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Kent Archives Office: Accessions, 1965-66
Frontispiece 1965
GENERAL INDEX Kent Archives Office Accessions are not indexed. Aldington, Anglo-Saxon church at, 242. Barn at, 21. Allard, Henry and Ooryate, Thomas, by Richard C. Stone, 24-0-1. Amherst,E arl,F amily arms of, 90. Ai:cher, Sarah, Arms of, 90. Ardern, Thomas ofFaversham, 194 ff. Andernaoh, Quern-stone fragments from, 143. Anglo-Saxon Churches in Kent, by H. M. Taylor, 241-3. Ash, Parish of, 95. Ashford Church, Arms of, 80. Old Grammar School, Arms in, 80. Parish of, 95 ff. Austen. Elizabeth, Arms of, 80. N., Arms of, 80. Aylesford, Charlotte, Countess of, Arms of, 80. Church, Arms in, 80. Parish of, 44. Aylworth,F amily arms of, 84. Backhouse,Rev. W.,Arms of,81. Badlesmere Church, Arms in, 80. Baker, A., 22. Elizabeth, Arms of, 83. J., Arms of, 83, 88. Banasaac, Srunian ware from, 184. Banks, Family arms of, 88. Baptist, Sister Mary, M.A., Ph.D., Eighteenth-Century Maps and Estate Plans of Bromley, Beckenham and Penge, 31-8. Bargrave-Tournay, Family arms of, 84, 88. Barns, Some Ma,jor I(entish Timber, by S. E. Rigold,F .S.A .. 1-30. Bartholomew, Family arms of, 89. Barton,F amily arms of, 84. Battersea, Parish of, 31. Bayley, Sir J., Arms of, 88. Bearsted, Anglo-Saxon church at, 242. Beckenham, Eighteenth-Century Maps and Estate Plan.. of Bromley, Beckenham and Penge, by Sister Mary Baptist, M.A., Ph.D., 31-8. Hundred of, 31. 11:ranor of, 32 ff. Municipal Borough of, 31. Parish of, 31. Belchamp Rall (Essex), Barn at, 7. Belgio invasions, 146. 267 Bentinok, Lord W., 127. Charlotte, 127. Best, J., Arms of, 81. Bexle'IJ, Hall Pla,ce, Wrcnight Iron Gates and Screen, by P. J. Tester, 239-40. Church, Arms in, 80. Bigbury, Trackway at, 211. Bilsington Church, Arms in, 80. Birling Church, Arms in, 80. Place, Trackway at, 204. Bix,F amily e.rms of, 81. Blackheath Modem College, Arms in, 80. Bland, W., Arms of, 85. Borden Church, Arms in, 81. Bossom, Emily, Arms of, 88. Born, E., 1. Borate.I, Demesne of, 12. Boteler, Sir P., Arms of, 92. Boughton Aluph, Trackwa.y at, 208. Church, Arms in, 81. Corner, Trackway at, 207 ff. Lees, Traokway at, 206. Malherbe Church, Arms in, 81. -subter-Blean, 193. Boxley, Arms at, 81. Abbey, Barn at, 2. Church, Arms in, 81. Boys,F amily arms of, 88. Bradborn, Margaret, of Faversham, 193 ff. Brassiere, Mararet, Arms of, 81. Bredgar Churcn, Arms in, 81. Brenc>hley, J., of Gravesend, 65. Bridges, Family arms of, 91. Brookley Hill (Herta.), Pottery from, 182. Brome, Lt., R.N., Arms of, 85. Bromley, Eighteenth-Oentu1y Mapa and Estate Plans of Bromley, Beclcenham and Penge, by Sister Mary Baptist, :M.A., Ph.D., 31-8. Greater Londou Borough of, 31. Hundred of, 31. Municipal Borough of, 31. Parish of, 31. Brown, Anne Turner, Arms of, 88. Browne, Elizabeth, .Ar.ms of, 91. Browne, E.W., Arms of, 92. Brook, Ba-rn at, 3, 6 ff. Neolithic axe from, 246. Broomfield, nea.r Herne, Barn at, 26. Buckland, Sir. J., 118. GENERAL INDEX Bulstrode, E., Arms of, 84. Burges, R., Arms of, 84. Bursted Manor, 53-4. Bythesea, Rev. B., Arms of, 86. Ca.burn, Iron Age fort at, 160. Cade, Jack, Rebellion of, 96 ff. Calvin, John, 39. Cambridge, Duke of, 134 ff. Canterbury, Anglo-Saxon churches at, 242. Churches, Arms in, 81 ff. Pottery from, 180-1. Trackway to, 210 ff. Carlell (Carlyle), T., Arms of, 98. Carter, H. W., Arms of, 86. J., Arms of, 86. M.D., Arms of, 81. Castor ware, 145, 176. Challock, Traokway at, 207 ff. Chapman, Family arms of, 90. Charing Hill, Traokway at, 207. Cha.rlton Church, Arma in, 82. Pottery from, 166 ff. Chart (Great) Church, Arms in, 82. Chartham, Tra.ck:way at, 210. Cheriton, Anglo-Saxon church at, 242. Chevening Church, Arma in, 82. Chiddingstone Church, Arms in, 82. Children, Family arms of, 92. Chilham Church, Arms in, 82. Valley near, 206. Trackway at, 207 ff. Chislehurst Church, Arms in, 82. Urban District, 31. Chislet Church, Arms in, 83. Court, Barn at, l 9. Cinque Ports, Fishermen of, 107 ff. Cleveland, Duke of, 183. Cliffe-at-Hoo, Traokway to, 205. Cobb, F., Arms of, 88. Rev. T., M.A., Arms of, 86. Cobham, Lord W., Lord Warden oft.he Cinque Ports, 195. Romano-British villa at, 144. Coins, Belgic, 45, 70-1. Iron Age, 188. Roman, 51, 68, 70. Colchester area, Pottery from, 163 ff., 180-l. Coldred, Anglo-Saxon church at, 242. Coldrum, Traokway at, 204. Colsterwo1·th (Lines.), Iron Age Hut at, 146. (',0Jyer family of Springhead, 66 ff. Conyngtmm, Baroness Elizabeth, Arms of, 90. Cornwallis, Lady Julia Maria, Arms of, 86. Coryate, Henry Allard and Thomas Coryate, by Richard C. Stone, 239-40. 268 Coxwell, Great (Berks.), Barn at, 3. Cranbrook Church, Arms in, 83. Crayford, Iron Age site at, 146. Pottery from, 160 ff. Crimean War, 132 ff. Croft, Sir J., Arms of, 84. Crundale Church, .Arma in, 83. Cuxton, Tra.okway at, 206. D' Aeth, Harriet, Arms of, 86. Dalton, T., Arms of, 88. Danton Pinch, Traokway at,, 209. Darell, R., Arms of, 84. Darenth, Anglo-Saxon church at, 242. River crossing at, 203, 206. Dartford, Settlements in area of, 146. Davington Court, Barn at, 1, 4, 22 ff. Neolithic gouge from, 246. Deal Churches, Arms in, 83-4. Dedham Church, Masons' marks in, 122. Denelwlea at Swanscombe, by V. T. C. Smith and A. M. Gwynn-Ridgers, 245-6. Denne, Family arms of, 82 ff. Denny Abbey (Cambs.), 12. Detsicas, A. P., M.A., F.S.A., JJJxca'l}(J, t,ions at Ecclea, 1966. Fourth Interim Report, 44-62. An Iron Age and Romano-British Site at Stone Oaatle Quarry, Greenhulw, 136-90. Doddington Church, Arms in, 84. Dow,r, Anglo-Saxon church at, 242. Barn at, 6. Trackway to, 209. D'Oyly, Rev. G., D.D., Arms of, 91. Drake, Vice-Adm. Sir F., Arms of, 84, Draughton (Northants.), Iron Age hut at, 146. Dulley, A. ,T. F., Four Kent Towns at the End of the Middle Ages, 95-108. Dunn Street, Traokway at, 207 ff. Duppa, Family armr, of, 84. Dyne-Bradley, A. H., Arms of, 92. East Brixton, Hundred of, 31. East Langton, Anglo-Saxon church at, 242. East Malling Church, Arms in, 87. East Peckham Church, Arms in, 89. Ea.stry Church, Arms in, 84. Parish of, 95. Prior, 9. East Wear Bay, Trackway at, 209. East Wickham Church. Arms in, 93. Eccka, Excavations at, 1965. Fourth Intervm Report, by A. P. Detsicas, M.A., F.S.A., 44-62. Romano-British villa at, 44. Pottery from, 166. GENERAL INDEX Edenbridge, Barn to be erected at, I. Egerton Church, Arms in, 84. Mesolithic pick from, 246-7. Elha.m, Early Bronze Age axe from, 247-8. Valley, Crossing of, 203,208 ff. England, Bank of, 40. Erith Church, Arms in, 84. Etchinghill, Trackway at, 208 ff. Eve, Family arms of, 85. Evelyn, Family arms of, 5, 26 ff. Fagg, Family of Faversham, 198 ff. Fa.ma.by. Family arms of, 93. Faversha.m, Abbey Farm, Barns at, 5, 14, 18. Faversham's Court of Orphans, by Canon W. Telfer, M.C., D.D., 191- 202. Fawkham, Romano-British site at, 168. Factor, Minet and Fector of Dover, by the late Colin M a.tson, 39-43. Feotor, Family of Dover, 40 ff. Fiennes, Arms of, 86. Filmer, Rev. E., Arms of, 83. Finch, C., Mayor of Faversham, 198. Folkestone, Road from, 102. Trackwav from, 209. Fordcombe· Church, Arms in, 84. Fordwich Church, Arms in, 84. Trackway at, 210. Foster, F., Arms of, 88. Four Kent TowM at the End o.f the Middle Ages, by A. J. F. Dulley, 95- 108. Foxgrove, Manor of, 38. Frindsbury, Barn at, 3, 7, 9 ff. Frocester (Glos.), Barn at, 21. Frogholt, Trackwo.y at, 209. Funeral Hatchrn.ents in Kent, by Miss M. Tester, 79-94. Furnese, Family Arms of, 88. Gainsborough, 1st Earl of, Arms of, 92. Ge.mbier, Ha.rriett, Arms of, 92. Ga.rrett, M. S., Arms of, 90. Geary, Sir. W,, Arms of, 89. General Garrett, 1791-1869, by D. 0. Gibson, 126-35. Gerard, Family arms of, 83. Gibson, D. C., General Garrett, 1791- 1869, 126-35. Gildart, Family Arms of, 93. Glass, Romano-British, 188-9. Godfrey, Mary, of Court Lodge, Arms of, 89. Godmersham, Barn at, 3, 14, 18 ff. Valley nea.r, 206 ff. Trackway at, 206 ff. Goodwyn, Mary, Arms of, 92. Grasett,W ., Arms of, 91. 269 Gravesend, 62 ff. Greenhithe, An Iron A.ge and RomanoBritishSite at Stone Oastle Quarry, by A. P. Detsicas, M.A., F.S.A., 136-90. Groombridge Church, Arms in, 84. Grosvenor, Jane F., Erle-Drax, Arms of, 94. Grove, L. R. A., 248-51. Gwynn-Ridgers, A. M., and V. T. C. Smith, Deneholes at Swanscombe, 245-6. Hackington Church, Arms in, 84. Hadlow Church, Arms in, 84. Hadrian's Wall, Pottery from, 162. Hales, Sir J., Arms of, 92. Halling, Trackway at, 205-6. Halstow, Anglo-Saxon church at, 242. Hammond, Family arms of, 88-9. Ham Saltings, Upchurch, Pottery from, 180. Harbledown Church, Arms in, 85. Trackway at, 210. Harbroe, J., Arms of, 84. Hardinge, Family arms of, 84. Hardres, Family arms of, 54, 85. Hardres, R. de, Family of, 54 ff. Hardy, C., J.P., Arms of, 82. Harrietsham, Trackwa.y at, 204. Harris, G. F. R., 3rd Baron, Arms of, 92. Hart-Dyke, Family arms of, 86. Hartlip Church, Arms in, 85. Harvey, Family arms of, 83. Sir H., Arms of, 93. T., Arms of, 92. Ha.rvey, William: A Oorrection, by M.W.H., 243. Hasted, Arms of, 87. Hasting13, 104, 108. Ha.yes, Estate Plan of, 36. Parish of, 31. Plan of, 35. Hayward, G., Arms of, 91. Heath Row (Middx.}, Iron Age Hut at, 146. Hedges, \Y.,Armaof, 87. Hemsted, Trackway at, 209. Herne, Parish of. 95. Hethe, Ha.mo de, Register of, 118 Hewett, C. A., 2 ff. Hickeringill, M., Arms of, 92. Highmore, Family arms of, 81. Hinxhill, 'Parish church graffiti, 248-9. Roath, Chapelry of, 95. Holborough, Trackway at, 205-6. Hollingbourne Church, Arms in, 85. Honywood, Family arms of, 87. Horn, ProfessorWalterW., 1 ff. Hornsby, Elizabeth, Arms of, 85. Horton Kirby Church, Arms in, 85. GENERAL INDEX Hugesson, Family arms of, 87. Huguenots, 39. Hulbury, Iron Age fort at, 146. Hull, F .. B.A., Ph.D., (Ed.), A Kentish Holiday, 1823, 109-17. Hulse, Sir S., Arms of, 93. Hundred of Bromley and Beckenbam, 31. East Brixt-on, 31. Ruxley (Rooksley), 31, 37. Hussey, H., Arms of, 84. Hutton, Family arms of, 90. Hythe Church, At'ms in, 86. Parish, 96 ff. Ightham Church, Arms in, 86. Mote, Arms in 86. Barn at, 6, 30. Settlements in area of, 146. Indian Mutiny, 134. Isle of Grain, Trackway to, 206. Ja.mes, Family arms of, 86. James, Lt.-Gen. Sir. H., 43. Jennings, A., Arms of, 84. Jolliffe, C., Arms of, 90. Jones, Family arms of, 80, 93. Jones, Rev. D., M.A., Arms of, 86. Joyden's Wood near Bexley, Romano- British site at, 147. Juxon, W. (Archbishop of Canterbury), At'ms of, 85. Kelly, D. B., 246-8. Kemsing, ? Anglo-Saxon church at, 242-3. Trackway at, 204. Watermill site at, 243-4. Kennington Church, Arms in, 86. Kent Archaeological Societ,y Library, 219-34. Kent Archvves Ojflce. Accessions of, 1965-66, 213-18. Kentish Holiday, 1823, A, (Ed.) by F. Hull, B.A., Ph.D., 109-17. Keaton, Parish of, 31. Keyes, Family of Faversham, 200 ff. Kingsdown, Anglo-Saxon church at, 242 Kingston, Anglo-Saxon church at, 242. Arms in, 86. K.natchbull, Sir N., Arms of, 80. Arabella C., Arms of, 87. J{nockholt, Crossing of Darenth near, 203. Knowlton Cburoh, Arms in, 86. K.nox, Fanny, Arms of, 92. Xybett, H., Town Clerk ofFaversham, 191 ff. 270 Lamberhurst Church, Arms in, 86. Langley Place, Estate belonging to, 34. Lee, Sir R., Arms of, 92. Leeds, Anglo-Saxon church at, 242. Castle, At'ms in, 86. Lanham, Barns at, l ff., 14 ff. Lesnes Abbey, Barn at, 19, 24 ff. Lethieullier, Family arms of, 91. Lewin, T., Arlllll of, 80. Lewisham, Parish of, 33. Lezoux, Samian wat'e from, 184. Lillie, Rev. H. W. R., S.J., M.A., Some Problems of the North Downs Trackway in Kent, 203-12. Linton Church, Arms in, 86. Littlebourne, Barn at, 3, 9, 11 ff. Loose Church, Arma in, 86. Lullingatone, Anglo-Saxon church at, 242. Church, Arms in, 86. Luther, Martin, 39. Luxmore, Sir A., Arma of, 80. Lydd, Anglo-Saxon church at, 242. Church, Arms in, 86. Lyminge, Anglo-Saxon churches at, 242. Church, Arms in, 87. Tracliway at, 208. Lynsted Church, Arma in, 87. Macauley, G., Arms of, 94. Maidstone, 'Archbishop's Stables' at, 2. Candlestick from, 249-50. Church Arms in, 87. Museum, Arms in, 87. Ma.pin, 119. Margate Church, Arms in, 88. Marmont, Genet'al, 128. Marahside, N. Chislet, Barn at, 22. Martin,F amily a1'Ills of, 86. Matson, the late (',01in, Minet and Fector of Dover, 39-43. Matson, ,John, Family of, 41 ff. Margaret, Arms of, 86. Medway Marshes, Pottery from, 164, River crossing of, 203, 206. Meopham Church, Arms in, 88. Mershe.m, Barn at, 3, 21. Middleton, Family o.rms of, 92. Miller, Family arms of, 89. Milles, Rt, Hon. R., 1st Earl Soncles, Arms of, 80, Mi1ner, Rev. J, B., Arms of, 80, Milton, Anglo-Saxon ohurch at, 242. Ohuroh, Aims in, 88. Pn-rish of, 95 ff. Minet and Fector of Dover, by the late Colin Matson, 98-43. Minot family, 89 ff. GENERAL INDEX Minster-in-Sheppey, Anglo-Saxon church at, 242. Church, Arms in, 88. Minster-in-Th11net, ? Anglo-Saxon church at, 243. Mole, River crossing of, 203. Monins, Sir T., Arms of, 92. Monkton Church, Arms in, 88. Monypenny, Rev. P., M.A., J.P., Arma of, 85. Morden, Sir J., Arms of, 80. Susan, Arms of, 80. Morland, Family Arma of, 86. Mount Family, Diary of, 109. Mumford Family, Arms of, 91. Murray, General Augustus, 42. Mary, Arms of, 86. Nantes, Edict of and Revocation of, 39. Na.shenden, Demesne of, 12. Nettlestead Place, Barn at, I, 5, 28 ff. Nevill, Rev. J., 3rd Earl of Abergavenny, Arma of, 80. Rev. W., 4th Baronet, Arms of, 80. New Romne;7 Church, Arms in, 88. Niedermend1g, Quern-stone fragments from, 143. Nonington Church, Arma in, 88. North, F., Earl of Guilford, Family arms of, 92. Sir E., 193 ff. Northbourne Cp.urch, Arms in, 88. Court, Barn a.t, 26. Norton Church, Arms in, 89. V., Arms of, 84. Northfleet, Anglo-Saxon church at, 242. Parish of, 63. Obituary, 265-6. Ogle, H., Arma of, 82. Oldbury, Iron Age fort at, 146. Potte1y from, 150. Old Cotta{le at Uppei- Ha:rdre.s, The, by E. W. Parkin, 53-61. Old Ronr, Plaxtol, Garderobe in, 123. Old Wives Lees, Trackway at, 210. O1!'.ington, ? Anglo-Saxon church at, ..,4-2-3. Urban District of, 31. Otford, ? Anglo-Saxon church at, 242-3. Church, Arms in, 89. River crossing near, 203 ff. 'l'rackway at, 204. Wate1-mill site at, 243-4. Otham (Stoneo.cre ), Arms at., 89. Otterden Church, Arma in, 89. Ottinge, Traokway at, 208. Pa.ddlesworth, Anglo-Saxon church at, 242. Traokway at, 204. 208 ff. 271 Parker, A. M., Arms of, 81. Parkin, E. W., The Old Cottage at Upper Ha rdre., 53-61. Patch Grove ware, 158, 172 ff. Pean, Trackwa.v at, 209. Pebsham, near ·Hastings, Barn at, 21. Penge, Eighteenth-Century Maps and Estate Plans of Bromley, Beckenham and Perl{Je, by Sister Mary Baptist, M.A., Ph.D., 31-8. Est.ate maps of, 36. Hamlet of, 31. Urban District of, 31. Pn, W. S., B.Sc., Hist.cry of the Springhead Pleasure Gardens and Water-cress Plantation, 1805-1936, 62-78. Pennington, Rev. M., Arms of, 83. Perceval, C. G., 2nd Baron Arden, Arms of, 82. Perkins, Susan, Arms of, 82. Pettitt, J., Arms of, 90. Piercy-Fox, Nancy, F.S.A., obituary, 265-6. Pilgrims' Way, 203 ff. Pivington, Pottery from, 238. Plot, Rebeooa, Arma of, 81. Plumstead, Barn at, 10. Pluckley, Village of, 101. Polhill, Family a.rms of, 89. Trackway at, 204. Pomeroy, Ca.pt. G., .Arms of, 83. Portland, Duke of, 127. Pestling, Traokway at, 208 ff. Pottery, Iron Age, 149-52. Medieval, 238. Romano-British coarse wares, 152- 82. Sa.mian ware, 182 ff. Poulton, Capt. T., Arms of, 83. Powell, Family arm.a of, 82. E., Arms of, 82. Preston (near Faversham) Church, .Arms in, 90. Problem6 of the North Downs Trackway in Kent, Some, by the Rev. H. W. R. Lillie, S.J., M.A., 203-12. Prosser, W. G., 1, 22 . Queenborough, Oopperas token from, 250-1. Rainier, Family arms of, 91. Ramsgate Church, Arms in, 90. Rand, Capt. A.,Arms of, 91. Reculver, Anglo-Saxon ohuroh at, 242. Parish of, 95. Renton, Mrs. T., Arms of, 83. Researches and Discoveries in Kent, 244-51. .Reviews, 252-64. Rhodes Minnis, Trackway at, 208. GENERAL INDEX Richardson, J., Arms of, 84. Richborough, Pottery from, 180. Wooden casket from, 45. Rigold, S. E., F.S.A., Some Major Kentish Timber Ba.rn.9, 1-30. Ripple Church, Arms in, 90. River head Church, Arms in, 90. Roberts, Family arms of, 83. Roberts, Mary, Arms of, 81. Rochester, Anglo-Saxon church at, 242. Great Delce, Barn at, 12 ff. Rodger, R., J.P., Arms of, 84. Rolvenden Church, Arms in, 90. Romano-British, Bath, remains of, 66. Building at Springhead, 68 Site at Greenhithe, 136 ff. Pottery, 152 ff. Villa at Cobham, 144 ff. Eccles, 44 ff. Romney Marsh, Gra.'ting in, 97. Roper, Family arms of, 87. Roundell, Margaretta., Arms of, 82. Rutton, I., Arms of, 85. Ruxley (Rooksley), Hundred of, 31, 37. Rye, Road from, 102. Fishery at, 104 ff. St. Augustine, Lathe of, 126. St. Bartholomew, Night of, 39. St. Margaret's-at-Cliffe, Anglo-Saxon church at, 242. St. Mary Cray, Barn at, 28. St. Nicholas-at-Wade Church, Arms in, 91. St. Paul's Ct'ay Church, Arms at, 90. St. Radegund's Abbey, Barn at, 21. St. Thomas' Hospital, Canterbury, Arms in, 81-2. Salamanca, Battle of, 128. Sandwich Churches, Arms in, 90-1. Fishery at, 102. Town Hall, Arms in, 91. Sandys, Family arms of, 89. Sawbridge, Family arms of, 93. Sawkins, Anne, Arms of, 88. Scarborough, Fishery at, 106 ff. Scriven, l\frs. Mary, Arms of, 83. Selby, T., Arms of, 85. Sellindge Court, Barn at, 21. Selling, Trackway near, 211. Serocold, G., Arms of. 83. Sevenoaks Church, Arms in, 91. Shalmesford, Trackway at, 2ll. Sheldwich Church, Arms in, 91. Shetterden, J., Arms of, 82. Sheppey, Grazing in, 97. Shoreham Church, Arms in, 91. Valley at, 204. Shome, Anglo-Saxon church at, 242. Shorter NotelJ, 235-43. Shurland, Lord Henry of, 200. 272 Sicklemore, J., Arms of, 90. Silvester family of Springhead. 62 ff. Simmons, Alderman J., Arms of, 81. Simpson, R., Arms of, 81 Sittingbourne, Parish of, 95 ff. Sia.den, J., Arms of, 90. Slater, Frances, Arms of, 88. Sloper, Family arms of, 91. Smarden, Village of, 101. Smith, 0., Arms of, 80. Smith, Dr. R. A. L., 2. Smith, V. T. C., and Gwynn-Ridgers, A. M., Deneholes at Swanscombe, 245-6. Snodland, Traokway at, 204-5. Soa.kham Down, Trackway at, 207. Somes, J., Arms of, 86. Sondes, Family arms of, 91. Southfleet, Parish of, 63. Southwark, Borough of, 32. Pottery from, 156 ff. Spencer, Frances, Arms of, 90. Springhead, History of the Springhead Plea.sure Gardens and Water-cress Plantation, 1805-1936, by W. S. Penn, B.Sc., 62-78. Roman town at, 62 ff. Staines, R., Arms of, 81. Sir T., Arms of, 88. Starkey Oastle, WouUham, by Eric R, Swain, 118-25. Stanhope, Earl of, Family arms of, 82. Stewart, Lady C., Arms of, 90. Stone, Hamlet of, 136. Belgio oemetery at, 146, 170. Stone-by-Faversham, Anglo-Saxon church at, 242. Stone, Richard C., Henry Allard and Thomas Ooryate, 240-1. Stour, River Crossing of, 203, 210 ff. Stourmouth West, Anglo-Saxon churc h at, 242. Stowting Combe, Traokway at, 208. Common, Trackway at, 209. Stoyel, A. D., Watermill SitelJ at Kem• sing and Otford, 244-3. Stra.ngeford, Lady Ellen, Arms of, 80. Streatfeild, Family arms of, 82. Strood, Temple Manor, Barn at, 12. Sturry, Trackwa.y a.t, 210. Sundridge Church, Arms in, 91. Sutton-at-Hone Church, Arms in, 91-2. Lathe of, 31. Swanscombe, Anglo-Saxon church at, 242. Deneholes at, 245-6. Swain, Eric R., Starkey Oastle, Would· ham, 118-25. Upper BhHaZlHOU8e, 235-9. Swale, Oyster Fisheries in, 102. Swinford, Frances, Arms of, 91. GENERAL INDEX Ted.low, Frances, Arms of, 85. Taylor, H. M., Anglo-Sa:uon Ghui•ohes in !Cent, 241-3. Telfer, Ca.non W., M.C., D.D., FaVl!ll'• sham's Court of Orphans, 191-202. Temple-West, Adm. Sir. J., Arms of, 93. Tester, Miss M., Funl!ll'al Hatchments in Kent, 79-94. Tester, P. J., Hall Place, Bexley. Wrought Iron Gates and Screen, 239-40. Teston Church, Arms in, 92. Teynham Court, Barn at, 24. Lower New lands, Barn at, 26. Throwley Church, Arms in, 92. Tit-Oh.field (Rants.), Barn at, 6. Toke, Family arms of, '82. Tonbridge Church, Arms in, 92. Road from, 102. Tonford, Trackway at, 210. Townley, J., Arms of, 90. Townshend, Family arms of, 83. Treadwell, Family, 62. Trottiscliffe, Trackwe.y at, 204. Twisden, Family arms of, 87. Twysden, Sit- W., Arms of, 89. Tunstall Church, Arms in, 92. Upper Bush Hall House, by Eric R. Swain, 235-9. Upper Ensing, Trackway at, 211. Upper Ha.rdres Church, Arms in, 85. Court, Barn at, 18. Upminster, Barn at, 5 ff. Vyse, Rev. W., D.D., Arms of, 91. Waldershare Church, Arms in, 92. Walmer Church, Arms in, 92-3. Wanborough (Sy.}, Barn at, 6. Wantsum Channel, Oyster fisheries in, 102. Wateringbury Church, Arms in, 93. Watermill Sites at Kemsing and Otford, by A. D. Stoyel, 244-5. Watling Street, 63 ff, 102, 136, 148, 210. 273 Wey, River croasing of, 203. Wealden culture, 145 ff. Weller, R., Arma of, 90. Wellington, Duke of, Arms of, 93. West Peckham, Anglo-Saxon church at, 242. Church, Arms in, 89. Westwell, Trackway near, 206. West Wickham Church, Arms in, 93. Estate maps of, 34 ff. Parish of, 81. Whatman, J., Arms of, 81. Sarah, Arms of, 86. Wheatley, Margaret, Arms of, 84. Wheler, G. W., Arms of, 89. Whitfield, Anglo-Saxon church at, 242. Whitstable Church, Arms in, 93. Oyster fisheries at, l 03. Whitworth, Earl, Arms of, 91. Wickhambreaux, Barn at, 19. Wilde, Rt. Hon. T ., Arms of, 90. Willard, C., Arms of, 91. Willesborough, Anglo-Saxon church at 242. Barn at, 4, 21. Wilmington, Anglo-Saxon church at, 242. Church, Arms in, 93. Winter, S., Arms of, 90. Wise, S., Arms of, 84. Woodgate, F., Arms of, 92. Woolwich, Arms at, 93. Barn at, 21. Royal Military Academy, 43. Wouldham, Anglo-Saxon church at, 242. Parish of, 118 ff. Trackway at, 204-5. Wrotham, Barn at, 5, 22. Track.way at, 204. Wye College, Agricultural Museum of, 7. Church, Arms in 93-4. Crossing of E. Stour at, 206 ff. Wykeham-Martin, Family arms of, 86. Wynford, Family arms of, 90. Yarmouth, Fishery at, 106 ff.