General Index

INDEX *denotes a benefiting parish or institution in Kent unless otherwise indicated. Abbot, George, Archbishop of Canterbury, 65, 88. Abergavenny, Lady, vide Sedley, Dame Elizabeth (d.1619). Abergavenny, Lord, vide Nevill, Henry. "The Abiding-house for the Poor", New Romney, 47. Addey, John, 23. *Adisham, 113. Aged poor, 16; et vide Poor relief, Social rehabilitation. Agricultural labourers, 142. 150, 155; et vide Social status. Agriculture, 1. •Aldington, 118, 119. Allen, Thomas, 113. AUhallows, vide Hoo AUhallows. •All Souls College, Oxford, 96. Almayn, John, 117. Almshouses, benefactions for, 5, 8, 9, 10, 16, 17, 18, 32-33, 133; benefactions for by classes, 144, 145, 148, 156; history of, 33-55; et vide Poor relief. Amies, John, 58, 59. Annesley, Nicholas, 113. •Appledore, 52, 71, 123. Appleton, Thomas, 21. Apprenticeship schemes, 10, 57, 144; et vide Social rehabilitation. ap Thomas, David, 86. Arncott, Lady, 64. Artisans, 15, 106, 134, 142, 155; et vide Social status. •Ash (next Sandwich), 83, 136, 160. •Ashford, 59-60, 84, 122, 128, 136, 160. •Ashurst, 120. Austen, Richard, 113. •Aylesford, 47, 96, 130, 136, 160. Baker, Sir John, 65, 117. Baker, Sir Thomas, 65. •Bapchild, 112. Barham, 27. Barnes, Edward, 62. Barnes, Elinora, 111. Barnes, James, 118. Baron, Edward, vide Barnes, Edward. Bate, Simon, 117. Bathurst, Lancelot, 85. Beare, John, 41. •Beckenham, 120-121, 130, 137, 160. •Bedfordshire, 140. •Bekesbourne, 78, 116. Belser, Joan, 111. •Benenden, 82, 136, 160. •Benet College, Cambridge, 92. Bequests, amount provided by, 10. •Berkshire, 140. •Berwick-upon-Tweed (Northumberland), 88. •Bethersden, 113. •Bexley, 97, 137, 160. •Biddenden, 19, 80, 120, 136, 160. Bigg, George, 26. Bigg, Stephen, 26, 28. Bigg, Walter, 26, 28. Bignors manor, 81. Bishopsbourne, 93. Blackboy, Richard, 69. •Blackheath Hundred, 46, 86, 127, 138. Blake, Richard, 111-112. Blewbury, John, 80. Boughton, Sir Edward, 116. Boughton, Nicholas, 116. Boughton Aluph, 70. •Boughton Monehelsea, 23. Boughton under Blean, 19. Bourchier, Thomas, Archbishop, 95. Bourchier, Sir Thomas, 95. Bowes, Sir Martin, 38. •Boxley, 95, 115, 127, 137, 160. Boys, Sir John, 45. Boys, William, 20. Boys' Hospital, vide Jesus Hospital, Canterbury. Brainforth, John, 128. •Brasenose College, Oxford, 75. •Brasted, 51. •Brenchley, 2, 113. Brenzett, 70. Brett, Sir Robert, 108. Brickenden, Robert, 120. •Bridge, 53. Bridges, 62; et vide Municipal uses. Bridgnorth (Salop), 60. Brightling, John, 51-52. •Bristol, 27, 140; compared, 5, 6, 9, 13, 16, 61, 66, 95, 99, 103, 110, 114, 133, 139. Broadhempston (Devon), 23. •Bromley, 113, 136, 160. ! 163 INDEX Brooke, George, Lord Cobham, 44. Brooke, William, Lord Cobham, 44, 45, 46. Brooke, 24. Brookland, 20. Browne, John, 3. Bryan, Sir Thomas, 107. •Buckinghamshire, benefaction for, 140; compared, 5, 6, 13, 16, 61, 66, 95, 99, 103, 110, 114, 133, 144; donor from, 107. Buckland, Henry, 112. Buckland, James, 112. Bucler, Walter, 70. Burghers, 15, 106, 134, 135, 142, 143, 154-155; et vide Social status. Burghley, vide Cecil, William. •Burham, 118. Burmond, James, 112. Byer, John, 39, 41. •Calais, 29, 74, 139, 140. Calthorpe, Anthony, 113. •Cambridgeshire, 22, 140. •Cambridge University, 77, 94, 95, 96, 97; et vide Colleges [by name], Education, Fellowships, Scholarships, Universities. Camden, William, 24, 87, 97. •Canterbury, benefactions for: education, 45, 87, 93, 94. municipal uses, 21, 43, 65. poor, 20, 21, 26-27, 28, 30, 31, 35-36, 42, 45, 46-47, 52-53, 93, 95, 109, 130. religion, 64, 109, 116, 118, 119-120. social rehabilitation, 21, 27, 43, 45, 51, 56, 57, 58, 65, 71, 83, 95, 98. totals, 160; et vide, 1, 2, 3-4, 29, 33, 42, 54, 67, 70, 90, 91, 96, 98, 104, 106, 122, 126, 127, 132, 141, 152; Jesus Hospital; King's School. Capita] gifts, 9-10, 76, 95, 101, 109; et vide Endowments; Later values. Carew, Sir Matthew, 29. •Castle Rising (Norfolk), 48. Castlock, John, 57. Cawston, John, 118. Cayser, John, 112. Cecil, William, Lord Burghley, 43. Chalkhurst (sisters), 19. Chandler, John, 82. Chandler, Thomas, 112. Chantries, 99, 103; et vide Prayers; Religious uses. Chantry Commissioners, 69, 71. •Charing, 115, 119, 120. Charitable trusts, 10-11. Charity general, 16; et vide Poor relief. Charles I, 70, 121, 123. Charles II, 29. Charles manor, Dartford, 81. •Charlton, 121. •Chart, Great, 41, 102, 119, 136, 160, •Chartham, 51, 117. •Chatham, 23, 33, 41-42, 137, 138, 160. Cheddington (Bucks), 107. Cheney, Lord, 24. •Chevening, 118. •Chiddingstone, 123, 136, 160. Child, Nicholas, 123. •Chilham, 27, 51, 122, 137, 160. •Chislehurst, 113. •Chislet, 21, 51, 136, 160. Christchurch parish, Canterbury, 87. Christ Church, Oxford, 29. •Christ's Hospital, London, 87, 92, 94. Church, William, 112. Church building, 114-123; fabric, 99, 100, 105, 110-114; general, 100-102; et vide Religious uses. Cinque Ports, 2, 41, 45. City companies, vide Livery companies [by name]. Clergy, care of, 105, 106-109; lower, 14, 90, 91, 98, 103, 106, 134, 142, 151; upper, 103, 106, 140, 142, 150-151. Clothmaking, 2. Clothworkers' Company, 78. •Clun (Salop), 48. Cobham, Lord, vide Brooke, William. •Cobham, 21, 44, 136, 160. Cogan, John, 31, 53. Coke, John, 112. Cole, John, 72. Colfe, Abraham, 29-30, 53, 85, 86. *Gollegium Pauperum Reginae Elizabeth, East Greenwich, 46, 50. Colthurst, Edward, 38. Colwell, Richard, 107. Combe, Richard, 117. Commission of Charitable Uses, 24-25. Committee on Sequestration, 53. Communications, 61, 62, 132; et vide Municipal uses, Roads. Cooper, Thomas, 120. •Corpus Christi College, Cambridge, 92, 109. Cotton, Sir John, 22. Cotton, Leonard, 46-47. Court of Chancery, 94-95. •Cranbrook, 2, 4, 31, 39-40, 59, 61-62, 63, 80-81, 117, 120, 137, 160. Cranmer, Thomas, 68. •Crayford, 115, 119. •Crediton (Devon), 60. 164 INDEX Cromer, Richard, 117. Crompe, Richard, 34. Cromwell, Oliver, 72. Crow, William, 51. Crown, 90, 105, 142, 143-144; et vide Monarchs [by name]. Culpepper, Francis, 22. Culpepper, Sir Thomas, 22. •Cumberland, 88, 140. Cutts, Sir Henry, 59. •Darenth, 76. Darrell, Stephen, 24, 84. •Dartford, 3, 4, 33, 35, 39, 41, 81, 105, 107, 115, 116, 121, 137, 160. Davy, John, 77. Davy, Thomas, 18. Deal, 51. Death, William, 81. Debtors, redemption of, 56; et vide Social rehabilitation. Dence, Alexander, 39-40, 59, 61-62, 81. Denne, Thomas, 112. Dennis, Dame Elizabeth, 92. Dennis, Sir Maurice, 92. •Deptford, 4, 23, 36, 42, 111-112, 117, 119, 121, 137, 138, 160. Dering, Richard, 115. Despencer, Mary, Baroness le, 25-26. •Devonshire, 37, 42, 60, 140. Diggs, Sir Dudley, 27. Dodington, Philip, 112. Donett, John, 115. Dorset, Earl of, 55, 123. •Dover, 4, 33, 34-35, 85, 94, 113, 116, 136, 160. Downe Barton manor, St. Nicholas at Wade, 83. Drapers' Company, 46. Drayner, Stephen, 120. Dreyland, Christyn, 115. Duck, Ann, 24. Dudley, John, Earl of Warwick, 129. •Durham, County of, 140. "Early Stuart Period", vide "Stuart Period, Early". •Eastbridge Hospital, Canterbury, 98. East India Company, 119, 121. •Eastry, 20, 21, 112, 136, 160. •Eastwell, 37. •Ebony, 97, 123, 137, 160. •Edenbridge, 62-63, 93, 118. Edmonds, George, 86. Education, 6-7, 8, 9, 127; benefactions by classes, 144-148 passim, 150-155 passim; totals for, 6, 66-67, 99, 100, 134; women's gifts to, 13; et vide Grammar schools, Scholarships, Universities. Edward I, 34. Edward IV, 70, 116, 122. Edward VI, 36. •Elham, 51. Eliot, Sir John, 123. Elizabeth, The Electress, 89. Elizabeth I, Queen, 3, 36, 38, 42, 43, 45, 70, 72. "Elizabeth, Age of" (1561-1600), charities for: education, 66, 67, 73-75. poor, 17, 19-22, 32, 37-46. religion, 100, 101, 107, 110, 114. social rehabilitation, 55. total charities, 7-8; by classes, 145- 146, 148, 149, 151, 152, 155. Ellis, Henry, 113. Ellis, Thomas, 34. •Eltham, 25, 61, 137, 160. Emmanuel College, Cambridge, 94. Endowments, for poor, 16, 17, 32, 54, 130; for grammar schools, 89; for scholarships and fellowships, 91; et vide Capital gifts. •Erith, 137, 160. •Essex, County of, 38, 40, 71, 140. Estate values, 21. Estxlon, Robert, 112. Eton College, 87. •Eynsford, 22, 26, 38, 119. Fairfield, 20. Fane, Francis, Earl of Westmorland, 26. Fane, Richard, 117. Fane, Sir Thomas, 26, 108. •Farleigh, East, 50. •Farleigh, West, 113. •Farnborough, 123. •Farningham, 22, 137, 160. •Faversham, 4, 21, 22, 27, 48-49, 51, • 57, 63-64, 72, 107, 112, 117, 127, 130, 136, 160. Fellowships, 10, 91; etvide Education, Scholarships, Universities. Ferror, John, 118. Finch, Ralph, 113. Finch, Thomas, Earl of Winchelsea, 129. Fineux, Sir John, 82. Fisher, Andrew, 75. Fisher, Henry, 75. Fisher, John, Bishop of Rochester, 91, 95-96. Fogge, Sir John, 122. •Folkestone, 4, 90, 130, 136, 160. 165 INDEX Ford, John, 51. Fordred, William, 19. •Fordwich, 26, 28, 136, 160. Forset, John, 71. Fowle, Sir John, 65. Fowler, William, 24. Frankland, Joyce, 92. Franklin, John, 50. •Frindsbury, 23, 60, 136, 160. •Frittenden, 56. Fuller, Thomas, 75. Fulnetby, Thomas, 51. Gataker, Thomas, 76. Gentry, 1, 90, 91, 98, 133, 134, 143; lower, 14, 105, 106, 139-140, 142, 143, 146-148; upper, 14, 103, 105, 134, 139, 142-146 passim. Gibbon, Edward, 82. Glass, manufacture of, 3. •Gloucestershire, 3, 108, 140. Glyn, John, 85-86. Godfrey, William, 112. •Godmersham, 118. •Goldsmiths' Company, 38. Goldstone, Prior Thomas, 116. •Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge, 78, 92. Goodnestone, 57. Goulding, Henry, 123. Grammar schools, foundation of, 6, 8, 71-89; gifts for, 13, 66-67, 133, 152, 156; state of, 10, 67-71, 89-90. •Gravesend, 4, 49, 82, 118, 122, 137, 161. Greenhithe, 41. Greenshield, Henry, 34. •Greenwich, 4, 48, 50, 62, 71, 105, 121, 122, 123, 126, 127, 130, 137, 138, 161. •Greenwich, East, 22, 24, 31, 47, 50, 85, 137, 161. Grindal, Edmund, Archbishop of Canterbury, 88. Grinstead, East (Sussex), 55. •Grocers' Company, 31, 116. •Groombridge (Sussex), 123. Guildford (Surrey), 65. Gunsley, Robert, 23, 73, 77, 93. Gwyn, Edward, 81. •Hackington, 21, 42, 43, 47, 79, 108, 112, 114, 120. •Halden, High, 41, 99. Hales, Sir Edward, 29. Hales, John, Baron of the Exchequer, 29. Hales, William, 29. Hall, Henry, 59. •Halstead, 120. •Halstow, High, 113. •Hampshire, 140; compared, 5, 6, 13, 61, 66, 95, 99, 103, 110, 114, 133. Hamptons manor, 108. Hamwold manor, 34. Harbledown, 33. Harlakenden, Martin, 92. •Harrietsham, 22, 57, 137, 161. Hart, Sir Percival (d.1580), 38. Hart, Sir Percival (d.1622), 38. Hart, Thomas, 61. Harvey, Dr. William, 90. Hastings (Sussex), 43. Hatch, Henry, 63-64. Hatcliff, Thomas, 24. Hatcliff, William, 24-25. Hatcliffe (Lines.), 24. •Hawkhurst, 56, 111, 137, 161. Hawkins, Sir John, 41-42. Hayman, Peter (c.1510), 71. Hayman, Sir Peter (d.1641), 71. Hayward, Sir John, 60. Hayward, Sir Rowland, 60. Heard, Nicholas, 113. Heather, William, 97. Heede, William, 115. Henrico (Virginia), 97. Henry III, 34. Henry VII, 36, 61, 122. Henry VIII, 36, 38, 68, 73, 116. •Heme, 27-28, 109, 137, 161. •Hernhill, 19. Hevar, Lawrence, 20. Heyman, William, 93-94. •Higham, 69-70, 89. •Hoath, 28. Hoggis, Simon, 112. •Hollingbourne, 22. Holmden, Robert, 93. Honywood, Anthony, 49. Honywood, Robert, 49. •Hoo, 44. •Hoo AUhallows, 118, 136, 161. Hooker, Richard, 93. Hooker, Sir William, 85. Home, Henry, 122. •Hornsey (Middlesex), 52, 53, 57. •Horsmonden, 24, 137, 161. •Horton Kirby, 22, 26. •Hospital of the Holy Trinity, Dartford, 35. •Hospital of St. Bartholomew, Hythe, 33, 34. •Hospital of St. John, Hythe, 33, 36. •Hospital of St. John, Sandwich, 34. •Hospital of St. Mary, Dover, 33, 34- 35. Hospital of St. Thomas, Sandwich, 34. 166 INDEX Hospitals, 10, 56; et vide Social rehabilitation. •Hothfleld, 64-65, 123, 136, 161. Household relief, 32; et vide Poor relief. Howard, Henry, Earl of Northampton, 48. •Hullavington (Wilts.), 109. •Hunton, 115, 120. Husbandmen, 14, 105-106, 142, 149- 150 155 •Hythe, 33," 34, 36, 39, 112, 136, 161. Iddenden, Thomas, 56. •Meld, 123, 161. •Ightham, 88, 121, 128, 136. Industries, 2-3. •Ireland, 139, 140. Iron manufacture, 2-3. •Isle of Thanet, 94. •Ivychurch, 20. •Iwade, 109. Jermyn, Dorothy, 24. •Jesus Hospital, Canterbury, 45, 51. Jones, Nicholas, 34. Jones, William, 115. Judd, Sir Andrew, 74-75, 76, 77. Judd, John (d.1493), 74. Judd, John (the younger), 74. Kemp, John, Archbishop of Canterbury, 37, 70. Kemp, Sir Thomas, 27, 37. •Kenardington, 52, 122. •Kennington, 128. Kent, County of, benefactions outside, 139-140; comparisons with, 5, 6, 9, 13, 16, 61, 66, 95, 99, 103, 110, 114, 133, 144; description of, 1, 141; economy of, 1-4, 16. Kenton, William, 122. Kenward, Julian, 25, 84. Kenworth, John, 86. Keyser, vide Cayser. King, Thomas, 122. •King's School, Canterbury, 68, 89, 92, 93, 94. •Kingsdown, 113. •Kingston, 112. •Kingston-upon-Thames (Surrey), 84, 85. Kirkby Overblow (Yorkshire), 109. Knatchbull, Sir Norton, 84. Knatchbull, Richard, 84. Knole, 55, 96. Lambarde, William, 1, 40, 41, 44, 46, 50, 63. Lambe, William, 40, 77-78. Lampard, Thomas, 93. •Lancashire, 92, 140; compared, 5, 6, 9, 13, 61, 66, 95, 103, 110, 114, 133. •Langdon, East, 118. Later values, 12, 21, 22, 23, 31, 36, 40, 48, 50, 57, 60, 64, 74. Laud, William, Archbishop of Canterbury, 8, 102. Lawrence, Anne, 82. Lawrence, Edward, 82. •Leathersellers' Company, 30, 31, 53, 86, 87. Lectureships, 96-97; et vide Puritan gifts, le Despencer, Lady Mary, vide sub Despencer. •Lee, 24, 113, 122, 127, 137, 161. •Leicestershire, 74, 84, 88, 140. Leigh, John, 31. •Leigh, 118. •Lenham, 49, 136, 161. •Lewisham, 24, 29, 30, 53, 85-87, 90, 117, 137, 161. Lewknor, Roger, 118. •Libraries, 87, 96, 98; et vide Education. Lilly's Latin grammar, 87. Linacre, Thomas, 96. •Lincoln College, Oxford, 78, 79, 87, 92, 94. •Lincolnshire, 23, 140. Line, Anne, 109. •Linton, 50. Livery companies, 11-12; ct vide Companies [by name]. Livesey, Sir Michael, 60. Loan funds, 10, 56; et vide Social rehabilitation. •London, charities for, 71, 77, 92, 93, 139, 140; charities from, for: education, 68, 69, 74, 75, 77, 80, 81, 85, 86, 90-91, 91-92, 93. municipal uses, 63. poor, 24, 31, 38, 40, 42, 44, 93. religious uses, 27, 38, 113, 120-121. social rehabilitation, 27, 56, 58. compared, 5, 6, 13, 33, 55, 61, 66, 91,95,99,103, 104,110, 114,127, 139. impact of, 4, 11-12, 56, 63, 127, 130, 132, 152. social status of donors from, 133- 134. total charities from, 133. •Longport (Canterbury), 52, 57. Lovelace, Elizabeth, 113. •Lullingstone, 116, 137, 161. 167 INDEX Lunce, Thomas, 21. •Lydd, 61, 116, 137, 161. •Lyminge, 117. Lympne, 94. Lynch, Samuel, 34. Lynch, Simon, 78, 80. Lynch, William, 80. •Magdalene College, Cambridge, 98, 109. •Maidstone, 2, 4, 23, 37, 40, 58, 59, 73, 77, 80, 93. 115, 127, 138, 161. Malin, Alice, 112. •Mailing, West, 37, 83, 108, 116, 136, 161. Manwood, John, 79. Manwood, Peter (w.1594), 114. Manwood, Sir Peter (c.1620), 93. Manwood, Sir Roger, 21, 42-43, 47, 78, 86, 92, 108, 120. Manwood, Thomas (the elder), 43. Manwood, Thomas (w.p.1570), 79. •Margate, 112. Marriage subsidies, 10, 56; et vide Social rehabilitation. Marshall, John, 119. Marshall, Peter, 71. Marshall, William, 71. Mary I, 104, 105, 107. Masses, 99, 100, 103; et vide Religious uses. Maycott family, 23. Maycott, Sir Cavalier, 24. Maycott, George, 24. Maynard's Hospital, Canterbury, 47. Mayne, Sir Anthony, 50-51. Mayne[y], John, 51, 80. Mayne, William, 80. Mecham, Francis, 97. Menfield, Thomas, 48-49. Meopham, Richard, 19. •Meopham, 25. •Mercers' Company, 48, 62. Merchant Taylors' Company, 63. Merchant Taylors' School, 87. Merchants, 1, 15, 90, 103, 106, 133- 134, 141, 142, 143, 152-153. •Mereworth, 25-26, 137, 161. Mersham, 84. •Merston hamlet, 18. •Merton College, Oxford, 96. Messinger, William, 112. •Middlesex, 23, 52, 53, 57, 82, 139, 140. Milles, Christopher, 27-28. Milles, Thomas, 59-60. Millett, William, 35. Mills, John, 118. •Milton, 49, 82, 118, 136, 161. •Milton Regis, 57, 137, 161. Minster manor, 60. •Monkton, 20, 28, 83. Monasticism, 1, 104-106; et vide Religious uses. More, Sir Thomas, 22, 96. Morton, John, Archbishop of Canterbury, 71, 117-118. Mott, John, 118. Moyle, Sir Thomas, 37. Moyle, Sir Walter, 37. Municipal governments, as trustees, 11. Municipal uses, benefactions for, 6, 10, 60-61, 127, 134; totals by classes, 147, 152, 153, 154; totals by periods, 7, 8, 9; women's charities for, 13. Nethersole, Sir Francis, 88-89. •Nettlestead, 119. Nevile, Thomas, 98. Nevill, Edward, 26. Nevill, Henry, Lord Abergavenny, 24, 26, 45, 84. •New College, Oxford, 96. Newington next Hythe, 70. Newman, John, 117. Newton, Sir Adam, 121. Newton, Sir John, 45. Nickeless [Nicholas], 112. Nobility, 14, 105, 134, 142, 143, 144. Nonington, 20. Noone, Nicholas, 115. Noone, Walter, 115. •Norfolk, 48, 92, 140; compared, 5, 6, 13, 61, 66, 95, 99, 103, 110, 114, 125, 133, 144. Norlands, 97. •Northamptonshire, 140. •Northbourne, 97, 137, 161. •Northgate parish, Canterbury, 109. •Northiam (Sussex), 63, 65. •Northumberland, 88, 140. Norwich, 77. •Nottinghamshire, 140. •Observant Friars, Greenwich, 105, 122. Orchard, Lebboeus, 20. Ordnance, manufacture of, 3. •Orpington, 38, 161. •Ospringe, 137, 161. •Otford, 76, 96. Outright gifts, 11, 130. •Oxford University, 23, 24, 71, 73, 77, 96, 97; et vide Colleges [by name], Education, Fellowships, Scholarships. 168 Packer, John, 123. Page, John, 112. Page, Thomas, 108. Palmer, Giles, 118. Paper, manufacture of, 3. Paramore, Thomas, 83. Parbo, Edmund, 79. Parishes, number of, 98-99, 121-122, 125; officers as trustees, 11; total benefactions for, 126. Parker, Matthew, Archbishop of Canterbury, 36, 37, 77, 78, 88, 92. •Parliament, 62. Peche, John, 116. Peche, Sir John (w.p.1522), 116. Peche, Sir William, 116. •Peckham, East, 112, 119, 127, 161. Pembroke College, Cambridge, 98. Pender, Henry, 122. Penn, William, 27. Pett, John, 41. Pett, Commissioner Peter, 42. Pett, Richard, 69. Pett, William, 69. Pettit, Thomas, 51. Philipps, Mildred, 37. Pierce, John, 122. Pinnock, Henry, 49-50. •Plaxtol, 108, 123-124. Pluckley, 115. •Plumstead, 116, 119. •Plymouth (Devonshire), 42. •Polesworth (Warwickshire), 88-89. Poor relief, 5, 10, 13, 16, 32, 99, 100, 105, 129-130, 134; totals by classes, 144-156 passim; totals by periods, 7-9, 17-18. Pope, Anthony, 69. Population, estimates of, 3-4, 121. Porten, Daniel, 85. Porter, John, 69. Potkine, John, 69. Prayers, 103, 105; et vide Chantries," Religious uses. "Pre-Reformation era" (1480-1540), charities for: education, 66, 67, 71-72. poor, 17, 18-19, 32, 34-36. religious uses, 6, 99, 101, 103, 104, 106-107, 110, 114, 115, 119-120. total benefactions, 6-7. totals by classes, 145, 147, 149-152 passim. Preston (sisters), vide Chalkhurst (sisters). Prisoners, relief of, 10, 56; et vide Social rehabilitation. Professional classes, 1, 90, 103, 134, 142, 155-156. Protestantism, 98. Proude, John, 83. Public officials, 134. Public works, 10. Puritan gifts, 9, 72, 76, 94, 108, 109, 148, 154; et vide Religious uses. Puritanism, 98. Pympe, John, 119. •Rainham, 136, 161. •Ratcliff (Middlesex), 23. Recreation, 61; et vide Municipal uses. •Reculver, 23-24, 28, 136, 161. "Redriff", vide Rotherhithe. "Reformation era" (1541-1560), charities for: education, 66, 67. poor, 17, 19, 32. religious uses, 99-100, 101, 107, 114. total benefactions, 7. totals by classes, 145, 147, 149, 151, 152. Refugees, 2, 23, 29. Reiffgins, William, 23. Religious uses, 10, 13; total charities, 6, 99, 134; totals by classes, 144- 156 passim; totals by periods, 6-9 passim, 99-100. Rent-charges, 11, 12. "Revolutionary era" (1641-1660), charities for: education, 66, 67, 85-88. poor, 18, 28-31, 33, 52-53. religious uses, 100, 102, 107, 115. social rehabilitation, 55. total charities, 8-9. totals by classes, 146, 148, 149, 152. Richards, Walter, 94. •Ripple, 137, 161. •Riverhill, 63. Roads, 10; et vide Communications, Municipal uses. Roan, John, 85. Roberts, John, 113. Robinson, Henry, 94-95. •Rochester, 4, 23, 40, 50, 60, 73, 77, 93, 98, 99, 108, 115, 123, 126, 127, 130, 137, 138, 161. •Rochester Bridge, 44, 62. Rodley, William, 35. •Rome (Italy), 139, 140. Romney Marsh, 48. •Romney, New, 47-48, 82-83, 136, 161. Rood lofts, 111; et vide Church building, Religious uses. Roper, Anthony, 22. Roper, Margaret, 22, Roper, William, 22. Roper, Sir William, 25. Rose, John, 65. INDEX Rose, Robert, 93. Rotheley, vide Rodley. •Rotherhithe (Surrey), 23. Rural donors, 1, 5, 14, 141. Russell, Sir William, 121. Rye (Sussex), 63. Sabine, Avery, 28. St. Augustine Abbey, Canterbury, 128. •St. Augustine's, Canterbury, 117. •St. Bees (Cumberland), 88. •St. Dunstan's parish, Canterbury, 21, 111. •St. George parish. Canterbury, 109. •St. John' s College, Cambridge, 91, 93, 94 95 96. •St. John' s College, Oxford, 75. •St. Lawrence Intra, 137, 161. St. Leonard Eastcheap, London, 29. •St. Margaret's parish, Canterbury, 112. •St. Mary's, Oxford, 96. •St. Mary's parish, Sandwich, 51. •St. Mildred's parish, Canterbury, 109. •St. Mary Northgate parish, Canterbury, 45. •St. Nicholas' parish, Rochester, 60. •St. Nicholas at Wade, 83, 137, 161. •St. Paul's Cray, 107. •St. Paul's parish, Canterbury, 53, 57, 109. St. Paul's School, 87. •St. Peter Extra, 112. St. Peter's School, Sandwich, 43. St. Stephen's manor, Hackington, 42. Saker, Christopher, 48, 49. Saker, William, 22, 72. •Salters' Company, 94. Sampson, Thomasine, 25. Sandhills estate, St. Pancras, 74. •Sandhurst, 65. •Sandwich, 2, 4, 33, 34, 39, 42, 51, 78- 79, 92, 112, 136, 141, 152, 161. Sandys, Edwin, Archbishop of York, 97. Sandys, Sir Edwin (w.p.1629), 97. Savile, Sir Charles, 84. •Savile, Sir Henry, 84, 97. Scholarships, 10, 91, 95, 150, 156; et vide Education. Schools, vide Education, Grammar schools. Scot, Thomas, 87. •Seal, 69. Seamen, care of, 35, 36, 41-42. •Seasalter, 21. Secularism, 100, 101, 107, 110, 121, 134, 149, 151, 152, 154. 1 Sedley, Dame Elizabeth, Lady Aber- | gavenny (d.1619), 24, 26, 47, 84. I Sedley, Elizabeth (d.1639), 84. Sedley, Dame Elizabeth (d.1649), 84, 97. Sedley, John (ca.1617), 47. Sedley, Sir John (w.p.1638), 84. Sedley, Sir William, 24, 47, 84, 96, 97. Seethe, John, 118. Selby, Sir William, 88, 121. Selgrave manor, Faversham, 27. •Sellinge, 19, 20, 94, 121, 136, 161. "Sennock", vide Sevenoaks. Sevenoaks, William, 68-69. •Sevenoaks, 41, 68-69, 70, 93, 137, 138, 161. Sheppey, John, Abbot of Faversham, 72. Sheppey, Isle of, 60. Shillingford manor (Berkshire), 123. •Shoreham, 26, 41, 116. •Shorne, 18, 44, 108, 112, 161. •Shotesham (Norfolk), 48. •Shrewsbury (Salop), 27. ' •Shropshire, 27, 48, 77, 140. j Sick, relief of, 56; et vide Social rehabilitation. Silk, manufacture of, 2. Sisley, Edward, 41. •Sittingbourne, 136, 161. Skinners' Company, 74, 75. •Smallhythe, 115. •Smarden, 88, 136, 162. Smith, Ann, 52-53, 57. Smith, Customer, 60, 75. Smith, John (w.p.1656), 52-53, 57. Smith, Rev. John (co.,1656), 87, 94. Smith, Sir Richard, 60. Smith, Sir Thomas, 75-76. J •Snave, 130, 137, 162. I Social rehabilitation, total charities j for, 5, 13, 55, 100, 127, 134; totals • by classes, 144, 145, 147, 151-155 passim; totals by periods, 7, 8, 9. Social status, 142-143; et vide Classes [by name]. Somerfield manor, 71. Somersetshire, 37, 108; compared, 5, 6, 13, 16, 55, 61, 66, 95, 99, 103, 110, 114, 133. Sondes, Anthony, 82. Sondes, Sir Thomas, 82, 108, 113. •Southfieet, 84, 88. 112, 137, 162. Southland, John, 47-48, 82-83. •Southwark, 56, 71, 92. •Speldhurst, 76, 123, 137, 162. Spert, Sir Thomas, 36. Spilman, John, 3. •Staffordshire, 140. Stanley, John, 109. 170 INDEX Stanley, Thomas, 108-109, 123. Stanley, William, 81. Stanton, William, 50. •Staplehurst, 85. Statute of charitable uses, 11, 24, 43. Stede, Sir William, 57. Stephen, Thomas, 118. Stile, Oliver, 120-121. •Stoke, 118. •Stone, 112. •Stone St. Mary, 121. Stoneham manor, 97. Stour River, 65. Stransham, Thomas, 21. Strekenbold, George, 71-72. •Strood, 23, 44. 50, 60, 115. "Stuart Period, Early" (1601-1640), charities for: education, 66, 67. poor. 17-18, 22-28, 32-33, 46-52. religious uses, 100, 101-102, 107, 114-115. social rehabilitation, 55. total charities of, 8. totals by classes, 146, 148, 149, 151, 152. ' •Sturry, 26, 28. •Suffolk, County of, 74, 77, 140. •Surrey, Countv of, 3, 23, 82, 84, 85, 139, 140. •Sussex, County of, 3, 55, 63, 64, 65, 93, 123, 140. •Sutton, East, 20, 108, 137, 162. •Sutton-at-Hone, 26, 44, 76, 92, 136. 162. •Sutton Valence, 40, 77-78, 137, 162. Swale, The, 64. •Swalecliffe, 21. •Swanscombe, 41. Sweham, John, 115. Swerder, Henry, 35. Tarboke, Thomas, 107. Taylor, John (w.p.I560), 37. Taylor, John (w.p.1582), 21. Taylor, Thomas, 113. •Tenterden, 29, 71-72, 115, 121, 137, 162. Terry, Thomas, 26. Teynham, 109. Thames River, 132. •Thanet, Isle of, 94. Thompson, Thomas, 79. Thornham, 59. Thread, manufacture of, 2. Thristo, Henry, 120. •Throwley, 82, 108, 113, 136, 162. Tiffin, John, 84. Tiffin, Thomas, 84. Tilden, Ann, 51. Tilden, Freegift, 88. Tilden, John, 51. •Tilmanstone, 20. Titsey (Surrey), 23. Toke, Francis, 41. Toke, John, 41. Tomson, Edward, 117. •Tonbridge, 4, 51, 52, 73-74, 75-76, 90, 93, 127, 130, 137, 138, 162. •Tonge, 57, Tradesmen, 15, 106, 134, 141, 142, 143, 153-154. Trappes, Joan, 78, 91-92. Tresse, Francis, 83. •Trinity College, Cambridge, 89, 92, 98. •Trinity Hospital, Greenwich, 48. •Trinity House, Deptford, 36. Trusteeship, types of, 11-12. •Tudeley, 117. Tufton, John, 64-65, 123. Tufton, Sir John, 123. Tufton, Thomas, 65. Tunstall, Cuthbert, Bishop of Durham, 96. Underdowne, John, 117. Universities, as trustees, 12; benefactions for, 150, 156; scholarships in, 75, 87, 92, 93, 95, 96; et vide Cambridge University, Education, Fellowships, Oxford University; Colleges [by name]. •University College, Oxford, 73. Unknown status, donors of, 14, 134, 135, 141, 142, 143, 156. Urban donors, 15, 141; et vide Burghers. Usmer, George, 20, 107-108. Vane, Sir Henry, 108. Vanner, Henry, 56, 57. Vaughan, William, 81. Virginia Company, 75, 97. Wales, John, 115. •Wales, 139, 140. Wardall, John, 31. Ware, Richard, 118. •Warehorne, 71. Warham, William, Archbishop of Canterbury, 34, 62, 72, 73-74, 88. 97, 118. •Warton (Warwickshire), 89. Warwick, Earl of, vide Dudley, John. •Warwickshire, 88-89, 140. •Wateringbury, 136, 162. 171 INDEX Watson, Sir Thomas, 120. Watts, Edmund, 52. Watts, Richard, 40, 50. Weaving industry, 2. Weldon, Edward, 24. Weller, Alexander, 59. •Westbere, 26, 28. Westcombe manor, 46. •Westerham, 38, 51. Westminster School, 87. Westmorland, Earl of, vide Fane, Francis. •Westmorland, County of, 140. •Westwell, 128. •"Whitdiche", 41. White, Sir Thomas, 56, 58, 75. •Whitstable, 21, 137, 162. •Wickham, West, 118, 137, 162. •Wickhambreaux, 65, 87, 94, 136, 162. Wilford, James, 63. Wilford, John, 63. Wilford, Nicholas, 63. Willard, Arthur, 51. Williams, John, 115. Wilmington manor, 37, 71. Wilshire, Sir John, 116. •Wiltshire, 109, 140. •Wingham, 122. •Wittersham, 118. Wolsey, Cardinal Thomas, 73. Women donors, 13-15, 103. •Woodchurch, 29, 92, 136, 162. Woollen industries, 2, 141. •Woolwich, 37-38, 116, 130, 137, 162, •Worcestershire, 140; compared, 5, 6, 13, 61, 66, 95, 99, 103, 110, 114, 133. Workhouses, 8, 10, 57, 144, 154. •Wrotham, 108-109, 136, 162. Wrott, Katherine, 44. Wyatt family, 127. •Wye, 37, 51, 59, 70, 137, 162. •Wymondham (Leicestershire), 84. •Yalding, 25, 84-85, 136, 162. Yeomanry, 1-2, 14, 90, 98, 105-106, 140, 142, 143, 148-149. •Yorkshire, 97, 140; compared, 4, 5, 6, 13, 33, 61, 66, 91, 95, 99, 103, 110, 114, 133, 144. 172




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