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Frontispiece 1964
GENERAL INDEX Kent Archives Office Acheulian (Palaeolithic) site at Cuxton, 30-60. Aetius, Roman minister and consul, 183, 184. Aldington Manor in 1285, 164. Aldington, medieval gaming pieces from, 274-5. Allen, A. F. Higham Priory, 186-99. Alleluia Victory, The, 176, 179, 180. Armorica, 179. Articles, Notes on, 297. Auxerre, 175. Auxilius, S., of Ireland, 178. Aylesford, Carmelite House at, 2-5. Aylesford, Carmelite House at, Bequests to, 19. Aylesford, Holt's Hill, Flint Artifacts from, 258-60. Baker, Alan R. H. Some Fields and Farms in Medieval Kent, 152-75. Baldwin, R. A., 283. Barming, 229. Bancroft, Archbishop of Canterbury, 124. Barfreston Court and the Harvey family, 99, fol. Barham, Roman walled barrow cemetery at, 275. Bearsted, Flint arrow head from, 275. Bekesbourne Manor, 1246,169. Belgic Linear Earthwork, 277. Bexley Manor in 1214,164. Bexley, Ice-well in Danson Park, 223. Boteler, William, 102. Boughton Aluph, Bronze Age barrow at, 258. Boughton Monchelsea. See Chart Sutton, linear earthwork. Boys, Elizabeth, dau. of Commodore William Boys, 99,101. Bracelet, gold, from Little Chart. M. S. Gordon, 200, 204. Bracelets, gold, from Walderslade, Chatham, 283. Bradley, William Wyborn, and dau. Elizabeth, 99,103,104. Bradshaw, J., 268. Bridge, John William. Obituary, 299. Bronze Age. Barrow at Boughton Aluph, 258. Gold Bracelet from Little Chart, 200-4. Gold Bracelets from Walderslade, Chatham, 283. isions are not indexed. Brotherton family, 282. Burgh, Elizabeth de, Lady of Clare, 93 fol. Caiger, John E. L. An Ice-house at Green-Sireet-Green, Darenth, 221-6. Cannon, Ehzabeth, of Deal, 103. Capel Church, fire at, 232. Carbrooke, Norfolk. Preceptory at, 95. Carmelite Houses, Two Kentish; Aylesford and Sandwich. S. E. Rigold, 1- 28. Carmelite Houses in England, Note on the history of, 1, 2. Censurius, bishop of Auxerre, 175. Charlemagne, the Emperor, 98. Charles I . See Kent, West. Chart Sutton/Linton/Boughton Monchelsea. Linear Earthwork, 277. Chatham, Walderslade, Gold Bracelets from, 283. Chislet. See Salt Pans. Churchman, Margaret, 228. Clare Hall, Cambridge, 95. Clarke, R. D. West Kent Quarter- Sessions Orders in the reign of Charles I, 227-38. Cliffe, Roman occupational and industrial sites at, 278. Coates, Odiarne, 102. Colpeper, Sir John, 92 fol., Walter, 93. Thomas, 93. Geoffrey, 93. Sir William, 93. Constantine.usurpingBritish'emperor', 181. Constantius, his Life of S. Germanus of Auxerre, 175 fol. Courtenay, Archbishop of Canterbury, 208. Crayford, May Place Manor House, Ice-well at, 223. Crayford Church, burnt down, 231. Crownhale, Sir Henry, 94, 97. Cunedda, chief of the Votadini, 181. Curling, Robert, 103. Cuxton, An Acheulian Site at, P. J. Tester, 30-60. Damask, Roman Silk, from Kent, 246- 50. Darenth, The Grange, Ice-well at, 223. Davenport, Sir Edmund, 221. GENERAL INDEX Deneholes, 278, 279. Detsicas, A. P., Excavations at Eccles, 1964, 69-91. Dilnot, Margaret, of Patricksbourne, 102. Ditton, Jew's Harp from, 278. Dubrioius, S., of Wales, 178. Durtnell, Lt.-Col. C. S. Lay Subsidy Roll for Somerden Hundred, 1327-8, 250-2. Earthwork, Linear, 277. East Furleigh bridge, 229. East Malling, Roman building at, 257-8. East Peckham, Lands in, 1248, 159. Eastry, the Harvey family of, 98-106. Eccles, Excavations at, 1964. A. P. Detsioas, 69-91. Edmeades, Thomas and James, 223. Edward III, 93. Evans, Sir John, and the Little Chart gold bracelet, 200-4. Evans, John. S. Germanus in Britain, 176-86. Farnborough Church damaged, 232. Faversham Abbey Reconsidered, Canon W. Telfer, 215-20. Faversham, Oyster fishery at, 141-45. Fawslev Church, 207. Fielding, Rev. G. F. M., 104. Fisheries, see Oyster fisheries. Ford, D. M., 265 fol. Freeman, Rev. Thomas, 99, 104. Funton Marsh, Romano-British salt panning site, 260 fol. Germanus, S., in Britain. John Evans, 175-185. Germanus, S., The Life of, Constantius, 175 fol. Germanus, S., The Lost Book of, 177 fol. Gildas, 178. Gillingham, Deneholes at, 278. Gillingham Manor, Rental in 1447, 157. Rental in 1285, 157, 158. Gillingham Manor, 164, 165. Glasscock, R. E. The Distribution of Lay Wealth in Kent, Surrey and Sussex in the early 14th century, 61- 68. Goar, King of the Alans, 183, 184, 185. Goodsall, Robert H. Oyster Fisheries of the North Kent Const, 118-51. Gordon, M.S. Gold Bracelet from Little Chart, 200-4. Grain Manor, Co-aration in, 167. Gravesend, A Witch bottle from, 250-2. Greenham, Berkshire, Preceptory at, 95. Green-Street-Green, Clock house, Icehouse at, 221-6. Green-Street-Green, Darenth, Ice-house at. John E. L. Caiger, 221-6. Grey, de, family of, 3, 4. Grove Ferry, see Salt-pans. Grove, L. R. A., 274, 275, 278, 279, 281. Gundrada, wife of William de Warrenne, 98. Gunnis, Rupert, Obituary, 298. Halke, Thomas, of Hastingleigh, and dau. Joane, 106. Harty, Isle of, Salt-pans at, 279. Harvey of Eastry. Colin Matson, 98-106. Harvey family, of Folkestone, 106. Hengist, 183, 184, 185. Henley, Sir Walter, 205. Henry IV, 92. Herne Bay, Oyster Fishery at, 120, 149-51. Higham and Lilliechuroh controversy, 191 fol. Higham Priory. A. F. Allen, 186-99. Hilton, Capt. George, 102. Historia Brittonum., Nennius, 177 fol. Honorius, The Emperor, 181. Horsepoole, Wilham, 205. Hospitallers, see Knights. Hucking, Neolithic flint celt from, 278. Hucking, Chalkwell at, 269. Hythe, Medieval jug from, 278. Ice-weUs and Ice-houses, 221 fol. Ickham Manor in 14th century, 167. Ightham at the end of the 15th century, 156. Illtud, S., of Wales, 178. Iserninus, S., of Ireland, 178. John, S., of Jerusalem, Knights of. See Knights. John, S., of Jerusalem, Prior of, 94, 95. Jew's Harp from Ditton, 278. KeUy, D. B., 243, 275, 278, 283. Kennington Manor in 1227, 161. In 1268/9, 168. Kent Archives Office, 239-42. Kent, The distribution of Lay Wealth in Kent, Surrey and Sussex in the early 14th Century. R. E. Glasscock, Kent, East, the Harvey family of, 98- 106. 302 GENERAL INDEX Kent, Medieval: Some Fields and Farms in Medieval Kent. Alan R. H. Baker, 162-75. Kent, North. Distribution of Lay Wealth in, 65 fol. Kent, West. Quarter Session Orders in the Reign of Charles I. R. D. Clarke, 227-38. Kentish Hospitals, Two, Re-examined. Addenda et corrigenda, 29. Kingsferry, Oyster fishery at, 139. Knights Hospitallers or Knights of S. John of Jerusalem, 92-7. Legear, R., 221. Lenham, Denehole at, 279. Lenham Manor in 1302, 165. Library, The Society's, First List, 243-5. Lilliechurch and Higham Priory controversy, 191 fol. Linton, see Chart Sutton, Linear Earthwork. Little Chart, Gold bracelet from. M. S. Gordon, 200-4. Lower Medway Archseological Research Group; Regional Survey Results, 1964-5, 272 fol. Lupus, Bishop of Troyes, 176. Lyddon, Denehole at, 280. Maidstone; The Old Vicarage. E. W. Parkin, 205-14. Maidstone; All Saints' Church and the Washingtons, 207 fol. Maidstone Coat of Arms, 209. Maidstone; county jail and House of Correction at, 229 fol. Maidstone Records; Corporation Burghmote Book, 205. Marsh, Richard, 205, 207. Matson. Colin. Harvey" of Eastry, 98- 106. Matson, Colin, Major, Obituary, 300. Matson, John. 1741-1817 m, 102. Matson, John, 1746-1805,104. Matson, Judith, eldest dau. of Charles and Judith Matson of Wingham Court, 99,100. Maundy, Robert, and Catherine, dau., 99,103. Medieval. Gaming Pieces from Aldington, 274. Salt-pans in Chislet, Grove Ferry and Monkton marshes, 277. Jug from Hythe, 279. Salt-pans in Sheppey and Harty marshes, 279. Roundel from Teynham, 281, Tonge Manor, 265 fol. Medway, Lower, Oyster fisheries in, 120. Melchbourne (Beds.), Preceptory at, 95. Merlott-Chitty, Arthur Alexander, Obituary, 299 Mesolithic. Flint Artifacts from Holt's HiU, Aylesford, 269. Middleton. Sir William, 97. Miles, A., 260 fol. Milton Regis, Oyster fisheries at, 139- 40. Minster in Sheppey, Oyster fisheries at, 120, 138, 139. Monkton Manor, 14th century, 167. Monkton marshes, Bee Salt-pans. Muirchu, 178. Nennius, 177 fol. Neolithic. Flint arrowhead from Bearsted, 276. Flint Celt from Hucking, 278. Nervica, 179. Neville family, 281 fol. Newce, Martha, Clement, 207. Nicholls, of Barham, and dua. Elizabeth, 98. Northfleet Manor, Co-aratibn at, 167. Ospringe Manor in 1227,161. O.S. (Officers of the Ordnance Survey— information from), 275, 277, 278. 279, 280, 281, 283, 284. Otford Manor in the earlv 16th century, 166. Otterden, Deneholes at, 280. Oyster Dredgers, Companies of, 118 fol. Oyster Fisheries on the North Kent Coast. Robert H. GoodsaU, 118-151. Palaeolithic Period. Acheulian Site at Cuxton, 30-60. Palmer, Miss Susann, 260. Parkin, E. W. The Old Vicarage at Maidstone, 206-14. Patiens, Bishop of Lyons, 175. Patrick, S., of Ireland, 178. Pelagian heresy, 176 fol. Perm, W. S. Springhead: Map of Discoveries, 107-17. Poor-houses at Bearsted, Biddenden, Boxley, East Malling, Linton, Penshurst, Sandwich and Seal, 228. Queenborough Oyster fishery, 119,120, 130-38. Recusants, 234. Reviews, 285 fol. Rigold, S. E. Two Kentish Carmelite Houses, 1-28. 303 GENERAL Rochester, Oyster fishery at, 128-30. Rodmersham Church, 96. Roman. Excavations at Eccles, 1964, 69-91. Springhead: Map of Discoveries, 107-17. BuUding at East Malling, 257. Sites at Cliffe, 278. Salt-panning site at Funton marsh, 260. WaUed Barrow cemetery at Barham, 275. Silk Damask from Holborough, 246-50. Romney Marsh. Distribution of Lay Wealth in, 63-5. Roper, Sir John, 205. Salt-pans in Chislet, Grove Ferry and Monkton marshes, 277. In Funton Marsh, 260 fol. In the marshes of the Isle of Sheppey and Harty, 279.. Sandwich, Carmelite House at, 5-8. Sandwich, CarmeUte House, Bequests. 19-22. Sandwich, St. Peter's Church, 232. Scott, Mary, 207. Seasalter, Oyster fishery at, 120, 145, 146. Sheppey, Salt-pans in marshes of, 279. Sittingbourne and Swale Archaeological Research Group, 269 fol. Smythe, Henry, 212. Somerden Hundred, Lay Subsidy Roll for, 1327-8, 250-2. Springhead; Map of Discoveries. W. S. Penn, 107-17. St. Lawrence Church, Thanet, Monument to Richard Harvey, 99. Standon, Herts., Preceptory at, 95. Stalisfield, 96. Stephen, King, and Faversham Abbey, 216-20. Subsidy, Lay, for Somerden Hundred, 1327-8, 260-2. Sulgrave Manor, Northamptonshire, and the Washingtons, 207 fol. Sutton, Crop mark of ring ditch (barrow?) at, 280. Sundridge Manor, c. 1258,168. Surrey; distribution of Lay Wealth in, 61-8. Sussex; distribution of Lay Wealth in, 61-8. Swale (river) Oyster fisheries at, 120. Swalecliffe, Oyster fisheries at, 120,149. Telfer, Canon W., Faversham Abbey Reconsidered, 215-20. INDEX Temple EweU, Bowl barrow at, 280. Tester, P. J. An Acheulian Site at Cuxton, 30-60. Teynham, medieval roundel from, 281. Teynham Manor, Co-aration at, 168. Teynham, Oyster fishery at, 140,141. TUley, Ernest W. A Witch-bottle from Gravesend, 252-6. Tipton, Charles L. The Origin of the Preceptory at West Wickham, 92-7. Tonge, medieval manor at, 266 fol. Torr, Valentine John Berry de Jersey, Obituary, 298. Tucker, Rev. John, 99, 104. Vanishing Houses of Kent, 206-14. Vortigern, 177,183, 184. Votadini, Celtic tribe of, 181. Wacher, Mrs. A., 257. Walderslade, Chatham, Gold bracelets from, 283. Walsingham in Norfolk House of Franciscans at, 95. Washington family, pedigree, monument, 205-14. Washington, Laurence, e tc, 205-14. Wastnes, Henry, 205. Weald, The; distribution of Lay Wealth in, 63-6. West Peckham, 228. West Peckham, The Origins of the Preceptory of, Charles L. Tipton, 92-7. Weston Manor, near Sulgrave, 207. West Wickham manor in 1310,165. Whitgift, John, Archbishop of Canterbury, 121. Whitstable, Bowl Barrow at, 284. Whitstable, Oyster fishery at, 120, 121- 8,146-149. WUd, J . P. A Roman Silk Damask from Kent, 246-60. Wingham Manor, Custumal, 1285, 157, 167, 168. Wise, Judith, dau. of Henry, 99,102. Wise, Mary, Sarah, 102. Witch-bottle from Gravesend, A. E. W. Tilley, 252-6. Witchcraft, 262 fol. Wrotham, Manor of; rental of H9£> 168. Rental of 1286, 158, 161, 165. In 1309/1400, in 1620,167. Wyo Manor in 1227,169. Zoalmus, 181. 304