Annual Report (1961)
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Annual Reports (1960)
The Excavation of the Chestnuts Megalithic Tomb at Addington, Kent
Council presents its One Hundred and Third Report, and the Statement
of Accounts for 196 I.
It is with deep regret that Council reports the death of three
distinguished members of the Society-Dr. Irene Churchill, Mr. W. P. D.
Stabbing and Canon Standen. Dr. Churchill, who was a Vice-President
of the Society a.nd a most valued member of the Records Publication Commit-
tee, had been a member since 1923; she was the Honorary Editor of the
publications of the Records Branch throughout the whole period of its
existence. Mr. Stebbing joined the Society in 1925 and had given long
service as a member of Council; from 1934 to 1947 he was the Honorary
Editor of Arch<£ologia Oantiana and up to the time of his death act;ed as
Local Secretary for the Deal and Walmer District. Canon Standen also
had played an active part as a member of Council. The wisdom and knowledge
of a.II three will be greatly missed by Council and the Society as a
whole. Appreciations of Dr. Churchill and Mr. Stabbing, and of Mr. R. H.
D'Elboux, an Honorary Member and former Honorary General Secretary,
and Mr. F. H. Cripps Day, a member since 1911, appear in the present
volume of ArchwologiaOantiana.
Council wish to record with very great gratitude, a gift of £6,000 from
Mr. Margary. This, the second gift received from Mr. Margary, is by far
the largest donation that the Society has ever received, and by itself more
than doubles the Society's assets. Mr. Margary's gift was made as one of
capital for use at the absolute discretion of Council, but with the suggestion
that the income might be used for the purpose of the Society's publications.
This suggestion has gladly been adopted by Council.
The Annual General Meeting was held at The Museum, Maidstone, on the
6th May, 1961, the President in the Chair.
Cormcil's Annual Report and the Statement of Accounts for 1960 were
received and adopted. In accordance with the request made at the Annual
General Meeting in 1960, Council brought forward recommendations for
increasing the subscription on the lines foreshadowed in the Annual Report.
The Society's rules were amended as follows :
From the 1st January, 1962 :
Rule 5(b) : At beginning of Rule " Subject to the provisions of paragraphs
(f) and (g) of this Rule " to be inserted, and in line 2 '' one pound ten
shillings " to be substituted for " one pound ".
(New) Rule 5(c) : A husband and wife both of whom are or become
members and who receive jointly one copy of Archmologia Oantiana may
pay a joint annual subscription of two pounds.
REPORT, 1961
Rule 5(c) : Renumber 5(d) ; in line 4 "one pound ten shillings" to be
substituted for "one powid " ; and in line 3 substitute (e) for (d).
Rule 5(d) : Renumber 5(e), and in line 3 substitute (d) for (c).
(New) Rule 5(f) : The annual subscription payable by a member under
the age of 21 years shall be one pound up to and including the year in which
he attains that age.
(New) Rule 5(g) : no further subscription shall be payable by a member
who has pa.id fifty annual subscriptions.
Existing Rule 5(e) : to be deleted (no longer of any effect).
After the luncheon interval some 60 members and their friends listened
to illustrated lectures by Mrs. Piercy Fox on Oaesar's Camp, Keston:
excavations 1956-60, and by Mr. F. C. Elliston Erwood on Problems concerning
the Water Supply at Lesnes Abbey. Those present greatly appreciated
the afternoon's programme and the lecturers were warmly thanked by the
During the year 77 new members were elected. Mr. F. C. Elliston
Erwood, a member of the Society since 1908, was elected an honorary
member in recognition of his signal services.
At the Annual General Meeting Miss Anne Roper, Mr. C.R. Councer,
Mr. R.H. Goodsall, Mr. R.H. Hiscock, Canon A.O. Standen and Mr. P. J.
Tester, who retired in rotation, were re-elected to Council. Dr. P.H. Reaney
joined Council on the resignation of Mr. L.R . A. Grove. Mr. Grove's services
are still available to Council in his capacity as Curator.
During the year Council received with great regret the resignation from
their number of Mr. R. F. Jessup, formerly an Honorary Editor of
Archcoologia Oantiana, after a membership extending over 30 years. They
would like to place on record their real appreciation of the services Mr.
Jessup has rendered to the Society.
It was with great regret that Council received the resignation of Mr.
Frank W. Jessup from the post of Hon. General Secretary after ten years
in that office. At the Annual General Meeting Mr. Jessup was elected as
a Vice-President of the Society. At a subsequent Council Meeting the
President presented him with a desk, a token of the very sincere gratitude
and appreciation of a large number of members for his contribution to the
Society over a decade.
Miss Kathleen Spears, B.A., was elected Hon. General Secretary in
succession to Mr. Jessup.
The following additions by gift were made to the library and collections
during the year :
The Common -Place Boole of Faversham, gift of the President, Sir Thomas
Neame, F.S.A.
The Belgic Britons-Men of Kent in B.o. 55 (Sevenoaks, 1961), gift of the
author, Dr. Gordon Ward, F.S.A.
REPORT, 1961
As forecast in the 1960 Report The Sevente,enth-Century Miscellany
was published early in 1961 and about 220 of the issue of 500 have been sold
so far. The Committee has asked Professor Du Boulay to undertake the_
general editorship of a medieval volume once again composed of five or six
papers on varying subjects. It m hoped, however, that a prospectus of this
volume will be available by the middle of 1962.
The other scheme for which the Records Publications Committee is
responsible is the proposed OaJ,endar of the White and Blaclc Books of the
Cinque Ports. This will be a joint publication of the Kent Archreological
Society and the Historical Manuscripts Commission and while it m still too
early to give a probable date for publication, it can be said that the draft
will, in all probability, be submitted to the Historical Manuscripts Commission
prior to printing not later than mid-Summer, 1962. Dr. Hull is
acting as editor of this volume .
Volume LXXIV was published in April, 1961, and the contents maintain
their traditional variety and interest.
The special Volume LXXV, being Professor Jordan's study of Social