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Frontispiece 1950
GENERAL Acworth, Rev. R. W. Harrison, The late, lvi, 188. Aethelred, Archbishop, confirmed charter to Dudda, 18. Aethelwarde, 18. Aethelwulf, King of Wessex, Grant of lands to Dudda, 15. Agnes, sister of Archbishop Becket, 86. Alfred, King of the West Saxons, confirmed charter to Dudda, 18. Allectus, Coin of, found at East Farleigh, 163. Allen, A. F. An Early Poor Law Account. Parish of Shorne, 1598- 1607, 74-84. Ancient Human Bones from Canterbury Cathedral. By Canon F. J. Shirley, D.D., F.S.A., 112-115. Ancient Monuments Act, lviii, 35. Andernach lava, Quern stone of, 71. Andrews, Dury and Herbert published atlas, 1769, 111. Anglo-Iranian Oil Company on the Isle of Grain, 158. Anglo-Saxon Charters, 13. Anglo-Saxon Thetford. Lecture by Group Captain Knocker, xlvii. Appledore, Church of SS. Peter and Paul, Chapels " Our Lady of Pity " and of the Home family, 103, 104. Archaeological Notebook. Canterbury, 1949-1951. By Frank Jenkins. Finds to be seen at the Royal Museum, Canterbury. 5 illustrations, 63-73. Archaeology, Suffolk Institute of, and the Sutton Hoo Ship-Burial, 174. Archbishops : Ceolnoth (833-870), 15 ; Theobald (1138), 26 ; Hubert (1193), 27 ; Robert (1272), 27 ; Thomas a Becket (1162), 27 ; see also 86. Argall Family, 24, 25. Arnold, Ralph. Cobham HaU, Kent. Reviewed by J.H.E., 184, 185. Baegmund, Abbot of Reculver, 16. Barrows at Richborough, Plaxtol, and Snodland, 35. Bates, Mr. A., finder of coins, 161. Battle, Monks of, 26. Bayly, Mr. E. H., thanked, 135. Beck, Mr. L., xlv. Becket, Archbishop Thomas, Coffin examined, Theories as to bones disproved, 112-115. 189 INDEX Beckett's Well, Otford, 160. Beeston, Richard. Brass, 1640, 124. Belgic pottery, Walmer, 151. Benedict, Saint, 17. Bifrons House demolished, xliv. Birchenough, Mr. E., M.A., 160. Bones found in Stone Coffin, Canterbury Cathedral, 112. Bonner, Bishop of London. Mandate enjoining accuracy in quoting Scriptures, 1644, 96. Boorman, H. R. Pratt, M.A. Kent, Our Glorious Heritage. Reviewed by A.R., 181, 182. Boughton Aluph Brief Book, 174. Boughton. Important Woolwich family, 103. Bourne, Messrs., of Woodchurch, 103, 105. Brain, The late Richard Frederick, Valuable bequest, xl. Brand, Henry, of Selsey, 1647. Died from blow of cricket ball, 176. Braun, Mr. Hugh, F.S.A., F.R.I.B.A. Lecture on Castles in Kent, illustrated, lv. Brewin, Mr. J. M. Investigations at Wye, 2 illustrations, 163-166. Brice, Mr. W. C. W. Re earthwork at Hoo St. Werburgh, 156-158. Bridge at 6 Stour Street, Canterbury, History of, 71. Bridge, Mr. J. W., F.S.A., thanked, lvi. Brisett, Jordan, founded St. Mary, Clerkenwell, also Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem, 86. British Archseology, Council for, 174. British Museum, King's Library, 102. Bronze Age Axes, 62. Bronze Age Crouched burials, 160. Bruce-Mitford, Mr. R. L. S., 174. Burial Mounds, Roman, 36. Bushell, Mr. T. A. Exhibition at Chislehurst, lvii. Caiger, J. E. L. Deneholes, 153-156. Callender, Mr. M. H. Potters' stamps, 72. Canterbury College of Art, xliv. Canterbury District Report for 1960 by Major Tomlinson: Work at Heppington, Chislet, ChiUenden, Fordwich, Ileden, Bifrons, xliv. GENERAL INDEX Festival Exhibitions, lvii ; Royal Museum Report for 1950, xliii-xliv; Monastic Life, 13-19 ; Scriptorium, 14 ; Dane John, Dungill hills, 35 ; Canterbury, by William Townsend, 184. Capellan, Walter George, Brass of, 126. Capey, Mr. E. P. Hon. Treasurer, xlvii. Carisbrooke Castle, 2. Cartulary of Leeds Priory, The. By Leslie Sherwood, 24-34. Cave, Professor A. J.E., Department of Anatomy, St. Bartholomew's Hospital, 112. Caxton Exhibition at Tenterden, lvii. " Cement-land," 23. Challock Brass Plates : Robert Thurston, John Wanstall, 116. Charlton Church. Discovery in Tower, Earthwork, xlvi. Charlton Earthworks. By F. C. Elliston Erwood, 158-160. Refers to Arch. Cant., XIU. Charter dealing with Dudda's land in Canterbury, Difficulties as to only extant copy, 13, 19. Chatham Fair, Grant given by Edward I to his Consort, 1276, 33, 34. Chaucer's Prioresse, 86. Chichele, Archbishop. Register, 126. Chislet, Roman Finds, xliv. Christchurch Monks, private houses and lands, 15, 19; Community rebuilt by Archbishop Aethelred, 18. Churohes mentioned in Cartulary of Leeds Priory, 24-34 ; Details of Churches, Incumbents and fulfilment of Canon Law, 1720, 39-56. Cissbury, 61. Clerkenwell, St. Mary, Nunnery, Retained Vestment of Thomas Becket, 86. Cliffe-at-Hoo, Roman pottery, 156. Clout, Mr. A., finds flint implement, 161, 162. Cobham HaU, Kent. By Ralph Arnold. Reviewed by J.H.E., 184, 185. Cobham, Lord. New foundation of Cobham College Almshouses, 1598, 81, 82. Cock, The late Dr. F. W., Appledore, 103. Cocking Church, Wall painting, 176. Coins, Roman, 67, 73. Colyer-Fergusson, The late Sir Thomas. Obituary by E.R.H., lv, 186, 187. Cooling Castle, New Owners and Tenants, xxxix, xii, xlvi. Courtenay, Archbishop. Brass, 118. Indent. Plate II. Cox, Mr. Found coin, 161. Cranley, Thomas, Archbishop of Dublin, 1417. Brass at New College, Oxford, 118. Crawford, Mr. O. G. S., of the Ordnance Survey, 173. Crevecoeur, Hamo de, 1262, 24 ;. William, son of Hamo, 26 ; Genealogical Table, 34. Cricket. Played in Guildford, 155C Played in Sussex, 14th century, 175.. Cromwell, Oliver, Protector, 9, 10. Crowmer, John of Sittingbourne. Will recorded, 1538, 89, 90. Crown Lands. Disposal of, also of Royal Property, 4, 5, 8. Cumberland, Mr. A. Report for Dartford, xliv, xlv. Cynehard, monk, 15. Dale, Mr. L., 155. Dance, Dr. Enid. Guildford Museum. Photostat re Cricket at Guildford,. 1550, 176. Dane John, Canterbury, 35. Darent crossing at Filston Hall, 21. Darnley, Earl of, Cobham Hall, 184, 185. Dartford Antiquarian Sooiety, xlv ; Priory Manor House Renovation, .xliv; Smelting of " Frobisher's Gold," xlv ; Rents allowed to Nunnery of St. Mary, Clerkenwell, 1190, 86, 87. Davidson, Archbishop, 114. Davis, Mr. John H., find of a Steelyard weight at Sundridge, illustrated, 166-168. Deal, 17th-century finds, 162, 153. D'Elboux, R. H., M.C, M.A., F.S.A. Some Kentish Indents (IV). 4 plates, 5 illustrations, 116-129. Refers to Arch. Cant., I ; Hon. General . Secretary, Reports, 1951, xxxixxlvii ; Resignation from Hon. Gen. Sec, April, 1951, lv. De L'Isle and Dudley, Lord. The Sydney Lawsuit, 3-12. de Lucy, Richard, Churoh builder. Lesnes Abbey, Erith, Rainham, 106. Deneholes, Method of working, 153-156. Densted in Chartham, Manor of, 24, 25 ; Tithes, 26. Desborough, Mrs. Report for Tunbridge Wells, xlvii. " Devocon money ", 81. D.M.T. County Archives : Ancient MSS., 172, 173. 190 GENERAL INDEX Dockwray, Mr. J. T. Group of Roman Pottery at Cliffe-at-Hoo, 156. Dode or Paddlesworth type of Church, 102. Donald, B. M., M.Sc, F.R.I.C., M.I.C.E. Article on Burchard Kranich in Annals of Science, xlv. Donaldson, Colonel, and members of the 519 Coast Regiment, R.A., thanked, 135. Dover College thanked, Report, xlv ; Dover County Grammar School thanked, 135. Excavations, 1945-1947, 130-149 ; under Presidency of the Lord Bishop of Dover, 130; Roman Fort on River Dour, Saxon Fort, 131 ; Thanks accorded 134, 135. Later 'Excavations, xlv. Bribery in Election, 1728, 176, 177. Dover Haven, 1581, 174. Dru Drury, Dr. G., F.S.A., on Steelyard Weights, 166-168. "Druids'Altars,"" 155. Dudda's Land in Canterbury. By" Gordon Ward, M.D., F.S.A., 13-19. Dunning, Mr. G. C, F.S.A. Report on Pottery, 135, 139, 143, 150; thanked, 68, 135. Dunstan, Archbishop. Re-purchased Dudda's land, giving it to St. Martin, 19. Elizabeth, Princess, Daughter of King Charles I. Her diamond jewel, 1-12. Elliston-Erwood, F. C, F.S.A. Plans of, and. brief Architectural Notes on, Kent Churches. Second Series. Part 1. 4 plans, 97-109. Refers to Arch. Cant., I l l ; also XXI, XVI. Report for London District, xlvi. Charlton Earthworks, illustrated, 168-160. .Refers to Arch. Cant., XIH. Erith, Church of St. John Baptist. Plan. Wheatley Chapel, Sundial, 106-109. Etheridge, Mr. K., of Maidstone, 163. Evans, Mr. John, at Hoo. Report on Grain, GiUingham, and Cooling Castle, xii, xlvi. Exoavations at Dover, 1945-1947. By Leslie Murray Threipland, B.A., F.S.A., and K. A. Steer, M.A., Ph.D., F.S.A. 14 plans and illustrations, 2 plates, 130-149. Exoavations at Keston Church, 1950. By E. D. C. Jackson and N. Pieroy Fox. 1 plate, 2 plans, 110-111. Three Potsherds found, 110. Excursions in 1950, xii; in 1951, lvi. Eynesford. Two coins found, 161. Fair, Chatham. Grant given to Leeds Priory to Edward I and his Consort, 34. Farningham. Coins found, 161. Faussett, Rev. Brian, at Heppington, xliv. Faversham. Saxon Jewel, 174. Festival Year Celebrations, lvii. Filmer, Sir Beversham, of East Sutton Park, 24. Fincham, Mr. H. W., 88. Flint implements found near Maidstone. Illustrations. By A. Warhurst, 161-163. Folkestone, Baron of, 1242, 34. Fordwich. " Give-Ale Cottage " re-conditioned, xliv. Fox, N. Piercy. Keston Field Club, 172. Refers to Arch. Cant., 1941. See Excavations at Keston Church, I960, 110-111. Foxe's Book of Martyrs, 183. Francis, Mr. W. F. Discovers three neolithic axes near Pembury, 57. Frere, Mr. Sheppard. Canterbury Excavations, 66 ; also in 1951, lvii. " Friends of Kent Village Churches," xlvii. Fugelestune, John de, or FugeUeston, left land near TunstaU called Fugheleston, for Masses, 1232, 91. Gardner, Mr. W. R. H., F.R.I.B.A., 150. Golding, Mr. A. J., F.S.A. Regretted death. Hon. Librarian and Curator, xxxix. Gordon Ward, M.D., F.S.A. Dudda's Land in Canterbury, 13-19. Graham, Dr. Rose, 88. Grayes lane, Mr. Robert Raworth a Counsellor of, 10. Greenfield, Mr. E., 160. Grimes Graves, 61. Grimes, Mr. W. F., F.S.A., 110. Grove, L. R. A., F.S.A. Kent Manuscripts, 174 ; Early Crioket, A Correction, 175 ; thanked, 124 ; Steelyard Weight, 166-168. Hadcock, Mr. R. Neville, compiled Map of Monastic Britain, 173. HaUett, Mr. Marcel, 71. Hammond, Mr., found coin now in Museum, xliv. Handwriting, Canterbury School of, 14. Harben, Mr. D. C, 110. 191 GENERAL INDEX Harden, Mr. D. B. Report on Glass, 135. Harlackenden, Harlakynden, Margaret d. of Guy EUis of Kennington. Indent at Woodchurch. WiUiam, 1481, 126-129. Harris, Mr. C, finds flint implement, 162, 163. Harrison, Sir Edward. Presentation on retirement as Hon. Secretary, 1960, xxxix. Lecture on Flint Implements and work of Benjamin Harrison, lv. Harrisson, Mr. F. E., 160. " Harrow Way," West of Farnham, 20. Hart-Dyke, Sir Oliver. Help at Lullingstone, Iviii. Hassall, W. 0., M.A., Ph.D., F.S.A. The Kent Properties of the Nunnery of St. Mary, Clerkenwell, 85-91. Hasted. History of Kent. 14 volumes. In Kent County Library, xxxix. Hawarden, Viscountess. Lord of the Manor of Kingston, xliv. Hawkins, Thomas, of Nash Court, beautified the grounds, 1798, 38. Hayes, Richard of Owletts, Cobham, 180. Hearne, Thomas. Antiquary, 43. Henfield Cricket prior to 1660, 176. Hepburn Whyte, Rev. W. J., 110. Herbert, Mr. M. I., thanked, 124. High, Mr. E. S., finds gold coin of Cunobelin, 163. Historical Sooiety, Royal, 85. Hoards of Bronze Age Implements, 61, 62. Hoo St. Werburgh. Earthwork. Plan, 166-158. Home Family, Chapel of, 105. Hubbard, The late G. E. The Old Book of Wye. Reviewed by D.G., 182, 183. Hume, I. and A. Noel. Roman Pottery from Upchurch Marshes. Illustrations, 168-171. Hussey, Arthur, on " Schamel " Hermitage in Sittingbourne, 87, 89. Hut Circles on Hayes Common, xUi. Ileden House demolished, xliv. Illustrations Fund, 1950, liv ; 1951, lix. Indents, Some Kentish. Part IV. At Challock, Maidstone, Warehorne, Woodchurch, 116-129. Isle of Grain. Roman Vase, 168. Jackson, E. D. C„ and N. Pleroy Fox. Excavations at Keston Church, 1950. 1 plate, 2 plans, 110-111. " James and Grevis-James of Ightham Court," 187. Jenkins, Frank. Archaeological Note- Book. Canterbury, 1949-1951. Finds included Roman Pottery, Brooches, Coins, Mediaeval Pottery, 72, 73. Refers to Arch. Cant., XLVHT ; also LX. Jenkins, Mr. W. F., found gold coin, 68. Jessup, Frank W. Hon. General Secretary. Report for 1951, lv-lviii. Arranged Conference at Kingsgate, xii. Jessup, R. F., F.S.A. Two Mounds at Nash Court, Boughton. Sectional drawings, 2 Ulustrations, 35-38. Review of Kent, by Reginald Tumor, 179. Jewels bequeathed by Princess EUzabeth, 1650, traced until 1678, 1-12. Johnson, John, Vicar of Cranbrook. Difficulties of work as suspected Jacobite, 39-42. Jope, Mr. E. M., F.S.A., 159. Joyce, Mr. A., F.L.A. Borough Librarian of Maidstone, lvi. J., R.F. Map of Monastio Britain. Map of Ancient Britain. The Sutton Hoo Ship-Burial, 173, 174. Jutish Cemetery near Ramsgate, 150, 152 ; North of Dover, lvii. Keith, Sir Arthur, identifies skull at Keston, xlii, 110. Kemp Town Brewery. Help at LuUingstone, lviii. KenebeUe, Hugo de. Charters, 26. Kent County Council. Archives Office, 24. Kent County Histories, 96. Kent Manuscripts, by L. R. A. Grove, 174, 175. Kent Properties of the Nunnery of St. Mary, Clerkenwell," The. By W. O. Hassall, M.A., Ph.D., F.S.A. Dartford, Sittingbourne, 86-91. Kent, Our Glorious Heritage, by H. R. Pratt Boorman. Reviewed by A.R., 181, 182. Kent, by Reginald Tumor. Wood engravings by Monica Poole. Reviewed by R. F. Jessup, 179, 180. Kenyon, Miss K. M. Report on Pottery at Viroconium, 170. Keston Field Club. Geologioal and Arohroological Seotions, 172. Report by E. V. Pieroy Fox, xlii, xliii. Kilvert, Margaret, Description of Royal Jewel, 8. King Charles I. Prophetic utterance, 5. 192 GENERAL INDEX Kingsdown Church, 111. Kingsgate. Conference organized by Mr. F. W. Jessup, 1960, xii ; also in 1961, lvii. Kits Coty House, 62. Kranioh, Burchard (c. 1516-1678), Miner and Queen's Physician, xlv. Lambard, WiUiam. Antiquarian, Author of Eirenarcha, 75. Leeds Priory, The Cartulary of. By Leslie Sherwood, 24-34. Dispute between Harbledown and Leeds over Tithes and Services, 30, 31. Appendices A, B, 33, 34. Leeds Castle, 1396, 118. Leicester, Earl and Countess of, 1-12. Leveson, Sir Jhon. Notes on Administration of Poor Law, 75. Lewis of Margate, John. By the Rev. Canon John Shirley, D.D., F.S.A. Born 1676. Answered questionnaire on Canons of the Church, 1716, 39-56. Library K.A.S. Additions by Legacy and Gifts, 1950, xl. Additions in 1951, lvi. Livett, Rev. Canon GrevUe M., F.S.A., The late, lv, 188. " Lollards' Hole." Crypt below Inn at Wye. Plan, 163-165. LoveU, Rev. Richard, Tutor to Duke of Gloucester, 1650. Witness to WiU of Princess Elizabeth, 3, 4, 8. Loweth, Mr. S. H., F.S.A. County Arohitect, 150. LuUingstone. Investigations continued, 160. In 1951, Iviii. Maidstone. Parish Churoh Brasses. Ancient Indent, 117. Maps of Monastic Britain and Ancient Britain, 173, 174. Marohant, Mr. P. V., Secretary of the Excavation Committee, Dover, 134. Margary, Ivan D., F.S.A. The North Downs Main Trackways, 20-23. Marie Antoinette and her Diamond Neoklaoe, 1. Marsden, Colonel and Mrs., thanked, xxxix. Martin, Saint. Gift of Dudda's land for all time, 19. Martyrology, 12th-century, found in County Archives, transferred to Canterbury, 172, 173. Mary, Princess, Marriage to WilUam, Prince of Orange, 1. Mason, Canon A. J. Publication, 114. McDowaU, Mr. E. D., at Otford, 160. Meates, Lieut.-Colonel G. W., F.S.A. On finds in Sevenoaks District, 160-161. Lecture on Roman Excavation, xxxix. Medway Gorge, 21", 23. Medway OU and Storage Company, thanked, xii. MUdmay, Anthony. In charge of Royal ChUdren, 8, 9. MUls, 25, 33. MisceUaneous Notes, 172-177. Keston Field Club. N. Piercy Fox, 172; County Archives: Ancient MSS. M.T.D., 172, 173; Map of Monastic Britain. R.F.J., 173; Map of Ancient Britain. R.F.J., 173,174;TheSutton Hoo Ship-Burial. R.F.J., 174; Kent MSS. L. R. A. Grove, 174, 175; Early Cricket, A Correction. L. R. A. Grove, 175, 176; Bribery in an Election for Dover, 1728. W. P. D. Stebbing, 176, 177. "Monger" carried on trade within precincts of Monastery, 19. Morshead, Sir Owen, 12. Mounds at Nash Court, Boughton, Two. By R. F. Jessup, F.S.A. Section, 2 illustrations, structure, 35-38. Mount, Colonel G. H., J.P. Presented Coin to Royal Museum, Canterbury, xliv. MuUer, Mr. Maitland. Royal Museum, Canterbury, 66. Neolithic Axes from Pembury, Three Associated. By P. 3. Tested 3 iUustrations, 57-62. North Downs Main Trackways, The. By Ivan D. Margary, F.S.A., 20-23. Obituaries : Sir Thomas Colyer-Fergusson, Bart., F.S.A., 1865-1951. Bv E.R.H., 186, 187; Canon S. W. Wheatley, M.A., F.S.A. By J.H.E., 187; Mrs. EUzabeth Selby, M.B.E. By F.W.J. 187 ; Rev. Canon GrevUe M. Livett, F.S.A., and Rev. R. W. Harrison Acworth. By F.W.J., 188. Old Book of Wye, The. By G. E. Hubbard. Reviewed by D.G., 182, 183. O'Neil, Mr. B. H. St. J., F.S.A. Report on Coins, 142. Orange-Nassau Archives, 1. Orange, WiUiam, Prince of, Marriage to Princess Mary at St. James's Palace, 1, 2. Ordnance Survey, Archseological Branch, 20, 22. Map of Monastio Britain, 173. 193 GENERAL INDEX Oswald, Dr. Felix. Report on Samian Ware, 135. Otford investigation, 160. Page, Sir William. Squire and Magistrate, 1608, 74. Painter-Stainers' Company, History of, 94. Palseolithic hand-axe at Keston, 111, PapUlon, Thomas, M.P. for Dover, 1679. Papillon, Phihp. Details of Briberv to secure election, 1728, 176, 177. Paramour Grange WaU painting, 96. Pateman, Mr. F R. J., Otford, 160. Pembury. Neolithic axes found. Ulustrated, 57-62. Penshurst. Home for Children of King Charles I, 2, 3. Pepys, John, Watchmaker of St. Brides. Infant son buried at Keston, 1734. Edmund, son of John, 111. PhiUips, Mr. C. W. Ordnance Survey, 173, 174. Pilgrims' Way and other Trackways. Duplication, 20-23. Plans of, and Brief Architectural Notes on, Kent Churches. Second Series. Part I. By F. C. Elliston-Erwood, F.S.A. 4 plans, 1 figure, 97-109 ; Stone-next-Dartford, Kent, St. Mary, 98 ; Suggested plan of the Mediaeval Parish Church of Woolwich, 101; Appledore, SS. Peter and Paul, 104; Erith, St. John Baptist, 107. . Poor Law Account, An Early. By A. F. Allen. Antedates Poor Law Act of 1601, 74-84. Pope Nicholas, increased taxation, 88. Portland Papers, 7, 8. Pottery found at Dover. IUustrations, 135-149. Pingsdorf Ware pot. Fig. 14. Evidence of trade connection in pottery accumulating, 149. Prene, WUliam, built tower of St. Mary, Woolwich, when Reotor. Buried in Chapel, 1404, 102, 103. Prittlewood Manor House, Hants, 1580. Wall painting and Tudor fireplace, 95. Prowse or Prewse quartered with Wydvil, 123, 124. Public Record Office, 85. Reader, Mr. Francis W., as to date of Wall Paintings, 92, 95. Records Branch. K.A.S,, xl; Publication of Feel of Fines, 1961, lvii. Reculver, Baegmund, Abbot of, 16; Saxon Cross fragments, xlui. RedseU, Mr. T. G. Removal of Mounds, 35. Rentals in land, 26. Rents allowed to nuns on messuages, quit-rents, 86, 87. Researches and Discoveries in Kent, 1950,160-171. Illustrations, list of, vii Reviews (see vi), 178-185. Roberts, Mr. Department of Human Anatomy, University of Oxford, 111. Robinson, Mr. J. M. Review of A History of GiUingham, by Philip Rogers, 178, 179. Rochester Bridge, Wardens of. Cooling Castle, xxxix, xl, xlvi. Rochester, possible crossing point of river, 23; Dean and Chapter, Lands settled by Henry VHT, 24. Rogers, Philip. A History of GiUingham. Peter Pett, WU1 Adams, 178, 179. Roman find at Deal: Black pottery head of Hercules. One plate, silver spoon, 150, 151. Roman Roads at Dover, xlv. Romney Marsh. Many killed by Danes, 838, 19. Roper, Miss Anne, F.S.A., thanked, xii, 163. Royal Museum, Canterbury. Report for 1950, xliii, xliv. St. John of Jerusalem, Clerkenwell, Hospital of, founded by Jordan Brisett, 86. St. Leger Family, 24. St. Mary, ClerkenweU, Nunnery of, 85-91. Lands at Dartford, Sittingbourne. Samian Ware. Stamps of Potters, 63, 64, 72, 73. Sandwich, John of, 26. Saxon jewellery, 174. Scamele, St. Thomas de, 87. Scarletts MiU House, Bazing. Tudor FirePlace, 1597, and wall painting, 96. Scobell, Mr, " Clarke " to Parliament, 1653, 10. Selby, Mrs. Elizabeth, M.B.E., The late. Author of Teynham Manor and Hundred. Appreciation by F.W.J. 187. " Selby of Ightham Mote," 186. Sherwood, Leslie. The Cartulary of Leeds Priory, 24-34. Shirley, Canon F. J., D.D., F.S.A. Ancient Human Bones from Canterbury Cathedral, 112-115. John Lewis of Margate, 39-56. 194 GENERAL INDEX Shoes, leather, Roman, 73. Shoreham, coin found, 161. Shorne. Poor Law Accounts. House provided to accommodate poor, 1604, 74-84. Sittingbourne Church given to nuns of Clerkenwell in 1175, confirmed by Richard I. Dispute about tithes, cf. Black Book of St. Augustine. House for Shelter of pUgrims and traveUers, 87. Sloane, Sir Hans, 1733, 3. Smith, Mr. George, Keston, 110. Society, Kent Archseological, Library at Maidstone, 16. Some Kentish Indents. IV. By R. H. D'Elboux, M.C., M.A., F.S.A. 4 plates, 5 illustrations, 116-129. Sondes, Lord, 35. Spanton, Mr. F., xliv. Spencer, Earl. The Royal Jewel, 10. Spray, Matthew, of Deptford, 100. Spurrell, F. C. J., on Deneholes, 153- 156. Squier, Squyer, Roger. Brass at Woodchurch. Rector, All Saints, Canterbury, 1490-1517, 129. Squire, Mr. A. P. Henfield Cricket and its Sussex Cradle, 175. Stebbing, W. P. D. Bribery in an Flection for Dover in 1728, 176, 177. Steelyard Weight from Sundridge. Illustration, 166-168. Steer, K. A., M.A., Ph.D., F.S.A., and Leslie Murray Threipland, B.A., F.S.A. Excavations at Dover, 1945-1947. 14 plans and illustrations, 2 plates, 130-149. Stodmarsh Court wall paintings, 96. Stone, Nicholas. Gave sundial to St. John's Church, Erith, 1643, 109. Stone-next-Dartford, Church of St. Mary. Plan. Willshyre Chantry, 97-100. Stour, River. Branch in Canterbury non-existent in Roman times, two branohes in 9th century. See Fig. 4, 69-71. Stowting. Anglo-Saxon Cemetery. Objeots from, xii. Sturry. Roman jetty, 70. Sundridge. Steelyard weight. Illustration, 166-168. Sutton Hoo Ship-Burial, The. By R.F.J., 174. Sydney, Henry, later Earl of Romney, received Royal Jewel, 11, 12. Sydney Lawsuit, A. By M. R. Toynbee, F.S.A. Concerning the diamond jewel given in 1641 by Stadtholder Frederick William to Princess Elizabeth, 1-12. Tempera paintings. Description. Recipe, 93, 94. Tenison, Archbishop, 39. Terry, W. NeviUe, Maidstone Museum, 37. Tester, P. J. Three Associated Neolithic Axes from Pembury. 3 iUustrations, 57-62. Deneholes. IUustration, 153-156. Theobald, Archbishop of Canterbury, 1138, 26. Thornton, Mr. Pugin, on Phrenology, in Arch. Cant., 114. Threipland, Leslie Murray, B.A., F.S.A., and K. A. Steer, M.A., Ph.D., F.S.A. Excavations at Dover, 1945-1947. 14 plans and illustrations, 2 plates, xlvi, 130-149. Threipland, Mrs. L. Murray. Report, xlv ; 1951, lvii. Thurston, Robert. Brass at ChaUook, 116. Tithes of Childestone, 26. Tithe disputes, 30, 31. Tomlinson, Major F. W., F.S.A. Notes for Canterbury District, xliv. Townsend, William. Canterbury. Reviewed by D.G., 184. Toynbee, M. R., F.S.A. A Sydney Lawsuit, 1-12. Trackways, Main, traced in detail, 20-23. Reasons for duplication, 20. Trade Connections in Pottery, with Continent, pre-Norman, 149. Trevor, Mr. Jack. Faculty of Anthropology, Cambridge, 112. Tristram, Professor E. W., as to Frieze at Uloombe Place, 93. Valuable reproductions, 100. Tudor Wall Paintings in Gore Street House, Monkton, Thanet. By F. H. Worsfold, F.S.A. 1 plate. House inhabited in 1594 by Nicholas Robinson. Now by Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Willett, 92-96. Tunbridge Wells Museum. Neolithic Axes, 57-62. Twisden, Sir Thomas III of Bradbourne, The Foreign Travel Diary, A Journey to Paris. See The Family of Twysden and Twisden, 175. Tyrwhitt-Drake, Sir Garrard. Elected Hon. Member, xxxix. Upohurch Marshes. Roman Pottery. IUustrations, 168-171. Urry, Mr. W. G., of the Chapter Library. Assistance, 66, 70. 195 GENERAL Waeher, Mr. John. Excavations, 71. Waerheard, Werheard. Monk, Abbot, 15, 16. Wake, Archbishop. Private Notebook in Canterbury Cathedral Library, 39. Visitation, 43. Walker,. Colin W., M.Inst.B.E., F.S.A. (Scot.). Report on work of the Canterbury Archseological Society, xliii. Wanstall, John. Brass at Challock, 116. Warehome. Indent c. 1600, 124, 125. Warham, Archbishop. Register at Lambeth, 86, 89. Warhurst, A. Flint Implements. IUustration, 161-163. Refers to Arch. Cant., XLVII. Wateringbury, FamUy of. Lands, 25. Water miU in West Rainham, 25. Watling Street, 23. Wedmore, Peace of, 878, 18. WeUhaU, Welynghall, confused with Willingale, in Essex, 86. Wheatley Chapel, Erith, 106. Wheatley, Rev. Canon S. W., M.A., F.S.A. Regretted death of, Editor of Rochester Diocesan Chronicle, Contributor to Arch. Cantiana, lv, 187. WindmiU at ChUlenden to be reconditioned, xliv. Wine Trade fostered the Cross Channel trade in pots, 149. INDEX WoUaston, Sir Gerald, K.C.B., K.O.V.O. UnveUed portrait of WUliam Camden, 1951, lvii. Woodchurch. Six indents, 126-129. Woodland, Mr. Graham. Water-colour Sketch of waU painting, 94. Wodvil, WydvU, Richard, died 1441. . Brass lost. 2 illustrations, 121. Woolwich. Mediaeval Church of St. Mary. Plan, 100-102. Woolwich Public Library, 102. Works, Ministry of, xlv, 37. Worsfold, F. H., F.S.A. Tudor Wall Paintings in Gore Street House, Monkton, Thanet. 1 plate, 92-96. Refers to Arch. Cant., XXVTJI; also XXI. Wotton, John. Brass on tomb in Maidstone Chancel. IUustration, 120. Wrotham. Stone Inscription replaced, xlvii. Wulfred, Archbishop. Authorized secular holdings in precincts of monasteries, 16, 17. Wycliffe, Wiclifl, Wickcliff. Life of, 39, 43. Wye, CouncU at, 16. Wye. English Mediaeval spur found by Mr. J. M. Brewin, 163. Yeoman of Kent, A. By Ralph Arnold. Reviewed by A.R., 180, 181. 196