Annual Accounts for the Year 1953

ANNUAL REPORT FOR THE YEAR 1954 INCOME AND EXPENDITURE ACCOUNT FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31st DECEMBER, 1963 1952 £ 20 88 60 5 299 3 660 To Gra.nt.s: R. F. Jessup, Holborough Excavation K.A.S. Records Branch Ma.idst-0ne Corporation re Curator :Maidstone Museum and Library Auxiliary Funds £ s. d. 19 -i 3 10 0 0 40 0 0 30 0 0 ----- .. Fire and Burglary Insurance ,. Printing, Stationery and Postages ,. Miscellaneous Expenses: Subscriptions Expenses of l\'feetings, etc. Sundries .. Li"brary ,. Publications: (Excess of 4 13 6 8 2 6 32 4 8 1952 Volume Estimate) .. 1953 Volume 1953 Estimated Production .. 175 17 7 5 5 0 Cost of 650 0 0 17 ,. Collect-or's Commission £1,217 ,, Excess of Income over Expeuditure ( carried to Ba.lance Sheet) £ s. d. 99 4 3 17 5 6 59 19 4 45 0 8 2 3 6 831 2 7 16 13 0 160 9 £1,231 10 i 1952 £ 792 12 25 18 101 5 50 2 129 3 23 50 7 By Annual Subscriptions ., Life Compositions (£19 7 0 to be invested in accor. dance with the Rules) ,, Entrance Fees ,, Sale of Publications ,, Interest on Investments ., Interest on Bank Deposit .. Donations to Arclueologia Oantiana Illustrations Bnd Sustentation Fund ,, Donations to General Fund ,, Returned Income Tax Account ., Miscellaneous Receipts Account ,, Transfer from Excursions Account ,, Grants per Col. Mee.tea ., Excess of Expenditure £ s. d. £ s. d. 784 4 4 29 7 0 27 0 0 72 5 0 101 13 10 5 15 6 65 19 0 l O 123 12 2 4 10 0 17 2 9 £1,231 10 7 Sundry Creditors: Headley Bros. {Publications) Annual Sub&iriptions: in Advance Excavations Fund Accumulated Fund: Balance as per last Balance Sheet .Add Excess of Income over Expenditure for 1953 . . BALANCE SHEET as at 31st December, 1953 £ B. d. £ s. d. 650 0 0 32 10 0 19 4 3 3,433 3 7 160 I 9 3,593 5 4 £4,294 19 7 Cash at National Provincial Bank, Ltd., Maidstone: Current Account . . Deposit Account .. Curator's Petty Cash in Hand Twysden Notes (Account Balance) Investments in 2½ % Consolidated St.ock: £ s. d. 495 7 11 300 0 0 I 11 3 As per last Balance Sheet 3,228 9 5 1,744 11 6 Purchase of Stock at 61% 9/16 35 17 2 22 12 5 3,264 6 7 (Value as at 31st December, 1953, at 64 %=£2,088) Investment in 3 % Savings Bonds, 1960-70: As per last Balance Sheet (Value ea at 31st December, 1953, at 96%=£672) Library and Collections at Maidstone Museum: Subscriptions in arrear, as per List: 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 £ s. d. 6 0 0 11 10 0 20 2 0 76 4 0 ll8 8 0 £232 4 0 1,767 3 11 £ B. d. 796 19 2 30 16 6 1,767 3 11 700 0 0 1,000 0 0 £4,294 19 7 We have audited the above Balance Sheet and Income and Expenditure Account and have obtained all the information and explanations we required and in our opinion the Balance Sheet gives a true statement of the assets and liabilities at 31st December 1953 and the Income and Expenditure Account gives a true and fair statement of the income and expenditure for the year. E. P. BOYS RICHARDSON, F.C.A. COLIN McCABE, F.C.A. S. MENDEL Hon . .Auditors. 4th March, 1954. Hon. Trea.sure.r.


Archaeologia Cantiana Sustentation Fund


Excavation of a Roman Barrow at Holborough, Snodland