General Index

GENERAL INDEX Abbreviations. K.A.O., Kent Archives Office, (p.n.) indicates reference to the place-name. Aalsum, Holland, early woodworking plane from, 197. Admiralty, successor of Navy Commissioners of 1618, 81. Admiralty Lands Records, quoted, 83- 84, 90. Albinus, walling of Romano-British towns, 106, 108. Allen, A. F., on Roman building at Chalk, 207-208. Allen, William, New Cross Turnpike Trust, 1789, 169. AUington, Astley estate, 132. AUington Castle, 1629, 125. Almond, James, 1685, 83. Altar, Romano-British temple at Springhead, 24. America, immigration from Kent, 1826-1828,235-243. Amets Hill, Stockbury (p.n.), 65. Ampthill, Bedfordshire (p.n.), 65. Anderson, P., 3. Anglo-Saxon, casket, 197 ; cemetery at Polhill, 225 ; woodworking plane from Sarre, 196-201. Antonine pottery at Springhead, 6. Antonine Wall, 106. Arbuthnott, John, 1705, 154. Archives Office, Kent, 63, 71, 72, 74, 141 ; accessions, 1958-1959, list of, 202-206 ; Kentish Sources, review, 244-245. Arundel, 131. Ashurst, Court Rolls, K.A.O., 206. Astley, Agnes, 131-132 ; Anne, 131 ; Bernard, 131 ; Bridget, 1650, 133 ; Eleanor, 1639, 126 ; Sir Edward (of Melton Constable), 1650,131-133 ; Elizabeth, 1639, 126, 133 ; Sir Isaac (second Lord A.), 1650, 130-140; Sir Isaac, inventory of goods, 1662, 134-140 ; Sir Jacob (first Lord A.), 1579-1651, 126-134; Sir Jacob, will of, 1650, 131-133 ; Jacob (of Maidstone), d. 1688, 140 ; Sir Jacob (of Melton Constable), 140 ; John, d. 1719, 140; Sir John, 125-130 ; Sir John, will of, 1639, 125-130 ; Katherine, 1639, 126-127 ; Richard, 1650, 133 ; Thomas, 1639, 126 ; Thomas (of Melton Constable), 130 ; Waldgrave, 1650, 133. Astley Monument, Maidstone, 128, 130. Astleys (The) of Maidstone. By Robert H. Goodsall, 125-141. Astronomer Royal (John Flamsteed), 154. Atriplex, seeds, Romano-British votive use, 2, 23, 24, 57-58. Avebury, MSS, K.A.O., 204. Avery, Margaret, 123. Ashford, deeds, K.A.O., 204. Aylesford, School records, K.A.O., 203. Baker, John, Canterbury, 234. Baker, Mathewe, shipwright, 1586, 81. Balfour-Browne, F. L., 3. Balmuildy (Roman), 106. Barming, parish records, K.A.O., 203. Barrow, Norfolk, 133. Bargrave, Mrs., apparition to, of Mrs. Veal at Canterbury, 1705. By Frank Higenbottam, 164-166. Barking, 76. Bartholomew, J., 2. Bartholomew, P., 2. Barton Court Estate records, K.A.O., 205. Basing Farm, Cowden (p.n.), 66. Bath, Lord (William Pulteney), 1687- 1764, 144-145. Battely, J., 98. Baxter, Jeffrey, Chatham, c. 1618, 81. Bearsted, deeds, etc., K.A.O., 205 ; Nursing Association records, K.A.O., 203. Beckett Salts, map, K.A.O., 204. Bee boles, 234. Beechenwood, Cowden (p.n.), 66. Bekesbourne, 65 ; (p.n.), 64. Benenden, deeds, K.A.O., 205. Benson, Martin, Bishop of Gloucester, 144. Bertelot, William, 1416, 66. Best Family, 125 ; records, K.A.O., 205. Best, John, AUington Castle, 1629, 125. Best, Mawdistley Gaussen, diaries, papers, etc., K.A.O., 205. Bexley, 123 ; Church Documents, corrections to paper in Arch. Cant. LXXII, 235 ; Cray House, Medieval remains, 211-216 ; Neolithic axe, 209-210. 246 GENERAL INDEX Bidborough, Tithe records, K.A.O., 204. Biddenden, deeds, map, K.A.O., 205. Bilsington, deeds, K.A.O., 204. Birdoswald (Roman), 103. Birling, deeds, K.A.O., 205 ; turnpike road at, 188. Birrens, 100. Bishopsbourne (p.n.), 64. Blakenham, Thomas, 1439, 124. " Bluestocking ", origin of, 144. Bobbing, deeds, etc., K.A.O., 205. Boeles, P. C. J. A., 197. Bones, Romano-British site at Springhead, Report on by J. E. King, 53. Booker, R., 216. Booth's Charity, Harrietsham and Maidstone, records, K.A.O., 203. Boswell, Thomas, 144. Botting, Hugh, 1555, 66. Boughton Aluph, deeds, etc., K.A.O., 205. Bourne, ffrances, 1639, 125. Bower, Anne, 1661, 90. Boxley, deeds, etc., K.A.O., 205 ; Park House, plans, K.A.O., 205. Brabourne, manorial records, K.A.O., 204. Brailsford, J. W., 2, 49. Brancaster (Roman), 106, 107, 109. Brett, Charles, New Cross Turnpike Trust, 1789, 169. Bridges, Ann, 1641,125 ; Anne (Agnes), 1639, 126, 128 ; John, 1647, 125. Bristol, 131. Brompton, Chatham, 82, 91. Bronze Age axe, Orpington, 230. Bronze objects, Romano-British at Springhead, 22 ; Report on by J. W. Brailsford and E. W. Tilley, 49-51. Brooches, Romano-British at Springhead, 19, 38. Brooke Family, wills etc., K.A.O., 205. Broomfield parish records, K.A.O., 202. Brough Castle (Roman), 106. Brounswayn, Thomas, 123. Brown, Baldwin, 196. Burghley, Lord, 1583, 80. Buries, G., 3. Burmarsh, 67. Burney, Fanny, 144. Burrswood MSS, K.A.O., 206. Burton, Richard, 92. Burke, Peter, Chatham, c. 1618, 81. Butler, Sir W., 91-92. Bushe-Fox, J. P., 245. Caerwent (Roman), 103. Caesar, Alice, 1677, 83, 90-95 ; Augustine, 1661, 90 ; Joseph, 91. Calehill Hundred, manorial records, K.A.O., 204. Calendars, Ancient Deeds, 72 ; State Papers, 71. Canter Wood, Elham (p.n.), 68. Canterbury, Apparition of Mrs. Veal to Mrs. Bargrave, 1705, two new contemporary ms. accounts, by Frank Higenbottam, 154-166. Canterbury, Cathedral Library, 71 ; City Chamberlain's Accounts, 1692, 163; Diocesan Records, K.A.O., 202 ; Diocese Tithe Awards, 72 ; (p.n.), 69 ; Roman C, 108, 111 ; St. Augustine's Abbey, review of guide book, 245. Capel, map, K.A.O., 204. Cappuck (Roman), 100. Carausius, 107. Cardiff (Roman), 106. Carter, Mrs. Elizabeth, 1717-1806, 142-153 ; Dr. Nicholas, 142. Cartulary of St. Gregory, 64. Castle Cary (Roman), 106. Carnegie United Kingdom Trust, 3. Carson, R. A. G., 2. Casket, Anglo-Saxon, 197 ; Frankish, 197. Cator, John, New Cross Turnpike Trust, 1789, 169. Chalk near Gravesend, Roman, 111 ; Roman buUding at, 207 ; Roman kiln and remains, 220-223. Chandos Peerage Case, 125, 130. Chaplain, R., 3. Charing, beehive quern at, 226 ; deeds and manorial records, K.A.O., 203 ; parish records, K.A.O., 202 ; School records, K.A.O., 203 ; token, 1651, 227. Charity Records, K.A.O., 203. Charlesworth, D„ 2, 52. Charlton-next-Dover, deeds, K.A.O., 204. Chatham, 76; Brook, the, 84; Dock Road, 79, 82; Dockyard, 75-95 ; Gunwharf, 75,77-79, 84 ; HUl House, 77, 81-82 ; Lords Lands, 81; MiU, 82, 84 ; parish records, K.A.O., 203 ; plan of property at, 1708, 82 ; token, 1668, 226 ; see also under Medway. Chatham Dockyard ; Early Leases and Conveyances for its Building during the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries. By Frederick Cull, 75-95. Chelsfield, Rental, K.A.O., 206. Cherson, Bridget, 1639, 127. Chest, church, Graveney, 232 ; WormshiU, 232. Chevening, 66, 117. 247 GENERAL INDEX Chew Stoke, 27. Chichele, Archbishop, 123. Chiddingstone early Poor Law Accounts, 193-195. ChUlenden, post mUl, 234. GhUlington, manorial documents, K.A.O., 205. China manufactory in Greenwich, 227-228. Cinque Ports, 64. Clapham, Sir Alfred, 245. Claydene, Cowden (p.n.), 66. Clerk, Richard, 1444, 124. Cliffe Peculiar (Rochester Diocesan Records), K.A.O., 202. Clifford, George, 1639, 127 ; John, 1639, 127. Clinch, George, 208. Close Rolls, 70-73. Cloth trade, decline of, 1621, 194. Cobham, deeds, K.A.O., 205. Cobham Park, earthwork, post-Roman date of, 224; excavations, 1959, 224-225. Coins, Roman, Hollingbourne, 229- 230 ; Reculver, 103, 110, 113, 114 ; Springhead, 4, 6, 7, 10, 39-43. Colchester, 54. Collingwood, R. G., 106. Collins, James, Sandhurst, 1826, 236. Cologne, altar at, 26. Combe, Otford, 117, 119, 121. Connolly, P. , 3. Constantius, buUding revival under, 10. Cook, N. C, 96. Corbett, John, of Lewisham, 1788, 167-174. Corder, PhUip, 106. Council for British Archeology, 3. " c o u r t " ( = cart), 175. Court Ash, Deal, manorial records, K.A.O., 205. Court, Thomas, 1440, 124. Cowden, 65 ; Poor Law Accounts, 193. Cowdenshaw (p.n.), 66. Cranbrook, deeds, K.A.O., 206 ; farm accounts, K.A.O., 204. Cranbrook-Maidstone road, 1731-1732, 174. Croft & Co., Wine Merchants, records, K.A.O., 205. Croft MSS at K.A.O., 206. Crown Inn, Rochester, 189. Crul, Adam, 65. Cudham, deeds, K.A.O., 204. Cull, Frederick, 75. Curia Regis Rolls, 70. Curlswood Farm, Nonington (p.n.), 66. Cuxton, turnpHte road, 188, 189. Dalghesh, John, 1738, 233. DalUson, Charles, 92. " Danes Trench ", PolhUl, 226. Darenth, Neolithic axe, 209-10. Dartford, 151, 169. Davington, survey, 1793, K.A.O., 204. de Bee, WiUiam, 64. de Burnis, Eustace, 64. de Burnes, Robert, 64. Deal, 143 ; Assembly House, agreement, K.A.O., 205 ; Chamberlain's Fee records, K.A.O., 205 ; Chapelwarden's accounts, K.A.O., 206; Charity School Accounts, K.A.O., 206 ; Council records, K.A.O., 206 ; Court Ash manorial records, K.A.O., 205 ; Education records, K.A.O., 203 ; maps, K.A.O., 206 ; maritime records, miscellaneous, K.A.O., 205- 206 ; Prebend records, K.A.O., 206 ; Roman interment, 219. Dearing, Anne, 1639, 125. Defoe, Daniel, 163-165. Demesne farming at Otford, 116-124. Denns, Wealden, 71. Deptford, 76, 81 ; Bridge, 1787-1797, 167-174. Desborough, V. H. , 234. Detling (p.n.), 63 ; deeds, etc., K.A.O., 205. Devenyshe, Thomas, Frindsbury, 80. Devorax, John, 1639, 127. Doddington, deeds, etc., K.A.O., 205 ; Estate of Croft and Co., records, K.A.O., 205 ; Roman gold coin, 226-227 Dolley, R.' H . M., 230. Domesday, Otford, 117, 119. Dorkynghole family, 123. Dover, education records, K.A.O., 203 ; Letter Book, 1737-1741, 233. Dowker, G., 1877, 98. Downe, deeds, K.A.O., 204; map, K.A.O., 204. Du Boulay, F. R. H , 116, 235. Duling, John, 1627, 90-93. Dumbreck, Wing Commander, W. V., 66. Duncan, Henry, 1805, 90 Dunk, Robert, Sandhurst, 1827, 236. Dunning, G. C , 196-201, 213, 245. Ealda, 63. East Field, Otford, 117, 119-121. East Peckham, map, K.A.O., 204. East Wiokham, Neolithic axe, 210-211. Edell, Thomas, 1760, 66. Edells (p.n.), 66. EdgehUl, 131. Education records, K.A.O., 203. 248 GENERAL INDEX Edwards, Rev. V. S., 219. Egerton, deeds, K.A.O., 204 ; token, 1651, 227. Elham, 65. Ellis, Thomas, Sandhurst, 1826, 236, 242. Elliston-Erwood, F. C, 216, 218, 245. " Eliza " (of Gent. Mag.), 144. Elsack, Roman, 106. Emigration from Sandhurst, Kent, 1826-1828, 235. English Place-name Sooiety, 62. Ensfield (p.n.), 66. Erith, 76. Erosion, North Kent Coast, 96. Estate records, K.A.O., 204. Eydell, John, 1735, 66. Eyhorne Hundred, 65. Ewing, G., 65. Family records, K.A.O., 204. Farnborough, deeds, etc., K.A.O., 204. Farming, demesne, at Otford, 116-124. Farrar, J. M., 74. Faversham, borough records, K.A.O., 202-203 ; parish records, K.A.O., 203 ; Highway Board records, K.A.O., 204; hundred and manorial, records, K.A.O., 204. Fawkham, Early Roman settlement, 208. Feudal Aids, 71. fflecher, John, 1639, 125. Fibulae, Romano-British at Springhead, 38 ; Report on, by M. R. Hull, 48-49. Field-names, 72. Figurine, Romano-British at Springhead, 26, 28, 55, 56, 59, 60. Fine RoUs, 71. Finkum, Holland, early woodworking plane from, 197-198. Flamsteed, John, 1705, 154, 155, 157, 163. Flower, William, New Cross TurnpUte Trust, 1789, 169. FoUcestone, 67 ; bronze knife from, 227. Ford, D., 3. Forts, Saxon Shore, 106, 107. Framingham, 125. Frampton, MSS, K.A.O., 204. Frankish casket, 197. Frere, S. S., 2, 96, 105. Friendly Green, Cowden (p.n.), 66. Frilford, Berkshire, 12, 20, 64. Frindsbury, Roohester, 80. Furnace Farm, Cowden (p.n.), 66. Garriok, David, 149 ; Mrs. 144. Garrod, D., 98. Gay, Goddard, 1730rl739, 233. Gee,W.,3.- Genlleman's Magazine, 144, 145, 165. George of Denmark, 1705, 154, 157. Gibbons, June, 193. Gillingham, 75, 76. See also West Court Manor. Glass, Roman, 110, 114; Romano- British from Springhead, Report by D. Charlesworth, 52. Gloucester, 131. Glover, John, 1780, 66. Glovers Haws, Cowden (p.n.), 66. Godmersham, deeds, etc., K.A.O., 205. Goldstan, of Sandwich, 64. Goldstone in Ash (p.n.), 64. Gonson, Benjamin, Navy Treasurer, 1557, 75. Goodhew, WUliam, New Cross Turnpike Trust, 1789, 169. Goodman, W. L., 198. Goodsall, R. H., 125. Goudhurst Village Historical Society, 204. Gough, H. E., 98, 101. Graveney, church chest, 232. Gravesend, deeds, K.A.O., 205 ; records transferred from Public Library to K.A.O., 205. Gravesend Historical Society, 3. Gray, Stephen, Canterbury, 1705, 155, 157, 163. Great Chesterford, Essex, 23. " Great Harry ", buUding of at Chatham refuted, 77, 80. Greenhithe, 76. Greenwich, 76 ; china manufactory at, 227-228. Gregory, Sir E., 91-92. Grove, L. R. A., 141, 197-198, 245 ; Maidstone Museum Notes, 226-232. Gunwharf, Chatham, 75, 77-79, 84. Guildhall Museum, 96. Guldeford Level, map, K.A.O., 204. Hackney, deeds, K.A.O., 204. Hadlow, map, K.A.O., 204; tithe records, K.A.O., 204. Hadrian's Wall, 106. Hall, Bruce, 98 ; Debora, 1639, 126 ; Margaret, 1639, 126 ; Nevile, 1639, 126 ; Sir William, 126. Hailing, Five Bells Inn, 1851, 189 ; turnpUse road, 188-189. Ham HUl, Birling, 188. Hammond, Sir A. S., 1805, 90. Handcock, WiUiam, 144. Harfleur, 23. Harlow, Essex, 4, 7, 12, 14, 26, 54. Hartley, B. R., 98. Harrietsham, Booth's Charity, 203. 249 GENERAL INDEX Harrison, A., 3 ; John, 1639, 125 ; WUliam, of Woodnesborough, 1639, 129. Hastingleigh (p.n.), 67. Hastinges, Robert de, 64. Hastings, 64, 67, 69. Hartlip, deeds etc., K.A.O., 205. Harvey, F., 98. Harwich, 1560-61, 76. Hawley, Sir Joseph, 188, 189. Haynes, Ronald, 226. Henslow, Sir J., 1805, 90. Henton, Edward, 1639, 129. Heme Bay, seal matrix at, 228-229. Herald-painter's work-book, 130. Hever, Poor Law Accounts, 193. Hicks, D., 98. Higenbottam, Frank, 154. Higgins, John, c. 1700, property at GiUingham, 90-95. Higham Abbey, pending report on buUdings, 207. Highway (General) Act, 1835, 174. Highway Board, Faversham, 204. Highway Rate, 189. Highway Surveyors, eighteenth century, 174. Hildenborough (p.n.), 66. HUder, John, Sandhurst, 1828,236,240. Hilderstone, Norfolk, 132. Hill House, Chatham, 77, 81-82. Hinxhill, deeds, K.A.O., 204. Hogg, A. H. A., 235. Holborough, Snodland, turnpUce road, 189. Holland, early woodworking planes from, 197. Hollingbourne, Roman coin hoard, 229- 230. Holmes, Noreen C, 243. Holworthy, R., 203. Home, Gordon, 1927, 98,109. Hoo : Hundred of Hoo Railway, records, K.A.O., 205. Hoope famUy, Thanet, wills, K.A.O., 204. Hope, Charles, 1806, 90. Hore, K. D., 219. Home, Osmund, 229. Horton, 125. Horton in Chartham (p.n.), 66. Hougham family records, K.A.O., 205. Hubbard, M., 3. Huguenots, Dover, 233. Hull, F., 141, 175. Hull, M. R., 2, 48, 96, 113. Humphrey, John, Sandhurst, 1826, 236, 240. Hundred of Hoo Railway, records, K.A.O., 205. Hundred RoUs, 71. Huntingdon, Lady, 148. Hythe, deeds, K.A.O., 204. Icklesham, 69. Iden Bridge, Staplehurst, 174. Iden Level, map, K.A.O., 204. Iden Park, Staplehurst, 174. Imple, Agnes, 131. Incense cup, Romano-British at Springhead, 23, 24. —ingas, place name suffix, 63. Inquisitions Post Mortem, 71. Iron Age, occupation at Reculver, 96, 98-99. Iron objects, Romano-British at Springhead, 17, 18, 21, 26, 38; Report on, by E. W. TUley, 51-52. Isaackson, Richard, Chatham, 1649, 83-85. Isingdane Wood, Waltham (p.n.), 65. Ivell, R., 3. Jackson, Ann, 1641, 125 ; Sir Robert, c. 1681, 81, 83. Jenkins, Franlc, 2, 23, 26, 38, 55. Joad famUy, Thanet, wUls, K.A.O., 204. Johnson, Samuel, 143, 144, 146. Journal of Roman Studies, 3, 5. Joyden's Wood, medieval hearth, 212 ; Roman remains, 111. Kellaway, M., 98, 208. Kensington, deeds, K.A.O., 204. Kent Archives Office (K.A.O.), 63, 71, 72, 74, 141 ; Accessions, 1958-1959, 202-206 ; Kentish Sources, review, 244-245. Kent Place-names Committee, 74. Kent Street, Southwark, 169. Kentish Roads, More Notes on. By F. C. Elliston-Erwood, 167-192. Kentish Sources (K.A.O.), review of, , 244-245. Kewell, B., 98. King, J. E., 3. Kingsnorth, deeds, K.A.O., 205, 206. KnachbuU, Eleanor, 1639, 126 ; John, 1639, 126 ; Norton, 1639, 126, 127 ; Thomas, 1639, 126. Knight, N. P., 216. Knockholt, deeds, K.A.O., 206. La ForM de Beaumont-le -Roger (Roman), 12. Lambarde, 124. Lambeth Palaoe in 1764, 150. Lane, Thomas, 1439, 124. Laurie, P. S., 154-156, 163-164. Lawrance, Joseph, shipwright, 86-90. 250 GENERAL INDEX Lead seal mat r ix, Heme Bay, 228-229 ; St. Mary Cray, 230-231. Leeds, parish records, K.A.O., 203. Leeds Prosecuting Society, c. 1840, K.A.O., 202. Leigh, Poor Law Accounts, 193. Lenton, Edward, 1639, 126. Leofwine, 64. Leveson, Sir R., 1627, 90, 93. Leybourne, turnpike road, 188, 189 ; Grange, 188. Limehouse, 76, 81. Limen, river, 67. Linsted, deeds, etc., K.A.O., 205. Littlebourne (p.n.), 64. London, deeds, K.A.O., 204. London, Chatham and Dover Railway, built 1861, 192. Louvers, medieval, at Bexley, 213-216. Ludwell, Robert, 1456, 66. Ludwells, (p.n.), 66. Lullingstone, Roman, 111 ; Roman villa, review of guide book, 245. Lushington, G. L. , MSS in K.A.O., 205. Lyttelton, George, Lord, 1709-1773, 144-146. Maedonald, H. A. M., 3, 61. Maiden Castle, 54. Maidstone, 125, 132, 134 ; Booth's Charity, 203 ; deeds, etc., K.A.O., 205 ; Museum, Archajological Notes from, 226-232 ; turnpUce road at, 188. Maidstone-Cranbrook road, 1731-1732, 174. Maison Dieu, Ospringe, review of guide book, 245. Mailing, meetings of Turnpike Trustees, 189 ; (p.n.), 63. Malling-Strood road, from 1826, 186- 192. Malton, Roman fort, 100, 106. Margate Pier, papers, K.A.O., 204. Martyr, Richard, Deptford, 1788, 167. Matson, O, 234. Matson famUy, Dover, 233-234. Meates, G. W., 98, 245. Medway Naval Base, 75-77 ; early history, 80. See also Chatham. Melandra Castle, Roman, 103. Melling, Elizabeth, 244. Melton Constable, Norfolk, 130. Merrifield, R., 96. MUstead, deeds, etc., K.A.O., 205. Milton, Gravesend, deeds, K.A.O., 205. MUton-next-Sittingbourne, seventh century hoard, 230. Milton, Otford, 117, 118, 121. Minet, Isaac, 1660-1745, 233 ; William, 233. Ministry of Works, 225 ; Guide Books, review, 245 ; Reculver excavations, 96, 98, 99. Minster-in-Sheppey, deeds, etc., K.A.O., 205. Monson, Sir William, 77. Montagu, Edward, 144 ; Elizabeth, 1720-1800, 144. Moores, Ian, 208. More, Hannah, 144. Morris, P. E., 209. Mortaria, Roman, at Springhead, 16, 45. Mould, D., 98. Multon, George, father-in-law of Lambarde, 124. Multon, John, 1439, 124 ; Robert, 1532, 124. Nail Bourne, 64. Naseby, 131. National Provident Institution, documents, K.A.O., 205. Naval Tracts of Monson, 77. Navy Board Letters, 86-89. Navy Commissioners, forerunner of Admiralty, 1618, 81. Neolithic axes, Darenth, Bexley and East Wickham, 209-211. NevUe, Anthony, of Mattersey, Nottinghamshire, 126 ; John, 1639,127 ; Margaret, 1639, 126. New Cross Turnpike Trust, 167-174. Newbury, 131. Newington-next-Sittingbourne, deeds, K.A.O., 204. Newstead, 100. Nonington, 65. Norbury, Surrey, 131. North Field, Otford, 117, 119, 121, 124. Northey, Sir E., 1703, 93, 94. Northfleet, 76 ; School records, K.A.O., 203. Old Soar, Plaxtol, review of guide book, 245. Ordnance Survey, spelling of place names, 72. Orpington, Bronze Age axe, 230. Ospringe, Roman, 111, 113 ; Maison Dieu, review of guide book, 245. Otford, chapel, 218; Custumal, c. 1284, 117 ; Demesne farming, 116-124 ; Domesday, 117, 119. Otford and District Historical Society, 225. Otterden, deeds, K.A.O., 204. Oven, medieval, at Bexley, 212-213. Overland in Ash (p.n.), 65. Oxinden, Sir James, 1639, 127. 251 GENERAL INDEX Paine, WUliam, Sandhurst, 1828, 240. Palfrey, William, Ltd., 75. Park House, Boxley, plans, K.A.O., 205. Parliamentary Surveys, Kent, 85. Patent Rolls, 70-72. Patrixbourne (p.n.), 64. Payne, George, 198. Pembury (p.n.), 69. Penge, deeds, K.A.O. , 205 ; Education records, K.A.O., 203. Penn, W. S., 1, 57. Pennington, Montague, of Northbourne, 142. Penshurst, deeds, K.A.O., 206. Pepys, Samuel, 85-86. Pett, Peter, 87. Petty Sessions Records, Faversham Borough, K.A.O., 203 ; Lathe of Scray, K.A.O., 302. Pevensey, 68. PhUp, Brian J., 96, 208. Pickford and Co., 243. Pile, C. C. R., MSS, K.A.O., 204. " pinnock " (=drain), 175. Pinyon, Aaron, Sandhurst, 1826, 236. Pipe Office Accounts, 75-77, 80, 81. Pirie, E. J. E., 227, 230-231. Place-names Committee, Kent Archaeological Society, 62. Place-names, Kentish, 62-74 ; standards of recording, 72-73 ; Ordnance Survey spelling of, 72. Plane, woodworking, Anglo-Saxon from Sarre, 196-201 ; Roman examples, 197-198. Plaxtol, Old Soar, review of guide book, 245. Pluckley, deeds, K.A.O., 204. Polhill, Anglo-Saxon cemetery, 225 ; " Danes Trench ", 226. Pompen, woodworking plane from, 197. Poor Law Accounts, Chiddingstone, 193-195. Poor Law Act, 1551-1552, 193. Poor relief, Sandhurst, history of, 235. Porchester, Roman, 106. Port Lympne (p.n.), 67. Portsmouth, 76, 80, 81. Postling, parish records, K.A.O., 203. Pottery, Roman, Reculver, 111-113 ; Springhead, 6, 13, 16, 38-40, 44-47, 60-61. PoweU-Cotton, T., 98. Privy Council, Acts of, 76-77. Pugh, Irene, 231. Pulteney, William (Lord Bath), 1684- 1764, 144-145. Putnam, B. H , 65. Quern stones, Roman, 114. RaUway, Hundred of Hoo, K.A.O., 205 ; Strood to Maidstone, built 1856,192 ; notices a t Strood, K.A.O., 205. Ramsgate, deeds, K.A.O., 205. Ramshurst (p.n.), 66. Ratling (p.n.), 63. Ravensbourne, Deptford Bridge, 167- 174. Reaney, P. H., 62, 63. Record Commission, 71. Reculver, Iron Age, 107 ; Roman fort excavations, 1957, 96-115 ; Roman fort, dating, 106. Reculver Excavation Group ; first Research Report, 96-115. Reddick, William, 229. Reeve, John, 1439, 124. Request Book, Sandhurst, 1822, 235. Reynolds, Sir Joshua, 143, 149. Richardson, Samuel, 143, 146. Richborough, Roman, 54, 106, 108, 109 ; review of guide book, 245. Rickwoods (p.n.), 66. Rigold, Stuart, 245. Ringwould, 234 ; records, K.A.O., 206. Ripple Windmill, 234. River Hill (p.n.), 66. Roads, Kentish, 167-192 ; Maidstone- Cranbrook, 1731-1732, 174 ; preturnpike maintenance of, 174. Roads and Bridges, review of K.A.O. publication, 244-245. Rochester, 80 ; Bridge, reports, etc., K.A.O., 205 ; Crown Inn, 189 ; Dean and Chapter, property at Chatham, 85-90 ; Diocesan records, K.A.O., 202-203 ; Diocese Ti the Awards, 72 ; token, 1668,226 ; Turnpike Trustees' meetings at, 189. Rodmersham, deeds, etc., K.A.O., 206. Rogers, Ruth, 1639, 126 ; Thomas, 91. Roman, building in Cobham Park, 224-225 ; fort at Reculver, 96-115 ; Kiln at Chalk, 220-223 ; settlement a t Springhead, 1-61. Romney, Robert, Lord, 140. Rooting (p.n.), 63. Rose, H. J., 57. Rother Levels, Sewers Records, K.A.O., 204. Royal Marines, Medway Barracks, sale of, 1968, 75. Royal Navy, early history of Chatham Dockyard, 75-95. Royal Observatory, 164, 163-165. Royal Society, 154, 163. Rule, Sir W., 1850, 90. 252 GENERAL INDEX Ryarsh, 188. Rycarde, Laurence, 1465, 66. Rye Harbour, map, K.A.O., 204. Sabina, coin a t Springhead, 6. St. Albans, Roman, 111. St. Augustine's Abbey, Canterbury, review of guide book, 245. St. Mary Cray, lead seal matrix from, 230-231. St. Mary's Island, Chatham, 75. Salmon, Elizabeth, 1638, 90. Sandhurst, emigration, 1826-1828, 235. Sandwich, 64 ; Education records, K.A.O., 203. Sarre, Anglo-Saxon woodworking plane, 196-201. Saxbys, Cowden (p.n.), 66. Saxon Shore forts, 106, 107. Saxpes, John, 1505, 66. Scarlets, Cowden (p.n.), 66. Scray, Lathe of, Pet t y Sessions records, K.A.O., 203. Seals, lead, Heme Bay, 228-229 ; St. Mary Cray, 230. Searle, Nicholas, Surveyor, 1788, 168. Seeker, Thomas, Archbishop, 1693- 1768, 144-145. Seeds, in Romano-British temple, Springhead, 2, 23, 24, 57-58. Self, G., 208. Sepham Farm, Shoreham, 124. Sepham, John, 1439, 124. Sevenoaks, 117 ; Public Library records transferred to K.A.O., 206. Sewers Records, K.A.O., 204. Shadoxhurst, deeds, manorial records. K.A.O., 205. Shaw family, wills, etc., K.A.O., 205. Shaw, Sir John Best, 205. Ships, sales records, 1663-1805, K.A.O., 204. Shoreham, 117, 119, 121, 123-124; Church, 216-219. Shorne, deeds, K.A.O., 205 ; St. Katherine, further buUding remains, 207. Silchester, 15, 23, 26 ; woodworking plane from, 197-198. Slingsbie, Sir Guildford, c. 1618, 81, 83. Smarden, deeds, K.A.O., 205. Smith, Reginald, 211. Snodland, Bull Inn, 1852, 189 ; Institute, 1877-1878, 189 ; toll gate, 188 ; turnp&e road, 188. Southfleet, 1. Spears, Kathleen, 142. Speldhurst, deeds, K.A.O., 206. Springhead, Romano-British Settlement at, 1-61. Stafford,. Archbishop, 123. Stalisfield, deeds, K.A.O., 204. Stanstead, map, K.A.O., 204. Staplehurst, names of parishioners, 1731-1732, 175-186 ; " Steeple bottle ", 231 ; Surveyors' Accounts, 1731-1732, 174-186. " Steeple bottle ", Staplehurst, 231 ; Whitstable, 231. Stelling, deeds, etc., K.A.O., 205. Stepney, deeds, K.A.O., 204. Stevens, WUliam, 1443, 123. Stockbury, 65. Stone, varieties of at Romano-British site, Springhead, 61. Stone-in-Oxney, school records, K.A.O., 203. Stoneham, 116. Stone's End, Southwark, 169. Stoyel, A. D., 219, 226. Stow-on-the-Wold, 131. Stridewood, Cowden (p.n.), 66. Strood, deeds, K.A.O., 205 ; railways, notices, etc., K.A.O., 205. Strood-Malling road from 1826, 186- 192. Stydolfe, Sir Francis, of Norbury, Surrey, 131-132 ; Sir Richard, 140. Suggestus, in Romano-British temple Springhead, 7, 24, 26, 29-31. Sundridge, deeds, K.A.O., 204. Surnames, Sandhurst, 1826-1828, 235- 242 ; Staplehurst, 1731-1732, 175- 186. Sutton Hoo harp, 198. Swan Inn, Malling, 189. Swanscombe, deeds, K.A.O., 205. Talbot, Catherine, d. 1770, 144-148, 151, 153 ; Edward, 144 ; Wilham, Bishop of Durham, 144. Tapners (p.n.), 66. Tarring, 116. Taxatio Ecclesiastica, 71. Temple, Romano-British at Springhead, 1-61. Temple Farm, Strood, toll gate near, 188. Templeborough, Roman, 106. Tenterden, map, K.A.O., 205 ; thirteenth century cooking pot, 231. Tester, P. J., 211, 225, 230. Teynham, 116. Thanet parishes, deeds, K.A.O., 204. Theobald, Archbishop, 64. Thompson, F. H., 98. Thorpe, W. A., 231. Threlfall, F. , 209. Thurnham, deeds, etc., K.A.O., 205. Ticehurst Mental Home, 1826, 239. 253 GENERAL INDEX Tilley, E. W., 3, 49. Timberden Bottom (p.n.), 124. Tomkins, L. E., 225. Tonbridge, map, K.A.O., 204 ; Special School, records, K.A.O., 203 ; Tithe records, K.A.O., 204. Tonge, deeds, etc., K.A.O., 205. Treasury Papers, 91-92, 94-95. Trottiscliffe, deeds, K.A.O., 205 ; (p.n.), 66. Trower, Lady, K.A.O., 205. " t r u n k " (=drain), 175. Tudeley, map, K.A.O., 204. Tufton, Sir Humphrey, 1639, 129. Tunbridge Wells, 148. TurnpUce, Maidstone to Cranbrook, oreated 1759,174 ; Mailing to Strood sanctioned 1826, 188. TurnpUce Trust, Mailing to Strood, administration, 189 ; finance, 191- 192 ; Minute Book, 188 ; officers, 190. TurnpUce Trust, New Cross, 167-174. TurnpUte Trusts, institution of, 175. Turner, F., 3. Twyford, 65. Tyland, Boxley (p.n.), 66-67. Tymberden, Robert, 1427, 123. Under River (p.n.), 66. Underevere, Jocey, 1279, 66. UnderhUl, Rev. Thomas, 232. U.S.A., immigration from Kent, 1826- 1828, 235-243. Upnor Castle, 80. Upper Each, Woodnesborough, 129. Upper Hardres, deeds, etc., K.A.O., 205. Vaccination, 1826-1828, 240. Vagdervercustia, 26. Vagniacre, 26. Valor Ecclesiasticus, 71. Varro, 57. Veal, Apparition at Canterbury, 1705, 154-166. Venus cult at Springhead, 55-59. Verulamium, 4, 111, 115. Vesey, Agmondisham, 144 ; Elizabeth, d. 1789, 144 ; Sir Thomas, Bishop of Ossory, 144. Vimose, Fyen, Woodworking plane from, 197. Votive objects, Romano-British, at Springhead, 22, 28, 38. Vrrick, John, 1639, 125. Wadhurst, 116. Wainwright, Bridget, 1639, 127. Wallenberg, J. K., 62-69. Walpole, Horace, 143. Walsingham, Lord, 1583, 80. Waltham, 65. Ward, Gordon, 70, 235. Warde, MSS, K.A.O., 204. Warehorne, 67 ; deeds, K.A.O., 206; (p.n.), 69. Warhurst, A., 227. Warners, Tonbridge, 204. Waterhouse and Co., London, K.A.O., 205. Wateringbury (p.n.), 69. Watson, John, 1592, 234. Watts, Richard, 80. Weald (Sevenoaks), 117. Weald of Kent Fire Brigade, 204. Weles Dures, Norfolk, 132. West Cliffe, Dover, 67. West Court Manor, GUlingham, 83, 90, 91, 93. West Mailing, Assembly Rooms, 1852, 189 ; Deanery, Act Book, 1630- 1636, 202. West Peckham, map, K.A.O., 204; parish records, K.A.O., 203. West Wickham, 208. Westenhanger (p.n.), 68-69. Westerham, deeds, K.A.O., 204 ; (p.n.), 68 ; Poor Law Accounts, 193. Wheler, G. H. H., MSS in K.A.O., 204. White, Rev. A. C , MSS in K.A.O., 205. Whitley Forest, Chevening (p.n.), 66. Wickham (Otford), 117, 119. Wingham, 116. Winterage Farm, Elham (p.n.), 65. Wittersham Level, maps, K.A.O., 204. Wood, Margaret, 246. Woodchurch, deeds, K.A.O., 205. Woodeaton, 4, 6, 27. Woodnesborough, 129. Woodwork, Anglo-Saxon, 197. Woolley, R. van der Reit, 154. Woolwich, 76, 80, 81. WormshUl Church Chest, 232. Worth, 54. " worth ", in place-names, 69. Wrotham, 123 ; map, K.A.O., 204 ; turnpUie road, 188. Wye, deeds, etc., K.A.O., 205. Yalding, school records, K.A.O., 203 ; (p.n.), 63. Yerdlie, Robert, Chatham, c. 1618, 81. 254




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