General Index

GENERAL INDEX Abbreviation: K.A.O., Kent Archives Office. Abbot's Court, Hoo S. Werburgh, moated site at, 165. Addington (Surrey), 6, 7. Adisham Manor, 147-60. Aethelred, Archbishop, coin of, 196. Agney cum Orgarswick Manor, 147-60. Alleyn, John, 9. Anglo-Saxon, cemeteries in Milton and Sittingbourne district, map, 37; cemetery at Milton Regis, pottery jar, buckle and plate, pendants, pectoral cross, glass beads, sceattas from, 22-38; coin of Archbishop Aethelred from, in Maidstone Museum, 196. Anglo-Saxon Chronicle, 84, 88, 90. Annates Cambriae, 83, 93. Appledore Manor, 147-60. Archaeologia Cantiana, Notes for the guidance of contributors to, 225. Arthur, dux bellorum, 83-95. Arthur's Battles, 83-9. Arthurian Campaign, The, John Evans, 83-95. Ashford, cremation burial at, 188; rating records, K.A.O., 161. Baconsthorpe, Norfolk, 1, 4, 5, 7, 12-18. Badon, battle of, 83 foil.; discussion, 93-95. Baker, A. R. H., The FieldSystem of an East Kent Parish (Deal), 96-117; The Field Systems of Kent, note, 210. Banks, Sir John, Ledger of, K.A.O., 163. Barksore Manor, 147-60. Barney, John, 13. Baston, 2, 3, 6, 9, 19. Battles of t h e fifth century in Kent, 88. Beckenham, 2, 6, 7. Bede, on the Jutes, 92. Belgic cremation burial at Maidstone, 194. Belgic period, 74. Belknap, Sir Robert, Lord Chief Justice, 2. Benenden, site of bloomery, 189. Betteshanger, 103. Bexley and Crayford, a Roman settlement between, 179-80. Bexley, prehistoric saddle-quern from, 183-4; thirteenth century lead seal matrix from, 189. Bicknor, clay daub from, 189. Blean Manor, 147-160. Boleyn or Bullen, Anne (Queen), 1, 17; Geoffrey, Sir, 1; Mary, 16; William, 14. Boughton Aluph, site of barrow at, 190. Boughton Malherbe and Ulcombe, maps, K.A.O., 163. Borstal, Registers, K.A.O., 161. Bowie, Bishop of Rochester, 44. Boys, John, of Margate, 102, 103, 204. Brabourne, homestead moat at, 190. Brenchley, homestead moat at, 191. Brent, Sir Nathaniel, vicar-general, 39. Bridge Hill, near Canterbury, Iron Age site at, 185-8. Broadstairs, rate-books, K.A.O., 161. Bromley, 2, 6. Bronze Age, sword from Whitstable, 203. Brook Manor, 147-60. Brooke, John, Lord Cobham, 13; Thomas, 13, genealogical table opp. 6. Bullen (see Boleyn above). Canlamm, battle of, 83, 93. Canterbury (see Bridge Hill, above); Cathedral Library, Beadles Rolls, 147 foil.; deeds, K.A.O., 163; Diocese of, 7. Carewe, Matthew, 19 and note; Temperance, 19 and genealogical table, opp. 6; Thomas, 20. Causton, Anthony, 18; Henry, 17; John, 17, 18; William, 10. Chamberlain's Fee Manor, 98 foil. Charing and Egerton, maps, K.A.O., 163. Charles I and Rochester Cathedral, 39- 54. Charles, Eoberfc, 9. Chartham Manor, 147-60. Chettoe, 0. S., the late, obituary note, 224. Chilham/Selling, earthworks at, 191. Chiselhurst, Registers, etc., K.A.O., 161. Cliffe Manor, 147-60. 228 GENERAL Cobham, a Wealden-type house in, 173-9. Cole, John, 118 foil. Common Field system, 98,103,116,117. Comporte, John, 9. Contributors to Arch. Cant., Notes for guidance of, 225. Copley, Roger, 2. Copton Manor, 147-60. Court Ash Manor, 28 foil. Cowden, medieval forge at, 191. Coyne, T., 11. Crayford and Bexley, a Roman settlement between, 179-80. Cresacre, Ambrose, 2. Crop production in medieval Kent, 147-60. Cuxton, a decapitated burial at, 181-2. Darnley Estate papers, K.A.O., 162. Dartford, Abstract of Title, K.A.O., 164. Deal, The Field System of an East Kent Parish, A. R. H. Baker, 96-117; field system, 96-117; Deal Court Farm, 99; tithes, 99; probate inventories, 106-8; manor of Chamberlain's Fee, 98; manor of Court Ash, 98 foil.; manor of Deal Prebend, 98 foil. Deal, maps, 97, 100, 105. Detsicas, A. P., Excavations at Eccles, 1962, 125-41. Dover, deeds, K.A.O., 163; Harbour Benefactor, 205-10; Priory, 114. East Farleigh, deeds, K.A.O., 163; Manor, 147-60. Eastry Manor, 147-60. Eastwood, see Fawkham. Ebony Manor, 147-60. Eccles, excavations at, 1962 (Detsicas), 125-41 ; Roman building at, etc., 125-41. Edenbridge, homestead moat at, 191. Egerton, maps, K.A.O., 163; Roman cremation burial at, 191. Ellis estate papers, K.A.O., 162. Elmstead, mound at, 191. Elverton Manor, 147-60. Evans, John, The Arthurian Campaign, 83-95; 165, 168, 204, 225. Exeter Cathedral, 42-3. Eye, Honour of, 12. Eysh, Edward, 17, 18. Fairfield Manor, 147-60. Farnborough, 2. Fastolf, Sir John, 10. Faversham, deeds, K.A.O., 164; Free Grammar School, 118 foil.; parish INDEX church, crypt, 118 foil.; Schoolboy Sculptures, 118-24. Fawldiam, Eastwood, Romano-British farmstead at, 55-73. Fermour, Robert, 8. Field System of an East Kent Parish (Deal), The, A. R. H. Baker, 96-117. Finds from a seventh century Anglo- Saxon Cemetery at Milton Regis, S. C. Hawkes and L. R. A. Grove, 22-38. Galyon, see Squerry. Gavelkind tenure, 98, 101, 114, 115. Gildas, 84 foil.; personal chronology of, 93-5. Gillingham, 114. Godmersham Manor, 147-60. Grain, Isle of, S.James's Church, 204-5. Gravesend, a thirteenth century bowl from, 184. Gray, H. L., 98, 112. Great Chart, 147-60. Gregory, Mother Mary, Wickham Court and the Heydons, 1-21. Grove, L. R. A., 22-38, 189. Gurney, William (1), 10,11,13; William (11), 13, genealogical table opp. 6. Hadlow Castle estate, papers, K.A.O., 162. Halstead Place estate, papers, K.A.O., 162. Ham Manor, 147-60. Hardinge MSS., K.A.O., 162. Hardman, F. W., 98. Harrietsham, manorial records, K.A.O., 163. Harrison, A. C, 169. Hart, Sir Percival, 19. Hasted, Edward, 116. Hawkes, S. O, Finds from a seventh century Anglo-Saxon Cemetery at Milton Regis, 22-38. Hayes, 2, 6, 7, 15. Hengist, 84, 92. Hernehfil, deeds, K.A.O., 163. Heron, John, 10. Heydon family, see Wickham Court, genealogical table opp 6. Heydon, Alice, 13; Amy, 13, Ann, 13; Anne (Lady), 13; Bridget, 13; Christopher, 18; Christopher (Sir), 18-20; Dorothy, 13, 15; Dorothy (Heydon by marriage), 14; Elizabeth, 13; Henry (Sir), 1-16, 19; Henry, 14 and note, 15; John, 1, 4, 5, 15; John (Sir), 2, 13-18; Martin, 17, 18; Richard, 17-19; William, 14-16; William (Sir), 20. GENERAL Historia Brittonum, see Nennius. Hobart, William, 13. Hollingbourne Manor, 147-60. Hoo, arms of, 7 note. Hoo S. Werburgh, moated site at Abbots Court, 165-9. Hore, K. D., 184. Hothfleld MSS., K.A.O., 162. Howard, Elizabeth, 1. Hussey MSS., K.A.O., 162. Hythe, lead seal matrix from, 191. Ickham Manor, 147-60. Iron Age (see also Belgic), in West Kent, 74; pottery from burial near Ashford, 188; pottery, bronze objects, coin, animal bones, from Bridge Hill, near Canterbury, 185-8; pottery from burial in Maidstone, 194; sherds from Keston, 184; site on Bridge Hill, near Canterbury, 185-8. Jacob, Edward, History of Faversham, 118 foil. Kelly, D. B., 180. Kent Archives Office, Accessions, 1962- 63, 161-4. Kent, Romano-British West Kent, 74- 82; The Field System of Kent (note), 210. Kent Records, volumes for sale, 218. Keston, Iron Age sherds from, 184. Keston, Manor of, 2, 3, 6, 7, 9, 15. Lambarde MSS., K.A.O., 162. Lancaster, Duchy of, 4. Larkfield, clay daub from house at, 192. Laud, Archbishop, Visitation, 39-54. Leeds Priory Gatehouse (E. W. Parkin), 142-6. Leeds, Dr. E. T., quoted, 91, 92. Lennard, John, 20. Le Strange, Sir Henry, 13. Le Strange, Roger, 13; genealogical table opp. 6. Lewisham, 2. Leysdown Manor, 147-60. Little Chart Manor, 147-60. Loegria (England), 93. Loose Manor, 147-60. Lydd, map, K.A.O., 163. Lydden Manor, 147-60. Lydden Valley, 96, 111. Lyminge, bowl barrow at, mine pits near, 194. Maglocunus (or Mailcum, Maelgwn), 93. Maidstone, Belgic cremation burial at, 194; deeds, K.A.O., 163. INDEX Mallyng, 15. Matson, Major Colin, 210. Matson, Henry, John, Robert, 205-10. Medraut, 93. Meopham Manor, 147-60. Meopham, Registers, K.A.O., 161. Mersham Manor, 147-60. Milton Regis, Anglo-Saxon cemeteries in district, map, 37; Anglo-Saxon cemetery at, 22-38; bronze medieval key from, 198. Mongeham, Great, 116; Little, 116. Monkton Manor, 147-60. Moundford, Richard, 10. Neale, Richard, 1. Nennius, 83 foil. Neville, Ciceley, Duchess of York, 3, 4, 5, 12; Margaret, 13; Richard, Earl of Warwick, 12. New Romney, deeds, K.A.O., 163-4. Newington, bowl barrow at, 199. Newington-next-Hythe, deeds, K.A.O., 164. Nichol, E. Laurence, 205. Nightingale, Michael, 98. Norwich, 15. Norwich Priory, 11. Notes for the guidance of contributors to Arch. Cantiana (John Evans, Hon. Editor), 225. Obituaries, 220-4. Octha, son of Hengist, 84. Oisc, surnamed Oeric, 84. Open Fields, 96, 98, 103, 105, 116, 117. Orpington Manor, 147-60. Oxwyk, 15. Parkin, E. W., Leeds Priory Gatehouse, 142-6. Paston family, 4. Paston, Sir John, 10; John the youngest, 10,11,13; Margaret, 11; William, 13; genealogical table, opp. 6. Peckham Manor, 147-60. Pectoral cross, Anglo-Saxon, at Milton, 22-38. Pembury, deeds, K.A.O., 164. Pendants, Anglo-Saxon, from Milton, 22-38. Philipps, Thomas, 18. Philp, B. J., The Romano-British Farmstead at Eastwood, Fawkham, 55-73; Romano-British West Kent, 74-82. Pottery, Iron Age, Ashford, 188; Bridge Hill, Canterbury, 185-8; Keston, 184; Maidstone, 194. GENERAL Pottery, Roman, Eastwood, 55-73; Eccles, 125-41; Cuxton, 181-2; Upchurch, 203; West Kent, 74-82. Pottery, Anglo-Saxon, Milton Regis, 22-38. Pottery, thirteenth-century, Gravesend, 184; Hoo S. Werburgh, 165-9. Powell MSS., K.A.O., 162, 163. Pratt MSS., K.A.O., 163. Probate Inventories of Deal, 106-8. Procopius, cited, 90. Ramsgate, deeds, K.A.O., 164. Regional Differences in Crop Production in Medieval Kent (Miss Anne Smith), 147-60. Researches and Discoveries in Kent, 165-203. Reviews, 212-18. Ripple, 116. Rochester Cathedral in 1634 (V. J. Torr), 39-54. Rochester, diocese of, 7. Romano-British Farmstead at Eastwood, Fawkham, The, (B. J . Philp), 55-73. Romano-British, settlement between Bexley and Crayford, 179-84. Romano-British West Kent, A.D. 43- 100 (B. J. Philp), 74-82. Romano-British: pottery, brooches, animal bones, various objects from Eastwood, Fawkham, 55-73; pottery from Eccles, 125-41; pottery from burial at Cuxton, 181-2; pottery from cremation burial at Ashford, 188; cremation burial at Egerton, 191; coins, pottery between Bexley and Crayford, 179-84; pottery from Upchurch, 203; agriculture and industry, population, structures, pits and ditches, cemeteries, pottery, coins, brooches in West Kent, 74-82. Romano-British, list of sites in West Kent, opp. 77. Ruckinge Manor, 147-60. Salisbury Cathedral, 42. Sandwich, 102. Salthouse (Norfolk), 12, 19. Sarum, see Salisbury. Saxthorpe (Norfolk), 10. Sceattas, Anglo-Saxon, from Milton, 22-38. Scrope, Richard, 2, 3. Selby estate papers, K.A.O., 163. Sellindge, bowl barrow at, 199. Sellmg/Chilham, earthworks at, 199. Sholden, 102, 111, 116. INDEX Sittmgbourne district, Anglo-Saxon cemeteries in, map, 37. Slayhills Marsh, see Upchurch. Smith, Miss Ann, Regional Differences in Crop Production in Medieval Kent, 147-60. Southfryth, 12. Speldhurst, deeds, K.A.O., 164. Squerry, Isabel (Galyon), 2 and note; 15 and note; John 2 and note; John, 3; Thomas, 2, 15. Stafford, Henry, Duke of Buckingham, 3. Stebbing, W. P. D., 98. Stelling, site of bloomery, 200. Stenton, Sir Frank, quoted, 90. Stockton, John, 9. Stone, rental of manor, K.A.O., 164. Swain, E. R., 169, 173. Swanley, St. Paul, Register, etc., K.A.O., 161. Teichman-Derville, Major Max, the late, obituary, 221. Tenterden, clay daub from Brattle House in, 200. Telfer, Canon W., Faversham Schoolboy Sculptures, 118-24. Tester, P. J., 179, 184. Theudbert, Frankish king, 5. Tilley, E. W., 184. Toke M.S.S., K.A.O., 163. Tomlinson, Major Frank, the late, obituary, 220. Tonbridge, deeds, K.A.O., 164; High Street, timber-framed building in, 169-73. Torr, V. J., Rochester Cathedral in 1634, 39-54. Tovil, currier's knife from, 197. Tregarthen, Thomas, 2. Trevillian, John, 2. Trottisoliffe, lead seal matrix from, 200. Tunbridge Wells, deeds, K.A.O., 164. Tuyslee, Clement, 8, 9. Upchurch, Slayhills Marsh, Romano- British pottery from, 201. Walsingham (Norfolk), 12. Warehorne, Registers, etc., K.A.O., 161. Watson, Miss M. B., 188. Welles Manor, 147-60. WeUs Cathedral, 42. West Farleigh Manor, 147-60. West Hythe, currier's knife from, 197. Westerham, 2. Westerham, deeds, K.A.O., 164. West Wiekham cum membris, map, 6. GENERAL INDEX West Wickham, Church, 7, 12, 14, 15; Manor, 1-3, 6-8, 17-21; manor courts, 10, 11, 15; manor house, 3-8, 13-15, 19; manorial accounts, 8-11, 17-18. Weybourne Abbey, 18. Whitstable, late Bronze Age sword from, 203. Wickham Court and the Heydons, Mother Mary Gregory, 1-21. Wickham Court, building and defences of, 4. Willoughby, Catherine, 13; Sir Christopher, 13. Wilrnington, abstract of title, K.A.O., 164. Woodville, Elizabeth, 4. Wye, barrows at, 203. Yalding, deeds, K.A.O., 164. York, House of, 4, 5, 7, 12. 232


Annual Report


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