General Index

GENERAL INDEX Abbeys with tile kilns : Battle, Lesnes, 29. Accounts for 1957, lv, lvi. Acknowledgments and thanks for aid on : Joyden's Wood, 18 ; Figureines, 76 ; Springfield, 94 ; Gravesend, 171 ; Eastwood, 193 ; Dover, 1956, 111 ; Tonbridge Lowy, 147 ; Reculver, 160, 209. Aldgate Priory and Bexley, 42-44, 50. Plates i-iv, 48. Alexander, John. Addington, Megalithic tomb, 191, 192. AUington Estates : Castle owners. 1-16, Plate II. The Castle and Manor of AUington, Schedule, 9-16. Ancient Monuments, Inspectorate of, 18, 191. Acts 1913 and 1931, xiv. Anglo-French documents, 150, 158. Annual Report, 1957, xlii-lvi; 1958, lviilxix. Archceologia Cantiana, expenses, xlvi. Archceologia Cantiana, LXX. Centenary Survey, Iii. Donations, 1958, lxviii, lxix. Archceologia Cantiana, LXVH. Index Volume. Compiled by B. W. Swithinbank, C.B.E., M.A. (The late), 239. Archbishops : Anselm, 42 ; Theobald, Becket, 43 ; Baldwin, Stephen Langton, Boniface, 44 ; Pecham, 47. Archbishop of Canterbury, 1571, 3. Owned Bexley A.D. 814, 41 ; Ralph, 41 ; William of Corbeuil, 42. Archbishop's Palace, Maidstone, 1. Architectural Branch, xliv. Astleys of Maidstone, The. By Robert H. Goodsall. 3 plates, pedigree, 1-17. John(3), Thomas, estates, will, memorial. Aylesford finds, 211. Aymer of Valence, 44. Bayeux, Bishop of, 142, 145. Bee Boles, 189, 191. Belgic coin, 228. Bell founders, 225, 226. Church BeUs of England. Church Bells of Kent. Best, Messrs., Brewers of Chatham. By Rosemary A. Keen, B.A., pedigree, 172-181. Bexley Church : Some Early Documents. By F. R. H. du Boulay, M.A., F.R.Hist.S. 4 plates, appendix, 41-53. Biek, L. On Timbers, 135-136. Boleyn, Sir Thomas, 1 ; Queen Anne, 1. Botolph, St., Life of. By Rev. S. G. Evans, 227-229. Boughton Aluph, 212; bronze handlemount (Plate), facing 212. Boughton Monchelsea, 213-215. Boughton, Parson and Manor of, 54-56. Boxley Estate, 176, 181. Boxley kilns, 216-221. Brailsford, F. W., F.S.A., 104. Brewing, 174. Bridges', Anne. Slandered, 16, 17 ; m. Wm. Best, 17. Bridges, Sir John—Lord Chandos, 8. Burghley, Lord, 6. Caiger, J. E. L. Belgic Site at Bexley, 186-189. Caiger, J. E. L. and P. J. Tester, F.S.A. Medieval Buildings in the Joyden's Wood Square Earthwork. 6 figs., 18-40. Canterbury Archseological Society, 197. Canterbury Cathedral War Memorial Garden, Bee boles found, 189. Carson, R. A. G. Coins, 99. Centenary Celebration, xiii. Centenary Luncheon, September 18, 1957, 200 present, guests, speakers, li-liv. Centenary Year. K.A.S., 1957. Celebrations. Future plans. Local meetings, xiii. Chandos, Lord, 8,17. Chandos Peerage Case, 17. Charlesworth, Miss Dorothy, M.A. Glass at Springfield, 155, 156. Clayton, Peter A. Some recent finds at Reculver, 1955-57. Pottery, coins, finds from well, etc., 204-209. Clympson, John of Maidstone, 8. Edward, 8, 9. Coins : Springhead, 83, 85, 91, 99-100 ; Reculver, 164, 208-209. Coldrum, li. 191, Colvin, W. M., M.A., 24, 25. Common Law of Kent or The Customs of Gavelkind, The. By Thomas Robinson, 1741, 149. 240 GENERAL INDEX Conway, Lord. Allington Castle, 2. Cook, Norman, liii. Councer, C. R., F.S.A. Painted glass, 29, 30. Couplets, Ancient, on Gavelkind, 154- 156. " Cricketting," 1610, 230. Cult of the " Pseudo-Venus " in Kent, The. By Frank Jenkins, F.S.A. 2 plates, 1 map, appendix, 60-76. Custumal of Kent, The. By Felix Hull, B.A., Ph.D„ 148-159. Darell of Calehill MSS., 54. Dartford District Antiquarian Society, 24. de Clare, Richard, 138-147. Desborough, V. F. Further Notes on Kentish Bee Boles. 1 plate, 189- 191. Discoveries at Reculver, 1955-1957. By Brian J. Philp. 2 figs., 160-166. Domesday, 41, 54, 142, 151. Door bolts, development, 30, 31. Dour Valley, 111, 112. Dover : Stembrook and St. Martin-le- Grand, 1956. By Philip A. Rahtz. 10 figs, 3 plates, 5 appendices, 111- 137. Du Boulay, F.R.H., M.A., F.R.Hist.S. Bexley Church. Some Early Documents. 4 plates, appendix, 41-63. Dulwich College Arohseological Society, 1. Dumbreck, W. V. The Lowy of Tonbridge. 3 figs., 138-147. Dunning, G. C. Report on Pottery (Joyden's Wood), 18, 26, 31-40. E. J. H. Reviews, 235-6. Elizabeth I, Queen, I, 2. Elliston-Erwood, F. C, F.S.A., 23, 200-204 ; Another " Jew's Harp " from Kent, 1 fig. ; Lesnes Abbey, 201, 202 ; The Church of St. Nicholas, Plumstead, 202-4; Architectural Branch, xliv. English Place Name Society, 239. Excavation Committee, xliv. Excavations, Discoveries and Local News, 1957, xlvi-li. Excursions, xlvi. Expenditure by 18th c. child, 172, 173. Evans, Rev. S. G. Life of St. Botolph, 227-229. Eynesford Castle. Excavations, 38. Feasts, Communal, 196, 197. Figurmes, Clay. Distribution, Significance, Illustrations, 60-76. Filmer, R. M. Gift to Archives, 230. Finance, li. " Football playing," 1595, 230. Finds at Springhead, 107-108. Gardiner, Mrs. Ddrothy. Obituary, 237 Gavelkind, 148, 153. Glass, painted, 29 ; Springhead, 105. Goodsall, Robert H. The Astleys of Maidstone. 3 plates, pedigree, 1-17. Preservation of Bourne House, xliii.. Gravesend Parish Church, 164-171. Grimes, Professor W. F., xliv. Grove, L. R. H., 200; Boughton Monchelsea, 213, 214, 215 ; Review, 264-265 ; Scheduled Sites, xiv ; Notes on Strood, 225 ; Bronze gilt boss, Ulcombe, 225-226 ; On Early Games, 229-230 ; Inventory of Paper Mill, 1710, 230-233. Guildhall Museum, 34. Higgs, Eric. On Flints, 137. Hiscock, Robert H., LL.B. The Employment of an Eighteenth Century Organist, 167-171. Elected to K.A.S. Council, xliii. Hogg, A. H. P., 22, 23, 25. Hope-Taylor, Brian, F.S.A., 26, 37. Hull, Felix, B.A., Ph.D. Meleombe Mill. A Fourteenth Century Building Account, 54-69 ; Bronze Objects, 104. Hull, Felix. The Custumal of Kent, 148-168. Hytchcocke, ffra, 7. Jenkins, Frank, F.S.A. The Cult of the " Pseudo-Venus " in Kent. 2 plates, map, appendix, 60-76 ; Report on Springhead figure, 107, 108 ; Notes: Belgic, Roman, Medieval, St. Gregory's Priory, Westgate Grove, Tile kiln, Bekesbourne Saxon Cemetery, 197-208. Jessup, Frank W., M.A., LL.B., F.S.A., Iii; Speech, liii. Jessup, R. F., F.S.A. Roman Lead Coffin, 227 ; Elected on K.A.S. Council, xliii. John de Leycester. Accounts paid for building Mill, 56. Johnson, J. Ramsgate, 226. Joyden's Wood. Medieval Building and Pottery, 18-40. 241 GENERAL INDEX Keen, Rosemary, A., B.A. Messrs. Best, Brewers of Chatham, pedigree, 172-181 ; Place Names Committee, xliv. Kellaway, M. L. Reculver, Fawkham, Northfleet, 192-194. Kent Archives. Earliest paper, 54, 172. Kent Archives Office. Accessions, 1957- 1958. Valuable Records, 182-185. Kent Education Committee's Grant, xliii, xliv. " Kenteys " or Gavelkind, 158, 159. Keston and the Centenary, xiii. Kewell, Brian, 160. Killick, Mr., 190. Kingsgate College, xlvi. Lambarde, William, Custumal of Kent, 148 ; Perambulation of Kent. Original MS. transferred to Kent Archives Office by K.A.S., 185. Land Owners thanked. Mr. P. Bartholomew at Springhead, 94 ; Mr. J. Stevens, Mr. A. Seagust at Joyden's Wood, 18. Levy, J. F. On Timber, 135-136. Library and Acquisitions, xiv. Local Societies, Reports from: Boxley, Cranbrook, Dartford and Chatham, Faversham, Keston, Lullingstone, Maidstone, Orpington, • Sandwich, Sutton Valence, Tunbridge Wells, xlvii-1. Maidstone. All Saints, 7, 8 ; Astley Memorial, 7 ; The Records of Maidstone, 9 ; Mayor Ambrose Bede, 9 ; The Palace purchased, 6 ; Pencil Drawing, 1831, Plate I. Marley Tile Co. Ltd., 27. Meates, Lt.-Col. G. W., xiii, xliii; Classical Mural, xlix. Medieval Buildings in the Joyden's Wood Square Earthwork. By P. J. Tester, F.S.A. and J. E. L. Caiger, 6 figs., 18-40. Melcombe Mill. A Fourteenth Century Building Account. By Felix Hull, B.A., Ph.D., 54-59. M.G.W. Review, 236. Mill. Medieval building construction, 18-31. Ministry of Works, 38. Miscellaneous Notes. 227-233. Roman lead coffin from Rochester, R. F. Jessup ; Botolph's bridge, by Rev. S. G. Evans ; Early Games, by L. R. A. Grove; James II. Penal Laws and Test Act; Inventory of a. Sutton-at-Hone Paper Mill in 1710. Moore, E. W. Wye Historical Society: Fifteenth century drain. 1 plate, 226. Morey, Mrs. J. E. Stone fragments, Springhead, 107. Nottidge, Sir WUliam, K.E.C., liv. Obituaries, 1957, xliii. Mrs. Dorothy Gardiner, Canterbury (H. M. Rand), 237-238 ; F. R. J. Pateman, Otford (R.D.O.), 238 ; Bernard Winthrop Swithinbank, C.B.E., M.A., Maidstone (L.R.A.G.), 268-259. Organist, The Employment of an Eighteenth Century. By Robert H. Hiscock, LL.B., 167-171. Organist at Gravesend, Criticism, 168, 171. Orpington, 209-211. Pantin, Mr. W. A., Oxford. Centenary Speaker, lii-liii. Paper-Making, 1697, 232-233. Parsons, John. Orpington Historical Records and Natural History Society. Archajological Report, 1957-58, 209-211. Pateman, Mr. F. R. Obituary, 238. Penn, W. S., F.S.A. The Romano- British Settlement at Springhead. Excavation of the Watling Street, Shop and Pedestal, Site B. 11 figs., 4 appendices, 77-110. Philp, Brian J. Discoveries at Reculver. 1955-1957. 2 figs., 160-166; Reculver, 192; Fawkham, 193 ; Northfleet, 193-194. Pirie, E. J. E. Archajological Notes from Maidstone Museum, 211-226 ; Aylesford, 211; Boughton Aluph, 212; Boxley, 215-216 ; Bredgar, 221; HoUingbourne, 222 ; Langley, 222; Linton, 223; Maidstone, 223; Ramsden, Sittingbourne, 224 ; Thurnham, 225; Ulcombe, 225. Place Names Committee formed, xliv. Ponton, D. T. A., xiv ; Excursions, 1957, xlvi. Pottery. Joyden's Wood, 26-40; Springhead, Samian and Coarse Ware, 93-94, 100-104; Dover, Samian and Coarse, 131-135 ; Reculver, " Honey-pot " type, 163 ; Bexley, 187, 188 ; Reculver, 205- 207 ; Orpington, 211. Preservation of Rural Kent. Cooperation by K.A.S., xiv. Presidential Badge, xiii. 242 GENERAL Queen Elizabeth I, 1, 2, 3. Queen Maud, 42. Rahtz, Philip A. Dover: Stembrook and St. Martin-le-Grand, 1956.. 10 figs., 3 plates, 5 appendices, 111-137. Rand, Major H. M., 237, 238. Rat poison, 176. Reaney, Dr. R. H., xliv. • Records Branch, xliv ; Publication Committee, xiv. Reculver, 161-166. Researches and Discoveries in Kent. 4 plates, 7 figs., 16 articles, 186-226. Reviews. An Archteology of S.E. England, by Gordon Copley (L.R.A.G.), 204, 205 ; Town and Country in Roman Britain, by A. L. F. Rivet, M.A., F.S.A. (G.W.M.), 235 ; Feudal Britain by G. W. Barrow ; Bronze Age Cultures in France, by Nancy K. Sanders, 236 ; Theobald, Archbishop of Canterbury, by Avron Saltman ; A Dictionary of British Surnames, by P. H. Reaney (J.H.E.), 236. Rigold, S. E„ M.A., 18, 35. Rochester, Bishop of, 42 ; Roman lead coffin, 227. Roman Road, 164, 166. Romano-British Settlement at Springhead, The. Excavation of the Watling Street, Shop and Pedestal, Site B. By W. S. Penn, B.Se. 11 figs., 4 appendices, 77-110. Romano-British Shop, 79. Romano-Gaulish Religion and Britain, 64, 70. Roper, Miss Anne, xliii. Thanked, liv. Samian Ware, 84, 100, 101 ; Dover, 131-133. Saxon Raiders, 164. Saxon Towns. Thetford, Sutton Courtenay, 30. Seal of Tonbridge, 147. Shoreham, William of, 48. 243 INDEX Springhead (Vagniacae), Sacred spring, 64 ; Plan, Site B. Finds, 77-110. Spurrell, F. C. J. Mediaeval walls, 24, 25. Stour Valley Research Group, 197. Stratification. Dover, 114, 119-121, 126 ; Springhead, 82, 98. Style and Winch, 172. Sutton Valence School, 1. Swithinbank, Bernard Winthrop, C.B.E., M.A. Obituary, 238-239. Teichman-DervUle, Major M., O.B.E., D.L., M.A., F.S.A., F.R.Hist.S. Centenary address, In. Tester, P. J. An Acheulian Site at Orpington. 1 fig., 194-197. Tester, P. J., F.S.A. and J. E. L. Caiger. Medieval Buildings in the Joyden's Wood Square Earthwork, 6 figs., 18-40. Tiles, Medieval, 26-29. TUley, E. W. On Coins, 94, 99, 104, 106 ; Bone objects, 105. Tomb, Vaulted. Excavated, 125-131 ; Megalithic, 191 ; Sutton Valence, Tomb Slab, 1. Tonbridge, The Lowy of. By W. V. Dumbreck. 3 figs., 138-147. Tonbridge, Richard de, 142. Ward, Dr. Gordon, xln, xliii, 147. Water Cult, " Pseudo-Venus," 64. Watling Street, 77-110. Wealden Forest, Tonbridge, 147. Weller, Thomas, 1602-1670, 138, 143. Seal of Tonbridge. Wells, 162 ; Finds at Reculver, 209. Wheeler, Sir Mortimer, 69. Wigan, Rev. Bernard, xiv. Woodfield, Paul. Report on Tomb, Dover, 128-131. Woodruff, Rev. C. E., 149-150. Works, Ministry of. Donation, xiv, xlix, 1. Wrotham Vicarage, 1308, 49. Wyatt, Sh- Thomas, 1, 2, 6.




Frontispiece 1957