Seventeenth and Eighteenth Century Inventories
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Plans of and Brief Architectural Notes on Kent Churches - Part III
SEVENTEENTH AND EIGHTEENTH CENTURY INVENTORIES By LESLIE SHERWOOD, B.A. INTRODUCTORY NOTE THE f oUowing inventories are typical specimens taken almost at random from Probate records preserved in the Archives Office at the County HaU, Maidstone. The wiU of Alexander Bax was proved in the Consistory Court of Canterbury; the other three testators came under the Peculiar Jurisdiction of the Archbishop of Canterbury in the Deanery of Shoreham. The original documents have been transcribed as faithfuUy as possible, though necessarily with shght modifications in such matters as spacing and punctuation. The glossary makes no claim to be comprehensive, but should elucidate most of the more obscure terms. The writer would be glad if anyone can supply the meanings of the words which baffled him. A True and perfecte Inventory of all & singuler the goods CatteU ChatteUs debts & psonaU estate of Dame Mary Seyhard late of Chiddingstone in the County of Kent widdow decd. taken & Apprized the fourth day of November in the first year of the reigne of our Sovereigne Lord James the Second by the grace of God King of England, Scotland France and Ireland defender of the faith Anno dm 1685 by us whose names are hereunder written, as foUoweth (that is to say) Imprimis her purse and girdle & ready mony & wearing appareU In the Parlor Item one pair of Andirons fire pan & tongs a pair of beUowes two folding tables one httle Couch thirteene Chaires and the pictures in the roome In the HaU Item Two old Uttle Tables sixteene Chaires & Stooles and one Clocke and other Things 60 00 00 6 08 08 03 10 00 57 SEVENTEENTH AND EIGHTEENTH CENTURY INVENTORIES In the Kitchen Item one pair of Racks Andirons fire pan & tongs & beUowes one old table & the spitts dripping pans Iron potts & kettles and other things in the kitchen 05 00 00 In the Larder Item one bakeing trough fryeing pan an old forme a bacon racke twelve earthen Crocks two trevetts one spinning wheele & other things 00 10 00 In the pastery Item one bunting hutch one meale hutch one keeler a stow cupboard two stone mortars & pestles two Joined stooles one old table and other things 02 10 00 In the washehouse Item one httle furnace a cheesepresse tubbs pailes & other things 02 00 00 In the brewhouse Item one large Copper one Tunne a meash fate one Cooler one greate tubb five httle tubbs & other things 15 00 00 In the stiU house Item three pewter stiUs two tables bottles Crocks & potts & other things 02 10 00 In the Buttery Item Three Cupboards one Chest two tables a presse for linnen six brass Candlesticks one Sconce one pair of snuffers two pewter Candlesticks with potts glasses & other things 01 16 08 In the Cellar Item Thirteene hogsheads two powdering tubbs fower keelers five httle firkins with other things 04 07 10 In the parlor Chamber Item one bedstead feather bed & quilte wth. Curtaines & vaUence one bolster & two piUowes Counterpane & blanketts one Couch four chaires two stooles one walnutt tree table & stands one looking glasse fire pan & tongs & beUowes & other things thereunto belonging 14 13 04 58 SEVENTEENTH AND EIGHTEENTH CENTURY INVENTORIES In the Closett within the parlor Chamber Item two tables one Stoole and one close stoole 00 10 09 In the greene chamber Item one bedsted feather bed blanketts bolster curtaines & vallence a httle table one chaire & stoole one chest wth the rest of the furniture thereunto belonging 06 13 05 In the blew chamber over the hall Item the bedstead and bedding wth hangings curtaines and other furniture thereunto belonging 07 04 06 In the Nursery Item one bedsted two Canopy bedds wth aU the furniture belonging to them and one chest of drawers wth other things 11 15 07 In the Garrett Item Two feather bedds bolsters & blanketts wfch other things belonging to it 07 05 04 In the chamber ovr ye milkhouse Item one flocke bed & bolster with the things belonging to it 01 01 06 In the chamber ovr ye washehouse Item one feather bed two bolsters two blanketts one Coverlid w"h other things appteineing 02 13 04 In the pump Chamber Item one feather bed one flock bed two bolsters two blanketts & an old rugg with other things 02 01 08 In the Chamber over the stiUhouse Item two bedstedds two feather bedds one flocke bed two bolsters with blanketts & coverlidds belonging thereunto 05 08 00 Item In sev'aU peeces of plate amounting to 21 10 00 Item In pewter of aU sorts 07 00 00 Item for b'nnen of aU sorts 10 00 00 59 SEVENTEENTH AND EIGHTEENTH CENTURY INVENTORIES Item the stocke upon the ground & come & hay in thebarne 105 00 00 Item things seen unseene & forgotten 13 04 Sume totaU 309 03 11 John Wheatly \ . Richard Chapman ] "^ Robt. Chapman Extum 12° Decern : (85 (Archives reference Shoreham Inventories, S.22.) Dame Mary Seyhard was the widow of Sir John Seyhard, baronet, and in her wiU she wished " to be decently & very privately buryed in the parish Church of Eatonbridge. . . as near as conveniently may be unto the plase where my deare loveing husband Sr John Seyhard deceased lyes buryed." She was buried 28th October, 1685 (Parish Registers of Edenbridge, Arch. Cant., XXI (1895), 295 and see also op cit., 98-9, 102). She left " unto the poore of the parishe of Chiddingstone the sume of Five pounds . . . to be distributed amongst them according to the direction of the minister & Churchwardens & the cheife of the parishioners," and to the poor of " Eatonbridge " three pounds, on the same conditions. To " my very loveing daughter in Law Francis the wife of Sr Thomas Seyhard Barr* my sonne " she left " all my China Dishes which are or are to be in my Clossett within my lodging chamber." " My Cyprus Chest " in the same closet went " to my daughter Jane, now the wife of Ralph Petley Esq1." Two favourite servants received a special bequest of forty shillings each, and all the other servants of the household five shillings apiece. An Inventory of aU and singular the Goods CheUs and debts of Alexander Bax late of Faversham in the County of Kent gent deceased Taken Valued and appraized the Nineteenth Twentieth and One and Twentieth dayes of January In the yeare of our Lord 1701 by Thomas Weldish of Preston next Faversham in the said County Yeoman Solomon Harvey of St. Pauls nigh the Citty of Canterbury Yeoman James Conyer of Faversham aforesaid gent and John Bunce of Throwleigh in the said County Yeoman as foUoweth./ That is to Say li s. d. Imprimis his weareing AppareU Purse and ready Money 772 07 9 60 SEVENTEENTH AND EIGHTEENTH CENTURY INVENTORIES In the Parlor of his dwelling house in Preston Street in Faversham./ Item one smaU Table, Eleaven Chaires, one pair of Coal Recks, Fire pann, Tongs, and Andirons 01 19 2 In the httle Parlor there./ Fower Chaires and One httle Table 00 05 0 In the Fire Room there./ Two Tables, three joynt Stooles, one Couch bedd as it stands Fower Chaires One Jack Two spitts, BeUowes and Saltbox, Fower pewter Candlesticks Andirons and Creepers One Cubbard One dresser One smaU Looking glass Potthookes Firepan & Tongs a Chafing dish and One Box iron 07 01 6 In the Buttery there./ One kneading Trough one Meal Tubb, and one Sieve 00 04 6 In the Chamber over the Parlor./ One Feather Bedd and Stedle Curtaines VaUance Matt & Cord and One Blankett one Rugg one Bolster one PiUow Fower Sheetes one Chaire one pair of Creepers and Andirons & a Case of drawers 06 19 0 In the Chamber over the kitchen./ One Feather Bedd, Stedle, Curtaines VaUance Matt & Cord, One Blankett and Rugg One Bolster one PiUow, a Case of drawers Two Chests Two Chaires and Two Cushions 06 09 6 In the Maids Chamber One Feather bedd with Stedle Curtaines VaUance One Blankett one Coverlett one Bolster Two Chests & one Trunk 02 06 6 In the Stair Case and Garrett./ One hanging Press Three Tables 00 09 0 More in the same house Sixty three pounds & a halfe of pewter at 6d ye lb. is 01 11 9 Linen in the same house Six pah of Sheets 311. Twelve ToweUs Twelve fine homemade Napkins and Twelve ordinary Napkins lh.6s. 04 06 0 Six fine homemade PiUowcoates 00 12 0 61 SEVENTEENTH AND EIGHTEENTH CENTURY INVENTORIES One Fine diaper Table cloath and six diaper napkins 00 12 6 Twelve ordinary Tablecloaths 01 01 6 In and about the Wash house & Brewhouse One Copper 02 05 0 Two Tunns One Underbacke One Float & one old Tubb 09 10 0 Eight Cool Backs One Copper Fower Shootes & One Pump 23 04 0 One & thirty BarreUs Twelve kilderkins and Eight Firkins 03 07 0 Fower hoggsheads Eight & twenty Butts Fower Stocks & StUlings 05 13 6 Five & twenty Butts abroad Three & twenty BarreUs abroad 05 13 4 Six kilderkinns & six Firkinns abroad 00 09 0 In the Stable there One Horse one Mare & 2 dray harness 11 00 0 In the Yard & Mault house One Dray &c. 2U -108. One hundred & twenty quarters of Mault at 16s. pr. quarter comes to 96h.inall 98 10 0 One BusheU One Scry & Mault Mill 03 08 0 Hopps 01 00 0 966 05 6 More Mault there vizt. 7 quarters 05 12 0 Corn in ye Haymens custody./ With John Ayres 17 quarters of wheat at 20s pr. quarter 17 00 0 Seaven quarters & a halfe of smaU Beanes at 14 s. pr. qur. 05 05 0 With Leonard Meeres Five quarters & 2 BusheUs of Pease 05 05 0 Att y° Abbey Farm in Faversham./ In the Parlor Two old Tables Nine Joynt Stooles Five pair of new Traices One pair of new winch Ropes Two seed cords six Shovell wodds Seaven Forokes Two spades Five Sickles Fower Podwarehooks a parceU of old harness & other Matters belonging to Ploughs & Waggons 7 houghs 03 12 0 62 SEVENTEENTH AND EIGHTEENTH CENTURY INVENTORIES In the HaU Two Tables Two Fourms One Joynt Stool Three Chaires one old Cubbard One Jack one Spitt three old Candlesticks One old Candlebox a pair of Andirons Firepan & Tongs Iron to lay before the Fire Potthangers Saltbox BeUowes Warming pan Frying pan & one black Jack 01 16 4 In the smaU Beer SeUar Fower BarreUs a Tilter & Stalder Tunell Tarrpott & marking iron . 01 00 0 In the strong beer SeUar Six brine Tubbs with some Pork in them Three beer Casks One stalder two old Keelars Fourm & Tilter & a hanging Shelfe 06 09 0 In the Buttery One Copper Kettle One Iron pott a Meal tubb & bagg a Sieve and Fower Keelers one Table 2 panns one httle plate & some saim 00 19 4 In the Washhouse One Pail one iron Kettle One Chess press one old Cask one Kneading Trough one iron pott 14 Trenchers 6 wooden dishes a Cheese wheyer j woodden Tray a Scowring block StiUiers & a Whyer Seive 00 14 0 In the Milk house./ Nine Earthen Milk pans One Crock one Pail & a Leafe of a Table 00 05 6 In the Brewhouse./ One Copper Five Tubbs One Cool back One Stalder One Lamm Nett a Hen coop Oven peel One old Pipe & a Mault Scry 03 15 0 Without the Brewhouse door Three Cask one Keeler a Buckett & Rope 00 05 6 In the Parlor Chamber One Feather Bedd & steddle & other Appurtenances 01 01 6 A parcel of wheat in the said Chamber & a Glasscase 01 11 6 63 SEVENTEENTH AND EIGHTEENTH CENTURY INVENTORIES In the Stair Chamber One Bedsteddle Matt Cord & Fower Seives 3 new ShoveUs a Sadie Bridle Howesen & an old Chest In the Best Chamber One Featherbed One Flock bed One Steddle One Blankett one kiverlett Three Chests Two Court Cubbards One Joynt Stool a Clock Case & Weights In the Servants Chamber & Garrett Flower Bedds as they stand 2 Raaks some old lumber j BusheU and One Fan IN THE ABBEY CLOSE In the Lodge by the head of the Barn there Two waggons One Court & some old Things Three more Courts in the Close In the Lodge by the Meadow Streame Two 3 wheel Court the body of a wast waggon & an old hutch on it Nine Iron harrowes & a shdd One old Waggon One Braak Plough & a pair of wheeles In the Worke house there Three new plough Beames Three old ploughs one Sheer one Coultr. one iron Raak one old Raak Three old Harrowes & other husbandry stuff More in the Abbey Close Fifty hve ware hoggs & one Boar One BuU Steer & Two Countrey Steers Six twelvemonthhng Budds & six Cowes Nine young Cattle & one Bull Three Rocks and Two Cribbs In the Stables Fower Third Horses with all the Harness in the Stable where they stand Five waggon horses with all the harness and Implements of husbandry in that Stable where they stand 01 14 0 04 12 6 05 06 0 08 15 0 02 10 0 03 05 0 01 10 0 01 10 0 09 20 11 16 15 00 148 18 40 10 00 00 04 00 12 00 00 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 64 SEVENTEENTH AND EIGHTEENTH CENTURY INVENTORIES Five Second Horses with aU the Harness & Implemts. in their Stable 15 00 0 In the Orchard there./ Two Mares and Two Cowes 09 00 0 Wood in a Staak & elsewhere about the Close & Orchard 05 00 0 In Thorn Feild About One hundred & Seaventy Sheep & Taggs at 7": ye score 59 10 0 In the Abbey Barnes Sixty Quarters of Barley by computation att 17s ye quarter 51 00 0 All the Pease in the Barley Barn & Granary att 17s ye quarter 12 00 0 One hundred quarters of wheate by computation at 20s.yequr. 100 00 0 Fifty Quarters of Beanes by computation at 15s. ye quarter 37 10 0 Without Doores Two old Bean Staaks being in all by computation 85 quartrs. of which 40 quarters are supposed to be great Beanes at 10s. ye quarter 20h : The other 45 quarters Small Beanes at 14s. ye quarter 31h 10s. InaU 51 10 0 In the Podware house Horse meat 04 00 0 For workemanship in carryeing out Turning & the hke of the Dung in & about the Abbey Farm 09 00 0 For once ploughing of 40 : acres of land at the Abbey at 5s^ ye acre 10 00 0 Three ploughs in the Feilds ready furnished 02 10 0 For the Charge of ploughing soweing harrowing & seeding of 55 : acres of wheat (by computation) at 14s. 4d. ye Acre 39 08 4 In Honey Hole Marsh One Mare & Fower Colts 11 10 0 Att Honey Hole Fower old harrowes One old Skry One RoU & a Frame 00 17 0 65 SEVENTEENTH AND EIGHTEENTH CENTURY INVENTORIES In the Barn there./ A Seive scoop & sailcloth 00 03 0 A staak of Barley by computation 40 : quarters at 17s.yequr: 34 00 0 Beans in the Barn & a staak without togeather by Computation 50: quarters 37 10 0 For once ploughing 30 : acres of the School land at 5s. ye acre 07 10 0 For the charge of ploughing sowing harrowing and seeding of 26 : acres of wheat at 14s. 4d. ye acre 18 12 8 ATT THE PARSONAGE OP EAVERSHAM In the Barn there Eighty quarters of Wheat by computation at 20s. ye quartr. 80 00 0 Forty Quarters of great & smaU Beanes by computation 29 00 0 Three Quarters of Rye and Barley 02 08 0 One BusheU & one Fan 00 05 0 In the Close there Three Steeres and One Heifer 06 00 0 One Waggon and Two Courts 06 10 0 For the charge of ploughing harrowing sowing and seeding 20 : acres of wheat uppon the Glebe Land at 14s : 4d. ye acre 14 06 8 Goods of Mr. Bax at ye George alehouse in Preston Streete elsewhere in Faversham./ Two Flock Bedds & steddles And some old Lumber in ye Fire room 02 15 0 In the Parlor there./ Six New Chaires 00 04 0 Two Tables One Joynt Stool a prees Cubbard & one p&irofCobirons 00 08 0 In the HaU Old Iron & some Lumber 00 04 0 Three BarreUs of strong Beer in the SeUar 02 10 0 Att the Signe of Masons Armes W1 Seares in Preston Streete aforesaid/ Seaven Butts of strong Beer in the SeUar 07 10 0 66 SEVENTEENTH AND EIGHTEENTH CENTURY INVENTORIES In the Parlor there Shopp & Kitchen Three Tables & Two Formes 00 07 0 In the Boards end Chamber One boards end table 5 peeces j httle Table 2 Forms j old feather bedd & one Flock bedd 00 18 0 726 16 8 In the Back Chamber l i : s: d: Two Old Bedds (One Feather & the other Flock) one stedle & three Joynt stooles 00 09 0 OneoldJacke 00 02 0 Att the Two Empty houses on the North side of his said dwelling house in Preston Street aforesd : One anveU one Vice 2 Barrs of iron 2 : pair of tongs & oneBickern 01 00 0 Item divers things of smaU Value out of sight and soe Forgotten 02 00 0 03 11 0 The totaU sume of this Inventory is 1844 13 4 This Testator was a Brewer in great dealings soe that he hath severaU debts due to him as weU on Book Bond and o^-herwise Some whereof are doubtfuU soe that this Executor craves Leave and Time to add hereto As he can gett in the same. This Testator at the time of his deai;h was possessed of a Lease of the Abbey Farm aforesaid & decoy Ponds there Made to him by the right honorable Lewis Earl of Faversham to hold for the life of the said Earl at two hundred & five pounds ye Annu which is since the takeing this Inventory agreed with John Law for One hundred Guineas as an Income Fifty thereof to be paid at Michas 1702 The other Fifty at Michas 1706 Provided the said Earl doe soe long Uve. Alsoe of a Lease of the Parsonage at Faversham aforesaid. But that is given by the Testator (in & by his last wiU &Testamt.)to his son Stephen And therefore we suppose not to be appraiz:d herein. He was alsoe possessed of a Lease of the School Land of Faversham aforesaid made to him by the Maior Juratts & Coialty of the Town 67 SEVENTEENTH AND EIGHTEENTH CENTURY INVENTORIES of Faversham aforesaid (Governors of the Free Gramar School there of the late Queen Elizabeth) to hold for Nine years from Michas 1699 at Fifty pounds ye Annu Which is likewise since the takeing this Inventory agreed with James Conyer as an Income for Fifty Nine pounds Fower shillings & six pence. Tho Weldish John Bunce James: Conyers Solomon Harvey An Account of some more of this Testators Goods & which came to this Executors hand & knowledge upon the death of Mrs. Bax (wife to this Testator) Which before were concealed from him this said Executor (Mr. Hemmean) Appraized the sixth day of June 1702 by Thomas Higgs of Faversham aforesd : Innholder & the aforesaid Thomas Weldish & James Conyer./ Eighty & one Ounces of silver Plate at 5s. ye Ounce 20 05 0 In the Best Chamber of his said dwelling house in Preston Streete./ One Feather bedd with a Quilt & other Things all as it there stood One Looking Glass & Table with a dressing box & a Case of drawers One pair of Andirons Creepers Tongs BeUowes fire pan & warming pan Seaven Chaires & squabs One Press & some Earthenware Window Curtaines Chamberhangings Curtaine rodds & a Case of knives Nine Liveware Sheates 08 00 0 04 00 0 02 15 0 01 10 0 03 12 0 40 02 0 Tho : Higgs Tho Weldish James: Conyers (Ref. P.R.C., 27.35) Wm: Hemman Exor 2°. die Juhi 1702 Alexander Bax was something of a capitahst. To his eldest son Stephen he left a lease from the Dean and Chapter of Canterbury of the parsonage at Faversham, and lands in Faversham, Boughton under Blean, Deal, Shoulden, St. Paul's at Dumpton, St. John's at Margate, and " elsewhere in Kent." To another son, Alexander, he left lands in Sheppey and Harty. To each of his two daughters Mary and Anne he 68 SEVENTEENTH AND EIGHTEENTH CENTURY INVENT0RD3S left £1,500, to be paid to them on attaining the age of eighteen, or within twelve months after marriage. His wife Susan was to have the bringing up of these daughters up to the age of fourteen, with an aUowance of £30 a year apiece for " Board Cloaths & the charges of putting them to School." A True and perfect Inventory Indented of aU and singuler the goods Cattle and Chatties of Henry Solman Late of Yalding in the County of Kent yeoman deceased taken and apprized the one and thirtieth day of January Anno Dom 1706 as FoUoweth— li s d Impris the said deceaseds AppareU 05 00 00 Item Ready money in his Purse 15 00 00 In the Kitching Item one Table two formes one long keeler one bucking Tubb one Furnace one Brewing fate one Keeler 02 00 00 In the Brewhouse Item one pump one Furnace one Brewing Fate Four Tubbs four Keelers one Long Leged Keeler 05 00 00 In the Baking Room Item one Malt MiU one kneading Trough two tubbs one Cheese press one keeler one Charne three Seves 02 01 6 In the Long Entry Item two paier of Scale & beames one Table one Stalder 00 15 6 In the Short Entry Item two weights and two or three other small things 00 02 6 In the milkhouse Item two Leaden milk panns one butter platter three brass Kettles one Brass Pann Eight bowles Two milk pailes two Charnes one Cage one Table one forme one keeler & a pceU of Crock 03 05 9 In the HaU Item two tables two Formes one joint stoole one bunting Hutch six chaires one great cubboard one gage one Clock four Spitts three driping Panns one 69 SEVENTEENTH AND EIGHTEENTH CENTURY INVENTORIES Candle box two Cheaffing Dishes one Toasting Iron two paire of Tongs two Smoothing Irons one Sack one paire of And Irons two paier of Potthooks one Shce two Fire ShoveUs one Pestle and Morter one box of Drawers one Settle Six Candle-Sticks Fifteen Pewter Dishes Two doz of Pewter Plates one doz. of wooden Plates Six Pewter Porrengers three drinking Pots three Cushings one Lanthorne two Spinning Wheels one Reel a parceU of Books one salt box one Salt tubb 12 15 00 In the Sink Item ten SmaU Dishes two water pailes Four old Pewter dishes three Scascers one dozen of plaine Trenchers one grid Iron two wooden dishes two Potbrass SkiUets one brass kettle two bowle dishes 01 00 00 In the Smal Drink buttrie Item five Barrels two Powdering tubbs two leather bottles one stalder 02 00 6 In the Strong Drink Buttrie Item Six barreUs two powdering tubs two Keelers one Stalder 02 05 00 In the Parlour Item one table one Forme two Chaiers one joint Stoole three Dozen of Plaine Trenchers 01 10 00 In the Pantrie Item one Table one Cupboard one Spitt one Friing Pan one Forme 00 15 6 In the passage at y6 top of y6 Staiers Item twentynine Fleeses of Wool and two joynt Stooles 02 07 00 In the Chamber over ye Kitchen Item Eight Quarters of oats and four bushells of tares 04 10 00 In the Chamber over the Parlour Item one feather bedsteddle matt and Cord Curtaines & VaUence two Flook Beds two boulsters two piUows two blanketts & two coverlids five Chestes one Stoole two Chaires 05 12 6 70 SEVENTEENTH AND EIGHTEENTH CENTURY INVENTORIES In the Chamber over y° HaU Item two feather beds with joynt bedsteddles with matts Cords curtaines and VaUence and aU that thereunto belongeth one Press Cupboard six Chestes one table two chaires one ash cloath Five paier of fine Sheets one doz and a half of fine naptkins four Paier of Pillow Beares three fine table Cloths six Silver Spoons two footed Silver bowles one Silver tumvril seven pewter dishes eight pewter Plates twelve paire of Tow Sheets two paier of course Hempen Sheets two doz of course napkins Twelve course Towels six Table cloths four waUets four linnen bags six cushings. 38 07 6 In the Wheat Chamber Item ten Quarters of Wheat Twelve bushells of Clover-seed twenty-five Sacks Two tovets two Shalls one GaUon 22 03 00 In the Chamber over y° Porch Item one bedsteddle matt and Cord curtains and VaUance two Chestes one httle Table one Chaier 03 10 00 In the Pease Chamber Item one Quarter of Peases 01 00 00 In the old Garrett Item Twelve BusheUs barley 01 04 00 In the great garrett Item three Load of Wheat 15 00 00 In the Chamber over ye Milkhouse Item two Flock beds and their Furintre 01 12 6 Without Doors Item In the Malthouse in the Lower Floors two tubbs one sack of Peases three brakes and one scupit 01 01 00 Item in the upper Floors Six Quarters of malt one wire Scrie nine Quarters of wheat one httle Pocket of hops one oast hare 16 05 00 Item in the Wheat barne one Hundred cop of wheat four sifes one casting scupit one sack of peases one BusheU 25 18 00 71 SEVENTEENTH AND EIGHTEENTH CENTURY INVENTORIES Item in the oatbarne ten Quarters of Barley fifteen Quarters of oats one Quarter of tares one paier of swipps one pargment scrie 17 00 00 Item three horses and one Colt 13 10 00 Item four hundred of hoppoles & 18 00 00 Item the wood made into Faggotts 01 00 00 Item three Fatting steers and one Fating Heifer 25 00 00 Item Four Working oxen 16 00 00 Item six Cowes and two heifers 17 00 00 Item Four yearling Calves 04 10 00 Item thirteen young BuUocks 29 00 00 Item Thirty Eight sheep 11 10 00 Item three fatting hoggs 05 05 00 Item Six Sheats 03 12 00 Item Wheat upon the Land 09 10 00 Item the husbandry Tackle 12 14 00 Item money out upon Bonds and morgages 551 00 00 Item money owing upon biUs & doubtful debts 100 00 00 Item things unseen and Forgotten 000 15 00 944 05 00 Apprized by us 066 00 9 Summa Total hujus Inventoris 1010 05 9 WiUiam Fleet John Cayles (Ref. Shoreham Inventories S.103.) A True and p'fect Inventory indented of aU and singuler the Goods household stuff corn catteU psonaU estate and chatteUs of Thomas Pattenden late of East Peckham in the County of Kent yeoman deceased taken valued and appraised the second day of June in the year of our Lord one thousand seaven hundred and sixteen by John Stanford and John Martin as FoUoweth First in the deceaseds purse and ready money and wearing appareU of aU sorts 7 0 0 In the Kitchen Two tables and a form ten chairs one cupboard one clock two andirons and two creepers two pair of pothooks one firepan and one pair of tongs a jack and three spitts fourteen pewter dishes one dozen of pewter plates six pewter porringers and two pewter candlesticks eight plates more two pewter Basons 5 18 0 72 SEVENTEENTH AND EIGHTEENTH CENTURY INVENTORIES Also three Iron potts and two Iron Kettles three brass Skihetts two Gridirons one toasting iron and pott Iron two smoothing irons 12 6 Also a Box of Drawers and a Salt Box 0 4 6 In the Milkhouse Two brass Kettles two Driping pans three Milk Leads eight wooden bowls two Churns two forms and a httle Table two dozen of Trenchers a pair of butter Scales thirteen earthen crocks and a frying pan and two Lanthorns 2 13 0 In the drink Buttery Eight drink VesseUs and three powdering Tubbs mentioned above 1 17 0 Also eighteen Bottles and three stalders 0 4 6 In the Brewhouse Two small Furnaces eight Tubbs and six Keelers 3 7 0 In the Cheesehouse one Cheese press three Cheesbails and foUowers and three Keelers four pails and three hand dishes and one Iron peel 14 6 In the SmaU drink Buttery Two drink vesseUs and a Stalder three Sives and two Leather Bottles and a Cyder press an Appletrough two Spinning wheels and one Reel a small pair of Scales and one smaU Form 0 17 0 In the best Chamber Two Feather Beds and two steddles two pair of Curtains and valence two quilts two bolsters four piUows and four blanketts two Matts 10 0 0 Also a Silver Cup a SUver Salt and two sUver spoons six cane chairs and one armed Chair three Chests and three Trunks a Sideboard a cloth a leather Stool a wooden box two pewter Chamber potts a pair of Andirons and a pair of Tongs and a fireshoveU a sconce and snuffers and earthen Cups and two smaU wooden Cups and one looking Glass 4 14 6 Also three pair of hempen Sheets six piUowcoats a dozen and a haUe of Napkins two table Cloths 3 1 6 73 SEVENTEENTH AND EIGHTEENTH CENTURY INVENTORIES In the Chamber over the Milkhouse one Feather bed and steddle Curtains and vaUence two blanketts and a Coverlid and one truckle bed steddle with a Flockbed and two bolsters 5 0 0 Also three chests one box one Leather Chair twelve pah and one sheet of Tow and three pair of downright two pair of piUow Coates also nine Tow table cloths and eight Tow toweUs 0 13 0 also a warmeing pan and four Candlesticks 0 5 0 In the Servants Chamber one Flock Bed and Steddle one bolster one blankett and a coverhd and a pair of tow sheets fourteen sacks and two leather baggs nine Fleeces of wooU a Shaul and a halfe bushell and three basketts one Saddle and pillion and pillion cloth 3 12 6 In the Barn and Stable Thirty busheUs of Wheat four Sives a Scry and Fan and a pair of swips and stumps a scyth cutter and busheU baskett three wagon harness and three plow harness two panneUs and a chaff si ve 7 17 0 One Wagon one Plow and one Court two Rolls and Three Harrows Four Laddars a Hoghutch and two Troughs 1 16 6 In the Oasthouse A Plow Five Brakes a parceU of Charcoal an old Steel MiU two Hopbins and a curb a Malt Scry and an Oasthair eight Prongs and Three Suppels 6 05 6 Living Stock Two Working Oxen Four Cows two Steers and a Heifer and two TwelvMonthlings two Horses three Hoggs nine Shipp Four Lambs two Calvs Hoppoles in the Hopground The Corn growing upon the Ground and Hemp Four Yoaks Old Chains and things unseen or forgotten Totalis hujus Inventarij [ Appraisers (Ref. Shoreham Inventories P. 24.) 74 22 12 022 192 3 10 9 0 03 6 0 0 0 0 T°^n S a i ? r d John Martin !' Aprspf raisers 74 SEVENTEENTH AND EIGHTEENTH CENTURY INVENTORIES Andirons GLOSSARY Ornamental irons on either side of a hearth. Bickern brake brake (-plough) bucking-tub budd bunting-hutch Coal recks cob-irons cool-back cooler cop (of wheat) coulter court court-cupboard creepers cribb (crib) Fate float follower Hough Keeler Lead liveware Oasthair oven-peel An anvil ending in a beak or point A snaffle for horses. A plough used for braking or cleaning ground between growing plants. Wash-tub. A calf of the first year. A bin in which meal was sifted. (?) Rakes for coal and ashes. See andirons. A shaUow vat or tub for coohng beer. A large open tub. 15 sheaves in the field, 16 in the barn. A ploughshare. A smaU cart. A moveable sideboard, generaUy covered with plate. SmaU low irons placed between andirons. A receptacle for fodder, or an ox-staU. A large open tub, a vat. A wooden frame attached to the sides of a cart, to increase its carrying capacity. (?) A flat circular piece of wood used in pressing cheese when the curd does not fill the vat. Meaning not ascertained; but houghams were bent pieces of wood slung on either side of a horse for supporting dung panniers. A stirring implement (to prevent boiling). A vat or tub. Not ascertained, but perhaps " of first quality." (One meaning of five was " genuine "). A cloth on the oast above the fire where the hops are dried. A long-handled iron shovel, with which bread was put in and out of ovens. 75 SEVENTEENTH AND EIGHTEENTH CENTURY INVENTORIES Pillow-beer podware powdering-tub Rock Saim sconce scry scupit seed-cords shoot shovel-wodds skillett slidd squab stalder stilling stock stupnett suppel swips and stumps Tagg tovet tow Underback A pillowcase Pulse growing in pods or cods. Salting-tub. (?) Perhaps a rocking sieve. Lard. A candlestick or lantern. A large standing sieve against which corn was thrown with a scubbit (or scupit), to sift it. See scry. Boxes or baskets used by sowers. A pig of the first year. (?) Shovel woods, i.e. handles. A smaU vessel, usuaUyof iron, with a long handle, for boiling or heating. An upright moveable framework attached to the sides of a cart to increase its carrying capacity. A piUow or cushion. A stool on which casks were stood. A stand for a cask, barrel, or tub. A trough, or stoup. A stewpan, or skiUett. The striking part of a flail. Not ascertained. A sheep of the first year. A measure of two gallons. Very coarse linen. A broad shaUow tub used in brewing to receive the wort from the mash-tub ; also used to cool beer after boiling. Valence Ornamental drapery. 76