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Obituary - Canon Potts
Frontispiece 1948
GENERAL Addington Circles, 136, 139. Aiglessa or Eccles, Romano-British town, 136. Alkham, see Saxon derivation, 117 ; valley, 140. Altar, Inscribed Roman. Importance of name recorded, 95, 96. Ancient Monuments, Chief Inspector of, Mr. B. H. St. J. O'Neil, xlv. Antiquities of Kent, The Military. By the Rev. Beale Poste (never printed), 130. Appeal for Pamphlets and Notes on Churches in Kent, xlvi. Appointments, New. To offices of Hon. Editor, Hon. Treasurer, Hon. Librarian and Curator of Society, xii. Apse, Western, Eastern, 119, 120. Arnold, Ralph, The Hundred of Hoo. Review by Richard C. Stone, 156- 158. Ashbumham, Lady Catherine, 60. Ashford Archseological Society, xliv. Ashford flanged axe, Description, Sketch, 143. Augustine of Canterbury and the Saxon Church in Kent, Saint, by Harold F. Bing, M.A., P.R.Hist.S., 108-129 ; Sources of Information, 108-110 ; His Story, 110-113 ; Place of landing, 114, 115 ; Religious Conditions in Kent, 116-119 ; Influence on Kentish Church Architecture and Ecclesiastical Organization, 119-123 ; Burial Place, 123-127 ; Relics, 126 ; Character, 127-129. Aust, may derive from St. Augustine's Oak, 113. Austin, Sir Robert, feasted at New Romney, 10. Aylesford, Battle, A.D. 455, 136 ; sketch maps noted, 139 ; First century pottery, 22. Baily, E. H., R.A., Sculptor, Tomb of Lord Brome at Linton, 61 ; Plate I, facing 56. Bamme, Joan, Brass showing talbots, 149. Barrows or Tumuli, not all Funereal. Some serve as signalling points, 137, 138. 165 INDEX Barry, Sir Charles, 81. Basilica in Church planning, 106, 119, 120 ; Eastern apse derived from N. African Churches, 120 ; cp. Silchester, Canterbury St. Pancras, Lyminge, Reculver. Babs Oak Hill, xliv. Basted Paper Mills, causeway found, xliv. Beale Poste, Rev., MSS. recording Research into Megaliths, Druidical and Roman Remains, 130-139 ; Foundation member of K.A.S. List of Papers, Note Books in Maidstone Museum analysed, 131-139 ; Portfolio of Sketches and Plans, 138, 139. Bearsted Church, Discovery of ancient arch, 103 ; Fig. 2, 104 ; possibly a Pre-Conquest Church, Pig. 3, 106. Bede, The Venerable, Reliable Historian, 108, 112, 113. Beeching, Mr. W., of Harrietsham, Gift of bronze implement, 143 ; sketch, 144. Belgic Pottery, Brooches, Coin, 24-36. Bernard, Sir Robert, Monument at Brampton by Robert Kidwell, 58. Bertha, Queen of King Ethelbert of Kent, 111, 112 ; daughter of King Charibert of Paris, 116. Bing, H. F., M.A., F.R.Hist.S.: St. Augustine of Canterbury and the Saxon Church in Kent, 108-129. Birling Church fabric, 137. Bishopsboume, St. Mary, Plan 16, by F. C. Elliston-Erwood, P.S.A., 101-103 ; The Bourne Pew, Hooker Library and Monuments, 102 ; Joseph Conrad connection, 102. Boorman, Major, The Hengest Luncheon, 151. Boughton Monohelsea, Monument to Richard Savage by R. Chambers, 64 ; Plate III, facing 64. Boxley, Monastery of, Manors belonging to, granted to Thomas Vicary, 92, 93. Bray, Lord John, 48 ; Brother of Lady Anne Brooke, 48, 50, 53. Brewer, Jane, Monumental Tablet, by R. Taylor at W. Farleigh, 83 ; Plate VI, facing 81. Bridge, Mr. J. W., of Maidstone, 103. GENERAL INDEX Bridge, John W.: Thomas Vicary A Famous Maidstone Surgeon, 1 Plate, 91-93 ; " Barber's Pole," 91 ; Barber Surgeons' Company, Charter given by King Henry VIII. Vicary. Jnr. Warden, later Master, 92. Bridge, Mr. W. E., Report on unrecorded causeway over the Shode, xliv. Bridgewater, H., The Grotto, 162. British Museum as to plaque found at Wye, 143. Broke, see Brooke. Brome, Lord. Tomb, by E. H. Baily, 61, Plate I, facing 56. Bronze Implements, Four, by L. R. A. Grove and W. Neville Terry, 143 ; sketch, 144 ; at Maidstone Museum. Brooches, metal, First Century. Illustrations, 33-36. Brooke Tomb, Cobham, The, by R. H. D'Elboux, F.S.A. 1 plate, 48- 56 ; Sir George Brooke and wife Anne, Alabaster tomb 1561, restored 1840, 48 ; Heraldry, 50-56 ; Marriages of children, 54-56 ; Account of Burial from R. College of Arms, 56. Burke, Mr. W., thanked, 34. Bums, Robert, Funeral at Dumfries, 1796, 17. Burr, Mr. James, 60. Bushell, Mr. T. A., and Ruxley Old Church, xliv. By-Gones. Active co-operation of Members invited, 151, 162. Campbell, Colin, Architect of Mereworth Church, 57. Canova. Monument to Mme Buonaparte, 75. Canterbury Archseological Society's Report : Riverside Settlement at Sturry, also Early Iron Age pit dwelling, xliv. Canterbury, St. Augustine of, 108-129 ; see Augustine, St. Canterbury District, Recent Excavations in Sturry, by P. Jenkins, 145- 146 ; Samian Ware, Part of Roman quayside on R. Stour found, 145 ; Early Iron Age pit dwelling, 146. Canterbury Excavation Committee. Preliminary report by Mr. Sheppard Frere, xliv. Canterbury Excavations: Roman Road metalling, 46, 47. Canterbury Museum. Bronze Age Spearhead in, 146. Carpentiere, Andrien, Sculptor, Monument to Sir John Fermor, Sevenoaks, 64 ; Plate II, facing 57. Categern said to be buried at Addington after defeat at Aylesford, 132, 134, 136. Cedd, Bishop of East Saxons, Church at Bradwell in Roman and Kent tradition, 120. Celtic Church, 113. Chambers, Robert, Sculptor. Tablet to R. Savage at Boughton Monchelsea, 64 ; Plate III, facing 64. Cheriton, Folkestone. First Century Urn-field, 21-36 ; Proximity to Roman Road, 88, 89. Childergate, Rochester, now Pump Lane, 40, 43. Chilham, The Shrine of St. Augustine, 127. Christianity in Kent, 115-117. Cineraiy Urns found at Cheriton, Aylesford, Swarling, 22-36. Cinque Ports. Trials at New Romney, 6 ; Battalion of Fencible Infantry, 11 ; referred to as North's Cinque Ports, 1779, Units encouraged by Pitt, Lord Warden at Dover Castle, 11 ; Raised under threat of Invasion, 1794, 11 ; served in Ireland, 1797- 1800, 11 ; Officers thanked, 20. Clarke, Major Eric. Lecture on " The Old Yeoman's Houses and Hall Houses of Kent," xlv. Coates, Mr. John, Retiring Mayor of New Romney, 1734, 1, 2 ; Irregular proceedings as to swearing-in Freemen, 3. Cobham, Lord, Sir George Brooke, died 1588 ; see Brooke Tomb, Cobham, 48-56 ; Knight of the Garter, Stall Plate at Windsor, 1 Plate, 51. Coldrum, may derive from " Gael- Dun," 132. Conrad, Joseph, at Bishopsboume, 102. Corrections in past volumes of Arch. Oant., by John H. Evans, 147. Cory, Harper, The Goddess at Margate, 162. Councer, C. R.: Glass and Monuments formerly in GiUingham Church. A Postscript. Drawings by Thomas Fisher examined, 148, 149. " Creteway." Ridgeway on Dover Hill, 90. Cromlechs and Tumuli, 132-139 ; Coldrum, Kits Coty House, Serpentine Temples, 132. 166 GENERAL INDEX Culpeper, Lady, Monument by Edward Marshall at HoUingbourne, 76 ; Plate IV, facing 65. Dagger, Flint, from Canterbury, 142 ; Plate I, facing 142. Darby, John, of New Romney, 2. Dare, M. P., M.A.: An Inscribed Roman Altar discovered at Napchester, near Dover, 94-98. Illustration. Darnell, Serjeant at New Romney trials, 6. Dartford District Antiquarian Society, xlv. Deira, Land of, Yorkshire, 110. D'Elboux, R. H., F.S.A. : The Brooke Tomb, Cobham, 48-56 ; thanked, 60. De L'Isle and Dudley, Lord, V.C., thanked, 60. Dering, Sir Edward, M.P. for New Romney, 12, 15 ; Cholmeley, to lead troop of Fencible Cavalry, appointed as Major, Colonel in 1795, 14. DerviUe, Major M. Teichman, see Teichman DerviUe. Desborough, Mrs. V. Francesca, xlv. Dethick, Garter King of Arms, 1667, 53. Disciple of the Druids, A. The Beale Poste MSS., by John H. Evans, F.S.A., 130-139. Dodda's Corner, Rochester, 41, 42. Doe and Roe. Pleadings in MSS. Fictitious case to settle Custom of admitting Freemen, 9, 10. Dover (Dubris) Roman road to Richborough (Rutupise) traced, 94-98. Dover Museum. Reconstruction by Mr. F. L. Warner at Ladywell. Gift of Roman Altar, 94. Dracontium or Serpent Temple, 139. Druce, the late Mr. G. C, Hon. Secretary for ten years, xii. Druidical Remains ascribed by Beale Poste : White Horse Stone, Cussington Circle, Toddington, 135 ; Birling, Kits Coty, Coldrum, 137 ; Aldington, 138. Druids, The, by Dr. T. D. Kendrick, 130. Ebbsfleet. Possible landing place of St. Augustine, 114. Elles, Mr. Richard, chosen Mayor of New Romney synonymously with Mr. Wightwick, 1 ; Warrant against for usurping Mayoralty, 5 ; Ultimate triumph—sworn in as Mayor, 10. Elliston-Erwood, F. C, F.S.A.: Plans of, and brief Architectural Notes on, Kent Churches, Part IV. Trottescliffe, SS. Peter and Paul, Bishopsbourne, S. Mary, and additional notes on Bearsted, 2 Plans, 3 Figures, 99-107 ; Congratulated on organization of successful excursions, xii. Esdaile, Mrs., Research on British Sculptors, 57, 67. Ethelbert, King of Kent, 111, 112. Evans, John H., F.S.A. : A Disciple of the Druids. The Beale Poste MSS., 130-139 ; Gift of socketed axe, sketch, 144 ; Discovery of " Holy Well" at Upchurch, 147, 148 ; Reports the uncovering of Roman Pottery kiln in Grain marshes, xlv. Excursions during 1949, xliv ; Account, xlvii. Eyre, Sir Robert, Lord Chief Justice of the Common Pleas, 1734. Verbatim Reports of Trials of Gibbon and Elles to be found in State trials, 6-10; Conversation with Short-hand writer, 8. Farnham, Battle of. Between Eadmund Ironside and the Danes, 1016, 136. Farningham, Site of Roman House visited, xlv. Faversham, The Common-Place Book of Faversham returned by the Hythe Town Council, xlv. Fazan, Colonel E. A. C, M.C, T.D., D.L. : The New Romney Fencible Cavalry (Duke of York's Own), 1794-1800, two Plates, 11-20. Fencible Cavalry, 11-20 ; Personnel, Clothing, Accoutrements, Subscriptions, List of Officers, 12. Fermor Monument, by Andrien Carpentiere at Sevenoaks, 64; Drawing of, Plate II, facing 57. Field, Mr. E., on further explorations at Dover, xlv. Field Research, Part I. Edited by Professors Christopher Hawkes and Stuart Piggott. Reviewed by L. R. A. Grove, 154-156. Filmer, Sir Robert, 153, 154. First Century Urn-Field at Cheriton, near Folkestone, A., by P. J. Tester and H. F. Bing, M.A., F.R.Hist.S. 3 Plates, 6 Figures, 21-36. Fishguard, Pembroke Yeomanry won Battle Honours, 16. Flint Dagger from Canterbury, A. (In Museum of Kingswood School, Bath.) By J. W. Gardner, 142, 143; Plate I, facing 142. 167 GENERAL INDEX Folkestone Borough Council Housing Estate, pottery unearthed, 21. Folkestone Emergency Teachers' Training College, thanked, 34. Freemen of New Romney, 1734, Election Duties, 2-10. Furness, Henry, Esq., 1734, 10. G., D. : Obituary. Canon Robert Ullock Potts, 163, 164. Gardner, J. W. A Flint Dagger from Canterbury, 142, 143. Gibbon, John, in New Romney Dispute. Prosecuted 1728. Claim to Freedom based on marriage, 1, 6, 7. Glass and Monuments formerly in Gillingham Church, A Postscript, by C. R. Councer ; Drawings by Fisher of stained glass, also Brass of Joan Bamme 1431, 148, 149. Goldsworthy, Colonel E. W., Lecture on " How to Manage a Local History Exhibition," xlvi. Gourney or Corney, Sir Auncell, Crest obtained at Acre, adopted by descendant Sir Richard Newton, 53. Grain, Isle of, xlv. Gravesend Society, xlv. Gregory, Pope, His mission to Christianize England given to St. Augustine, 108 ; Letters, advice, influence, 110, 117, 118, 121-123, 128, 129. Griggs, Francis, Bold signature on monument at Biddenden. Illus., 69. Grimes, W. P., on flint daggers, 142. Grove, L. R. A., 97, 103, 132 ; Four bronze implements, sketch, 143-145 ; review of Field Research in the Archaeology of Great Britain, Part I, 154-156. Guestling, Acts of, 7. Guidon, New Romney Fencible Cavalry, Plate facing, 17 ; Preserved at Maidstone, 14. Gunnis, Rupert : Signed Monuments in Kentish Churches, 6 Plates, 1 Figure, 57-86 ; thanks for assistance, 60. Hamlin's Photo News Service, thanked, 34. Hammerton, Mr. George, Repairer of Sculptures in Rochester Cathedral. Restorer of the Brooke Tomb, 1840, 48. Hampton, Arms, 53, 54. Hannam, old name of Barre's Court, 53 ; or Harming, Arms, 54. Harleian MSS. mention Tylers Hill, Tighelerchilde, 148. Harrison, Sir Edward: Report for 1948, xii-xlvi. Hartery or Harptree, Henry, Arms impaled with Newton and Brooke in Bristol and Mereworth, 53. Hawte Family at Bishopsboume, 102. Hengest Luncheon : Details of proceedings, Guests, Toasts, and Speeches, by A.R., 149-151. Hengist's Battle, A.D. 455, 135. Henley, William and Wife, Monument by T. Scheemakers at Otham, 80 ; Plate V, facing 80. Hewett, R. V., Maidstone, 162. Heraldry, Brooke Tomb, 50-56 ; Martin Leake, Garter King of Arms, 1729, 48. Herington, Mr., Clothier, re Uniforms, 13. History, Local. One-day School. Lectures by Mr. R. W. Southern, Mr. L. W. White, Mr. F. W. Jessup, Colonel E. W. Goldsworthy, xlvi. Hoare, Mr. Rennie, of Stourhead, 60. Holbein, Reproduction of painting by. Henry VIII presenting Charter to .the Barger Surgeons of London, Plate I, facing 91. HoUingbourne, Monument to Lady Culpeper by E. Marshall, Plate IV, facing 65. Holywell, Upchurch, Original " holy well " uncovered, 147, 148. Hoo, The Hundred of, by Ralph Arnold. Reviewed by Richard C. Stone, 166- 158. Hooker, The Sainted, 102. Horsa's Grave, near Horsted, 136; Drawings noted, 139. Horsted may mean " place for pasturing horses," 136. Hubbard, G. E. A plaque from Wye, 143 ; Plate II, facing 143. Hussey, The late Mr. Arthur. Valuable MS. Notes indexed, xliii. Hythe Town Council restore The Common-Place Book of Faversham, xlv. Ightham, Early Bronze Age flat axe found by Mr. W. Beeching, 143. Inscription on Roman Altar, 94-96. Ireland, French attempt to establish base. Fenoibles offer to serve include men from Cinque Ports, 1797, 16. Iron Age dwelling, xliv. Iron Age pit dwelling, Early, 146. James, Miss B.,Preservation of Ruxley Old Church, xliv. 168 GENERAL INDEX Jenkins, Frank : The Roman Watling Street from Canterbury to Dover, 2 sketch maps, 45-47. Jenkins, F. Recent excavations in the Canterbury District, Sturry, 145,146. Jenkinson, Hon. Robert Banks, M.P. for Rye, later Lord Warden of Cinque Ports, Prime Minister as Earl of Liverpool, 1812-1827, 13. Jessup, Frank W., F.S.A. : A New Romney Mayoral Dispute, 1-10; Successful organization of Week-end School on Saxon Kent, xii ; Lecture on " The History of Kent Place- Names," and other lectures, xlvi. Jessup, Frank : Review of Patriarcha and other political writings of Sir Robert Filmer. Edited by Peter Laslett, 153-154 ; thanked, 34, 97. J., R.P., Notices, 161, 162. Justus, Bishop of Rochester, 122, 124. Karnedd, a sepulchral tumulus, 134. Kendrick, Dr. T. D., The Druids, 130 ; Late Saxon and Viking Art, 161. Kent Archseological Society's collection of air-photographs, Mr. L. R. A. Grove, curator, 97. Kent Council of Social Service, Leaflet on The Study of Local History, xlv. Kent County Council. Planning Basis for Kent, 162. Kent Feet of Fines, xlii. Kentish Gazette, 1795, records movements of Fencible Cavalry, 15, 16. Kent Place-Names, Families, Subjects indexed from the MS notes of Mr. Arthur Hussey, xliii. Kidwell, Robert, Sculptor, 58. Kits Coty House described, c. 1848, Folklore in connection, 132-134 ; perhaps used for body of Categern, A.D. 465, 134 ; Lower Kits Coty or The Countless Stones, 138. Lamacraft, Mr. Walter, former Town Clerk of New Romney, thanked, 1. Lamboll, Mr. Alan, 60. Larking, Lambert, 93. Laslett, Peter, Editor of Sir Robert Filmer's writings, reviewed, 153, 154. Leake, Martin, Garter King of Arms, 1729, 48, 60. Lethbridge, T. C, Merlin's Island, 161. Library, Gifts to, xlii. Linton Church, Monument to Viscount Brome by E. H. Baily, Plate I, facing 56. Loftie, Mr., Town Clerk of New Romney, 1734, 2. London, Capital of the East Saxon realm, c. 604. King Saberht, nephew to King Ethelbert, 113 ; St. Paul's Church built, MeUitus made Bishop, 113. I London, H. S., F.S.A., of the R. College f of Arms, furnished account of the . burial of Lord Cobham, Arms, | Standard, Badges and Pennons, 56. i Longden refused bribe, 2. ! Lowther, A. W. G., F.S.A., Computation of date of tree rings, 145, 146. i Maidstone Assizes taken by Sir Robert Eyre, 1734, 6. Maidstone, Famous Surgeon, Thomas ! Vicary, c. 1495-1560, 91-93. Maidstone Museum, Copy of The English-man's Treasure, 1633, presented by John W. Bridge, 93 ; Lambert Larking's transcription of the Oxenhoath Papers, 93 ; Curator's help, 103; Sketch of gift to Archfeological Collection, 144 ; Auxiliary Purchasing Fund, 143. Maidsoone. One-day School in Local History Lectures and visit, xlv, xlvi. Mailing, Brass and Shield of Lady Cobham's sister, Jane Fitzjames, 1594, 53. Marohant, Mr. Philip V., Excavations at Dover, xlv; Dover Reconstruction Proposals, 162. Margary, Ivan D., F.S.A. : Notes on the Probable Course of the Roman Road from Lympne to Dover, 87-90 ; review of his Roman Ways in tlie Weald, 158-161. Marshall, Edward, Sculptor, Recumbent effigy of Lady Culpeper at HoUingbourne, Plate IV, facing 65. Mead Way, The Street and Doddinghyrnan in Rochester, A Note on the, by Gordon Ward, M.D., F.S.A. 1 Plan, 37-44. Medway Roman Potteries, xlv. MeUitus, First Bishop of St. Paul's, London, 113 ; Letter from Pope Gregory, 117, 118; Fled to Gaul, 122. Mereworth, Colin Campbell, architect of Church, 57 ; Westmorland Chapel, Arms of Brooke and Bray impaling Newton, 53. Miller, Thomas, Schoolmaster of New Romney in 18th century, 1. Miscellaneous Notes, 140-152. Monuments in Kentish Churches, signed, 57-86. Mortimer, on Flint Dagger from Garton Slack, Yorks., 143. 169 GENERAL INDEX MSS. Unpublished. As to Monumental Art, 59. Mutiny of the Fleet at Spithead and Nore, 17. Napchester, Derivation of Name, 96, 97 ; Roman Altar discovered, 94-98. New Romney, 18th century disputes involving 2 Mayors, 1-10 ; Charter granted by Queen Elizabeth, 1563, Customs at Lady Day, 2 ; Claim to Freedom of Town based on marriage, 2 ; Names of voters in 1734, 4 ; Doe v. Roe, fictitious case to settle controversy, 9, 10. New Romney Fencible Cavalry (Duke of York's Own) The, 1794-1800, by Colonel E. A. C. Fazan, M.C, T.D., D.L. Two Plates, 11-20 ; Recruiting Poster, Guidon, see Plates ; Poem, 14 ; Service during " The Years of Endurance," 16, 17 ; Increased pay and deductions, 17 ; List of Officers, 1798, 18 ; Disbanded, 20. New Romney Mayoral Dispute, A, by Frank W. Jessup, F.S.A., 1-10 ; 18th century Schoolmaster, Thomas Miller, 1. Newton, Sir John, of Richmont, East Harptree, Somerset, Arms impaled with Brooke, 52 ; 17 daughters : Frances (m. Sir W. Brooke), Lady of Bed-Chamber to Queen Elizabeth, 52 ; Sir Richard's Tomb at Yatton, 1449, shows crest rejected in favour of a " King of the Moors," 53 ; Crest of Sir Auncell Comey or Gourney, 53 ; Sir Henry Newton's tomb in Bristol Cathedral, 53. Nicoll, Mr. P. G., thanked, 34. North, Lieut.-Col. the Hon. George Augustus, 11. Notes on the Probable Course of the Roman Road from Lympne to Dover, by Ivan D. Margary, F.S.A., 87-90. Notices, by R. F. Jessup, 161-162; Merlin's Island, by T. C. Lethbridge, 161 ; Late Saxon and Viking Art, by Dr. T. D. Kendrick, 161 ; Planning Basis for Kent, Kent County Council, 162 ; Dover Reconstruction Proposals, by P. V. Marchant, 162 ; Canterbury Mayoral Quincentenary, and See Canterbury in a Day, by W. Urry, 162 ; Maidstone, by R. V. Hewett, 162; The Grotto, by H. Bridgewater, 162 ; The Goddess at Margate, by Harper Cory, 162. Obituaries : The late Canon Robert Ullock Potts, 1866-1949, by D.G., 163, 164 ; Druce, Mr. G. C, Hon. Secretary for ten years, Vice- President, xii; Woodruff, Rev. C. Eveleigh, Vice-President and member for over 70 years, xii. O'Neil, Mr. B. H. St. J., on importance of uncovered walling in Dover, xlv. Otham, Monument to W. Henley and Wife, by T. Scheemakers, Plate V, facing 80. Pagan Customs and Shrines retained as a basis for Christian usages, 117, 119. Palaeolithic Implement, St. Acheul form, found on the High Plateau between Folkestone and Dover, by P. J. Tester, sketch, 140-142. Papillon, Freeman and M.P. for New Romney, irregular proceedings, altercation with judge, 3, 8, 9. Patriarcha and other political writings of Sir Robert Filmer. Edited by Peter Laslett. Reviewed by Frank Jessup, 153, 154. Pepys, 1668, visited Surgeons' Hall to see Holbein's picture. His opinion, 92. Peutinger Table, Diagrammatic map, 87. Pilbrow, Mr., Excavations at Canterbury, 46. Pilgrim's Way, Prehistoric in origin, 90. Pitt, William. As Lord Warden of Cinque Ports encouraged Fencible Cavalry, 11. Plans of, and Brief Architectural Notes on, Kent Churches, Part IV., Trottesclifle, SS. Peter and Paul, Bishopsboume, S. Mary, and Additional Notes on Bearsted, by F. C. Elliston- Erwood, F.S.A., 2 Plans, 3 Figures, 99-107. Plaque from Wye, A. By G. E. Hubbard, Plate II, 143. Porter, Mr. A. O., thanked, 34. Poste, Rev. Beale, see Beale Poste. Pottery : First Century Urn-Field, Description of finds and site, Plans, Illustrations, 21-36 ; now in Folkestone Borough Museum, 23 ; Belgic, Samian, etc., 24. Potts, The late Canon Robert Ullook, 1866-1949, by D.G., 163, 164. Records Branch, xlii. Recruiting Poster for the New Romney Fencible Cavalry, 1795, Plate 1, facing 11. 170 GENERAL INDEX References : Text Roff., 37, 92, 106 ; Saxon Charters, 37, 39 ; Bosworth andToller's4.-/S. dictionary, 39; Arch. Cant., XLV, etc., 40-49 ; Cant. Oath. Chron., 41 ; Wallenberg, Karlstrom, St. John Hope, 42 ; Henry of Huntingdon, 1135, 43 ; Somner, 1640, 43 ; Boyle and Jenkins, 47 ; Gentleman's Magazine, 1841, 48, 59 ; Hasted, 1778, 48, 93 ; Murray, 57 ; Diet. Nat. Biography, 58 ; Redgrave's Diet, of Artists, 59 ; The Masons' Company, 59 ; History of Kent, 1838, 80; Roman Folkestone, by S. E. Winbolt, 87, 89 ; Manningham's Diary, 91 ; Liber Albus, 91 ; Vicary, 92 ; Calendar of State Papers, Domestic, 1547, 92 ; B.M. Guide to Roman Britain, 96 ; Wallenberg's Place Names of Kent, 97 ; on St. Augustine (numerous), 108-129 ; Beale Poste MSS., 130-139 ; War and Archaeology in Britain, The Antiquaries Journal, 143. Resignations during 1949 : Dr. Armstrong Bowes, Canon R. U. Potts, Canon S. W. Wheatley, xii. Reviews by Frank Jessup, L. R. A. Grove, Richard C. Stone (2), 153-161. Rex v. Elles, 9. Rex v. Gibbon, 9. Reynolds, Mr. D. H. B., M.A., M.Inst.C.E., information given of find of pottery, 21. Richard of Cirencester, De Situ Britanniae, exposed as a forgery, 131. Richborough, possible landing place of St. Augustine, 115 ; (Rutupise) Roman Road traced to Dover (Dubris), 94-98. Roach Smith, C, 131. Rochester : Misdemeanours of people to St. Augustine, 112 ; Museum, Upchurch Pottery given, 1894, 146 ; Romano-Saxon, 37-44 ; Boundaries fixed by Saxon Charters, 37-39 ; The Mead Way, 39, 40 ; Doddinghyrnan or Dodda's Corner, Building replaced by King's Head, 41 ; Epple Market on site of Roman forum, 41 ; The Street misnamed Watling Street, 42 ; Derived from Stratum, 43 ; Broad Gate or Childergate now Pump Lane, 43 ; Site of St. Nicholas Church, 44 ; Explanation of Bend in Mead Lane, 44 ; Rochester continuously occupied from pre-Roman times, 44 ; Bishop Justus fled to Continent, 122. | Roman Altar discovered at Napchester, near Dover, An Inscribed, by ' M. P. Dare, M.A. Illus., 94-98. Roman Coins found in tumulus near Blue Bell Hill in possession of I Thomas Charles, Chillington Manor, j 134. Roman Cremation Groups, xlv. Roman Pottery finds at Upchurch (Beale Poste MSS.), 135. Roman Remains from Upchurch Marshes by John H. Evans, 146, 147. Roman Road from Lympne to Dover, 87-90; Evidences of Roman occupation, 89. Roman Road from Richborough to Dover, Roman domestic altar of white sandstone found, 94, 95. Roman Watling Street from Canterbury to Dover, The, by Frank Jenkins, 2 sketch maps, 45-47. Roman Ways in the Weald, by Ivan D. Margary, M.A., F.S.A. Reviewed by Richard C. Stone, 158-161. Romano-British Period, Early Settlement in, 36. Roper, Miss Anne, The Hengest Luncheon, 149-151. Saberht, King of the East Saxons, c. 604, 113. Sackville-West, Hon. V., C.H., J.P., F.R.S.L., Illustrated lecture on Knole, xii, xlii. St. Alphege Church, Canterbury, 112. St. Augustine of Canterbury, see Augustine, St., 108, 129. St. Martin's Church, Canterbury, 112. St. Nicholas, New Romney, 3. Saltwood Castle, 87, 90. Sarzens, Sarsdens or Greywethers, sandstone blocks, 133 ; The White Horse Stone, Original destroyed before 1834, 135. Savage, Richard, 1722, Memorial Tablet by R. Chambers, Plate III, facing 64. Scheemakers, Thomas, Sculptor, Monument to W. Henley and Wife at Otham, Plate V, facing 80. School, Week-end. On Saxon Kent, organized by Mr. F. W. Jessup, xii ; Details, xliv. Scott, Sir Walter, Quartermaster of " The Edinburgh Light Dragoons," 17. Sculptors with Signed Monuments in Kentish Churches, 137 artists enumerated with position of work by 171 GENERAL INDEX Teichman DerviUe, M., O.B.E., D.L., M.A., F.S.A., F.R.Hist.S., President, Freeman and late Mayor of New Romney. Possessor of MSS. as to State Trials and Diary of Thomas Miller, 1; thanked for assistance with research into Armed Forces of j the Cinque Ports, 14, 20. I Temple, Serpent, or Dracontium, 137, i 139. j Terry, Mr. W. Neville, 103 ; Four bronze implements, sketch, 143-145. Tester, P. J., A Palaeolithic Imple- ; ment found in the High Plateau between Folkestone and Dover, sketch, 140-142. : Tester, P. J. and H. F. Bing, M.A., F.R.Hist.S. : A First Century Urn- Field at Cheriton, near Folkestone, j 3 Plates, 6 Figures, 21-36. 1 Theakstone, Joseph, Sculptor gifted | at conveying texture, 83. Theed, William, Allowed to take death I mask of the Prince Consort, 83, 84. Thomas of Blmham, Historian, 125. Thorpe, the Rochester Antiquary, 1769, 48. Tournay, Robert, Clerk to the Com mon Assembly, New Romney, 5. Town and Country Planning Act. Section 29 dealing with Preservation, xliv. Trottescliffe (Trosley), SS. Peter and Paul, 1 Fig., 1 Plan, 100 ; Early Norman Church, 101. Tyler Hill Pottery Site near Canterbury. A further note, by P. JSpillet. Indication of 2-pronged forks. MSS. 1363Tighelerchilde, 148. Rupert Gunnis, 6 Plates, 57-86 ; Sources of Information, 58-60. Sevenoaks, Monument to Sir J. Fermor, by A. Carpentiere, 64; Plate II, facing 57. Shode Stream, Basted Paper Mills xliv. Signed Monuments in Kentish Churches, by Rupert Gunnis, 6 Plates, 1 Figure, 57-86. Sloper, Lt.-General Sir Robert, 15. Smith, Charles Roach, F.S.A., Temple Farm, Strood, 49. Smith, William, Freeman of New Romney, 2. Southern, Mr. R. W., Lecture on " Uses and Abuses of History," xlvi. Spence, Esq., Charles, The Admiralty, Chatham, 49. Spillet, P. J., Tyler Hill Potteiy site near Canterbury. A Further Note, 148. Stagg, Commander, The Hengist Luncheon, 151. State Trials, Collections of. Verbatim Accounts of 18th century disputes in New Romney, 1. Stebbing, Mr. W. P. D., Report on work at Stonar, a denehole, Belgic and other pottery finds at Upper Walmer, xlv. Stenton, Sir Frank, Authority on A.S. England. Judgment on St. Augustine, 129. Stevens, Alfred, Sculptor, Wellington Monument, 82. Stevens, Mrs. F. E., of Holywell Farm, Upchurch, reports discovery of the " Holy Well," 147, 148. Stonar, near Sandwich. Possible landing place for St. Augustine, 115. Stone, Richard 0. : Reviews of The Hundred of Hoo by Ralph Arnold, 166-158, and Roman Ways in the Weald, by Ivan D. Margary, M.A., F.S.A., 158-161. Stones : Purbeck, 48 ; Alabaster, 49 ; Black Marble from Tournai, 49 ; Numidian Marble from Rome, 70 ; Yellow and red marble, 84. Stuppeny, Richard, Tombstone, 4. Sturry, Recent finds, 145, 146 ; Riverside settlement on Westbere Marshes, xliv. Swarling, First century pottery, 22 ; Brooches, 32, 33, 34. Taylor, Robert the Elder, Sculptor. Monumental Tablet to Jane Brewer at W. Parleigh, 83; Plate VI, facing Upchurch, Roman Pottery, also Roman Way to Aylesford, 135; Holywell, Original "Holy Well" uncovered, 147, 148. Upchurch Marshes, Roman Remains, Samian Ware with potters' marks. 146. Urry, William, Canterbury Mayoral Quincentenary, 162 ; See Canterbury in a Day, 162. Vicary, Thomas : A Famous Maidstone Surgeon. By John W. Bridge, 1 Plate, 91-93 ; Success in Royal treatment, 91 ; Rise in profession, and Rewards, 91, 92 ; Appointed Governor of St. Bartholomew's Hospital, 92 ; published A profitable Treatise of the Anatomic of Mans Body, interested in Dissection, 92 ; Will, 93. 172 GENERAL Vergilius, Bishop of Aries, ordained Augustine, c. 597, 112, 123. Waller, J. G., restored Cobham Monument, 49. Ward, Gordon, M.A., F.S.A. : A Note on the Mead Way, the Street and Doddinghyrnan in Rochester with Plan, 37-44 ; The Hengest Luncheon 151 ; thanked for talk on Hengest and Horsa, xlii. Warman, MissR. M., B.A., thanked, 34. Warner, Mr. F. L., Hon. Curator of Dover Museum, 94. Watling Street, Main Road through Rochester miscalled, 42, 43 ; Roman Watling Street from Canterbury to Dover, 45-47. Watling Street, No. 1. Excavation, xliv. Wellard, Freeman of New Romney. Irregular proceedings, 3, 4. West Parleigh, Monumental Tablet to Jane Brewer by R. Taylor, Plate VI, 83. White, Mr. L. W., Lecture on " The Development of Kent Railways," xlvi. INDEX Wightwick, Mr., Chosen Mayor of New Romney at same time as Richard Elles, 1-10 ; Finally elected Assistant Mayor, 10. Williams, Mrs. Audrey, Excavations in Canterbury, 46, 47. Wilson, Mr. Sidney, Common-Place Book of Faversham returned from Hythe, xlv. Wing, Basilican Church at, 106, 107. Woodnesborough, dedicated to Woden, 117. Woodruff, The late Rev. C. Eveleigh, Vice-President and Member for over 70 years, xii. Wormshill, dedicated to Woden, 117. Wright, Mr. R. P., of Durham University, Views on Roman Altar, 95. Wye, A plaque from, Plate II, by G. E. Hubbard, 143 ; Derived from " Weoh," an idol or shrine, 113, 117. Wye Historical Society and The Old Book of Wye, xliv. York, Duke of, Reviewed Fencible Cavalry at Barham Down Camp, 15. 173