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Obituary - Arthur John Golding, F.S.A. - Walter Johnson, F.G.S
Frontispiece 1949
GENERAL INDEX Abbey of St. Augustine and its History, 58. Abbreviations and Bibliography used in Excavations in Canterbury, 117, 118. Aoheulian Technique in Palaeolithic Flint Implements, 126, 132. Addington. Plan of Long Barrow of Megalith, Fig. 1, 64 ; Description, 74 ; History of discovery, 75 ; Chestnuts Group examined, 75. /Eneid, the, Reference to, 45. Alcuin. Yorkshire Schoolmaster at Court of Charlemagne, 57, 60. Allen, A. F. Shorne Parish Records and notes on Bulham, 152, 153. Allington Castle occupied by Sir Thomas Wyatt, 1538, 65. Anglo-Danish Luncheon arranged by K.A.S. followed by visit of Danish oarsmen landing in Broadstairs and Ramsgate, xlv ; Enthusiastic reception of "The Hugin" and her Crew, xlvi. Antiquaries, Society of, 2, 158. Archceologia Cantiana. Increased cost of production, xii. • Archaeology, Director of the Institute of. Thanked with staff for assistance with Lullingstone Roman Villa, 1, 2. Archbishop's Estates, Army service obligatory, 60. Arnold, Mr. A. A., on picture of Rochester medieval Bridge, 140. Ashford Archaeological Society, xlv. Ashmole, Mr. Bernard, of British Museum, on Roman Busts, 36. "Association of Friends of Kent Village Churohes " recommended by Council, xlvi. Aylesford, The Carmelite Friary ol. By Hugh Braun, F.S.A., F.R.I.B.A., 4 illustrations showing plans of monastic buildings ; Water supply from spring at Hawksgarden in Burham, 55; Return of Carmelites, 1949, 60-56. Aylesford. Stonemason on Sarzen stones, 1868, 63. Ayleway, Heroules, of Mereworth Castle, desoribed megalithic monument in 1722, 67 ; Compared with Dutch Long Barrow, 78, Fig. 6, 76. Banks Family remodelled Aylesford Friary house in 17th century, 66. Barbers and Surgeons, United Company of, Created in 1540, 121. Barming Bridge, Medieval Woodman's Axe dug up, xliii. Bath, Roman, 8-10. Beale Poste, Rev. As to Megalithic burial plaoe, 65 ; Drawings and plans of Coldrum, 69, 71. Belgic Culture, 5. Bell, Mr. A. G., I.S.O., F.G.S., 1. Bennett, F. J., Remains from Coldrum unearthed, 70. Bibliography and Abbreviations for Excavations in Canterbury, 117, 118. Bickley or " Bichelie " in Domesday, 153. Bigbury Camp pottery, 82. Bing, Harold F. Discovery of Masonry on Castle Hill, Folkestone, 147 ; Report on Tumuli at Brockman's Bushes, near Hythe, 160. Birehenough, Edwyn, M.A., The Lullingstone Roman Villa, Illustrations, Plates, Appendices, 1-49. Black Death, A.D. 1348, 63. Bluebell Hill, Groups of Sarzen Stones, 68, 69. Boleyn, Anne, Coat-of-Arms, 142. Bolton, Mr. J. H. The late Secretary for Rochester Distriot, and Member of Council, xii. Bourgchier, Archbishop. Rebuilding of Knole purchased from Sir William Fenys, Lord Say and Seale, 1456 ; permitted by Pope Sixtus IV, to live at Knole and other residences. Died at Knole, 135-139. Bowen, Mr. S., 1.44. Bowman's Lodge Pit, Dartford Heath, 123. Boyle, Mr. John, LL.B., Town Clerk of Canterbury. Excavations in Burgate Street, 82, 116 j Found Roman jar with spouts, 106. Brade-Birks, Dr. S. G., thanked for identifying soils excavated, 117. Brain, Alderman R. F., of Chatham, bequest to K.A.S., 163. Braun, Hugh, F.S.A., F.R.I.B.A. The • Carmelite Friary ol Aylesford, Figs. 1-4, 50-56. 169 GENERAL INDEX Brayley mentions megalithic stones at Coldrum, 1808, 69. Bridge, John W„ F.S.A. John Hall of Maidstone, A Famous Surgeon of the Sixteenth Century, Illustration, 119- 121. Bridge, John W. The College of All Saints, Maidstone, 150-161. Bridge Wardens' Council Chamber, Rochester, Painting of Bridge, 140. British Museum Metal ingots and marble busts from Lullingstone Roman Villa, deposited, 3. Brodrick, The late Miss, Artist, Coloured illustrations for The Ancient Glass of Canterbury Cathedral, 156- 158. Brooches. From Roman Villa at Lullingstone, Fig. 3, 6, 14. Broodbank, Messrs. D. A., A.R.I.B.A., and C. B. Mears, A.R.I.B.A., Plans and sections of Lullingstone Roman Villa, 1. Bronze Age, burial site reported by Mr. W. P. D. Stebbing, xliii; Polished flint celt found in Maidstone, xliii ; presented to Museum. Bronze. Small finds in Lullingstone Roman Villa, Appendix III, by Mr. M. R. Hull, M.A., F.S.A., Plate VI, 28 ; see also Coins. Bulham or " Bulan ham," 152. Burgate Street, Plan of, 83 ; see Canterbury. Bushe-Fox, J.P. Fourth Report on the Excavations of the Roman Fort at Richborough, 158-161 ; Reviewed by L.R.A.G. Busts, The Lullingstone, Appendix V, by Miss J. M. C. Toynbee, M.A., D.Phil., F.S.A., 35-43 ; Of Greek marble comparisons, 35-39, Illustrations, Plates II, III, IV ; Busts used in Roman Portrait Galleries, 42, 43. Canterbury. Excavations in Burgate Street, 1946-8. By Frank Jenkins, 82-118 ; 17 illustrations, 3 Appendices, 3 Plates ; Timber Structure, 85 ; The Hearths, 87, 88 ; Skeleton of Child, 88 ; Roman Well, 88 ; Summary of Coins therein, 90; Samian Ware, 93-99 ; Coarse Ware, 99-110 ; Small objects with sketches, 112-114; Querns, 114-115; Charcoal, 115 ; Iron Slag, 115, 116 ; Glass, 116 ; Acknowledgments, 116, 117 ; Bibliography and Abbreviations, 117, 118 ; Further Finds, 1949, xlv. Canterbury Excavation Committee, 116. Carmelite Order, 50, 56 ; Settled in Medway near Aylesford, 1241. Catigern, British Prince, gave name to General's Tombstone, Kits Coty House, 66. Cenotaph Room in Roman Villa, Mortarium placed o. A.D. 345, 14. Chamberlain, F. W., Esq., of West Wickham, High Sheriff of Kent, xliii. Charcoal identified by Miss F. L. Stephens, Appendix I ; Canterbury Excavations, 115. Chartham Paper Mills, Kent, 148. Childe, Gordon, Views on Coldrum, 72. Clactonian technique in Palaeolithic Flint implements, 128, 132, 133. Clapham, Sir Alfred, 143. Clay, pipe. Figurines used in domestic worship, 155. C.N. Appreciation of the late Arthur John Golding, 166. Cobham megalith, 63, 75 ; Visited by Flinders Petrie, 76. Cockadamshaw (Harvel) Group of Sarzens, 63. " Coffin Stones," one huge monolith remains, 65. Coins, The, by Bertram W. Pearce, M.A., F.S.A. ; Appendix IV, The Lullingstone Roman Villa, 28-34 ; With Summary; 34. Coins found in Burgate Street Roman Well, 90, also 110-112. Coldrum Monument, Megalithic, 63 ; Plan reconstructed, 64, Surveyed, Fig. 3, 68, 69 ; Most complete Kentish Megalith, Memorial to Benjamin Harrison, 69 ; Position examined. 70-72; Human Remains found ; Principal Cromlech of Kistvsen class 71; Views expressed by Sir Arthur Keith, V. Gordon Childe, John Ward, Stuart Piggott, 72; Comparison with Danish megaliths, 72. Coldwell, John, Friend to John Hall of Maidstone, 120. Commodus restoring order A.D.185, despatched Pertinax to Southern Britain, 40. Conference held at Kingsgate, May, 1949, subject, GeorgianKent. Papers read by Miss Anne Roper, M.B.E. ; F.S.A., Mr. F. C. Elliston Erwood, F.S.A., Mr. Richard Stone, B.A., Mr. R. W. Paine, A.R.C.A., A.R.I.B.A., Mr. Frank Jessup, F.S.A. xliii; Cook, W.H., as to orientation of Coldrum, 72 ; Suggested 170 GENERAL reconstruction, Fig. 4, Possible religious observances, 74. Cookson, Mr. Photographs of Roman Villa, 1. Cotswold megaliths and Long Barrows, Bone-breaking rite, 80. Crawford, Mr. O. G. S. List of native Long Barrows, 78, 80. Crayford Sand and Gravel Pits Limited, thanked, 122. Cricket in Kent, Early reference, 1610, 154. Cumberland, Mr. A. Report on Dartford area, xliv. Curator and Staff thanked, xii. Curwen, Dr. Cecil, Description of Querns, 114, 115 ; Thanked 117. Danish megaliths compared with Coldrum, 72. Darent, River, Lullingstone Roman Villa on West Bank, 1. Darent Valley, Archaeological Research Group, 3 ; Field Survey in 1947-48, 3. Darenth Villa, Kent, 26. Dartford District Antiquarian Society, important exhibition of local finds, xliv. Dartford Heath excavated for sand and gravel, Bowman's Lodge Pit disclosing Palaeolithic flint implements, 122. Davies, Miss Dora M., 28. Davis, Mr. Reginald, 38. Deans, Rural. Informed of expert help available for written guides in Churches, xlv. D'Elboux, R. H. M.C, F.S.A. Deeds with Kent connections: Ashbumham Deeds Nos. 38 and 97, 147. Desborough, Mrs. V. F., xlv ; Research in Tunbridge Wells District, 146. Dio's Story, 40. Dorchester, arrival of Danes, 67. Douglas, James, examined Kits Coty House, 66 ; also by Professor Stuart Piggott, 72. Dover, Market Square finds, xlv. Drain-pipes, ancient wooden, unearthed, 146. Du Boulay, F.R.H., M.A, A note on the Rebuilding of Knole by Archbishop Bourgchier, with accounts, 1455-6, 1463, 135-139. Edmund, Saint, King of East Anglia, martyred by Danes, 69. Elliston Erwood, F. C, F.S.A. Researches in London District, 144. 171 INDEX Elmham, Thomas of, Historian of Abbey of St. Augustine, 1450, mentions Vikings, 68, 61. Elphege, Saint, Archbishop of Canterbury died at Greenwich, 1012, 59. Eltham. Churchwardens fined seven parishioners for playing orioket on the Sabbath, 155. Evans, JohnH.,F.S.A.,F.R.G.S. Kentish Megalith Types, 63-81. 5 illustrations ; Revetment for Basement Room of Lullingstone Roman Villa, 1; Review of Kent: The Little Guides, revised by R. F. Jessup, 162 ; Researches in Rochester and Gravesend Districts, Wouldham Marshes, Frindsbury Marshes, Isle of Grain, 146-146 ; Review of Anglo- Saxon Jewellery, by Ronald Jessup, F.S.A., 162. Excursions in 1949. Invaluable help given by local Secretaries, 425 tickets taken. Lists of Hosts and Hostesses, xlii. Fenys, Sir William, Lord Say and Seale, 1456, 135. Fergusson on Sarzen Stones, 63 ; The Coffin Stone, 65. Flavian-Antonine house, Fig. 2, 4-6 ; Basement Room, Bath room eto. 8 ; main destruction, c. A.D.367. Fleet, Miss, of Sutton-at-Hone, lent Roman amphora, xliv. Francis, Mr., found 3 flint implements at Bassett's Farm, Pembury, 146. Frere, Mr. Sheppard, F.S.A., found Roman road metalling at Burgate St. excavations, 90, 91 ;' thanked, 117. Fresco. The Dionysian Mysteries in Villa at Pompeii, see Wall Plaster, 48'. Friends of Kent Village Churches Association, recommended by Council, xlvi. Gardiner, Mr. A. J., thanked 117. Gill, John, Local Story of Cobham megalith, 75, 77. Gitsham, Mr. W. G., Survey of Coldrum, Fig. 3, 70. Glacial dating of Flint implements, 126, 128, 130, 132. Glass from Lullingstone Roman Villa. By Bernard C. Middleton, Appendix II, 22-28, Fig. 9, 24 ; Catalogue of Vessels and Window-panes, 22, 23- 27. Glass found in Excavations at Canterbury, 112, 113. Notes by D. B. Harden, F.S.A., 116. GENERAL INDEX Golding, The late Arthur John, F.S.A., Hon. Librarian to K.A.S. and Curator of Maidstone Museum, 166 ; Appreciation by N.C. Goodsall, Robert H., F.R.I.B.A., A.R.P.S. Stede Hill, the Annals of a Kentish Home, 161, 162. Greenfield, E. The Lullingstone Roman Villa, 1-49 ; Illustrations, plates, appendices. Isle of Grain pottery, 146. Greenhithe, Stone Court, 148. Grey, Richard, of Codnor, A.D. 1241, 50. Grimes, Mr. W. F., F.S.A., with Orpington Historical and Record Society excavating mesolithic site, xliii. Grinsell, L. V. Bronze Implements from Kent in Cheltenham and Exeter museums, 148. Grove, Mr. L. R. A., B.A., F.S.A., F.R.E.S., of Maidstone Museum, 69, 146 ; Note on Early Kent Cricket, 153-155 ; thanked at General Meeting, xii. Grymesdyche, John, Bailiff and Receiver at Otford during rebuilding of Knole, Accounts shown, 135-139. GuiUoche twist in Mosaic, 46. Gunnis, Mr. Rupert. Lecture on English Monumental Sculpture at Annual Meeting, xii. Gunyon, Mr. Alban, of Rochester. Wall painting uncovered in Old Vicarage Cottage, thirteenth century undercroft, xlii. Hall, John, of Maidstone. A Famous Surgeon of the Sixteenth Century. By John W. Bridge, F.S.A., Illustration, 119-121. Hallimond, Dr. A. F., of the Geological Survey and Museum Report on Iron Slag, Appendix II, Canterbury Excavations, 115 ; thanked, 117. Halsall, Mr. A. C. L., thanked, 134. Hampton Court Palace, Heraldry, " King's Beasts," 143. Harden, Mr. D. B., F.S.A. Notes on the Glass found in excavations at Canterbury, 116; thanked, 117; Information on Lullingstone Glass, 28. Harker, Brigadier. Aureus of Nero found on estate at Sutton Valence, xliii. Harrison, The late Benjamin. Memorial plaque at Coldrum, Fig. 3, 69. Harrison, Sir Edward, Hon. Secretary. Report for 1949, The 91st, xli-xlvi. Harvel (Cockadamshaw) Group of Sarzens, 63, Hasted re Roman Villa, 3. Hasted on Knole, 135. Haverfield Bequest Administrators, 2. Hawkes, Professor, C. F. C, F.S.A., thanked for Report on small objects found in Canterbury excavations, 117; Views on " Long Barrows," 78. Heraldic Beasts on Medieval Bridge at Rochester and their derivation, 141-143. Heraldic Decoration of the Drawbridge of the Medieval Bridge of Rochester. By the Rev. Canon S. W. Wheatley, F.S.A., 140-143 ; Names of Workmen ; Comparison with similar Heraldic Beasts ordered by King Henry VIH, 141. Higenbottam, Mr. F., City Librarian and Curator, Canterbury, thanked for assistance, 117. Hine, Mr. T., thanked for assistance, 117. Holworthy, Mr. Richard, 38. Horsted. No evidence of tomb of Horsa being megalithic, 63. Hugin, The, Danish Long-Ship rowed by 48 oarsmen to represent Viking fifth century landing, xlv, xlvi. Hull, Mr. M. R., M.A., F.S.A. Note on Fibulae in Lullingstone Roman Villa, 1, 28. Hulne by Alnwick, 60. Hyngwar and Hubba, Danish leaders, 59. Igglesden, The late Sir Charles, D.L., F.S.A. Member of K.A.S. for fifty years. Published 35 volumes Saunters Through Kent, xii. Ionic Order, Pillars of, depicted, 49. Jackson, C. M., Theory as to Coldrum, 71. Jenkins, Frank. Canterbury Excavations in Burgate Street, 1946-8, 17 illustrations, 3 plates, 3 appendices, 82-118. Jessup, Frank. Review on Stede Hill by Robert H. Goodsall, 161-162. Jessup, R. F., F.S.A., Hon Editor. On Megaliths, 63 ; On Bulham, 152 ; Anglo-Saxon Jewellery, 162- 163 ; Talk on Society's Jutish Relics at Annual Meeting, xii. Jetton found at Elham, French or Flemish, 151, 152. Johnson, on human sacrifices upon Megaliths in Holland, 74. Jones, E. C. H., F.R.A.I., Occupation site, early Mesolithio found near Chelsfield, xliii, 172 GENERAL INDEX Jones, Professor F. Wood, F.R.C.S. Report on Skulls from Parish Church of St. Nicholas, Stonar, 149, 150. j Jordan, Mr. R., thanked for assistance, 117. Keith, Sir Arthur. Views on Coldrum, 72. Kemp Town Brewery, Messrs. The, of Brighton, permitted excavations, I. Kemsing Excavations on Roman Building, carried out by Messrs. C. H. Brett and L. Chandler, xliv. Kent Archaeological Society, Gifts to, 167, 158. Kent County Council permitted excavations, 1. Kentish Megalith Types. John H. Evans, F.S.A., F.R.G.S., 6 illustrations, 63-81. Kilburne's account of Knole, 135 ; Repaired not re-built, 136. King's Messengers, Entertainment of, 60. Kistvaen Class of Cromleoh at Coldrum, 71. Kits Coty House, 63. Plan of Long Barrow reoonstruoted, 64 ; James Douglas found nothing in 1793, 65 ; " The General's Tombstone " huge monolith, 66 ; named after Catigern. Destroyed 1867, 65, comparison, 68; Insular in type, 78 ; Compared with Cotswold Long Barrow and Irish i Dolmen at Ballina, 79. I Kits Coty House, Lower, no longer existing, 63 ; Plan re-construoted, 64, 66. Klein, Mr. Walter G., 159. Knight, Mr. T. Moreton, 145. Knole, A Note on the Rebuilding of, by Archbishop Bourgchier. By F.R.H. Du Boulay, M.A., 135-139. Lambarde and Legend of Catigern's Burial Place, 65. Larking, L. B. Found pottery at Coldrum, 75. Latham, Mr. E. Wilson, 145. LevaUoisian teohnique in Palaeolithic Flint implements, 129, 132-134. Library, Additions to, by gift or purchase, see Report, xlii. Loftie, Rev. W. JT, on Rebuilding of Knole, 136. Loggia or Garden Room* in Roman Villa, Walls plastered and deoorated in colour, 13. London Mint Coins made A.D. 320-30, 29, London, Mr. H. S., F.S.A., on Rochester Medieval Bridge, 140. Lowther, A. W. G., M.A., F.S.A. Report on Flue Tiles in Lullingstone Roman Villa, 1, 14. Lullingstone Roman Villa, The. By Lieut.-Colonel G. W. Meates, F.S.A., E. Greenfield and Edwyn Birchenough, M.A., 1-49, 7 plates, 7 appendices, illustrations. Mackrory, Mr. and Mrs., drew pottery of Lullingstone Roman Villa, 1, 20, 21. Maidstone in 1672 " a very prophane town," 154 ; " Maydenstone " in 1424, 150. Maidstone Parish Church comparable with Aylesford Priory, 63. Maidstone, All Saints' Church. Death of John Hall " the Surgian" registered in 1568, 119. Maidstone Museum, Mr. L. R. A. Grove discovered Beale Poste's notes on Coldrum, 69. Marble, Luna, 43 ; Pentelic, 35. Martin, Mr. T., thanked for assistance, 117. Mears, C. B., A.R.I.B.A., and D.A. Broodbank, A.R.I.B.A., prepared plans and sections of Lullingstone Roman Villa, 1. Meates, Lieut-Col. G. W., F.S.A. The Lullingstone Roman Villa, Illustrations, plates, appendices, 1-49 ; Discoveries at Marsh Field Pits, Sutton-at-Hone, Dartford, 144. Medieval window in Aylesford Friary, 54. Medway Oil and Storage Company, Wallend Petroleum Tank Farm, Isle of Grain ; Iron Age Discoveries, 145-146. Medway Valley contained Neolithic Megalithic necropolis; Coldrum, Addington Park, Kits Coty House, 63. Megaliths, Continental, see Fig. 6, 76 ; Dutch, German, 79 ; Difference in bedding of stones, 80 ; Summary of Kentish Types of Groups, 80-81. Membership on 31st December, 1949, 1,100, xii. Meopham. Burial of Remains from Coldrum, 70. " Mero fleot " of the Saxon Chronicle, 774, 163. Middleton, Bernard C. Report on Glass found in Lullingstone Roman Villa, 1 ; Domestio and Window Glass,.Appendix II, Fig. 9, 22-28, 173 GENERAL INDEX Minster, Sack of, Importance of work of Nunnery, 61, 62. Minting of Coins, London, Lugdunum, 29, 34. Miscellaneous Notes, 147-155. Discovery of Masonry on Castle Hill, Folkestone, by Harold Bing, 147 : Deeds with Kent Connections, by R. H. D'Elboux, 147, 148 : Court House, Upper Deal, by W. P. D. Stebbing, 148 : Bronze Implements from Kent, by L. V. Grinsell, 148 : Excavations at Stonar, by Professor F. Wood Jones, F.R.C.S., with supplementary note by W. P. D. Stebbing, 149, 160 ; Report on Tumuli at Brockman's Bushes, near Hythe, by Harold F. Bing, 160: The College of All Saints, Maidstone, by John W. Bridge, 160-151 : French or Flemish Jetton, by F. Higenbottam, 151, 152 : Shorne Parish Records, by A. F. Allen, 162-163 : A Note on Early Kent Cricket, by L. R. A. Grove, 153-155 : A Pipe- Clay Statuette of Venus, by W. Neville Terry, 155. Mortimer Wheeler, Professor R. E., 44 ; References to Aeneid, 45. Mosaic Floors, The. By Cregoe D. P. Nicholson, F.R.Hist.S., F.S.A. (Scot.), F.S.G., Lullingstone Roman Villa, Appendix VI, Plate V, c. A.D.300, 44-47. Mosaic in Lullingstone Roman Villa, 6, 7, 11, 12. National Book League's 1950 Exhibition of Cricket Books, 154. Nero, Aureus of, Found at Sutton Valence, xliii. Newton, Mr. J., thanked for assistance, 117. Nicholson, Cregoe D. P., F.R.Hist.S., F.S.A.(Seot.), F.S.G. Appendices VI, VII, Mosaics and Wall Plaster In Lullingstone Roman Villa, Plates I, V, VII, 44-49. Noble, Rev. Mark, Discovery of Coldrum, 69. Northumberland. Arrival of Danes, Slaughter at Lindisfarne, 57. Notices, by R. F. Jessup, F.S.A. 164. British Prehistory, by Professor Stuart Piggott; Man the Toolmaker, by Dr. Kenneth Oakley; History of the Primates, by Professor Le Gros Clark ; Flint Implements, by Mr. Watson ; British Antiquity, by Dr. T. D. Kendrick ; Medieval English Pottery, by Bernard Rackham ; English Delft-ware, by F. H. Garner; Notes on Archaeological Technique, Ashmolean Museum, 164, 165. Obituaries, Arthur John Golding, F.S.A., 1881-1950, Hon. Librarian to K.A.S., Curator of Maidstone Museum. Appreciation by N.C., 166 ; Walter Johnson, F.G.S., 1867-1960, author of Folk Memory and Byways in British Archaeology. Appreciation by J.H.E., 166, 167. Occupational Surnames, " William Gynmaker " makes gins for fish at 8d. each, 161. Offa, King of Mercia, Ferocity aroused by Danish invasions, 60. O'Neil, Mr. B. H. St.J., V-P.S.A., thanked, 117. Oswald, Dr. Felix, F.S.A., reported on Samian Ware, thanked, 117. Otford bailiwick. Accounts pertaining to re-building of Knole.now in Public Record Office, 136 ; New watermill constructed, 136 ; Archbishop Bourgchier stayed in Palace, 1456,136. Otford. Fragments of painted Wall Plaster in Roman Villa, 45. Otham. In 1630 Rev. Thomas Wilson suspended for refusing to publish the Book of Sports in his Church, 155. Palseolithic Flint Implements from the Bowman's Lodge Gravel Pit, Dartford Heath. By P. J. Tester, 122- 134 ; Map and Illustrations, general description of finds, 124 ; summary of finds, 132-134. " Patchgrove" type cooking pot, Fig. 5, No. 6, 11. Payne on the Cobham Megalith and "The Warrior's Grave," 70, 75. Pearce, B. W., M.A., F.S.A., Report on Coinage found in Lullingstone Roman Villa, 1 ; Appendix IV, With Analysis and summary, 28-34; Coins from Richborough, 161. Piggott, Professor Stuart, compares British and Continental megaliths, 72-78. Pipe-Clay figurines, 156. Plenderleith, Dr. H. J., F.S.A., of the British Museum, analysed ingots of copper and lead found at Lullingstone, 11. Poste, Beale, see Beale Poste. Pottery dug up in Burgate Street, Samian, Marne, description of Samian, 93-99. Coarse Ware, 99-110. Special jar with Spouts, 106, 174 GENERAL INDEX Pottery found in Lullingstone Roman Villa, 5, 7, 11-22 ; Period, 1st century A.D., 5 ; Period, Flavian - Antonine, 6 ; Period, 3rd century A.D., 6; Period, 4th century, A.D., 7; Period, Post Roman, 8 ; Coarse Pottery, Appendix I, 14-22. Pottery, lead glazed found at Charlton, 144. Potts, The late Rev. Canon R. U., F.S.A., Member of Council for thirty years, contributor to Arch. Cant., xii. Pretty, Edward, in 1841 examined Coldrum Monument, 69. Rackham, Bernard, C. B., The Ancient Glass of Canterbury Cathedral, 166- 168. Records Branch. Further support requested, xlii. References, also see Footnotes ; Altham and Swanton, A History of Cricket, 165 ; Coins, 29, 34 ; H. Mattingly and E. A. Sydenham, 39 ; Arch. Cant. XXXV, 140 ; XXXIX, 3, 45, LV, 146, 150; LXI, 3, 90, 92, 146, Arch., LXXVIII, 84; A. S. Chronicle, 57, 58 ; Ant. Journal, 82, 100 ; Bibliography, 117, 118 ; O. G. S. Crawford, Long Barrows of the Cotswolds, 80; Heraldry, Sir W. H. St.J. Hope, F.S.A., Sir C. R. Peers, F.S.A., Rev. E. E. Dorling, F.S.A., 143; Royal Heraldry, 141; Journal B.A.A., 144; Roman Canterbury, 90, 92, 101; Sprockhoff, Antiquity, 80; Thorpe MSS, 140 ; Dr. R. Mortimer Wheeler, Roman Times, 165. Researches and Discoveries in Kent, 1960, 144-146 ; London Distriot, by F.C. Elliston-Erwood, 144 ; Sevenoaks District, by G. W. Meates, 144 ; Rochester and Gravesend Districts, (a) Wouldham Marshes, (6) Frindsbury Marshes, (c) Isle of Grain, by John H. Evans, 146-46 ; Tunbridge Wells Distriot, by V. F. Desborough, 146. Reviews, 166-163. The Ancient Glass of Canterbury Cathedral, by Bernard Rackham, C.B., F.S.A., reviewed by C.R.C., copy presented to K.A.S. by John H. Evans, F.S.A., 156-168 ; Fourth Report on the Excavations of the Roman Fort at Richborough, Kent, by J. P. Bushe-Fox, reviewed by L.R.A.G., 168-161 ; Stede Hill : The Annals of a Kentish Home, by Robert H. Goodsall, F.R.I.B.A., A.R.P.S., reviewed by Frank Jessup, 161-162 ; Kent : The Little Guides, revised by R. F. Jessup, reviewed by J.H.E., 162 ; Anglo-Saxon Jewellery, by Ronald Jessup, F.S.A., reviewed by J.H.E., 162, 163. Reviews unavoidably postponed, Yeoman of Kent, by Ralph Arnold, 163 ; Canterbury, by William Townsend, 163. Richborough, The Roman Fort of, 158- 161. Roach Smith led party over Coldrum, 1863, 71. Roman amphora from Darenth lent by Miss Fleet, xliv. Roman Emperors and Empresses depicted on Coins, 29-34. Roman Villa at Lullingstone, 1-49 ; Figs. 1,2, 3, 4, Plate I. Roman Wall, Rochester, to be inspected, xliv. Romano-British culture, 3. Rook, Mr. R. J., Illustrations of wallplaster in Lullingstone Roman Villa, 1. Roper, Miss Anne, M.B.E., F.S.A., Report on Ashford, Bromley and Dartford Exhibitions, xlv ; Vice- Chairman of the County Looal History Committee. Royal Heraldry, 141-143. St. Augustine, Abbey of, 68. St. Edmund, King of East Anglia, martyred by Danes, 69. St. Elphege, Archbishop of Canterbury, died 1012, 69. St. Mildred's of Thanet, destroyed by Danes, 826, 68. Samian Ware unearthed in Burgate Street, descriptions, Potters' names, sketohes, 93-99 ; at Richborough, 160. Sarzen Groups, Bluebell Hill etc, 68, 69. " Satis House," Roohester, Queen Elizabeth entertained, 1673, xliv. Sedley, John, converted Aylesford Friary Buildings into mansion, sixteenth century, 55. Seledritha, Abbess, 61 ; Sack of Minster, 61, 62. Sewell, Mr. G. A., thanked, 134. Seymour, House of, and Roohester Medieval Bridge, 141. Sigeburga, Abbess of Thanet, 751-797, 59. Smythe'sMegalith,nolongerexisting,63; Single Chamber, 68,77; Resemblanoe to Kits Coty House, 67; Bones and GENERAL INDEX pottery removed, 68; Compared with Rolfsen, see Fig. 5, 76-78. Spurrell, F. C. J., finds Acheulian ovate, 130. Stebbing, W. P. D., F.S.A., F.G.S., Court House, Upper Deal, 148 ; Further note on excavations at Stonar, 149 ; Coins from Richborough, 161 ; Report on Bronze Age Burial Site, also small pottery head of Hercules at Deal, xliii. Stephens, Miss F. L., Report on Charcoal, Appendix I, Canterbury Excavations, 115, thanked, 117. Stock, St. Simon, Prior. General of the Order of Carmelites at Aylesford, 1241, 50. Stukeley on Kits Coty House, 66 ; Lower Kits Coty House, Plan, Fig. 2a, 66 ; Reconstruction from Ayleway's description, 1722, 67, 68. Surgeons famous in late Tudor times, John Hall, Thomas Vicary, Gale, Clowes, Banister, Read, 119. Swanscombe, Palaeolithic Flint implements, 126. Swinnock, Rev. George, 1672, 154. Taylor, Miss M. V., Lecture on the Weyden Funerary Chamber, 43. Terry, W. Neville, A Pipe-Clay statuette of Venus, 155. Teichman DerviUe, Major M., O.B.E., D.L., M.A., F.S.A., F.R.Hist.S. President, Speech at Annual Meeting, xii. Tester, P. J. Palseolithic Flint Implements from the Bowman's Lodge Gravel Pit, Dartford Heath, map and illustrations, 127-134 ; on flint implements, 146. Thomas of Elmham, see Elmham. Thorne, William, Monk of St. Augustine's Abbey, 68 ; Inaccuracies in Records, 61. Thorpe, Dr. Rochester Antiquarian, His MSS in Library of Society of Antiquaries, 140. Thorpe, Mr. W. A., 28. Toke, Mr. N. E., finds of Neolithic implements at Elham, xlv. Tombstone, The General's, huge Sarzen near Kits Coty House, 65. Tomlinson, Major F. W., F.S.A., thanked, 117. Tottington Spring-head Monolith, " Coffinstone," 65, 69. Toynbee, Miss J. M. C, M.A., D.Phil., F.S.A. Report on Marble Busts in Lullingstone Roman Villa, 1 ; Appendix V, 35-43 ; Plates II-IV. Twysden, Sir Roger, Papers on the Weald, Romney Marsh and East Peckham, bequeathed to K.A.S. by Alderman R. F. Brain, 153. Vachell, J. N. T., Collector of Neolithic implements now in Folkestone Museum, xlv. van Giffen, Professor A. E., Dutch Authority on Megaliths, 75. Vikings Come to Thanet, The, by Gordon Ward, M.D., F.S.A., 57-62 ; Viking or Danish Raiders ; Evidence as to correct date ; The Viking Age, 57 ; Visited Thanet, A.D. 763 ; Summary of Proof of dates, 69 ; Unrecorded raids, 61 ; Visit of Danish Long Boat Hugin, xlv, see also Anglo-Danish. Wall Plaster, The, Painted in Lullingstone Roman Villa, Appendix VII by C. D. P. Nicholson, F.R.Hist.S., F.S.A.(Scot.), F.S.G., 47-49, Plate VII ; Remains of Dado, 48. Wallace, Master Charles, presented flint Celt to Maidstone Museum, xliii. Wansunt Channel, The, 131. Ward, Gordon, M.D., F.S.A. The Vikings Come to Thanet, 57-62. Ward, John, Views on Coldrum, 72. Ward, Perkins, Professor, Pottery Research, 146. Wheatley, Rev. Canon, S. W., F.S.A. Heraldic Decoration of the Drawbridge of the Medieval Bridge of Rochester, 140-143. Wheeler, Professor R. E. Mortimer, see Mortimer Wheeler. White Horse Stone; Monolith destroyed by 1834, 65 ; Its successor in name, 65, 67. Willement on Regal Heraldry, 141-142. Wilson, Mr. H. L., thanked for assistance, 117. Wood, Alexander, Minister of Works to Archbishop Bourgchier at Lambeth, 136, 138. Wood, E. C, finder and possessor of an Aureus of Nero, xliii. Worsfold, Pottery research, 146. Wyatt, Sir Thomas of Allington Castle, allowed Aylesford Friary to be partly demolished 1538, 55 ; John Hall imprisoned for taking part in rebellion, 119. 176