Kent Archives Office Accessions 1958 - 59

KENT ARCHIVES OFFICE ACCESSIONS, 1958-59 THE principal accessions received in the County Archives Office between 1st August, 1958, and 31st July, 1959, have been : BOROUGH RECORDS The Corporation of Faversham have deposited with the office for a period of five years the greater part of the Faversham Borough Records, excluding the charters and a few other documents. A catalogue is not yet available. Details will be given in the accession list for next year. ECCLESIASTICAL RECORDS Diocese of Rochester [Cat. Mk. DR] deposited by the Diocesan Registrar. Act Books : all business including instance, 1436-1535, 1567-1610, probate 1544-8, 1675-94, 1711-12, ex officio, 1587-1606, 1624-5 ; deposition books, 1541-71,1631-6 ; clerical subsidy assessment, 1523-33 ; marriage allegations, 1715-98 ; administration bonds, 1685-1774 ; convocation mandates, 1730-1806 ; churchwardens' presentments, 1700-1811 ; induction mandates, 1550-1858 ; glebe terriers, 1615-1834 ; meeting house certificates, 1728-1854, including a few for Essex and Hertfordshire, 1849-52 ; sequestration papers, 1719-54 ; licences of parish clerks, 1719-1865, of midwives and surgeons, 1719-96. Deanery of West Mailing : ex officio act book, 1630-6. Cliffe Peculiar [Cat. Mk. Cp] deposited by the Diocesan Registrar. Marriage bonds and licences, 1762-1822 ; court book of manor of Parsons Borough, 1578-1740 ; citation mandates, court minutes and presentments, 1719-1840. PAROCHIAL RECORDS (a) Diocese of Canterbury Broomfield [Cat. Mk. P222B]. Churchwardens, 1712-49,1791-1889 ; inventories, 1807, c. 1880 ; overseers, 1695-1888 ; bastardy, 1745-1822 ; census return, 1831 ; valuations, 1864-8 ; surveyors, 1700-1848 ; map of parish, 1808 ; posters of Leeds Prosecuting Society, c. 1840. Charing [Cat. Mk. P78]. Registers, 1590-1853 ; tithe accounts, 1693-1742 ; churchwardens, 1590-1931 ; vestry, 1701-1912, including select vestry, 1824-34 ; overseers, 1725-1860 ; workhouse accounts, 1804-34 ; list of removal orders, 1697-1843 ; surveyors, 1792-1860 ; register or briefs, 1706-40. 202 KENT ARCHIVES OFFICE Faversham [Cat. Mk. P146]. Churchwardens, 1787-1854 ; apprentices, 1826-41 ; overseers, 1700-7, 1820-81. Leeds [Cat. Mk. P222]. Marriage licences, 1797-1918 ; confirmation list, 1786 ; churchwardens, 1663-1904 ; inventories, 1676, 1813 ; overseers, 1656-1777. Postling [Cat. Mk. P291]. Registers, 1687-1837 ; churchwardens, 1778-1904 ; vestry, 1780-1912 ; tithe and glebe, 1751-1836. (b) Diocese of Rochester Barming [Cat. Mk. P16). Registers, 1541-1837 ; churchwardens, 1777-1884 ; vestry, 1842-1910 ; pedigrees of sixteen local famihes, compiled 1803. Chatham [Cat. Mis. P85]. Register, 1568-1614. West Peckham [Cat. Mk. P285]. Registers, 1561-1751 ; churchwardens, 1708-1936 ; vestry, 1841-1926 ; constable, 1842-53 ; overseers, 1708-1880 ; surveyor, 1778-1877 ; charity, 1622-1855 ; tithe apportionment, 1843. CHARITY RECORDS Bearsted and District Nusring Association [Cat. Mk. Ch. 15] presented by R. Holworthy, Esq. Minutes, 1933-1950. Sir Charles Booth's Charity, Harrietsham and Maidstone [Cat. Mk. Ch. 17] deposited by R. H. GoodsaU, Esq. Accounts, 1797-1854. PETTY SESSIONS Upper Division of Lathe of Scray [Cat. Mk. PS/US). Minutes, 1848-54 ; deposition books, 1812-76 ; highway minutes, 1833-51 ; appeals book, 1838-59 ; convictions book, 1820-33 ; militia, 1803-31 ; bastardy, 1818-72. Faversham Borough [Cat. Mk. Fa/JP]. Order books, 1838-81 ; deposition books, 1836-78 ; bastardy, 1847-72. EDUCATION RECORDS Education Committees [Cat. Mk. C/EC]. Deal : minutes, 1903-45, letter books, 1919-37 ; Dover : minutes, 1903-22, statistical summaries, 1908-39 ; Penge : minutes, 1903-45 ; Dover District : minutes, 1942-5; Sandwich District : minutes, 1924-40. Schools [Cat. Mk. C/ES]. Log books : Charing National 1-864-1941 ;; Ij/addingford National, Yalding, I871-1900. Admission registers : Aylesford British Legion Undenominational, 1928-36 ; Sturge, North-., feet, 1876-1940 ; Stpne-in-Oxney National, 1896-1936 ; Tonbridge Special, 1Q14-3.8.,. ?0& KENT ARCHIVES OFFICE SEWERS RECORDS Rother Levels [Cat. Mk. S/Ro] deposited by Kent River Board. Maps : Wittersham Level, 1633, 1690 ; Iden Level, 1689 ; Guldeford Level, 1738 ; Beckett Salts, 1738 ; Rye Harbour, 1693 [?], 1763. HIGHWAY BOARD Faversham [Cat. Mk. HB/Fa]. Ledgers, 1867-80. ESTATE AND FAMILY RECORDS Goudhurst Village History Society [Cat. Mk. U363 addnl.]. Weald of Kent Fke Brigade, accounts, minutes, etc., 1890-1945 ; Goudhurst scrapbook, 1912-21. Warde MSS. [Cat. Mk. U678] deposited by Major J. R. O'B. Warde. Eighty-five deeds for Westerham, Cudham, Sundridge and district, 1527-1862, 175 for Hackney, Stepney, Kensington and London, 1539- 1777. Wheler MSS. [Cat. Mk. U679] deposited by G. H. H. Wheler, Esq. Manorial records of Charing and hundred of Calehill, 1619-1814 ; deeds for Charing, Egerton, Newington-next-Sittingbourne, Otterden, Pluckley, and Stalisfield, 1619-1897. Messrs. Warners, Tonbridge [Cat. Mis. U681). Tithe records : Bidborough, 1840, 1928 ; Hadlow, 1892-1935 ; Tonbridge, 1854-1936. Maps : Capel, Hadlow, East and West Peckham, Stansted, Tonbridge, Tudeley and Wrotham, 1754-1932. Pile MSS. [Cat. Mis. U683] deposited by C. C. R. Pile, Esq. Farm accounts, Cranbrook, 1817-72. Frampton MSS. [Cat. Mk. U47/49] deposited by the Kent Archseological Society. Manorial records : Brabourne rental, 1716. Seventyone deeds for Ashford, Bilsington, Charlton-next-Dover, Hinxhill and Hythe, 1542, 1733 ; estate papers, 1545-1793. Faversham Hundred [Cat. Mis. U390 addnl.] deposited by Faversham Corporation and S. Wilson, Esq. Court books of the hundred and manor, 1609,1718-1934 ; draft court books, 1879-90, 1908-35 ; rentals, c. 1550, 1604-89, 1717-43, 1802-9 ; survey of Davington, 1793. Messrs. Waterhouse & Co., London [Cat. Mk. U696]. One-hundred and fifty deeds for St. John, St. Lawrence and St. Peter, Thanet and neighbouring parishes, 1530-1809 ; wiUs of Joad and Hoope famUies, etc., 1558-1843 ; sales of ships, 1663-1805 ; papers concerning Margate Pier, 1694-1779. Avebury MSS. [Cat. Mk. U697]. One-hundred and sixty-four deeds for Cudham, Downe and Farnborough, 1670-1934 ; papers concerning motor caution notice in Farnborough, 1904 ; map of Downe, 1728, 2Q4 KENT ARCHIVES OFFICE White MSS. [Cat. Mk.1 U700] presented by Rev. A. C. White. Manorial records of Ashurst, 1662-1781. Barton Court Estate [Cat. Mk. U239 addnl.] presented by the Hon. Lady Trower. Deeds for Upper Hardres and Stelling and the advowson of Upper Hardres with Stelling, 1794-1853 ; wUls and settlements of the Hougham family, 1694-1829. National Provident Institution [Cat. Mk. U705]. Manorial records for Shadoxhurst, 1604-1833 ; Four hundred and fifty deeds for Benenden, Biddenden, Kingsnorth, Knockholt, Shadoxhurst, Smarden, Warehorne, Woodchurch, 1578-1878 ; maps of Biddenden, 1785, Tenterden, 1861. Croft MSS. [Cat. Mk. U709] deposited by Messrs. Waterhouse & Co., London. Twenty-three deeds for Doddington and Strood, 1804-1906 ; business papers of Croft & Co., wine merchants at Oporto, Portugal, 1824-57 ; accounts, correspondence etc. of Doddington estate, 1756- 1852 ; notices, etc. concerning railways through Strood, 1826-1855. Gravesend Public Library [Cat. Mk. U713]. One hundred and eighty deeds for Bkling, Cobham, Gravesend, MUton, Shorne, Swanscombe, Trottiscliffe, Warehorne, 1546-1835 ; petition in support of Hundred of Hoo RaUway, 1865. Lushington MSS. [Cat. Mk. U716] deposited by G. L. Lushington, Esq. About 550 deeds and papers concerning ChUlington manor and land, etc., in Boxley, Maidstone, Detling, Thurnham, Hartlip, Bearsted, MUstead, Tonge, Doddington, Minster-in-Sheppey, Bobbing, Linsted, Wye, Godmersham, Boughton Aluph, Rodmersham, 1688-1934. Best MSS. [Cat. Mk. U480 addnl.] deposited by Sk John Best Shaw. Household inventories, 1815-75 ; wiUs etc. of Best family, 1754-1871 ; papers concerning army career of Mawdistley Gaussen Best in Ionian Islands, Gibraltar, Crimea and India, including diaries, 1838-1902 ; sketches made in Ireland, East Indies, Africa and elsewhere, 1827-32 ; diary of journey to Constantinople, Venice, Trieste and Germany, 1844 ; pedigree papers, 1834-1900 ; wiUs etc. of Brooke and Shaw famUies, 1720-1870 ; household accounts and recipes, 1824-1936 ; estate and personal correspondence, Best famUy, 1789-1898 ; statutes, reports, etc. concerning Rochester Bridge, 1733-1833 ; plans of Park House, Boxley, c. 1850-1900. Messrs. Winterbotham, Ball & Gadsden, Stroud, Gloucestershire. [Cat. Mk. U718]. Fifty-seven deeds of Penge and Ramsgate, 1786-1930. Messrs. Williamson <& Barnes, Deal [Cat. Mk. U725]. Manorial records of Court Ash in Deal, 1750-1834, Deal Prebend, 1708, Chamberlains Fee in Deal, 1653-1804 ; agreement for erection and maintenance of Deal Assembly House, 1797-8 ; catalogue of goods saved from Iris wrecked at Deal, 1807 ; papers concerning ships, pUots, prizes, customs etc., 1718-1857 ; coUection of decrees of Mayor, Jurats and Common 205 KENT ARCHIVES OFFICE CouncU of Deal, 1699-1720 ; Deal Charity School accounts, 1813-34 ; Deal Chapelwardens accounts, 1750-92 ; logbook of H.M.S. Southampton, 1829-30 ; seaman's notebook, 1690-2 ; prospectus of company for buUding public library and baths in Deal, 1836 ; maps : unenclosed parts of manor of Court Ash, 1734, part of Deal Field, 1809, Deal tithe map, part of town and elevation of proposed seafront, all early 19th century, Ringwould, mid-19th century, Deal Castle, undated. Sevenoaks Public Library [Cat. Mk. U235 addnl.]. Rental of Chelsfield, 1612. Burrswood MSS. (Cat. Mk. U732) deposited by Messrs. Farrer & Co., London. Court rolls of Ashurst, 1662-1820 ; 160 deeds of Ashurst, Speldhurst and Penshurst, 1688-1891. Documents purchased from various sources (a) [Cat. Mk. U708]. Fifty deeds for Cranbrook and many parishes between Tonbridge and Dover, 1460-1802 ; wiUs, 1534-1733 ; (b) [Cat. Mk. U711]. Eight deeds for Kingsnorth, 1405-1658. 206


The Anglo-Saxon Plane from Sarre


Researches and Discoveries in Kent