Annual Report and Accounts for the Year 1948

ANNUAL REPORT AND ACCOUNTS FOR THE YEAR 1948 􀀘jcnf 􀀙 r.chreologirnl jo,eirtn REPORT FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31ST DECEMBER, 1948 THE Council present their ninetieth report together with the accounts for 1948. During the past twelve months, 112 new members were elected and by the end of the year, the total membership of the Society reached the figure of 1,001. The Council would like to thank sincerely all those who have helped to bring about this satisfactory position, as they realize it must be largely attributed to the efforts of members to interest their friends in the aims and objects of the Society. At the same time, it is felt there are still many parts of the County where if the activities of the Society were better known, a further increase in membership might be confidently expected, and it is trusted that every endeavour will continue to be made in this direction as every additional subscriber tends to strengthen the Society's position and promote its int.erests. It is with deep regret thn.t the Council have to record the passing away at an u.dvanced age of the Rev. C. Eveleigh Woodruff, a Vice-President, and for over seventy years a member of the Hociety. His scholarly attainments and his invaluable services to archreology are reflected in his published writings and in his many papers contributed to A1·chceologia Cantiana. No less regretted is t4e death of Mr. G. C. Druce, for ten years Honorary Secretary, and subsequently a Vice-President. He will long be remembered for his wise co1U1sel and a kindly personality which endeared him to all those with whom he worked. The year has also seen the resignation from the Council of Canon R. U. Potts and Canon S. W. Wheatley, whose guidance and advice will be much missed, a.nd also of Dr. Armstrong Bowes, to whose devoted services for a period of many years, a warm due. New appointments will be noted to the offices of Honorary Editor, Honorary Treasurer, Honorary Librarian, and Curator and the Society is indeed fortunate to have found such eJ,..-perienced and able persons prepared to fill these posts. Several Honorary Local Secretaries hnve also re..qignro and other members have kindly consented to undertako thoi1· dnt,ies. The Annual General Meeting, held at Mo.idstone on 28th April, with the President in the Chair, was marked by a large nttemh1,nc\➔ of member;;. Attention was drawn to tho urgent n0oITURE. Hire of Coaches Printing Gratuities, Admission Fees, etc. Hon. Secretlll"Y'S Travelling and other expenses Postages, Stationery, etc. . . Contribution to General Fund Balance in hand £ s. o. 22 18 6 30 17 6 14 7 6 6 10 0 3 11 3 78 4 9 10 0 0 5 19 3 £94 4 0 KENT ARCHJ.EOLOGICAL :1.Br. Income and Expenditure Account To Grants: Wye College Archreological Society K.A.S. Records Branch ......... . Maidstone l\Iuseum and Library Auxiliary Fund ............. . Maidstone Town Council re Curator ........ .......... .. ,, Porter's Wages ,, Fire and Employers' Liability Insurance ,, Printing, Stationery and Postages ,, Miscellaneous Expenses : Subscriptions ............... . Expenses of Meetings, etc. Sundries ................... . ,. Library: Air Ministry Photos Purchases and Sundries ....... . ,, Collector's Commission ., Publieationa : Cost of producing Volume LXI of Archceologia Gantiana (Estimated) ............. . ,, gxceRS of Income over Expenditure (carried to Balance Sheet) xlvili £ 8, 5 5 10 0 30 0 30 0 4 13 7 7 12 6 40 0 9 10 d. £ s. d. 0 0 0 0 75 5 0 l 13 0 6 16 3 126 4 6 6 0 8 24 7 2 0 0 49 10 0 10 4 3 515 0 0 809 0 2 33 13 9 £842 13 I l SOCIETY. from 1st January to 31st December, 1948. Qt.r. £ s. d. £ s. d. By Annual Subsniptions (including Arrears, 1946, 10s. ; 1947, £1) ......................... . 467 2 ,, Life Compositions (to be invest<>ticJ1t>< to Gonoral l<'untl ................. . 9 7 0 £t;42 13 11 xlix KENT ARCHAJ:OLOGIOAL :mr. Ba/,ance Sheet, LIABILITIES. £ s. d. £ s. d. Sundry Creditors : Headley Brothers (Publicationa) 516 0 0 Annual Subscriptions paid in advance .... 46 0 6 Excavationa Fund .... : ............... 19 4 3 Accumulated Fund : Balance as per last Balance Sheet 3,367 6 10 Add s. A. Merriam (Suspenae Account) ................ 6 0 Add Excess of Income over Expenditure .............. 33 13 3,402 4 7 £3,982 9 4 (Signed) S. MENDEL, Hon. Trea8'ltrer. SOCIETY. 31st December, 1948. «!tr. -====--··-- ·- -· · - . A S SETS. Cush nt National Provincial Bank Ltd. (Maidstone ) Current Account Do. Deposit Account ....... . Cura.tor's Petty Cash in Hand ... . Twysden Notes Account: Balance ................. . Investments in £2½% Consolidated Stock as per last Balance Sheet ................. . Plll'chase of Stock at 781% ..... . (Value 31st December, 1948, at £80% £2,365 16s. 2d.) Tnvostment in 3% S1wings Bonds, !!'160-70: Purdmse of Stock at 991% (Valuaet 3110s3t¾ D%e£c7e2m3b e1r2,s .19 64d8., Library and Collections at Maidstone Museum as per last Balance Sheet ................... . (Subscriptions per List £19184 7,1 0s£.6) in a.rrea.r as 1946, £! ; 10s.; 1948, £ s. d. £ s. tl. £ s. d. 330900 120 100 5 13 3 2,894 4 l,50-! 0 9 63 3 11 50 0 0 696 6 l 32 2 6 ---- ----1,554 0 9 £2,957 5 3 699 JG O 700 0 0 l,000 0 0 £3.082 ll l•:xo.mined and compared with the Books nnd Vouchers and found t·orrect. E. P. RICHARDSON, l<'.C.A. } H A d't A. G. B. CHITTENDEN, F.C.C.S. on. 11 •1 ors. :'lfo.idstone, Kent, li


Contents and Illustrations, Volume 62


A New Romney Mayoral Dispute