General Index

GENERAL INDEX Abbreviations. K.A.O., Kent Archives Office, (p.n.) indicates reference to the place name. Acton, R., 105. Addington, medieval pottery, 24 ; Megalithic tomb at, 1-57 ; parish records, K.A.O., 186 ; Romano- British hut, 22-23. Adisham (p.n.), 61. ^Elhfrethincden,jElhfrethinclond(p.n.), 70. iEslingham, see Islingham. ait, place name element, 61. jEthelmser (personal name), 63. Aldington, 77, 78. Aldington Manor, denns o£, 76, 82, 83, 85. Alexander, E., 138, 140, 142. Alexander, John : Excavation of the Chestnuts MegaUthic tomb, Addington, 1-57. Aleyn, William, c. 1370, 86. Alkham (p.n.), 60. All Souls College, Oxford, 168 ; lands in Harrietsham, 206 ; lands in Upchurch, 163, 164. Allen, Henry, surveyor, Tonbridge, 1610, 154. Allingham, beaker, 19. Ancient Monuments Inspectorate, 1. Andred, 71 ; (p.n.), 68, 69. Andscohesham (p.n.), 60, 61. Anglo-Saxon Chronicle, 58. Appledore, 208. Arthur, J . R. B., 192. Ashbee, P., 19, 21. Ashenden, 86. Ashford, 160 ; flanged axe from, 21 ; flint flake or saw from, 191 ; population, 152. Ashour (p.n.), 70. Ashtead, Roman roof ventilator, 104. Atterham, see Otterham. Aylesford, Cossington, 209 ; flanged axe from, 21 ; Neolithic sites, 19, 22 ; sarsen stones, distribution of, 5 5 ; tithe rights of Despencer in, 177. Babbingden, 71. Badshot, long barrow, 19. Baerla (personal name), 61. Bakerstun (p.n.), 68. Balston, William, Maidstone, 1848,199. Barber, Hannah, 185. Barfield, L., 1, 52, 53. Barfreston, 207. Barham, 72. Barksore Marshes, 163. Barling (p.n.), see Birling. Barrows, medieval robbing of, 24-27 ; see Long barrows. Basingstoke (p.n.), 64. Bath, G., 105. Bauer (Bauor) Marsh, Upchurch, 164, 165. Baxon (p.n.), 62. Bayford, 167. Bayham Abbey, records, K.A.O., 186. Baylis, R. C. G., 196. Beaduric, see Bethersden. Beale Poste, Rev., 199. Bearsted, Romano-British pottery, 191. Beckenham, parish records, K.A.O., 186 ; (p.n.), 66. Beckett, D., 191. Bede, reliability of, 58. Bedgebury (p.n.), 70. Bedynden, 83 ; denn of Aldington Manor, 76. Bee boles, Kentish, 209. Beech, distribution of, 78, 79. Bekesbourne, 80. Bekynden, 77. Belgae, origins of, 212, 213. Belmont estate records, K.A.O., 186. Benenden, 72, 76, 77, 85. Bennet, P. J., 14. Bensted, W. H., Maidstone, 1848, 199. Beringrave Farm, 165. Besce, William, Egerton, c. 1370, 86. Beterinden, see Betherinden. Betherinden, Sandhurst, 77. Bethersden, 71, 73 ; (p.n.), 70. Bettenham, Cranbrook, 76 ; (p.n.), 62. Betteshanger, 181, 182. Bexley, 70, 72, 77, 81 ; parish records, K.A.O., 186. Bickley, parish records, K.A.O., 186. Bicknor Court, sixteenth century clay plaster, 192-193. Bidborough, parish records, K.A.O., 186. Biddenden, 71, 73, 76, 85, 86. Bikynden, 76. 227 GENERAL INDEX Billincgden (p.n.), 70. Bilsington Cartulary, 75, 79, 83, 84. Bilsington (p.n.), 68. Bilswith, see Bilsington. Birchley, 86. Birling (Barling, Barlings) (p.n.), 61. Bishopsbourne, 74, 81. Bishopsbourne Manor, denns of, 77. Bishopsden (Bisshoppenden), 77. Bithelegh, denn of Charing Manor, 76. Blackmanstone (p.n.), 68. Blsecmann, see Blackmanstone. Blean Forest, 71. Bletchenden (Blethchynden), Headcorn, 76. Bluebell Hill, 8. Bobbing (p.n.), 63. Bonnington, 86, 181. Booth, A. J. A., 106. Bordeherst, denn of Charing Manor, 76. Bordhurst, 86. Boscum (right to fell timber), 79, 80. Bostock, H., 58. Botanical examination of straw in old plaster, 192-193. Boughton-under-Blean, 80. Bowsell (p.n.), 72. Boyington Court, Swingfield (p.n.), 63. Boyle, Richard, 1, 3, 55. Boyden Hill, Chislet (p.n.), 63. Boyton Court, East Sutton (p.n.), 63. Boys, Anne, 182 ; Elizabeth, 1760-80, 180-182 ; Sir John i, 1535-1612, 181 ; Dr. John ii, 1571-1625, 181 ; Sir John iii, 1607-64, 181 ; John iv, 1749-1824, 181 ; Robert, 1624-1705, 182 ; Commodore William, 181 ; Dr. William, 1735-1805, 180-183, William Henry, b. 1761, 181. Bradbourne, 193. Bramling (p.n.), 63. Brasted, parish records, K.A.O., 186. Bredhurst (p.n.), 72. Brenchley, 69, 76, 170 ; (p.n.), 70. Brightling, John, blacksmith, Tonbridge, 1648, 154. Bromley, 70, 72 ; parish records, K.A.O., 186 ; (p.n.), 135. Bromley Common, parish records, K.A.O., 187. Bronze Age, burials, Addington, 13 ; dwellings, form of, 139 ; flint arrowhead, Leeds, 198 ; megalithic tomb, Addington, 2 ; settlement at Broomwood, St. Paul's Cray, 134- 142 ; sites on Dartmoor, 139 ; sites at Orpington and Hayes Common, 136. Brookland, 68. Broomhill (p.n.), 135. Broomwood, St. Paul's Cray, Bronze Age settlement 134-142 ; (p.n.), 135. Broxham (p.n.), 70. Buekholt Forest, 71, 87. Buckland, decorated axe from, 21. Burchell, J . P. T., 3, 5. Burham, perish records, K.A.O., 187. Burnes, 80. Burntwick (Island), Marshes 163, 164, 166, 167. Burton (p.n.), 67. Busse, Thomas, clothier, Pembury, 1612, 157. Buxell, Abraham, 183. Bydynden, John, of Smarden, c. 1370, 86. Bylette Marsh, Upchurch, 165, 167. Bysshoppenden, see Bishopsden. Csestersasta walda, see Rochester (p.n.), 69. Cameron, K.: English Place Names, review, 211-212. Canterbury, 60, 181, 210 ; Christ Church Priory, tenants in Smarden, 83 ; jadeite axe from, 21 ; Jesus Hospital, 181 ; (p.n.) 213 ; medieval pots from, 45-47 ; population, 152 ; St. Augustine's Abbey, denns of, 83 ; wool staple, 202. Caratacus (Caratauc), 210. Carew, Mathew, at Chancery Court, 1595, 149. Carvilius, 213. Castell, Thomas, Ohirurgeon, Tonbridge, 1696, 161. Casyngham, denn of Aldington Manor, 76. Ceolwaru, see Chilverton. Chalk by Gravesend, medieval pot, 47. Chalklen, C. W.: A Seventeenth Century Market Town : Tonbridge, 152-162. Challenden, Sandhurst, 77, 86. Chancery Court, Westminster, temp. Elizabeth I, 143-151. Chaplin, R,, 105. Charing, 77, 80, 81, 85 ; medieval ring from, 196. Charing Manor, 79, 84, 86 ; denns of, 76. Chart, 71. Chart Sutton, denns of, 71. Chartham Foiestall, 207. Chatham, Drowhill, Neolithic site at, 19 ; traffic in Wealden iron, 156. Cheldynden, Chelinden, see Challenden. Chemonden, see Comenden. Chemynden, Simon, c. 1370, 86. Cheriton (p.n.), 60. 228 Chestnuts, Addington, Megalithic tomb, 1-57. Chetney, 165. Chetney Marsh, 166, 167. Chevening, parish records, K.A.O., 187. Chichele, Archbishop, 163. Chilham, long barrow at, 19, 20, 38. Chilverton (p.n.), 68. Chislet, 63 ; (p.n.), 60. Christ Church, see Canterbury. Churchill, Irene J., obituary, 220-222. Cingetorix, 213. Cinque Ports, 210, 202 ; Chancery Court, 181 ; Chancery transactions, 143-157 ; privileges, 144-146, 149. Cistelet (Chislet) (p.n.), 60. Clanricard, Earl of, 1611, 159. Clark, Grahame, 139. Cliffe, Belgic pottery, cremation burials, 205. Clinch, M. L. M., 105. Coates, Odiarne, 183. Cobham (p.n.), 66. Cobham Hall, 105, 106, 108. Cobham Park, early maps, 108, 109 ; supposed oppidum, 105-109 ; windmill, 109. Coldrum, 13, 14, 25, 28 ; Neolithic pottery at, 19, 38, 40. Collens, William, timber merchant, Brenchley, c. 1796, 170. Collier Street, parish records, K.A.O., 187. Comenden, Sissinghurst, 76. Connolly, Michael, 204. Constantinius, 210. Cook, N. O, 47. Cooling, 74. Coombe Reach ( = Sharfleet Creek), 166. Cossington, Aylesford, 209. Couchman, John, clothier, Tonbridge, 1612, 157. Court Rolls of 1539 and 1556, K.A.O., 78. Cowden, 71 ; (p.n.), 70. Craig, James, Sandwich, 184. Cranbrook, 71-73, 85, 160 ; forests at, 78 ; Romano-British objects from, 197 ; textile trade at, 158. Crawshaw, J. D., 105. Cray Antiquarian Association, 136. Cray Valley, 134. Crayford, parish records, K.A.O., 187 ; (p.n.), 213. Cripps-Day, F. H., obituary, 224-225. Crockenhill, parish records, K.A.O., 187. Cross, J. S., 105. Curlswood, see Nonington. AL INDEX Custeint, 210. Cuxton, dagger from, 21 ; (p.n.), 63. Dale, L. C , 93. Dalton, O. M., 196. Danger (Dangerium) (payment for deficiency of pannage), 82-84, 86. Daniel, G., 1, 13, 15, 16. Darent, place names in, 66. Darenth, parish records, K.A.O., 187. Darnley, Earl of, 105, 106. Dartford, denns of, 72 ; population, 152. Dashwood, Sir Francis, 169. Day, Robert, clothier, Tudeley, 1648, 157. Deadman's Island, Medway, 166, 167. Deal, 181. D'Elboux, R. H., obituary, 218, 219. Dene Hole, St. Paul's Cray, 136. Denns, Wealden, 69, 70, 75-87 ; lord's and tenants' interests in, 85-87. Denge Wood, 71. denn (= valley), place name element, 69. Desborough, Mrs., 209. Le Despencer, Baron (Thomas Stapleton), 169-179. Dieppe, 157. Dingleden, Benenden, 76. Ditton, parish records, K.A.O., 187. Domesday, references to denae, 82. Domesday Monachorum, 73. Dorrington, D., 105. Doul, Agnes and Thomas of Egerton, o. 1370, 86. Dover, 150 ; (p.n.), 213 ; population, 152. Dover Castle, Constable of, 145. Downton, Mesolithic culture, 35, 36. Droving, medieval, 75-87 ; of swine, 79-81. Droveways, Wealden, 71. Drowhill, Chatham, Neolithic site, 19. Dry Hill, Tonbridge, 153, 160. Du Boulay, F . R. H.: Denns, Droving and Danger. 75-87. Dubris (p.n.), 213. Dulley, A. J. F., 105. -dun (=hill), place name suffix, 63. Dunck, John, clothier, Tonbridge, 1627, 157. Durobrivae (Rochester), (p.n.), 88, 213. Durovernum (p.n.), 213. Dymchurch Wall, 217. Each End Farm, Woodnesborough, 182, 184. Ealdingas (p.n.), see Yalding. Ealdingheth, denn of Aldington Manor, 76, 83. 229 i GENERAL INDEX Earith (p.n.), see Erith. Early Iron Age vessel from Larkfield, 197-198. East Farleigh, parish records, K.A.O., 187. East Hernden, Sandhurst, 77. East Mailing, Mesolithic artefacts, 35 ; Neolithic site, 19 ; parish records, K.A.O., 188. Eastbourne, 173, 175. Eastchurch (p.n.), 60. Eastling (p.n.), 64. Eastry, 60, 181 ; denns of, 71 ; (p.n.), 59. Ebbsfleet, Neolithic site, 19 ; Neolithic pottery, 40. Edenbridge, 70 ; Palaeolithic implements from, 204 ; Roman coins from, 202-204. Edmund, Archbishop, 1233-40, 85. Edynden, 86. Egerton, 86. Ehta (personal name), 61. Electrotype, origin of, 199. Eldchecche, 86. Eldyngheth, see Ealdingheth. Elham, 72. Elmhurst (Elmherst), Brenchley, 76. Elmhurst, Denys of, c. 1370, 86. Ellingham (p.n.), 64. Elmstone (p.n.), 63, 67. Ely (p.n.), 59. Emerson, Richard, 181. Erith (Earith), (p.n.), 61. Esla, Eslingas, see Islingham. Essex (p.n.), 59. Estherndon, see East Hernden. Evans, John H., 199, 206, 210, 216. Evans, John H.: The tlpchurch Marshes in the time of the First Elizabeth, 163-168. Evans, M., 105. Ewehurst (p.n.), 70. Eynsford, parish records, K.A.O., 187. Farndon, George, 185. Farnham, Mesolithic culture, 35. Farningham, parish records, K.A.O., 188 ; (p.n.), 66. Farrant, William, clothier, Tonbridge, 1648, 157. Farre Nash Marshes, Upchurch, 164- 166. Faversham, 60 ; copper dagger from, 20 ; halberd from, 21. Faversham Chancery case at Dover, 1599, 150. Filston Hall (p.n.), 68. Fincheston, see Vincent Farm. Finchurst, Goudhurst, 76 ; denn, 82. Flight, C. R., 105. Flood, P., 105. Folkestone, 60. Foord, R. G., 105. Foots Cray, parish records, K.A.O., 187. Fordcombe, parish records, K.A.O., 188. Forest clearance, medieval : place name evidence of, 68-74 ; records of, 75-87. Forestall (p.n.), 207-209. Forinsec woods ( = denns), 75. Forsham, Rolvenden, 77. Fowle, Edmund, 184. Fox, E. V. Piercy, 105. Foxen (p.n.), 62. Fredville, Nonington, 181. Freezingham, Rolvenden, 76, 83, 85. Frere, S., 46. Fresingham, Fressyngham, see Freezingham. Friezley (p.n.), 70. Frindsbury, 208. Frisians, 214, 215. Frittenden, 71. Frogham (p.n.), 62. Frosteshame, see Forsham. Furley, R., 75, 79, 85. Fynch, Vincent, c. 1370, 86. Fynchurst, see Finchurst. Gardiner, Dorothy, 202. Garrington (p.n.), 68. Garston (p.n.), 66. Garwynn, see Garrington. -gau, ge, place name suffix, 59. Gaymer, Henry, Rye Chancery case, 147. Geoffreyeston (p.n.), 68 ; see also Jesson Farm. Gildas on Britons, 58. Gillingham, 209 ; parish records, K.A.O., 188 ; (p.n.), 66, 74. Gillingham Manor, 79, 82, 84 ; denns of, 76. Goatman, C. A., 75. Goddington, Orpington, Bronze Age site, 136. Godwine (personal name), 63. Gold objects, Kent, 21. Goldstan (personal name), 63. Goldstone (p.n.), 63, 68. Goodnestone (p.n.), 63, 67. Goodsall, Robert H., 206. Goodsall, Robert H.: The Eastern Rother, review, 216-217. Goudhurst, 76 ; maps of, K.A.O., 186 ; textile trade, 158. Grain, Isle of, 163. 230 GENERAL INDEX Graveney, 60, 70, 80. Great Stour, 60. Greenborough Marshes, 163. Greenwich Hospital, 181. Grestonehende, 71. Grove, L. R. A., 47, 193, 196, 202. Grovehurst, Neolithic Artefact, 191 ; Neolithic pottery, 18, 38. Gulley, J . L. M., 75. Guorangon (p.n.), identity with Rochester, 209, 210. Guorthigern, 210. Guston (p.n.), 567. Hadlow, 69 ; Roman coin from, 204. Halden, see High Halden, Little Halden. Hall, Simon, 68. Halletone (p.n.), 68. Hailing, 72 ; denns of, 71 ; (p.n.), 63. Hallinghurst, Smarden, 76, 86. Hallinghurst, Robert and William of, c. 1370, 86. Halstow, see Lower Halstow. Halstow Creek, 168. -ham, place name suffix, 61, 62, 66, 67, 74, 215, 216. Ham Green (p.n.), 62. Ham Street (p.n.), 62. Ham Marshes, Upchurch, 164, 165. Hamgreen Saltings, 167. -hamm, place name suffix, 62, 66, 70, 215. Hampton (p.n.), 66, 67. Hanley (p.n.), 66. Hardlemere, 86. Harrietsham, patronage of All Souls, Oxford, 164 ; (p.n.), 66 ; Stede Hill, 206. Harris MSS., K.A.O., 186. Harris, Thomas, butcher, Tonbridge, 1590, 154. Harteherst, see Haythurst. Hartlip, 164, 199. Harvey, Elizabeth, 181 ; Admiral Sir Henry, 181 ; John, 1740-94, 183 ; Captain John, 181. Hastings, 152. Hathewelden, see High Halden. Hawkenbury (p.n.), 70. Hawkhurst, 71 ; (p.n.), 70. Hawkinge, 76 ; (p.n.), 63. Haydon, Brigid : Algernon Sidney 1623-1683, 110-133. Hayes Common, Bronze Age site, 136. Hayhurst denn, 82. Haysden (p.n.), 70. Haythurst, Marden, 76 ; denn, 79 ; forests at, 78. Haytt, Clement, saddler, Tonbridge, 155S, 156. Hazleden (p.n.), 70. Headcorn, 71, 76. Heallingas, see Hailing. Hearth Tax, Tonbridge, 1664, 160. Heathuweald, see High Halden (p.n.). Helden, 83. Helesden, denn of Charing Manor, 76, 79. Henden, Woodchurch, 76, 83. Hendon (p.n.), 66. Hengest and Horsa tradition, 58. Henham (p.n.), 66. Henley (p.n.), 66. Hensill (p.n.), 72. Henton (p.n.), 66. Henyden, see Henden. Herdelmere (Herdlemere), denn of Aldington Manor, 76, 83. Hereson (p.n.), 62. Hernhill, 80, 208. Heronden, Tenterden, 77, 86. Herteherst, see Haythurst. Heryetsham, see Harrietsham. Herynden, see Heronden. Hever, 70, 71 ; (p.n.), 70 ; parish records, K.A.O., 188. Heytehurst, see Haythurst. Higgs, E., 29, 35. High Halden, 71, 73, 76, 85, 86 j (p.n.), 70. Higham, parish records, K.A.O., 188 ; (p.n.), 66. Higham Marsh, Upchurch, 164-166. Highwood, R. W., 200. Hildenborough, 160. Hildgaringdenn (p.n.), 70. -hill, place name suffix, 74. Hinksden, 86 ; (p.n.), 70. Mine (=hill), place name element, 63. Hoblingwell Wood, St. Paul's Cray, 136. Hogeman, Thomas, c. 1370, 86. Holborough, Neolithic site, 19 ; Neolithic pottery, 40. Hole, Rolvenden, 77, 86. Hollanden (p.n.), 70. Hollingbourne, coin hoard, 197. Hollow ways, St. Paul's Cray, 136. Home, D. M., 105. Homersham, John, c. 1370, 86, Robert, 86. Homestall (p.n.), 207. Hoo, mud digging at, 163. Hooper, John, parish clerk, Tonbridge, d. 1641, 156. Hope, 217. 231 GENERAL INDEX Hore, K. D., 205. Hornbeam, in the Weald, 79. Horsham, Manor of Upchurch, 163, 164. Horsham Marsh, 164-168. Horsmonden, parish records, K.A.O., 188 Horton, S., 105. Horynbroke, denn of Aldington Manor, 77. How, Thomas, clothier, Tonbridge, 1655, 156, 157. Hringwynn, Ringleton. Hrothwulf, see Rolvenden. Hunt, H. G.: Finances of Sir Thomas Stapleton in the early nineteenth century, 169-179. Hunt, John, Master of Chancery, 1601, 148. Hunteborne, denn of Aldington Manor, 77. Huntebourne, 77. Huntbourne, 78, 86. Hunton, Despencer estates in, 169. Huntyngborne, see Huntbourne. hurst (hyrst), place name element, 70, 74. Hythe, 199, 217 ; (p.n.), 215. Ickham, 71 ; denns of, 71. Ide Hill, parish records, K.A.O., 188. Iden, Benenden, 77 ; (p.n.), 70. Ightham, beaker, 19 ; manorial records, K.A.O., 186 ; Mesolithic culture, 35 ; Neolithic clay spoons, 19 ; (p.n.), 61. -ing, -inga, -ingaham, -ingas, -ington, place name suffixes, 59, 61-64, 66, 67, 70, 74. Islingham, Frindsbury (p.n.), 64. Islip, Archbishop, c 1370, 85. Ivychurch (p.n.), 60. Jackson, I., 105. Jacobs, J. A., 185. James, H. A., 105. Jesson (p.n.), 62, 68. Jessup, Frank W., 212. Jessup, Ronald F., 2, 18, 19, 21, 106. Jessup, Ronald F.: Curiosities of British Archaeology, review, 216. Jesus Hospital, Canterbury, 181. Jocelyn Robert, Earl of Roden, 177. Johnson, Thomas, mercer, Tonbridge, 1634, 154. Jones, J., 21. Jones, William J.: Chancery and the Cinque Ports in the reign of Elizabeth I, 143-151. Kasingham, see Casyngham. Katencamp, Herman, 172. Kelly, David B., 191, 192. Kelsham, Headcorn, 76 ; denn, 84. Kemsing, parish records, K.A.O., 188. Kenardington, 208. Kennington, 80. Kensham, Rolvenden, 76, 80, 82, 83, 85, 86. Kent Archives Office (K.A.O.), Accessions 1960-61, 186-190. Kent Natural History and Archseological Society, establishment of, 1848, 198. Kent Ophthalmic Institution, 1847, 199. Keston, Neolithic site, 19 ; parish records, K.A.O., 188. Kingsferry Marsh, 167. Kingsferry Saltings, 165. Kingston, Elham Valley, 182. Kits Coty, 19, 25. Knockholt, parish records, K.A.O., 188. Labacalle Megalith, 16. Lambard, William at Court of Chancery, 1595, 149. Lambden (p.n.), 70. Lamberhurst, 69, 71. Larkfield, Early Iron Age vessel, 197, 198. Larking, Lambert B., 2, 199. Lawrence, P., 198. Leafyeld, see Lefgavel. leah (=wood), place name element, 70. Leana (personal name), 62. Leden, see Lydden. Lee, E. G., 105. Leeds, Bronze Age flint arrowhead from, 198. Leeds Castle, estate maps, K.A.O., 186. Lefgavel (Leafyeld, Lef silver, Lyefyeld) (payment for leave to plough in denns), 79, 82-85. Lef silver, see Lefgavel. Le Havre, 157. Leicester, First Earl (Robert Sydney), d. 1626, 112. Lemanis (p.n.), 213, 215. Lenham, 71, 208 ; denns of, 72 ; parish records, K.A.O., 186 ; (p.n.), 62. Leofnoed, see Liverton. Lewisham, denns of, 71. Lewson (Lewsome) (p.n.), 62, 67. -ley, place name suffix, 74. Leybourne, parish records, K.A.O., 188. Lidsing, parish records, K.A.O., 188. Limen (p.n.), 58, 59, 69. 232 GENERAL INDEX Limenwearawalda, see Limen. -linch, place name suffix, 62. Lindridge (p.n.), 70. •ling, place name suffix, 62, 63. Linton, 85 ; Neolithic arrowhead from, 19. Little Halden, 86. Little Kits Coty, 1, 13. Little Mongeham, 71. Liverton (p.n.), 68. Loddington, Linton, 76. Lolingeston(e), see Lullingstone. Lollesden, denn of Bishopsbourne Manor, 77. London, traffic in Wealden iron, 156, 158 ; transport of textiles from Tonbridge, 158. Londonderry Megaliths, 16. Long barrow, Addington, 1-57 ; Chilham, 19, 20, 38. Longbarrows, types of, 13-22. Long Warren, 1. Longfield, parish records, K.A.O., 188. Longworth, I., 36. Lord Warden of Cinque Ports, authority of, 145, 150. Lossenham (p.n.), 70. Lower Halstow, 164, 168 ; Mesolithic artefacts from, 35, 36 ; Neolithic site, 19. Lowther, A. W. G., 103, 104. Luddesdown, parish records, K.A.O., 188. Lugotorix, 213. Lullingstone (p.n.), 63. Lydd, 217. Lydden, Hawkinge, 76, 86. Lyefyeld, see Lefgavel. Lymeryn(g)den, denn of Aldington Manor, 76, 83. Lyminge, 78 ; (p.n.), 59, 69. Lyminge Manor, 79, 83 ; denns of, 77. Lympne, 61, 68 j (p.n.), 213. McCrevie, A., 55. Mackinder, E. M., 105. Maidstone, 65, 66, 80, 85, 160, 198 ; beaker from, 19 ; flanged axe from, 21 ; medieval pots from, 45, 47 ; neolithic bowl from, 19 ; Plomley Museum, 198 ; population, 152 ; transport of Wealden textiles, 158. Maidstone Journal, 1848, 198. Maidstone Manor, denns of, 76. Maidstone Museum : Addington Megalithic finds in, 1 ; Archseological Notes from, 191-202 ; sarsen stones map, 55. Mailing, see East Mailing, West Mailing. Mailing (p.n.), 59. Mantell, Gideon, 199. Msnton Down, barrows, 15. Maplehurst, 71 ; (p.n.), 70. Matson, Colin : William Rolfe, a noted Sandwich Antiquarian, 180-185. Matson, James, c. 1550-1593, 182 ; J o h n i , 180-184 ; Johnii, 1671-1731, 182 ; 1790,183 ; Johniv, 1746-1805, 181, 182 ; John v, 1741- 1817, 182, 185 ; Mary, 180, 183 ; Thomas, 1711-81, 183, 185. Marden, 71, 73, 76, 85 ; Neolithic axe from, 200 ; (p.n.), 70. Markets, seventeenth century, 152. Marks, F., 105. Marshes, Lower Medway, 163-168. Mead, Francis Kineton, 172. Meallingas (Mailing), (p.n.), 59. Medway, 65 ; crossing at Tonbridge, 152 ; estuary mud digging, 163 ; marshes, 163-168 ; Megalithic tombs, 1, 13 ; navigation at Tonbridge, 1740, 162 ; Neolithic sites, 19, 20 ; (p.n.), 58 ; place names in, 66. Megalithic tomb, Addington, 1-57. Megalithic tombs, Medway group, 1, 13. Megaliths, types of, 13-22. Meopham (p.n.), 66. Mereworth, 173 ; Despencer estates, 169 ; parish records, K.A.O., 189. Mereworth Castle, 169, 174, 179. Mesolithic : industry, Addington, 29- 36 ; site at Addington, 2, 3 ; sites at Farnham, North Cray and Orpington, 139 ; " Thames pick " from Ulcombe. 202. Metekingham (Mettelingham), denn of Aldington Manor, 76, 83. Middleton, H., 105. Milford, Richard, Bath, 172. Milfordhope Creek, Upchurch, 165. Milfordhope Marshes, 163. Millen, F., 200. Milton-next-Gravesend, parish records, K.A.O., 189. Milton Regis, 59, 71 ; denns of, 72. Minchin, C. O, Reading, 201. Ministry of Works, 1, 105, 108. Minster in Sheppey (p.n.), 60. Minster in Thanet, 60. Misleham, see Metekingham. Monckton, J., Maidstone, 1848, 199. Mongeham, see Little Mongeham. Mongeham (p.n.), 66. Monkton (p.n.), 60. Moorden (p.n.), 70. Munde, Thomas, c. 1370, 86. Myddyllyngham, see Metekingham. 233 Nackington (p.n.), 63. Navestock (p.n.), 64. Neolithic : axes, Marden and Nettlestead, 200 ; burials, Addington, 13 ; dwellings, form of, 139 ; flints, Addington, 2, 49-51 ; flint saw, Ashford, 191 ; human remains, Addington, 52, 53 ; pottery, Addington, 2 ; pottery, Grovehurst, 18, 38 ; pottery, Wingham, 18 ; site at Aichbuhl, 139 ; site at Chatham, 19 ; site at Haldon, 139 ; site at Lough Gor, 139 ; sites in Kent, 18-20 ; spoons, Ightham, 19. Nettlestead, Neolithic axe, 200 ; parish records, K.A.O., 189. New Forest, 68. New Romney, 180. Newbury, Donnington Castle, 181. Newenden, 73, 76, 85, 86. Newenden, William, c. 1370, 86. Newington, lands in, appertaining to Harrietsham, 164. Newnham (p.n.), 66. Neilson, N., 75, 82, 83. Nightingale, Michael, 164. Nizels (p.n.), 72. Nonington, woodland at Curlswood, 1285, 75. Norfolk (p.n.), 59. Norris, R., 105. North Cray, Mesolithic site at, 139. Northbourne, 71 ; denns of, 71. Norton, Thomas, map of Cobham Park by, 1641, K.A.O., 108. Noviomagus (p.n.), 213. Nuneham (p.n.), 66. Oak, distribution of, 78, 79. Oakenden (p.n.), 70. Oakenpole Wood, 87. Oakley, K. P., 205. Ocock, M., 105. Offa, see Offham (p.n.). Offham, parish records, K.A.O., 189 ; (p.n.), 68. Ohta, King of Kent, 645, 61, 62. Ohthere, Otheringas, see Otterden (p.n.). Old Brompton, parish records, K.A.O., 187. Orpington, 209 ; Bronze Age site, 136 ; denns of, 72 ; Mesolithic site (Well Hill), 136 ; Priory Museum, 136 ; Scandinavian Megalithic pottery, 20. Otford, 81, 87. Otringeburge (Wateringbury) (p.n.), 65. Otringedene (Otterden) (p.n.), 65. Otterden (p.n.), 65. INDEX Otterham Creek, Upchurch, 164-166. Ottridge, Bearsted (p.n.), 65. Oxenden (p.n.), 70. Oxford, All Souls, lands in Upchurch, 163, 164. Oxford, medieval pot, 46. Oxley, Edwaid, clothier, Tonbridge, 1612, 157. Oxney, 86. Ozanne, P., 1. Paddock Wood (p.n.), 74. Palseolithic implements, Edenbridge, 204. Palmer, John, bellfounder, Canterbury, 1636, 200. Palmstead, 71. Pannage (pasturing of swine), 79-85. Parsons, J., 105. Parsons, John : Broomwood Bronze Age Settlement, St. Paul's Cray, Kent, 134-142. Paris, Twysden's journey to, 1698, 193-196. Parrock (courts in the Weald), 74. Paul, Catherine, 169. Peacehaven, Mesolithic culture, 35. Peat analysis, Addington, 3. Pecham, Archbishop, description of lands, 1283-5, 75. Pembury, 71, 167 ; Neolithic site, 19. Pemell, Richard, c. 1370, 86. Peneneseye, John, Rector of Smarden, c. 1370, 86. Penge, parish records, K.A.O., 189. Peniland, 77. Penshurst, 110, 111; burial of Algernon Sydney at, 1683, 132. Penwith, Megalithic tombs, 16. Petham, 87 ; (p.n.), 66. Petham Manor, denns of, 77. Petteridge (p.n.), 70. Pigs in medieval economy, 79-81. Pinkhorn, Headcorn, 86. Pipes, clay, Addington, 27, 54, 55. Pirie, E., 105. Place-names and early settlement in Kent, 58-74. Plashead, Sandhurst, 77, 86. Plaster, old, examination of straw content, 192, 193. Plaxtol, parish records, K.A.O., 189. Pledeshedde, see Plashead. Plomley Museum, Maidstone, 198. Pluckley, 71, 73, 208 ; (p.n.), 70. Plumstead, 209. Pollard, J., 105. Poppington (p.n.), 63. Postling, 74. Pottery : Early Bronze Age, Addington, 36 ; medieval, Addington, 45-49 ; Neolithic, Addington, 2, 36-42 ; Neolithic, Grovehurst, 18, 38 ; Neolithic, Wingham, 18 ; Roman, Addington, 2, 42-45. Pratt MSS, K.A.O., 186. Prehistoric hut sites, analysis table, 140. Presden (Preseden), Tenterden, 76, 83. Prowdyston (p.n.), 68. Puxty, Joseph, tanner, Tonbridge, d. 1702, 161. Queenborough, wool staple at, 202. Queen's Ferry Marsh, 165, 167, 168. Rainham, 164, (p.n.), 66. Ramsgate, 68, 184. Ratling (p.n.), 63. Ravenstune (p.n.), 68. Reading Street, Tenterden (p.n.), 63. Reaney, P. H.: Place Names and Early Settlement in Kent, 58-74. Reaney, P. H.: The Origin of English Place Names, review, 211-212. Reculver (p.n.), 58, 213. Reculver Manor, denn of, 76. Regulbium (p.n.), 213. Regwey, denn of Aldington Manor, 77. Rempinden (Rempindene, Rempyden), Woodchurch, 77, 78, 83. Repton, Humphrey, at Cobham Park, 108. Repynden denn, 79. Researches and Discoveries in Kent, 191-206. Rhee Cut, Romney Marsh, 217. Richborough (p.n.), 58, 213. Richborough Castle, 181. -ridge, place name suffix, 71, 74. Ringleton (p.n.), 68. Ringwold, Neolithic site, 19. Riseden (p.n.), 70. Riverhead, parish records, K.A.O., 189. Roads, Wealden, seventeenth century, 152, 153. Roberts, Giles, barber, Tonbridge, d. 1691, 161. Rochester, 88, 210 ; denns of, 74 ; parish records, K.A.O., 189 ; (p.n.), 58, 69, 213 ; population, 152. Rochester Bridge, 1285, 82. Rochester Consistory, wills, K.A.O., 154. Rochester Diocese, survey of parochial records, 186. Rochester Probate Inventories, 160. Rogheye, denn of Aldington Manor, 77. Rogley, 86. INDEX Rolfe : Charles of New Romney, 1731- 1811 ; Elizabeth of New Romney, 180 ; John i, town clerk, New Romney, 1750-89, 180 ; John ii, attorney, 1755-81, 180, 182 ; Nicholas, 1676-1749, 180 ; William Henry, 1779-1859, 180-185. Rolvenden, 73, 76, 77, 83-86 ; forests at, 78 ; (p.n.), 70. Roman : coins, Cobham, 95-97, 99 ; coins, Edenbridge, 202-204 ; coin, Hadlow, 204 ; pottery, Addington, 2 ; pottery, Bearsted, 191 ; pottery, Cobham Park, 93-96, 99-104 ; pottery, Upchurch, 205 ; roof ventilator, 103, 104 ; villa, Ashtead, 104 ; villa, Cobham Park, 88, 98 ; villa, St. Albans, 98 ; villa, Welwyn, 98 ; water pipe joint, 103 ; well, Cobham Park, 92, 93. Romano-British hut, Addington, 22-23. Romney, Earl of, 1848, 199. Romney Marsh, 180 ; place names in, 62, 64, 68. Rose, Francis, 78. Rother, river, 216-217. Ruck, O. E., 106, 109. Ruckinge, 71 ; (p.n.), 63. Rumdenn, Richard, Smarden, c. 1370, 86. Russell, George, map of Cobham Park by, 1718, K.A.O., 108. Rusthall, 71 ; parish records, K.A.O., 189. Rutupiae (p.n.), 213. rydding, place name element, 63. Rye, 152, 153 ; fish trade with London, 158. St. Albans, 98. St. Augustine's Abbey, see Canterbury. St. James's Equity Court, Dover, 145, 148, 150. St. Katherine's Marshes, 165, 166. St. Mary Cray, parish records, K.A.O., 187. St. Mary-in-the-Marsh, 68, 180. St. Paul's Cray, Bronze Age settlement at, 134-142 ; parish records, K.A.O., 187. Sandhurst, 70, 75-77, 83, 85, 86. Sandhurst Forstall, 208. Sandling (p.n.), 63. Sandwich, 181 ; Guildhall, 180 ; History of, 1792, 181 ; population, 152 ; road to Ramsgate, 1806, 184 ; steelyard weight from, 201 j tolls, 184 ; wool staple at, 202. Sandwich Year Book, 1803, 184. Sarre, 74. GENERAL INDEX Sarsen stones, Aylesford, 55. Saunders, R. H., 105. Seal, parish records, K.A.O., 189. Segovax, 213. Selbritten Hundred, 70. Sertin, J . F., 134. Setenore, William, c. 1370, 86. Sevenoaks, 160. de Seyssel, B., 105. Shardens F a rm (p.n.), 70. Sharelock, James, sawyer, Tonbridge, 1688, 161, 162. Sharfleet Creek, Upchurch, 165-167. Sheldon, William, 172-178. Shepherd's Creek, 166. Shepherdswell, 182. Shepway, Court of, 145, 151. Sherenden (p.n.), 70. Shirley, Woodchurch, 76, 83, 86. Shirrenden (p.n.), 70. Shoreham, 68. Sibersnoth, wood in, 87. Sibertswold, 182. Sidmouth, 175. Sidney, Algernon, 1623-83, 110-133. Sidney family, baptisms at Penshurst, 111. Sidney, Philip, 1583, 110 ; Robert, c. 1620, 112. Sieveking, G. de G., 205. Silverden, Sandhurst (p.n.), 70. Simon, Archbishop, 86. Singledge, 71. Sissinghurst, 76. Sittingbourne, round barrow at, 20 ; Tievebullaigh axe from, 21. Skeffington, John, Tonbridge, d. 1639, 160. Skinner, John, cooper, Tonbridge, d. 1688, 162. Slayhills Marshes, 163, 166. Slepinden, Smarden, 83. Sleye Hill Marsh, 166. Slindon, Sussex, 81. Smallhythe, 71. Smarden, 71, 73, 74, 76, 83, 85, 86 ; (p.n.), 70. Smith, C. Roach, 105, 106. Smith, H., 105. Smith, I., 18. Smythe, Clement Taylor, Maidstone, 1848, 199. Snodland, denns of, 71 ; parish records, K.A.O., 189 ; Romano-British settlement at, 22. Solly, Mary, 183. Somerhill, Tonbridge, 1611, 159. Southborough, parish records, K.A.O., 189. Southend, jadeite axes from, 21. Southfieet, parish records, K.A.O., 189. Spalding, Robert, 200. Speldhurst, 71 ; parish records, K.A.O., 189 ; (p.n.), 70. Spilshill (p.n.), 70. Sponden (Spunden), Sandhurst, 77.' Springhead, 88 ; (p.n.), 213. Spunden, see Sponden. Spunley (p.n.), 72. Spys, John, Smarden, c. 1370, 86. -stan (-ston, -stone), place name suffix, 63. Standen (Steynden), Benenden, 77. Stangate Creek, Upchurch, 165-168. Stansted, manorial records, K.A.O., 186. Staplehurst, 71 ; (p.n.), 72. Stapleton, J. H., 176 ; Maria Frances, 177 ; Sir Thomas, 1767-1819, 169- 179. Stebbing, W. P. D., obituary, 223. Stede, William, 1587, 206. Stefenestoun, Jon, 68. Steynden, see Standen. Stoke, 60 ; mud digging at, 163 ; (p.n.), 60, 61. Stone-next-Dartford, parish records, K.A.O., 189. Stoneleigh Leger, 82, 85. Stony Warren, 1. Stotinges, see Stowting. Stour marshlands, place names in, 62. Stour river, place names, 66. Stowting (Stotinges, Stuting) (p.n.), 59. Stoyel, B. D., 209. Stratton, H., 177, 178. Stretleg (p.n.), 61. Strey (Stray Marsh), 168. Stuppington (p.n.), 63. Sturigao (Sturry) (p.n.), 60. Sturry (p.n.), 59, 60 ; residence of Algernon Sidney, 1658, 119. Stuting, see Stowting. Subboscum, see Boscum. Suffolk (p.n.), 59. Sumerhus Silver, 73. Surrey (p.n.), 59. Sussex (p.n.), 59. Sutton-at-Hone, parish records, K.A.O., 189. Sutton Valence, 71. Swale, 60, 166. Swale Marsh, 165, 167. Swalecliffe (p.n.), 61. Swanscombe, decorated axe from, 21 ; parish records, K.A.O., 189. Swere (Creek), 166. Swine in medieval economy, 79-81. 236 GENERAL INDEX Swingfield, 63. Swinton, W. E., 199. Tanatus (p.n.), 213. Tankerton, Neolithic site at, 19. Tapners (p.n.), 70. Taximagulus, 213. Tenglingden (Tenglynden) see Dingleden. Tenterden, 63, 71, 76, 77, 85 ; forests at, 78 ; (p.n.), 70, 71. Terlingham (p.n.), 74. Terlockes Marsh, Upchurch, 164, 165, 167, 168. Tester, P. J.: The Roman Villa in Cobham Park, 88. Teston, parish records, K.A.O., 189 ; (p.n.), 63. Teynham, 80, 81 ; (p.n.), 66. Teynham Manor, 84 ; denns of, 76. Thanet, 71 ; (p.n.), 213. Tholy, John, 68. Tholytounys (p.n.), 68. Thunor, worship of, 60. Thunorhlaw (p.n.), 60. Tilden, Marden, 76. Tinkerswood barrows, 15. Tobacco pipes, Addington, 27, 54, 55. Toke, N. E., obituary, 219-220. -ton (-tone), place name suffix, 63. Tovil, beaker from 19 ; Mesolithic axe from, 35. Tonbridge : Bull Inn, 153 ; Castle, 152-154 ; Church, 153, 154 ; cloth industry, 157 ; Dry Hill, 153 ; Great Bridge, 153, 156 ; Hearth Tax, 1664, 160 ; inns, seventeenth century, 158 ; iron industry, 157 ; markets, 152, 153, 158 ; navigation after 1740, 162 ; population, 152, 154 ; Port Reeve's House, 154 ; Register, 1660's, 158 ; School, 152- 154 ; Town Wardens' Accounts, 1579-1742, K.A.O., 157 ; U.D.C. Archives, deeds, 1612-1648, 154, 157 ; water supply, 156. Trindhurst (Trindehurst), Biddenden, 76, 77. Tudeley, 1648, 157. -tun (=fence, enclosure), piece name suffix, 61-63, 66-68, 74, 216. Tunbridge Wells Museum, 205. Tunstall (p.n.), 208. Twinney Creek, Upchurch, 165, 168. Twisden, Sir John Ramskill, 193. Twisden, Sir Thomas, travel diary of, 1687-95, 193. Twysden, Sir Thomas, MS. of 1698, 193-196. Tylden, Sir J. M., 1848, 199. Tyrone megaliths, 16. Ulcombe, Mesolithic " Thames pick " from, 202. Upchurch, 199 ; lands of All Souls in, 163, 164 ; Manor of Horsham in, 163, 164 ; mud digging at, 163. Upchurch Marshes, temp. Elizabeth I, 163-168. Upchurch Marshes, pottery from, 205 ; survey of, 1593, 163, 164. Vagniacae (Springhead), 88 ; (p.n.), 213. Vallance, W., Maidstone, 1848, 199. Vele, Simon, 1292, 68. Vielson, see Filson. Vincent Farm (p.n.), 68. le Vinch, Adam, 68. Vincheston, see Vincent Farm. Vortigern, 210. Walland Marsh, 217. Walter, John, cutler, Tonbridge, 1610, 154. Walters, H. B., 200. Walton, Essex, 18. Wandigsuode, denn of Charing Manor, 76. Ward, Gordon, 209. Ward, Gordon : The Belgic Britons, review, 212-216. Warehorne, 70. Waterham (p.n.), 62. Wateringbury (p.n.), 65. Watling Street, Cobham, 88, 105, 108. Weald, parish records, K.A.O., 189. Weald, cattle rearing, seventeenth century, 158 ; place names in, 66, 68 ; settlement of, 68-74 ; traffic in iron, 156. Wedgewood, Josiah, 1813, 176. Weller, Thomas, Tonbridge, 1642, 157. Weller Poley MSS, K.A.O., 154. Welwyn, Lockleys, 98. Wespherhawk, Smarden, 74. West Kennet long barrow, 15, 18. West Lanyon Quoit, Megalithic tomb, 16. West Mailing, 152 ; parish records, K.A.O., 188. Westerham, 160 ; manorial records, K.A.O., 186. Western, O, 11. Westgate Manor, Canterbury, denns of, 76, 81. Westmoreland, Fifth Earl of, 169. Westryden, denn of Lyminge Manor, 77. 237 GENERAL Westwell, denns of, 71. Wheatham, 167. Wheatham Marshes, Upchurch, 164, 165. Whetst°d, 71. Whitley Forest, Otford, 87. Wighelm, see Wilmington. Wilde, Edith E., 202. Wilfrethincgden (p.n.), 70. Willard, John, tailor, Tonbridge, d. 1687, 161. Wilmington ,parish records, K.A.O.; (p.n.), 61, 68. Winchelsea, 146, 152. Winchelsea, Archbishop, 1310, 85. Windmill, Cobham Park, 109. Wingham, 182 ; Neolithic pottery from, 18 ; (p.n.), 66, 67 ; woodlands of, c. 1285, 75. Wingham Barton (p.n.), 67. Winteringham (p.n.), 67. Winterton (p.n.), 67. Wintringatum, see Winterton. Wise, Henry, 181, 183 ; Mary, 180, 182, Sarah, 183. Wissenden, 86. Witherden denn, 79. Witlesham (p.n.), 62. Wittersham (p.n.), 66. Wokingham (p.n.), 64. INDEX Womenswold, woodland in Woolwich Wood, 1285, 75. Woodchurch, 71, 76-78, 85. Woodlands, see forest clearance. Woodnesborough, 182 ; (p.n.), 60. Woodruff, Rev. J., Upchurch, 1848, 199. Woolwich Wood, see Womenswold. Wooton (p.n.), 61. Works, see Ministry of Works. Wormshill (p.n.), 59. Worth, 182. Wothringaberan (Wateringbury) (p.n.), 65. See also Otterden. Wotring (Ottridge) (p.n.), 65. Wouldham, denns of, 71 ; (p.n.), 68. Wrotham, 72 ; beech wood at, 78 ; Domesday woodland in, 75 ; manorial records, K.A.O., 186 ; parish records, K.A.O., 190. Wulda, see Wouldham. Wye, 71 ; denns of, 72 ; (p.n.), 60. Wye Down, metal chisel from, 20. Wythinden, see Witherden. Yalding, Despencer estates in, 169 ; (p.n.), 63. Yardhurst (p.n.), 72. Zennor, Megalithic tomb at, 16. 238




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