General Index

GENERAL INDEX Abbreviations. K.A.O., Kent Archives Office, (p.n.) indicates reference to the place name. Abergavenny MSS., K.A.O., 175. Abingdon, Neolithic pottery, 63. Acre, William de, 5. Adams, P. J., 66. Addington, 208. Admiralty, Court of, documents, K.A.O., 171. Agricultural chalk, 81 ; method of extraction, 82. Alard, Gervase, 1330, 25 ; Reynold, 1355, 30. Aldbury, Merstham, 19. Alderstead Manor, Merstham, 19, 26, 31. Alderstede, Ralph de, of Merstham, 12, 13. Alderstedes, arms of, 32. Aldington, 7,11. Aldistede, Robert, 1329, 24. Aleyn, John, 1329, 23-26. AUington, Court Book, K.A.O., 175. Almonson family, Dover, c. 1550, 203. Alstede, 13. See also Alderstede. Ancient Monuments Inspectorate, 58. Anderson, P., 114. Andrew, John, d. 1556, 203 ; Thomas of Dover, d. 1597, 202-205. Angemar ( = Angmering), (p.n.), 4. Anglo-Saxon : barrows in East Kent, 48 ; brooch at Canterbury, 179 ; brooch at Stowting, 179 ; glass bangles from Milton Regis, 181. Antonine pottery at Springhead, 126, 131, 132. Appledore, 27, 37. Apprenticeship indentures, Deal and Eaversham, K.A.O., 172. ApSimon, A. M., 58, 62. Apuldrefeld, arms of, 31. Architecture, late medieval, Eltham Palace, 99-112. Army Education, Institute of, at Eltham Palace, 103. Arms, Alderstedes, 32 ; Apuldrefeld, 3 1 ; Freningham, 3 1 ; James I, 179 ; Pashley, 28, 31, 32, 37 ; Scott, 31 j Sergeaux, 32 ; Swynbome, 34. Arthur, J. R. B., 194, 106. Ascelina de Wodnesbergh, 1122, 150. Ash, Sandwich, 145. Ash Archseological Group, 141. Ashbee, Paul, 48, 60, 68. Atkinson, D., 131. Atte More, Ralph, 14 ; Thomas, 1366, 14, 29. Auger, Henry, 1366, 31. Aylesford : bee boles at Cossmgton, 93 ; Court Book, K.A.O., 175 ; Neolithic site, 68. Bacheler, John, 1597, 204. Badlesmere, Bartholomew, 1322, 18. Bahamas Islands, 1785, 75. Baker, Sir Herbert, 202. Bailiff, Adam, 1329, 23. Ball, W. E„ 40, 41, 43, 45. Banawa (=Benalua), William, 1443, 36. Bannister, John, 1799, 85. Barfreston Court, 75. Barfield ( = Barville), Tilmanstone, 75. Barham. Bronze Age barrow, 48, 55. Bark Hart, Orpington, 93, 94. Barrett, J. P., 184. Barrows, East Kent, 48-57. Bartholomew, J. and Sons, 113. Bartlett, R., 114. Barville, see Barfield. Basing (=Basinge, Basinges, Basyng, Basynge) : Edmund, 1329, 17: 23 ; Margaret, 22, 23 ; Ralph, 17 ; Reynold i, 1294, 17 ; Reynold ii, 1330, 23-26, 31 ; Robert, 1294, 17 ; Thomas, 1329, 17, 23, 26, 27 ; Sir William, d. 1316, 16, 17, 20; William ii, 1353, 30. Battle, estates of Edmund de Passele in, 16. Bavington, J., 203. Bay Hill, St. Margarets at Cliffe, Bronze Age barrow, 56. Bay windows, early, 111. Beatie family, Dover, c. 1550, 203. Beaufitz (=Beaufizth), Alice, 37; John, 37 j William, 1458, 38. Beckley, Sussex, 1290, 14, 30, 32 ; estates of Edmund de Passele in, 15. Beddington, Surrey, 112. Bedingfleld, Sir Edmund, c. 1482, 112. Beo boles, Kentish, 01-94. Beggebury, John de, 1329, 23. Bek, Antony, 1295, 99, 109. Bekesbourne, 50. 212 GENERAL INDEX Belgic pottery at Swarling, 189. Bell, John, c. 1550, 203. Benalua, see Banawa. Benstede, Sir Edward, 1514, 45. Betzhanger, 73. Bewtye, Justyne, 1597,203. Bexley Heath, 196. Biek, L., 60, 72. Bigbury, 208. Bills, etc., Faversham, K.A.O., 172. Bilsington, estates of Edmund de Passele at, 15. Bing, George, 1597, 204. Birchington Church, 184. Birchwood, chalk well at, 82. Birling, manorial records, K.A.O., 175. Bishopsgate Hall, 112. Blith, Walter, 81. Boatman's Hill, Sandwich, 147 ; p.n., 149. Bobbing, deeds, K.A.O., 175. Bocton (p.n.), 8. Bodelgate, Walter, 1423, 36. Bodolgate, Thomas, 1429, 36. Bokeland, Richard, 1431, 37. Bokmgfold, documents, K.A.O., 175. Bone point, Neolithic, 66. Bonnington, 1. Borden, 209. Borough records, K.A.O., 171, 172. Boroughbridge, battle of, 18. Botanical examination of straw in old plaster, 194-196. Boteler, Richard, 1534, 74. Botiller, Walter de, 1329, 23. Boughton Malherbe, deeds, K.A.O., 175. Boys, 148 ; Anne, 73 ; Captain John, 78 ; Robert, 73 ; Thomas, 73 ; Dr. William, 1777, 74. Brabourne, 7, 1 1 ; church, arms of Scott, 31. Brade Birks. S. G., 60. Brambling, denehole at, 190-192. Brasted, 196. Brenchley, court rolls, K.A.O., 176, deeds, K.A.O., 174 ; parish records, K.A.O., 172. Brent Collection, Canterbury museum, 179. Brent, John, 1870, 56. Brenzett, 37. Breous, Peter, 1366, 31. Brid, Michael, 1329, 23. Brightling, estates of Edmund de Passele in, 16. British Archceology : a Book List, review, 208. Broc, Nigel de, c. 1160, 4. Brockman's Bushes, Postling, Bronzt Age barrows, 56. Brokhous, Eastbourne, 26, 38. Brooch, Anglo-Saxon, Canterbury Museum, 179. Brookland, 37 ; estates of Edmund de Passele in, 15, 16. Brom, Richard de, 1329, 23. Bromley, deeds etc., K.A.O., 171. Bronze Age : Axes, 54 ; barrows. East Kent, 48-57 ; Early, trade routes, 48, 50 ; hoard, Buckland, 54 Bronze Objects, Roman, at Springhead. 138. Brotherhood and Guestling, documents. K.A.O., 171. Brounyng, James, 1329, 23. Brown, Baldwin, 180, 181. Brown, W. H., 194. Brumston, John, 41. Buckingham, Edward Duke of, 44. Buckingham rebellion, 1483, 42. Buckland, Dover, Bronze Age hoard, 54. Buckler, J . C, 1828, 99, 110,112. Building plans, Deal, K.A.O., 171. Bullyn, Susanna, 1585, 205. Bunintun, Joan de, 8. Burchell, J . P. T., 193. Burgesses, Deal, lists of, K.A.O., 171. Burials, Roman, at Springhead, 121, 122. Buries, G., 114. Burmarsh. estates of Edmund de Passele in, 15. Callowaye, Mary, 1607, 205. Cambridge, 100. Canterbury, 95, 186, 187, 190, 207, 208 ; Anglo-Saxon brooch, 179 ; Archaeological Society, 161, 208 ; bee boles at, 91 ; Bronze Age urns, 50, 52 ; Dane John, kiln site at, 160 ; Diocesan Records, K.A.O., 172 ; glass bangles from Milton Regis, 181 ; King's School, 73 ; manors in the Honour of the Archbishop of, 1212, 2 ; Roman coins, 155 ; Royal Museum, 50, 52, 148, 181 ; Rose Hotel, 145 ; Scandinavian flint axe, 54. Canterbury, two pottery kilns and tilery of Roman period at, by Frank Jenkins, 151-161. Capel-le-Ferne. Bronze Age, 50, 52, 55, Carnegie United Kingdom Trust, 114. Caribbeana (Genealogical Society), 78, Carson, R. A. G., 113. Case, H., 63, 66, 213 GENERAL INDEX Castor ware, Roman, at Springhead, 116. Catsfleld, estates of Edmund de Passele in, 15. Cavendisshe, Robert, 1423, 35. Cereals identified in old plaster straw, 194-196. Chalfhunte, Thomas de, 1366, 14, 29. Chalk, parish records, K.A.O., 172. Chalk : application to land, 81 ; building stone ("clunch"), 88; plateau in East Kent, 48, 49. Chalk wells, early, in North-west Kent, by John E. L. Caiger, 81-90. Challen, W. H., 205. Challock Church, glass, 31. Chambers, William, d. 1575, 204. Champion, W. T., 192. Chancery, Court of, documents, K.A.O., 171. Chantry Museum, 114. Chapel accounts, Deal, K.A.O., 171. Charing, Norwood letters, K.A.O., 176. Charities, records by parishes, K.A.O., 172-174. Charles, Richard of Addington, 1366, 28, 29. Charlesworth, D., 113. Charlton, 203. Charters, Cinque Ports, K.A.O., 171. Chartham, Thomson pedigree, K.A.O., 175. Chelsea, Bishopsgate Hall, 112. Cheney, Sir Thomas, 1554, 74. Cheyne, John, 1458, 3 ; William, 1483, 42. Chichester, 10. Chiddingstone, parish records, K.A.O., 172. Childe, V. G., 66. Chilham, 54. Chillington House, Maidstone, 194. Chilston MSS., K.A.O., 175. Chipping Norton, 34, 37. Churchwardens' records, by parishes, K.A.O., 172-174. Cinque Ports, documents, K.A.O., 171, 172. Clapham, A. W., c. 1913, 99. Clayton, Edward, 1429, 36. Clayton Hill, Sussex, Bronze Age, 54. Clayton, J., 131. Cliffe, commons bye-laws, K.A.O., 172. " Clunch " (chalk building stone), 88. Cobeham, Henry de, 1322, 18. Cobham Hall, 178. Cobham Park excavations, 1960. 177- 178. Codinge, John de, 1329, 23, Coins, Roman : Canterbury, 155 ; Reculver, 185, 186 ; Springhead, 126, 131-133 ; Thurnham, 165-7, 170. le Cok, Thomas, 1329, 23. Cokride, 16. Colchester Museum, .Anglo-Saxon buckle in, 180. Coldred, 205. Coldrum, 68, 208. Colet, John, 1329, 23. Collard, A. J., 187. Combs, Neolithic, 64. CombweU, documents, K.A.O., 175 ; Priory, 13. Connolly, P., 114. Constable's Honour, 2. Cook, Jean M., 148, 181, 182. Cook, Norman, 113. Cooper, C. F . , 170. Coppyns family, Lenham, notes on, K.A.O., 176. Cornwall, medieval manors in, 34. Cossington, Aylesford, bee boles at, 92. Couchenham, 23. Coulsdon, 22, 24. Courtauld, Stephen, 1931, at Eltham Palace, 102-112. Coventina, Well of, 117. Covert, Robert, 1366, 31. Cowlam, Yorkshire, Neolithic pottery from, 63. Cowper, J. M., 205. Coy, J., 161. Cremation, Bronze Age, 48-57. Cremesham, Bartholomew (Bertin) de, c. 1261, 8 ; Nicholas de, c. 1258, 7. See also Crimsham. Crevequer, Hamo de, c. 1289, 14. Crimsham in Pagham, Sussex, 7-11, 15, 19, 20, 29. Crixhall Manor, 143, 145. Croften, Alice, c. 1550, 203. Crosby, Sir John, c. 1466, 112. Cudham, chalkwell at, 82 ; map, c. 1700, K.A.O., 175. Cuttemelne (mill in Brabourne), 7. Dabernoun, John, 1331, 26. Dalison, Maximilian, 1631, K.A.O., 176. Darenth Park Hospital, chalk well at, 82, 84, 85. Darnley, Lord, 178. Dartford, 196 j chalk wells near, 82. Darell, John, 1486, 44. Davis, A, G., 68. Deal, 205 ; borough and other records, K.A.O., 171, 172 ; Canal Committee Minutes, K.A.O., 171. 214 GENERAL INDEX del'Isle, Richard, 1330, 25. Denehole, Bramling, 190-192 ; Upper Ruxley Farm, 88, 89. Denne, John, 1577, of Tilmanstone, 204. Deptford, 205 ; deeds, K.A.O., 174. Desborough, V. M. F. : More Kentish Bee Boles, 91, 94. Detling, deeds, K.A.O., 175 ; Neolithic site at, 68. de Vere, Adeliza, 3 ; Bernard, 3 ; Robert, 3. Deverel-Rimbury urns, 53. Devon, Amice, Countess of, c. 1272, 8. Ditchley, Oxford. Roman villa at, 190. Dixon, Nicholas, 1431, 37. Dominica, 1788, 75-77, 80. Dover, .Andrew family, 202-205 ; Warren, coursing in, 1741, K.A.O., 171. Dover-Woodnesborough road, 147. Dowker, G., 58. Downe, chalk well at, 82. Downes, D. G., 148. Draw-pits, see Chalk wells. Drew, W. E., 148. Duggleby, Yorkshire, Neolithic pottery from, 63. Dunkin, John, 1844, 90. Dulley, A. J. F., 198. Dunmore, Earl of, 1786, 75. Dunnage, H., 1828, 99. Dunning, G. C , 48, 58, 60. Dymchurch, estates of Edmund de Passele in, 15. Each, Sandwich, 149. Earthworks, Roman, Cobham Park, 177-178. East Barming, 209. East Farleigh, 2. East Kent Light Railway, 58. East Kent, round barrows in, 48-57. East Mailing, Neolithic site, 68. East Peckham, deeds, K.A.O., 176. Eastbourne, 19, 31, 37, 38. Eastchurch, deeds, K.A.O., 174. Eastry, 75, 80, 204, 55, 60. Ebbsfleet, Neolithic sites, 192, 193. Eche, Sandwich (see Each) Echingham, Eckingham, see Etchingham. Edenbridge, parish records, K.A.O., 173, 174 ; Taylor House, wall painting at, c. 1610, 178-179. Education records, K.A.O., 173-174. Egerton, deeds, K.A.O., 175. Elham, Bronze Age barrow, 66. Elizabeth I I , ancestry, 35. Eltham, bee boles at, 91. Eltham, Domesday, 99, Eltham Palace, by Anthony Emery, 99-112. Elwood, Thomas, 1597, 204. Emerson, Richard, 74. Emmanuel College, Cambridge, 111. Empingham, Rutland, 16, 17, 23. Emsworth, Hampshire, 80. Essex, Henry, holder of t h e Constable's Honour, 1163, 2. Estate records, K.A.O., 174-176. Etchingham, 31. Eton, 100. Eu, Countess of, c. 1244, 6. Euerle, see Everle. Evans, J. D., 63, 66. Evans, J. H., 141. Evegate (=Evygate, Tennegate, Tevegate, Tewegata, Theffegate, Thevegate, Tunnegate, Yenegate, Yeuegate), p.n., 1, 2, 7. Evegate in Smeeth, descent of the manor of, with some account of its lords. By N. H. MacMichael, 1-47. Everle (=Euerle, Heversleg), Alice, c. 1246-76, 6, 7 ; Geoffrey de, c. 1244, 6-8 ; Symon, c. 1262, 8 ; William de, c. 1262, 8. Everle Grel (see Grelley). Evison, Vera, 180. Ewell, Bronze Age, 55. Ewence, P., 60. Ewhurst, estates of Edmund de Passele in, 15. Eynsford, lead seal from, 194. Eythorne, Bronze Age barrow, 55. Eyre of Kent, 1313-14, 150. Fairfield, 37 ; estates of Edmund de Passele in 15, 16. Fairlight Manor, Sussex, 15, 16, 18, 19, 30, 37, 38. Family records, K.A.O., 174-176. Famine Down, Guston, Bronze Age barrows, 55. Farleigh Hungerford Castle, Somerset, 107. Farmer, R. H., 67. Farningham, Roman-British settlement, 187. Faversham, 204, 205 ; Anglo-Saxon brooch from, 179 ; borough records, K.A.O., 172 ; Fynch family, 204, 206. Faversham, Thomas de, 1330, 25. Ferles, Guarin ( = Warin) de, c. 1225, 5. Fiennes, Sir Roger, c. 1440, 106. Finch, Herbert, d. 1553, 204 ; John, 204 ; Martha, 1575, 204. Fleet Causeway, 145, 146. Fletcher, Erio G. M., 209, 215 GENERAL INDEX Flint, artefacts, Scandinavian in East Kent, 54 ; flakes, Neolithic, Wingham, 66 ; sickle, Grovehurst, 62. Folkestone, 73, 205. Ford, D., 114. Ford Manor, 184. Fordwich, 95, 96. Foundation burials, Roman, at Springhead, 121, 122. Fox, N. Piercy, 178. Frankpledge documents, Faversham, K.A.O., 172. Free Down, Ringwould, Bronze Age barrows, 56. Freemen, Deal, lists of, K.A.O., 171. Freningham, arms of, 31 ; manors, 45. le Frensh, Simon, 1329, 23. Frenssh(e) Court Manor, Fairlight, 37, 38. Frere, S., 113. Freystone, Alan de, Archdeacon of Norfolk, 8. Fryskeney, Walter de, 1323, 18. Fynch family, Faversham, 204, 205. le Gardener, John, 1329, 23. Garrod, D., 182. Gatton, Surrey, 13, 19, 27, 28, 32. Gaunt, John of, 1363, 30. Gee, W., 114. Gernun ( = Gerun), Philip, 1229, 6 ; Roger, 1221, 5. Gilford, Sir John, 1483, 42 ; Richard, 1483, 42. Gillingham, Adam de, c. 1276, 7. Glanville, Pont 1'EvSque, Roman burial at, 122. Glass : .Anglo-Saxon bangles from Milton Regis, 181 ; Roman, at Springhead, 126, 139. God (personal name), 2. Goddard, Oliver, 1540, 204. Godfrey, W. H., c. 1913, 99, 103. Godwin, H., 58, 60, 61, 72. Godmersham, 8. Goldup, F. A., and H. V., 148. Goodsall, Robert H.; The Ancient Road to Canterbury, review, 207. Gosebourne, John, 1433, 37. Goudhurst, documents, K.A.O., 175 ; parish records, K.A.O., 172. Gough, H. E., 182, 187 ; John, d. 1471, 37, 39. Gower, John, 43 ; Lowys, d. 1468, 38 ; Richard, d. 1462, 39 ; Thomas, d. 1458, 37-39. Gower (of Brabourne), Joan, 27, 28 ; Katherine, 27 ; Robert, 27. Graveley, Edmund, architect, of Eltham Palace, 101. Gravene, Thomas, 1388, 33. Gravesend, chalk wells near, 82, 83, 86, 87 ; deeds, K.A.O., 174. Gravesend Historical Society Excavation Committee, 114. Great Chalneld, Wiltshire, 111, 112. Gredle (see Grelley). Greenfield, Ernest, 58. Greenhithe, parish records, K.A.O., 173. Greensted, Edward, 1775, 196. Greenstreet, Peter, 1571, 205. Greenwich, 1479, 101 ; Palace, 102. Gregory, R. C. C, 1909, 99. Grelley (=Gredle, Greille, Everle Grel, de Grele, Greley, Grelle, Greslei, Gresley, Grexley, Greyley, GreyUe) family of Evegate, Smeeth, 1-11 ; Alice, c. 1250, 6 ; Amice, c. 1278, 10, 11, 17 ; Cecily, c. 1249, 7 ; Emma, c. 1220, 6 ; Geoffrey i, c. 1244, 6-8 ; Geoffrey ii, c. 1279, 9 ; Godfrey, o. 1300, 10 ; Henry i, c. 1212, 4, 5 ; Henry ii, c. 1220, 5, 6 ; Henry iii, c. 1279, 9, 10, 13 ; Joan, c. 1236, 6 ; John, c. 1254, 7, 8 ; Margaret, c. 1272, 10 ; Peter, c. 1300, 10, 11 ; Ralph, c. 1240, 6 ; Richard i, c. 1236, 6, 7 ; Richard ii, c. 1249, 7, 8 ; Richard iii, c. 1300, 10 ; Robert, c. 1250, 7, 8 ; Simon, c. 1270, 8, 9 ; Theobald, c. 1160, 4, 5 ; Thomas, c. 1313, 10, 11 ; William i, c. 1220, 5-7 ; William ii, c. 1250, 7, 8 ; William iii, c. 1273, 8, 9, 11. Grenstret, Frances, 1577, 204. Greslei, Gresley (see Grelley). Grete Passhele Manor, Ticehurst, 38. Grexley, Greyley, Greylle (see Grelley). GreyUe, Simon de, rector of Godmersham, c. 1280, 8, 9. Grove, 145. Grove, L. R. A., 170, 194, 196, 198. Grovehurst, documents, K.A.O., 175 ; Neolithic site, 68 ; pot and flint sickle from, 62. Guarin de Ferles, 1225, 5. GuUdford, 24. Guildford, Sir Henry, 1524, 45. Guston, Bronze Age barrows, 56. Hackendown Banks, Kingsgate, Bronze Age barrows, 48, 51, 56. Hadlow, deeds, K.A.O., 175 ; parish records, K.A.O., 173. Haket, John, 1353, 30. Halden, WiUiam de, 1366, 31. Hales, Sir John, 205. HaU house, Joyden's Wood, 202; Sidcup, 200-202. 216 GENERAL INDEX Halstead, deeds, K.A.O., 174. Halyday family, Dover, c. 1550, 203. Hamel, the, Sturry, 95, 96., Hammes, Hamo de, c. 1220, 5. Hampton, 196. Hampton Court, 99, 101, 103. Haremere, Richard de, 1329, 23. Harker, S., 114. Harris, L. G., 60, 71. Harrison, Sir Edward R., obituary, 210. Hartfield, 26 ; estates of Edmund de Passele in, 16 ; Parrock in, 29. Hartley, B. R., 60, 69. Hartlip, deieds, K.A.O., 176. Harvey, Elizabeth, 75 ; Admiral Sir Henry, 1737-1810, 75 ; Captain John, 1740-1794, 74, 75 ; John, 1954, 101 ; Judith (see also Matson, Judith ii), 75 ; Richard i, d. 1472, 75 ; Richard ii, 1714-1798, 75 ; Richard iii, 1735-1821, 75 ; Samuel, 1746-1813, 75 ; Thomas, 1742-1823, 75 ; Captain Thomas, 78 ; Captain William, 78. Harvey, W. F. J., 148. Hasted, E., 148 ; errors in, 1, 3. Hastings, Rugges Manor, 38 ; St. Andrew's, estates of Edmund de Passele in, 15. Hatefeld, James, 1479, work on Eltham Palace, 100. Haughley, Suffolk, caput of Constable's Honour, 2. Haute, WiUiam, 1429, 36. Hawkhurst Church, glass, 31. Hawkhurst Junction Turnpike Trust, documents, K.A.O., 174. Hawte, Sir WUliam, 1483, 42. Hayes, 196 ; deeds, K.A.O., 171. Head, John, 148. Headcorn, 33. Helth (HUtes), Nettlestead, 44-46. Hengistbury Head, Bronze Age barrows, 53. Heortesstede (p.n.), 2. Heron, Roger, 1431, 37. Herstmonceux (see Hurstmonceux). Hertestede (p.n.), see Heortesstede. Hever Castle, 178. Heversleg, see Everle. Hicks, D., 182. High Halstow, parish records. K.A.O., 173. Higham, parish records, K.A.O., 173 ; Roman mortarium at, 194. Hildenborough, parish records, K.A.O., 173. HUtes, see Helth. Hogg, A. H. A., 89. Polborough Knob, 209. Holdewykehaye (p.n.), 23, 24. HoUand, Lord, 1865, 57. HoUington, 38 ; estates of Edmund d Passele in, 15. Hollis, A., 182. Holmstede, WiUiam, 1366, 31. Holwood, 196. Hoo St. Mary, parish records, K.A.O. 173. Hoo St. Werburgh, parish records K.A.O., 173. Holy Trinity, House of, Headcorn, 33, Honey wood, Bennet, 1585, 205 ; Christopher, 205. Hope All Saints, estates of Edmund de Passele in, 15. Hopper, C. W., obituary, 210. Hore, K. D., 199. Home, William de, 1366, 31. Horton, 3. Horton Kirby, 85. Hoth, documents, K.A.O., 175. Hougham, 202, 205. Houghton, Bronze Age barrow, 55. Howard, Sir Robert, 1378, 31. Howgrave,Graham, R. P., 1. Hull, Felix, 206. Huntley, H., 148. Hurstmonceux Castle, 106. Hutchings, G. E.: Landscape Drawing, review, 207. Hutchinson, Mary, 79. (See also Matson, Mary) ; Thomas, 79. Hythe, 205. Iden, 30, 38 ; estates of Edmund de Passele in, 15. Iffin, see Thaningtbn. Iffln, manor of, Canterbury, 18. Iffln's Wood, Nackington, Bronze Age barrow, 55. Ifield, John de, 1322, 18. Ifield, parish records, K.A.O., 173. Ightham, Neolithic site, 68. Incense cups, Bronze Age, 48-57 ; Roman, at Springhead, 126, 127. Inmith, Thomas, 1591-1658, 205. Ireland, Neolithic pottery, 63. Irwin, John, 179. Island Road, by D. S. Stafford, 95-98. Isley, Sir Henry, 1531, 46. Ivell, R., 114. Ivychurch, estates of Edmund de Passele in, 15. Jackson, Dudley, 209. Jacobean waU painting, Edenbridge, 178, 179. James, H. A., 178. Jenkins, Frank, 50, 96, 151. 217 GENERAL INDEX Jessup, Frank W., 175. Jessup MSS., K.A.O., 175. Jessup, Ronald, 209. John of Gaunt, 111. Journal of the British Archceological Association, XXII, 1959, review, 209. Joyden's Wood, deneholes in, 89 ; hall house at, 202. Joyntour, William, 1423, 35. Julliberries' Grave, 54, 208. Jurdan, Thomas, architect of Eltham Palace, 101. Jurors, lists of, Deal, K.A.O., 171, Faversham, K.A.O., 172. Justice, Nicholas, 203. Kechenham, WiUiam de, 1351, 30. See also Couchenham. Kechenore, John de, 14, 30 ; Maude de, 16; Walter, 14; William de, 14. See also Kitchenour. Keeler, Mary (see also Matson, Mary), 75 ; Admiral Robert, 1777, 74, 75, 79. Kellaway, M. L., 182,187. Kellawaye, Charles, 1605, 205. Kelvedon, Essex, Anglo-Saxon buckle from, 180. Kemp Howe, Yorkshire, Neolithic pottery, 63. Kenardington, 16, 17, 19, 27. Kenilworth Castle, 111. Kennet, Joan, 1594-1626, 205 ; John, 1609, 205. Kenninghall brooches, 180. Kent Archives Office (K.A.O.), accessions 1959-60, 171-176. Kentish ragstone : Eltham Palace, 101, 107, 109, 110 ; Roman use of, 183 ; Thurnham Roman villa, 162- 167. Keston, 196 ; Caesar's Camp, 208 ; War Bank, 209. Kewell, B., 182. Kilns, Roman at Canterbury, 151-161. Kilwardby, Robert, Archbishop, 10. King, Judith E., 67. King's School, Canterbury, 72. Kingsgate, round barrows near, 48, 51. Kingston Down, Kent, Anglo Saxon remams, 181. Kippings Cross and Flimwell Turnpike Trust, documents, K.A.O., 174. Kitchenour, Beckley, Sussex, 14, 15, 19, 29. Kits Coty, 208. Knell, Matthew de, 1290, 14. Knellefiote, 29. KnovUe, Nicholas de, rector of Booton, c. 1276, 8. Kyriel, John, 1366, 29. Lambarde, WiUiam, 1570, 89 ; on Eltham Palace, 101. Lamberhurst, documents, K.A.O., 175 ; parish records, K.A.O., 173. Lancing, B. A., 54. Land Tax documents, Deal, Faversham, K.A.O., 172. Lanfrane, acquisition of manors around Saltwood, 2. Langahopa (p.n.), 3. Langeford, Roger de, 8. Langley, Joy Wood, 209. Langworth, John, 1585, 205. Lardner, C, 187. Larkins, D. J., 148. Laver, C, 1828, 99 Ledrede (=Leatherhead), p.n., 4. Ledrede, Nicholas de, 1329, 23 ; Thomas de, 1329, 23. Lee. W., 60. Leeds, E. T., 180. Leeds, Priory of St. Mary and St. Nicholas, 150. Leigh, 19 ; parish records, K.A.O., 173. Leigh in Iden, manor, 16, 26, 28. Lenham, deeds, maps of Chilston estates, Thomson pedigree, K.A.O., 175. Leper Hospital, Sandwich, 149. Lewes, Sussex, 205. Lewington, A. O., 182. Lewkenour, Sir Thomas, 1483, 42. Lincoln's Inn, Old Hall, 111. Linton, deeds, K.A.O., 176. Lister, L. W., 60. Little, R. I., 199. Little Pashley, 19, 38. Little Stour valley peat deposits, Wingham, 58. Littlebourne, 50. Liversidge, J., 167. Lodemanage, Court of, documents, K.A.O., 171. London Gate, Roman Canterbury, 151. Lonsford, John de, 1366, 29 ; William de, 1366, 14, 29. Lord Warden of the Cinque Ports, documents, K.A.O., 171, 172. Lowbury Hill, Berkshire, Roman foundation burial, 122, 131. Luddenham, estates of Edmund de Passhele in, 15. Luddington Wood, Bekesbourne, 50, 53. Luton, 200. Luvetot, John do, 1282, 16, 218 GENERAL Lydd Church, 209. Lyle, L. D., 161. Lympne, 187 ; estates of Edmund de Passele in, 15. Lytylpasshele Manor, Eastbourne, 38. Maedonald, H. A. H , 113. MacMichael, N. H.: Descent of the Manor of Evegate, 1-47. Maiden Castle, 114 ; Neolithic pottery, 63. Maidstone, 205 ; Chillington House, 194 ; Maidstone rising, 1483, 41. Maidstone Museum : Archaeological Notes from, 194-198 ; Bronze Age urns in, 51 ; Yates Collection of flint implements etc., 196. Maldry, the, Sandwich, 149. Malemeyns, John, 1330, 25. Manwood, Thomas, 204. Marden, hundred and manor records, K.A.O., 176. Mareschall, Simon, 1329, 23. Margaretescharrer de Basynge, Adam, 1329, 23. Margaretescok, see Cok. Margary, I. D., 146, 147. Markham, Gervase, 81. Marling, practice of, 81. Marny, John, 1428, 36 ; Sir Thomas, 1426, 33. Martel, Sir Adam, 11 : Lady Margery, c. 1306, 10, 11. Mary-le-Bone Hill, Sandwich, by J. D. OgUvie, 141-150. Marylebone (p.n.), 148. Matson, Alice, 73 ; Anne i (see also Boys, Anne), 73 ; Anne ii, 75 ; Charles i, 1750-1828, 73 ; Charles ii, 1770-1856, 79 ; Colin, 73 ; Henry. 1749-1815, 74, 75 ; Captain Henry James, 1810-1852, 78, 79 ; James, c. 1550-1593, 73 ; Jane, 79 ; John i, 1671-1731,73 ; letters in Caribbeana. 78 ; Johnii, 1746-1805, 73-80 ; John iii, 1773-1858, 78, 79 ; Judith i, 73 ; Judith ii, 1776, 75 ; Mary, 75, 79 ; Mary Roberta, 1768, 75, 79, 80 ; Captain Melville Gore, 1805-1846, 79; Admiral Richard, I771-IS4S, 78, 79. Maxton, 202. Mayfield, estates of Edmund de Passele in, 76. Medieval: earthwork, Nettlestead, 196- 197 ; earthwork, Boley HUl, Roohester, 197-198 ; occupation of Reculver, 186 ; pottery, etc. at Wingham, 71 ; remains at Mary-le-Bone Hill, Sandwich, 141-160. INDEX Mediterranean Neolithic black ware, 63. Meikle, Ehzabeth, 60, 113. Membbys, Walter, 37. Mercers' Company, Faversham, documents, K.A.O., 172. Mersham, 11 ; arms of Swynbome, 34 ; parish records, K.A.O., 172. Mersshere, Thomas, 27, 28. Merstham, Surrey, 12, 13, 19, 29 ; estates of Edmund de Passele in, 16. Methlay, John, 1458, 38. Middle'Temple Hall, 111. Midley, estates of Edmund de Passele in, 15. MUbrook Manor, Tonbridge, records, K.A.O., 174. Milfield, 196. MUitary and Naval papers, 1522-1694, K.A.O., 171. Militia, lists, early nineteenth century, K.A.O., 171 ; documents, Faversham, K.A.O., 172. Milton-next-Gravesend, deeds, K.A.O., 174. MUton Regis, deeds, K.A.O., 175 ; glass bangles from, 181. Milton Street, 196. Ministry of Works, 58, 99, 109 ; Cobham, 178 ; Ebbsfleet, 193 ; Eltham Palace, 102, 103, 112 ; Thurnham, 162, 170. Minter, E. M., 60. Moatenden, Headcorn, 33. Monks Horton Priory, 3, 4. Montford, Hugh de, 2, 3 ; Robert de, 3. Montfort-sur-Risle, 2. La Moote (La Mote), Iden, 31, 38. Moote Rigge, manor of, 37. Mould, D., 182. Mountfield, estates of Edmund de Passele in 15, 16. Moyll, Sir Walter, 1474, 39. Murray-Laws, R. L., 52. Nackington, Bronze Age barrow, 50, 55. Nansegles, Alice, 1474, 39 ; Richard, 1468, 39, 40. Nassau, 1785, 76. Naval and mUitary papers, 1522-1694, K.A.O., 171. Nelson, John, 1737, 73, 74 ; Judith (see also Matson, Judith), 74. Neolithic : artefacts in East Kent, 54 ; dating of urns, 63 ; Mediterranean black ware, 63 ; pit etc. at Wingham, 58-72 ; pottery at Abingdon, 63 ; pottery at Ebbsfleet, 193 ; pottery in Yorkshire barrows, 63 ; quern, 66-67 ; sites at Ebbsfleet, 192-193 ; sites in Kent (list), 68. GENERAL INDEX Nettlestead, 2, 43-46 ; church, Scott monuments, 31 ; earthwork, MUbays Wood, 196-197, 208. Newbigin, N., 64, 66. Newchurch, estates of Edmund de Passele, 15. Newington-next-Hythe, Bronze Age barrow, 56. Newington-next-Sittingbourne, deeds, K.A.O., 175. Newman, I. J., 198. Newport, O. W., 202. Norman MSS., K.A.O., 175. NormanviUe, Margaret de, 29 ; Thomas de, 16 ; Ralph de, i and ii, 16 ; Galiena de, 16. Northbourne, Lord, 148. Northfleet, old rectory, 202 ; parish records, K.A.O., 173. Northiam, estates of Edmund de Passele in, 15. Nurstead, chalk well at, 85 ; parish records, K.A.O., 173. Nurstead Court, MSS., K.A.O., 175. Ockingham (see also Etchingham), Richard, 31. Ogilvie, Christopher, 148 ; David, 148. Old Romney, estates of Edmund de Passele in, 15. Oldbury, 208. Oliver, Vere Langford, 1910, 78. Olney, John, 1431, 37. Opus signinum, Thurnham Roman viUa, 163-5, 167, 169. Orpington, bee boles at, 93 ; chalk well at, 87 ; deeds, K.A.O., 174 ; Neolithic site, 68. Orr, O. J. R., 175. Osborne MSS., K. A. O., 175. Ospringe, 204, 205 ; Roman glass from, 139. Otterham Creek, pottery from, 199. Othewy, Robert, 1329, 23. Overseers records, by parishes, K.A.O., 172-174. Oxburgh Hall, SufMk, 111, 112. Oxford Divinity School, 112. Packham, Henry, of Sittingbourne, 181. Pagham, Sussex, 5, 10; estates of Edmund de Passele in, 16. Palstre, Wittersham, 16, 26, 28, 29, 31. Palstre, James de, 1306, 15. Parish records in K.A.O.,. 172-174. Parker, Christian, 204 ; Joan, 204 ; Thomas, 204. Parliament, Houses of, stone figures removed to Eltham Palace, 109. Parrock, Hartfield, 19, 29. Parrock Manor, Gravesend, 88. Paschele, see Pashley Pashley, arms of, 31, 32 ; at Canterbury, 37 ; in Smeeth church, 28. Pashley (= Paschele, Passele, Passelegh, Passeleye, Passhele, Passheley, Pessel, Pessele) famUy, 1-40 ; Alice i, d. 1459, 13, 37 ; Alice ii (see also Nansegles), 1448, 39 ; Anne, 1366, 31 ; Constance ( = Custance), d. 1335, 14, 27 ; Sir Edmund i, c. 1170-1326, 10-17, 20-22, 29, legal career of, 14, 15, estates in Kent and Sussex, 15-19, wiU of, 19 ; Edmund ii, 1328, 17, 18, 20-22, 24 ; Sir Edmund iii, 1343, 27-30 ; Edmund iv, c. 1400, 34, 37 ; Elizabeth (see also WodeviUe), 1424, 35 ; Giles, c. 1230, 13 ; Idonia (see also Chalfhunte and Cobham), ante 1366, 14 ; Isabel, 1458, 38 ; Joan i, 1344, 20-22, 26 ; Joan ii (see also de Sole), 1361, 28- 30 ; John i, 1327, 14, 19-21, 26, 29 ; Sir John ii, 1397-1453, 32, 34-39; John iii, 1431-68, 27, 32, 38 ; Lowys (see also Gower), d. c. 1458, 38 ; Margaret i (see also Basing and Normanville), 1283-1341, 16, 20-29 ; Margaret ii, 18-19 ; Margery (see also de Lonsford), 1366, 29 ; Maud, 1290, 14, 16, 22 ; Nicholas, 1329, 23 ; Philippa (see also Sergeaux), 1372- 1420, 33-35 ; Sir Robert i, c. 1300, 12-14 ; Robert ii, d. 1362, 17, 18, 22, 26-30 ; Sir Robert iii, 1341- c. 1397, 28, 30-33 ; Robert iv, 1397, 33, 34; Rosamund, c. 1272, 13; Sarah i, 1272, 12, 13 ; Sarah ii (see also Atte More), ante 1366, 14 ; Sir Thomas, c. 1358,17-19, 26, 28-30 ; WUliam i, 1315, 14, 19, 22 ; William ii, 1450-c. 1480, 38. 39. Pashley, seal of, 1458, 32. Passele (p.n.), 23. Passele, Passelegh, Passeleye, Passhele, Passheley, see Pashley. Passelewe (personal name, distinct from Passele, etc.), 12 ; Robert, 12. Passhele (=Pashley) Manor, Ticehurst, 12, 15, 35, 38. Paston, Sir John, 41. Pavement Commissioners, doouments, K.A.O., 171, 172. Peasmarsh, 26, 30 ; estates of Edmund de Passele in, 15, 220 GENERAL INDEX Peat deposits, Little Stour valley, 58. Pecche, John, c. 1288, 10. Peckham, Archbishop, c. 1280, 8, 10. le Peleter, Edward, 1329, 23, 24, 26. Pelvesdon, Robert de, 1329, 23-26. Pembury, parish records, K.A.O., 173. Penn, W. S.: Springhead : Temples III and IV, 113-140. Penshurst, deeds, K.A.O., 174 ; parish records, K.A.O., 173. Penshurst Place, 110. Pepys, Samuel, 148. Pessel, Pessele, see Pashley. Petham, Thomson pedigree, K.A.O., 175. Petworth, Sussex, 205. Pevlesdon, see Pelvesdon, Phillipott, John, 1623, 74. Philp, Brian J., 182, 190. Philp, Eric, 170. PhUpot, Henry, 1544-1603, 73, 203- 204 ; Alice (see also Matson, Alice), 73. Piggott, S., 64, 66, 193. PUgrims' Way, 207. Pilots, Cinque Ports, papers relating to, K.A.O., 171. Pimp's Court, East Farleigh, 2. Pirie, Elizabeth, 162. Pit, Neolithic, Wingham, 58-72. Plaster, old, examination of straw content, 194-196. Plaxtol, 209. Playden, estates of Edmund de Passele in, 15. Pluckley, deeds, K.A.O., 175. Poll books, Deal, K.A.O., 171. Ponynges, Sir Edward, 1496, 44. le Porter, Robert^ 1329, 23. Portsdown, Bronze Age barrow, 54. Postling, Bronze Age barrows, 56. Potters' marks Roman, at Springhead, 126, 131, 132, 135. Pottery, Neolithic, Abingdon, 63 ; Ebbsfleet, 193 ; Yorkshire barrows, 63. Pottery, Roman, Canterbury, 157-160 ; Cobham, 177 ; Otterham Creek, 199 ; Reculver, 184 ; Swarling, 189 ; Thurnham, 163-170 ; Upchurch, 199 ; votive, at Springhead, 113, 117. Poulders, Sandwich, 141. Powell, James Edward, d. 1786, 75. Preston, court book, K.A.O., 175. Prewer, Mrs., 181. Prigel, William, c. 1273, 9. Pugin, 1831, 99. Puttook's Down, Sandwich, 147. Pymp family, 2, 40-46 ; errors in A.C, XXVIII, 40. Pympe, Anne, 1485-1539, 40, 43, 45 Elizabeth, 1483, 41, 45 ; Henry, 1494-1518, 41, 44, 45 ; Isabella, 41 John i, of Nettlestead, 1417-54, 40, 41 ; John ii, 1447-96, 41, 43, 44 Margery, 41 ; Reynold, 1448-1530, 40-42, 45-46. Queenborough, deeds, K.A.O.. 174. Quern, Neolithic, 66-67. Railway, East Kent Light, 58. Rainham, deeds, K.A.O., 175. Rainsford, Sir John, 1519, 44 ; Winifred, 1519, 45, 46. Ramsgate, Scandinavian flint axes, 54. Reculver, Bronze Age, 54. Reculver, Excavations at, 1958, by Brian J. Philp, 182-186. Reculver Excavation Group, 182, 187. Reculvre, WiUiam de, 1331, 25. Redge Clayton, 19. Reed, Thomas, 1743, 56. Reigate stone in Eltham Palace, 1497, 101. Researches and Discoveries in Kent, 177-199. Rhodes Minnis, Bronze Age barrow, 55. Rich, Nathaniel, c. 1650, 102. Richardson, S., 194. Richborough, 96, 145, 146, 148. Richmond, Surrey, 80. Ringwould, round barrows, 48, 208 : Bronze Age, 50-53, 56. Rigold, E. Stuart, 141. River, Bronze Age barrows, 56. Roadnight, C, 182. Rochester, 18 ; Boley Hill, medieval earthwork, 197-198 ; Consistory Act Books, dating of, 206 ; Diocese records, K.A.O., 172-174 ; military council at, 1297,10. Rolvenden, estates of Edmund de Passele at 15 ; maps, K.A.O., 175. Roman : barrows, East Kent, 48 ; building materials, used in medieval Sandwich, 146 ; burials at Springhead, 121-122 ; cemeteries, 209 ; coins, Cobham. 177 ; coins, Reculver, 186, 186; coins, Thurnham, 165- 167, 170 ; fort, Reculver, 182 ; mortarium, Higham, 194. Roman pottery : Cobham, 177 ; Otterham Creek, 199 ; Reculver, 184 ; Swarling, 189 ; Thurnham, 163- 170 ; Upchurch, 199. 221 GENERAL INDEX Roman : pottery kilns and tUery, Canterbury, 151-161 ; road, Sturry, 95-98 ; 'sacred pools', 117 ; remains, Cobham Park, 177-178 ; remains, Wingham, 68, 69 ; Sacrificial burials, 121-122 ; Stone Street, 187 ; temples, Springhead, 113-140 ; tumulus, Holborough, 209 ; well, Cobham Park, 177. Romney, 27. Romney Marsh, 28 ; works, c. 1337, 27. RosherviUe, parish records, K.A.O., 173. Rother, river, changes of course, c. 1300, 27. Rotherham, Thomas, 1480, 40, 41. Round barrows, East Kent, 48-57. Ruckinge, estates of Edmund de Passele in, 15. Rugges Manor, Hastings, 38. RusthaU, court rolls, deeds, K.A.O., 175. Ryall, Alys, c. 1550, 203. Ryarsh, manorial records, K.A.O., 175. Ryman, Alice, 37 ; William, 37. Ryngeley, Sir Edward, 1514, 74. Sacrificial foundation burials, Roman, 121, 122. Sage, B. L., and C, 60 St. Aubyn, Guy de, c. 1400, 33. St. George's Chapel, Windsor, 100. St. Laurence, Thanet, 75. St. Margarets at Cliffe, Bronze Age barrow, 56. St. Mary-in-the-Marsh, estates of Edmund de Passele in, 15. St. Paul's Cray, Primary School Records, K.A.O., 174. St. Peter's, Thanet, Bronze Age barrows, 56. Salisbury Plain, 48, 55. Saltwood, 3 ; Bronze Age barrow, 56 ; manors of Constable's Honor, 2. Salvage, Commissioners of, documents. K.A.O., 171. Samian ware : Cobham, 177 ; Reculver, 184, 185 ; Springhead, 116, 126, 131-136 ; Thurnham, 163, 168, 169. Sandhurst, 204. Sandwich : Boatman's HUl, near, 147 ; Each, near, 149; King's BaUiffs, 74; the Maldry (leper hospital), 149 ; Mary-le-Bone HUl, 141-150 ; Puttook's Down, near, 147 ; St. Mary, 150; South Poulders marshes, 141 ; Thompson pedigree, K.A.O., 175. Sandwich, Town Clerk of, 1768-1785, by Colin Matson, 73-80. Saule, Adam, 1329, 22-24. Sauvage, Ralph, 1322, 18. Saxbie, Mary, 1633, 205. Saxon, see Anglo-Saxon. Say, Geoffrey de, 1352, 29, 30. Sayer, -Anne (see also Matson, .Anne ii), 75 ; Benjamin, 1777, 74, 75. Scandinavian artefacts in East Kent, 54. Schools, records, by parishes, K.A.O., 173, 174. Scot's Hall, 38. Scotney, documents, K.A.O., 175. Scott, family, 2 ; John, 1458, 38 ; Sir John, 1484-1533, 43, 46 ; Sir Reynold, d. 1554, 46 ; Sir Thomas, 1535, 46 ; Sir William, 1524, 46. Soott, F. D., 1. Scott, J. R., 43. le Scrope, Geoffrey, 1329, 23. Sergeaux arms, 32 ; family, c. 1400, 33. Seyssel, B. de, 178. Shaw, Sir John, 1663, 102, 112. Sheldwich, 205. Shepherdswell, 73 ; Bronze Age barrows, 56. Shepway, Court of, documents, K.A.O., 171. Shipbourne, parish records, K.A.O., 173. Ships, Cinque Ports, etc., lists of, K.A.O., 171. Shorne, parish records, K.A.O., 173. Sibertswold, 73, 80. Sidcup, 196 ; timber haU-house at, 200-202. Sieveking, G. de. G., 193. Silesbreg, p.n., 6. Simmons, Samuel, d. 1766, 73. Skinner HUl, Westbere, Bronze Age barrow, 57. Smart, J. G., 58, 72. Smeeth, 6, 7, 11 ; documents, K.A.O., 175 ; Manor of Evegate in, 1-47. Smith, C. Roach, 177. Smith, Isobel, 62. Smith, I. F., 66. Snodland, Neolithic site, 68. Sokenesse, Laurence de, c. 1273, 9. Soles, Richard de, c. 1353, 30 ; William de, 1366, 31. Somerden Manor, Tonbridge, records, K.A.O., 174. South Wingfield Manor, 106, 112. Southfleet, 209 ; chaUc well at, 85. Southam, A. G., 148. Speldhurst, deeds, map, K.A.O., 175. Springhead, 209 ; (Ebbsfleet) Neolithic sites, 192, 193 ; pottery, 116. 222 GENERAL INDEX Springhead, Temples I I I and IV, by W. S. Penn, 113-140. Squerryes Park, hUl fort, 208. Stafford, David S., 95. Stanford, Bronze Age barrow, 56. Stangrave, Robert de, 22. Stanstede (p.n.), 2. Staunton, WUliam of Iden, 1366, 31. Stebbing, W. P . D., 143. Stent, Peter, o. 1650, 105. Stewart, Donald, 148. Stockbury, deeds, K.A.O., 175. Stodmarsh, destroyed barrow, 50. Stonar, 145 ; inundation in 1365, 146. Stone robbing, Reculver, 183, 184. Stone Street, Roman, 187. Stonehenge, 53, 55. Stonestreet Green (p.n.), 2. Stour, river, 161. Stour Valley Research Group, 161. Stoutyng, Thomas, 1342, 28. Stowting, 28 ; Anglo-Saxon brooch, 179 ; Bronze Age barrow, 51, 56. Stretton, Roger, 1330, 25. Strong, D. E., 1968, 99. Strood, tithe records, K.A.O., 174. Sturry, Roman roads in, 95-98. Surveyors' records, by parishes, K.A.O., 172-174. Sutton VaUence, 209. Swale, J., 182. Swalecliffe, see Tankerton. Swanscombe, 196. Swarling : Celtic cemetery, 187, 189 ; Manor Farm, 187 ; Romano-British viUa site at, 186-190. Swingard Hill, Stowting, Bronze Age barrow, 56. Swynbome, Andrew, 1421, 34 ; Robert 1391, 34; Thomas, 1412, 34; WUliam, d. 1422, 34. Swynbome Arms, 34. Sydeley, James, 1454, 38. Tanner, L. E., 1. Tankerton (Swalecliffe), Neolithic site, 68. Taylor House, Edenbridge, 178, 179. Taylour, Sir WiUiam, d. 1483, 178. Temple EweU, Bronze Age barrows, 56. Temples, Romano-British at Springhead, 113-140. Tennegate (see also Evegate), p.n., 4. Terry, O, 182. Tester, P . J., 178, 194, 202. Teston, parish records, K.A.O., 174. Tevegate, Tewegata, see Evegate. Tewegata, Simon de, 3. Thanet, Roman road to, 95-98. Thanington, Manor of Iffin, 17. Thetford, Norfolk, medieval chalk mine, 88. Thevegate, 2-7, see also Evegate. Thorle, Nicholas, 1428, 36. Thorley, Sir Nicholas, 1426, 33. Thomas, K., 193. Thomas, Nicholas : A Guide to Prehistoric England, review, 208. Thompson, F . H., 182, 184. Thompson, M. W., 146. Thomson MSS., K.A.O., 175. Thornbury, John, of Faversham, 41 ; Philippa, 1478, 40, 41. Thornbury Castle, 109. Thorpe, 109, 111. Thorpe, John, surveyor, at Eltham Palace, 1590, 103, 104, 107. Thurnham Roman Villa, by Elizabeth Pirie, 162-170. Ticehurst, 19, 23, 38 ; estates of Edmund de Passele in, 15, 16. TUley, E., 114. Tilmanstone, 53, 75, 204 ; Bronze Age barrow, 57. Timber hall-house at Sidcup, 200-202. Tithe records, by parishes, K.A.O., 172-174. Title deeds, Deal, Faversham, K.A.O., 172. Tolsford HiU, Postling, Bronze Age barrows, 56. Tomlinson, F . W., 141. Tonbridge, 44 ; manorial records, St. Stephen parish records, K.A.O., 174. Topclive, John, 37. Trengoff, John, 1454, 38. Trinity College, Cambridge, 111. Tropnell, Thomas, c. 1480, 112. Trottiscliffe : (Coldrum) Neolithic site, 68, 208; parish records, K.A.O., 174. Tryvett, Elizabeth, 1421, 34. Tucker, G. M., 202. Tudeley with Capel, parish records, K.A.O., 174. Tufa, Thurnham Roman villa, 163, 167. Tunbridge Wells, court rolls, deeds, maps, K.A.O., 175 ; High Rocks, 208. Tunnegate, see Evegate. Turner, F., 114. Turnpike records, K.A.O., 174. Upchurch, deeds, K.A.O., 175 ; marshes, pottery from, 199. Upton, Nicholas, 1596, 205 ; Walter, 1609, 205. Urns, Bronze Age, 48-57. 223 GENERAL INDEX Urry, W.; The Normans in Canterbury, review, 208. VaUlat, C , 131. Valoignes, Henry de, 1330, 25. Veel, Sir Peter de, 1381, 32. Vere, Richard de, 11th Earl of Oxford, 33. Verulamium, 126. Vesci, Sir William de, 1295, at Eltham Palace, 99. Vestry records, by parishes, K.A.O., 172-174. Votive pots, Roman, at Springhead, 117. Wadhurst and West Farleigh Turnpike Trust, documents, K.A.O., 174. Walet, John, 1329, 22, 24. Waleway, Nicholas, c. 1273, 9. Walker, D., 193. Wallenberg, J. K., 148. Walmer, 80. Walsingham, Sir Francis, 205. Wantsume Channel, 185. Wardale, C. F., 197. Warin, canon of Chichester, 1220, 5. Warin de Ferles, 1220, 5. Warley, Thomas, Clerk of the King's Works, 1501, 101. Wateringbury, 196. Watling Street ; Cobham, Roman villa near, 177 ; Springhead, 121. Weaverthorpe, Yorkshire, Neolithic pottery, 63. Wenderton, 145. Wessex, Bronze Age, 53, 55 ; connection with Kent, 48, 55. West Indies, 1785, 74, 75. West Malling, deeds, K.A.O., 176. West Wickham, church plans, K.A.O., 175. West Wycombe, mining of chalk, 88. Westbere, 95 ; Bronze Age barrow, 50, 57. Westminster Abbey muniments, 1, 4, 6,7. Westminster Hall, 99, 100, 110, 112. Westwell, parish records, K.A.O., 172. Wheeler, R. S. M., 63, 66, 114, 131. Whetell (Whitehill), Elizabeth, 1483, 41, 4 4 ; Richard, 41. Whinless Down, Houghton, Bronze Age barrow, 55. WhitehaU Gardens, Canterbury, Roman kilns at, 151-161. Whitehill, see WheteU. Whitfield, Elizabeth, Richard, 1545, 204. Whitstable, documents, K.A.O., 175. Wickham Common, 196. Widevile, see Wodeville. WUlesborough, 11. Wilsford, bell barrow, 53. Winbolt, S. E., 146. Winchelsea, 23. Winchelsea, Archbishop, c. 1280, 8, 11. Windmill HiU, Neolithic pottery, 63. Windsor Castle, 100, 109 ; St. George's Chapel, 100. Window Tax, documents, Faversham, K.A.O., 172. Windward Islands, 1788, 75. Wingham, 72, 75, 80 ; medieval remains at, 69-71 ; Neolithic pit and other finds, 58-72 ; Roman remains at, 58, 59, 68, 69. Wingham Court, 73. Wise, Henry, 1707-1769, 73, 74. Wittersham, 15, 28. Wodeville ( = Widevile, WydewyUe), Elizabeth, 1424, 35, 38 ; Richard, d. 1441, 35-37. Wodenesbergh, Ascelina de, 150. Wolsey, Thomas, 102, 107. Woodfield, P., 161. Woodnesborough, 149, 150. Workhouse records, by parishes, K.A.O., 172-174. Works, Ministry of, see Ministry of Works. Wrotham, estates of Edmund de Passele in, 15. Wye College, 58. Wygge, Aveline, 1380, 32. Wyndere, HoUington, 38. W y t r y c h e s h a m ( = W i t t e r s h a m ), Richard de, 1306, 15 ; William de, 29, 30. Yarmouth Fair, documents, K.A.O., 171. Yates, Edward, 196. Yates, M., 196. Yenegato, Yeuogate, see Evegate. Yorkshire, Neolithic pottery, 63. 224




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