
ILLUSTRATIONS PAGE ExcavFaitgi.o n of1. a RomEannv iBroanrsr oowf aHt oHlboolbroouroguhg .h., .S.n.o.d.l.a.n.d. . facing 2 Plate I. Th(ea )B Farrroomw bthefoe rSeo uEtxhc-aWvaestito n. .: ..... . } facing 4 Plate II. (a)( b)T Fhero mBa rtrhoew S frouotmh -tEhaes t S.W. with ttrheee sq ureamrroyv feadc,e t .h.e. d.i.t.c.h. v.i.s.ib..le. .in. 1 f facing 5 Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. Plate Plate Plate Plate Fig. Fig. Fig. Plate (b) Nlin.Ee .o fq suialtderda ndti tcrhem oved, showing 23.. PSercotfiiloen bAefo-Br eo nE xGceanveartaiol nP l.a .n. . .• .• .• .• . • . • .. . . . . 6 4. General Plan .................... } facing 6 6. Ditch Sections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . facing 8 III. The Ditch, (a) S.W. quadrant (b) Nlinoert hoefrn e arSleiecrt ore,x cwavitah- tion ............... . IV. (a) Ditch, Section I (b) The main burial with wood coffin fa.e,ing 8 V. T(ah) e TMhaei n dBomurei alc :o vering the grave (b) Spmaratlsyh eedx caamvpahteodrre at N. side of VI. (a) gCreanvter al area showing post-holes of eendcgleo soufrWe rrioguhntd's 1\.e1xacina vBautiroianl .a.n.d. l (b) Secondary Burial : Lead Sarco-Jf Ja.e,ing 9 6. Plan ofp hCaegnutsr ainl Agrraevae . . .. Ja.e,ing Plate VJ 87.. SPelactni oonf Gthrirdoduegdh A 􀃌r1eaa:in S .BE.u orifa Ml a.i. n . B . .ur. ial f.a .c .ing . IlO 0 VII. (a) Pit 1, showing framework of chair 1 fi • 12 (b) Pit 2, after excavation f aoing vii ILLUSTRATIONS PA.GE Plate VIII. (a) Refill of Wright's Excavation abutting on the core of the l Barrow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . facing I3 (b) Pit l and 2 in the foreground ; l Fig. 9. Fig. 10. Fig. ll. Plate IX. Plate X. Fig. 12. Wright's refill and the inner bank (left) at back Plans of Pits l and 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Section through Secondary Burial . . . . . . . . . . 20 The Secondary Burial . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 The Folding Chair . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . facing 22 Full-scale Model of Folding Chair . . facing 23 The 􀃨􀃩: g 􀃪􀃫-􀃬􀃭 .= . . 􀀂􀀃􀀄 -􀃮􀃯- o . -􀃰􀃱􀃲􀃳 s . 􀃴:. 􀃵􀃶􀃷} 24 25 Plate XI. (a) Folding Chairs represented on · 1 (b) Fo?J􀃸n; Ch􀀊h:· d􀀋􀀌i􀀍W ·o􀃹 -􀃺 i􀀎􀀊d j


Contents, Volume 68


List of Local Secretaries