General Index

GENERAL INDEX Acknowledgments and Thanks for aid : Dover, 23 ; Springhead, 84 ; Watermills, 129 ; Roman Bath, Little Chart, 130 ; Discoveries at feeculver, 167 ; Merston, 205 ; Wall Mosaics, 229 ; Caesar's Camp, 245. Allen, A. P. The Lost Village of Merston, 198-205. Plan of Church, 199. Value, 202. Andred Forest, 222. Anglo-Saxon Numismatics, 166. Annual Report 1956, xlii-xlviii. Chairman, Dr. Gordon Ward. Obituary : The Lord Courthope, Vice-President and Mr. S. R. Hobday of the Records Committee. Membership 1,000. Records Branch, xliv. Reports, xliv-xlvii. Antoninus Pius, 43,173 ; Samian ware, 34 ; Period, 55, 63, 67, 180 ; buUdings, 104, 105, 172. Apuldrefeld, Henry de, 207, 213. Archceologia Cantiana. Cost of publication. Hon. Editor, Mr. J. H. Evans, xliv. Donations for 1957, li. Archbishops : Jasnberht, 165 ; Edmund Rich (1236), 253 ; Wulfred, 165. Archbishop's Palace, Maidstone, 126, 127. Arlott, Mr. A. C, 225. Avebury, Lord. Kingsgate Castle, 8 ; on eoliths, 48. Bakery Ovens at Springhead, 59-61. Balfour-Browne, F. L., on Charcoals, 102. Bexley. Report, Mr. P. J. Tester, J. E. L. Caiger, xiv, 232-233. Biddenden and Boundgate Turnpike Road, 1766-1883. By F. C. Elliston- Erwood, F.S.A., 185-197. 3 figs. Tolls, 193 ; Trustees, 191 ; Finance, 197. Birchington, 237. Birley, Eric, M.B.E. Samian Ware, Dover, 33-35. Black Death, 202, 205. Black Prince and Joan Plantagenet, 207, 208. Blumstein, Miss M., xlvii, 237. Bone Needle, 174. Bonney, Professor, 49. Botanical Specimens, 68, 107, 143. Brailsford, J. W. Bronze objects, 98-100. British Museum of Natural History, 102, 103. British Numismatic Journal, 162, 166. Broadstairs, Crampton Tower, 8, 9. Bronze Age Pottery, 11, 12. Brooches. Dover, 27 ; Springhead, 97, 98. Brooke, The late Dr. E. C. English Coins, 162. Burial Mounds, 11, 13. Caiger, J. E. L., xiv, 233. Camber Castle, 9. Canterbury Castle, 23 prisoners held 1378, 208 ; Equipment, 209 ; Detail, 212 ; Horse-trapping, 223-224. Champeneis, Sir John, Lord Mayor of London 1534, 153, 155 ; died 1556. Justinian Champeneis, 159. Charcoals, 102. Chest of Thirteenth-Century Type from Wormshill Church, A. By L. R. A. Grove, F.S.A. 1 plate, 214-218. c.p. Norton and Graveney Chests, 214 ; Exterior decoration incised, 218. Churchill, Irene J., O.B.E., D.Phil., F.S.A., 246-247. Cinerary Urns and Mounds in Thanet, 11. Cloth-making on River Len, 116, 120, 121. Coastal Defence Forts at Reculver, Richborough, 167, 168. Cobham, see de Cobham. Coins at Reculver, 172 ; Analysis, 173. Coin of the Kentish Rebel Eadbearht Praen. By R. H. M. Dolley, F.S.A., Department of Coins and Medals, British Museum, 162-166. 1 plate. Coins found at Springhead. Table II, 76, 77. At Little Chart, 145. Copus, G. D., xiv, xlvi, 237, 238. Coroners, 208, 209. Corrections. Lullingstone Roman Villa, by Edwyn Birchenough, 261. A Hoard of Roman Folles, by the Editor, 261. Countess Fort. Margaret of Kildare, 9. Cozens, Mathias, Antiquary, 5. 262 GENERAL INDEX Cray Antiquarian Society, 228. Footscray Report, xiv. St. Mary Cray, xlvii. St. Paul's Cray, 228. Cranbrook Tiles, 224. Crop-marks, 13. Culpeper, Sir Cheney, 1658, purchased, Checkwood, 111, 112, 113. William Culpeper, 114, 115, 126. Cult of the Dea Nutrix in Kent. By Frank Jenkins, F.S.A., 38-46. Map, 4 plates. Cumberland, Alfred. Obituary, 258, 259. de Cobham, Thomas, 207. Armorial bearings, 213. Desborough, Mrs. V. F., xlvii. Digby, Captain, 7, 8, 9. Dolley, R. H. M., F.S.A. A New Coin of the Kentish Rebel Eadbearht Prsen, 162-166. 1 plate. Domesday. Record of Mills, 113, 121. Dover Excavations, 14-37 ; Dover College, 14 ; Dover Grammar School, 14. D., W. V. Roughway, 242, 243. Dumbreck, Wing-Commander W. V., 225. Dunkin, A. J., 1848, 53. Dunning, G. C, F.S.A. Saxon Medieval Pottery at Dover, 36-37. Eadbearht Prsen. Silver penny, 162, 166. Eames, John. A Roman Bath-House at Little Chart, Kent. 2 plans, 3 figs., 10 plates. 130-146. East Malling, 228-229 ; Larkfield, 224-225. Elliston-Erwood, F. C, F.S.A. The Biddenden and Boundgate Turnpike Road, 1766-1883, 185-197. 3 figs. English Polities and the Sheriff of Kent, 1378. By Felix Hull, B.A., Ph.D., and Rosemary A. Keen, B.A., 206-213. Eoliths, Development of significance, 47-52 ; Great age, 51, 52. Evans, Sir John, 50. Evans, John H., F.S.A., F.R.G.S., Hon. Editor, xliv ; Reviews, 256, 257. Excavations and Discoveries in 1956, xliv-xlvii. Excavations in Dover. By L. Murray Threipland. 14 figs., 2 plates, 14-37. Excursions, 1956, xliii, xliv. Faversham, 230. Figurines of pipe clay made in Gaul found in Kent, 38-46. Finance. Balance Sheets, xlviii. Fisher, Thomas. Rochester, 1776, 4, 6,7. Follies in Thanet, 6-11. Follies of Kingsgate, The. By Ronald Jessup, F.S.A., 1-13. Forged Anglo-Saxon Charters. By Gordon Ward, M.D., F.S.A., 147-152. Analysis of Condemned Charters, 148. Fox, Charles James, " Father of British Liberalism," 1, 5. Fox, Nancy Piercy, B.A., F.S.A., xiv, 243-245. Fraser, Dr. F. C, 103. Frere, Mr. Sheppard, M.A., F.S.A., 53. Fullers' Earth, 106. Fulling, Primitive method, 107. Goodsall, Robert H. Watermills on the River Len. Map, ix plates, 106-129. Gough, Mr. H. E., 225. Gravesend Historical Society, 53 ; Museum, 67, 239 ; Report, 238. Gray, Thomas. Poem on Lord Holland, 1766, 5. Grove, L. R. A., F.S.A. A Chest of Thirteenth-Century Type from Wormshill Church. 1 plate, 214-218. Researches, 223-228. Thanked, 129. Hack 'em down Banks, 12. Hadlow, 225. Hall Place, Bexley. By P. J. Tester. 1 fig., 1 plate, 153-161. Scheduled Ancient Monument, now a school, 161. Harrison, Sir Edward. The Riddle of the Old Stones. A Personal Retrospect. Illustration, 47-52. Harrison, Benjamin. Idea of Eoliths, 47, 48. Hasted, Edward, 7, 110, 204, 238. Hawley, Lady Marjorie, of Tunbridge Wells. Obituary, 259. Hayes Common, 233-236. Headcorn, 225. Health, Drinking of. Origin, 12. Heme Bay, 225-226. Higenbottam, Frank. Royal Museum, Canterbury, 223. Hiscock, R. H., 260-251. 263 GENERAL INDEX Holland, Henry, 1st Baron Holland of Foxley, 1763. Father of Charles James Fox, 1, 4, 5. Holland House, Kingsgate. Description, 2, 3. Horner, Mr. Graeme, 227. Hull, Felix, B.A., Ph.D., and Rosemary A. Keen, B.A. English Politics and the Sheriff of Kent, 1378, 206-213. Review, 246, 247. Hull, M. R., M.A., F.S.A. Report on Fibulae, 97, 98. Assistance given, 129. Jan, Mr. A. W., 230. Jessup, F. W., M.A., LL.B., F.S.A., Hon. General Secretary. Reviews, 249-250, 254-256. Report for 1956, xlii-xlviii. Jessup, Ronald, F.S.A. The Follies of Kingsgate, 1-13. Reviews, 247-249, 252-253. Joan, Princess of Wales. The Fair Maid of Kent, 207, 208. Johnston, Philip Mainwaring. The late, 214, 216, 217. Joyden's Wood, 233. Keen, Rosemary A., B.A., and Felix Hull, B.A., Ph.D. English Politics and the Sheriff of Kent, 1378, 206- 213. Kent Archives Office. Accessions, 1956-7. Records : Sewers, Parochial, School, Nonconformist, Estate and Family Archives, Miscellaneous, Transcripts, 219-222. Kent County Archives. Merston, 204 ; de Cobham, 207. Kentish Observer, 1836, 12. Kentish Ragstone, 117. Kentish Tokens, 226. Kentish Travellers' Companion, 1776, 4. Keston, xiv. King Charles I at Canterbury, 1625, 241, 242. Kingsgate Castle, 1, 4, 8. Kingsgate College. Meeting, 1956, xliv. Knights of St. John of Jerusalem, 242, 243 ; Roughway, Hadlow, Kent, now " Rat's Castle," contemporary with Old Soar and Ightham Mote, 242-243. Len, River and its Watermills, 106-129. Lost Village of Merston, The. By A. F. Allen, 198-205. Lullingstone Villa Bath House, 136, 184 ; Report,- xiv. McAdam, James, 1850, 193. Maidstone Turnpike Road, 194-195. Map, Mudge's, 128. Mathias, Thomas James on Lord Holland, 5. Meates, Lt.-Col. G. W., xiv. M., E. T., Review, 249-250. Mills on River Len, 106-129 ; Legal Conditions, 112-114 ,• Inventory of Mill Tackling, 128-129. Miscellaneous Notes, 241-245. King Charles 1st Payments, 241-242 (Margaret Toynbee). Roughway, 242-243 (W.V.D.). Caesar's Camp. Plan and plate, 243, 245 (N. Piercy Fox). Mockett, John, Yeoman Farmer. Editor, 12. Money, Mr. J. H., xlviii. Morey, Mrs. J. E. Geological Museum, 104-105. Nicholson, Mr. C. D. P., F.S.A., xlvi. " Nonsense History," 1768, 10. Obituaries : Charles Norman Pope of Ashford, died 1957, by Major H. M. Rand, 258 ; Alfred Cumberland of Dartford, by H. J. B., 258, 259 ; Lady Hawley of Tunbridge Wells, 259 ; Sir Gerald Woods WoUaston, K.C.B., K.C.V.O., M.A., LL.M., F.S.A., Garter Principal King of Arms, by A. R., and W. P. D. Stebbing, 259-260. Offa, King, Coinage, 162, 164, 166 ; Charter, A.D. 774, 201. O'Neil, The late B. H. St. J. Coins found at Dover, 23-27. Orpington, Report, by G. D. Copus and A. J. J. Parsons, xlvi, 237-238, 239-240. Otford, Leaden seal matrix, 226-227. Paper-making on R. Len, 122-125 ; James Whatman, Father and Son, by Thomas Balston, 116 ; J. Whatman, 118 ; Richard Harris, 124, 125. Paper Mills and Paper Makers m England, 1496-1800, by Dr. Alfred H. Shorter, 116. non Parsons, A. J. J., xiv, xlvi, xlvii, 239, 240. Penn, W. S., B.Sc. The Romano- British Settlement at Springhead. Excavation of the Bakery, Site A, 18 figs., 4 plates, 53-105, 264 GENERAL INDEX Penshurst, 237. Philipot visited Merston, 203. Philp, Brian J. Recent Discoveries at Reculver, 6 figs., 167-184; Hayes Common, 233-236 ,• Tootswood, Beckenham, 236-237. Pile, Mr. C. C. R., 224. Pirie, Elizabeth, 230-231. Plaxtol, xlvii, 251-252. Ponton, D. T. A., Organizer of Excursions, xliv. Pope, Charles Norman. Obituary, 258. -Pottery. Excavated Dover, 27-37 ; Figurines, 38-46 ; Springhead, 79- 82, 92-97 ; Mortaria, Potters' Marks, 92-94 ; Little Chart, Belgic, Samian, 140-144 ; Reculver, 173-182 ; "Halstatt," 175. Powell Cotton, Miss A., 237. Prestwich, Sir Joseph, 47, 48. Pricking for Sheriffs, 1376, 207. P., W. S., Springhead, .239. Ragstone quarry, 130, 132. Recent Discoveries at Reculver. By Brian J. Philp, 6 figs., 167-184; Wells, Iron Age Finds, Current operations, 3 Appendixes, 176-182 ; Report, 230. Records of Local History, xliv. Researches and Discoveries in Kent, 5 figs., 1 plate, 223-240 ; Archseological Notes from Maidstone Museum, 223-228. Reviews, 246-267. Calendar of Kent Feet of Fines . . ., Irene J. ChurchiU, the late Ralph Griffin, the late F. W. Hardman (Felix Hull). Roman Roads in Britain. Ivan D. Margary (Ronald Jessup). A History of Kent with Maps. F. W. Jessup (E.T.M.). The Story of Ifield and Singlewell. R. H. Hiscock (P. J. Tester). Plaxtol. A Kentish Village. Women's Institute (P. J. Tester). English Romanesque Lead Sculpture. G. Zarnecki. (R. Jessup). Archeion. W. Lambarde (F.W.J.). Guide to the Kent Archives Office. K.C.C. (F.W.J.). The Kentish Historical Newsletter. P. M. E. Erwood (J.H.E.). Transactions of the Gravesend Historical Society (J.H.E.). Roman Canterbury. Sheppard Frere. Kiddle of the Old Stones, The. A Personal Retrospect. By Sir Edward Harrison. Illustration, 47-52. Ritual Breakages, 41, 42. Roman Bath-House at Little Chart, Kent, A. By John Eames. 2 plans, 3 figs., 10 plates, 130-146 ; Bath procedure, 133. Romano-British Settlement at Springhead. Excavation of the Bakery, Site A. By W. S. Penn, B.Sc, 18 figs., 4 plates, 53-105 ; Finds of seeds, 68, 70 ; Appendixes I-XII. Rook, Mr. R. J., xlvi. Rolvenden, 237. Royal Observer Corps, 9. Sarre, 231-232. Schools assisting : Tonbridge, xlvii; Sutton Valence, xlvn, 227 ; Dover College, 14 ; Dover Grammar School, 14. Seyssell, Mrs. B. de, xlvii. Shorne, 198, 204. Simpson, Miss Grace. Samian ware at Dover, 33-35. Simpson, Mr. J. R., xlvii, 227. Smith, Mr. David, 229. Snodland. Ham HUl, 229, 230. Springhead, 239. Stebbing, W. P. D., F.S.A., F.G.S., 260. Stede, Sir Edwyn, of Harrietsham and Polhill, 110. Sutton Valence, xlvii; Mr. R. C. Stone, Mr. J. B. Simpson, xlvii, 227, 228. Taffs, The late Mr. H. W., 226. Teasels used in fulling, 107. Tester, P. J. Hall Place, Bexley, 1 fig., 1 plate, 153-161 ; Reviews, 250-252 ; Reports, xliv, 232-233. Tiles excavated : Dover, 29 ; Merston, 198 ; Cranbrook, 224 ; Joyden's Wood, 233. Threipland, L. Murray. Excavations in Dover, 14 figs., 2 plates, 14-37. Tilley, E., on Bronze, Iron, Bone objects, 98-101. Tonbridge Castle, 1376, 207. Tootswood, Beckenham, 236-237. Toynbee, Margaret, 241, 242. Trustees of K.A.S., xiii. Tudor House. Plan 155-168. Chequer work facing, 159. Tudot, E., on Figurines, 38. Tunbridge Wells. Mr. J. H. Money High Rocks site, xlvii. Turnpike Roads, 185-197. Twysden Portraits, xliii. 265 GENERAL INDEX Use of- Stone from Religious Houses, 153, 165. Vortigern, King, 12. Ward, Gordon, M.D., F.S.A. Forged Anglo-Saxon Charters, 147-152. Transcripts, maps, etc., 222. SUver disk given, 230, 231. Warren, Mr. S. Hazzleden, 49. Watermills on the River Len. By Robert H. Goodsall, 9 plates, 1 map, 106-129 ; Chegworth MiU stUl used, 113. Weald Forest, 222. Whitfield, Robert, owner of Quekes, etc., 2, 11. Wilson, David M., 231, 232. WoUaston, Sir Gerald Woods, K.C.B., K.C.V.O., M.A., LL.M., F.S.A., Obituary by A.R., 259, 260 ; Note by W. P. D. Stebbing, 260. Wormshill Church Chest, 214-218. Wright, R. P., M.A., F.S.A., Graffiti, 104. Wynn, Thomas. Architect of HoUand House, Kingsgate, became Lord Newborough, 2. Zarnecki, George. English Romanesque Lead Sculpture, 252. " 3one " early use of " gun," 208. 266




Frontispiece 1956