Some Early Kentish Estate Maps and a Note on their Portrayal of Field Boundaries

SOME EARLY KENTISH ESTATE MAPS AND A NOTE ON THEIR PORTRAYAL OF FIELD BOUNDARIES By ALAN R. H. BAKER, B.A. " OF the value of maps to the historian there can be no doubt. With their aid, supplemented by the evidence of contemporary or earher documents, a detached picture of farm, estate, village or town can be reconstructed."1 It is because of their precise presentation of accurately admeasured detail that estate maps are an important source of information to the local historian, enabling reconstructions to be made such as that, recently recorded in this journal, showing changes in the Upchurch Marshes since the end of the sixteenth century.2 The purpose of the present paper is two-fold : first, to list as many as possible of the extant pre-1700 estate maps of Kent, and secondly to comment on one feature of the rural landscape depicted on them. Search in the principal repositories3 of Kentish manuscripts has brought to light one hundred and eighty-seven original or photostat copies of pre-1700 Kentish estate maps,4 portraying land-holdings in at least one hundred and seventeen of the four hundred or so parishes of the county. In the following list, an individual map has been entered only under one parish, that in which the land portrayed on the map principally lay, although many maps show land extending into a number of parishes. Within a parish, maps are listed chronologically. In addition, the list indicates the title of a map, its date and the catalogue reference of the repository which possesses it. This hst, although incomplete, should be of use to both local and national historians, and it is hoped that it will, from time to time, be augmented. 1 F. G. Emmison, Catalogue of Maps in the Essex Record Office, 1566-1855 (1947), ix. 2 J. H. Evans, " The Upchurch Marshes in the Time of the First Elizabeth ", Arch. Cant., LXXVI (1961), 163-8. See also : J. H. Evans, " The Rochester Bridge Lands in Grain ", Arch. Cant., LXVIII (1954), 184-96. 3 The principal repositories being : The Library, All Souls' College, Oxford ; Bodleian Library, Oxford ; British Museum, London ; Kent County Archives Office, Maidstone ; Lambeth Palace Library, London ; The Museum, Maidstone ; Public Record Office, London. Many of the public libraries and museums in the county have also been consulted. I am indebted to the staffs of each of these repositories for their help and advice, and I would particularly like to place on record my appreciation of the generous assistance given me by Dr. F. Hull and his staff at the Kent County Archives Office, Maidstone. 4 I would be most grateful for notification of any errors in and omissions from the list, in order to bring it nearer perfection and completion, 177 SOME EARLY KENTISH ESTATE MAPS Although estate maps can be used for many purposes, such as a study of changing place-names or of changing land use, they have probably been most widely used in the study of field systems and settlement patterns, since they usually portray the state of enclosure and the plan of fields and settlement more explicitly than do verbal descriptions.1 Field boundaries on the early Kentish estate maps are usually drawn as continuous black lines, in which symbols representing gates indicate enclosure (e.g. Ospringe, 1599 ; Brenchley, 1641). Frequently, the lines are accompanied by a colour-shaded margin, the most common colour used being green, which may or may not have been intended to represent a hedge. Far less frequently, shades other than green are used to indicate land ownership (e.g. Reculver, 1630 ; Cooling, 1668), the ownership of the fences and hedges bounding a field (e.g. Woodchurch, 1637), and sometimes possibly land use within fields (e.g. Biddenden, 1689). On some of the maps, the green shading is overlain with a hne symbol, which at times clearly represents a hedge or is intended to indicate the ownership of a hedge (e.g. East Sutton, 1694). On many of the maps, tree symbols are drawn along the field boundaries, while some show fields with large areas of wood or rough ground along their edges (e.g. Newchurch, 1589 ; Fordwich, 1635) and others have tables of the numbers of trees to be found in each field and hedge (e.g. Horsmonden, 1605 ; Northbourne, 1651), so that the wooded appearance of the enclosed Kentish landscape in the seventeenth century is firmly established. The clearest evidence as to the enclosed state of many of the fields is found in memoranda on some maps, containing references to hedges, fences and boundary stones. Four maps by Robert Spillett, for example, each have a note to explain the symbol that he used to depict the ownership of fences (Chartham, 1683 ; Wichling, 1693 ; East Sutton, 1694 ; Chart Sutton, 1697). Thomas Langdon, on his map of Harrietsham parsonage (Harrietsham, 1593), explained that " the lynes of this description . . . are hedged on that side or towardes that parte which dothe maineteine the fences ". An especially interesting note is on a map of Shepherdswell Farm (Shepherdswell, c. 1670) : " Explanation. The Fence is known to what land it properly Belongs by a Greenstreak along by the Black Line which Greenstreak signifies the 1 For two recently published examples of the use of early estate maps in the study of Kentish settlement and field patterns see : J. L. M. Gulley, " The Great Rebuilding in the Weald ", Gwerin, III (1961), 1-16. Wealden settlement in the early seventeenth century is seen to have been composed primarily of hamlets and isolated farms. In A. R. H. Baker, " Local History in Early Estate Maps ", Amateur Historian, V (1961-2), 66-71, three principal patterns of landliolding in Kent are identified on the early estate maps : compact holdings (the fields of a holding lying contiguously in one block), fragmented holdings (the fields lying in a number of non-contiguous blocks) and intermixed holdings (unenclosed parcels being scattered throughout fields shared by a number of tenants). 178 SOME EARLY KENTISH ESTATE MAPS Hedge and the Black Line ye Dike. So that on the side the Greenstroke is of the Black Line to that side the Fence belongs . . . The Dotted lines signifie Division without fence as by furrows, markstones, Stumps or such like Marks." This latter remark seems to explain the use of dotted lines on other estate maps also. Dotted and pecked lines, depicting unenclosed boundaries, occur on at least thirty-seven of the maps, giving examples in at least twentyseven parishes. The significance of these unenclosed boundaries varies, since they are used for four purposes : (i) Four maps show areas of marsh subdivided by unenclosed boundaries (Ivychurch, 1589 ; Dartford, 1596a ; Dartford, 1658 ; Sturry, 1643) and another four show meadows similarly subdivided (Chiddingstone, c. 1600 ; East Malhng, 1681b ; East Malhng, 1682 ; Tonbridge, 1699). In contrast to these few examples, other maps show numerous enclosed fields of marsh and meadow, so that the subdivided cases must be considered the exception rather than the rule. (ii) Three maps show an unenclosed boundary used to distinguish within a single field a small piece of glebe land (East Malhng, c. 1681c ; Ditton, 1681 ; East Mailing, 1699). (iii) The separation of two arable fields or the subdivision of a single arable field into two by an unenclosed boundary is to be seen on five maps. This use may possibly indicate the delineation within a field of areas cropped differently (e.g. Lydd, 1589 ; Midley, 1589 ; Little Chart, 1626), or the making use of a footpath as a boundary between two pieces of land (e.g. Biddenden, 1666 ; East Malhng, 1699). (iv) Unenclosed boundaries subdividing single arable fields into parcels of land owned and/or occupied by two or more persons are shown on at least twenty of the maps. A simple example of this form of subdivision is seen on the map of Harrietsham parsonage (Harrietsham, 1593), where the parsonage occupies two parcels in " Harrisham Fielde ", and a more complex example is seen on a map of Horsham Manor (Upchurch, 1593a), where at least eight landowners have unenclosed parcels of land within a single field. The evidence of the estate maps thus suggests that in the period 1588-1699 Kent was largely an enclosed county, but that unenclosed arable, meadow and marsh were not unknown. The maps tend to confirm the view that in Kent in the seventeenth century unenclosed arable fields were largely confined to the lower chalk slopes (in particular to those of the eastern dip-slope), that common meadow was often found throughout the county on low-lying alluvial land bordering the rivers, and that the mid-Kent area was relatively (and the Weald almost entirely) free from unenclosed fields of any sort.1 The arable fields that 1 A view expressed in D. C. Coleman, The Economy of Kent under the Later Stuarts, Unpublished Ph.D. thesis, University of London (1951), 30. 179 SOME EARLY KENTISH ESTATE MAPS were subdivided into unenclosed parcels remain one of the most interesting enigmas of Kentish agrarian history and the early estate maps, although providing no direct key to their origin, do form a useful starting point for a retrospective study of their development. A LIST OF PEE-1700 ESTATE MAPS OF KENT Note : (i) The following abbreviations are used : ASCO : The Library, All Souls' College, Oxford. BL : Bodleian Library, Oxford. BM : British Museum, London. KAO : Kent Archives Office, Maidstone. LPL : Lambeth Palace Library, London. MM : The Museum, Maidstone. PRO : Public Record Office, London, (ii) The maps at Lambeth Palace Library have recently been transferred there from the Records Department of the Church Commissioners. At the time of writing (July, 1962), the maps were being re-catalogued at Lambeth and the references given here are those that were used by the Church Commissioners. Parish All Hallows Allingfcon Appledore Ashford Beckenham Bethersden Biddenden Bilsington Birchington Bonnington Bough tonunder- Blean )> Boxley Brabourne Brenchley „ Brenzetfc Brookland Broomfield Buckland Burmarsh .. Map Title " Stoke and All Hallows Level " " the mannore and parte of the parish of Allington " " certeyne land called Hoorne " " Sandhersfc Farme " " Manor of Beckenham " " Eachden Manor " " a Farm " " a certain Parcell of Land " " Great Bilsington, Little Bilsington, Walsfoot and part of Sheatie Wateringes " " Farme called Church-hill " " Hearst Wateringe " " Manor of Boughton under Bleane " " peces of land belonging to Nash House " " a farm . . . called Park Farm " " mannor of Hampton " " Lande . . . called Hyelese and Lowelese " " severall plots of wood " " certain land " " certain Messuages with their apurtenances " " manor of Koydon Hale " " Abbofcsridge Wateringe " " Brenzett Wateringe " " Parcells of Marshland " " ye Manor of Leeds Castle " " One Messuage and 12 parcels " " Willup Wateringe " " Hoornes Wateringe " Date 1697 1678 1628 1699 (a 19th c. copy) 1623 (copy 1768) c. 1640 (a 19th c. copy) 1666 1689 1653 1688 c. 1652 1631 1665 1697 e. 1595 1603 1632 1639 (copy 1861) 1641 17th c. 1653 e. 1654 17th c. 1649 1631 c. 1652 1654 Reference KAO : S/NK/P6 MM KAO : Q/Z/Pl KAO: U55P21 BM : Maps 188.k.3(4) KAO : U55 P22 KAO : U24 P26 MM KAO: S/RmP2/l BM : Maps 188.q.l(l) (Photostat copy: original in vestry of All Saints' Church, Birchington) KAO : S/Rm Pl/3 LPL: CC/CAE/8928 BM : M.T.6.b.2(8) KAO : U480 PI KAO : U151 PI BM: M.T.6.b.2(4) BM : M.T.6.b.2(7) KAO: U86P2 KAO : TRP 431/2 (Photostat copy) MM KAO : S/Rm Pl/7 KAO: S)RmP2/4 KAO : U150 PI KAO: U825P6 LPL: CC/CAE/8951 KAO : S/Rm Pl/4 KAO : S/Rm P2/5 180 SOME EARLY KENTISH ESTATE MAPS Parish Chart, Great Chartham „ Chart, Little JJ Chatham Chiddingstone ,, Chislehurst Chislet Cliffe Cobham Cooling Cowden Cranbrook Dartford i> ,, Benton Ditton , j Dymchurch Eastbridge Elmstead Eynsford Faversham Folkestone » ), j> ;> » Fordwich Goudhurst ,, » Map Title " the Manors of Swinford and Goddenton " and " Wortinge " " Manor of Hortton " " A farm called Nichols " " certain parcels of land " " Part of Surrenden Landes " " manor of Calehill " " Severall Parcells " " Somerden Green farme " " Cranstead Mead " (no title) (no title) " a messuage or farm anciently called . . . Mortimers " (no title) " Mannor of Cooling " " Mannor of Cowdham Court Lodge " " one Cappitall Messuage . . . called TvV vm a'iflupst !a " taa yTneen epmarecnetl sa "n d Wharfe with cer- " manor of Temple " " the Farme called . . . Stoneham " " Chalk and Denton Level " " Brook Court Farm " " A Farm " " Jefferston Wateringe " " Eastbridge Wateringe " " The George Farm " " a certain Parcell of Land " " the mannor of Buckland " " the priory of folkestone " " five tenements " " Park Farm and Great Ford Farm " " The olde Pryory and Lands " and " King's Arms Farm and Little Ford Farm " " Broad Mead Farm and Sandgate Plain Farm " " Mannor of Walton " " one Capital Messuage Commonly called The Mote » " the Mannor of Combwell " " ye Mannor of Chingley " (no title) Date 1621 1633 1683 1684 1626 1639 (additions 1678) 1657 (copy 1712) c. 1600 c. 1690 c. 1680 1663 1692 1641 1668 1686 1636 1596a 1596b 1658 1694 1681 c. 1681 1652 1654 1698 1684 (copy 1776) 1623 1625 1628 1698a 1698b 1698c c. 1698 1635 (copy 1832) 1621 1622 1637 Reference A drawing, based on the original in private hands, appears in E. C. Lodge, " The Account Book of a Kentish Estate, 1616- 1704", Records of Social and Economic History, VI (1927), facing p. 532 KAO : U386 P2 KAO : U120 P6 KAO : U120 P7 KAO : U275 PI KAO : U386 PI MM BM: M.T.6.b.l(l) KAO : (uncatalogued) BM : Add.Ms..31,323 LPL: CC/CAE/8908 KAO : U565 P2 KAO : U565 PI MM KAO : (uncatalogued) KAO : U814 P8 KAO : TRP 431/1 (Photostat copy. The original is owned by the Wardens of Rochester Bridge) Central Library, Dartford (Photostat copy) KAO : U417 KAO : S/NK/P1 KAO : 1149 P4 KAO: U49P4 KAO : S/Rm Pl/2 KAO : S/Rm P2/3 KAO : TRP 270/9 (Photostat copy) MM BM: Maps 188X2(5) (Photostat copy) KAO : TRP 270/1 (Photostat copy) KAO : TRP 270/3 (Photostat copy) KAO : TRP 270/4 (Photostat copy) KAO: TRP 270/5 (Photostat copy) KAO : TRP 270/6 (Photostat copy) KAO : TRP 270/7 (Photostat copy) BL: MsC17/36(51) KAO: U814P1 KAO : U814 P2 KAO: U363P12 181 SOME EARLY KENTISH ESTATE MAPS Parish Grain » ,, Grange Greenwich Guston Hadlow Hailing Halstow, High Halstow, Lower Harbledown Hardes, Lower Harrietsham Hawkhurst >> Hawkinge „ 5, Headcorne Hernhill Higham Horsmonden i , Hothfleld Hougham » „ Hythe Ickham Ivychurch », Keston Kingston Lamberhurst ,, Langley Lenham Linton Map Title " Northern Marshes " " Northern Marshes " and " Southern Marshes " " The North West Level " " The South East Level " " a messuage " " peees of marsh land " " Manor of East Greenwich " " Manor of Guston " " one messuage called Barton " " Mannor of Cramberry " " Mannor of HaUinge " " Halstow Level" " certaine parcells of Lande " " manes wood " " Young Farme " " the parsonage of Harisham " " Lands called Pixeshall, Denn- House and Hunsmill" " one Messuage and 13 peeces of Lande " " Mannor of Tirlingham " " Swingfield Pound Farm and Hawing Mill Farm " " Standing Farm, Barn Farm, South Hawking Farm, Coomb Farm, Ash Hill Farm and Lady Wood " " a Farme " " a farme called Landen " " Higham Abbey Level " " Typus quorundam tenementorum " " Messuage called . . . The Few " " Spelmonden, Stunts, Elphicks, Shore, Lewishoath and Church Farms " " the School Lands " " Certain Parcells " " Farthingloe Lands " " A Farm " " Manor of Farfchinglowe " " Towne and Port", and lands of St. John's Hospital and of St. Bartolomew's Hospital " two parcells of Land " " diverse parcelle of grounde " " Yokes Wateringe " " one messuage and . . . lands " " Capital messuage called Ileden " and " manor of Cootinge " " one tenament caled.. Sandehurst" (no title) A wood called Morriwood and three parcels of wood in Kings Wood " " manor of East Lenham " " land . . . called . . . Loddington " Date c. 1616 1674 1694a 1694b 1697 1665 1695 c. 1640a c. 1640b 1662 1634 1697 1674 1617 1667 1593 1669 1681 1698a 1698b 1698c 1684 1665 1695 1605 1648 1675 1696 1674 (a 19th c. copy) 1639 (copy 1806) 1698 17th c. 1685 c. 1690 1589 c. 1654 c. 1630 1679 1599 1614 1683 1660 1653 Reference Rochester Bridge Wardens' Archives, Bridge Chapel, Rochester ) j KAO : S/NK/P2 KAO : S/NK/P3 MM KAO : U47 P5 PRO : MR 253 LPL: CC/CAE/17744 LPL: CC/CAE/8924 KAO : TRP 273/1 (Photostat copy) MM KAO : S/NK/P5 KAO : U229 P4 BL : MsC17/36(58) KAO : (uncatalogued) ASCO : Hovenden Maps Portf. 2, No. 5 KAO: U78P6 KAO : U814 P13 KAO : TRP 270/10 (Photostat copy) KAO: TRP 270/13 (Photostat copy) KAO: TRP 270/11 (Photostat copy) MM KAO: U47P6 KAO : S/NK/P4 KAO : U425 KAO: U405P1 KAO: U180P1 KAO: U280P4 KAO: U55P23 LPL: CC/CAE/8938 KAO : TRP 270/12 (Photostat copy) LPL: CC/CAE/8938 KAO : TRP 431/4 (Photostat copy) KAO : U22 PI ASCO : Hovenden Maps Portf. 2, No. 12 KAO : S/Rm P2/2 KAO: U3I2P1 KAO: U438PI KAO : (uncatalogued) KAO : (uncatalogued) KAO: U120P16 KAO : TRP 431/3 (Photostat copy) KAO: U24P10 182 SOME EARLY KENTISH ESTATE MAPS Parish Lydd Lympne (?) ,) Mailing, East „ n ,, Marden Meopham Midley Monies Horton Newchurch Newington (near Hythe) Newington (near Sittingbourne) )> New Romney Northbourne Old Romney Ospringe Peekham, West Penshurst Rainham Reculver i) Sellindge Sevenoaks Map Title " manor of Scotney " " manor of Lim Coute " " Lympne Park " " Ham HiU Meads " " Gig HiU Farm " " Land . . . neer Springets hiU " " two Several Farms " " Broad Water Farm " " a Farm lying at Larkfield " " Farm " " Several Pieces of Meadow " " Courtlodge Farm " " a Capitall Messuage . . . called Paris " " 6 tenements " " two farms " " A Farm " " Fifteen Several pieces of Woodland, Belonging to Dean Farm " " certaine groundes " " the Mannor of Shurfare alias Shortfare and also the Mannor of Horton Court" " mannor of Googye Hall" " Sir William Honeywood's Innings " " mannor or farme of Horsham " " diverse parcelles " " certayne parcelles " " divers parcelles " " the severall Farmes of Little Mongeham and Norborne" " Sheatie Wateringe " " Manor of Plumford " (no title) " Manors of Oxenhoth and Baddiesmere ' " A Percil of Land " " the Mansion House caUed Redleaf with aU the lands " " diverse parcelles " " three farmes " " a farme " " 3 Tenements " " certain Lands called . . . Panthers Parke " Date 1589 1626 1640 c. 1681a c. 1681b c. 1681c c. 1681d c. 1681e c. 168H c. 1681g 1682 1684 1699 1636 c. 1681 1682 1682 1589 1687 (copy 1791) 1589 1683 1593a 1593b 1593c ' 1589 1651 1653 1599 1645 1621 1673 1695 1593 1630 1685 1634 1630 Reference ASCO : Hovenden Maps Portf. 2, No. 8 LPL: CC/CAE/8936 KAO : S/Rm Pl/1 KAO: U49P4 KAO ':' TRP 412 (Photostat copy) BM: M.T.6.b.l(10) KAO : U49 P4 >' ASCO : Hovenden Maps Portf. 2, No. 10 KAO : U47 P7 ASCO : Hovenden Maps Portf. 2, No. 9 MM ASCO : Hovenden Maps Portf. 2, No. 4 ASCO : Hovenden Maps Portf. 2, No. 5 ASCO : Hovenden Maps Portf. 2, No. 11 LPL: CC/CAE/8914 KAO : S/Rm Pl/6 KAO : U471 PI MM KAO : U31 P3 MM KAO : TRP 431/5 (Photostat copy) ASCO : Hovenden Maps Portf. 2. No. 6 BM : 3120(2) (Photostat copy. Another photostat copy is : KAO : TRP 453/1. The original is at The Public Library, Herne Bay) BM: 3120(3) (Photostat copy. Another photostat copy is : KAO : TRP 10/1. The original is at The Public Library, Herne Bay) KAO: U214P3 KAO : (uncatalogued) 183 SOME EARLY KENTISH ESTATE MAPS Parish Sheldwich ShepherdsweU ,) Sittingbourne Smeeth ,, Snave Stansted Stone (Oxney) ,, Sturry Sutton, Chart Sutton, East Sutton Valence Swingfield „ >> Tonbridge Upchurch „ „ ,, >> i) VVarehorn Wateringbury Wichling Wickham, West ,, ,, Wingham Wittersham i) 5) Woodchurch )> Woodnesborough Wouldham Wrotham Wye Yalding Map Title " 8 parcells of lande " " Manor of West Court " " Shepherd well Farm " " the Maners of Bayford and Goodmanston " " the Mannor of Hodiford, one capitale messuage and five tenaments" " manor of Braborn " (in fact, it is the manor of Hall) " Sedbrook Wateringe " " Fairsea Farm " " two several messuages " " two farms " " mannor of Sturry " " A Farme " " The Parsonage " (no title) " Swingfield Minnis " " Swingfield Pond Farm " " Swingfield " " the Bull Inne . . . with all the land belonging to the same " " the manor or farme called Horsham " " Bavor marshe " " twoe Salte Marshes . . . called Terlockes " and " Horsham Hookes " " the Salte Marshe called Farre Nashe " " the Salte marshe called Higham Marsh " " The Manor or Farme of Horsham " " Springbrook Wateringe " (no title) " A Farme " " The Manor of West Wickham " " certain lands " " tenement with certain lands " " land commonly called . . . Trapham " " parcels of drowned lands " (no title) " a certaine messuage . . . called Blackbrook " " Wittersham Levill" " The Glebe Lands " " the manor and lordship of Ingham " " the Mannor of Grove " " The Mannor of Sterkeys " " Parte of the Mannor of Wrotham " " a Warren and Several pieces of land " " Wood-land lying in Kings-Wood " " Beltringe Farme " Date 1648 1668 (copy 1679) e. 1670 1590 1626 1656 c 1653 1682 1660 1665 1643 1697 1694 e. 1650 1627 1698 c. 1698 1699 1593a 1593b 1593c 1593d 1593e o. 1593 (an 18th c, copy) 1652 c. 1590 1693 1632 1659 c. 1659 1650 c 1625 (copy c. 1700) 1633 1675 1690 1637 (copy 1807) 1657 1635 17th c. 1620a 1620b (copy 1685) 1680 1656 Reference KAO : (uncatalogued) LPL: CC/CAE/8910 LPL: CC/CAE/8912 BM : Add. Ms. 50, 189 (A photostat copy is : KAO : TRP 819) KAO : (uncatalogued) KAO : U274 PI KAO : S/Rm Pl/8 KAO : U49 P4 KAO : U41 PI KAO : U409 P19 PRO : MR 306 KAO : U120 P27 KAO : U120 P28 KAO : U120 P42 KAO : TRP 270/2 (Photostat copy) KAO : TRP 270/J3 KAO : TRP 270/8 (Photostat copy) KAO : TRP 465/1 (Photostat copy) ASCO : Hovenden Maps Portf. 2, No. 1 ASCO : Hovenden Maps Portf. 2, No. 2 ASCO : Hovenden Maps Portf. 2, No. 7 ASCO : Hovenden Maps Portf. 2, No. 3 KAO : S/Rm Pl/5 KAO : U48 PI KAO : U120 P47 KAO : (uncatalogued) KAO: U312P2 KAO: U312P3 KAO : U373 PI KAO : U488 PI KAO : S/Ro PI KAO : U86 P24 KAO : S/Ro P3 KAO : U78 P38 KAO : U409 P24 KAO : (uncatalogued) MM KAO : U681 P31 KAO : U49 P4 KAO : TRP 756/1 (Photostat copy) BM: 3115(8) 184 KENT AECHIVES OFFICE ACCESSIONS, 1960-62 THE following list comprises parochial records received, August, 1961- July, 1962 and the principal accessions in other classes omitted from last year's report, August, 1960-July, 1962. ECCLESIASTICAL RECORDS Diocese of Rochester [Cat. Mk. DR]. Deposited by the Principal Probate Registry. Caveat books, 1678-1797. PAROCHIAL RECORDS (a) Diocese of Canterbury Bearsted [Cat. Mk. P18]. Registers, 1654-1929, transcript, 1563- 1690 ; preachers' books, 1884-1898 ; Churchwardens, 1801-1917 ; vestry, 1834-53. Frittenden [Cat. Mk. P152], Registers, 1678-1879 ; tithe, 1737- 1840, including tithe map, 1840, Churchwardens, 1705-1885 ; vestry, 1737-1891 ; miscellaneous papers, 1707-1848. Milton Regis [Cat. Mk. P253 addnl.] Registers, 1806-95 ; tithe, 1751-1915 ; Churchwardens, 1694-1930 ; vestry, 1716-1921 ; overseers, 1753-1848 ; surveyors, 1760-1835 ; charities, 1800-1902. Sandwich, St. Mary [Cat. Mk. P324]. Overseers, 1836-53. Ulcombe [Cat. Mk. P376 addnl.]. Surveyors, 1844-47. (b) Diocese of Rochester Bexley [Cat. Mk. P23 addnl.]. Register of services, 1929-38 ; tithe, 1870-1936 ; Churchwardens, 1790-1942 ; overseers, 1790-1895 ; miscellaneous correspondence, etc., 1830-1933. North Cray [Cat. Mk. P102]. Register of burials in woollen, 1678- 1724 ; Churchwardens, 1678-1846 ; vestry, 1712-1933 ; overseers, 1782-1836 ; surveyors, 1793-1838 ; charities, 1833-1922. Ditton [Cat. Mk. P118]. Registers, 1663-1812 ; overseers, 1801-48. . Erith [Cat. Mk. P137]. Registers, 1625-1901 ; vestry, 1766-1857 ; school, 1850-98. Sidcup [Cat. Mk. P101B]. Registers, 1844-1954 ; Churchwardens, 1882-1916 ; charities, 1907-52 ; plan of parishes of Footscray and Sidcup, 1862. 185 KENT ARCHIVES OFFICE Wateringbury [Cat. Mk. P385]. Parish Council minutes, 1894- 1920 ; burial board records, 1879-1903. Yalding [Cat. Mk. P408]. Vestry, 1741-1880 ; overseers, 1658- 1901 ; charities, 1538-1903 ; parish road map, c. 1850. CHARITY RECORDS Cranbrook School [Cat. Mk. Ch. 5 addnl.]. Legal documents, 1807- 17 ; building plans, 1813-83 ; miscellaneous deeds and papers, 1398, 1605-1899. Faversham Group and Canterbury District Team of Toe H [Cat. Mk. Ch. 23]. Minutes, 1933-46. EDUCATION RECORDS Schools in Chislehurst, Orpington and Sidcup [Cat. Mk. C/ES]. Minute books, 1934-39. Dover Borough [Cat. Mk. C/E]. Register of teachers, 1905-06. ESTATE AND FAMILY RECORDS Winch MSS. [Cat. Mk. TJ807]. Deposited by M. B. Winch, Esq. Manorial records of Boughton Monchelsea, 1687-1862 ; 160 deeds of Boughton, 1681-1886 ; 5 maps of Boughton, etc., 1791-nineteenth century. Campion MSS. [Cat. Mk. U814], Deposited by W. S. Campion, Esq. 15 maps of Goudhurst, Cranbrook and Hawkhurst, 1621-1834. Constant MSS. [Cat. Mk. TJ830]. Deposited by Miss J. Constant. Manorial records of Ightham, 1556-1938, Wrotham, 1568-1936, and Stansted, 1618, 1907-35. Warde MSS. [Cat. Mk. U678 addnl.]. Deposited by Major J. R. O'B. Warde. Manorial records of Westerham, 1428-1941 ; Squerryes, 1703-1941. Pratt MSS. [Cat. Mk. TJ840]. Deposited by the Marquess Camden. Accounts, correspondence, inventories, etc. for estates in Kent, Middlesex, London, Suffolk and Wales, 1770-1946, 250 deeds, 1357-1928 ; family and personal papers including pedigrees, 1708-1846 ; correspondence of Sir Charles Pratt, 1st Earl Camden and of John Jeffreys Pratt, 2nd Earl and 1st Marquess Camden, 1745-1829 including letters relating to the quarrel between Castlereagh and Canning, 1809-10 ; official papers and correspondence illustrative of the career of Marquess Camden as Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, 1795-98, and in various government offices, 1804-12 ; maps for Pembury, Capel, Lamberhurst, Frant, Seal, 1734-nineteenth century. Warwick County Council [Cat. Mk. TJ850]. Deeds of Hengrove, Leybourne, Margate, eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. 186 KENT ARCHIVES OFFICE Messrs. Warners Ltd., Tonbridge [Cat. Mk. U681 addnl.]. Maps and deeds for Tonbridge and district, 1620-c. 1900. Isle of Wight County Council [Cat. Mk. U854], Pedigrees of Swinburne and Hardres famihes, deeds of Eastry, Goodnestone, Staple, Worth, Woodnesborough, 1645-1927. Harris MSS. [Cat. Mk. U624 addnl.]. Deposited by Lord Harris. Manorial records and deeds of Belmont Park, manors of Horsham, Northcourt, Huntingfield, Norwood, Chastness, Divan, c. 1650-1920. Howells MSS. [Cat. Mk. U860]. Deposited by Rev. G. E. Howells. 5 deeds of Swanley, 1614-1722. Mailing R.D.C. [Cat. Mk. TJ863]. Manorial rentals, East Peckam, 1725-89 ; Burham court book, 1654-1728. Messrs. A. F. and R. W. Tweedie, London [Cat. Mk. U876]. 245 deeds of Wingham and district. Messrs. Caldwell and Robinson, Londonderry [Cat. Mk. U879J. 7 Style family will probates, 1637-1804. Preston Hall Hospital [Cat. Mk. U886]. Manorial records, deeds and maps of Preston Hall in Aylesford and Ditton, 1631-1868. Stapleton MSS. [Cat. Mk. U282 addnl.]. Deposited by Sir Miles T. Stapleton. 90 deeds of Capel, Ebony, East Farleigh, Hadlow, etc. 1393-1854. Frid MSS. [Cat. Mk. TJ901]. Deposited by Col. C. W. Frid. 24 deeds of Rochester, 1657-1865. Bishop MSS. [Cat. Mk. U905]. Deposited by W. M. Bishop, Esq. Deeds of Tankerton estate and copperas works, 1690-1890. Streatfield MSS. [Cat. Mk. U908]. Deposited by Mrs. J. Streatfield. Court rolls and rentals for Chiddingstone Burgherst, c. 1490-1637 ; large coUection of deeds for Chiddingstone, Brasted, Bromley, Broomfield, etc. and for properties outside Kent, 1250-1866 ; estate papers, sixteenth-nineteenth centuries; legal papers, sixteenth-nineteenth centuries ; c. 120 maps for Chiddingstone, Edenbridge, Brasted, Penshurst, etc. 1632-1850. London County Council [Cat. Mk. U527 addnl.]. Share certificates for Thames and Medway Canal, 1809. Messrs. Witcombe and Sons, Maidstone [Cat. Mk. U915]. Ledger, journal and catalogue of monuments, 1895-1919. Marchant MSS. [Cat. Mk. 17918]. Deposited by Miss M. M. Marchant. Deeds and map of Tickners Farm, Hawkhurst, 1627-1792. Z>aZe JfeTSSf. [Cat. Mk.TJ920]. Deposited by Miss L. M. Dale. Taxation papers, 1758-1819 ; enclosure papers for Sellindge Lees, 1809-11 ; calendar of prisoners at sessions for East Kent division and other printed Quarter Sessions papers, 1805-16 ; 6 deeds of Sellindge, Stowting, etc., 1612-1729. 187 KENT ARCHIVES OFFICE Hall MSS. [Cat. Mk. U923]. Deposited by Mrs. I. R. Sherrard. Diaries of Ellen and Emily Hall of Ravenswood, West Wickham (45 vols.), 1838-1901 ; diaries of their married sister, Louisa Sherrard (19 small vols.), 1858-97. Bacheler-Russell MSS. [Cat. Mk. U935]. Deposited by E. D. B. Russell, Esq. Deeds of New Romney, Hope and Ivychurch, seventeenth- nineteenth centuries ; maps of land at New Romney and neighbouring parishes, seventeenth-nineteenth centuries ; sections of Romney Marsh, c. 1800. Messrs. Ellison and Co., Cambridge [Cat. Mk. U939]. 8 deeds of Sandwich, 1881-82. Norfolk and Norwich Archaeological Society [Cat. Mk. U940]. Sale particulars of Denhill, Canterbury, 1777. Northbourne MSS. [Cat. Mk. U941]. Deposited by Rt. Hon. Lord Northbourne. 3 maps for Woodnesborough, Hardres and Wingham, 1635-1723. Ward MSS. [Cat. Mk. U442 addnl.]. Presented by Dr. Gordon Ward. Map of Panthurst Park, Sevenoaks, 1630. McLean MSS. [Cat. Mk. U943]. Deposited by J. A. McLean, Esq. Deeds for cottage at Lenham, 1647-1795. Messrs. Wheeler, Brill and John, Westerham [Cat. Mk. U950]. Deeds for Westerham and district, c. 1692-nineteenth century ; rubbings of brasses in Westerham church, 1894 ; map of Westerham sewerage scheme, 1897. Documents purchased from various sources (a) [Cat. Mk. U812]. 90 deeds of Tenterden, 1652-1877. (b) [Cat. Mk. TJ818], Court book of Oare, 1740-1917. (c) [Cat. Mk. U825]. 5 maps of Broomfield, Leeds, Langley, etc., 1719-1807. (d) Wykeham-Martin MSS [Cat. Mk. U825 addnl.]. Muster roll, pay list, orderly book and other military papers of Phihp Martin, 1771- 83 ; private accounts, 1808-18 ; maps including Leeds Castle, Broomfield, Hollingbourne and Leeds, 1649-1809. (e) [Cat. Mk. TJ846]. Map book of estates in Bearsted, Harrietsham, Hollingbourne, Iwade, Wormshill, etc., 1781. (/) [Cat. Mk. U711 addnl.]. 6 deeds of Kingsnorth, 1430-1635. (g) [Cat. Mk. TJ851]. Map of Bradbourne Place, Sevenoaks, 1833. (h) [Cat. Mk. U874]. Correspondence of Messrs. Norwood, solicitors, Charing, 1790-1844. Wykeham-Martin correspondence, 1808-22. (i) Garrett MSS. [Cat. Mk. U888]. 200 deeds of St. Lawrence Thanet, Ash, 1638-1866 ; wiUs, 1558-1835 ; correspondence, 1810-65, including letters from Robert Garrett in the Peninsula, 1810-14 ; diary 188 KENT ARCHIVES OFFICE of a voyage to the Crimea, 1854 ; papers re Chinese expedition, 1860. (j) [Cat. Mk. U891]. Petty sessions minute book for Wingham, 1756-69. (fc) [Cat. Mk. U898]. Maps of Bethersden, Denton and Brookland, 1746-1838. (I) [Cat. Mk. U948]. MSS. notes on the history of Wateringbury, 1781. 189 1G


People and Homes in the Medway Towns: 1687-1783


Kent Archives Office: Accessions, 1960-62