., Linden Lea, Ridgewaye, Southborough, Tunbridge Wells. 1935 Paine, Gordon Thomas, The Grange, Lydd. 1938 Palmer, George, 225 Maidstone Road, Rochester. 1935 Palmer, Miss Maud A., Glenfernate, Cranbrook. 1923 Pantin, WilUam A., 72 Shooters Hill Road, Blackheath, S.E.3. R1930 Pargeter, Arthur H., The Quest, Walmer. 1924 ""Parker, H. B., Oast Cottage, East Farleigh, Maidstone. 1939 Parrington, Hugh, Hurst House Sohool, Staplehurst. 1927 Parrott, Dr. H. Winnook, The White House, Cornwall Gardens, Cliftonville, Margate. 1927 Paterson, Mrs. E. V., B.M/K.M.2.V., London, w.o.l. 1939 Pattenden, Mrs. E. W., Elm Cottage, Ightham, Sevenoaks. 1939 Pattenden, Miss Pauline, Elm Cottage, Ightham, Sevenoaks. 1931 Payne, E. Spencer, 29 Chapel Place, Ramsgate. 1929 Pearoe, Bertram W., F.S.A., Sunnymead, Ash Road, Sandwich. R1939 Pearoe, Mrs. E. K. F., Ramsden, Benenden. XXViii KENT ARCHAEOLOGICAL SOCIETY. 1929 Pearson, Lady, HoUingbourne Manor, Maidstone. R1897 Perowne, E. S. M., F.S.A., 7 Great James Street, Bedford Row, w.o.l. 1936 Perry, Hugh J., Inglenook, Cannon Road, Ramsgate. 1897 PhiUips, Rev. E. E., M.A., 24 Cowper Road, Worthing. 1938 PhiUips, G. B., B.A., Arneke, Lancet Lane, Loose, Maidstone. 1932 Piesse, Mrs. Adelaide E., Mount Castle, Lenham. 1939 Pigrome, Osborne, 2 Grosvenor Road, Orpington. 1936 Pinching, Charles, 76 New Road, Gravesend. 1930 Piatt, CUfford L., Leeson's Corner, Chislehurst. R1940 Platts, W. L., County HaU, Maidstone. 1930 Plender, Rt. Hon. Lord, Ovenden, Sundridge, Sevenoaks. 1922 Podmore, Mrs. B. M., Moatlands, Paddock Wood. 1934 Pomeroy, Miss F. A., 110 Pembury Road, Tonbridge. R1936 Ponton, Desmond T. A., Lanoastria, Danaway, Sittingbourne. 1926 Porter, Mrs. M. Herdman, Marley House, Ashford Road, Faversham. 1915 Potts, Rev. Canon R. U., M.A., F.S.A., St. Martin's House, Canterbury. R1941 PoweU-Cotton, Christopher, Quex Park, Bkchington. 1938 Pyddoke, Edward, Bonnyrigg, Bourne Lane, Tonbridge. 1918 Pyner, H. du Thoit, Puerto Victoria, Alto Parana, Misiones, Argentina. 1914 Pyper, Rev. R. B., M.A., The WiUows, Biddenden, Cranbrook. 1912 Quaritoh, Ltd., B., 11 Grafton Street, New Bond Street, w.l. 1931 Radnor, The Right Hon. The Earl of, c/o Smith-WooUey & Co., Manor Office, Folkestone. 1937 ""Ralph", F. H. M., Beaulieu, 48 Bouverie Road West, Folkestone. 1927 Rathbone, Mrs. Kate, Hegg Hill Farm, Smarden, Ashford. 1905 Raven, Roger Abbot, M.A., F.S.A., Westwood, Betteshanger, Eastry. 1919 Ray, John E., F.R.HIST.S., HoUingside, 9 Stanley Road, Hastings. 1939 Ray, Miss T., 24 Longmeads, Rusthall, Tunbridge Wells. 1935 *Rea, Alec L., Gore Court, Otham, Maidstone. 1938 Reeks, Miss M. M. LiUan, l ie The Precincts, Canterbury. 1926 Rendel, W. V., Shirley Moor, Woodchurch, Ashford. 1923 Rice, Henry E. H., North Court, Eastry. 1918 Richards, Rev. Stanley, M.A., St. Philip's Vicarage, Maidstone. 1939 Richards, Miss S. E. S., Yew Trees, 22 HiUydeal Road, GreenhUl, Otford, Kent. 1919 Richardson, C. W., Redcroft, St. Mary's, New Romney, Kent. R1908 ""Richardson, E. P. Boys, Dava, Arkley, Barnet, Herts. 1937 Richardson, Miss Grace L., Ivy House, St. Mary's, New Romney, Kent. 1929 Richardson, Capt. W. Wigham, 4 Calverley Park, Tunbridge WeUs. 1929 Richardson, Mrs. Wigham, 4 Calverley Park, Tunbridge WeUs. 1912 ""Rickards, Arthur W., Woodside, Peasmarsh, Sussex. 1938 Rideout, Miss E. M., The Glebe House, Pembury. 1938 Ridout, T. F., 5 William Street, Heme Bay. 1936 Robathan, Major P. E., Yellowbois, Cranbrook. 1922 Roberson, S. A., The Gables, Upper St. Anne's Road, Faversham. 1935 Roberts, Charles J., 8a Cheriton Gardens, Folkestone. 1940 ""Rochester, Rt. Rev. the Lord Bishop of, O.B.E., M.C, D.D., Bishopscourt, Roohester. 1938 Roohester, Rt. Rev. Ernest M. Blaokie, D.D., Dean of, The Deanery, Roohester. 1933 Roohester, Ven. W. M. Browne, Arohdeaoon of, The Arohdeaoonry, Rochester. 1912 ""Rogers, Col. J. M., D.s.o., Riverhill, near Sevenoaks. 1923 Rogers, Rev. Stephen F. H., 41 Wear Bay Crescent, Folkestone. 1928 Rolfe, J. T. T., Forehoe, Upper St. Ann's Road, Faversham. 1941 Rolph, Rev. Canon H., The Vioarage, Ryarsh, West Mailing. 1933 Romer, The Right Hon, Lord Justice, 43 Hyde Park Gate, s.w.7. LIST OF MEMBERS. xxix 1923 Ronald, R. D., The Glen, Linden Chase, Sevenoaks. 1927 Roper-Lumley-HoUand, Mrs., 1926 Roper, Edward E., Gailes, Coldharbour Lane, Hildenborough, Tonbridge. 1929 Roper, Miss Anne, The Red House, Littlestone, New Romney, Kent. 1938 Rose, Frank, Worth Court, Sandwich. 1936 Rose, Mrs. M. C, Cobhambury, Cobham, Gravesend. 1930 Sackville, Rt. Hon. Lord, K.B.E., O.B., O.M.G., Knole, Sevenoaks. 1926 Salmon, J., St. Botolph's, St. Botolph's Road, Sevenoaks. 1933 Samson, Miss K. B., 13 Albion Place, Maidstone. 1923 Sandford, H. A., M.A., F.G.S., The Woodlands, Sundridge Avenue, Bromley, Kent. 1920 Sankey, Rev. E. Tritton, M.A., 2 Castlo Street, Canterbury. 1924 Sawer, Miss M. E„ 13 Albion Place, Maidstone. 1929 Scott, Major F. Douglas, Society du Behera, P.O.B.928 Alexandria, Egypt. 1933 Soott, F. Roy A., 164 Roohester Street, Chatham. 1938 Soott, W. L., New Hough, HiUfoot Road, Hunts' Cross, Woolton, Liverpool. 1927 Soudder, Miss E. M., 8 Ringlestone Crescent, Maidstone. 1926 Searle, Miss E. F., Cokehurst, East Farleieh, Maidstone. R1924 Seoretan, Spencer D., Swaynes, Rudgwiok, Horsham, Sussex. 1929 Sefton-Jones, Mrs. M., Hampton Court Palace, Middlesex. B1907 Selby, Mrs. Elizabeth, Beaugill, Lynsted, Sittingbourne. 1921 Seymour, Ernest F., Eversley, Crescent Road, Sidoup. 1938 Sharp, Miss Muriel M., Warwickshire House, Gower Street, London, W.o.l. 1937 Sharp, William, Marley, Kingston, Canterbury. 1938 Shirley, Rev. Canon F. J., M.A., PH.D., Precincts 15, Canterbury. 1936 Siddall, J. L., Running Waters, New Romney, Kent. 1941 SUva, J. W., Spinner's Wood, Fawke Common, Sevenoaks. 1906 Simpson, David Chisholm, Iona, 19 Wendover Road, Bromley. 1938 Skinner, Miss Jessie, Bleak House, Leeds, Maidstone. 1894 ""Smetham, Henry, 78 Goddington Road, Strood, Rochester. 1920 Smith, Arthur, 68 Preston Street, Faversham. 1928 Smith, E. P., Rysings, Stone, Ashford. 1896 Smith, W. P. Haskett, M.A., F.S.A., 34 Russell Road, Holland Park, w.14. 1938 Smith-Marriott, Mrs. E. L., Broadford House, Horsmonden, Paddock Wood. 1929 Solly, Miss Dorothea H., Pound HiU, Frittenden, Staplehurst. 1939 Solomon, Mrs. Arthur E., Nine Chimneys, ChaUock Leas. 1912 ""Southoy, Ronald, Bishops, Otham, Maidstone. 1939 Sprules, Miss G. LiUan, 27 New Road, Rochester. 1938 Stagg, Commander F. N., R.N., Brackenwood, Ivy Hatch, Sevenoaks. 1910 ""Standen, Hugh Wyatt, A.M.I.O.E., Westways, Granville Road, Sevenoaks. 1911 Stanhope, The Right Hon. The Earl, E.G., D.S.O., M.C, D.L., Chevening, Sevenoaks. 1920 Staple, Rev. R., M.A., M.B.E., The Vicarage, Harrietsham, Maidstone. 1922 Steadman, W. H., Northfleet Lodge, Margate Road, Heme Bay. 1926 Stebbing, W. P. D., F.S.A., F.G.S. (Hon. Editor), The Brambles, Manor Avenue, Deal. 1939 Stevens, Con. A. L., Wimbledon Stadium, s.w.19. R1900 ""Stevens, Miss E. J., The Parsonage, Cobham, Gravesend. 1926 Stevens, W. Cleveland, K.C, Winchet HaU, Goudhurst. 1929 Stokes, Capt. AUok, R.N., &1893 Stokes, C (Hon. Treasurer and Financial Secretary), New Hall, Dymchurch. 1932 Stone, Richard C, Broad Street, Sutton Valence. 1939 Stonebridge, J. B., at Old HaU, Sundridge, Sevenoaks. XXX KENT ARCHAEOLOGICAL SOCIETY. 1926 Storrs, William T., M.R.O.S., L.R.O.P., The Storthing, Lewes. 1925 Straohan, W., High Street, Ash, Canterbury. 1934 Stratton, B. M., Hope Farm, Ightham, Sevenoaks. 1927 Strickland, R. W., Hemmings Bank, Ightham, Sevenoaks. 1935 Strouts, E. A., Bishopsdale, Biddenden, Ashford. 1930 Stuart, Miss R. E. P., PH.D., 29 Westbourne Gardens, Folkestone. 1922 Stutely, E. Holden, 1 Tower Lane, Rye, Sussex. 1930 Swan, K. R., 13 HoUand Park, w . l l. R1933 Swithinbank, B. W., Redcroft, Loose, Maidstone. 1930 Sydal, Wm. Edwd., Crantock, Serpentine Road, Sevenoaks. 1927 Tallents, Lady, St. John's Jerusalem, Sutton-at-Hone. 1936 Tatham, Mrs. H. L., 1939 TattersaU, G. K., R1909 Taylor, A. H., Winton, 27 Nunnery Road, Canterbury. 1938 Taylor, Mrs. A. H., Yew Tree Cottage, Ightham, Sevenoaks. 1918 Taylor, C S. J., The Banks, St. Peter's, Thanet. 1923 Taylor, Rev. D. A., B.D.. All Souls' Vioarage, Cheriton, Folkestone. 1936 Taylor, John, Aylton, 62 Park Avenue, Sittingbourne. 1934 Taylor, Miss S. May, Medomsley, Sidcup. 1919 ""Taylor, W. E., White House, Donington, Spalding, Lines. R1923 Teiohman DerviUe, Major Max, O.B.E., D.L., M.A., F.S.A., The Red House, Littlestone, New Romney, Kent. 1910 Thomas, Carmichael, Mount Cottage, Borough Green, Sevenoaks. 1940 Thomas, Charles, Domus S. Benedioti, 3 St. Michael's Road, Maidstone. 1936 Thompson, Mrs. L. G., Blacklands, East Mailing. 1936 Thompson, Piers Gilchrist, 14 Dartford Road, Sevenoaks. 1937 Thompson, Miss V. G., Combe Convalescent Home, Sundridge. 1934 Thome, Rev. Canon H. W., The Rectory, Leyboume, West Mailing. 1937 Thome, J. 0., 36 North Drive, Orpington. 1938 Tiffin, A. W., Park Farm, Collier's Green, Cranbrook. 1937 Titley, Miss D. K., Brattle Farm, Staplehurst. R1918 ""Toke, Leslie A., Bucksford, Great Chart, Ashford. 1903 Toke, N. E., Flat 3, 156 Sandgate Road, Folkestone. 1934 Toke, Lieut.-Col. R. T., Cranehurst, Cranbrook. 1936 Tomlinson, Major F. W., F.S.A., AU Saints' Court, Canterbury. R1937 Tomlyn, Leonard, 1617 South 33rd Street, Omaha, Nebraska, U.S.A. 1937 Tomsett, W., 15 Earls Avenue, WiUesborough, Ashford. 1938 Tookey, G. W., 60 Wiokham Road, Beckenham. 1921 Torr, V. J. B., 12 Avonmore Road, Kensington, w.14. 1939 Tower, Miss Winifred, Memories, Ash, Canterbury. 1935 Towler, Frank, M.A., 35 Felstead Road, Orpington. 1928 Tremills, Rev. R. Vincent, Vicarage, Charing Heath, Ashford. 1928 Trimnell, L. 0. B., Woodside, Pear Tree Lane, Shorne, Gravesend. 1919 Tristram, T. C, St. Margaret's, South Darenth, Dartford. 1922 Tristram, Mrs. T. C, St. Margaret's, South Darenth, Dartford. 1938 Tritton, A. R., Godmersham Park, Canterbury. 1938 Tritton, Mrs. Robert, Godmersham Park, Canterbury. 1919 Tufton, The Hon. Mrs. SackviUe, Aylets, Barham, Canterbury. 1938 Turner, E. W., M.A., Heme Bay CoUege, Heme Bay. 1939 Turner, F. H., Castle HU1 House, Brenchley. R1919 Tyler, Frank W., F.S.A., 129 Whitstable Road, Canterbury. 1924 Underhill, Rev. Thomas, Christchurch Vioarage, Erith. 1938 Urry, W. G., B.A., 2 Vernon Place, Canterbury. R.1925 Usborne, Major T. M., Berry House, Chilham, Canterbury. 1939 Usherwood, J. F., Oakdene, Speldhurst, Tunbridge Wells. 1929 Uthwatfc, Lady, The Haven, Sandwioh. LIST OF MEMBERS. xxxi 1914 VaoheU, I. N. T., 10 Wttlow Road, Hampstead, N.w.3. 1883 VaUance, W.H. Aymer, M.A., F.S.A., c/o Westminster Bank, 239 Brompton Road, London, S.W.3. 1926 VaUance, Mrs. Aymer, o/o Westminster Bank, 239 Brompton Road, London, S.W.3. 1930 Valon, Mrs. E., 14 Molyneux Park, Tunbridge Wells. 1925 Vidler, L. A., The Old Stone House, Rye, Sussex. 1909 Vinten, Harold Bertram, Elmside, The Elms, Ramsgate. 1918 Waoher, Harold, B.A., M.D.(CAMB.), F.S.A., Eddingtou House, Canterbury. 1903 Walford, Arthur J., 69 Southampton Row, w.o.l. 1935 Walker, Rev. A. J., The Rectory, Staplehurst. 1932 Walkling, L. E., Blacklands, 22 King Edward Road, Maidstone. 1911 Wallis, F. E., Hillside, London Road, Maidstone. 1927 Ward, Gordon, M.D., F.S.A., 7 Pembroke Road, Sevenoaks. 1929 Warry, W. J., B.A., Amberley, Paokhorse Road, Bessels Green, Sevenoaks. 1920 Watson, John, Lancet House, Lancet Road, Loose, Maidstone. 1935 Watts, Edgar C, ] 939 Watts, Miss Irene E. S., 7 Pembroke Road, Sevenoaks. 1937 Watts, LesUe H., Top Meadow, HiU Top, Sandhurst, Kent. 1941 Wayland, Sir WiUiam A., F.S.A., Hempton Lodge, Monks Horton, SeUindge, Ashford, Kent. 1918 Welby, C W., Thwaytes, Sunnyside, Heme Bay. 1930 WeUs, A. G., o/o Miss A. Carter, 18 The Friars, Canterbury. 1899 ""Wells, E. E., 10 Brodrick Road, Wandsworth Common, s.w.17. 1912 Wheatley, Rev. Canon S. W., M.A., F.S.A., St. Margaret's Vicarage, Rochester. R1902 Wheler, Major George B. H , M.C, Otterden Place, Faversham. 1936 White, Mrs. M. L., 10 East Cross, Tenterden. 1935 White-Thomson, Rev. Ian H., Lambeth Palace, S.E.I. 1923 Whiting, Amos H., Thoabm, Brogdale Road, Faversham. 1939 Wigan, Miss E. J., Luddesdown, Gravesend. 1895 ""Wigan, Rev. P. F., M.A., Puckrup Hall, Tewkesbury. 1891 Wigan, Rev. S. R., M.A., Slip Mill House, Hawkhurst. 1909 Wilkin, Henry E., Adelphi Hotel, 127 Cromwell Road, s.w.7. 1929 Wilkinson, Rev. J. W., M.A., 2 Essenden Road, Belvedere. 1922 Williamson, Mrs. C E., Drayton House, St. Stephen's Road, Canterbury. 1894 Williamson, J. J., Hawks Hill House, Walmer. 1934 Williamson, Silas, Riversleigh, London Road, Canterbury. 1930 WUson, Guthlac, c/o National Provincial Bank, Ltd., 10 Marylebone High Street, W.l. 1941 Wilson, Miss K. U., HiUcroft, 7 Granvffle Road, Sevenoaks. 1923 Wilson, Rev. S. Gordon, F.R.HIST.S., A.K.C, F.S.A.SOOT, The Vicarage, Blean, near Canterbury. 1941 Wilson, Miss T. C, HiUcroft, 7 GranviUe Road, Sevenoaks. 1928 WUson, Sydney, Fairview, 1 Stone Street, Faversham. 1931 WinmiU, Chas. C, F.R.I.B.A., 1 Minor Canon Row, Roohester. 1934 Winstanley, Miss Ethel, The Croft, Detling, Maidstone. 1932 Wix, Ernest H., Mall House, Faversham." 1906 ""Wollaston, Sir Gerald Woods, G.O.B., K.o.v.o., F.S.A., Garter Principal King of Arms, College of Arms, Queen Viotoria Street, E.o.4. 1934 Wood, Miss Dorothy, Copt Hall, Ightham, Sevenoaks. 1936 Wood, Mrs. M. E., Corner House, TunstaU, Sittingbourne. 1934 Wood, Miss Olive M., Copt Hall, Ightham, Sevenoaks. 1941 Wood, Major R., Corner House, TunstaU Road, Sittingbourne. 1926 Wood, W. F., Chekes Court, Tonge, Sittingbourne. 1911 Woodall, H., Yotes Court, Mereworth, Maidstone. R.1932 Woodgate, G. M. G., F.S.A., Leverington House, Wisbech, Cambridge. XXXii KENT ARCHAEOLOGICAL SOOIETY. R1878 ""Woodruff, Rev. C Eveleigh, M.A., St. Laurence Gate, 140 Old Dove Road, Canterbury. 1910 Woodruff, Rev. J. E., B.A.. The Oratory, Brompton Road, s.w.7. 1929 Woodrufi, J. Winthrop, 28 Oakwood Avenue, Beckenham. 1900 ""WooUev, Rev. Charles Boyle, The Rectory, Church Lenoh, Evesham. 1921 Worsfold, F. H., 107 High Street, Sittingbourne. 1939 Wyburd, Leonard, Grigsby Farm, Smarden. 1939 Wyburd, Mrs. Leonard, Grigsby Farm, Smarden. 1937 Yorke, Brigadier-General R. M., Summerhill, Tenterden. ANNUAL REPORT AND ACCOUNTS FOR THE YEAR 1940. ^kc rctolojjral Jlxrrietg REPORT FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31ST DECEMBER, 1940. THE Council present to members their eighty-second Report and the relevant Accounts covering a year during which the activities of the Society have been greatly restricted by war conditions. MEMBERSHIP. The following figures show the position as regards membership : December December Honorary Members Affiliated Societies Other Societies and Institutions Life Members Ordinary Members Total Members Societies in Union 1939. 4 9 72 65 793 1940 4 7 73 65 728 943 37 877 36 The decrease in membership since the outbreak of war exceeds 100, and though not unexpected is disappointing. The Council repeat their appeal to members to continue their support of the Society, which cannot function without the financial backing given by their contributions. CHANGES. The Council record with regret the death of Major P. H. G. Powell-Cotton, who had been a member of the Society for nearly forty years, and had served on their body for twenty-five years. Major Powell-Cotton's vacancy on the Council has been filled by the election of Mr. Frank W. Jessup, B.A., LL.B. xxxvi REPORT, 1940. Another loss by death is that of Mr. F. C. AUwork, F.C.A., one of the honorary Auditors of the Society. Shortly after the close of the year under review the deaths occurred of Viscount Wakefield and Mr. Arthur Hussey, Vice- Presidents of the Society. Lord Wakefield became a life member in 1936. To Mr. Hussey, also a life member, who joined the Society fifty years ago, a special tribute is due for his long-continued, accurate and painstaking work in connection with Kent Records. This Report had reached an advanced state of preparation when, early in March 1941, the Council learned of the death of Mr. Walter Ruck, the Hon. Librarian of the Society for some fourteen years. Mr. Ruck avoided the limelight, but worked quietly and unobtrusively in arranging and cataloguing the Society's books, prints, photographs and other possessions, whilst his wide knowledge of the contents of the Library was always at the disposal of members seeking information. The death of Mr. Ruck and the temporary loss of the services of the Society's Curator, Mr. C. E. Fisher, who is serving in the Royal Navy, necessarily limit the facilities that can at present be given to callers at the Society's room at Maidstone Museum. Mr. A. J. Golding, the Librarian and Curator of the Museum, has, however, very generously offered to attend to pressing matters, as far as practicable, until the war is over, an offer which the Council have gratefully accepted. ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING. The Annual General Meeting was held on May 23rd, at Maidstone Museum, by courtesy of the Museum Committee. The President was in the chair, and about thirty members attended the business meeting. After the Minutes had been confirmed the Chairman made a comprehensive review of the Annual Report. He spoke with regret of the deaths of Lord Brabourne, Dr. Charles Cotton and Mr. H. W. Plumptre. He drew attention to the decline in membership and urged all present to make an effort to obtain new members. He informed the meeting of the transfer to the custody of the Kent County Council at Maidstone of the Deeds, Court Rolls, and other documents held by the Records Branch at Canterbury. He explamed the position of the General Index, referred to the report on the excavations on Oldbury Hill, and announced that it was proposed to postpone further consideration of the question of the disposal of the gold armillw until REPORT, 1940. xxxvii after the close of the war. He informed members of the re-hanging of the Twisden portraits in Bradbourne House after the completion of alterations, and of the arrangements in progress for enabling them to see the pictures when circumstances allow. He added that a descriptive catalogue of the portraits was in preparation for pubhcation at an opportune time in Archcvologia Cantiana. After Mr. Stokes had dealt with questions arising in the Accounts, the Report and Accounts were unanimously adopted. Sir Gerald Woods Wollaston, Rev. Canon R. U. Potts, Rev. Canon S. W. Wheatley, Dr. Gordon Ward and Mr. H. R. Pratt Boorman were re-elected members of the Council. The vacancy caused by the death of Dr. Cotton was filled by the election of the Rev. Canon J. M. C. Crum. The Hon. Auditors were heartily thanked for their services and re-elected. The admission of two new members was ratified. Votes of thanks to the Corporation of Maidstone for granting facilities for the meeting, to Mr. Richard Cooke for providing tea, and to the officers of the Society for their services, ended the morning meeting. Some forty members and their friends assembled after lunch. Dr. Gordon Ward gave an address on Horse-shoes from the Iron Age to the Present Day, illustrated by an exhibit in an adjoining room, and Mr. Elliston Erwood followed with a lantern lecture on Recent Discoveries at Lesnes Abbey, Erith. Both lecturers showed a complete mastery of their respective subjects and their addresses were greatly enjoyed. They received the hearty thanks of the meeting. CotrNOXL. The Council met only once during the year, namely in April, when the business for the Annual General Meeting was considered and passed and other current matters were disposed of. LIBRARY AND COLLECTION. Gifts to the Library and Collection include the Place Names of Nottinghamshire (Eng. P.N. Society, Vol. XVII), donor, Mr. B. W. Swithinbank ; a paper by Captain J. B. Ward Perkins, F.S.A., on Two early Linch-pins, from King's Langley, Herts, and from Tiddington, Stratford-on-Avon (given by the Author); a paper on The Medieval Painted Glass of Teynham, by Mr. C. R. Councer (given by the Author); a parcel of over fifty deeds relating toxxxviii REPORT, 1940. properties in Kent, donor, Sir Thomas C. Colyer Fergusson, Bart.; a further gift by Mr. N. E. Toke of photographic Heraldic Rubbings of Ledger Stones ; a number of Brass rubbings from Kent churches, donor, Miss E. A. Powell; three note-books of the late Canon Scott Robertson, donor, Canon S. W. Wheatley ; and a photograph of the remains of the Roman villa at Darenth, donor, Mr. James Barber. Members will be interested to learn that the late Hon. Librarian, Mr. Walter Ruck, had completed the compilation of an index to some 1,200 prints, engravings and sketches of places of interest in the County in the possession of the Society. ACCOUNTS. The Accounts show an excess of expenditure over income of £281 odd. This result, at first sight startling, is due to the inclusion among the payments of the cost of printing the General Index to Volumes XX to XLV of Archceologia Cantiana, a non-recurrent charge for which provision had largely been made by accumulated surpluses of past years. Apart from the cost of the Index, the expenditure has been made to conform to the available income by limiting the size of the annual volume, as mentioned in the next following paragraph. Arrears of subscriptions are abnormally high, as will be seen from the Accounts. AROHJLOLOGIA CANTIANA. Volume LIII of Archa-ologia Cantiana was issued recently. Owing to the increased cost of paper and printing and the need to conserve the Society's resources, it is less bulky than usual. The Council aim at the production of an annual volume even under the stress of present conditions and they hope that members will approve this policy. The General Index to Volumes XX to XLV has been issued to all members who paid the subscription for 1939 and also expressed a wish to have a copy. Its production was attended with many obstacles and much unavoidable delay, and the Council do not doubt that its appearance was generally appreciated. Donations to the Illustrations Fund totalled £2 3s. 6d., compared with £28 18s. lid. in 1939. Additional contributions to this useful fund will be welcomed. RECORDS BRANCH. The activities of the Records Branch have been curtailed by war conditions. The second part of Kent Feet of Fines was, REPORT, 1940. xxxix however, issued during the year. As announced at the Annual General Meeting, the Deeds, Court Rolls and other documents collected by the Branch have been transferred from Canterbury to the permanent custody of the Kent County Council at the Sessions House, Maidstone, where they may be seen on application. PLACE NAMES. There is no progress to be reported for 1940. EXCURSIONS. No excursions were held during the year. REPORTS OE LOCAL SECRETARIES. Mr. F. C. Elliston Erwood has transmitted the following combined Report by himself as Local Secretary for Blackheath and the Secretary of the Woolwich Antiquarian Society : "Activity during the past twelve months has been practically at a standstill. No meetings have been possible and no publications have been issued, though the third part of the History of Plumstead is ready for printing when circumstances permit. No discoveries of any importance have been notified. " The work by the London County Council at Lesnes Abbey, Erith, under the supervision of the Local Secretary for Blackheath, was continued, though slowly, during the year, but no fresh excavation was attempted; all available labour being devoted to preserving and consolidating details already uncovered and to laying out the site. This work has now stopped and will not be resumed till after the termination of hostilities, but the exposed walls are now well able to withstand the rigours of winter. The whole of the Church, the Cloister, the Refectory and the Western Ranges are now visible. " The Eastern Range, comprising the Chapter House, Dormitory, Rere-Dorter, and the Infirmary must thus await examination. It is possible that the Gatehouse (or one of them) has been revealed by trenches dug by Air Force personnel occupying part of the site, but this, too, must await future confirmation. On Sunday afternoons throughout the summer the Local Secretary gave short lecture-tours of the remains to large audiences, and the interest aroused will, it is hoped, remain and keep alive some enthusiasm for antiquities after the war." Mrs. Selby, in drawing attention to the finding, early in 1940, of a crock of gold nobles, half-nobles, and quarter-nobles, 120 xl REPORT, 1940. coins in all, at Chantry Cottages, Bredgar, which was reported in the London and local papers, points out that the cottages were the cells occupied by the Chaplains of Bredgar Chantry and College (see Kent Records, Vol. XII; Kent Chantries, by Arthur Hussey, Part I, 21). She also mentioned the discovery of a large and deep hole at Fox Hill, Bapchild, which is supposed to be a dene hole, but is not known to have been the subject of expert examination. It is understood that the hole was to be filled up. In reporting damage to Lynsted Church by enemy action, Mrs. Selby states that the monuments are practically uninjured, but closer examination is to be made after the roof has been restored. An appeal for £1,000 has been made and donations will be welcomed. The Hon. Treasurer is Mrs. Belinda Dixon, Cambridge, Teynham, Kent. Mr. A. J. Philip, on behalf of the Gravesend Society, reports that in a field near Marling's Cross, in Gravesend borough, two or three holes have appeared. A preliminary examination has not definitely established their use, and they present certain novel features which it is hoped to examine further as soon as local conditions allow. The Society has made a grant for superficial survey and the removal of fallen earth. Bombs dropped at Northfleet opened up some old workings but they were filled in and ploughed over before they could be properly examined. AFFILIATED SOCIETIES. Mrs. Gardiner has reported on the activities of the Canterbury Archseological Society: " The winter programme, 1939-40, included lectures on Bristol, Prehistoric Beasts, Sarre and the Wantsum Channel, Roman Canterbury, Prior Henry of Eastry, and William Somner. The Society is fortunate in having a group of younger archaeologists who have strengthened its enthusiasms, and among them, Mr. Webster, who, by spade and pen, is enlarging our knowledge of Roman times in Canterbury, and Mr. R. A. L. Smith, whose learned researches are casting a flood of light on the Economic History of the Priory. Mr. Urry's work on the Kentish aspect of Foxe's Book of Martyrs has been temporarily set aside for war-service. Mrs. Gardiner's lecture on the history of Cogan House (' Colon's Hospital'), which covers seven centuries, will, it is intended, be published when circumstances are more favourable. REPORT, 1940. xii " The Summer programme, 1940, promised equally well; but only two excursions had taken place when transport restrictions compelled its abandonment. The Society, however, visited Chillenden Chambers, under the Hon. Secretary's guidance, and the Walpole Collection under that of Miss Leaver (the curator). They also spent a delightful afternoon at Stodmarsh Church and Court, and inspected Elbridge House, a little known example of a fifteenth century farmhouse, connected with the Bigge family, contemporary owners of Cokin's house. " It is not yet the moment to assess war-damage on the ancient buildings of Canterbury. Groups of air-raid shelters occupy many well-known sites, the Butter Market, the vacant sites of St. Mary Bredman, and All Saints' Church, a corner of Holy Cross Churchyard, the City Ditch in Broad Street, and so forth, but these are only temporary intruders. " The Society has undertaken responsibility for a Photographic Survey of buildings architecturally interesting, and of various periods. This is well advanced and will, it is hoped, be supplemented by drawings of detail made by students of the School of Art under the guidance of the Principal and members of his staff. The aim of the Survey is to make a permanent record of Canterbury during the World War. The subjects chosen are principally buildings less well known than the Cathedral and certam historic houses and inns ; possessing a value of their own, but seldom or never reproduced. The Survey is sponsored by the Committee of the Royal Museum, and it is hoped eventually to place the records on exhibition. " The death of an octogenarian member, Mrs. Brewster, must be recorded. She had spent her whole life in the city and her lively memories of its past gave delight to the Society at a ' Symposium ' described in their last report. She rarely missed a meeting, summer or winter, and she was bidden farewell with deep regret." Mrs. Martin Hardie has forwarded the Report of the Tonbridge Antiquarian Society for the year 1939 (issued in 1940), showing sustained interest in the excursions, and in a lecture by Mr. Martin Hardie. These activities took place before the outbreak of war. GENERAL. The Council invite the sympathetic attention of members of the Society to a leaflet circulated recently by the Central Council for the Care of Churches, asking for help in making detailed xlii REPORT, 1940. photbgraphic records of all churches, which are liable to suffer damage by enemy action. Although the request of the Central Council relates only to churches, records (whether photographs or plans, sections, sketches and the like) of other historic buildings and ancient monuments, if made now and preserved for future reference, might also prove of great interest and permanent value. Under the chairmanship of the Master of the Rolls and with the help and approval of the Ministry of Works and Buildings, the Council of the National Buildings Record (66 Portland Place, London, W.l) is co-ordinating the work of recording buildings of historic and architectural interest throughout the country. Before the war a committee of the Kent Archseological Society was exploring the kindred question of scheduling the ancient buildings and sites of antiquities in Kent, but the outbreak of hostilities has prevented substantial progress from being made. The question has now assumed more importance and greater urgency, and apart from the photographic records mentioned in the preceding paragraph, members of the Society are urged to send as soon as possible, to the Hon. General Secretary (Sir Edward Harrison) lists of all buildings of historic and architectural interest in their own localities, with brief descriptions of the properties and their precise situations ; and distinguishing any that have suffered from damage by enemy action. The information so collected will be passed on to the Council of the National Buildings Record. An Appeal by the Master of the Rolls, as President of the British Records Association, has recently been addressed to Solicitors asking for their help in securing the preservation of records of historical interest when clearances of papers from their offices are contemplated. Experts such as members of County Archseological Societies are being asked to place their services, gratuitously, at the disposal of solicitors, as opportunity offers, in order to undertake the task of selection. Captain H. W. Knocker, F.S.A., of Rysted House, Westerham, Kent, a member of the Council of the Kent Archseological Society, and an Hon. Receiver of Records for Kent, is organizing the work in the County, and any competent members of the Society, who are willing to visit, by arrangement, solicitors' offices in the vicinity of their homes or offices for the purpose of selection of papers are invited to put themselves into communication with him. REPORT, 1940. xliii The Society of Antiquaries are preparing a new edition of Papworth's Ordinary of Arms and appeal to members of archseological societies and others to help by drawing up schedules of heraldic material in or relating to their own districts, and by organizing local expert knowledge. The main types of material to be borne in mind are (i) Arms on tombs and buildings ; (ii) Arms on seals; (iii) Heraldic manuscripts and special collections in public or private hands ; (iv) Existing catalogues or accounts of any of the above. Members of the Kent ArchsBological Society who are able and willing to help should communicate in the first place with Sir Edward Harrison. As in previous years the attention of members is particularly invited to the notices printed on the back of the title-page of " Archseologia Cantiana." They show when and to whom subscriptions should be paid and contain other information designed to facilitate business and promote the general convenience. The prompt payment of subscriptions and the introduction of new members will be especially appreciated at the present time. By Order of the Council, EDWARD HARRISON, Hon. Gen. Secretary. April 1941. Important. The Hon. Gen. Secretary asks for the present addresses of: John Archibald, G. F. Tracy Beale, John A. Chamberlain, James Cook, Miss N. M. Daniel, Maurice Fry, Sir Hugh N. Jackson, Miss D. G. Martin, Captain J. S. Masterman, Miss I. E. S. Watts. Will members please help. ANNUAL REPORT AND ACCOUNTS FOR THE YEAR 1940. xliv KENT ARCHAEOLOGICAL 3@r. Income and Expenditure Account & s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. To Grant to Maidstone Museum and Library Auxiliary Fund for 1940 30 0 0 ,, Records Branch (Grant towards Rent) 10 0 0 „ Curator's Salary 40 0 0 „ Porter's Wages 6 1 0 „ Fire and Employers' Liability Insurance 4 6 3 „ Printing, Stationery and Postages .... 42 16 1 „ Miscellaneous Expenses (Heating) 1 19 4 „ Library (Books, Binding, etc.) 13 6 ,, Harleian Society (Subscription, 1940) .. 2 12 6 „ British Archaeological Association (Subscription, 1940) 1 1 0 ,, Friends of Canterbury Cathedral (Subscription, 1940) 10 0 ,, Friends of Rochester Cathedral (Subscription, 1940) 10 0 ,, Collector's Commission 8 16 4 ,, Expenses of Meetings, eto 2 10 10 152 6 10 ,, Publications : Cost of producing Volume LII of Archceologia Cantiana (General Index, Vols. XX-XLV) . . . . 337 1 3 Cost of producing Volume LIII of Archceologia Cantiana 295 15 2 632 16 6 £785 3 3 SOCIETY. xlv from 1st January to Zlst December, 1940. Cr. £ s. d. £ s. d. By Annual Subscriptions (moluding Arrears, 1939, £2 Is.) 391 7 0 „ Entrance Fees 4 10 0 „ Life Composition (to be invested in accordance with Rules) 10 0 0 „ Sales of Publications 24 4 3 „ Dividends on £2J% Consolidated Stock 63 16 8 „ Dividend on £4J% Conversion Stock 4 16 0 „ Interest on Banking Account 2 10 0 „ Donations to Dlustrations Fund (see List) 2 3 6 503 7 5 „ Excess of Expenditure over Income carried to Balance Sheet 281 15 10 / / / / / / / / / / / / xlvi KENT ARCHAEOLOGICAL 3Br. Balance Sheet, LIABILITIES. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Sundry Creditors:— Maidstone Museum, etc. (Grant) .. 30 0 0 Maidstone Town Council (Heating) 9 6 A. H. Taylor (Commission) 8 16 4 Headley Bros. (Publications) . 195 15 2 — 235 1 0 Annual Subscriptions paid in advance 12 0 6 Excavations Fund:— Balance as per last Balance Sheet 9 4 3 Accumulated Fund:— Balance as per last Balance Sheet .. 2,951 0 10 Add Amount realized on Sale of £ 4 i% Conversion Stock 2 13 0 2,953 13 10 Less Excess of Expenditure over Income 281 15 10 -2,671 18 0 £2,928 3 9 CHARLES STOKES, Hon. Treasurer. SOCIETY. xlvii 31st December, 1940. ' Cr. ASSETS. £ s. d. £ s. d. CaBh at National Provincial Bank, Ltd. (Maidstone) Current Account 720 15 6 Petty Cash in Hand 3 7 6 724 3 0 Investments in £2£% Consolidated Stock as per last Balance Sheet 2,553 14 10 1,204 0 9 (Value 31st December, 1940, at £76$ £1,963 3s. 9d.) Library and Collections at Maidstone Museum as per last Balance Sheet 1,000 0 0 (Subscriptions : Arrears as per list 1939 £5 and 1940, £37 2s. 0d. = £42 2s. Od.) £2,928 3 9 Examined and compared with the Books and Vouchers and found correct. E. P. B. RICHARDSON, F.C.A. 1 fl AuMon A. G. B. CHITTENDEN, F.C.C.S. J Maidstone, Kent, 29th March, 1941. xlviii KENT ARCHAEOLOGICAL SOCIETY. ILLUSTRATIONS FUND. DONATIONS FOR THE YEAR 1940 A. H. Taylor, Esq Miss Eunice F. Brennand Frederick G. Brooker, Esq. Major M. Teiehman Derville, F.S.A. £2 3 6 £ s. d. 10 0 2 6 10 0 1 1 0
General Index