Kent Archaeological Society Library
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Some Problems of the North Downs Trackway in Kent
Shorter Notes
KENT ARCHl.EOLOGICAL SOCIETY LIBRARY* SECOND INSTALMENT PRINTED BOOKS .A.ND PAMPHLETS: KENT PARISHES APPLEDORE Cock, F. W.: Short Guide to Appledore Church. .ASH-NEXTSANDWICH ASHFORD BAPCHILD BARFRESTON BECKENHAM BEKESBOURNE BENENDEN BEXLEY HEATH BIDDENDEN BIRCHINGTON BLACKHEATH 1932 and 1938 . Planche, J. R.: A Corner of Kent. 1864. Hussey, A.: Ashford Wills, 1461-1558. 1938. Pearman, A. J.: Ashford: Its Church, Vicars, College and Grammar School. 1886. Pearman, A. J.: History of Ashford. 1868. Warren, W.: Some account of the church, college, free school etc. of Ashford. (1712.) 1895. Lord, H. F.: A Short History of the Parish of Bapchild, Kent, and of its church. 1926 Boyer, P. J.: The Altar of St. Nicholas, Ba.rfreston. 1928. Borrowman, R.: Beokenham Past and Present. 1910. Christie-Murray, D: Heraldry in the churches of Beokenham. 1954. Wilkie, C. H. (trans.): The Parish Registers of St. Peter's, Bekesbourne, 1558-1812. 1896. Haslewood, F. H.: The Parish of Benenden, Kent. 1889. Lebon, C.: St. George's Church, Benenden. 1962. Castells, F. de P.: Bexley Heath and Welling. 1910. Biddenden Church and its History. 1928. Barrett, J. P.: A History of the Ville of Birchington. 1893. Coles, C. A. G.: All Saints Church, Birohington. 1945. Mayhew, Kershaw, Wayland: Birchington-onSea. 1881. Baker, G. L.: Blackheath: the story of the Royal Hundred. 1925. * Tbe first instalment appeared in Vol. lxxx (1965), 243-5. 219 KENT AROH..EOLOGICAL SOCIETY LIBRARY BOUGHTONUNDERBLEAN BOXLEY BRASTED BRENCHLEY BROADSTAIRS BROMLEY BROOKLAND CANTERBURY Harvey, A. E. M.: Sir Thomas Morden and his College.1925. Catalogue of exhibition: Blackheath Past and Present. 1937. Boodle, J. A. {trans.): The Registers of Boughtonunder- Blean, 1558-1626. 1903. {See also under Faversham: Lewis, J.) Cave-Brown, J.: BoxleyParish.1892. Notes about Boxley.1870. Cave-Brown, J.: The History ofBrasted.1874. Singleton, H. G. H.: Brasted Place and its owners. 1954. Fear, W. H.: The Church of All Saints. 1953. Parkyn, W. A.: Britannia Comprehensive Guide. 1901. Parsons, F. G.: On some Bronze Age and Jutish Bones from Broadstairs, 1913. {Official Guide. 1905.) Broadstairs Harbour Act, 1792, and amendment. 1805. (See also under Margate.) Beeby, W. T.: Bromley Church, Its History and Associations. 1872. Freeman, 0.: The History, Antiquities, Improvements etc. of the Parish of Bromley. 1832. Horsburgh, E. L. S.: Bromley, Kent.1929. Southern, J. A.: Rustic Rambles through Kentish Orchards: Bromley. Druce, G. C.: The Font in Brookland Church. 1924. Roper, A.: The Church of St. Augustine, Brookland. 1950. I. The Cathedral and other Eccle:;iastical Foundations Britton, J.: The ,History and Antiquities of the Metropolitan Church of Canterbury. 1836. Caroe, W. D.: Canterbury Cathedral.1925. Cave, C. J. P.: The Roof Bosses of the Cathedral Church of Christ, Canterbury. 1934. Cotton, 0.: The Grey Friars of Canterbury. 1924. Cotton, 0.: The Saxon Cathedral at Cante1·bury and the Saxon Saints Buried Therein. 1929. Cowper, J.M.: The Memorial Insoriptions'of the Cathedral Church of Canterbury, 1897. 220 KENT ARCHAllOLOGICAL SOCIETY LIBRARY Dart, J.: The History and Antiquities of the Cathedral Church of Canterbury. 1726. Duncombe, J. and Battely, N.: The History and Antiquities oft he three Archiepiscopal Hospitals at or near Canterbury. (Bibliotheca Topographica Britannica, No. XXX.) 1785. Elmham, Thomas of (edit. C. Hardwick): Historia Monasterii S. Augustini Cantuariensis. 1858. James, M. R. (intro.): The Canterbury Psalter. 1935. Messenger, A. W. B.: The Heraldry of Canterbury Cathedral : The Great Cloister Vault.1947. Morris, J.: Canterbury : Our Old Metropolis. 1889. Morris, J.: The Relics ofS t.T homas of Canterbury. 1888. Rackham, B.: The Ancient Glass of Canterbury Cathedral. 1949. Routledge et al.: Report on the Antiquarian Investigations of the Cathedral etc. 1888. Sandys, C.: A Critical Dissertation on Willis' Canterbury Cathedral. 1846. Thorne, W. (trans. A. H. Davis ): Chronicle of St. Augustine's Abbey, Canterbury. 1934. Todd, H.J.: Some Account oft he Deans ofC anterbury. 1793. Willement, T.: Heraldic Notices of Canterbury Cathedral. 1827. Willis, R.: The Architectural History of the Conventual Buildings of the Monastery of Christ Church in Canterbury. 1869. Woodruff, C. E.: A Catalogue of the Manuscript Books in the library ofC.C.C.1911. Woodruff, C. E. (edit.): An Inventory oft he Parish Registers and Records in the Diocese of Canterbury. 1922. Woodruff, C. E.: A .List of the Archdeacons of Canterbury.1928. Woodruff, C. E. and Danks, W.: Memorials of Canterbury Cathedral. 1912. The Romance of Canter bury Cathedral. 1932. II. Tlie City Austen, B.: The Vanished Gates of Canterbury. 1905. 221 KENT ARCHlEOLOGICAL SOCIETY LIBRARY CHARING CHIDDINGSTONE CHILHAM CHISLEHURST CINQUE PORTS COBHAM COWDEN CRANBROOK Brent, J.: Canterbury in the Olden Time. 1860. Cross, F. W. and Hall, J. R.: Rambles Round Old Canterbury. 1882. Godfrey-Fausset, T. G.: Canterbury Till Domesday. 1875. Gostling, W.: A Walk in and about the City of Canterbury.1779. Gostling, W.: A Walk in and about the City of Canterbury.1825. Goulden, H.J.: Canterbury Guide. Home, G.: Canterbury of our Grandfathers and of To-day.1927. O'Neil.: Views of King's Sohool, Canterbury. 1910. Somner, W.: The Antiquities o f Canterbury. 1640. Somner, W. and Battely, N.: The Antiquities of Canterbury. 1703. Urry, W.: The Normans in Canterbury. 1958. Ancient Canterbury: The Records of Alderman Bunce, 1800-1801. 1924. The Canterbury Guide. 1845. Handbook for Canterbury. (Brit. Assoc.) 1899. Kipps, P. K.: The Palace of the Archbishops of Canterbury at Charing. 1934. Salmon, R. C.: Short Particulars of the Parish Church. Bolton, A. T.: Chilham Castle.1912. C. H.: Chilham Castle. 1916. Webb, E. A., Miller, G. W. and Beckwith, J.: The History ofChislehurst. 1899. Jeake, S.: Charters of the Cinque Ports; Two Ancient Towns and their mem hers. 1728. Mantell, Sir T.: New Editions of Tracts relative to Cinque Ports and Coronations, from 1771-1828. 1828. Murray, K. M. E.: The Constitutional History of the Cinque Ports. 1935. Russell, J.: The Ancient Liberties and Privileges of the Cinque Ports. 1809. Wilks, G.: The Barons of the Cinque Ports. 1892. (See also under Faversham and Thanet.) Vallance, A.: Cobham Collegiate Church. 1925. Ewing, G.: A History ofCowden.1926. Hudson , A. W.: A Short History of St. Dunstan's Churoh. 1923. 222 KENT ARCHi.EOLOGICAL SOCIETY LIBRARY CRAYFORD CUDHAM DARENTH DARTFORD DAVINGTON DEAL Pile, C. C. R.: Cranbrook, A W ealden Town. 1955. Pile, C. C. R.: The Parish Church of St. Dunstan. 1952. Pile, C. C. R.: The Parish Farm at Sissinghurst Castle. 1952. Pile, C. C. R.: Dissenting Congregations in Cranbrook. 1953. Pile, C. C.R.: The Inns ofCranbrook. 1953. Pile, C. C. R.: Water mills and Windmills of Cranbrook. 1954. Tarbutt, W.: The Annals of Cranbrook Church. 1875. Carr, W.: The Spot that is called Crayford. 1951. Steinman, G.: Some Account of the Manor of Apuldrefield. 1851. Payne, G.: The Old Roman Villa, Darenth. 1895. Dunkin, J.: The History and Antiquities of Dartford. 1844. Hesketh, E.: J. and E. Hall, Ltd., 1785-1935. 1935. Keyes, S. L.: Dartford : Some Historical Notes. 1933. Keyes, S. L.: Dartford: Further Historical Notes. 1938. Landale, J.: Deeds, Wills, Leases and Legal Documents relating to ... Donations and Benefactions to the Church and Poor . . . 1829. Mair, H.: Fairer by Time. 1945. Mair, H.: The XVth Mile Stage. 1953. Perry, A.: A Directory for Dartford etc. 1874. Perry, A.: A Directory for Dartford etc. 1877. Sparvel-Bayly, J. A.: Some Historical Notes of Dartford and its Neighbourhood. 1876. Tait, G. A.: The Church and Vicars of Dartford. 1909. Culmer, G. C.: Davington Church and Priory. 1933. Willement, T.: Davington Parish and the Priory of St. Mary Magdalene. 1862. (See also under Faversham : Lewis, J.) Chapman, H. S.: Deal : Past and Present. 1890. Chapman, H.S .: TheStory ofDola.1921. Laker,J.:History ofDeal. 1917. O'Neil, "]3. H.S t.J .: Deal Castle (MPBW). 1966. Roget, J. L.: Sketches of Deal, Walmer and Sandwich. 1911. 223 KENT ARCHAl:OLOGICAL SOCIETY LIBRARY DENTON DETLING DODE DOVER DOWNE EDENBRIDGE ELT HAM Stebbing, W. P. D.: Deal and Walmer, 1699; Church and State. 1958. Stebbing, W. P. D.: The Invaders' Shore. 1937. Arnold, G. M.: Denton, near Gravesend. Its Manor, Court House and Chapel of St. Mary. 1901. Cave-Brown, J.: Detling in Days Gone By. 1880. Horsley, J. W.: Detling Parish Church. Arnold, G. M.:Dode inKent. 1905. Batcheller, W.: A Descriptive Picture of Dover. 1839. Bonner, G. W.: Picturesque Pocket Companion to Dover. 1832. Brown, R. A.: Dover Castle (MPBW Guide). 1966. Darell, W.: The :8:istory of Dover Castle. 1797. Haines, C.R.: Dover Priory.1930. Hill, D. I.: A History and Description of the Church of St. AndrE}w, Buckland in Dover. H938. Hundley, V. A.: The History of Dover Castle. 1925. M.H.: Some Memoirs of Old Dover. Irvine, J. T.: Dover: Castle Church. 1885. Knocker, E. W.: Dover Corporation : Insignia, Seals, Plate, etc. 1898. Knocker, E.W.: On the Antiquities of Dover. 1857. Mowll, J. H.: Royal Visitors at Dover. 1937. Parker, L. N.: The Dover Pageant. 1908. Puckle, J.: The Church and Fortress of Dover Castle. 1864. Statham, J. P. H.: History of the Castle, Town and Port of Dover. 1899. The New Dover Guide.1830. The Visitor's Guide to Dover. Howarth, 0. J. R. and E. K.: A History of Darwin's Parish, Downe, Kent. 1933. Brit. Assoc.: Downe House. Somers-Cooks, H. C. and Boyson, V. F.: Edenbridge. 1912. Anderson, E.: Eltham in Past Times. 1910. Buckler, J. C.: An Historical and Descriptive Account of the Royal Palace at Eltham. 1828. Gregory, R. R. O.: The Story of Royal Eltharn. 1909. :Etivers, E.: Some Records of Eltham, 1060-1903. 224 ERITH KENT .ARCHJEOLOGICAL SOCIETY LIBRARY Clapham, A. W.: Lesnes Abbey. 1915. FARLEIGH, WEST FARNINGHAM FAVERSHAM FAWKHAM FOLKESTONE Harris, J.: The Parish ofErith. 1885. Hovenden, R.: Extracts from the Registers . Parish Chm·oh ofErith. 1879. Robinson, R.H.: Erith through the Ages. 1931. Smith, C. J.: Erith. 1873. Jolliffe, P.: Notes on All Saints Church, W. Farleigh. Snaith, F. W.: Parish Church ofFarningham.1913. Bradburn, H.: A Guide to Faversham Parish Church. Giraud, F. F.: A Catalogue of books . . . in the library of the Free Grammar School in Faversham. 1865. Giraud, F. F. and Donne, C. E.: Guide to Faversham. 1876. Jacob, E.: The History of the Town and Port of Faversham.1774. Lewis, J. (comp.): The History and Antiquities of the .Abbey and Chmch of Faversham, of the Adjoining Priory of Da vington and Maison Dieu, Ospringe and Parish of Booton subtus le Bleyne. 1727. Murray, K. M. E.: Faversham and the Cinque Ports. 1935. Wilson, S.: Faversham : The Official Guide. Wilson, S.: A Saunter round Faversham. 1936. Wilson, S. and Culmer, G. C.: St. Mary of Charity, Faversham. 1935. Borough Annual, Directory and Guide to Faversham. 1902. Report of the Municipal Corporation Commissiol;lers on the Cinque Ports Generally and on the Town of Faversham particularly ... 1835. Proudfoot, W. F.: Fawkham.1951. Atkinson, E. G.: Report on the Municipal Records. 1904. E(lgar), W. H.: The Ancient Buildings of Folkestone District. 1921. Knollys, E. E.: A Short Guide to Folkestone Parish Church. Mackie, S. J.: Folkestone and its Neighbourhood. 1856. 225 KENT ARCH&OLOGICAL SOCIETY LIBRARY FORDWICH GOUD HURST GRAIN, ISLE OF GRAVESEND GREENWICH Walton, J. W. (edit.): Folkestone and the Country Around.1925. Winbolt, S. E.: Roman Folkestone. 1925. Illustrated Handbook to Folkestone. 1862. Woodruff, C. E.: A History of the Town and Port ofFordwich. 1892. Druce, J. A.: Goudhurst Church Registers. 1938. Druce, J. A.: Goudhurst: the New Road of 1768. 1935. Johnston, P. M.: The Church of St. Mary, Goudhurst. 1933. MacMichael, A. W.: St. Mary's Church, Goudhurst. 1947. Raikes, W. A.: Records of Goudhurst. 1927. Burnett, C. B. (comp.): A History of the Isle of Grain. 1906. (See also under Sheppey.) Brabazon, E. J.: A Month at Gravesend. 1864. Cruden, R. P.: The History of the Town of Gravesend .. . and of the Port of London. 1843. Hiscock, R. H.: A History of the Parish Churches of Gravesend and of the Burial Place of Princess Pocahontas.1952. Jenkins, D. W. H.: St. George's School, Gravesend, 1580-1955. 1955. Newman, G.: Links with the Past. 1910. Philip, A. J.: Gravesend (Official Guide). 1908. A Guide for Gravesend. 1819. Martin, A. R.: Charlton House. 1929. Richardson, H. S.: Greenwich: Its History, Antiquities, Improvements. 1834. GROOMBRIDGE B.W.S-W.: St. John the Evangelist, Groombridge. HADLOW D(umbreck), W. V.: A Village Folly : Hadlow Castle. HALLING D(umbreck), W. V.: A Short History of St. Mary's. · Cook, W. H. and Keith, A.: On the Discovery of a Human Skeleton . . . at Halling, Kent. 1914. HARRIETSHAM Goodsall, R. H.: Guide to the Parish Church of St. John the Baptist. 1956 HARTLEY Bancks, G. W. : Hartley Through the Ages. 1927. HAWKHURST Hardcastle, S. W. (comp.): The Parish Church of HAYES HERNE St. Laurence. 1930. Thompson, H.P.: A History of Hayes. 1935. Buchanan, J. R.: Memorials of Herne, Kent. 1887 • 226 KENT ARCHlEOLOGICAL SOCIETY LIBRARY HERNE BAY HEVER HIGHAM HIGH HALDEN HOLLINGBOURNE HOO HOUGHAM HYTHE !FIELD IGHTHAM KENNINGTON KESTON KINGSTON KIPPINGTON KNOCK.HOLT LEE ·20 Hasluck, E. L.: Beyond the Forest ofBleane. 1966. Historic Hever: the Church. 1905. Fielding, C. H.: A Hand-book of Higham. 1882. Grimaldi, W. B. (comp.): Collation of Rectors, 1322-1899. 1900. Grimaldi, W. B. (comp.): Monumental Inscriptions in the church and churchyard. 1895. Cave-Brown, J.: The Story ofHollingbourne. 1890. Arnold, R.: The Hundred of Hoo. 1947. Hammond, F. J.: The Hundred of Hoo and the Parish of All Hallows. 1923. Hammond, F. J.: The Church of All Hallows, Hoo. 1926. Hammond, F. J.: The Story of an Outpost Parish, AUhallows, Hoo. 1928. (Molony, C . A.): Hougham Church, Kent. 1878. Dale, H. D.: Notes on the Parish Church of St. Leonard's. Dale, H. D.: St. Leonard's Church and the Ancient Town ofHythe. 1931. Hall, T. G.: St. Leonard's Church, Hythe. 1895. Mackeson, H. B.: The Fraternity of the Assumption of the B.V.M. at Hythe. 1873. G.W.M.: Hythe. 1928. flinch, K. M.: The History of Ifield and Singlewell. 1957. flinch, K. M. (trans.): Salerna of Ifield. 1934. Bennet, F. J.: Ightham.1907. Bowra, E.: Ightham: some glimpses of local history. 1966. Harrison, Sir E.: The History and Records of Ightham Church. 1932. Harrison, Sil: E. (edit.): An Ightham Diary of1 750. 1950. Furley, R.: The Annals of Kennington, Kent. 1877. Gammon, F. S.: The Story ofKeston in Kent. 1934. Wilkie, C. H.: The Parish Registers of St. Giles, Kingston, 1893. Standen, H. W.: Kippington in Kent. 1958. Warlow, G. H.: HistoryofKnockholt.1934. Gregory, R.R. C. and Nunn, F. W.: The Story of Lee.1923. Hart, F. H.: IDstory ofLee. 1882. 227 KENT ARCHAWLOGICAL SOCIETY LIBRARY LEEDS LEWISHAM LEYBOURNE LITrLE CHART LOWER HALSTOW LUDDESDOWN LULLINGSTONE LYDD LYMINGE LYMNE MAIDSTONE Martin, C. W.: Leeds Castle, Kent. 1869. Duncan, L. L.: History of the Borough of Lewisham. 1908. Duncan, L. L.: The Parish Church of St. Mary. 1892. Duncan, L. L. (edit.): The Parish Registers of St. Mary's, Lewisham, 1558-1750. 1891. Martin, A. R.: The Alien Priory of Lewisham. 1928. Larking, L. B.: A Description of the Heart-Shrine in Leybourne Church. 1868. Wilkie, C. H.: The Parish Registers of Little Chart, 1538-1813. 1914. Robbins, P. T.: Lower Halstow: Guide to Church. 1962. Peake, W. B.: Luddesdown Court, Kent.1920. Meates, G. W.: Lullingstone Roman Villa. 1955. Duncan, L. L.: Monumental Inscriptions in the Churchyard and Church of All Saints, Lydd. 1927. Hussey, A. and Hardy, M. M. (trans.): Records of Lydd.1911. Davis, A. W.: Church of SS. Mary and Ethelburga. 1929. (See under Richborough.) Baverstock, J. H.: Some Account of Maidstone. 1832. Cave-Brown, J.: The History of the Parish Church of All Saints, Maidstone. Gilbert, W. B.: The Account of the Corpus Christi Fraternity and papers relating to the Antiquities ofMaidstone. 1865. Gilbert, W. B.: Memorials of All Saints Church, Maidstone. 1866. Groom, J.B.: A Maidstone Naturalist's Rambles. 1904. James, W. R.: The Charters and other Documents relating to Maidstone. 1825. Jones, P. T.: All Saints, Maidstone. Lamprey, A. S. (edit.): A Guide to the Borough of Maidstone. 1919. Lamprey, S. C.: Historical and Descriptive Account of Maidstone and its Environs. 1834. Martin, W. S. and Row, B. P.: Kent's Capital: a handbook to Maidstone on the Medway. 1898. 228: KENT ARCHlEOLOQICAL SOCIETY LIBRARY MALLING MARGATE MEOPHAM MILSTED MILTON-NEXTGRAVESEND MILTON REGIS 1\ilNSTER-IN. SHEPPEY Newton, W.: The History and Antiquities of Maidstone, 1741. Poste, B.: The History of the College of All Saints, Maidstone. 1847. Whiohcord, J.: Collegiate Church of AU Saints, Maidstone. 1845. Records of Maidstone. 1926. Topography of Maidstone and its Environs and Directory. 1839. Cronok, A.: A Short History of West Malling. 1951. Fielding, C. H.: Memories of Malling and its Valley.1893. Lawson, A. W. and Stockley, G. W.: A History of the Parish Church of St. Mary the Virgin, West Malling.1904. Bonner, G. W.: The Picturesque Pocket Companion to Margate, Ramsgate and Broadstairs. 1831. Gritten, A. J.: Catalogue of Books etc. dealing with Margate, Thanet . . . in Margate Public Library. 1934. Stanley, F.: A Short History of Margate Parish Church.1921. The New Margate, Ramsgate and Broadstairs Guide. (5th and 6th editions) 1809 and 1816. Golding-Bird, C. H.: The History of Meopham. 1934. Golding-Bird, C. H.: The Story of Old Meopham. 1918. Celebration of St. Andrew's Day at Milsted, 1855. Hiscock, R. H.: The Story of Milton Parish Church. 1955. Parsons, R. A. F.: The Church of Holy Trinity, Milton Regis. c.1950. Branston, W.: A History of the Abbey Church of Minster, 1896. Jones, P. T.: The Abbey Church and Gatehouse, Minster. MINSTER-IN- Aldred, H. W.: The Manor of Minster. 1889. THANET Gell, F.: The Minster of Minster-in-Thanet. 1907. NETTLESTEAD Nettlestead: A Village History. NEWINGTON- Hewett, G. W.: Lesnes Abbey and Newington- NEXT- next-Sittingbourne.1911. SITTINGBOURNE 229 KENT ARCHlEOLOGICAL SOCIETY LIBRARY NORTHFLEET ORPINGTON OSPRINGE OTFORD PADDLESWORTH PECKHAM, EAST PECK.HAM, WEST PENSHURST PLUCK.LEY RAMSGATE RECULVER RICHBOROUGH ROCHESTER Steadman, W. H.: Excavations on a Roman Site at Northfleet. 1913. Trench, F. C.: The Story of Orpington. 1897. Rigold, S. E.: Maison Dieu, Ospringe (MPB W). 1958. (See also under Faversham.) Elder, D. G.: Otford : Past and Present. 1944. Hesketh, C.: The History and Antiquities of Otford. 1924. The Roman Site at Otford, 31st Dec. 1928. Davis,A. W.: Church ofSt. Oswald.1929. Sergeant, J. M.: A History of East Peckham. St. Dunstan's Church. Petley, j, L. W.: Penshurst : The House of the $idneys, 1890. Haslewood, F.: Pluckley Monuments. 1899. Richardson, C. T. : Fragments of HistoryRamsgate. 1885. Ramsgate and N.E. Kent. Register of St. Lawrence College, Ramsgate, 1879- 1911. 1912. (See also under Margate.) Philp, B. J.: The Roman Fort at Reculver. 1962. (See also under Richborough.) Bushe-Fox, J. P.: First Report on the excavation of the Roman Fort at Richborough, Kent. 1926. Bushe-Fox, J.P.: Second Report ... 1928. Bushe-Fox, J'. P.: Third Report ... 1932. Mattingly, H. and Stebbing, W. P. D.: The Richborough Hoard of Radiates, 1931. 1938. Smith, C. R.: The Antiquities of Rich borough, Reculver and Lymne. 1850. Richborough Castle : H.M.O.W. Guides, 1922 and 1924. Becker, M. J.: Rochester Bridge, 1387-1856. 1930. Bloxam, M. H.: On the Sepulchral Monuments in Rochester Cathedral. 1863. Crisp, F. A.: Index to the Monumental Inscriptions in the Registrum Roffense. 1885. 230 KENT A.RCHlEOLOGICAL socmTY LIBRARY ROMNEY MARSH ROMNEY,NEW ROMNEY, OLD ST. LAURENCEIN- THANET ST. MARY-INTHE- MARSH ST. MARY CRAY Duffield, F. H. and Knight, H. T.: A Sketch of the History of the Diocese of Rochester with a short account of the Cathedral and Precinct. 1926. Fielding, C. H.: The Records of Rochester. 1910. Flower, D. E. L.: History of the Mathematical School, Rochester. 1951. Harris, E.: Old Rochester, Noa. 1, 2, 4, 6-8, 10, 14-25. 1904-1914. Hope, W. H. St. J.: Accounts of the Royal Surveyor of Works, Rochester, 1540-41. 1905. Hope, W. H. St. J.: The Architectural History of the Cathedral Church and Monastery of St. Andrew at Rochester. 1900. Langton, R.: Charles Dickens and Rochester. 1889. Shindler, T.: The Registers of the Cathedral Church ofR ochester, 1657-1837. 1892. Smith, F. F.: A History ofRochester.1928. Smith, F. F.: Rochester. 1923. Smith, F.F . : . Rochester in Parliament.1 933. Thorpe, J.: Custumale Roffense. 1788. Thorpe, J.: Registrum Roffense. 1769. Collection of Statutes concerning Rochester Bridge. 1733. The History and Antiquities of the Cathedral Church of Rochester. 1717. The History and Antiquities ofR ochester. 1772. The Roffensian Register (King's School, 1835- 1936). 1937. Teichman-Derville, M.: The Level and the Liberty ofR omney Marsh. 1936. The Charter of Romney Marsh. 1854. Livett, G. M.: The Church of St. Nicholas. 1930. Marton, M. E.: The Church of St. Nicholas.1928. TeichmanDerville, M.: The Annals of the Town andPort ofNewRomney.1929. Roper, A.: The Church of St. Clement. 1938. Cotton, C.: The History and Antiquities of the Church and Parish of St. Laurence, Thanet. 1895. Wilkie, K. W. and C. H.: The Register Book of St. Laurence in Thanet, 1560-1653.1902. Roper, A,: The Little Guide to the Church of St. Mary-in-the-Marsh. 1934. Galer, R. F.: Fantasies of St. Mary Cray. 1946. 231 KENT ARCH1EOLOGICAL SOCIETY LIBRARY SANDWICH SEVENOAKS SHEPPEY, ISLE OF SHIPBOURNE SHOREHAM SHORTLANDS SMARDEN SNODL.AND SOUTHFLEET SPELDHURST SPRINGHEAD Austen, B.: The Gates of the Cinque Port and Borough ofSanlwich. 1905. Baker, 0.: History of the Antiquities of Sandwich and Richborough Castle. 1848. Boys, W.: Collections for an History of Sandwich. 1792. Gardiner, D.: Historic Haven: The Story of Sandwich. 1954. Gordon, W. J.: Sandwich and round about it. Scroggs, E. S.: Classified List of the Records lodged in the Guildhall, Sandwich. 1932. Brady, J. H.: The Visitor's Guide to Knole. 1839. Bridgman, J.: Historical and Topographical Sketch ofK.nole.1817. Dunlop, Sir J.: The Pleasant Town of SevenoaksA History. 1964. Lennox, J. T.: Sevenoaks School and its Founder. 1932. Rooker, J.: Parish Church of St. Nicholas. 1910. Sackville-West, L.: Knole House. 1906. Ward, G.: Sevenoaks Essays.1931. CID.: Guide to Sevenoaks. 1864. Daly, A. A.: The History of the Isle of Sheppey. 1904. Gordon, J.: History of the Congregational Churches of Sheerness, Queenborough, Minster and the Isle of Grain. 1898. Turmine, H. T. A.: Rambles in the Isle of Sheppey. 1848. Woodthorpe, T. J.: A History of the Isle of Sheppey. 1951. Shipbourne: A Village History. Payne, A.: A History of the Parish Church of SS. Peter and Paul, Shoreham. 1930. Knight, H. T. and Duffield, F. H.: The Story of St. Mary's, Shortlands.1926. Evans, L.: The Church of St. Michael the .Archangel, Smarden. Haslewood, F.: The Antiquities of Smarden, Kent. 1866. Wall, C. de R.: Snodland and its History. Roper, F. M. H.: Southfl.eet Church. 1922. Mackinnon, D. D.: History of Speldhurst. 1930. (Dunkin, A. J.): Memoranda of Springhead. 1848. 28.2 KENT ARCHiEOLOGICAL SOCIETY LIBRARY STAPLEHURST STOOIIBURY STONE-INOXNEY STROOD SUTTON-ATHONE SUTTON-BY. DOVER SUTTON, EAST SUTTON VALENCE SWANSCOMBE SWARLING TENTERDEN TEYNHAM TH.A.NET, ISLE OF Chamberlain, J. S. ff. (edit.): The Old Register of Sta.plehurst,1538-1558.1907. Chamberlain, J. S. ff. (edit.): The Register of Sta.plehurst, 1558-1596. 1910. Chamberlain, J. S. ff. (edit.): The Register of Staplehurst, 1596-1653. 1913. Chamberlain, J. S. ff. (edit.): The Third Register of Staplehurst, 1653-95. 1914. Cowper, H. S.: Great Loddenden. 1914. Keech, G. C.: Staplehurst and the Weald of Kent. 1965. Walker, A. J.: Staplehurst Church. 1938. Pugh, C. and Hutchings, G. E.: Stockbury: A Regional Study in N.E. Kent. 1928. Yeandle, W. H.: Historical Notes on the Church · ofStone-in-Oxney.1935. Smetham, H.: History of Strood. 1899. Balls, H.J.: Sutton-at-Hone Church. 1953. Hobday, R.H.: Notes on the Church of SS. Peter and Paul. Oyler, T. H.: East Sutton Church. 1898. Angell, 0. F.: Some Account of the Parish Church of St.M ary's.1874. Cave-Brown, J.: Sutton Valence and East Sutton. 1898. Sparvel-Bayly, J. A.: A History of Swanscombe. 1875. Bushe-Fox, J. P.: Excavation of the Late-Celtic Urnfield at Swarling. 1925. Duncan, L. L.: Inscriptions at Tenterden. 1919. Fellowes, H. Le M.: Parish Church of St. Mildred's, Tenterden. 1949. Mace, J.E.: Notes on Old Tenterden. 1902. Taylor, A. H.: St. Mildred's Parish Church. 1927. Councer, 0. R.: The Medieval Painted Glass of Teynham. Selby, E.: Teynham Manor and Hundred (798- 1935). 1936. (Cozens, Z.): A Tour through the Isle of Thanet. 1793. Simson, J.: Historic Thanet. 1891. (See also under Margate.) 233. KENT ARCHiEOLOGIOAL SOCIETY LIBRARY THANINGTON Wilson, S. G.: A Short History of Thanington TONBRIDGE TUNSTALL WALMER WATERINGBURY WESTERHAM WHITSTABLE WICKHAM, WEST WILMINGTON WINGHAM WOOLWICH WROTHAM WYE Church. Neve, A. H.: The Tonbridge of Yesterday. 1933. Wadmore, B.: Some Details in the History of the Parish of Tonbridge. 1906. Midwinter, A. A.: The Church and Village of Tunstall, Kent.1937. Mores, E. R.: The History and Antiquities of Tunstall in Kent. (Bibliotkeca Topographica Britannica, No. I.) 1780. Tonks, C. F.: The Walmer Churches. (See also under Deal.) Wateringbury: A Village History. Thompson, G.: Westerham and its Surroundings. Goodsall, R. H.: Whitstable, Sea.salter and Swalecliffe. 1938. Councer, C. R.: The Medieval Painted Glass of West Wickham. 1949. Hill, D. I. and Councer, C. R.: Ancient Heraldic Glass at Wickham Court. 1953. Balls, H. J.: The Church of St. Michael and All Angels, ... Wilmington. 1958. Hussey, A.: Chronicles of Wingham. 1896. Elliston-Erwood, F. E.: Well Hall. 1936. Ruegg, R.: Summer's Evening Rambles round Woolwich.1847. Vincent, W. T.: The Records of the Woolwich District. (2 vols.) 1890. Woolw:ich and its Environs. 1837 Kiddell, A. J. B.: Wrotham Slipware and the Wrotham Brickyard. 1949. · Hooper, E. L.: A Short History of Wye. 1921. Hubbard, G. E.: The Church of SS. Gregory and Martin, Wye.1950. · Hubbard, G. E.: The Old Book of Wye. 1951. Morris, W. S.: The History and Topography of Wye.1842. 234