General Index
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Frontispiece 1966
GENERAL INDEX Kent Archives Office accessions are not indexed. Abbey Mill, 57 ff. Aldington Mill, 70-1. Anglo-Saxon, Escutcheon from West Wickham, 299. Gold Cross from Thurnham, 297-8. Grave at Dover, 283-4. Sundial at Orpington, 287-91. Arrowhead, Medieval from New Romney, 296. Neolithio from Borough Green, 287. Arundel, Earls of, 230. Aylesford-Swarling Culture, 222. Pottery from, 225-6. Urnfield at, 223. Ballard's Mill, Thurnham, 67-8. Barker, H., Oakley, K. P. and G. de G. Sieveking, The Skeleton of Hailing Man, 218-20. Barker, Sir J., 227. Bath-house, The Vale Mascal, by John E. L. Caiger, 227-34. Belgic, A Burial-Group at Sholden, near Deal; and A Belgic Tazza from, Mill Hill, Upper Deal, by J. D. Ogilvie, F.S.A., and G. C. Dunning, F.S.A., 221-6. Coins, 109. Pottery, 221, 224. Settlement, Possible at Springhead, 109. Bexley District, Baths in, 231. Mill, 228. Bexleyheath, Danson Park, 234. Bishopsgate, St. Helen's Church, 154. Black Death of 1348, 263, 268-9. Bolney, Homewood House, 250. Bone, Pin, 214. Bothros or Ritual Shaft at Keston, 184 ff. Boughton Hall, 124. Boughton Malherbe, Parish of, 124. Bowen, Marie, Saxon Sundial in the Parish Church of All Saints, Orpington, 287-91. Boys, E. and J., 180. Bracelet, Bronze, from Springhead, 122. Shale, from Snodland, 214. Brampton (Curnb.), Tilery at, 174. Brislington, Arnos Court, Bath at, 230. Brockhull, Henry of Saltwood, 258. Bronze, Bracelet, from Springhead, 122. Brooch, from Sholden, 221-2. Finger-Ring, from Springhead, 123. Gilt Bowl, from Maidstone, 294. Pin, from Springhead, 122. Ring, from Dover, 284. Ring, from Springhead, 124. Brown, Capability, 227. Buckle, Late-Roman, from Snodland, 212-13. Burial, Belgic, at Sholden, 221 ff. Neolithic, at Hailing, 218. Romano-British, at Snodland, 193, 217. Holborough, 209. Springhead, 265 ff. Burstow Lodge (Sy.), 256. Caiger, John E. L., The Vale Mascal Bath-house, 227-34. Canterbury, Christ Church Chapter House, 148. Tileries at, 174. Chalkwell, Chillenden at, 284-5. Charing, 257. Chegworth Mill, 40 ff. Cheriton, near Folkestone, Urnfield at, 223. Chillenden, Chalkwell at, 284-5. Chislehurst, Scadbury, 256. Christian's Mill, 87-8. Church Mills, 93 ff. Cinque Ports, 2 ff., 126. Cliffe, Black Shore, Samian from, 235-45. Cobham Family, The, in the Administration of England, 1200-1400, by Mrs. Teresa May, 1-31. Cobham Family, 126. Coffin, Lead, 267. Stone, 150-1, 168-60, 193. Coin, Belgic, 109. Roman, 109, 116,119 ff., 216-7, 267. Medieval, 157. Colchester, Roman Gate at, 115. Cooper, R. of Springplace, 229. Corsham Court (Wilts.), Bath at, 230. Cray, River, 227, 232. Deal, Castle Museum, Finds at, 221. Detling, 257. 313 GENERAL INDEX Detsicas, A. P., M.A., F.S.A., Excavations at Eccles, 1966, 162-78. Samian Ware from the Medway Marshes, 235-45. Domburg, Roman Temple at, 188. Dover, Anglo-Saxon Grave at, 283-4. Dumbreck, Wing-Commander W. V., obituary, 311. Dunning, G. C, F.S.A., and Ogilvie, J. D., F.S.A., A Belgic Burial-Group at Sholden, near Deal: and a Belgic Tazza from Mill Hill, Upper Deal, 221-6. Earthworks, Hartley at, 285-7. Eastchurch, Romano-British Pottery from, 291-2. East Farbourne, Manor at, 32. East Weald, Fourteenth-Century Halls in the, by S. E. Rigold, F.S.A., 246-56. Eccles, 1966, Excavations at, by A. P. Detsicas, M.A., F.S.A., 162-78. Egerton, Rev. P. R., 229. Evans, J. H., Note, 218 ff. Evison, V. I., Anglo-Saxon Grave, Dover, 283-4. A Ninth-Century Strap-End from PostUng, 282-3. Eyhorne Corn Mill, 53. Fairbourne Mill, 32 ff. Finchdale, Church House at, 154. Floor-Tiles, Medieval, 152. Fulling Mill, 64 ff. Glass, Bead at Dover, 284. Gold, Disc at Dover, 284. Gomeldon, T., 258. Grave, Anglo-Saxon, at Dover, by V. I. Evison, 283-4. Grove, L. R. A., Notes from Maidstone Museum, 291-9. Grove Mill, 63 ff. Gurney, Hugh de, 258. Haberdashers' Company, 258. Hailing Man, The Skeleton of, by K. P. Oakley, H. Barker and G. de G. Sieveking, 218-20. Hamden, Smarden, Timber-Framed House at, 246, 248 ff. Harrietsham, Manor at, 32. Hartley, Chapel Wood, Earthworks at, 286-7. Tile-Kiln at, 287. Hartley Wespall (Hants), Churoh at, 256. Hayman, Sir P., Bt., 258. Hicks, Sir M., 230. Higham, Abbey Farm, 143. Higham Priory, Excavations at the Site of, by P. J. Tester, F.S.A., 143-61. Holborough Barrow, 209. HoUingbourne Manor Mill, 60 ff. Holme Mill, 38 ff. Holt (Denbighs.), Tilery at, 174. Horsham, Chennells Brook, 252. Huoking, 257. Hull, F., B.A., Ph.D., The Spittlehouse of Key Street, 179-83. Hurstbourne Tarrant, near Andover, Belgic Pot from, 226. Ingelthorpe, Sir E., 258. Iron, Medieval Implements from Ulcombe, 298-9. Knife, 216. Shears, 123. Jetton, 157. Joyden's Wood, Timber-Framed House at, 247. Keen, J. A., Chapel Wood, Hartley, 285-7. 'Keeper's Cottage', Mill Site, 50. Kelly, D. B. K., Notes from Maidstone Museum, 291-9. Kent Archceological Society Library, 277-81. Kent Archives Office, Accessions of, 272-6. Kent, W., 227. Keston, The Ritual Shaft at Warbank, by the late Nancy Piercy Fox, B.A., F.S.A, 184-91. Key Street, The Spittlehouse of, by F. Hull, B.A., Ph.D., 179-83. Kiln, Medieval Pottery, 294-5. Romano-British Tile, 170-8. Lead, Seal, 292. LeGear, R. F., Chillenden Chalkwell, 284-5. Legio II Italica, 264. 'Le Mille', 47 ff. Le Nethertoune Mill, 59-60. Letter Book relating to the Lieutenancy of Kent, 1604-28, by J. J. N. MoGurk, B.A.(Hons.), 124-42. LiUechuroh, Priory at, 143. Lydney, Temple of Nodens at, 189. Maiden Castle, Belgio Pot from, 225. Maidstone, All Saints Churoh, Floor- Tiles at, 153. The Mills, 99 ff. Mailing, 257. Mailing, East, Lead Seal-Matrix from, 292 MoGurk, J. J. N., B.A.(Hons.), Letter Book relating to the Lieutenancy of Kent, 1604-28, 124-42. 314 GENERAL INDEX May, Mrs. Teresa, The Cobham Family in the Administration of England, 1200-1400, 1-31. Medway Marshes, Samian Ware from, by A. P. Detsicas, M.A., F.S.A., 235-45. River, 169, 192, 209. Valley, 220. Milfordhope Marsh, Samian Ware from, 235-45. Mill Hill, Upper Deal, Belgic Site at, 221. Pottery from, 221, 224. Minster-in-Sheppey, Parish Church, 154. Mongeham, Great, Steel Stamp from, 292-3. Montford, Hugo de, 258. Nash, J., 230. Nettlestead, Palaeolithic Hand-Axe from, 296. Neolithic, Hailing, 218. New Romney, Medieval Arrowhead from, 296. North Cray, Bexley, Bath House at, 227 Woollett Hall, 228. North Downs, 209. Nurstead, 249. Oakley, K. P., Barker, H., and Sieveking, G. de G., The Skeleton of Hailing Man, 218-20. Obituary, 311. Ocock, M. A., and Syddell, M. J. E., The Romano-British Buildings in Church Field, Snodland, 192-217. Ogilvie, J. D., F.S.A., and Dunning, G. C, F.S.A., A Belgic Burial- Croup at Sholdan, •near Deal; and a Belgic Tazza from Mill Hill, Upper Deal, 221-6. Old Mill, Leeds, 60 ff. Otham Mills, 72 ff. Padsole Mill, 88 ff. Palaeolithic, Hand-Axe, 296. Palmer, Susann, Leaf-Shaped Arrowhead, Borough Green, 287. Parkin, E. W., The Vanishing Houses of Kent, 7. Harringe Court, Sellindge, 257-62. Park Mill, 53 ff. Penn, W. S., B.Sc, Possible Evidence from Springhead for the Great Plague of A.D. 166, 263-71. Springhead: Temple VI/Gateway, 105-123. Piercy Fox, the late Nancy, B.A., F.S.A., The Ritual Shaft at Warbank, Keston, 184-91. Pin, Bone, 214. Bronze, 122. Pivington, Timber-Framed House at, 246. Plague, Great, of 1666, 263. Plaxtol, Old Soar, Manor House, 149. Pole Mill, 80 ff. Polhill Mill, 36 ff. Pluckley, Egerton, Palaeolithic Hand- Axe from, 296. Postling, Anglo-Saxon Strap-End from, 282-3. Pottery, Belgic, 221, 224. Lamp, 212. Medieval, 293-6. Romano-British, 121-2, 176, 190-1, 206-8, 292. Samian Ware, 175, 209-12, 235-45, 267, 292. Priory Mill, 56-7. Purton Green, Suffolk, 249. Quern Stone, 200, 213-14. Rennes (Brittany), Abbey at, 155. Repton, H., 230. Researches and Discoveries in Kent, 282-99. Reviews, 300-10. Rigold, S. E., F.S.A., Fourteenth- Century Halls in the East Weald, 246-56. Ritual Shaft at Warbank, Keston, The, by the late Nancy Piercy Fox, B.A., F.S.A., 184-91. Robertsbridge Abbey, 256. Rochester, St. Andrew's Cathedral Chapter House, 148. Romano-British, Buildings, 162 ff., 192 ff. Cemetery, 267. Ovens, 267. Temple, 105 ff., 184. Tilery, 170 ff. Villa, 162 ff., 209. Romano-Celtic, Temple, 265. Romney, 3., Mayor of Maidstone, 181. Roof-Slates, 162. Tiles, 152. Rooting, Pluckley, Timber-Framed House at, 246, 254 ff. St. Catherine's College, Cambridge, 258. Salzburg, Inscription from, 263. Sellindge, Harringe Court: The Vanishing Houses of Kent, by E. W. Parkin, 267-62. Shale, Bracelet, 214. 315 GENERAL Sharfield, Robt. de, 258. Shears, Iron, 123. Sherwin, R., 179 ff. Sholden, Belgio Burial at, 221 ff. Sidcup, Lamorbey Park, Bath at, 231. Sieveking, G. de G., Oakley, K. P., and Barker, H., The Skeleton of Hailing Man, 218-20. Slayhills Marsh, Samian Ware from, 235-45. Smith, J. of Borden, 182. Sir W., 258. Snodland, The Romano-British Buildings in Church Field, by M. A. Ocock andM. J. E. Syddell, 192-217. Spain, R. J., The Len Water MiUs, 32- 104. Springhead, Possible Evidence for the Great Plague of A.D. 166, by W. S. Penn, B.Sc, 263-71. Temple VI/Gateway, by W. S. Penn, B.Sc, 105-23. Stamp, Steel, 292-3. Stoke Saltings, Samian Ware from, 235-46. Stone, near Dartford, Urnfield at, 223. Stratford-at-Bow, Nunnery at, 155. Summerton, H. V., 293-4. Swarling, Pottery from, 225. Swingfield, Chapel at, 257. Syddell, M. J. E. and Ocock, M. A., The Romano-British Buildings in Church Field, Snodland, 192-217. Tash, T., 227. Tester, P. J., F.S.A., Excavations on the Site of Higham Priory, 143-61. The Comb, Bearsted, Mill Site, 71-2. INDEX 'The Mille', 50. Thetford, Church House at, 154. Thurnham, Anglo-Saxon Gold Cross from, 297-8. Ballard's Mill, 67-8. Mill, 68-70. Tickerage, 260. Tilery, 170 ff. Tonbridge, Printers' Work from, 298. Trier, Roman Temple Area at, 188. Turkey MUl, 84 ff. Ulcombe, Medieval Iron Shears from, 298-9. Upchurch, TUery at, 174. Verulamium, Roman Gate at, 115. Walcheren, Isle of, Sanctuary at, 188. Ware, I., 230. Water-Mitts, The Len, by R. J. Spain, 32-104. Watling Street, 117, 267. WeddeU, W., 230. Wesley, Ch., 229. Wickham, West, Anglo-Saxon Escutcheon from, 299. WiUoughbye, Sir F., 258. Woodeaton, Romano-British Temple at, 115. Wotton, Family, 124. Wrighte, W., 231. Yalding, 257. Zouche, Lord, 124. 316