Annual Report and Accounts

ANNUAL REPORT AND ACCOUNTS FOR THE YEAR 1949 Cfilht Jtnt 􀀕 rrhrenln!lital inrittn REPORT FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31ST DECEMBER, 1949 THE Council present to members their ninety-first Report, together with the Accounts for 1949. Over 140 new members have been elected during the past year, and the total membership now stands at just over 1,100. The Council are much indebted to those members whose efforts have been so successful in interesting their friends in the work of the Society. It is sincerely hoped they will not relax their efforts in the coming year, particularly in view of the unavoidable increase in subscriptions payable by new members. It is with deepest regret that the Council record the loss of the Rev. Canon R. U. Potts, F.S.A., Sir Charles Igglesden, D.L., F.S.A., and Mr. J. H. Bolton. For oyer thirty years Canon Potts was a valued member of the Council and a scholarly contributor to Arch


Contents and Illustrations, Volume 63


The Lullingstone Roman Villa