Kent Archaeological Society Library
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Kent Archives Office
Kent Archaeological Society Library
Written By Jacob Scott
IN 1966 the Society acquired several hundred MS. notebooks belonging
to the late V. J. Torr, Esq. They were practically all concerned with
church architecture and history and were copied from MSS, .in the
libraries of Lambeth Palace, the British Museum, Canterbury
Cathedral, and elsewhere, or from printed sources.
All the notebooks containing copies of MSS. concerned with Kent
have been retained and also copies of printed material concerned with
the county and not easily accessible.
Architecture, fittings and monuments
1-6. Bryan Faussett's Kent church notes, 1756-60.
7-9. Muriel: Notes on Marsh and some Ashford area churches,
10. Reculver and Horton Kirby. (Reliquary, 1903.)
11-14. Z. Cozens' MSS. of (projected) History of Kent, vol. II.
15. Ca.roe, W. D.: The Three Towers of Canterbury Cathedral.
(.A.rchit. Rev., 1905.)
16-17. Articles on Kent churches from the Gentleman's Magazine.
18. List of East and West windows in Kent churches.
19. Articles on Kent churches from Home Oown,ties Magazine.
20. Andre's notes on Capel-le-Ferne, Ewell, Appledore, Moldash,
Womenswold and East Langdon.
21. Chas. Spence: A Walk through Rochester Cathedral (1840).
22. Cobham monuments, 1597 (Lansdowne MS. 874).
23. Rd. Scarlett: Christchurch, Canterbury: arms and monuments,
1599. (Harl. MS. 1366.)
24. Lists of fittings in Kent churches.
25. Lists of porches and lecterns in Kent churches.
26. Notes on sedilia in Kent churches, abstracted from various
27-28. Lists of Kent church features: towers, clerestories, etc.
29. Lists of clocks and candelabra in Kent churches.
30. Collection of monuments and arms in Kent churches, made
c. 1619 by Philipot. (Harl. MS. 3917.)
31. Church restorations, 1899-1921. Dio. Cant.
Lists of drawings and phowgraphs
32-59. Streat.feild Colin., Brit. Mus.: drawings, prints, etc., of Kent
60-62. Drawings by R. S. Miles in Strea.tfeild Colin.
63. Drawings by T. Fisher in Streatfeild Colin.
64. Photographs of Kent churches in Courtauld Institute.
65. Photographs of Kent churches in N.B.R.
66. Drawings of Kent fonts.
I nvenwries, valuations and returns
67-68. Church Inventories of Eighteenth Century, Dio. Cant. (KAO
MS. RRC.41/539.)
69. Church Inventories of Eighteenth Century, Dfo. Roch. (KAO
MS. DRafVe 3).
70-74. Valuations, Dio. Cant., 1663. (Lamheth MS. 1126.)
75-76. East Kent Parochial returns (from Home Counties Magazine).
Incumbents and ordinations
77-123. Lists of incumbents of Kent parishes.
124-125. Ordinations by Archbishops of Canterbury.
126. List of Kent parishes and incumbents from Hasted, Harris,
Glynne, etc.
Archbishops of Canterbury Registers and Institutions
127-131. Chichele: Institutions, 1414-29.
132. Reg. Abp. Langham.
133. Rega. Abp. Stafford (1450-52); Bourgchier (1465-78).
134. Rega. Abp. Bourgchier (1454-65); Morton (1486-99); Kemp
(1452-53); Dean (1501-02).
135. Reg. Abp. Cranmer.
136. Rega. Abp. Whitgift (1583-91); Stafford (1443-50) ..
137. Rega. Abp. Abbott (1619-33); Cornwallis (1768-83).
138-140. Rega. Abps. Pole-Secker.
Visitations, Dio. Gant.
141-142. Archbishop Warham, 1511.
143-146. Archbishop Parker, 1560-75, 1569, 1569 (Hussey in H.C.M.),
147. Archdeacon Green, 1710-15.
148. Archdeacon Head, 1750.
149-155. Archbishop Secker, 1758.
156. Archbishop Secker, Deanery Shoreham, 1759.
157-160. Archbishop Moore, 1786.
161. Archbishop Moore, Cant. peculiars, 1788.
162-165. Archbishop Manners Sutton, 1806.
166. Archbishop Manners Sutton, Cant. peculiars, 1807.
167-169. Archbishop Longley, 1864.
170. Archbishop Seeker's notes from Archdeacon Head's visitation
book, 1759.
171. Analysis of Warham's 1511 visitation.
172. Index of visitations of Archbishops of Canterbury.
Mi scelktneous: ecclesiastical, Kent
173-174. Collectanea Anglo-Praemonstratensia (edit. Gasquet, 1904
and 1906) (St. Ra.degund's, Langdon, Bayham).
175. Account of Archdeaconry of Canterbury in Archbishop
Herring's time. (Lambeth MS. 1138.)
176. State of Kent church fabrics, compiled from visitations,
histories, etc.
177. Alkham Register, 1692-1739.
178. Controversy about St. Dunstan (1508), between Canterbury
and Glastonbury. (From Wharton: Anglia Sacra II, 1691.}
179. Liber Joh. Stone, C.C. Cant., 1467.
180. Dean and Chapter Newes from Canterbury. The Razing of the
Record (1644).
181. Antidotum Culmerianum (1644).
182. ''Lambeth varia"-various extracts from Lambeth MSS. concerning
183. J. Duncombe's Hist