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Obituary - Frank W. Tyler
Frontispiece 1954
GENERAL INDEX Acknowledgments and Thanks : For help with Lyminge Excavations, 2, 40. Roman Sherd 70, Warbank Site, 115, 116. Report for 1955, xl. Aethehed the Unready, King, 41. Aethehed the Reeve, A.D. 996. House in Burgate, 41, 49, 50. Alfheah or Alfsige, Bishop of Winchester, murdered at Greenwich, 43. Allen, Mr. A. F. Report, xiv. Andrews, J. H. The Trade of the Port of Faversham, 1650-1750, 125- 131. Anglo-Saxon Bronze, brass with zinc content, 32 ; Language, 41-50 ; Manuscript, 41-59 ; Translation of Charter, 60, 61. Animal Remains at Warbank, 114-115. " Apple-Makers of Kent," 164. Appleby Castle, Westmorland, 90. Appledore, 45, 55. Archaeology, Council for British. Gift for publishing Report, xiii; Mr. L. D. Margary appointed Vice- President, xiii. Archaeological Notes from Maidstone Museum by L. R. A. Groves. 7 figures, 206-215. Archbishop of Canterbury, A.D. 1002, 48. Archives Office, Kent. Accessions, 1954-1955, 187-197. Armbruster. Apicultural historian, 91. Aylesford, Bronze buckle, 208. Ayre, Rev. John. Editor of Becon's work, 164, 165. Bailey, Dr. D. S., Ph.D. On Thomas Becon, 160. Bangles, Bracelets from Lyminge, 26. Burgate, St. Catherine's, 41, 64, 55. Boxley, The Yews, 92, 93. Bayly, Mr. E. H. Report xiv. Beads; Glass, amber, baked clay, 27. Beau Nash, Bathing machine, 174. Becon, Thomas. Canon of Canterbury. By H. B. Thomas, O.B.E., 1512-1567. 159-170; Pseudonym, Theodore Basille, 161-162. Bee Boles and Beehouses. By V. F. Desborough, 90-95, 4 Plates. Introduction by R. M., Duruz, 90, 92; Kentish Records by V. F. Desborough, 92-95 ; Derivation of " Bole ", 90 ; Bee Research Association, 91. Belgic Wares at Warbank, 112. Bell Harry, 117. Berkeleys of Canterbury, The. An Eighteenth Century Study. By Dorothy Gardiner, F.S.A., 117-124. Book Notices. R. F. Jessup. English Romanesque Sculpture ; Later English Romanesque Sculpture, by Dr. George Zarnecki, 229. The Art of Ancient Mexico, by Franz Feuchtwangler, 229. Temples and Treasures of Egypt, by Etienne Droiton, 229. Bradbourne Token and Mould. Fig. 7, 214, 215. British Museum. Purchased Pendant from Warbank, 98. Roman Brooch, 206. Dept. of Coins, 210. Brooches, Penannular, 11, 17, 19, 20, 35. Saucer, Plates VIII, XII, 36; Set with garnet, Plate VlII. Silver gilt, 30. Brooke, William Henry. Draughtsman. Drawings of Warbank lost, 98. Buckingham, Duke of, 76-80. Buckles, Cloisonne, Plate IX, X, 21, 23, 33, 35, 36. Bushell, T. A. Scadbury Manor, Chislehurst, 219-221. Caesar's Camp. Keston, now Holwood Camp, 96-112. Cameron, Miss Jessie, xiii. Canterbury. Meeting of the Witan, A.D. 1002 Charter and Constitution, etc., 41-60 ; Topography, 51, 52 ; King Charles I wedding journey, 78, 86, 87 ; Sermon by Dean John Boys, 88 ; Canon George Berkeley, 117-124 ; Thomas Becon, Canon, 1542 and his descendants, 169-170, 171, 173 ; List of Relics in 1315, 165 ; The Story of Canterbury, 225 ; Gift by Council for British Archaeology, xiii. 232 GENERAL INDEX Capel. Leaden seal and matrix. Fig. 6, 213. Carreck, J. N., F.G.S. Report on Animal Remains at Warbank, 114, 115. Carter, Mrs. Elizabeth of Deal, 120. Castles. Appleby, 90 ; Dover, 133 ;' Eynsford, 94 ; Leeds, 177. Charter. Canterbury, A.D. 1002 ; Scribal errors, 58, 59. Christ Church, Canterbury, 1315. List of Relics, 165. Cinque Ports. Lord Warden, 1750, 177. Clarke, R. D. Otford. Jew's Harps, 212. Clement, Sir Richard. Ightham, 161. Cloisonne enamel, Frankish. Plate IX, XII, 34, 35. Cloyne, Bishop of, 117. Cobham, Duchess of Lennox entertains King Charles I, 88, 89. Coins at Warbank, 105, 106, 113. College of Arms, 167. Copus, Mr. G. D., xlvi. Cornish Slate, 152. Cornwallis, Lord. Gift to County Archives, 194, 195. Crane, Dr. Eva. Director of Bee Research Association, 94. Crowfoot, Miss E. G. Mediaeval silk, 155, 156. Cumberland, Mr. A. Report, xliv. Darnley, Rt. Hon. Earl of. Vice President, xl. Davis, A. G., F.G.S. Animal Remains at Warbank; 114, 115. Dawson, Charles and Piltdown, 179- 181. Day, John. Printer, c. 1560, 164. Defoe on Kentish Hop-growing, 129 ; Wool, 130. Desborough, V. F. Bee Boles and Beehouses, 90-96, 4 Plates. Introduction by R. M. Duruz, 90, 92. Report, xlvi, xlvii. Dolley, R. H. M., F.S.A. (Department of Coins and Medals, British Museum). The 1955 Dover Treasure Trove, 62-68. 1 Plate. Key to Plate, 68; 685 Medieval Coins found, 62. Droiton, Etienne. Temples and Treasures of Egypt, 229. Dover. Medieval Garderobe in Snargate Street, 132-158. Dover Treasure Trove, The, 1953. By R. H. M. Dolley, F.S.A., 62-68. 1 Plate. Key, 68. In 1955. Small laden casket containing.685 coins. Dover in 1750, 175, 177. Dunning, G. C, and M. M. Rix. Excavations of a Medieval Garderobe in Snargate Street, Dover in 1945. 12 figures. 1 Plate, 132- 158. With contributions by P. A. Sabine, J. E. Morey, E. G. Crowfoot and P. Tudor Craig, 132-158. Duruz, R. M. Introduction to Bee Boles and Beehouses, 90-92. Elliston Erwood, F. C, F.S.A. President of Woolwich and District Antiquarian Society, Presentation, 222 ; Medieval Jew's Harps. 3 figures, 210-212 ; - Relinquishing Hon. Excursions Secretaryship ; Warmly thanked for long service, xii. Eoanthropus, 181, 183. Ethelburga. Queen of King Edwin, retires to Lyminge, 39, 40. Evans, John H. Farewell to Piltdown, 179-186. Excavations of Medieval Garderobe in Snargate Street, Dover in 1945. By M. M. Rix and G. C. Dunning. With Contributions by P. A. Sabine, J. E. Morey, E. G. Crowfoot and P. Tudor Craig, 12 figures, 1 plate, 132-158. Excavation. Method at Lyminge, 4, 5 ; At Canterbury. Report xiii. Excavations and Discoveries. Reports : Ash-next-Sandwioh, xiii ; Bekesbourne, xiii ; Bexley and Joyden's Wood, xiii ; Bromley, xliii ; Canterbury, xliii ; Dartford, xliv ; Dover, xiv ; Erith, xiv ; Folkestone, xiv ; Gravesend, xiv ; Keston, xiv ; Lullingstone, xiv ; Lyminge, xlvi ; Ospringe, xlvi ; Sandwich, xlvi ; Sittingbourne, xlvi ; Swanscombe, xlvi ; Tunbridge Wells, xlvi. Excursions during 1955. Week-end meeting on Domestic Architecture, xii. Exhumations at Jutish Cemetery- Details, 4, 5. Eynsford Castle Curtain Wall c. A.D- 1100, 94. Faversham, The Trade of the Port of, 1650-1750. By J. . H. Andrews, 125-131. Comprised: Reoulver, Herne, Whitstable, Faversham in 1670. Bronze sickles found at, 206. Anglo-Saxon Loom weight. Fig. 2, 208, 209. 233 GENERAL INDEX Feet of Finds. Records Branch, xiii. Feuohtwangler, Franz. The Art of Ancient Mexico, 229. Filmer Family Archives, 1437-1930, 196. Finance, xlvii. First Englishman, Kits Coty House, Coldrum to Stonehenge, 179. Fox, Sir Cyril on Bronze Sickles in Britain, 206. Fox, Nancy Piercy, B.A. Warbank, Keston. A Romano-British Site. Introduction and Summary. 12 figures, plans, 96-116 ; Reports, xliii, xiv. Frankish Culture in Kent, 39, 40. French Chroniclers on King Charles I and Princess Henrietta, 75-89. Frere, Sheppard, F.S.A. Report xliii. Frontispiece. Bronze Statuette of Minerva Victrix from Plaxtol, 208. Gardiner, Dorothy, F.S.A. (an Eighteenth Century Study). The Berkeleys of Canterbury, 117-124; Review, 225. The Story of Sandwich, 226. Gibbons, Orlando. Court Musician, 82, 87. Gilyard-Beer, R., F.S.A., 156. Glass. Beads. Plate VII, 18. Clawbeaker, Plate XI, 28. Crystal Ball. Plate XIII, 32. Bottle. Plate V, 16. Vessels, 37, 38. G..L.R.A. Review, 227. Godwin, Mrs. C. V. Found seal, 213. Gold Bracteate. Plate VII, 15. Gold Braid. Jutish, 29, 32. Graves. Jutish Cemetery, 5, 6 ; Inventory of Burials, 6 ; Finds in 44 graves, 6-32 ; Summary, 32-38. Gravesend. Port for Royal Journey to and from London, 78, 89. Grove, L. R. A., B.A., F.S.A., F.R.E.S. Archaeological Notes from Maidstone Museum. 7 figures, 206-215. Grimes, W. F., C.B., F.S.A., 70, 115. Hall, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur, Landowners, Thanked, 2. Harden, Dr. D. B., 70. Hartley, Mr. B., 70. Harwood, Miss Mary W., 219. Hayes, Romano-British Excavation, 98. Heaverham, Nearly Corner, 93. Heme, Port of. Hasted's description, 125, 131. Hoffman, Mr. Colvin re Christopher Marlowe, 219. Hop Trade. Faversham, Canterbury, 128, 129. Hull, F., B.A., Ph.D. A Tour into Kent, 1759, 171-178. English History through Kent Eyes, 227. Hume, I. NoBl and J. M. C. Toynbee. An unusual Roman Sherd from the Upchurch Marshes, 69-74, 1 plate. Ightham. Roman Brooch found. Fig. 1, 206-207. Ightham Mote, 221. Index Volume XLVI-LXIV. Prepared by Mr. B. W. Swithinbank, C.B.E. Publishing cost defrayed by legacies, xii. Jenkins, Mr. Frank. Report, xiii. Jessup, F. W., M.A., LL.B., F.S.A. Hon. General Secretary, xl-xlvii. Jessup, R. F., F.S.A. Hon. Joint Editor.. Reviews, 226, 227. Book Notices, 229. Jew's Harps. Figures 3, 4, 5, 210-212. Jope, E. M. Cornish Pottery, 152. Joseph, Dr. J., M.R.C.O.G. Reader in Anatomy, Guy's Medical School. Thanked,- 2. Jugs. Medieval, 138-151. Jutish Cemetery at Lyminge. By Alan Warhurst, B.A., A.M.A., 1-40. 12 figures, xiii plates. Acknowledgments 2. Graves (44), 6-29. Summary of finds, 32-38. Keith, Dr. Arthur, 180. K.C.C. Exhibition "English History through Kentish Eyes". Lecture by Dr. Felix Hull. Dr. Kathleen Kenyon, C.B.E., F.S.A., xlvi, xlvii. Kendrick, Sir Thomas, 97. Kent Archives Office. Accessions, 1954-1955 (see Archives), 187-197. Kent, Early Bee Boles, 91, 92. Kent County Planning Officer. List of buildings of Interest, 93. Kent, Gentlemen of, Commons of, Tribute to their " Valeaunt Courage " in 1542, 159. Kent, A Tour into, 1750. Edited by F. Hull, B.A., Ph.D., 171-178. Keston. Roman, Saxon, Mediaeval, Modern, 96, 97. King Henry VIII, 159. King Charles I and his Bride, Princess Henrietta Maria of France, 75-89. Kirk, Joan R. Roman Jet Pendant. 1 plate, 217-219; Roman sherd, 70. Knocker, The late Mr. H. W. Gift of Deeds to County Archives, 191. "Knolle"Park, 1750, 177. 234 GENERAL INDEX Latimer, Hugh, 160. Leeds, Arnold Hill, 94. Lenham. Link with Canon Becon, 170. Librarian, Honorary. Thanks accorded to Mr. A. Warhurst, xii. Library Additions. Collection of 51 Kent Brass Rubbings made by Mr. F. W. Walton of Claygate, xl; Books, xii. Local Activities and Secretaries, xlvi. Lowther, Mr. A. W. G., F.S.A. on Council, xiii. Lyminge Jutish Cemetery, 1-40. Lyne, Mr. C. W. Dentist on Piltdown Skull, 185, 186. Mailing, East, 208. Marlowe, Christopher, 219-221. Margary, Mr. I . D., F.S.A., xiii. Margate Trade recorded with Sandwich, 1650, 125. Meates, Lieut.-Col. G. W., F.S.A. Lullingstone Finds, 112 ; Jew's Harps, 212 ; Lullingstone Roman Villa, 223, 224 ; Organizer of Excursions, xii ; Reports, xiv, xlvi. Men of Kent, 45-47. M., G.W. Review, 225. Mildmay, Sir Henry. Master of the King's Jewel House, 82. Minerva Victrix. Bronze Statuette. Frontispiece. Mints, 62-68. Miscellaneous Notes, 216-222. Morey, Mrs. J . E. Report, 156. Museums. British, 41, 62, 70, 206. Lateran, 69, 73 ; V. & A., 70 ; Manchester, 206 ; Maidstone, 2, 206-215 ; National Beekeeping, 90. Nails, Jutish, 28, 29. National Trust Property. Quebec House, Westerham, 93 ; Wrotham Water, 93. Noviomagus, Lost City, 97, 98. Oakes, E. P., 226. Obituary, Frank W. Tyler, F.S.A. By I.J.C., 230, 231, x l ; Earl Darnley, Vice President, xl. Orpington. Rev. Frank Fowler resigned. Replaced by Mr. G. D. Copus, xlvi. Oysters in Thanet and Faversham, 127. Pamphlets on Wedding of Charles I and Queen Henrietta Maria, 76, 76. By English, French, Italian, 81, 84, 85. Peckham, East. Roydon Hall, 92, 94. Pett, Phineas. Shipwright. Autobiography, 76, 79. Attended King Charles, 81. Philipott. Villare Cantianum, 1689 ; Manor House at Scadbury, 92. Piltdown, Farewell to. By John H. Evans, 179-186. Plaxtol. Bronze Statuette of Minerva Victrix. Frontispiece. Description, 208. Ponton, Mr. D. T. A. Organizer. Meeting at Kingsgate College, xii, xlvi. Pottery finds at Lyminge, 31, 37 ; Upchurch, 69-74 ; Warbank, 103, 106-112. Pottery. Iconography of unusual Roman sherd from Upchurch marshes, 69-74. Quebec House, Westerham. Its Bee Boles, 93. Queen Elizabeth I. Visit to Scadbury, 1597, 220. Queen Elizabeth II. Coronation Commemoration at Chislehurst, 221. Records Branch. Feet of Fines, xiii. References, Lyminge Cemetery. Footnotes, 1-40 ; Charter, 41, 44, 45, 58 ; Dover Treasure, 67. Reformation, The, 161-163. Report for year 1955, xl-xlvii. Researches and Discoveries in Kent, Otford, 198. Ritual Deposits, Upchurch, 198, 199. The Pilgrims' Way, Map, 199-201. Lullingstone Roman Villa, 201, 202. Deal district, 3 plates, 200-204. Bexley flint dagger, 3 plates, 204-206. Roman Burials, Welling, 205. Archaeological Notes from Maidstone Museum, 7 figures, 206-215. Reviews. Lullingstone Roman Villa. By Col. G. W. Meates, 223-224 (P. J. Tester). Story of Canterbury. By E. F. Lincoln, 225 (Dorothy Gardiner). Historic Haven. The Story of Sandwich. By Dorothy Gardiner, 226 (E. P. Oakes). The Story of Milton Parish Church, 226, 227 (R. F. Jessup). English History through Kent Eyes. By Felix Hull, 227 (L.R.A.G.). A Vale in Kent. By Philip Rogers, 228 (G.W.M.). Rigold, Mr. Stuart Eborall. Inspectorate of Ancient Monuments, 94. Lecture on Ancient Monuments of Kent, xl. 235 GENERAL INDEX Rix, M. M. and G. C. Dunning. Excavation of a Medieval Garderobe in Snargate Street, Dover. With contributions by P. A. Sabine, J. E. Morey, E. G. Crowfoot and P. Tudor-Craig, 12 figures, 1 plate, 132-158. Rochester. Resting place for King Charles I, 79. Dean Balcanquhall, 78, 79, 83. Reception, 88, 89. Roman Sherd from the Upchurch Marshes, An Unusual. By J. M. C. Toynbee and I. Noel Hume. 1 plate, 69-74. Comparison of Technique, 70. Romney Marsh Smuggling, 129. Sabine, P. A., 132. Samian Ware at Warbank, 106, 107. Sanders, W. B. Translation of Anglo- Saxon Charter, 41, 57, 60. Secretaries, Local, xiv. Activities, xlvi. Reports, xlii-xlvi. Shakespeare and Marlowe, 219-221. Simpson, Miss G., 70. Sissinghurst. French Prisoners-of- War, 171, 176. Smith, Mr. H. E. Wrotham, 206. Snargate Street, Dover, 137. Southfleet, Scadbury Manor, 92, 93. Spoon, silver gilt from Lyminge, 30. Stebbing, Mr. W. P. D., F.S.A., F.G.S. Report, xiv. Stone Carving. Development of Stiff Leaf in Kent, 156-158. Surrey Archaeological Society, xl. Swanscombe. Importance, 216, 217. Swithinbank, Mr. B. W., O.B.E. Thanked for Special Index, xii. Taylor, Miss M. V., 70. Taylor, Miss Susan May. Legacy of £500 for Index, xii. Taylor, Mr. Eric, Curator of Dover Museum, 132, 133. Tester, P. J. On Swanscombe, 216, 217. Review, 223, 224. Reports, xiii, xiv, xlvi. Thomas, H. B., C.B.E. Thomas Becon, Canon of Canterbury, 159-170. Tomlinson, Major, F. W. Reports, xiii, xlvi. Toynbee, J. M. C, and I. Noel Hume. An Unusual Roman Sherd from the Upchurch Marshes, 69-74, 1 plate. Toynbee, Margaret, F.S.A. The Wedding Journey of King Charles I, May, June, 1625. Princess Henrietta Maria of France, 75-89. Trustees, Appointment of Mr. G. W. Tookey, Q.C. Wing Commander Dumbreck, xii. Tudor-Craig, Pamela, Ph.D. The Dover Fragment of Stiff Leaf, 157- 158. Tunbridge Wells, 1750, 177. Lecture by Mr. Sheppard Frere, xlvii. Tyler, Frank W., F.S.A. Obituary by I.J.C., 230, 231. Upchurch Marshes. Romano-British Pottery finds, 69, 70, 71. "Terra Sigillata", 71. Urry, Mr. W. G., B.A. Archivist. Canterbury Cathedral, 165. Vallance, Aymer. Legacy used for special Index, xii. Walsingham, Sir Thomas, and Christopher Marlowe, 219-221. Warbank, Keston. A Romano-British Site. By Nancy Piercy Fox, B.A. Introduction and Summary, 12 figures. Plans, 96-116. Continuity of Site, 96. Appendix 114. Bibliography, 116. Ward, Gordon, M.D., F.S.A. The Witan meets at Canterbury. 2 plans, 1 plate, 41-61. Translation of Anglo-Saxon Charter, 60-61. Ward Perkins, J. B., F.S.A. Excavations, 98. Warhurst, Alan, B.A., A.M.A. The Jutish Cemetery at Lyminge, 1-40. 12 figures, xiii plates. Now Curator of Northampton Museum, xii, xlvi. Weapons from Lyminge, 32, 33. Wedding Journey of King Charles I, The. By Margaret Toynbee, F.S.A., 75-89. Weiner, Dr. J. S. Piltdown, 183-186. Westerham. Gold solidus found. Description, 210. Wheeler, Sir Mortimer, 70, 206. Whetsone found in Garderobe, 152- 154. Whitelock, Miss Dorothy. A.S. Charter, 41. Whitstable. Trade in Copperas, gun powder, wool, 129, 130. Witan meets at Canterbury, The. By Gordon Ward, M.D., F.S.A. 2 plans, 1 plate, 41-61. In 12 sections. Woodward, A. Smith. Piltdown, 179- 185. Wymer, Mr. R. O. of Kew, xlvi. Zarnecki, Dr. George, M.A. English Romanesque Sculpture ; Later English Rom mesque Sculpture, 229. 236