Frontmatter, Volume 83

irrltreulngin 􀀏nntinna "ANTlQOlTATES SEU HlSTORIAROM RELIQUI& SUNT TANQUAM TABUL.11!) NAUFJI.AOJT; CUllf, DEFIOIEN'l.'E ET FERE SUBMERSA RERU'M MEMO'RIA, Nr:EULOMINUS HO􀅅rINES INDUSTRIT ET SAOACES, PE'.RTINACJ QUADAIII ET 80'.RUPULOSA PILIOEN'.flA, EX OENEALOOIIS, FASTIS, TITUJ'..IS, MONUMENT!S, NUMISMATIBUB, NOMJNIBUS PROPRJJS ET STYLlS, VE'.RBORUM ETYMOLOOIIS, PROVEnnns, TJI.ADITJONIBUS, ARCHIVl!l, ET INSTRUMENTlS, TAM PUBLICIS QUA11! PRJVAT!S, HISTORIAROl\l FRAO,lfESTIS, LIB'.RORUM NEUTIQOAlll HJSTOlU• CORU!II LOCIS DISPERSIS,-EX HIS, INQUAM, OMNIBUS VEL ALIQUJB'ITS, NONN1JLLA A TEl\1POR1S DILUVIO ElUPllJNT :ET CONSERVANT, RES SANE OPEROSA, BED MORTALtBUS GRATA ET CUM RJ!lVERENTIA QUADAIII CON· lUNCTA." "ANTIQUITIES, OR REMNANTS 011 Hl!:!TORY, ARE, AS WAS SAID, TANQUAM TABUL.IE NAUFRAOII : WHEN INDUSTRIOUS PEIISONS, BY AN EXACT AND SCRUPULOUS DILIGENCE AND OBSERVATION, OUT OF MONUMENTS, NAMES, WORDS, PROVERBS, TRADITIONS, PRIVATE RECORDS AND EV[l)ENC'ES, l!'RAG• MENTS OF STORIES, PASSAGES OF BOOB:S THAT CONCERN NOT STORY, AND THE LJR'E, DO SAVE AND RECOVER SOMlllWFIAT FROM TtlE DELUOE OF 1'tME. "-Advancement of Learning, ii. arrbreologia QCantiatta: Being Contributions to the History and Arohloology of Kent VOLUME LXXXIII 1968 Published by the KENT ARCH.£0LOGICAL SOCIETY Printed for the Society by HEADLEY BROTHERS LTD. ASHFORD, KENT 1009 NOTICES The Council of the Kent Arohreological Society invites the attention of members to the following matters :- (I) The Council is not answerable for opinions put forward in this work. Each contributor is alone responsible for the contents of his paper. (2) Papers submitted for publication in Archwologia Oantiana should be complete in all respects before being sent to the Editor. They should be typed in double spacing, on one side of the paper only. Photo• graphs for Plates must be of the highest possible standard on glazed prints. Line drawings for Figures should be in Indian ink on good quality board or paper. In regard to the proportions of such drawings authors should note the size of a page of the volume. On drawings which must be considerably reduced for reproduction the lettering and lines must be boldly executed. For further information consult "Notes for the guidance of contributors to Archwologia Oantiana.", printed in Volume lxxviii (1963), 225. Or the honorary editor will supply a copy on request. (3) Changes of address and errors in the list of members should be notified at once to the General Secretary, Lieut.-Colonel G. W. Mee.tea, F.S.A., The Gate House, Lullingstone Coatie, Eynsford, Kent. (4) An expansion of the membership would enable the Society to publish a larger volume and to undertake extended archreologioal work generally. Members, therefore, are urged to induce their friends interested in arohreology to join the Society. Information as regards the Society's e.otivities, copies of the Rules and forms of application for membership may be obtained from the General Secretary. (5) The annual subscription covers all the privileges of membership, but additional contributions i n the form of annual or occasional donations to the Archawlogia Oantiana Fund, to the Records Publication Fund, towards excavation work, or for the general purposes of the Society, are invited and are always very welcome. (6) It would be a great convenience if members could pay their subscdp• tiona by Bankers' Order whilst if they to sign a seven-year deed of Covenant it would enable the Society to recover Income Tax at no extra cost to the member. Forms may be obtained from the 'l'l.'easurer, Mr. W. J. Yeo National Provincial Bank Ltd., Maidstone. Subscriptions (at present £2 10s. per annum) due on the 1st of January, and if not by Bankers' Order, should be sent as early in the year as possible to the Treasurer. (7) The Society's room at Maidstone Museum is open daily to members who wish to consult books in the Reference Library, and the Librarian and Curator are always glad to help callers to obtain any information which they may require. ILLUSTRATIONS Two Types of Court Hall: Fig. 1. Canterbury Guildhall (Column and Fig. 2. Fig. 3. Plate Vault in Projection) ........... . Canterbury Guildhall (Plan of Cellars) Cantmerabnu rCye lGlaur il.d.h.a.l.l.. .o.f. N..o.r. - IA. Canterbury Guildhall: SW. corner of Norman Cellar ............... . PAGE 5 8 9 Plate IB. Milton Regis Court Hall, W. side . . . . facing 10 Plate !IA. Milton Regis Court Hall from E. ..... . Plate IIB. Fordwich TownHallfromE . ....... . Fig. 4. Milton Regis Court Hall ........... . Fig. 5. Plans-Fordwich and Milton Regis .. Fig. 6. Timber details ................... . Fig. 7. Fordwich Town Hall ............. . Fig. 8. Canterbury Guildhall Pottery ....... . The Shrewsbury Tomb at Erith: 13 14 15 18 21 Plate I. The Shrewsbury Tomb at Erith . . . . . . facing 23 Winkhurst Farm, Bough Beech: Plate Plate Fig. 1. I. Winkhurst Farm from north-west . . . . . . . . } facing 34 II. Winkhurst Farm from north-east Plan and longitudinal section . . . . . . . . facing 36 Excavations at Eccles, 1967: Fig. 1. Fig. 2. Plate Plan-Eccles, 1967 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . facing 42 Sectional plan ................... · 1 . I. Period IV, Rooms 89 and 90; Period V, facing 44 Rooms 37 and 93 ............. . vii ILLUSTRATIONS PAGE Plate II. Period IV: Tessellated Pavement in Plate III. Plate IV. Plate V. Plate VI. Plate VII. Plate VIII. Room 87 ................... . Period VI: Room 15 Period VI: Room 15, Detail of painted Wall-plaster in sit·it ..........•. Fragment of Bath-stone "Pillar ..... . Period VI: Rooms 84 and 85, Stepping facing 44 for Timber Roof-Support ....... . Period VI: Room 81, East Corner, Ledge ..................... . Period VII: Hearth in Room 90; Period IV: Room 91, Remnants of Tessellation ................. . Roman and Medieval Defences of Rochester: Fig. I. Fig. 2. Fig. 3. Fig. 4. Fig. 5. Fig. 6. Fig. 7. Fig. 8. Fig. 9. Fig. 10. Fig. ll. Fig. 12. Plate I. Plate IIA. Plan-Roman and Medieval Rochester Sectional Plan Sectional Plan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cutting behind Roman wall . . . . . . . . Cutting B, across line of south Roman Wall ...... .................. Cuttings C and D, across line of Roman Wall . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cutting E, through Livett's 'Ernulfian' wall .......................... Cutting F, through channel under path in Deanery Garden . . . . . . . . . . . . Cuttings G and H, through filling of medieval ditch and Roman pit . . Plan-Rochester 1961 . . . . . . . . . " . . . . Cutting through north Roman wall . . Cutting against inside of Roman wall on West side of Northgate ...... facing facing facing facing facing Section through Roman Defences ••• · 'Arch of Construction' in fourteenth- 1 facing century East Wall ............ viii 55 56 57 58 60 61 63 64 65 71 72 72 78 ILLUSTRATIONS Plate IIB. Roman North Wall showing Conduit .. Plate IIIA. Squared facing Stones on outside of Roman Wall ................. . Plate IIIB. Coursed Rubble Facing on inside of PAGE Roman Wall . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . facing 78 Plate IVA . Copy in Lead of sh..--t eenth-century Jetton ..................... . Plate IVB. Stone Mould for casting Buckle and Fig. 13. Fig. 14. Fig.15. Fig. 16. Fig. 17. Fig. 18. Trinket ................... . Coarse Wares Coarse Wares ................... . Samian Ware (Medieval) ........... . Sam.ian Ware (Medieval) ........... . Samian Ware (Medieval) Small Finds ..................... . The Old Mill, Bexley: Plate I. Bexley Mill from the road ......... · Plate II. Bexley Mill from upstream . . .. .. .. . .1 facing Plate III. Bexley Mill after the fire of May 1966 .. The Dutch James Family of Ightham Court: 83 84 85 95 96 101 108 Plate I. William James (1602-61) ........... · Plate II. Demetrius Grevis-Ja mes (1776-1861) . .1 facing 122 Plate III. Mary, wife of Demetrius Grevis-James An Anglo-Saxon Cemetery at Orpington: Fig. 1. Provisional site-plan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129 Fig. 2. Pottery finds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133 Fig. 3. Pottery finds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135 Fig. 4. Objects from Graves and Cremation Burials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136 Fig. 5. Objects from Graves ............... . 137 ix Plate Plate Plate Plate Fig. 6. Fig. 7. Fig. 8. Fig. 9. Fig. 10. Fig. 11. ILLUSTRATIONS I. Grave25 II. Grave26 III. Grave 36 IV. Grave 4 1 Objects from Graves ............... . Objects from Grave 35 ............. . Objects from Graves ............... . Objects from Graves Sword and Spearheads from Graves .. Iron Shield-bosses from Graves The Vanishing Houses of Kent: Plate IA. Lake House from the south-west Plate IB. The eastern end of the house ....... . Plate IIA. Remains of original window at west end PAGE facing 13 8 140 142 144 14 6 147 14 8 of house .......... • • • • • • • • • • • • facing 156 Plate IIB. Sill of blocked window at the east end Plate IIIA. Original roof truss, and partition Plate IIIB. Original joists of the hall floor ....... . Fig. 1. Plan....... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 157 Fig. 2. Plan. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 8 Fig. 3. Section of original house, looking west 159 Springhead: Miscellaneous Excavations: Fig. 1. Fig. 2. Plate IA. Plate IB. Plate IIA. Plate IIB. Plate III. Building B.10 165 Section through rooms A and C of Building B.10 .. . .. . . . . . . . . .. . 167 L-shaped Corn-drying Kiln. Building B.10 ....•................... Mausoleum. Building B.10 ......... . Brooch 1 from Building B.10 . . . . . . . . facing 16 8 Brooch 2 from Building B.10 ....... . View of hypocaust building and pilae. BuildingB.8 ................. . X Plate Plate Fig. 3. Fig. 4. Fig. 5. Fig. 6. Fig. 7. Fig. 8. IV. V. ILLUSTRATIONS PAGE View of arch from stoke-hole. Building B.8 . .. .. . . . . .. . . . .. . .. . . .. . . .) facing 16 8 Possible Corn-drying Kiln. Feature F26 Metal ware . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 173 Pottery, Glass and Bone . . . . . . . . . . . . 174 Plan of Hypocaust. Building B.8. . . . . . 175 Oven (F 25); Kiln (F 26) . . . . . . . . . . . . 177 Kiln (F 26) . . . . . . .. . .. . . . . . . . .. . . . . 17 8 Oven. Feature F 25 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 80 A Deposit of Samian Ware from Springhead: Fig. 1. Decorated forms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 219 Fig. 2. Decorated forms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 220 Fig. 3. Decorated forms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 221 The Road between Dartford, Gravesend and Strood: Fig. 1. Fig. 2. Map ............................ facing 229 Coaches at New Prince of Orange and Lord Nelson ................. . 246 Investigations and Excavations during the year: Plate Plate Fig. 1. Fig. 2. Fig. 3. Fig. 4. Fig. 5. Fig. 6. IA. Frittenden. Romano-British urn l Frittenden. Romano-British urn : : : : j fa,cing 263 IB. Belgic pottery from Snargate . . . . . . . . 266 Pottery money box from Canterbury . . 267 Tile pieces from Clowes Wood, near Canterbury . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 8 Medieval pottery from Westbere 269 Beaker from Cliff send, Ramsgate . . . . 271 Roman Worthgate, Canterbury . . . . . . 274 xi 1!ent 􀀐rcfJacological 􀀑ocietp OFFICERS AND MEMBERS lsT JANUARY, 1969 J!ent 􀀐rcuaeological 􀀑ocietp l􀀊resib.eut MAJOR-GENERAL THE VISCOUNT MONCKTON OF BRENCHLEY, C.B., O.B.E., M.C. "Wicc-.l3rcsibcnt.s 'l'HR LORD ARCHBISHOP OF CANTERBURY, P.C., D.D. THE VISCOUNT DE L'ISLE, V.C. THE LORD BRABOURNE '.1.'HE LORD NORTHBOURNE THE LORD CORNWALLIS, K.B.E., M.C. SIR EDWARD HARDY FRANK W. JESSUP. M.A., LL.B., F.S.A. I. D. MARGARY, M.A., F.S.A. SIR THOMAS NEAME, M.A., F.S.A. SIR JOHN DUNLOP, K.B.E., C.M.G., M.C., T.D. 1£,onorarp 􀀫bitor JOHN H. EVANS, F.S.A., 86 Hol1rUtUle, Gillingham. 􀀬encral 􀀭ccrctarp LIEUT.-COLONEL G. W. MEATES, F.S.A., The Gate Howie, Lullingstone Oa.stk, .ihJnsjord. 􀀮on. 􀀯rcasurcr l\f. W. J. YEO, National Prot-incial Bank, Ltd., .Maidstone. 1£,on. eixcursions 􀀭ccrctarp H. A. JAMES, 74 Broa.s., and Mrs., Grenna, Chapel Lane, Ightham, Sevenoaks. 1945 *Stern, Lt.-Col. Sir Albert, K.B.E., 0.111.0., Barham Court, Maidstone. 1939 *Stevens, Con. A. L., Wimbledon Stadium, s.w.17. 1967 Stevenson, Mrs. A., Upper Green, Sandhurst, Ha.wkhurst. 1957 Stirk, A. G., River Board House, London Road, Maidstone. 1952 Stone, Rioha.rd C., B,A., Fra.mfield, Sutton Valence. 1955 Stoyel, A. D., 52 Tudor Drive, Otford, Sevenoaks. 1956 Stoyel, B . D., 356 Boulevard du Souverain, Bruxelles, 16, Belgium. 1963 Strange, Mrs. K. C., 5656 Rolling Bridge Roa.d, Indianapolis 20,, U.S.A. 1961 Strudwick, Mrs. Elizabeth, M.A., The Moat, Cowden, Edenbridge. xl LIST OF MEMBERS 1930 Stuart, Mias R. E. P., P.H.D., Leonia, 4 The Bayle, Folkestone. 1967 Sully, Mr. and Mra. R. B., Coppice, 20 Nevill Park, Tunbridge Wells. 1962 Summerton, H. V., 6A Woodcut, Sandling Lane, Maidstone. 1967 Sumner, His Honour Judge W. D. M., Brissenden House, Bethersden. 1966 Sutcliffe, Mrs. J., Blackmoor Lodge, Four Elms, Edenbridge. 1962 Swain, E. R., Old Mill Cottage, Chequers Hill, Doddington, near Sittingbourne. 1967 Swaine, A. W., ll'.R,I,B.A., Latchmere House, Watling Street, Canterbury. 1960 Swale, J. D., 39 Arthur Road, London, N.7. 1967 Swan, H. D., Chemist, High Street, Che.ring. 1966 Swanton, M. J., B,A., :e.e:.D., Dept. of English, The Victoria University, Manchester, 13. 1966 Syddall, M. J. E., 32 Uplands Close, Strood, Rochester. 1964 *Tabb, A. M., Miss, Flat E, "Burnside", Sanclhurst Road, Tunbridge Wells. 1948 Talbot, W. F., Four Winds, 68 Downs Wood, Epsom Downs, Surrey. 1959 Taplin, 0., Kent Hatch Lodge, Crockham Hill, Edenbridge. 1949 Tatham, F. H. C., 35 Little Common, Ste.nmore, Middlesex. 1949 *Taylor, A. J. H., Long Barn, Broadstairs. 1968 Taylor, J. A., 237 Upton, Road, Bexley. 1967 Taylor, P. S., "Green Leaves", Bekesbourne Road, Littlebourne, near Canterbury. 1968 Taylor, S. E., M.A., Newlands, Goldbridge Road, Newiok, Lewes, Sussex. 1958 Teague, G. W., B.Sc., Church Cottage, Ightham, Sevenoaks. 1962 Terry, C., Little Cherque, Witley, near Godalming, Surrey. 1952 Terry, Mrs. Joan M., St. Malo, Heskett Park, Pembury. 1948 Tester, P. J., F.s.A., 2 Willow Close, Bexley. 1961 Tew, R. P., 4 Church Walk, East Malling, Maidstone. 1960 Thirsk, Mra. Joan, B.A., P.H.D., St. Hilda's College, Oxford. 1963 Thoburn, H. F., Pympne Manor, Benenden, Cranbrook. 1961 Thomas, B. G., 233 Loose Road, Maidstone. 1946 Thomas, H. B., o.B.E., 48 Cranston Avenue, Bexhill-on-Sea., Sussex. 1968 Thompson, D. G., 20 Knockhall Chase, Greenhithe. 1969 Thompson, F. G., r.s.o., Chevincote, 68 Chipstead Park, Sevenoaks. 1937 Thompson, Miss V. G., Primrose Hill, Brenchley, Tonbridge. 1966 Thomsett, R. J., 17 Bassett Road, Sittingbourne. 1967 Thornewell, D., 798 London Road, Lark.field, near Maidstone. 1966 Thorogood, L. G., 11 Bankside Close, Bexley. 1961 Tilley, E. W., 210 Old Road West, Gravesend. 1968 Tilson, G., 7 Dorchester Avenue, Bexley. 1963 *Todd, C. G., Tebbs Copyhold, Ightham, Sevenoaks. 1946 Toke-Nichols, Mrs. M., Water Farm, Bethersden, Ashford. 1965 Tolmie, B. E. A., Knoll House, Crayburne, Betsham, near Gravesend. 1937 Tomlyn, Leonard, Grand Hotel, Nebraska City, Nebraska, U.S.A. 1937 Tomsett, W., 315 Hythe Road, Ashford. 1938 Tookey, G. W., Q.c., 12 Orchard Road, Bromley. 1962 Topham-Meekings, Mrs. D., Halls' Hole, l A Forest Road, Tunbridge Wells. 1968 Tottman, B., 28 Maypits, S. Ashford. 1939 Tower, Miss Winifred, Memories, Ash, Canterbury. 1966 Townend, J.P., 56 Cranborne Avenue, Maidstone. 1949 Toy, P.H., ll'.:a.r.o.s., Hollanden House, Hildenborough. 1952 Trantor, A. W. G., Polperro, Rochester Road, Chalk, Gravesend, 1961 Tubbs, D. B., Winfield House, Crouch, Borough Green, Sevenoaks. 1967 Tucker, Miss J., Varne House, The Riviera, Sandgate, Folkestone. 1959 Tunstall, J. Keith, Little Chart, Oakhill Road, Sevenoaks. 1967 Turner, B. W., Keeper's Lodge, Frittenden, Cranbrook. 1966 Twymann, A., 46 Castle Street, Dover. xli KENT ARCHlEOLOGICAL SOCIETY 1938 Urry, W. G., l'H.D., B.A., F.s.A., ll'.R.HIST.s., Chapter Library, The Precincts, Cant.erbury. 1966 Utley, Miss M., 21 Riddlesdale Avenue, Tunbridge Wells. 1930 Va.Ion, Mrs. E., 14 Molyneux Park, Tunbridge Wells. 1967 Venner, D. G., The Red House, Tanyard Hill. Shorne. 1967 Voeloker, Mrs. A., Sutton Place, Sutton Valence, near Maidstone. 1956 Wacher, J. S.,, F.s.A., 77 Leicester Road, Glen Hills, Leicester. 1960 Wade, J., 36 Well Road, Otford, Sevenoaks. 1955 Waldmeyer, Mrs., Glenboyne, 47 Bower Mount Road, Maidstone. 1946 Walker, Alfred T., St. Gennains, 49 Epple Bay Road, Birchington. 1947 Walker, C. W., M.INST,B.E., F.S.A.(Scot.), "Pitt House", Chudleigh, S. Devon. 1966 Walker, MiBS M. B., Kingsbroom, Kingswood, Sutton Valence. 1932 Walkling, L. E., 22 King Edward Road, Maidstone. 1964 Walsh, R. M., "The Stables", Fawkham Manor, Fawkham. 1966 Ward, C. P., Oakhurst, 7 Common Wood Rise, Crowborough, Sussex. 1961 Ward, E., 1 Pickhurst Rise, West Wickham. 1968 Wardale, F. C., 4 Cranedown, Lewes, Sussex. 1963 Warde, Lt.-Col. A. G., M.O., Bodsey House, Ramsey, Rants. 1961 Wardle, MiAs E., 139 Bradbourne Park Road, Sevenoaks. 1961 Warman, Miss Elizabeth, Marlewood, 14 Redgate Drive, Hayes, Bromley. 1966 Watts, M. C., "Wynwood", 85 Chatham Avenue, Ha.yes, Bromley. 1965 Watts, Miss S., 46 Robyns Wa.y, Sevenoaks. 1964 Waugh, Miss H., 31 Five Mile Drive, Oxford. 1966 Webb, Miss A., The Stores, West Peckham, near Maidstone. 1962 Webb, C., 24 Canadian Avenue, Catford, London, s.E 6. 1966 Webb, C. D., o.B.E., Ma.nor House, Lydd. 1959 Webber, :Mr. and Mrs. E. C., Weybread, Common Road, Ightham, Sevenoaks. 1966 Webster, A. B., 111.A., F.R.mST.s., F.s.A., 6 The Terrace, St. Stephen's, Canterbury. 1966 Webster, Miss M. B., 12 Rochester Street, Chatham. 1956 Wells, Mrs. Brigid, B.A., 8 Cable House, Lloyd Street, London, w.o.I. 1965 West, R. B., 6 New Road, Paddock Wood, Tonbridge. 1958 Whall, C., Brook Cottage, Egg-pie Lane, Hildenborough. 1947 *Whatmore, Rev. L. E., M.A., F.R.HIST.s., St. Wilfred's, South Road, Hailsha.m, Sussex. 1966 Wheeler, R. J., "Skye", 39 BidboroughRidge, Tunbridge Wells. 1965 Whibley, Vaughan, A,L.a., 14 Chestnut Close, Green Street Green, Orpington, Kent. 1947 White, H. R. C., Spicers Farm, Etchinghill, Folkestone. 1964 White, H. W., 13 North,vood Avenue, High Halstow, Rochester. 1936 White, Mrs. M. L., Orchard House, Smallhythe, Tenterden. 1966 Whitehorn, K. P., B.A., 3 Priory Drive, Abbey Wood, London, S.E.2. 1968 Whyman, J., Rutherford College, University of Kent, Canterbury. 1958 Wickham, D. E., M.A., 116 Parsonage Ma.nor Way, Belvedere. 1949 Wigan, Rev. Canon and Mrs. B. J., Kingsdown, Somerfield Road, Maidstone. 1949 Wiles, J. A., Elmcroft,, Canterbury Road, Ashford, Kent. 1968 Wilkinson, Miss L. A., 9 Cheshunt Close, Hook Green, Meopha.m. 1967 Williams, C. L. S., Hawthorn Cottage, Easter.fields, East M alling. 1966 Williams, J. A., Luddesdown Court, Meopham. 1967 Wilmott, W., "Winnats", Sandown Road, Sandwich. 1961 Wilson, B., 8 Wordsworth Road, Maidstone. 1952 Wilson, R. W., 1 Essex Road, Dartford. 1964 Wingate, Miaa I., 3 Hadley Court, Culverden Down, Tunbridge Wells. 1967 Wise, Mr. B. S. and Mrs., Whetsted Farm, Five Oak Green, Tonbridge. 1961 Woodcock, Miss A. E., Sa.nquhar, The Street, Hartlip, Sittingbourne. xlii LIST OF MEMBERS 1963 Woodcock, A. G., 3 Abbotts Barton Walk, Canterbury. 1956 Woodcock, A. J . .A., 511 Canterbury Street, Gillingham. 1958 Woodfield, C. T. Paul, Public Works Dept., Miri, Sarawak. 1958 Woodman, A. M., M.v.o., Posiers, Borden, Sittingbourne. 1910 Woodruff, Rev. J.E., B,A.., The Oratory, Brompton Road, s.w.7. 1963 Woods, A. J. D., O.B.E., M.A., 3 Harley House, Manor Park, Chislehurst. 1948 Woodward, A. M., li'.S.A., HON.A.R.I.B.A., Spa Hotel, Tunbridge Wells. 1967 Woollett, P. W., 25 St. Leonard's Avenue, Chatham. 1968 Woosnam, J., LL.B., 7 Lavernock Road, Bexleyheath. 1968 Worsfold, Colonel C. P., 4 Mount Pleasant, Tenterden. 1967 Worth, J., Dennes, Ringwould, Deal. 1964 Wright, R., 38 Bladindon Drive, Bexley. 1947 Wright, Mrs. R. A., Little Beverley, 121 Whitstable Road, Canterbury- 1967 Wyatt, Miss B. B., 28 Postley Road, Maidstone. 1965 Young, A. C., Upland, The Rise, Sevenoaks. 1964 Young, G. M. U., 13 Dry Hill Road, Tonbridge. 1962 Young, R. E. C., 68 Douglas Avenue, Whitstable. :xliii ANNUAL REPORT FOR THE YEAR 1968 ANNUAL REPORT FOR THE YEAR ENDED 3lsT DECEMBER, 1968 Council presents its One Hundred and Tenth Report, and the Statement of Accounts for 1967. OBITUA.RY Council records with great regret the deaths of two of the VicePresidents of the Society, Sir Herbert Cohen, Bart., O.B.E., and Mr. F. C. Elliston-Erwood, F.S.A. Sir Herbert had been a member since 1911 in which year he was elected a Vice-President, and Mr. Elliston-Erwood had been a member since 1908, a Vice-President since 1967, and an Honorary Member since 1961. It is also with much regret that Cowicil records the deaths of Canon William Telfer, D.D., Dr. P. H. Reaney, Litt.D., Ph.D., F.S.A., and Mr. W. S. Penn, B.Sc. Canon Telfer was a great scholar who contributed papers to Arclu:eowgia Oanti,ana, and who was sometime Master of Selwyn College, Cambridge, holding a canonry at Ely. Dr. Reaney had been a member since 1953, and a member of Council since 1962. His eminence in the study of Place Names was nation-wide, and he was Chairman of the Place Names Committee from 1957. His loss to scholarship is greatly lamented. In Mr. Penn, the Society has lost a director of excavations of .great attainments, who for many years had investigated the RomanoBritish township at Springhead, near Gravesend, adding much by his work to knowledge of the pagan religions of that period. ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING The Annual General Meeting was held in the Museum, Maidstone, on 11th May, 1968, when Council's Annual Report and the Statement of Accounts for 1967 were received and adopted. Aft-er the luncheon interval, an audience of sixty members and their friends heard a most interesting lecture by 1\fr. S. E. Rigold, M.A., F.S.A., on "Medieval Castles of Kent", illustrated by many excellent slides. The lecture was received with much pleasure, and the Chairman, Mr. C. R. Councer, F.S.A., expressed the warm thanks of the Meeting to the lecturer. THE PRESIDENCY The President, Sir John Dunlop, K.B.E., C.M.G., M.C., T.D., having regretfully expressed his desire to vacate the Office for reasons of health, at the Annual General Meeting, Major-General The Viscount Monckton of Brenchley, C.B., O.B.E., M.C., wa,g unanimously and with acclamation elected President, and took the Chair. VIOE-PRESIDENTS Sir Thomas, M.A., F.S.A., and Sir John Dunlop, K.B.E., C.M.G., M.C., T.D., have been elected Vice-Presidents of the Society. xlvi REPORT, 1968 HONORARY MEMBER Mrs. V. M. F. Desborough has been elected an Honorary Member of the Society in recognition of her long and devoted work in the promotion of the interests of the Society during her twenty years tenure of the office of Local Secretary for Tunbridge Wells. MEMBERSHIP During 1968, ninety-£.ve new members were elected, and allowing for resignations and deaths, the total membership stands at 1,167, a nett increase of 30 during the year. A further increase in membership is, however, needed, and Council appeals for new members, junior members being especially invited. The Society's Information Leaflet may be obtained on application to the General Secretary. COUNCIL At the Annual General Meeting the following were re-elected to Council: Mr. A. F. Allen, Mr. C. R. Councer, Mr. R. H. Goodsall, Mr. K. W. E. Gravett, Mr. R. H. Hiscock, and Miss Anne Roper. Mr. L. D. Lyle, M.A., was elected to Council in the place of the late Dr. Reaney. Mr. C. R. Councer continues as Chairman, and Council is complete. FINANCE The Accounts for 1967, adopted at the Annual General Meeting, are published with this Report. To allow the Society to maintain its high standards, especially in regards to the publication of its Proceedings, and of successive volumes of l(ent Records, Council appeals for: (I) New Members. (2) Donations to the Archceologia Cantiana and Kent Records Funds. (3) Members to enter into seven-year Covenants, to enable the Society to recover Income Tax on their subscriptions at no extra cost to members. Forms of Undertaking may be obtained from the General Secretary. Note. Members are urged to pay their subscriptions by Banker's Order Form, which may be obtained from the General Secretary. All subscriptions .should be sent DIRECT to the General Secretary. EXCURSIONS Three excursions were arranged, two in Kent and one in our neigh• houring county of Essex. All were well attended by members and their friends. The places vfaited are listed below together with those who kindly acted as guides; the Society is most grateful for their assistance. Saturday, Ightham and District 26th May Ryder's Iron Works, Plaxtol-Mr. K. ,:'\1 • E. Gravett, M.Sc., F.S.A. Ightham Mote-Miss Fox and Mr. J. Goodwin. Ightham Church-Brigadier E. V. Bowra, O.B.E. Old Soar-Mr. K. W. E. Gravett, M.Sc., F.S.A. The Society is grateful to Mr. D. Hyder and the Vicar of Ightham fo:r their kindness. ·xlvii Saturday, 13th July Saturday, 7th September REPORT, 1968 Maldon, Eaaex The Plume Library-Mr. D. Downes. The Moot Hall-Mr. E. Dines. Beeleigh Abbey-Mr. F. Chappell. All Saints Church, Maldon-Rev. D. Iorns. In addition to the above gentlemen, the Society is indebted to Miss Christina Foyle and the Town Clerk of Maldon for their help. Romney Marsh New Hall, Dymchurch-Miss A. Roper, M.B.E., F.S.A., Mr. W. B. Smith, and Mr. S. E. Rigold, M.A., F.S.A. The Churches of Old Romney and Brookland-Miss A. Roper, M.B.E., F.S.A., and Mr. K. W. E. Gravett, M.Sc., F.S.A. Homes Place Chapel-Mr. S. E. Rigold, M.A., F.S.A. The Society is grateful to 1\1."r. Smith for his kind hospitality and to the Countess of Moray for her assistance. A.RCRJEOLOGIA CANTIANA Volume lxxxii was published early in 1968. Under the proficient and experienced Editorship of Mr. John H. Evans, F .S.A., the volume is of the highest standard, and the papers it contains cover a wide field of Archaeology and History, designed for the interest of every member of the Society. LIBRARY AND CoLLEC'l'IONS Twenty-two books have been added to the Library, twenty of them received a8 gifts. Particularly generous was the gift by our member Lewis Biggs, Esq., of the twelve-volume edition of He.sted's A History and Topographical, Survey of the County of Kent, recently rebound and once belonging to George Payne. Among other books are Excavations at Faversham, by Brian Philp, St. Edmund' s Chapel, Dover, by T. E. Tanner, and St. Margaret's Church, Horsmonden, by A. Cronk. The Torr MS. Notebooks have been catalogued and a list appears in this volume of ArchaJologia Oantiana. The large collection of MS. Note• books by Leland Duncan is being checked and arranged, with the help of Mr. Thomas Church, and a list of them will appear in the next volume. Members who wish to use the Lil>rary are reminded that they should show their Meml:Jership Cards to the Museum attendant and sign the Visitors' Book. This rule was introduced in the interests of members, and Council regrets to report a case of theft and vandalism perpetrated when this procedure was neglected, thus showing that some safeguard is unfortunately necessary. REOORDS PcraLIOATION COMMITTEE The Committee met on 25th September, 1968, to consider the position in relation to Dr. Wood-Legh's proposed volume and future activity. Unfortunately secretarial difficulties have held up the completion of the text of Archbishop Warham's Visitations, but it is hoped to publish during 1969. xlviii REPORT, 1968 PLAOE NAMES COMMITTEE The death of Dr. P.H. Reaney at the beginning of 1968 was a blow to Place-Names interests in Kent and throughout the conntry. While his principal editorial work lay outside Kent he had carried on some research in this county, and such papers as he left concerning Kentish Place Names were very generously given to the Society under his will. Future activity by the Committee is dependent largely upon the availability of Mr. J. McNeil Dodgeson, secretary of the English Place Names Society, to begin active work on the promised Kent volume. C.P.R.K.fK.A.S. PRESERVATION OF ANOIENT Bun,nrnos COMMITTEE 1967/68. ( 1) The future of the thirteenth-century Commandery of theH ospitallers of St. John at Swingfield was thought to be assured, but no action would appear to have yet been taken by Kent Connty Council to acquire it compulsorily, and the building is inevitably further deteriorating. There is little more that the Committee can do, other than to enquire a.t intervals of the County Planning Officer whether any progress has been made. (2) The tiny medieval chapel of St. Ed.mnnd, Dover, has now been most carefully and beautifully restored, and in May 1968 it was reconsecrated. Congratulations are due to the Rev. Terence Tanner for his energy and drive in acquiring the property on behalf of his Church, and in bringing about this happy state of affairs, and to Mr. Anthony Swaine, F.R.I.B.A., the architect in charge of the work. (3) All hope of getting the once fine Tudor building Shurland Hall, Eastchurch, which for long has been a ruin, restored has now been abandoned, the owners having informed the Committee in writing that they are unwilling to sell. The building is on the Statutory List, but even so it is feared that it is economically impossible to restore it. (4) An extremely interesting fourteenth-century hall-house discovered at Nos. 49-51 North Cray Road, Bexley, threatened by a road-widening sc􀄭eme, is now to be taken down and re-erected elsewhere in the borough, largely due to the very successful action taken by Mr. P. J. Tester and Mr. K. Gravett, and by the Borough Librarian. (5) The appeal by the London Borough of Bromley against confirmation by the Minister of a B.P.O. placed on the Priory Outbuildings, Orpington, by the Greater London Council was dismissed. Orpington, of course, no longer forms part of Kent, but this Committee had for a number of years prior to Orpington U .D. ceasing to be part of Kent been endeavouring to get this interesting building restored. (6) The Committee is playing an active part in the proposed formation of an Open-Air Museum of the Weald and Downland to be established in Sussex at West Dean near Chichester where a most attractive site has been generously given for the purpose. Already one or two suitable buildings in Kent have been inspected and eannarked for taking down, removal to, and re-erection at the new site, as soon as money is available. (7) The Committee has been very fortunate in finding an honorary secretary to take over the task of forming the Kent Building Preservation Trust, for which much preliminary work had already been carried out by Lt.-Col. R. F. H. Drake-Brockman. He· is Mr. C. L. S. Williams, who lives at East Malling, and has become a member of the Committee which will continue to be responsible for its formation until such time as the Trust is finally established. In spite of a letter received from Kent County xlix REPORT, 1968 Council saying that, whereas County Members still supported the idea of a. Trust, no financial assistance would be available owing to present circum• stBJ1ces, the Committee decided that every step should be taken to bring the Trust into being, so that when sufficient financial support was forth• coming operations could commence. Report on the Fifth Conference of Building Recorders, held in the Museum, Maidstone, on Saturday, 12th October, 1968 This Conference, held on behalf of the C.P.R.K.JK.A.S. Study Group on Recording Historic Buildings, is becoming an established event. It is open to all members, of either the Kent Archaeological Society or the Committee for Preservation of Rural Kent, interested in the old buildings of the county. The first speaker, Mr. K. W. E. Gravett, outlined the unique impor• ta.nce of the deta.ched steeple at Brookland. Careful examination of its timbers reveals that it was originally an open lattice-work structure, de.ting from the thirteenth century at latest. This was converted into an octa.gon and modi fied in the mid-fifteenth century to a peal of bells and further strengthened for new bells two hundred later. A wooden, scale model was used to demonstrate the construction of the first phase. Mr. P. J. Tester then described the late-fourteenth-century house that he had discovered and recorded at North Cray. This had a single endjetty, at the service end, overhanging the street, and an open hall with crown-post embellished with broach stops. The smoke from this hall had penetrated the roof of the parlour. As a result of his discoveries the house has been carefully dismantled with a view to future re-erection. Finally, Mr. A. W. Swaine gave a brilliant exposition of the difficulties which beset an architect engaged on church restoration work and gave some very useful advice on the steps to take to avoid decay in timber and stone. Many sidelights of art history were explained in a most enlightening way. These talks were attended by some forty people. Thanks were recorded to the speakers and also to Mr. C.R. Councer for taking the chair, and to Mr. L. R. A. Grove for again providing the venue for the Conference. The next Conference will be held in the Museum, :Maidstone, on Saturday, 11th October, 1969, at 2.15 p.m. ExCAV ATIONS COMMITTEE Oouncil for British Archaeology, Group 11A A programme of Archaeological Films which was shown in London on 17th February, 1968, was well attended. A one-day Conference on "The Weald" was held on 5th October, 1968, at the Spa Hotel, Tunbridge Wells. It was jointly organized by C.B.A. Groups llA (Kent and Surrey) and llB (Sussex), with the support of the County Archaeological Societies. The Conference attracted much public support and was attended by about 250 people from the three Counties and the London area.; limita.tions of space precluded the presence of many other interested people. The Conference was chaired by Mr. G. P. Burstow, F.S.A., and a panel of lecturers gave papers on the geological background, the prehistoric settlement, the iron industry, the Saxon and Domesday settlement, the Norman and Medieval settlement, and the industrial archaeology of the Weald. REPORT, 1968 The Annual General Meeting of Group I IA which was held on 2nd November, 1968, at Tunbridge Wells, was honoured by the presence of Miss K. M. Kenyon, C.B.E., M.A., D.Litt., F.B.A., F.S.A., Patron of the Surrey Archaeological Society, who took the chair. Mr. E. E. Harrison, M.A., F.S.A., and Lt.-Col. G. W. Mea.tes, F.S.A., the representatives of the County Societies, gave brief resumes of the progress of archaeology in their respective areas. Mr. K. J. Barton, F.S.A., A.M.A., gave a most interesting lecture on ''Medieval Pottery in Sussex". Excavation.􀀓 in the County Details of these will be found under "Investigations and Excavations during the year" (pp. 249-75). Mr. J. E. L. Caiger has been appointed a member of the Committee. LOCAL SE0RETA.Rms The following amendments are recorded: Bromley Mr. M. C. Watts has assumed the duties in place of Dr. E. V. Piercy Fox. London Mr. D. E. Wickham, M.A., has assumed the duties in place of the late Mr. F. C. Elliston-Erwood. Tunbridge Wells Mrs. V. M. F. Desborough having resigned, the duties have been assumed by Mrs. M. Davies, B.A. Pursuant to the reorganization of North-West Kent into the four new London Boroughs of Bexley, Bromley, Greenwich and Lewisham, consideration is being given to the re-drawing of the boundaries of areas covered by the new London Boroughs, and the re-naming of them where necessary. The Society records its gratitude to all Local Secretaries for their most helpful work on its behalf. KENT NmusMATIO SOCIETY The attention of members is drawn to this Society, which was founded in 1913 for the promotion of knowledge of Numismatics. The President is Dr. J. P. C. Kent, B.A., Ph.D., F.S.A., of the Department of Coins and Medals in the British Museum, and the Chairman is Mr. L. R. A. Grove, B.A., F.l\:I.A., F.S.A., Curator of Maidstone Museum. The Society meets each month in Maidstone Museum, when coins are examined. Members are invited to submit newly-discovered coins for identification, and further information may be obtained from the Honorary Secretary, Mr. P. E. Oldham, 15 Hermitage Lane, Banning, Maidstone. By Order of the Council, G. W. Meates, Lieut.-Colonel, 1st January, 1969. General Secretary Ji 1966 £ 30 390 90 22 49 205 28 2,250 11 INCOME AND EXPENDITURE ACCOUNT FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31ST DECEMBER, 1967 Exl>ENDITUBll Administration Rent Salaries Stationery, Printing, Postage Insurance Miscellaneous .. Grants for Excavations Boughton Iron 􀃼 Camp Eccles Roman V .. Chart Mills Faversham Mesolithic Sites .. Newark Yard, Strood Subscriptions British Archaeological Association .. British Records Association Council of British Archaeology English Place Names Society Friends of Canterbury Cathedral Friends of Rochester Cathedral Harleian Society Journal of Industrial Archaeology .. Prehistoric Society . . . . . . Royal Archaeological Institute .. Society of Medieval Archaeolog .. Society for Promotion Roman tudies Suffolk Records Society . . . . Publications Provision for 1967 Volume .. Excursions Account ret) .. Excess Income over xpenditure £ s. d. 30 0 0 890 0 0 147 6 9 22 11 0 66 1 6 25 0 0 50 0 0 25 0 0 15 0 0 10 0 0 2 2 0 1 10 0 5 10 0 1 5 0 10 0 10 0 2 12 6 4 4 0 4 4 0 2 2 0 2 2 0 3 3 0 1 10 0 £ s. d. 655 19 3 125 0 0 31 4 6 2,250 0 0 2 10 7 66 10 9 £3,131 5 1 1966 £ INCOME Subscriptions 1,416 Annual 20 Advance 198 Arrears 243 Income Tax Recovered (Covenants) .. 39 Entrance Fees .. .. . . .. 513 Interest on Investments (General) 66 Interest on Deposit Account . . .. Redemption on Defence Bond proceeds Less Cost of Reinvestment 82 Donations to .J.rchaeclogia Oantiana .. 98 Sales of .J.rchaeolagia Cantiana .. Grants 130 Kent Education Committee.. .. 10 London Borough of Berley.. . . London Borough of Bromley (2 Years) 12 Sale of Wall Plaques .. Sale of Twysden Portraits Publications Provision for 1966 Volume 81 Cost of Volume 81 .. 2,118 11 10 Bibliography of Kent 20 0 0 £ s. d. 1,364 2 11 47 11 5 48 1 0 22 10 0 4 6 0 65 0 0 10 0 0 20 0 0 2,250 0 0 2,138 11 10 £ s. d. 1,459 15 4 266 7 4 21 10 0 482 19 1 38 15 8 18 4 0 285 4 10 173 11 0 95 0 0 23 19 8 154 10 0 111 8 2 £3,131 5 1 1ktnt 􀀒rcbaeologital 􀀓otittp RULES (in force on the 1st January, 1969) NahY!e. 1. The Society shall be called the "Kent Archreological Society". Object. 2. The object of the Society shall be to promote the study of archreology in all its branches, especially within the county of Kent. Membership. 3. (a). The Society shall consist of ordinary, life and honorary members. (b). Ordinary and honorary members may be individuals, societies or institutions. Life members must be individuals. Election of Members. 4. Candidates for ordinary or life membership shall be proposed and seconded by members of the Society and balloted for, if required, at any meeting of the Council of the Society, or at a General Meeting, one black ball in five to exclude. Entrance Fee amiJ, Subscription. 5. (a). An ordinary or life member shall pay an entrance fee of ten shillings, due on election, but no entrance fee shall be payable by a member who, for at least two years immediately preceding the date of his election, has been a member of an affiliated society. (b ). Subject to the provisions of paragraphs (j) and (g) of this Rule, an ordinary member shall also pay an annual subscription of two pounds ten shillings, due on election, and afterwards due in advance on 1st January in each calendar year. (c). A husband and wife both of whom are or become members and who receive jointly one copy of Archmologia Oantiana may pay a joint annual subscription of three pounds. ( d). In lieu of annual subscription a life member elected on or after the 1st January, 1952, or an ordinary member becoming a life member under paragraph (e) of this Rule, shall pay by reference to his or her age a composition equal to the cost of an Immediate Life Annuity of two pounds ten shillings, calculated in accordance with the Table of Immediate Annuities in force for the time being under the Government Annuities Act, 1929. (e). An ordinary member, being an individual and not being in arrear with his annual subscription, may become a life member at any time on payment of a composition determined in the manner set out in paragraph (d) of this Rule. (/). The annual subscription payable by a member under the age Iv KENT ARCH.tEOLOGICAL SOCIETY of 21 years shall be one pound up to and including the year in which be attains that age. {g). No further subscription i!hall be payable by a member who has paid fifty annual subscriptions. Horwrary Members. 6. {a). The Council may elect as an honorary member any person who has signally promoted the interests of the Society or is likely to do so. {b). An honorary member shall not be required to pay an entrance fee or any subscription, and shall not exercise the privilege of a member of voting at meetings, but shall enjoy all other privileges of membership. Notifwation of Election of Member. 7. The General Secretary shall notify every new member of his election and shall send him a copy of the Rules on request. Cancellation of Election of Member. 8. A new member shall pay his entrance fee and first subscription within three months from the date of the notification to him of his election. Failing such payment his election shall be null and void unless the Council for good ea.use shown shall in their discretion otherwise decide. Unpaid Subscriptions. 9. {a). The Hon. Treasurer shall cause application to be made to members for annual subscriptions not paid by 31st March in each calendar year. (b). The privileges of membership may be witheld from any member whose annual subscription is more than three months in arrear. Removal of Names of Members in Arrear. 10. {a). The Council may remove from the list of members the name of any member whose subscription is one year in arrear and shall so remove the name of a member whose subscription is two years in arrea.r. {b). Na.mes so removed may be reinstated by the Council on good ea.use being shown and on payment of all arrears. Members in Arrear and "Archutologia Oantiana". 11. No member shall be entitled to receive Archutologia OanUana or any other publication of the Society for any year until his subscription for that year has been Payments. 12. The entrance fee and first subscription shall be paid to the General Secretary for transmission to the Hon. Treasurer, as shall all other subscriptions, donations and payments except those made direct to the Society's Bankers. Affiliation of Local Societies. 13. Any local association, society, club or institution (hereinafter called a local society) having not less than twenty members and carrying on in the county of Kent work the main objects of which are similar to the object of this Society shall be affiliated to this Society if and as soon lvi RULES as the Council of this Society and the governing body of the local society shall have passed resolutions in favour of such affiliation. Subscriptions, Duties, and Privikgea of .Affiliated Societ'lj, 14. (a). An affiliated local society shall pay to this Society an annual subscription of two pounds ten shillings due on 1st January, and shall fW'Ilish to this Society one copy of of its current publications, and shall receive in return one copy of the current issue of Archceologia Oantiana, or other publication of the Society, but not including publications of the Records Branch or other separate branch of the Society. (b). An affiliated local society, but not the individual members thereof, shall by virtue of affiliation become a member of this Society, and may vote at meetings through one of its members duly nominated for that purpose. Procedings and Papers of Affiliated Societ'lj. 15. The Hon. Editor of this Society may at his discretion include in Archceologia Cantiana a brief summary of such proceedings of any affiliated local society as appear to be of general interest, and also papers written by its members dealing with archreological research or discoveries made by such local society, which society in such case shall be entitled to buy for its members at cost-price as many off-prints of such papers as shall be specified to the Hon. Editor before publication. Privikges of Members of Affiliated Societies. 16. The Council may allow members of any affiliated local society t-0 attend meetings (other than Annual or Special General Meetings) of this Society, but not to vote thereat, and to share other privileges of membership of this Society on such terms and to such extent as it may from time to time determine. Withdrawal from Affuiation. 17. A local society may withdraw from affiliation and this Society may determine the affiliation of a local society by notice given to that effect in any year, to expire on 31st December in that year. Annual General Meeting. 18. (a). The Annual General Meeting of the Society shall be held at Maidstone in the month of April, or at such other place or date as the Council may dermine. (b ). At this Meeting the Council shall present its Annual Report and the Accounts for the past year, ended 31st December; and the Auditors for the current year, and six members of the Council, or more if occasion requires, shall be elected. (c). An agenda paper, which shall specify the names of the retiring members of the Council, distinguishing between members eligible and offering themselves for re-election and members not so eligible or not so offering themselves, shall be sent with the Report and Accounts to all members not less than fourteen days before the Annual General Meeting. Excursion and other General Meetings. 19. (a). Other General Meetings of the Society, including Excursion Meetings for the purpose of visiting places of archreological interest, shall be held from time to time as the Council may determine. lvii KENT ARCHlEOLOGICAL SOCIETY (b). Excursion meetings shall normally be so arranged that places in East Kent are visited at one such meeting and places in West Kent at another such meeting in the same year. Special General Meetlings. 20. (a). A Special General Meeting shall be swnmoned by the General Secretary at such place within the county as the Council or the President may determine, on the requisition in writing of the President, o r of seven members. (b). Such requisition shall specify the business to be brought before such meeting and only the business so specified shall be there dealt with. Special Meetings. 21. Special meetings for the reading of papers, the exhibition of antiquities and other purposes may be held at such times and places within the county of Kent as the Council may determine. Voting at Meetings. 22. (a). Except as provided in Rules 4 and 39, the resolutions of the majority present and voting at meetings of the Society or of the Council shall be binding. (b ). The Chairman of any meeting shall have a casting vote independently of his vote as a member. Council. 23. All the affairs of the Society not reserved for a General Meeting shall be conducted and managed by the Council. Composition of Council. 24. The Council shall consist of the President, the General Secretary, the Honorary Treasurer, the Honorary Editor, the Honorary Librarian, and the Honorary Excursions Secretary, all of whom shall be nomin!!-ted by the Council and annually elected at the Annual General Meeting, also of twenty-four members elected from among the members of the Society, together with the Vice-Presidents of the Society. Retlirem,ent of Members of Council. 25. (a). One-fourth of the twenty-four elected members of the Council shall retire annually in rotation at the date of the Annual General Meeting, but, subject to Rule 25 (b), shall be eligible for re-election without nomination. (b). A retiring member of the Council who has attended less than one-fourth of the meetings of the Council held during his last period of office shall not be eligible for re-election unless the Council or the Annual General Meeting shall resolve in any individual case that there was a reasonable cause for non-attendance. Electliom, to Council. 26. Elections to the Council shall normally take place at the Annual General Meeting, but any intermediate vacancy on death or retirement among the elected members shall be :filled either at a General Meeting {other than an Excursion Meeting) or a Council Meeting, whichever shall !viii RULES first happen, and any member so filling an intermediate vacancy shall hold office for the remainder of the term of his predecessor. Nominations for Council. 27. (a). Any member of the Society may nominate a. new member of the Council by giving notice in writing to the General Secretary at least one calendar month before the date of the Annual General Meeting, and the name proposed shall be placed on the agenda of such meeting. (b). If on any occasion the number of vacancies on the Council exceeds the number of effective nominations so received by the General Secretary, together with the number of retiring members of the Council who are eligible and offer themselves for re-election, the chairman of the Annual General Meeting may accept further nominations received at or at any time before such meeting. Council Meetings. 28. (a). The Council shall meet quarterly during the year, normally in March, June, September and December, and more often if deemed expedient. (b). The March meeting shall ordinarily be held at Canterbury, the June meeting at such place as may be fixed by the President, the September meeting at Rochester, and the December meeting at Maidstone. (c). If deemed advisable by the General Secretary in consultation with the President, the quarterly meetings may be held at other times or places, or a quarterly meeting may be omitted. (d). Subject to the provisions of para.graph (c) above, the Council shall have power to determine where its meetings shall be held. (e). Five members present shall form a quorum. General Secretary. 29. The General Secretary shall keep a record of the proceedings of the Society, to be communicated to members at the General Meetings. Treasurer. 30. (a). The Hon. Treasurer shall keep an account of all receipts and payments of the Society and after 31st December in each year he shall prepare the Accounts, including a Balance Sheet for the past year. (b). After the said Accounts have been approved by the Auditors, the Hon. Treasurer shall lay them before the next meeting of the Council, accompanied by a Statement of all subscriptions a.nd other sums due to the Society and in arrear, and of all moneys due from the Society. (c). The Council may at any time if it thinks it desirable, employ and pay a professional accountant to assist the Hon. Treasurer in making up such Accounts. Local Secretaries. 31. The Council may appoint a.ny member of the Society to be Honorary Local Secretary for any particular town or district in Kent, and may at any time cancel such appointment. Ourator. 32. The Council may appoint a, Curator of the Society, and may determine the remuneration to be paid to him. lix KENT AROH.tEOLOGIOAL SOCIETY Branches. 33. The Council may authorize the formation of separate branches of the Society for particular purposes within the scope of the object of the Society. Vwe-Presidents. 34. The Society in General Meeting or the Council may elect as a Vice-President of the Society any person of distinction associated with the county of Kent, on his becoming a member of the Society, or afterwards, and any person who has rendered distinguished service to the Society, on his becoming a member or afterwards. T'l"U.9tees. 85. The funds, securities and property of the Society shall be held by National Provincial Bank, Ltd., as Custodian Trustee, and the said Bank shall act in accordance with the resolutions of the Council whereof copies certified by the Chairman and Secretary shall be furnished to the said Bank as soon as possible thereafter. The remuneration of the Custodian Trustee shall be determined by the Council in agreement with the said Bank. Investment of Life Oompositiona. 36. (a). All Life Compositions shall be invested in Trustee Securities in the names of the Trustees of the Society. (b). Only the interest of such investment shall be used for the ordinary purposes of the Society. Cheques. 37. All cheques shall be signed by the Honorary Treasurer or, if he is absent or unable to act, by the President and the General Secretary. Controversial Topics. 38. The Society shall avoid all topics of religious or political controversy. Alteration of Rules. 39. (a). No alteration in these Rules shall be made except at the Annual General Meeting and then only by a majority of two-thirds of the members present and voting. (b). No proposed alteration, other than one initiated by the Council shall be considered unless notice thereof shall have been given in writing to the Hon. General Secretary on or before the 31st December preceding the Annual General Meeting. (c). Any proposed alteration shall be set out in the notice convening the Annual General Meeting or in a notice sent therewith. lx AROH.AiJOWGIA OANTIANA FUND DONATIONS FOR THE YEAR 1968 £ s. d. £ s. d. B. Bradham 10 0 Society of Genealogists 1 0 0 Croydon Public Library 10 0 G. J. Davey l 10 0 Miss F. L. Lea .. 10 0 Mrs, G. I. Rowlands . . l 10 0 Otford and District His- Dr. R. G. Birch 3 3 0 torical Society 1 1 0 Gravesend Historical Haverford College 1 0 0 Society 3 16 0 Royal Historical Society l 0 0 £16 10 0 Society of Antiquaries .. I 0 0 lxi

Contents and Illustrations, Volume 82


Two Types of Court Hall