General Index

GENERAL INDEX Acknowledgments and Thanks: With Excavation of Roman Barrow, 2, 3. Upchurch Romano-British Potteries, 89, 90. Canterbury Excavations, 142, 143. Work at Joyden's Wood, 173. Agincourt. Defence of Kentish Shores by Militia, 159. Allen, A. F. Roman and other Remains from Chalk, near Gravesend (3 figures), 144-188; The Pottery, by A. Warhurst, B.A., A.M.A., 151. Allen, A. F. Roman Remains :Higham Marshes, 213. Altar, Roman. Inscription on. By Mr. R. P. Wright, 214. Amphorse, used in funerary rites, Beaker, 47-52. Ampulla Matrix for lead or pewter Vessels purchased by pilgrims, 139. Anglo-Saxon Chronicle, 95. Anglo-Saxon Place Names, Holborough, Snodland, 3, 4. Archaeological Society, Kent, 97. Archceology in Britain. Observing the Past. By I. Noel Hume. Reviewed by R. F. Jessup, 223. Archceology from the Earth. By Sir Mortimer Wheeler, 221. Archers provided by assessment, 160, 161. Archives Office. County Hall, 97. Archives Office. Kent. Accessions, 1953-4, 197-203, xii. Arms of Boxley Abbey. Illustration. By F.C.E-E., 214-216. Ashley Smith, Mr. E. T., F.R.I.B.A., County Architect, 211. Attenborough. The Laws of the Earliest English Kings, 94. Barrows, Roman, 1, 2; Excavations at Holborough, 2-61; Gaulish, 8. Baxter, E. W., B.Sc, F.L.S. Department of Biology, Guy's Hospital. Animal Bones in Roman Barrow, 59. Beoket, St. Thomas. Incised figure of, 139. Beda. Historian, 91-94. Belgic Occupation Area in Canterbury. Pottery, 101-104. Bexley. Report on Hall Place, xiii, xliii. Bibliographical Abbreviations, Holborough Excavations, 87, 88; Canterbury Excavations, 142. Biek, Mr. L., B.Sc, A.I.I.C. Ancient Monuments Laboratory, Ministry of Works, 89. Biddenden, The Randolphs of, 62-71. Bifrons. Excavations on Conyngham Estate, xii. Birchley and the Randolphs of Biddenden. By H. B. Thomas, O.B.E., 62-71. Bones of Animals and Birds in Barrow, 16; Report by E. W. Baxter, B.Sc, F.L.S., 59. Boorman, Thomas and James of Benenden and East Sutton, 70. Boroughs, administrative unit, 159, 162-166; Peculiar to Kent, 159. Bowes, The late Dr. Armstrong, xl. Boxley Abbey. Notes on Arms of. Illustration by F.C.E-E., 214-216. Brade-Birks, S. Graham. Archceology. Teach Yourself Books. Review by R. F. Jessup, 222. Britannia Lead Co. Ltd. Analysis of Lead from Coffin. Now in Maidstone Museum, 61. British Museum (Natural History), 173, 182. Brockman and Drake-Brockman Families with Randolphs of Biddenden. Papers in British Museum, 68-71. Bromley Society, xiv. Bronze Finds in Canterbury, 140-142. Brooch, bronze. Found in Canterbury, 140. Butterworth, Mr. B., B.Sc, A.R.I.C., of the Building Research Station, 89. Caiger, J . E. L. and P. J . Tester. Excavations on the site of a Romano-British Settlement in Joyden's Wood, near Bexley. 6 figures, 167-183. Cambridge, Botany School. Miss Camilla Lambert, Mr. Coston, Dr. H. E. Quick, Mr. A. G. Davis, thanked, 3. Canterbury Castle Keep. History, 131. Canterbury Excavations. Summer, 1946. The Rose Lane Sites. By Sheppard Frere, F.S.A., 3 Plates, 24 figures, 101-143; Excavations. Belgic Occupation Evidence, xliii; Foundations of White Friars Monastery measured 225 GENERAL INDEX and recorded by F. Jenkins, 204, 205. Canute, King. Fleured crown, 217-219. Carreck, Mr. J. N. Exhibition at Keston, xiv. Cement Manufacturers, The Associated Portland. Bore Cost of Excavations of Roman Burial. Thanks accorded to Chiefs of Staffs, 3. Chair, Folding. Bronze mounts, sella castrensis found in Barrow. Illustrations. 55, 22-23; Connection with Curule Chairs, 27-29; Possible Owner, 28; Similar Chairs, 29-33. Chalk, near Gravesend. Roman Remains, 144-158. Charcoal Samples. From Holborough, 13, 16;' From Joyden's Wood, 183,184. Christie-Miller, The Rev. David. Heraldry in the Churches of Beckenham, 220-221. Review by R. H. D'Elboux. Clark, Professor Grahame, 204. Cobham, Sir John de, New Rochester Bridge, 1307, 184; Sir Wm. Brooke, 9th Lord Cobham and Isle of Grain, 193. Coins, 56. "King Canute" from Faussett Pavilion. Illustrations, 217-219; William and Mary coins found in Canterbury, 141; Found in Roman Funeral pyre, 56; in Joyden's Wood, 182. Colbache, Henry, Vicar of Charing, 1414, 162. Colyer-Fergusson, Sir Thomas Colyer. Genealogical Notebooks, compiled c. 1895-6. Kent Archives, 202. Comet visible for three months in Kent, 678, 93. Cook, N. C, B.A., F.S.A., Keeper of the Guildhall Museum. Co-operated with Excavations, 1-61; Report on Pottery. Illustrated, 46-52. Cornwell, Mr. Excavation finds. Thanked, 148, 151. "Court Leet of the County, The Great," c.p. Blackstone and The Lathe, 97, 100. Costrel. XIV Century, fished up at Deal, xliii. Cremation passing from Pagan to Christian Ceremonial, 12. Cushendall, Co. Antrim. Porcellanite found, 209. Darell, Sir John, purchased Calehill, 1410, 159; Family papers, 198. Darent Valley Archaeological Research Group, xiv. Dartford, Three Roman Coins found at Temple Hill, 206. Davis, A. G., F.G.S. Report on MoUusca found in Roman Barrow, 60; Exhibition at Keston, xiv. Day, F. H.. The late Mr., xl. Deal and District. Bronze Age, Roman, Jutish, Mediaeval. Local finds by W. P. D. Stebbing, 204; Report from Mr. W. P. D. Stebbing, xliii. D'Elboux, R. H. Review of Heraldry in the Churches of Beckenham, 220-221. Desborough, Mrs., xiv. Dionysus, Funerary role of, 36, 37. Ditches, Roman at Holborough, 8; at Joyden's Wood, 168, 172. Doeccus of Lezoux. c. A.D. 130, Potter, 174. Dolley, R. W. M. A Numismatic Postscript on Bryan Faussell's Sculpture of King Canute. Illustration, 217-219. Dover. Dover College Archaeological Society. Report by Mrs. Murray Threipland, xliii.' Dunham, Dr. K. C. Report on AmpuUa. Matrix, 139-140; Report with Mrs. J. E. Morey on Medisoval Hones, 158. Dunning, Gerald C, 158; Geological Surveys, 129. Economic Approach to Pre-History, 204. Egberht, King, and Ethelwolf. Grant of Land a t Snodland, 3. Elliston-Erwood, F. C, F.S.A.Romano- British House at Orpington, 207-8; Lesnes Abbey, 208, 209. Eocene pebbles, 7. Euston, The Rt. Hon. Lord. Member of the Preservation of Ancient Buildings, Georgian Group, National Trust Fund. Gave illustrated Lecture at Annual Meeting, xl. Evans, Sir John. On Roman Iron Nails, 64. Evans, John H., F.S.A., F.R.G.S. The Roohester Bridge Lands in Grain. 1 Map, 184-196; Review of Book, 223. Excavation of a Roman Barrow at Holborough, Snodland. By R. F. Jessup with contributions by N. C. Cook and J. M. 0. Toynbee. 14 plates, 13 figures, 1-61. Prefatory Note, 1; Introduction, 2; General Survey, 3; The Site, 7; Folding Chair, 22; Lead 226 GENERAL INDEX Sarcophagus, 34; Pottery, 46; Glass, 52; Iron Nails, 54; Purse, 55; Coin, 56; Human Remains, 57; Animal Bones, 59; MoUusca, 60. Excavations on the Site of a Romano- British Settlement in Joyden's Wood, near Bexley. By P. J. Tester and J. E. L. Caiger. 6 figures, 167-183. Excursions during 1954, xiii. Faraday, Michael, 12; On material I from Bartlow Hills, 29. Faussett's Sculpture of King Canute. Numismatic Postscript by R. H. M. Dolley, 217-219. Faversham Historical Society revived. Report by Mr. S. Wilson, xliii. Flint Axe from Southborough, 211-213. Forest Products Research Laboratory, 11; Dr. E. W. J. PhiUips thanked, 3,23. Fossil sea-urchin from Lower Chalk, 7. Fox, Mrs. Piercy, Local Secretary for Bromley, xiv. See Keston, xliii, xliv. Frere, Sheppard, F.S.A. Canterbury > Excavations, Summer, 1946. The Rose Lane Sites. 3 plates, 24 figures, 101-143. Frere, S. S. Director of Excavations in Canterbury, 1954, xliii. Gage, John. Society of Antiquaries, 30. Glass bead, blue, 13th-century, 141. j Glass excavated. Dr. D. B. Harden, i Professor H. Moore, Dr. D. K. Hill, I thanked, 3. Glass found in Roman Barrow. Reports i on, 52-53. Glass Technology, University of Sheffield, Department of, 3. Grain, Isle of, 184-196. Grove, L. R. A., B.A., F.S.A., F.R.E.S. PorceUanite axe, 209; Bronze axe ; from Oxenhoath, 210; Polished ! Flint Axe, 211-213. Guildhall Museum, 173. j Guy's Hospital. Professor J. Whillis, Dr. Keith Simpson, Dr. C. W. T. Shuttleworth, F.D.S., M.R.C.S., Mr. I E. W. Baxter, B.Sc, F.L.S., thanked, j 3; Report on Human Remains, 57, 58; on Animal Bones, 59. Hall, The late Mrs. Charles of Birchley, d. 1954; Hall, Major C. E. H. of Birchley, d. 1923, 62. Harden Dr. D. B. Glass from Roman Barrow, 52. Harrison, Sir Edward. Note on Lambard Relic, 216-217; The Story of Oldbury Hill. Review by R. F. Jessup, 222, 223. Heraldry in the Churches of Beckenham, by the Rev. David Christie-Murray. Review by R. H. D'Elboux, 220-221. Hesbaye, The, 29. Hlothere, King. See King Hlothere, 91-96. Hogg, A. H. A. Work on Joyden's Wood, 1941, 167. Holborough, Snodland. Excavation of a Roman Barrow, 1-61. Holborough Antiquities in Raven Collection, purchased by G. M. Arnold, now dispersed, 5. Holborough Knob, Landowners: The Associated Portland Cement Manufacturers, Ltd., Co-operators in Excavation of Roman Barrow, 2-3; Earliest reference, A.D. 838, 3. Hone, Norman. Found at Shorne. Note by Mr. L. R. A. Grove, 150, 157, 158; Examined by Mrs. J. E. Morey. Petrographical report on hones, by Professor A. Michel-L6vy, 158. Honeyman, Dr. Report on Folding Chair, 82. " Home Guard " in 1415, 159, 162. Hull, Felix, B.A., Ph.D. The Lathe in the Early Sixteenth Century, 97-100; Thanked, 143. Hull, Felix, B.A., Ph.D. An Early Kentish Militia Roll, 159-166. Human Remains, The. From Roman Barrow. By J. Whillis, F.R.C.S., C. W. T. Shuttleworth, F.D.S., M.R.C.S., of Guy's Hospital, 57, 58; Main Burial, 57; Bones of Child from Lead Coffin, 58. Hume, I. Noel. Romano-British Potteries on the Upchurch Marshes. 3 figures, 72-90. Ightham, Restored Brass, 216, 217. Infantry Training, School for, Hythe, 216. Iron Age traces at Orpington, 208. Iron NaUs, Roman, 11; Found in Roman Barrow, 54-56. Ironstone quarried at Tudeley, near Tonbridge in reign of Edward III., 140. Jacob, 18th century Law Dictionary, 100. 227 GENERAL Jenkins, Frank. Excavation of White Friars Monastery, 204-205. Jessup, R. F., with N. C. Cook and J. M. C. Toynbee. Excavation of a Roman Barrow at Holborough, Snodland. 14 plates, 13 figures, 1-61. Jessup, R. F., F.S.A. Fausset Pavilion, 217; Review of Books, 221-223. Joyden's Wood, near Bexley. Excavations, 167-183. Jury. Summoning, 99. Jutish spear and scramasax type of knife, Ramsgate, 204. Kent Archives Office. Accessions, 1953-4, 197-203. "Kent Churches," 1954. By H. R. P r a t t Boorman and V. J. Torr. Review by J.H.E., 223. Kentish Militia Roll, An Early. By Felix Hull, B.A., Ph.D., 159-166. Kerney, Mr. M. P. Exhibition at Keston, xiv. Keston. Caesar's Camp, Holwood Park. Topographical Study. Report by Mrs. Piercy Fox, xliii, xliv. KUns, Roman. At Upchurch, 74-77; at Joyden's Wood, 170; at Chalk, 151. King Hlothere. By Gordon Ward, M.D., F.S.A., 91-96; Succeeded by King Oswin of Kent, A.D. 675. Court at Reculver, 93; killed by Eadric, 96. Kingsgate College. Week-end Meeting, 1954, xiii. Knollys, Sir Robert, 184. Lambarde, William, in Perambulation of Kent, 1696 mentions Holborough as probable Roman Burial Place, 4, 97. Lathe in the Early Sixteenth Century, The. By Felix Hull, B.A., Ph.D., 97-100; Merged into Petty Sessions, 100. Leather Purse. Reports on, with Coin, 55, 56. Le Forte, Sir Richard. Protected William the Conqueror at Hastings, 220. Lesnes Abbey, 208, 209. Library Additions, 1954. Books, photograph, xii; 2 horse-shoes, xiii; Hon. Librarian, Mr. A. Warhurst, B.A., xiii. Linen Industry Research Association, Dr. A. J. Turner, 3; ' Report on Roman Purse, 56. Loweth, Mr. Sidney H., F.S.A., F.R.I.B.A. Polished Flint Axe at Southborough, 211, 212. INDEX Lullingstone, Report by Lieut.-CoL G. W. Meates on Work in 1954, xliv; Christian Chapel, xiv. Lye, Mr. M. T., of Loose, 210. Lyminge, Jutish Cemetery. Report by Mr. Alan Warhurst, xliv. Macrory, Mr. B. L., 207. Maidstone Local Secretary, Mr. R. C. Stone, B.A., xiv. Maidstone Museum, Antiquities from Roman Barrow, 61; Samples of Upchurch Pottery, 86, 90. Mair, Harold. The XVth Mile Stage. Review by R. F. Jessup, 222. Margary, Mr. I. D., F.S.A. Elected Hon. Member, K.A.S., xl; Donation towards Publications, xlvi. Markes, Mr. A., of the Avoncroft Potteries on Upchurch sample, 77, 88, 89. Experiments with clay samples, 88, 89. Meates, Lieut.-Col. G. W. Finds at Dartford, 266, 267; Report on finds at Otford, xliv, xiv. "Medway Ware " or Upchurch, 76. Melbourn Rock or "Curly Burr," 7. Members of Council, New, 1954. Wing Commander W. V. Dumbreck, Mr. E. T. Mortimore, xii. Militia Roll. Early Kentish, XV century, 159-166. Miscellaneous Notes, 214-219. MoUusca. By A. G. Davis, F.G.S. Remains found in Barrow, 60. Morey, Mrs. June E., of the Petrographical Department of the Geological Survey, 158. Music, Church. Teaching by the Clergy of Kent, A.D. 675, 92; Birch's Cartularium Saxonicum, 92. Nails, Iron, in Funerary Remains, 54-56; Analysis of a Roman Nail, 54, 55. Noel Hume, I. Archaeology in Britain: Observing the Past. Review b y R. F. Jessup, 223. Noel Hume, Mr. and Mrs., 3; Notes on . Folding Chair, 22. Obituary. B. H. St. John O'Neil, M.A., F.S.A., Appreciation by the Editors, 224. Oldbury HU1, Ightham, 174. O'Niel, Mr. B. H . St. John, M.A., F.S.A. Vice-President, xl; Chief Inspeotor of Ancient Monuments. His early death in 1954, regretted, 224. GENERAL Orpington, Romano-British House, 217, 218. Oswald, Dr. Felix, F.S.A., 142, 173, 174; Report on Mortarium, 205. Otford, Report by Lieut.-Col. G. W. Meates on the Charne Building Site, xliv, xiv. Patch Grove Ware, 148, 174-176, 222. Philp, Mr. B. J . , 205. Pottery found in Roman Barrow, 12; Stained with Libations of wine and oil, 46-51; Beaker, Romano-British from Upchurch Marshes, 72-90; In Belgic Ditch, Rose Lane, Canterbury, 104-112; From Roman Drain Trench, 114-123; From Saxon and Mediaeval Layers, 123-138; Imported French Pottery, 138, 139; From Chalk, Gravesend, 151-158; From Oldbury Hill, Ightham, 174; Mortarium from Reculver, 205. Pratt-Boorman and V. J. Torr. Kent Churches, 1954, 223. Purse, Report on Roman Remains, probably leather, lined linen, 56. Querns, 173, 182. Randolphs of Biddenden, 62-71. Records Branch, xiii; Death recorded of Mr. E. P. Boys Richardson, xiii. Reculver, Samian Mortarium found on beach, 205, 206. References and Abbreviations, 87, 88, 142, 183, 196. Researches and Discoveries in Kent, 204-213; Deal and District by W. P. D. Stebbing, 204; Canterbury, by Frank Jenkins, 204, 205; Reculver, 1 figure, 205, 206; Dartford, Lullingstone Roman Villa, by G. W. Meates, 206; Romano-British House, at Orpington. Further Excavations and Repairs at Lesnes Abbey, Kent, by F.C.E-E., 207-209; Sittingbourne, Porcellanite Axe (by L. R. A. Grove), 209; Two bronze socketed Axes from West Peckham, by L. R. A. Grove, 210; A Roman Cremation Burial at Brishing Court, Boughton Monchelsea, near Maidstone, by Alan Warhurst, 210, 211; Southborough, Polished Flint Axe, 1 figure, by L. R. A. Grove and Alan Warhurst, 211-213; Roman Remains: Higham Marshes, by A. F. Allen, 213. Reviews of Books, 220-223. INDEX Richardson, Mr. E. P. Boys. Hon. Treasurer of Records Branch, regretted death in 1954, xiii. Richter, Miss G. M. A. Roman Stools and Chairs, 23. Ritual Destruction, 14; Pits, 15; Contents of, 15-22. Rochester, Bishop of. A.D. 838, 3. Rochester Bridge Lands, 184-196; Dispersal, 195. Rochester Bridge Lands in Grain, The. By John H. Evans, F.S.A., F.R.G.S. 1 map, 184-196. Rochester City destroyed by Aethelraed, A.D. 676, 91. Rochester Museum. Upchurch specimens deposited, 89, 90. Roman and Other Remains from Chalk, near Gravesend. By A. F. Allen. 3.figures, 144-158; The Pottery, by A. Warhurst, B.A., A.M.A., 151-157. Roman Barrows, 1, 2; At Snodland, 2-61. Roman Cremation Burial, Boughton Monchelsea, by Alan Warhurst, 210, 211. Romano-British Potteries on the Upchurch Marshes. By I. Noel Hume. 3 figures, 72-90. St. Clere, Ightham. Jane Multon married WUliam Lambard. Memorial at Ightham Church, fragment stolen and restored, 217. St. Nicholas, Hythe. The Church of. Note by F.C.E-E., 216. Samian Ware Finds. At: Holborough, 61; Canterbury, 122, 142, Chalk, 154, 157; Joyden's Wood, 172, 173. Sarcophagus, Lead, in Roman Barrow with Contents, 19, 34-46; Lists of similar Roman Sarcophagi from Kent, 42-45. Saxon Cemetery near Roman, 4. Saxon objects from Bifrons, presented to K.A.S., by Major F. W. Tomlinson, xii. Seltman, Dr. Charles on Roman Chair, 32. Sheffield University. Report from Department of Glass Technology, 52, 53. Sheriff's Court. The Lathe, 99, 100. Shuttleworth, C. W. T., F.D.S., M.R.C.S., of Guy's Hospital. "The Human Remains." Roman Barrow, 57, 58. Simpson, Dr. Keith, 16; Report on Hair in Barrow, 19. GENERAL INDEX Sittingbourne, Small Axe. Late Neolithic, 209. Snodland. Roman Barrow at Holborough, 1-61. Southborough. Report by Mrs. Desborough, xiv. SpurreU, F. C. J. Work at Joyden's Wood, 1881, 167. Stebbing, W. P. D., F.S.A. Deal and District, 204, xliii. Steel Company of Wales. Dr. A. J. K. Honeyman thanked, 3; Report, 22, 54, 55. Stenton, Sir Frank. Function of the Lathe, 98. Sustentation Fund, xlvii. Swithinbank, Mr. B. W., preparing Index to volumes 46-64 of Arch. Cant., xl. Swinton, Dr. W. E., F.G.S. Department of Geology, British Museum (N.H.). Talk on Charles Darwin, xiv. Teiohman-Derville, Major M., O.B.E., D.L., M.A., F.S.A., F.R.Hist.S. Gift of Horse Shoes, xiii. Tester, P. J., and J. E. L. Caiger. Excavation on the Site of a Romano- British Settlement in Joyden's Wood, near Bexley. 6 figures, 167-183; Report on Hall Place, Bexley, xiii, xliii. Textus Roffensis, 95. Thomas, H. B., O.B.E. Birchley and the Randolphs of Biddenden, 62-71. Threipland, Mrs. Murray, xliii. The XVth Mile Stage, by Harold Mair. Review by R. F. Jessup, 222. The Story of Oldbury Hill. By Sir Edward Harrison. Review by R. F. Jessup, 222. Tomlinson, Major F. W„ F.S.A., elected Hon. Member, K.A.S., xl. Tonbridge Local Secretary. Lieut.- Col. G. W. Meates, F.S.A., xiv. Torr, J. V., and H. R. Pratt-Boorman. Kent Churches, 1954. Review by J. H. E., 223. Toynbee, Mrs. J. M. C, M.A., D.Ph., F.B.A., F.S.A. Excavation of a Roman Barrow, 1-61; The Lead Sarcophagus, 34-46; Decoration and Purpose of. Distribution of Roman Lead Sarcophagi, 40-46. Trackway, Ancient, near Bexley, 167- 168. Trade. Increased Wine Trade with France enlarging Pottery Trade, 139; In Roman Britain, 78; Casks replacing amphorse A.D. 200 for wine and olive oil, 48. Tudor Wall Paintings at Birchley, 62, 63. Tylghman, Maister, 1596, 4. Upchurch Marshes. Upchurch Ware. Potters, Romano-British sites. Kiln furniture, 72-90; Important Industry, 78; Appendices, 88-90. Vallance, The late Mrs. Aymer. Legacy received, xlvi. Walker, Obadiah. Numismatist, 1705, 219. Ward, Dr. Gordon, F.S.A. Elected Hon. Member, K.A.S. Presented Collection of MSS. to K.A.S. Housed with the County Archives, xl, xii. Ward, Gordon, M.D., F.S.A. King Hlothere, 91-96; The Lathe, 97, 98. Ward Perkins, J. B. Excavations at Oldbury, Ightham, 174. Warhurst, Alan, B.A., A.M.A. Report on Pottery found at Chalk, with iUustrations, 151-158; Roman Cremation Burial, Boughton Monchelsea, 210; Polished Flint Axe at Southborough, illustrated, 211-213; Jutish Cemetery, xliv. Wheeler, Sir Mortimer, 204. Archaeology from the Earth. Review by R. F. Jessup, 221. Well, Mediaeval at Chalk, 150; Norman Hone, 157. Whillis, J., F.R.C.S. "The Human Remains", Roman Barrow, 67-58. William of Malmesbury, Historian, 92. Wilson, Mr. S. Report on Faversham Historical Society, xUii. Works, Ministry of. Thanked, 3; Information on Roman NaUs given by Mr. E. W. Biek, 54; On Vitrified Clay material, 89. Wright, Mr. H. P. Inscription on Roman Altar, 214. Wright, Thomas. Antiquary, *; Excavations at Holborough, 7. Plate VI, Figures 6, 8, 9, 13. 600 nails found, 64. Zarnecki, Dr. G., M.A., Faussett PavUion, 217. 230


Obituary: B.H. St. John O'Neil, M.A., F.S.A.


Frontispiece 1953